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Discussions of Israeli connections to the JFK Assassination

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1 hour ago, Benjamin Cole said:

Add on:

If moderators start banning posts because "the topic has already been covered in another thread"...well, we all will be mute. 


1 hour ago, Benjamin Cole said:


Thank you for your collegial comments. 

Yes, I wanted to show what kind of feces is on X, regarding the JFKA.

In this case, it was anti-Semites, posting that the Jews perped the JFKA and 9/11. 

However, let me point out that I have recently posted on a book that blamed Mormon mafia for the JFKA, and on Woolsey's book that LHO was a Russian asset. I panned both explanations, and noted that the author of the Mormon book explicitly stated his hostility to Mormons in the preface of his book. 

Neither post was banned. 

There have been many other explanations of the JFKA that I have posted on, and which I explained differ from my view.

As I have often stated, I suspect a small group of conspirators, working out of the Miami Station of the CIA, are the most likely suspects in the JFKA (see Larry Hancock's book SWHT).

I think you may lean to Nazi or ex-Nazi involvement in the CIA. That is fine, and for all I know perhaps some Nazis were involved, perhaps as cat's paws, or interlocutors between Miami and an unidentified higher-up inside the CIA.  After all, one could not send an order to perp the JFKA down through the normal channels. There needed to be cut-outs. 

Well, so it goes. I have enjoyed your commentary over the years, even if we disagree on the possible true perps of the JFKA. 

The point of a EF-JFKA is to see other views. I am bored with my views by now anyway. 



      The point of the Education Forum is historiography and education -- research and discussion of the truth about history and the world, including, of course, the true history of the JFK assassination.  

      How is that admirable objective achieved by the posting of falsehoods and misleading tropes from our mainstream and social media?  

      As for your inflammatory, "Jew Hater," comments on the forum, Anti-Semitism is a serious problem, and needs to be taken very seriously here, and everywhere.

      It's also inappropriate to falsely accuse other forum members, historians, and critics of any Israeli government policies of being Anti-Semitic.

      Is it Anti-Semitic to ever discuss the history of Israel and the Mossad?  Israel has been a significant actor on the international stage during the past 80 years.

      You have used the term, "Jew Hater," in more than one forum post recently-- and it's the same derogatory trope that has been used, on occasion, by Fox News and the NY Post this year to demean protesters against the IDF war on Gaza.

      I don't doubt that some Palestinian rights protesters are Anti-Semitic, but I know that many are not.  Some of Netanyahu's most prominent critics are Jews.

      Did you read Bernie Sanders eloquent letter in response to Netanyahu accusing Palestinian rights protesters of being Anti-Semitic?

   NEWS: Sanders Responds to Netanyahu’s Claim that Criticism of the Israeli Government’s Policies is Antisemitic » Senator Bernie Sanders (senate.gov) 


Edited by W. Niederhut
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12 hours ago, W. Niederhut said:



     I'm Dr. Niederhut, a physician who graduated from Harvard Medical School in 1983.  Informally, here, I have used "W" as a moniker.

     Before medical school, I was an American Studies major, (three years senior to John F. Kennedy, Jr.) at Brown University.

     And, yes, the Education Forum administration recently asked if I would be willing to assist the other mods here as a moderator.

     My interest here is in scholarly, evidence-based discussions about history, and intellectual honesty, in the tradition of John Simkin.

     To my knowledge, no one on this forum has endorsed Michael Collins Piper's theories accusing the Mossad of killing JFK.

      We have discussed that subject in some detail on previous threads-- most recently, on Mathew Koch's "Horseshoe" thread, and on James DiEugenio's "Gaza and JFK" thread, (based on a DiEugenio Substack essay.)

      Your recent X-Twitter thread was not a scholarly, evidence-based history thread.  It was more similar to an Anti-Semitic 4Chan polemic.  Sadly, such things exist in our social media.  But the Education Forum isn't 4Chan or Truth Social.

      Also, another moderator has concurred that your inaccurate, derogatory reference to historians and critics of the Israeli government as "Jew Haters" is inappropriate for the Education Forum.   As I mentioned in my private communique, there are many highly-educated, informed Jewish intellectuals who have, at times, criticized the Israeli government.  Examples include Albert Einstein, Ron Unz, Bernie Sanders, and Norman Soloman.


The theory that "Israel" "Jews" or "Mossad" were behind the JFK assassination has gained currency on the internet.

