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5 hours ago, David Andrews said:

I'm surprised not to see Bill Shelley on it.

You mean Oswald's immediate job manager at the School Book Depository up until 11,22,1963?

The same fellow who is a "dead ringer doppelganger" to the man shown in the photo of Oswald and helpers handing out pro-Cuba flyers in front of the New Orleans Trade Mart building in August-63?

Same height, skinny weight build, sunken cheek face, on the pale side skin color, "exact" same high pompadour hair style and color and similar style and fit suit with white collar and thin tie and even shoe style and color?

Right-handed to boot?

That Bill Shelley? 

No way?

And it looks like the Shelley look-alike man in the lowest picture is smoking a cigarette. Was Shelley a cigarette smoker?

Was Bill Shelley Oswald's CIA minder in the TSBD? Was he also at the New Orleans Trade Mart ...

Bill Shelley @ Prayer ManLeaked DNC email speculates on Rafael Cruz involvement in Kennedy assassination

Edited by Joe Bauer
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In the comparative photos above of Shelley in Dealey Plaza being escorted down to the Dallas PD ( or Sheriffs office?) just minutes after JFK was shot and the one's of a look-alike man standing with Lee Harvey Oswald's New Orleans flyer passing crew in August of 63, I just became aware of the uncanny similarity of the shoes worn by both men.

Same exact style, length, width, color, etc.

Check out each man's right foot shoe. See for yourself. 

And note that the time frame of the photos was only 3 months apart.

Edited by Joe Bauer
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6 minutes ago, Joe Bauer said:

In the comparative photos above of Shelley in Dealey Plaza being escorted down to the Dallas PD ( or Sheriffs office?) just minutes after JFK was shot and the one's of a look-alike man standing with Lee Harvey Oswald's New Orleans flyer passing crew in August of 63, I just became aware of the uncanny similarity of the shoes worn by both men.

Same exact style, length, width, color, etc.

Check out each man's right foot shoe. See for yourself. 

And the time frame of the photos was only3 months apart.

You can see Danny Arce's long raincoat in your second pic above.  If Oswald had worn such a thing that day...who would need a curtain rod story?

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Rapheal Cruz Sr. lived in New Orleans at the same time as Oswald and Oswald's NO leaflet passing activity. Same exact age as Oswald. Both born in 1939. Cruz was heavily involved in public Cuban meetings including speaking for years while he was attending college in Texas. He then stops that activity in NO upon moving there just months before Oswald? Same face length and shape. Take off the glasses on the bespectacled Cruz.



Oswald in the doorway: the blog of the Oswald Innocence Campaign, by Ralph Cinque

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6 hours ago, David Andrews said:

Michael, is this another version of Robert's list, or someone else's list?

I'm surprised not to see Bill Shelley or Danny Arce on it, the latter in his long, rifle-concealing, raincoat.

In the fireteam section, what method or information was used to pair the shooters with specific weapons?

One question we never consider: could Oswald (CAP cadet, Ferry protege, Atsugi operator) fly a prop plane?  Might be useful to know.  Garrison was a pilot, but we never hear about Oswald's capabilities from him.

Hello David,

A long time ago,I noticed a informative list that was very very large,so I saved it.

Since I had not seen it in so long,that when I did see it again,it looked too big to me,so I mentioned that it was not the same one.

*I'm all mixed up.

Edited by Michael Crane
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I’m sure Robert would not assert that every name on the list was in the loop. We don’t know the organizational structure. I think what he is pointing out is that every name on that list, in his opinion, goes along one way or another with the basic premise of fascism and it’s somewhat hidden takeover of the USA. I would also think he wouldn’t assert that he couldn’t have missed someone. How many of us can even fathom the amount of digging over many years nearly nonstop, and the prodigious memory for names, that went into this compilation? The last few pages on this thread have been appropriately respectful, while questioning various details. The one thing Robert surely doesn’t deserve is snarky remarks, such as a few earlier in the thread. I mean, what is the point? If Robert knew how to distill the exact truth he would do so, but we simply don’t have the necessary information despite the passage of 61 years. We have the well positioned perps in government and media to thank for that, as well as Intelligence services, especially in the Military, which hasn’t been nearly as forthcoming as CIA and FBI, with related files. I believe it is entirely possible to have a lot of people involved and keeping the secrets. The relatively few whistle blowers have been dealt with. If you were one of the plotters or facilitators, and you saw people you knew to be involved suffer personal tragedies would you spill the beans? 

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1 hour ago, Paul Brancato said:

The relatively few whistle blowers have been dealt with. If you were one of the plotters or facilitators, and you saw people you knew to be involved suffer personal tragedies would you spill the beans?


That's right.

Besides, there aren't going to be many -- if any -- who could spill the beans to begin with. That's something that compartmentalization does for the perps.

For example, what about Ruth Paine? Her CIA handler instructed her to get Oswald the job at the TSBD. Does that make either her or the CIA guilty of anything from, her perspective? She might be suspicious of the CIA... but that's all.




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