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JFKA Horshoe Theory: 'The Radical Left' and 'Extreme Right' come together to blame Israel, Zionism and Zionists for JFK's Assassination

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Due to the October 8th attacks in Israel, an old theory has had new life breathed into it. Israel killed JFK because Kennedy was blocking them from developing Nuclear weapons and Robert Kennedy was denying AIPAC from operating without registering as a foreign lobbying agent. This theory originates with Michael Collins Piper's book Final Judgement which is more about people associated with Permindex being prominent Jewish bankers and Fortune 500 Members. Very few people who now push Zionists and Israel killed Kennedy have read this book or know of Michael Collins Piper. Yet this is now a prominent theory among Palestinian activists who are majority far left and a small amount of what would I would call racist reactionary right are now seeing a rise in following, now that Twitter has unbanned a lot of these people. 

The intention of this thread is highlight poor; scholarship, investigative, logic, and research skills of these biased groups that are bi-partisan and increasingly becoming popular with young people who use TikTok. 



Horse Shoe Theory From Wikipedia

For the romantic comedy film, see Horseshoe Theory. For the mathematical term, see Horseshoe map.
290px-Political_spectrum_horseshoe_model.svg.png Proponents of horseshoe theory argue that the far-left and the far-right are closer to each other than either is to the political center.

In popular discourse, the horseshoe theory asserts that advocates of the far-left and the far-right, rather than being at opposite and opposing ends of a linear continuum of the political spectrum, closely resemble each other, analogous to the way that the opposite ends of a horseshoe are close together.[1] The theory is attributed to the French philosopher and writer of fiction and poetry Jean-Pierre Faye in his 2002 book Le Siècle des idéologies ("The Century of Ideologies").[2]

Several political scientists, psychologists, and sociologists have criticized the horseshoe theory.[3][4][5]Proponents point to a number of perceived similarities between extremes and allege that both tend to support authoritarianism or totalitarianism; political scientists do not appear to support this notion, and instances of peer-reviewed research on the subject are scarce. Existing studies and comprehensive reviews often find only limited support and only under certain conditions; they generally contradict the theory's central premises.




Lucas Gage on Stew Peters 



Ryan Dawson and Corey Hughes: 




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Yes, that is going on, especially on Twitter or "X."

Israel, Mossad, Zionists and Jews had ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with the JFK assassination. Although it is true that Lyndon Johnson was a hyper Zionist who had been in a political alliance with Zionist Jews for decades.

The crime to focus on is June 8, 1967's USS Liberty attack, which was a joint operation by Lyndon Johnson and Israel to sink an American ship, murder all 294 Americans on board and blame the heinous crime on Egypt which would give Lyndon Johnson a pretext to attack Egypt and overthrow Nasser who had drifted into the Soviet camp over the previous 10 years.

www.sacrificingliberty.com is an excellent documentary on this topic. I also recommend books by Joan Mellen Blood in the Water: How the US and Israel Conspired to Ambush the USS Liberty: Mellen, Joan: 9781633884649: Amazon.com: Books

and Peter Hounam Operation Cyanide: How the Bombing of the USS Liberty Nearly Caused World War Three: Hounam, Peter: 9781904132196: Amazon.com: Books on this topic.

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Posted (edited)

This thread is a shabby substitute for our scholarly JFK and Gaza threads this year.

We need to focus on scholarly historiography, sans partisan ideology.

Edited by W. Niederhut
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5 hours ago, Matthew Koch said:

The intention of this thread is highlight poor; scholarship, investigative, logic, and research skills of these biased groups that are bi-partisan and increasingly becoming popular with young people who use TikTok. 

Yet none of the claims or the basis for the claims are refuted.

Did Israel deliberately attack the USS Liberty?

Did Israel divert highly enriched uranium from a US plant owned by a devout zionist that did work for the US Navy? They also left a contaminated site for US taxpayers to pay for the cleanup.

Does Israel spy on the US and has given military secrets and technology to enemies of the US?

Doesn’t Israel steal prohibited nuclear weapons components from the US?

As with other theories about the JFK assassination, the case for Israeli involvement is largely circumstantial. If Israel would deliberately attack a US Navy vessel in international waters, what wouldn’t they do if they thought it was in their interest?

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28 minutes ago, Kevin Balch said:

Yet none of the claims or the basis for the claims are refuted.

Did Israel deliberately attack the USS Liberty?