So what if the theory is grossly wrong? The belief set is out there and for those who want to participate in a debate about this topic should be allowed to.

Furthermore, Michael Collins Piper's book on the JFK assassination has valuable information on the USA-Israeli relationship.

I will tell you this, Lyndon Johnson and the leaders of Israel conspired to sink the USS Liberty and murder all 294 people on board and they did this in order to blame the heinous crime on Egypt so the USA, meaning LBJ, could launch an attack of Egypt. The only way to understand this crime is to know that Lyndon Johnson was a lunatic and Lyndon Johnson had a decades long relationship with powerful Zionist Jews.


Edited by Robert Morrow
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Posted (edited)
45 minutes ago, W. Niederhut said:



      The point of the Education Forum is historiography and education -- research and discussion of the truth about history and the world, including, of course, the true history of the JFK assassination.  

      How is that admirable objective achieved by the posting of falsehoods and misleading tropes from our mainstream and social media?  

      As for your inflammatory, "Jew Hater," comments on the forum, Anti-Semitism is a serious problem, and needs to be taken very seriously here, and everywhere.

      It's also inappropriate to falsely accuse other forum members, historians, and critics of any Israeli government policies of being Anti-Semitic.

      Is it Anti-Semitic to ever discuss the history of Israel and the Mossad?  Israel has been a significant actor on the international stage during the past 80 years.

      You have used the term, "Jew Hater," in more than one forum post recently-- and it's the same derogatory trope that has been used, on occasion, by Fox News and the NY Post this year to demean protesters against the IDF war on Gaza.

      I don't doubt that some Palestinian rights protesters are Anti-Semitic, but I know that many are not.  Some of Netanyahu's most prominent critics are Jews.

      Did you read Bernie Sanders eloquent letter in response to Netanyahu accusing Palestinian rights protesters of being Anti-Semitic?

   NEWS: Sanders Responds to Netanyahu’s Claim that Criticism of the Israeli Government’s Policies is Antisemitic » Senator Bernie Sanders (senate.gov) 



With all due respect, I never accused people who disagree with the Israeli government of being Jew-haters. 

The Haaratz Hebrew-language newspaper in Tel Aviv often loudly contemptuous of Israel's government.  That's fine, Israel is a democracy, largely has a free press, and many oppose the present government, inside and outside of Israel. All good. 

(I am concerned about those who valorize Hamas, but that is another topic). 

I do regard those who attribute the JFKA and the 9/11 disaster to Jews as Jews, as part of globalist Hebrew plots, as anti-Semites.

These anti-Semitic groups are strong on X, and they describe the JFKA and 9/11 events as Hebrew plots. 

I feel justified in posting about such groups, in order to keep the JFKA research community appraised of the news environment in which we operate. 

X is ugly, but X is huge. 


Edited by Benjamin Cole
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3 hours ago, Benjamin Cole said:


I think you misunderstand my now-banned post. 

I was citing a particular X-host as an example of the some of the biased and very-low quality JFKA research, in this case spirited by overt anti-Semitism, on the JFKA. 

I hate to say it, but X-hosts are read by thousands and sometimes tens of thousands of people. That is "where the action is" now on the internet. 

I said nothing about the virtue, of lack of it, of the Israel government. 

W Niederhut, of his own volition, brought up other issues, including MAGA (?) and that some reputable scholars look poorly upon Israel. 

If I recall correctly, Niederhut places some faith in theories that Mossad perped the JFKA and the 9/11 disaster, and made references to "dancing Israelis"---evidently some type of blue-collar workers, natives of Israel, who climbed atop a van and celebrated the 9/11 event---as evidence of Israel or Mossad involvement in the 9/11 event. 

Well, I will re-post again on what I see as very low quality research on the JFKA, on X or Youtube.

This is the news environment we in the JFKA research community operate in, whether we like it or not.

(BTW I post often on Mark Groubert, who has quite a large audience n Youtube, and I tend to agree with his work. So I am not always a Negative Norm.)

I didn't mean to imply you were the least bit guilty of anything. I was letting you know WHY the moderators of this forum have historically tried to limit discussion of Israel's role in the assassination. Such talk inevitably spreads to claims of Jewish involvement in other crimes, and a downward spiral. 

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7 minutes ago, Pat Speer said:

I didn't mean to imply you were the least bit guilty of anything. I was letting you know WHY the moderators of this forum have historically tried to limit discussion of Israel's role in the assassination. Such talk inevitably spreads to claims of Jewish involvement in other crimes, and a downward spiral. 

