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Involvement of the Secret Service

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Going off the deep end here.  I think it's possible someone or two in the Secret Service might have known a person or two at the CIA.  

Maybe a few collaborated on a mid to upper level, then it filtered downward to trusted subordinates?  Nutty?

Again, Secretary of The Treasury C. Douglass Dillon, ultimately head of the SS.  Friend of David Rockefeller and Allen Dulles.   

Paul Paterni, SS>OSS>SS, Angleton in Italy, 2nd in charge of SS 11/22/63.  

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On 5/14/2024 at 12:34 AM, Ron Bulman said:

I've come to believe over the years that some agents in the Secret Service were involved in the John F. Kennedy assassination beforehand, during the assassination itself, and the cover-up afterwards.

Right! The involvement during the assassination was the AR-15 accident and the earlier warning shot that hit the Stemmons sign (See part 8 of my documentary and my soon to be posted “Shot 2” scenario). The reasons behind their involvement in the cover up should be obvious, given those.

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On 5/14/2024 at 8:42 PM, Vince Palamara said:

Johns was adamant to me in 2004 that he was NOT the knoll agent and never left the street. See also this video:

Not sworn testimony. He wouldn’t publicly admit to breaking protocol.

In any case, I still have the mysterious “blond agent,” who I suspect was in the middle of the back seat of Johnson’s SS follow-up car. In “The Kennedy Detail” documentary, Clint Hill describes the SS as being short-handed, and so “ new agents” (plural) were used in the motorcade. The only KNOWN “new agent” was Hickey, who was 4-months new to the SS at the time of the assassination. So who would the other/s have been? My guess is that the “blond agent” was also new, and his involvement was covered up due to his breach of protocol and for other reasons. (I suspect that the might have been responsible for the “pool of blood” at the top of the stairs and was the “blond SS agent” who asked Oswald for a telephone and was the SS agent Weitzman gave the bone fragment to and was the “official” mentioned in the Malcolm Couch SFM “living history” interview as putting some “brain” matter on a desk inside the TSBD while he questioned witnesses. Why wouldn’t they want to cover up all that up, when it involved racism—the guy running up the stairs, barely seen in the Muchmore film was Black, and Paul Landis admitted to pointing at a “suspicious” Black man dressed in khaki shirt and green pants running up the hill.) 

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On 5/19/2024 at 5:46 PM, Keyvan Shahrdar said:

@Vince Palamara Vince Palamara's contributions to the study of the Secret Service detail for President John F. Kennedy will be remembered throughout history. His work has secured him a place in history books that people will read for centuries, if not millennia, to come.

Thank you!

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This thread is important imho.  Not just the involvement of the Secret Service but for me at least their potential collaboration with as they say, maybe "rouge" elements of the CIA.  

Fired Dulles, Angleton, disgruntled Harvey, Phillips, Morales, maybe in the background Barnes organizing it all?  Speculation on my part.  They needed the help of the Secret Service in Dealy Plaza, imho.

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Away from the Plaza, back in D.C. from Andrews AFB to Bethesda, Roy Kellerman & Bill Greer stuck close to the Dallas casket in the grey navy ambulance.  Arriving at Bethesda after Dennis David's cadets had delivered the plain shipping casket into the anti-room of the morgue, which David stated to me personally in 2003 had arrived in a black hearse by 'men in suits' eta 18:40.  The grey navy ambulance arrived around 19:00, delivering JBK & RFK which David witnessed along with x-ray techs., Custer/Reed.  The navy ambulance then drives away from the honour guard and re-appears later to deliver the Dallas casket carried by Kellerman, Greer, Sibert and O'Neil into the morgue!  It was Kellerman who told the two FBI men about JFK saying "I've been hit" and or "Get me to the hospital", which nobody else in the limo heard.  It seems Kellerman was acting as some sort of 'master of ceremonies' of the comings and goings of personnel in and out of the Bethesda morgue and collecting and destroying autopsy photographs shot by Stringer, Riebe and Knudsen, taken before, during and after autopsy.  (All this from memory, correct me if incorrect.)

At some time later, wasn't it Kellerman who passed a set of autopsy photographs to James Fox, who eventually just happened to facilitate us all with the bootleg images of JFK's autopsy that otherwise the world would never see?  Images of course that show the intact back of the head, to support shots from behind.

I've always considered the S.S. magic trick shenanigans at Bethesda to be more than just cover-up, but very early, same day actions to frame the accused assassin and eliminate evidence of conspiracy.   


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I've been studying the assassination for about 35 years or so now and for most of that I was like many and just assumed that Greer was in on it.

But within the past 5 years or so I've changed my mind on that. I don't care how many sharpshooters you had involved in the assassination, I think anyone would be more than a little apprehensive about driving the President into an ambush.

I think that Greer just panicked once the shooting started and he knew that there was fire coming from the front up ahead of them. He didn't know what to do. There's a flurry of shots coming at you from several different directions.........which way do you go? Most would say just step on the gas even if you're driving towards the fire, but if he speeds up and then gets shot himself going fast then he possibly wrecks and kills all the occupants of the limo. Pure speculation but maybe that crossed his mind.

Now, I don't doubt that there were Secret Service agents involved in the plot and/or knew ahead of time what was coming. Especially the ones involved in the planning of the trip. And the ones in authority on the scene that day ordering agents not to act. There were probably many of them that got roped into helping with the cover-up who had no involvement in the actual assassination too. They were possibly told different things to get them on board like Russia or Cuba was behind it or the mafia or whatever and they thought they were doing it for the "right" reasons.