Did Israel divert highly enriched uranium from a US plant owned by a devout zionist that did work for the US Navy? They also left a contaminated site for US taxpayers to pay for the cleanup.

Does Israel spy on the US and has given military secrets and technology to enemies of the US?

Doesn’t Israel steal prohibited nuclear weapons components from the US?

As with other theories about the JFK assassination, the case for Israeli involvement is largely circumstantial. If Israel would deliberately attack a US Navy vessel in international waters, what wouldn’t they do if they thought it was in their interest?

The claims I posted above amount to what I would call 'Motive' but becomes leaping logic when applied to what we do know about the plot to kill JFK and the release of information from government investigations into the event. 

Just so you know, I don't not argue against Israeli State crimes, I was involved with putting out a 911 documentary. But, like there is a difference in Cognac and Brandy in that all Cognac is Brandy but not all Brandy is Cognac. Israelis are Jewish but not all people who are Jewish are Israeli or Mossad assets. SO, what I big time have a problem with is people like Ryan Dawson, Corey Hughes, Stew Peters, Lucas Gage, etc that are lazy researchers and take people who have jewish last names and A. Assume that they are Jewish B. Assume that they are part of Israel's plot like Jack Ruby and James Angleton with really no basis other than connection. As they say in science correlation is not causation.

I have posted info that connects to Israel for which I was accused of being Anti Semitic


I don't know if you have read Michael Collins Piper's Final Judgement but it is lacking as a thesis but is good for exposing the Permindex Connection. Permindex connects to the Globalist Oligarchs but if you look into the organization not everyone is Jewish and the people who aren't Jewish tend to be Nazis and Fascists.. So I don't think that thesis of Israel killed JFK explains the Permindex Connection.


Which is why I think people like Ryan and others mentioned above are extremley poor researchers, because there is no connection between current day Gaza and JFK's Assassination. 


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1 hour ago, Kevin Balch said:

Yet none of the claims or the basis for the claims are refuted.

Did Israel deliberately attack the USS Liberty?

Did Israel divert highly enriched uranium from a US plant owned by a devout zionist that did work for the US Navy? They also left a contaminated site for US taxpayers to pay for the cleanup.

Does Israel spy on the US and has given military secrets and technology to enemies of the US?

Doesn’t Israel steal prohibited nuclear weapons components from the US?

As with other theories about the JFK assassination, the case for Israeli involvement is largely circumstantial. If Israel would deliberately attack a US Navy vessel in international waters, what wouldn’t they do if they thought it was in their interest?

The difference being lunatic Lyndon Johnson, firmly a Zionist shill in league with a 100 high level powerful Zionist Jews, was president during the attack on the USS Liberty which means he had to approve it.

As for the JFK assassination, there is absolutely NO EVIDENCE that Israel or Zionists killed JFK (yes, LBJ was a Zionist but that was not reason for his involvement). JFK opposing Dimona is a motive for Israel, but the odds that Israel 1963 would murder a sitting U.S. president are slim and none.

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26 minutes ago, Robert Morrow said:

The difference being lunatic Lyndon Johnson, firmly a Zionist shill in league with a 100 high level powerful Zionist Jews, was president during the attack on the USS Liberty which means he had to approve it.

As for the JFK assassination, there is absolutely NO EVIDENCE that Israel or Zionists killed JFK (yes, LBJ was a Zionist but that was not reason for his involvement). JFK opposing Dimona is a motive for Israel, but the odds that Israel 1963 would murder a sitting U.S. president are slim and none.

What is the scholarly historiography on this subject-- as opposed to things partisan pundits have recently posted on Twitter and YouTube?

The only book I ever read on the subject was Michael Collins Piper's Final Judgment-- which was big on speculative theories and small on data.

If I recall correctly, Piper based his theory about possible Mossad involvement in the JFK assassination on;

1) JFK's conflict with Ben Gurion about Dimona,

2) the claim that Meyer Lansky was the de facto boss of the Mafia in 1963, and

3) Jacob Rubinstein's (aka Jack Ruby's) putative contacts with Micky Cohen, and his comments about saving Israel.


French historian, Laurent Guyenot, has written some essays (and books?) about his theory that the Mossad participated in the JFK assassination, but I haven't read them.

The only Guyenot book that I have read is, JFK to 9/11- 50 Years of Deep State.

