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Which living person(s) knows the most about what actually happened in Dallas?

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13 minutes ago, Joe Bauer said:

Very interesting facts.

Someday, somehow, someone is going to come up with the funds for a highly reputable facial recognition company to do a thorough analysis of the faces in Dealey Plaza on 11, 22, 1963 and I believe there will be some bomb shell matches to various nefarious figures that will blow our collective research socks off.

I believe FRT is now so advanced ( IDing gait!) it could even make a positive ID on the suited Tramp man ( Allegedly Lansdale ) even without the full face visible.

Facial Recognition technology is so advanced now it is ridiculous to suggest otherwise.

Also the Oswald leaflet passing photos in New Orleans where I believe Oswald's immediate supervisor at the Texas School Book Depository building "William Shelley " is shown standing with Oswald and his crew there.

Edited by Joe Bauer
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13 hours ago, Joe Bauer said:

Very interesting facts.

Both John Newman and David Lifton, before he died, personally told me this story.

JFK researcher Alan Dale, who is very close to John Newman, also told me the same story, several years ago.


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On 7/20/2024 at 3:59 PM, Jonathan Cohen said:

There's no evidence whatsoever that Lansdale was in Dealey Plaza on Nov. 22, 1963.

Tell me where Lansdale was on Nov 22nd 1963 @Jonathan Cohen. Apparently, everyone knew where they were. So where was he?

I presume you have investigated fully Edward Lansdale, spoken to his surviving children? Ex Wives? Family members?

It turns out Fletcher Prouty vocally accusing Edward Lansdale of being part of the assassination team on the ground in Dealey Plaza never inspired Lansdale to clear his name. I am unaware of Edward Lansdale's alibi.  

So come on then Jonathan Cohen. Tell me what you've personally investigated when it comes to Edward Lansdale and his whereabouts on the day of JFK's assassination. I feel quite confident you've done nothing. You constantly drive by and attempt to prevent discussions, stifling any theorizing: when this is all we really have due to the lack of honesty from the authorities that governed in 1963. And this dishonesty continues today. 

23 hours ago, Jonathan Cohen said:

Unfortunately, I don't believe it, and hardly any veteran researcher I know does either.

Name the researchers you know that can confirm Lansdale's whereabouts on the day of the assassination. If you are on the inside of an exclusive veteran researcher ring: which you are suggesting -- you are obligated to share it with us mere mortals who are trapped in this modern day hell scenario of not knowing the truth of who actually killed JFK!


@Robert Morrow I appreciate your informative posts. 

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6 hours ago, Robert Reeves said:

Tell me where Lansdale was on Nov 22nd 1963 @Jonathan Cohen. Apparently, everyone knew where they were. So where was he?

I presume you have investigated fully Edward Lansdale, spoken to his surviving children? Ex Wives? Family members?

It turns out Fletcher Prouty vocally accusing Edward Lansdale of being part of the assassination team on the ground in Dealey Plaza never inspired Lansdale to clear his name. I am unaware of Edward Lansdale's alibi.  

So come on then Jonathan Cohen. Tell me what you've personally investigated when it comes to Edward Lansdale and his whereabouts on the day of JFK's assassination. I feel quite confident you've done nothing. You constantly drive by and attempt to prevent discussions, stifling any theorizing: when this is all we really have due to the lack of honesty from the authorities that governed in 1963. And this dishonesty continues today. 

Name the researchers you know that can confirm Lansdale's whereabouts on the day of the assassination. If you are on the inside of an exclusive veteran researcher ring: which you are suggesting -- you are obligated to share it with us mere mortals who are trapped in this modern day hell scenario of not knowing the truth of who actually killed JFK!


@Robert Morrow I appreciate your informative posts. 

Robert Reeves: if you are any other JFK assassination researcher wants my entire file on the JFK assassination, please email me at Morrow321@aol.com and I will give you 16 years of the best of JFK research for free.