All good. 

I am exhausted on this topic. 

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7 hours ago, Benjamin Cole said:


With all due respect, I never accused people who disagree with the Israeli government of being Jew-haters. 

The Haaratz Hebrew-language newspaper in Tel Aviv often loudly contemptuous of Israel's government.  That's fine, Israel is a democracy, largely has a free press, and many oppose the present government, inside and outside of Israel. All good. 

(I am concerned about those who valorize Hamas, but that is another topic). 

I do regard those who attribute the JFKA and the 9/11 disaster to Jews as Jews, as part of globalist Hebrew plots, as anti-Semites.

These anti-Semitic groups are strong on X, and they describe the JFKA and 9/11 events as Hebrew plots. 

I feel justified in posting about such groups, in order to keep the JFKA research community appraised of the news environment in which we operate. 

X is ugly, but X is huge. 



     I can't think of a single Progressive Democrat, or American, who has ever "valorized Hamas."  It's a false trope that has been used to demean and attack Progressives who have been critical of Netanyahu's bombing of Gaza's civilian population.

     Secondly, the JFKA and 9/11 are not a monolith.   Some people, including your X-Twitter poster, are, apparently lumping them into the same conspiratorial basket.

     Most people who have studied the JFKA-- including our forum members-- don't buy Piper's (and Guyenot's) theories blaming the Mossad for JFK's assassination.

     Conversely, there is substantial evidence that the 9/11 "New Pearl Harbor" op was a joint venture of the U.S. military/CIA/PNAC, the Saudi government, and Israel.

     But understanding the 9/11 science and forensic data is a bridge too far for most Americans-- even 23 years ex post facto.

     As Joseph McBride said during the Spike Lee 9/11 documentary fracas a few years ago-- 9/11 remains the "third rail" in American political discourse. 

     We're still at the Jim Garrison/Clay Shaw stage in 9/11 history, where anyone studying or discussing the anomalous 9/11 data is anathematized as a "kooky conspiracy theorist."


Edited by W. Niederhut
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20 minutes ago, W. Niederhut said:


     I can't think of a single Progressive Democrat, or American, who has ever "valorized Hamas."  It's a false trope that has been used to demean and attack Progressives who have been critical of Netanyahu's bombing of Gaza's civilian population.

     Secondly, the JFKA and 9/11 are not a monolith.   Some people, including your X-Twitter poster, are, apparently lumping them into the same conspiratorial basket.

     Most people who have studied the JFKA-- including our forum members-- don't buy Piper's (and Guyenot's) theories blaming the Mossad for JFK's assassination.

     Conversely, there is substantial evidence that the 9/11 "New Pearl Harbor" op was a joint venture of the U.S. military/CIA/PNAC, the Saudi government, and Israel.

     But understanding the 9/11 science and forensic data is a bridge too far for most Americans-- even 23 years ex post facto.

     As Joseph McBride said during the Spike Lee 9/11 documentary fracas a few years ago-- 9/11 remains the "third rail" in American political discourse. 

     We're still at the Jim Garrison/Clay Shaw stage in 9/11 history, where anyone studying or discussing the anomalous 9/11 data is anathematized as a "kooky conspiracy theorist."



Well, we are on different pages on the issues you raise herein. That's fine, that is what a forum is for. 

I plan a post on the Mossad/JFKA theory and why (IMHO) it is lacking. I will let things cool off for while first. The theory itself is weak, but mostly what has happened since the JFKA tells of an organization with sustained resources to execute 60 years of snuff jobs on JFKA investigations. IMHO, that has to be the US intel state. 

I don't plan to touch the 9/11 story. That one is all yours. 



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37 minutes ago, Benjamin Cole said:


Well, we are on different pages on the issues you raise herein. That's fine, that is what a forum is for. 

I plan a post on the Mossad/JFKA theory and why (IMHO) it is lacking. I will let things cool off for while first. The theory itself is weak, but mostly what has happened since the JFKA tells of an organization with sustained resources to execute 60 years of snuff jobs on JFKA investigations. IMHO, that has to be the US intel state. 

I don't plan to touch the 9/11 story. That one is all yours. 



If you are going to post the "Israel or Mossad or Zionist or the Jews" murdered JFK, then find the very best argument for that on the internet.