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Posted (edited)

I have "The Unspoken Kennedy TRUTH" by Laurent Guyénot and it is hardly a "Scholarly" book

The book's name is a reaction to to Jim Douglas's book JFK and the Unspeakable and in the introduction says "I now consider it to be misleading in it's final verdict for failing to mention crucial evidence. In that regard, Douglass's book is representative of the dominant school in JFK-assassination research. It has at least four huge blind spots: Johnson, Ruby, Angleton and - the biggest of all - Dimona." 

Also mentioned is a Criticism of John Simpkin for not including criticism of Jews and Israel on his website not understanding that England has publishing laws about that sort of thing. 

Guyenot does what Aaron Good does which is take prior authors books premises and fuses them into "Their own thesis" [sarcasm added] and uses DeHaven-Smith's "State Serial Killer" into Israel is a Serial killer who did JFK and RFK assassination, USS Liberty incident, and 911 


As you can see he is VERY Scholarly and I can see why people who attended Columbia or Harvard would be really into his work! 

Edited by Matthew Koch
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9 minutes ago, Matthew Koch said:

I have "The Unspoken Kennedy TRUTH" by Laurent Guyénot and it is hardly a "Scholarly" book

The book's name is a reaction to to Jim Douglas's book JFK and the Unspeakable and in the introduction says "I now consider it to be misleading in it's final verdict for failing to mention crucial evidence. In that regard, Douglass's book is representative of the dominant school in JFK-assassination research. It has at least four huge blind spots: Johnson, Ruby, Angleton and - the biggest of all - Dimona." 

Also mentioned is a Criticism of John Simpkin for not including criticism of Jews and Israel on his website not understanding that England has publishing laws about that sort of thing. 

Guyenot does what Aaron Good does which is take prior authors books premises and fuses them into "Their own thesis" [sarcasm added] and uses DeHaven-Smith's "State Serial Killer" into Israel is a Serial killer who did JFK and RFK assassination, USS Liberty incident, and 911 


As you can see he is VERY Scholarly and I can see why people who attended Columbia or Harvard would be really into his work! 


     How about using some good old-fashioned English prose in your posts, and leaving out the Twitter junk?  

     What is your written critique of Guyenot's thesis in The Unspoken Kenedy Truth?  Are you suggesting that James Douglass did, in fact, discuss the possible roles of LBJ, Jack Ruby, Angleton, and Dimona in the JFK assassination?  (Hint: He didn't.)

     As for Laurent Guyenot's erudition, the guy is an engineer who later studied history on a graduate level at the Sorbonne.  He's the very definition of a scholar.

     I haven't read The Unspoken Kennedy Truth, but Guyenot's book, JFK to 9/11-- 50 Years of Deep State was certainly well written and informative.

     Incidentally, I think Guyenot was a member of this forum back in the day.


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6 hours ago, Matthew Koch said:

The claims I posted above amount to what I would call 'Motive' but becomes leaping logic when applied to what we do know about the plot to kill JFK and the release of information from government investigations into the event. 

Just so you know, I don't not argue against Israeli State crimes, I was involved with putting out a 911 documentary. But, like there is a difference in Cognac and Brandy in that all Cognac is Brandy but not all Brandy is Cognac. Israelis are Jewish but not all people who are Jewish are Israeli or Mossad assets. SO, what I big time have a problem with is people like Ryan Dawson, Corey Hughes, Stew Peters, Lucas Gage, etc that are lazy researchers and take people who have jewish last names and A. Assume that they are Jewish B. Assume that they are part of Israel's plot like Jack Ruby and James Angleton with really no basis other than connection. As they say in science correlation is not causation.

I have posted info that connects to Israel for which I was accused of being Anti Semitic


I don't know if you have read Michael Collins Piper's Final Judgement but it is lacking as a thesis but is good for exposing the Permindex Connection. Permindex connects to the Globalist Oligarchs but if you look into the organization not everyone is Jewish and the people who aren't Jewish tend to be Nazis and Fascists.. So I don't think that thesis of Israel killed JFK explains the Permindex Connection.


Which is why I think people like Ryan and others mentioned above are extremley poor researchers, because there is no connection between current day Gaza and JFK's Assassination. 


So, is it Matthew Koch here or Mateo Cocinero on X?  The pictures look the same if enlarged, down to the background.

You do know Jim Gordon's original rule from many years ago about using an alias?  You should know the rules given your history on here. 

If you are Mateo Cocinero were you deceiving us all about being Matthew Koch from the start your first time around here, before you were suspended for months for cussing out moderators and other members, like me at the time.  If this is the case you may well be deserving of further vacation time or more.  I'll discuss it with Mark and Sandy but lean to the latter over your previous personal insults.