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OSS Edward Lansdale made it into the big time when he went to the Phillipines in the mid 1940s and tortured the chauffer for Japanese General Yamashita and found out the locations in the mountains of BILLIONS OF DOLLARS IN GOLD AND PRECIOUS TREASURE. At that point Allen Dulles took him under his wing.

Sterling Seagrave on Gen. Edward Lansdale from his book the Gold Warriors:

1) https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2008/10/11/627955/-

2) https://web.archive.org/web/20090523094356/https://spiritone.com/~gdy52150/gold10a.html Web Archive of https://spiritone.com/~gdy52150/gold10a.html

The following  comes from Sterling Seagrave’s book the Gold Warriors - read pages 90-100 in this book. Lots of good material on Lansdale in the Philiipines

Nazi Gold
Part 10-A:The Black Eagle Trust

Continued research by the Seagraves has revealed that the United States did recover portions of the Golden Lily and Nazi treasure and used the treasure to clandestinely fund various right wing causes and covert operations.97 This enormously large secret slush fund became known informally as the Black Eagle Trust.

Up until September 1945, Edward Lansdale had remained an immaterial advertising copywriter, who had spent the war writing propaganda for the OSS. In September, with the disbanding of the OSS, he was offered an opportunity to transfer to the US Army’s G2 operation in the Philippines.

On transferring to the Philippines, Lansdale was placed in charge of supervising a Filipino-American intelligence officer named Severio Garcia Diaz Sanata, better known as Santy. Yamashita had surrendered and was arrested for war crimes relating to gruesome atrocities committed by Admiral Iwabuchi Kanji’s sailors while evacuating Manila. There was no mention of the Golden Lily or war loot during Yamashita’s trial. It was impossible to torture a war criminal without it being exposed in the subsequent trial. Yamashita’s driver however, fell under special scrutiny. He had driven Yamashita everywhere since Yamashita’s arrival in the Philippines.

Santy proceeded to torture the driver, Major Kojima Kashii, to find the burial sites of the Japanese treasure. Lansdale soon joined the torture sessions as an observer and participant. In October, Kojima broke down and led Santy and Lansdale to the location of a dozen sites in the mountains north of Manila. Two of the sites were easily opened and revealed a prodigious quantity of gold, precious metals, and gems.

read it all here at this address: http://www.spiritone.com/...

While Santy and his teams started to open the other sites, Lansdale flew to Japan to brief MacArthur and then on to Washington to brief President Truman. After a cabinet discussion, Truman decided to proceed with the recovery. However, the recovery would be kept a state secret.

The decision was not Truman’s alone. Henry Stimson, Secretary of War, first proposed using gold recovered from the Nazis as a secret slush fund during the Roosevelt administration. The Nazis had already did the dirty work and re-smelted the gold, making it hard trace the gold's origin. Many of the owners had perished in the war and many of the pre-war governments had ceased to exist. With many of the eastern countries falling under the influence of the Soviet Union, returning any gold to these countries was out of the question with the cold warriors.

Stimson’s special assistants on this topic were John McCloy, Robert Lovett, Clark Clifford, and Robert Anderson. Both McCloy's and Lovett's backgrounds have been discussed in previous chapters. Anderson was a former Texas Republican legislator. In 1953, he was appointed Secretary of the Navy by President Eisenhower, and in 1954, Secretary of Defense. Some sources say he was appointed as Secretary of the Navy based solely on the need to move gold from the Philippines. In 1957, he was appointed Secretary of the Treasury. In 1987, he pled guilty to running an off shore bank after being caught up in the BCCI scandal. The same

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On 7/19/2024 at 3:34 PM, Chuck Schwartz said:

I would also add Larry Hancock to my list of very knowledgeable people about the Big Event.

