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The JFK Assassination Records Act Discussion

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50 to 75 million Americans viewed some or all of the Biden/Trump debate.

They watched Trump lie over and over and over again as he always does. Major lies. They saw him call Biden personal insulting names...as he always does. Trump actually called Biden a "Manchurian Candidate!"

If you saw either version of that film, you know how traitor suggesting extreme and dangerously inciting that comparison charge was.

They heard Trump make laughably inane claims of grandeur about himself such as how many "top people" think his presidency was "the greatest in history!"

Biden wonderfully and quick-wittedly countered that laughably ludicrous and outrageously baseless claim by Trump with a documented "opposite" take on Trump's presidency by 154 "accredited presidential historians" that in unison publicly proclaimed Trump's presidency was the "worst" in presidential history!

The expression on Trump's face when Biden stated this was cringingly priceless. A fool's smile when exposed as a lying fool. 

Trump looked and sounded as he always does. A delusional and outrageously lying narcissist to a psychopathic degree...imo.

Still, the bigger impact of the debate was Biden's palpable decline in vigor, sharpness and increase in feebleness.

He looked so weakly vulnerable. Way too vulnerable in most viewers opinion.

And when seeing Biden looking so frail and weak and confused as he is today at the age of 81 ( and turning 82 right after the election ), the rational thought most would have in mind would be the probability that he can only decline "even more" in the next 4 years.

I voted for Biden and will again if he doesn't step away.

However, I feel there is an irreparable loss of support for Biden in the area of enthusiasm after his disastrous showing in the debate.

And one of the contributing political commentators on one of the national TV news shows said something very true and enlightening yesterday regards Biden's immediate effort to counter the massive damage from his debate showing.

Biden had a next morning rally in North Carolina where he tried to show how vigorous and strong he really is versus the previous night's showing.

Yes, he did appear noticeably sharper and alert.

But, the TV news show contributing commentator pointed out the reality of this " I'm as tough and sharp as ever folks " damage control effort on Biden's part.

Probably less than 1% of the 50+ million viewers who watched the debate saw or even heard of this "comeback" rally speech Biden made in North Carolina.

All the 50 million national TV debate watchers know is what they saw on Thursday evening. Biden's effort to counter that powerful negative impression crisis will not have any meaningful effect imo. The damage is done. That debate and Biden's weak and fragile performance in it was that powerfully impacting.


Edited by Joe Bauer
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How long did it take for the Access Hollywood tape scandal to drop out of the news cycle in October 2016?

3 weeks.

In four months the Biden debate performance will be a footnote to this campaign.

Biden leveraged the Strategic Petroleum Reserve to force Saudi Arabia to curtail oil production cuts this fall.  The price at the pumps will probably drop significantly this October.

Playing the global oil market like that is unprecedented.  Gas prices usually increase in the summer months, but there have been no significant increases summer '24.  Biden should be bragging about this.

For such a feeble guy Old Joe sure gets a lot of stuff done.  Inflation in May year-over-year -- 2.6%.

Democrats need to fkn chill.

Joe Biden, Master Oil Trader


Edited by Cliff Varnell
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    Biden's good work as POTUS (with a few exceptions, like the JFK records blockade and Gaza) isn't really the issue right now, IMO.

    Does he look like a man who can effectively serve another four year term in a highly demanding executive job?

    Anyone who thinks so is in denial.

    On Thursday night, Biden looked like a Parkinsonian, octogenarian nursing home resident who needed some tapioca pudding and a nap.

   Paul Krugman and Nicholas Kristof are right about this one, as usual.


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38 minutes ago, W. Niederhut said:


    Biden's good work as POTUS (with a few exceptions, like the JFK records blockade and Gaza) isn't really the issue right now, IMO.

    Does he look like a man who can effectively serve another four year term in a highly demanding executive job?

Two trans-Atlantic trips  between June 5 and June 15 indicate effectiveness under demanding circumstances.  The right wing had to crop film and photos to make him look feeble.

38 minutes ago, W. Niederhut said:

    Anyone who thinks so is in denial.

Maybe we should ask President Romney how he kicked Obama's ass in their first debate.

38 minutes ago, W. Niederhut said:

    On Thursday night, Biden looked like a Parkinsonian, octogenarian nursing home resident who needed some tapioca pudding and a nap.

He had a raspy voice.  During the State of the Union and Friday in North Carolina he had a strong voice.