And maybe Laurent Guyenot's essay is the best in that class: https://www.unz.com/article/kennedy-assassination-cia-did-it-theorists-are-covering-for-israel/

My take on this "Israel did it" theory is while Israel may have had MOTIVE to do this over the issue of Dimona (getting nukes), there is no EVIDENCE for such a theory. I have no respect for "Zionists or the Jews" murdered JFK theory, but I do not think it should be censored.

Let people like Guyenot argue this theory and either debunk it or let it fall down on its own for not having legs.

I have found that I can find valuable information by reading other intelligently crafted (although wrong) takes on the JFK assassination. FOR EXAMPLE, it was by reading Laurent Guyenot that I first learned about this extremely valuable bit of information:

Jackie Kennedy to Pamela Turnure, her press secretary (and lover to JFK) on who murdered JFK: “Lyndon Johnson did it.” 


 Many Americans immediately suspected Johnson’s involvement in the Dallas coup, especially in Texas, where his reputation for corruption and murder was well established. In 1964, James Evette Haley’s book A Texan Looks at Lyndon brought Johnson’s epic corruption to national attention. Although at that time Americans received no sign that the Kennedy family suspected Johnson, many indications have since surfaced that this was the case. Eddie Fisher mentions in his 1999 autobiography that, while flying back to Washington from Dallas the day after the assassination, together with Jackie Kennedy’s press secretary, Pamela Turnure, his then lover, “Pam told me, Jackie Kennedy told her, ‘Lyndon Johnson did it.’ Words I’ll never forget.’” Jackie never voiced her suspicion publicly, but merely mentioned in her oral history recorded in 1964 by Arthur Schlesinger Jr. (released in 2011): “Jack said it to me sometimes. He said, ‘Oh God, can you ever imagine what would happen to the country if Lyndon was president.’” What happened to the country is for Americans to see.


 [Laurent Guyenot, The Unspoken Kennedy Truth, p. 50]

 Eddie Fisher’s revelations are in [Eddie Fisher, Been There, Done That: An Autobiography, p. 258]

 Jackie Kennedy, on the flight back from Dallas, referring to the murder of her husband JFK: “Lyndon Johnson did it.”

 Eddie Fisher:


           Pam was with the President and Jackie on that fatal trip to Dallas. He was assassinated on a Friday, November 22, 1963. Jack Kennedy and Pam had arranged an appointment for me with Vice-President Lyndon Johnson for the following Monday to discuss an effort I was leading to change our national anthem from “The Star-Spangled Banner,” which is very difficult to sing, to “America the Beautiful.” Obviously that meeting never took place.

          On the flight back to Washington after the murder, Pam told me, Jackie Kennedy told her, “Lyndon Johnson did it.” Words I’ll never forget.”


 [Eddie Fisher, Been There, Done That: An Autobiography, pp. 257-258]


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6 hours ago, Benjamin Cole said:


Well, we are on different pages on the issues you raise herein. That's fine, that is what a forum is for. 

I plan a post on the Mossad/JFKA theory and why (IMHO) it is lacking. I will let things cool off for while first. The theory itself is weak, but mostly what has happened since the JFKA tells of an organization with sustained resources to execute 60 years of snuff jobs on JFKA investigations. IMHO, that has to be the US intel state. 

I don't plan to touch the 9/11 story. That one is all yours. 



Yes, Ben, we are on different pages on the 9/11 science and forensic research.

You're on Page 0.  You never studied, or understood, any of the science and forensic data that I posted for you on the subject.

(Hint:  Don't rely on Google searches, because the accurate references are hidden under pages of McAdams.edu-type government-funded disinformation.)

As for Piper's theory, you should start by reading Final Judgment, which a number of us have read and discussed here over the years.

The French historian, Laurent Guyenot, has also written some essays and books on the Piper thesis.  I've seen his essays at the Unz Review, but I haven't read his book.

Mathew Koch read it and discussed it on his recent "Horseshoe" thread.

Guyenot seems to be the leading current proponent of the Piper theory that Israel was involved in JFK's murder.

Perhaps you can use your formidable on-line research skills to critique the work of the engineer and historian from the Sorbonne.


Edited by W. Niederhut
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1 hour ago, W. Niederhut said:


You're on Page 0.  You never studied, or understood, any of the science and forensic data that I posted for you on the subject.


Perhaps you can use your formidable on-line research skills to critique the work of the engineer and historian from the Sorbonne.