That's an important inclusion.  Which brings in David Boylan and Stu Wexler among others

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2 hours ago, Robert Morrow said:

OSS Edward Lansdale made it into the big time when he went to the Phillipines in the mid 1940s and tortured the chauffer for Japanese General Yamashita and found out the locations in the mountains of BILLIONS OF DOLLARS IN GOLD AND PRECIOUS TREASURE. At that point Allen Dulles took him under his wing.

Sterling Seagrave on Gen. Edward Lansdale from his book the Gold Warriors:

1) https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2008/10/11/627955/-

2) https://web.archive.org/web/20090523094356/https://spiritone.com/~gdy52150/gold10a.html Web Archive of https://spiritone.com/~gdy52150/gold10a.html

The following  comes from Sterling Seagrave’s book the Gold Warriors - read pages 90-100 in this book. Lots of good material on Lansdale in the Philiipines

Nazi Gold
Part 10-A:The Black Eagle Trust

Continued research by the Seagraves has revealed that the United States did recover portions of the Golden Lily and Nazi treasure and used the treasure to clandestinely fund various right wing causes and covert operations.97 This enormously large secret slush fund became known informally as the Black Eagle Trust.

Up until September 1945, Edward Lansdale had remained an immaterial advertising copywriter, who had spent the war writing propaganda for the OSS. In September, with the disbanding of the OSS, he was offered an opportunity to transfer to the US Army’s G2 operation in the Philippines.

On transferring to the Philippines, Lansdale was placed in charge of supervising a Filipino-American intelligence officer named Severio Garcia Diaz Sanata, better known as Santy. Yamashita had surrendered and was arrested for war crimes relating to gruesome atrocities committed by Admiral Iwabuchi Kanji’s sailors while evacuating Manila. There was no mention of the Golden Lily or war loot during Yamashita’s trial. It was impossible to torture a war criminal without it being exposed in the subsequent trial. Yamashita’s driver however, fell under special scrutiny. He had driven Yamashita everywhere since Yamashita’s arrival in the Philippines.

Santy proceeded to torture the driver, Major Kojima Kashii, to find the burial sites of the Japanese treasure. Lansdale soon joined the torture sessions as an observer and participant. In October, Kojima broke down and led Santy and Lansdale to the location of a dozen sites in the mountains north of Manila. Two of the sites were easily opened and revealed a prodigious quantity of gold, precious metals, and gems.

read it all here at this address: http://www.spiritone.com/...

While Santy and his teams started to open the other sites, Lansdale flew to Japan to brief MacArthur and then on to Washington to brief President Truman. After a cabinet discussion, Truman decided to proceed with the recovery. However, the recovery would be kept a state secret.

The decision was not Truman’s alone. Henry Stimson, Secretary of War, first proposed using gold recovered from the Nazis as a secret slush fund during the Roosevelt administration. The Nazis had already did the dirty work and re-smelted the gold, making it hard trace the gold's origin. Many of the owners had perished in the war and many of the pre-war governments had ceased to exist. With many of the eastern countries falling under the influence of the Soviet Union, returning any gold to these countries was out of the question with the cold warriors.

Stimson’s special assistants on this topic were John McCloy, Robert Lovett, Clark Clifford, and Robert Anderson. Both McCloy's and Lovett's backgrounds have been discussed in previous chapters. Anderson was a former Texas Republican legislator. In 1953, he was appointed Secretary of the Navy by President Eisenhower, and in 1954, Secretary of Defense. Some sources say he was appointed as Secretary of the Navy based solely on the need to move gold from the Philippines. In 1957, he was appointed Secretary of the Treasury. In 1987, he pled guilty to running an off shore bank after being caught up in the BCCI scandal. The same

As you know, the very man himself (Seagrove) was a member here on this board and posted his opinion as to the identity of the man in the suit with the three tramps.


That sure looks like Lansdale's skull and hairline. He had a very pronounced facial and skull structure. ....


from https://educationforum.ipbhost.com/topic/13678-edward-lansdale/

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