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I agree, Israel had nothing to do with the JFKA or RFK1A. 

Some of the people touting such perspectives are likely Jew- and Israel-haters.

But some may be just enthralled with an idea, the same way there are some who posit the Mormon Mafia perped the JFK. 


Regarding friendly fire incidents. During WWII, the Gela incident---

"It seemed as though every Allied gun battery on the Sicily beachhead and offshore was blowing (American) C-47s and C-53s out of the sky. The US Army’s own official history reads, “The slow-flying, majestic columns of aircraft were like sitting ducks.” Dozens of transport planes were hit. One exploded in midair. Others, on fire, tried to ditch to save the paratroopers.


At the time, the shoot-down over Gela was the worst friendly-fire incident in US history. Three hundred eighteen American soldiers were killed or wounded. Twenty-three transport planes failed to return; others limped back to Tunisia badly damaged, one riddled with 1,000 holes; many landed with blood all over their floorboards. Brigadier General Charles L. Keerans, Jr., the 82nd Airborne’s assistant commander, was aboard a plane that was lost at sea.

Why did Americans kill so many of their own over Sicily?"


Yes, it is true, US gunners shot 23 US transport airplanes out of the sky. Not one or two. US planes that were taking a prescribed route, and were identifiable as US airplanes. 

The scholars say globally about 20% of casualties in war are friendly fire. Pilots and soldiers feel adrenaline, make mistakes, or some are just poor soldiers. If you ever worked in a large organization, you know there are also a clump of guys you would not trust to run a McDonalds or drive a school bus. 

So it goes. 



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38 minutes ago, Ron Bulman said:

So, is it Matthew Koch here or Mateo Cocinero on X?  The pictures look the same if enlarged, down to the background.

You do know Jim Gordon's original rule from many years ago about using an alias?  You should know the rules given your history on here. 

If you are Mateo Cocinero were you deceiving us all about being Matthew Koch from the start your first time around here, before you were suspended for months for cussing out moderators and other members, like me at the time.  If this is the case you may well be deserving of further vacation time or more.  I'll discuss it with Mark and Sandy but lean to the latter over your previous personal insults.

This is a rather pathetic new low for moderation of the forum.

The reason I put my name in Spanish on Twitter is so that people don't do what Sandy and Mark did when I joined the forum when they accused me of being related to the Koch Brothers "Because I support Trump" meanwhile in reality the Koch Brother supports candidates against Trump [Emphasis Added] Ron you know what else people do with my last name is accuse me of being Jewish because Koch is an ethic jewish last name like the ex mayor of NYC Ed Koch.


Ron... Koch means Cook in Texan and when translated into Spanish = Cocinero [Emphasis Added]

Maybe that might be some of why I don't like the far right and the far left..

They do that because they attempting to bully me and I think that's what you are doing here right now.💯

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23 minutes ago, Matthew Koch said:

This is a rather pathetic new low for moderation of the forum.

The reason I put my name in Spanish on Twitter is so that people don't do what Sandy and Mark did when I joined the forum when they accused me of being related to the Koch Brothers "Because I support Trump" meanwhile in reality the Koch Brother supports candidates against Trump [Emphasis Added] Ron you know what else people do with my last name is accuse me of being Jewish because Koch is an ethic jewish last name like the ex mayor of NYC Ed Koch.


Ron... Koch means Cook in Texan and when translated into Spanish = Cocinero [Emphasis Added]

Maybe that might be some of why I don't like the far right and the far left..

They do that because they attempting to bully me and I think that's what you are doing here right now.💯

I'm not a bully.  But I do remember your previous cussing out of me among others, bully.  I didn't know Cocinero was Spanish for cook.  I am a Texan and never heard a cook called a Koch.  Irregardless, you are using two names, one here, one on X.  Is either one your real birth name your supposed to use on here?

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8 hours ago, Ron Bulman said:

I'm not a bully.  But I do remember your previous cussing out of me among others, bully.  I didn't know Cocinero was Spanish for cook.  I am a Texan and never heard a cook called a Koch.  Irregardless, you are using two names, one here, one on X.  Is either one your real birth name your supposed to use on here?

So much for the Texas manners I heard about, you'd think someone after being proven wrong would say sorry my mistake and delete their comments

But I guess not,

Hey Ron, why don't you find and post what I'm talking about with Sandy and Mark making a big deal about my last name on the forum when I joined


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But I saw this coming from Matt very soon. Which is why I put him on ignore.


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