Ben simply said he didn´t want to get into 9/11 subject here or now (it is not on-topic either). 

So do you think your reaction is ok? It´s getting quite personal IMO.

Don´t get me wrong, I´m happy someone wanted to be a mod (not an easy task), just keep it seperated from other issues.

Only hoping for the best here!

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You literally never miss a chance to share your LBJ theory. 
I would love to see Jackie Kennedy’s personal papers, but whatever she is reported to have said to her friend it’s fair to call it her opinion. 
I’m not dismissive of the LBJ did it theory per se.  

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3 hours ago, Jean Ceulemans said:

Ben simply said he didn´t want to get into 9/11 subject here or now (it is not on-topic either). 

So do you think your reaction is ok? It´s getting quite personal IMO.

Don´t get me wrong, I´m happy someone wanted to be a mod (not an easy task), just keep it seperated from other issues.

Only hoping for the best here!


     I agree that it's reasonable to not "get into" the 9/11 data on this board.  It's a JFK assassination board.

     Ben, himself, brought up the subject of 9/11 on his X-Twitter thread-- linking it with the Piper theory about Israel and the JFK assassination.


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3 hours ago, Paul Brancato said:

You literally never miss a chance to share your LBJ theory. 
I would love to see Jackie Kennedy’s personal papers, but whatever she is reported to have said to her friend it’s fair to call it her opinion. 
I’m not dismissive of the LBJ did it theory per se.  

The reason is because there is SO MUCH that indicts LBJ in the JFK assassination. The Kennedys hated the guts of LBJ and LBJ hated the guts of the Kennedys before, during and after the JFK assassination. Evelyn Lincoln and Jackie and Kenny O'Donnell were IMMEDIATELY and in real time blaming this crime on LBJ.

It is why Jackie Kennedy was so obsessed in suppressing and censoring William Manchester's manuscript on his book about the JFK assassination. The Kennedys, in interviews, had revealed too much of their suspicions and hatred of Lyndon Johnson and it would be politically embarrassing for the Kennedys for this material to be publicly known.

Kenny O’Donnell, JFK’s chief of staff, in real time on 11/22/1963 and on the flight back from Dallas suspected Lyndon Johnson in the JFK assassination; just as both Jackie Kennedy and Evelyn Lincoln did

Oswald in the doorway: the blog of the Oswald Innocence Campaign, by Ralph Cinque

Joachim Joesten in the Dark Side of Lyndon Johnson – Joesten is quoting an Edward Epstein article in Commentary magazine that is quoting the original, unexpurgated manuscript of William Manchester’s Death of a President that the Kennedys made Manchester sanitize.



By far the most interesting aspect of this matter, however, is Epstein's contention that Manchester's original theme, which gave unity to his book, was 'the notion that Johnson, the successor, was somehow responsible for the death-of his predecessor'. Several quotations from the original draft bear out this contention. At one point, the Lancer version states, 'The shattering fact of the assassination is that a Texas murder has made a Texan President'. At another, Kenneth O'Donnell, Kennedy's appointments secretary, is quoted as exclaiming 'They did it. I always knew they'd do it. You couldn't expect anything else from them. They finally made it'. Then Manchester comments: 'He didn't specify who "they" were. It was unnecessary. They were Texans, Johnsonians'.


Jackie Kennedy on her Mistrust of Lyndon Johnson. Source is Meg Azzoni, an early girlfriend of JFK, Jr.

One of JFK, Jr.'s best friends at the Phillips Academy was Meg Azzoni. In spring, 1977, she and John went to visit Jackie while Caroline was still at Harvard. Meg says: "Jackie told John and I at the 'break-the-fast' breakfast, 'I did not like or trust Lyndon Johnson.' No one said another word the whole meal in memorial contemplative silence."

[Meg Azzoni, "John F. Kennedy, Jr. to Meg Azzoni: 11 Letters: Memories of Kennedys & Reflections on His Quest,” p. 52]


Edited by Robert Morrow
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I would have liked to have been a fly on the wall when the Kennedy family sat down together and discussed the assassination of JFK, and perhaps even more so after RFK. What responses did they consider? 

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12 minutes ago, Paul Brancato said:

I would have liked to have been a fly on the wall when the Kennedy family sat down together and discussed the assassination of JFK, and perhaps even more so after RFK. What responses did they consider? 

That they were both conspiracies?  

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