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On 5/25/2024 at 2:15 PM, Jamey Flanagan said:

I've been studying the assassination for about 35 years or so now and for most of that I was like many and just assumed that Greer was in on it.

But within the past 5 years or so I've changed my mind on that. I don't care how many sharpshooters you had involved in the assassination, I think anyone would be more than a little apprehensive about driving the President into an ambush.

I think that Greer just panicked once the shooting started and he knew that there was fire coming from the front up ahead of them. He didn't know what to do. There's a flurry of shots coming at you from several different directions.........which way do you go? Most would say just step on the gas even if you're driving towards the fire, but if he speeds up and then gets shot himself going fast then he possibly wrecks and kills all the occupants of the limo. Pure speculation but maybe that crossed his mind.

Now, I don't doubt that there were Secret Service agents involved in the plot and/or knew ahead of time what was coming. Especially the ones involved in the planning of the trip. And the ones in authority on the scene that day ordering agents not to act. There were probably many of them that got roped into helping with the cover-up who had no involvement in the actual assassination too. They were possibly told different things to get them on board like Russia or Cuba was behind it or the mafia or whatever and they thought they were doing it for the "right" reasons.

Well said Jamey.  My thoughts over time on Greer have changed as well.  Others on this thread have reminded me, who would willingly drive into an assassination?  I wonder if Maybe, he was told to slow down or stop at the stripes on the curb, pumping umbrella or raised fist of dark complected man in the street for a protest ah la possibly what Oswald was told?

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1 hour ago, Ron Bulman said:

I wonder if Maybe, he was told to slow down or stop at the stripes on the curb, pumping umbrella or raised fist of dark complected man in the street for a protest ah la possibly what Oswald was told?

Some researchers have suggested that the Dark Complected Man was giving Greer the infantry signal to halt. However, the raised clenched fist was a symbol for revolution well before it made its way into the 1968 Olympics and became more well known as the “Black Power” fist. Maybe DCM was just trying to convey an expression of support for Kennedy’s stance on Civil Rights or something, saying “Black Power!” before the symbol became more mainstream. Umbrella Man (Louis DeWitt, I think his name was) already came forward to explain the umbrella pump. I don’t think DCM has ever been identified, but the “Power!” sign makes sense to me.

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12 hours ago, Ron Bulman said:

Well said Jamey.  My thoughts over time on Greer have changed as well.  Others on this thread have reminded me, who would willingly drive into an assassination?  I wonder if Maybe, he was told to slow down or stop at the stripes on the curb, pumping umbrella or raised fist of dark complected man in the street for a protest ah la possibly what Oswald was told?

That's one reason that I kinda lean towards Sirhan firing blanks from one of those movie prop guns at RFK.

Some folks say they saw a small flame come from the barrel. I've seen that plenty of times in movies and TV shows.

Also, some reported confetti flying around in the air. If I understand it correctly, those movie prop guns use confetti somehow in those blank rounds. At least I remember reading that many years ago in my copy of RFK Must Die.

And last but not least, if Thane Eugene Caesar was your ace in the hole (pun intended, if I recall correctly he worked for Ace Security) firing from behind RFK at close range then why would you chance him getting shot before he could put the hit on RFK by Sirhan firing wildly into the crowd?

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12 hours ago, Denise Hazelwood said:

Some researchers have suggested that the Dark Complected Man was giving Greer the infantry signal to halt. However, the raised clenched fist was a symbol for revolution well before it made its way into the 1968 Olympics and became more well known as the “Black Power” fist. Maybe DCM was just trying to convey an expression of support for Kennedy’s stance on Civil Rights or something, saying “Black Power!” before the symbol became more mainstream. Umbrella Man (Louis DeWitt, I think his name was) already came forward to explain the umbrella pump. I don’t think DCM has ever been identified, but the “Power!” sign makes sense to me.

Quite interesting about DCM are the photos taken of him and then a couple of good quality enlargements that seem to show a pistol and a walkie talkie. I believe this work was done by Jack White, but I'm not certain. 

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1 hour ago, Nick Bartetzko said:

Quite interesting about DCM are the photos taken of him and then a couple of good quality enlargements that seem to show a pistol and a walkie talkie. I believe this work was done by Jack White, but I'm not certain. 

I’ve seen articles about this “walkie talkie” (maybe a small transistor radio), but this is the first time I’ve ever heard about a “pistol.” Can you point me to a source, please?

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3 hours ago, Denise Hazelwood said:

I’ve seen articles about this “walkie talkie” (maybe a small transistor radio), but this is the first time I’ve ever heard about a “pistol.” Can you point me to a source, please?

Sorry, I'm not able to find the photos online. As I recall, there is a photo of DCM holding what looks like a walkie talkie up to his mouth and another that appears to show it under his jacket behind his back. There is another photo that is an enlargement that appears to show the outline of a pistol, again under his jacket and this is a view generally toward the Depository. 

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I know there are other photo's/film.  But I found this interesting tonight.  He is down on the street near the limo raising his fist right before the head shots.  He is sitting down with Umbrella Man after the assassination.  In this picture it seems he walked toward the grassy knoll in between.  With the radio in his back pocket and the antenna sticking up?

John F. Kennedy Assassination Homepage :: The Umbrella Man

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15 hours ago, Ron Bulman said:

I know there are other photo's/film.  But I found this interesting tonight.  He is down on the street near the limo raising his fist right before the head shots.  He is sitting down with Umbrella Man after the assassination.  In this picture it seems he walked toward the grassy knoll in between.  With the radio in his back pocket and the antenna sticking up?

John F. Kennedy Assassination Homepage :: The Umbrella Man

In a good, slow-motion magnified version of the Z-film, you can see DCM is actually waving with his hand open.

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