38 minutes ago, W. Niederhut said:

   Paul Krugman and Nicholas Kristof are right about this one, as usual. 

They need to change their diapers.

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   Biden's voice wasn't merely raspy.  It was faint-- characteristic of Parkinsonism, (as was his apparent bradykinesia and masked facies.)

    There are reports from his own staff (not Faux News) that Biden functions best from 10 AM to 4 PM, then fades.  That's concerning for a 24/7 job involving nuclear codes.

    As for the liberal Nobel Laureate from Princeton, when he talks, you Haight-Asbury slam dancers should listen.

    Conscientious liberals, like Krugman, have legitimate concerns about Biden's candidacy.

Edited by W. Niederhut
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20 minutes ago, W. Niederhut said:


   Biden's voice wasn't merely raspy.  It was faint-- characteristic of Parkinsonism, (as was his apparent bradykinesia and masked facies.)

Or characteristic of a common cold.  He's been quoted saying before the debate he didn't feel well.

20 minutes ago, W. Niederhut said:

    There are reports from his own staff (not Faux News) that Biden functions best from 10 AM to 4 PM, then fades. 

Typical for human beings.

https://4dayweek.io/schedule/6-hour-workday#:~:text=Enhanced Productivity%3A The principle that,more dynamic and engaged workforce.

20 minutes ago, W. Niederhut said:

That's concerning for a 24/7 job involving nuclear codes.

He pulled an all-nighter in Vietnam last September negotiating a new regional security pact.

20 minutes ago, W. Niederhut said:

    As for the liberal Nobel Laureate from Princeton, when he talks, you Haight-Asbury slam dancers should listen.

We have well-developed Bullshed Detectors -- and I'm calling "Bullshed!" on this.

20 minutes ago, W. Niederhut said:

    Conscientious liberals have realistic concerns about Biden's candidacy.

William, could you please inventory Biden's losses as President?  Legislation he's failed to pass, alliances he's failed to form, local and state elections the Democrats unexpectedly lost?


Edited by Cliff Varnell
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18 minutes ago, W. Niederhut said:

   Biden's...masked facies.   

Good Lord. He stunk the place out literally? 

Below, a wonderful tribute to the Moonie-like cult that is the current Democrat party, that motley coalition of oligarchs, war-mongers, bankers, spooks, lawyers, toadies, back-stabbers, neo-cons and other undesirables. A particular nod to the epic contributions from that one-man smoke-machine, Joe Marlborough, who moved from sweary, brown-nosing bore to gimlet-eyed assassin quicker than it takes the cadaver in the White House to plunge down airplane steps.


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16 minutes ago, Paul Rigby said:

Good Lord. He stunk the place out literally? 

Below, a wonderful tribute to the Moonie-like cult that is the current Democrat party, that motley coalition of oligarchs, war-mongers, bankers, spooks, lawyers, toadies, back-stabbers, neo-cons and other undesirables.

Coming from a Trump supporter that's especially rich.

Hey Paul, you remember the drone programs Obomber and Trump had going in the Middle East and North Africa -- where thousands of civilians were killed, especially under Trump?

Biden put a stop to it.

Remember Netanyahu promising a major offensive in Rafah?  Hasn't happened full scale as of yet.  Bibi says Biden slowed down arms delivery over the last four months.  Think Trump would ever stand up to Netanyahu?

The Biden pullout from Afghanistan was ill-prepared, but they managed to get out 125,000 of our Afghan allies (left 175,000 behind, admittedly.)

How many South Vietnamese allies did the US of A pull out of 'Nam after the fall of Saigon?


Edited by Cliff Varnell
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49 minutes ago, Cliff Varnell said:

Or characteristic of a common cold.  He's been quoted saying before the debate he didn't feel well.

Typical for human beings.

https://4dayweek.io/schedule/6-hour-workday#:~:text=Enhanced Productivity%3A The principle that,more dynamic and engaged workforce.

He pulled an all-nighter in Vietnam last September negotiating a new regional security pact.

We have well-developed Bullshed Detectors -- and I'm calling "Bullshed!" on this.

William, could you please inventory Biden's losses as President?  Legislation he's failed to pass, alliances he's failed to form, local and state elections the Democrats unexpectedly lost?



   You must have missed my comment (above) about the issue of Biden's fitness for the future (2025-29) job vs. past performance.

