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The JFK Assassination Records Act Discussion

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16 hours ago, Benjamin Cole said:

The pinned JFK Records Act thread has devolved into Water Cooler sniping, so let's try a fresh thread. 

For someone who self-righteously decries any partisan framing of the JFK Records Act, Ben Cole sure seems fond of politicizing the JFK Records Act.

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3 hours ago, Mike Aitken said:

As attorney general of California, Harris opposed the appeal by Sirhan Sirhan for parole, so I wouldn’t imagine it would be any different with the JFKA records.




On February 1, 2012, California Attorney General Kamala Harris officially recommended that the latest appeal of Sirhan Sirhan, convicted in the 1968 murder of Senator Robert Kennedy, should be denied.”

Yeah, Mike but guess what? No politician cares to do that.

There's absolutely no pressure to. Gain 1% from  the conspiracy crowd to upset 10% of the law and order crowd?

It's that simple, it's not in the top 40 of any politician priorities. It's not even as politically actionable as the "Q" in the LGBTQ.

I don't particularly like her, and she hasn't done much to make her stand out. But that's kind of the job.!

Biden's going on with George Stephanopoulos this Friday, maybe to watch on Sunday.

Interesting, Steve Banon  curses that Trump accepted an early debate, because now they could  switch candidates.  I thought it was another horrible miscalculation by Biden, (as well as turning the mics off.) that I was sorry to see, but I'm  now grateful for.  Was it more Hubris?  This left 7 weeks before the convention!

 Imagine Biden failing so miserably in October! We'd probably be dead!



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