    Incidentally, I just saw a CBS poll showing that half of all DEMOCRATS (46%) now believe that Biden should step down, due to his advanced age (89%.)

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33 minutes ago, W. Niederhut said:


   You must have missed my comment (above) about the issue of Biden's fitness for the future (2025-29) job vs. past performance.

    Incidentally, I just saw a CBS poll showing that half of all DEMOCRATS (46%) now believe that Biden should step down, due to his advanced age (89%.)

A lot of Republican politicians withdrew their support for Trump following the Access Hollywood tape release.

3 weeks later no one was talking about it anymore.

In two weeks Trump is sentenced for 34 felonies falsifying business records in order to interfere in an election.  Think people will be talking about Biden's debate performance after that?

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4 minutes ago, Cliff Varnell said:

A lot of Republican politicians withdrew their support for Trump following the Access Hollywood tape release.

3 weeks later no one was talking about it anymore.

In two weeks Trump is sentenced for 34 felonies falsifying business records in order to interfere in an election.  Think people will be talking about Biden's debate performance after that?


   Don't get me wrong.  I'd vote for a yellow dog in November, if it was the Democratic nominee running against the Orange Felon.  But, like 46% of Democrats, I would like to see a younger, qualified Democratic nominee replace Biden in 2024-- Buttigieg, Newsom, Harris, or Whitmer.

   Incidentally, you were big on Biden in 2020, when several of us were voting for Progressives-- Bernie or Elizabeth Warren.

   I wonder if the 46% who want Biden to step down now are the same Democrats who didn't vote for Biden in the 2020 Democratic primaries.

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3 hours ago, W. Niederhut said:

There are reports from his own staff (not Faux News) that Biden functions best from 10 AM to 4 PM, then fades.  That's concerning for a 24/7 job involving nuclear codes.

"Fading" after 4 PM is one thing, being seriously cognitively and physically impaired by 9 PM ( starting time of the debate ) is another.

Isn't it rational for Americans to want a president, who if woken up at midnight to handle a major emergency crisis, be sharper than what we saw last Thursday evening of Biden?

Most of us have had older loved ones in rest homes at some point in our lives. My own mother was in one for several years starting around Biden's age now.

My wife and kids and I took care of her in our home for several years ( with part time in-home nurse visits ) up until we she fell and broke her hip and we could no longer meet her 24 hour needs.

I would say half the residents of the rest home in the years we visited my mother ( almost daily ) were sharper than Biden last Thursday evening.

Millions of us Democrats have been worried about Biden's older age stamina for years. I thought he was too old and showing decline in 2020!

Each year of his presidency Biden seems to have regressed even more in this way in my observation.

Physically, each progressive year since 2020 Biden is walking slower and with less confidence and same with his head, arm and hand movements. His speech is clearly weaker and much slower as well. Often to degrees that make you feel concerned and uncomfortable.

I really felt he should have faced the truth about his age and declining abilities and not run this year. 

Like others I was pleasantly surprised and somewhat more encouraged by his strong state of the union speech earlier this year. Yet even that performance didn't assuage my gut feeling concern that he should have retired.

The difference in cognitive and physical decline in Biden today from 2020 is startling. 

And the national concern about Biden's age and condition isn't just about this one debate performance. It's about a certain decline even further in the next 4 years.

If Biden declines at the rate he has from 2020 to now...it is a scientific certainty that he will continue to do so from now through 2028.

We HAVE to face this reality.

I voted for Biden. I think he has done a great job in his 4 years. I'll even vote for him again in a second against Trump if he won't step down as the candidate.

Edited by Joe Bauer
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2 hours ago, Cliff Varnell said:

Coming from a Trump supporter that's especially rich...

The rich? Solidly Biden, as you would expect for the party of empire and war:

There are no Fortune 100 CEOs who are supporting Donald Trump, says Yale’s Jeffrey Sonnenfeld:

As for your argument that we should be grateful to Biden - more accurately, whoever is actually running US foreign policy given that the POTUS is a corpse - for only killing 80,000 Palestinian civilians, continuing to occupy a third of Syria (and still stealing its oil), not to mention the sabotage of the peace agreement in Ukraine and the worst act of ecological terrorism in history, the less said the better. Biden has been a thuggish, far-right catastrophe draped in rainbow colours and gimp masks. Hunter would have done less damage, and would undoubtedly have been more entertaining.

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