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JFK and the Neocons-- Two New DiEugenio Essays

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1 hour ago, Matthew Koch said:

Let's cool it with the Reddit MOD deletions 

Why are you deleting comments about your Israel l behavior? 



Stop posting defamatory falsehoods, Mathew.

We already discussed the issues with the Anti-Semitic X-Twitter thread (about the Piper Theory) in detail.

This thread is about the history of the Neocons.


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I actually meant it to be about JFK vs the Neocons.

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9 hours ago, W. Niederhut said:

Stop posting defamatory falsehoods, Mathew.

We already discussed the issues with the Anti-Semitic X-Twitter thread (about the Piper Theory) in detail.

This thread is about the history of the Neocons.


WN--Ukraine president Zelensky and US Secretary of State Blinken are Jews. 

Do you believe Zelensky and Blinken are modern-day Jewish successors of the Jewish neo-con cabal you outline here:

"Most of the Bush/Cheney Neocons-- Paul Wolfowitz, Douglas Feith, Richard Perle, Dov Zakheim, Michael Chertoff, Buzz Krongard, et.al.-- were joint Israeli-American citizens.  Many had been involved, with Cheney and Rumsfeld, in William Kristol's 1990s Project for a New American Century."--WN

Did Mossad help perp the 1963 JFKA (you have indicated as much in the past), then the 1967 USS Liberty ship attack, and then the 2001 9/11 attack, all en route to establishing the Bush-Cheney neo-con rule---now carried on through Blinken, Zelensky and Natanyahu? 

You have described Netanyahu as a "war criminal," which makes Blinken (and also Biden) accessories to war crimes?  

Is there anything else you would like to tell us about Israeli-Mossad involvement in US foreign policy and the Oval Office? How about Henry Kissinger? Was he part of the Zionism cabal?  

How does the Bush family fit into your view of Jewish neo-cons?

The Bush Family---they have been tight with Mideast oil sheikhs forever. Would you call them Islamists, or Islam agents? 

President George "W" Bush made a display of praying in a Muslim mosque shortly after 9/11. Was he re-affirming the Bush family Islamist leanings?

W Bush talked frequently about his friendship with the Bin Laden family. Some say Bush covered up Saudi involvement in 9/11. 






Edited by Benjamin Cole
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     I'm responding to your post in red. 

Ben Cole wrote: 

Ukraine president Zelensky and US Secretary of State Blinken are Jews. 

Do you believe Zelensky and Blinken are modern-day Jewish successors of the Jewish neo-con cabal you outline here:

"Most of the Bush/Cheney Neocons-- Paul Wolfowitz, Douglas Feith, Richard Perle, Dov Zakheim, Michael Chertoff, Buzz Krongard, et.al.-- were joint Israeli-American citizens.  Many had been involved, with Cheney and Rumsfeld, in William Kristol's 1990s Project for a New American Century."--WN

No.  As I mentioned to Matt Cloud, GHWB expressly defined, "Neocon," in 2000, as, "Israel."  He was referring to Cheney and Rumsfeld's associates from the late 1990s era Project for a New American Century.  Among the intellectuals in PNAC, both Wolfowitz and Feith had written strategic white papers for Netanyahu and the Israel government in the 1990s.  So, when Dubya asked his father, (after the Bush v. Gore ruling) "Dad, who are the Neocons?" GHWB replied, "Son, in a word, 'Israel.'"

(The source for that history is Woodward's book, Plan of Attack.)

To my knowledge, Blinken was not involved in PNAC.  President Zelensky, certainly, was not.  Zelensky wasn't even involved in politics at the time.

Did Mossad help perp the 1963 JFKA (you have indicated as much in the past), then the 1967 USS Liberty ship attack, and then the 2001 9/11 attack, all en route to establishing the Bush-Cheney neo-con rule---now carried on through Blinken, Zelensky and Natanyahu? 

This is a redundant, false statement, Ben.   Curiously, your associate, Mathew Koch, has repeated this same falsehood on the forum.

I never "indicated in the past" that the Mossad "helped perp the JFKA."  On the contrary, I have stated, more than once, that I never believed Michael Collins Piper's thesis in Final Judgment.  I said Piper was, "Big on theories and small on evidence," remember? 

I already explained this to you in response to your Anti-Semitic thread from the X-Twitter cesspool.

As for 9/11, did you forget that it happened after "Bush-Cheney Neocon rule" was already established in January of 2001?

You have described Netanyahu as a "war criminal," which makes Blinken (and also Biden) accessories to war crimes?  

The International Criminal Court (ICC) has ruled that Netanyahu is a war criminal.

The last time I read anything about the subject, they were reviewing the issue of whether the Biden administration has been complicit.

Is there anything else you would like to tell us about Israeli-Mossad involvement in US foreign policy and the Oval Office? How about Henry Kissinger? Was he part of the Zionism cabal?  

Read up on the history of PNAC, Ben.  You're still on Page 0.

As for Kissinger, he was asked by George W. Bush to chair the 9/11 Commission Report.  It was Kissinger who told Dubya to appoint Phillip Zelikow chairman of the 9/11 Commission.

Curiously, Kissinger said in December of 2000-- after the Bush v. Gore ruling-- "I can think of nothing that would improve George W. Bush's low approval rating more than a terrorist attack on the United States."

Kissinger was correct.  Dubya's low approval rating surged above 90% after 9/11, and he and Rumsfeld had a blank check to launch their multi-trillion dollar military ops in the Middle East and Central Asia-- the Wolfowitz Doctrine.

How does the Bush family fit into your view of Jewish neo-cons?

The Bush family was so close to the Saudi Royal family that Saudi Prince Bandar referred to himself as "Bandar-Bush."

And, curiously, Osama Bin Laden's brother was the main investor in George W. Bush's Arbusto Oil Company.

GHWB was attending a luncheon with Osama Bin Laden Laden's brother (and the Carlyle Group) in D.C. on 9/11.

As for the Neocons, GHWB distanced himself from them, to an extent, from 1989-93.  But Cheney and Rumsfeld recruited heavily from PNAC to staff the George W Bush administration in 2001.  

The Bush Family---they have been tight with Mideast oil sheikhs forever. Would you call them Islamists, or Islam agents? 

President George "W" Bush made a display of praying in a Muslim mosque shortly after 9/11. Was he re-affirming the Bush family Islamist leanings?

W Bush talked frequently about his friendship with the Bin Laden family. Some say Bush covered up Saudi involvement in 9/11. 

(See above)

Edited by W. Niederhut
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In a point I will get to later, Kissinger was too moderate for the Neocons.

Rumsfeld and Cheney, who put the Neocon revolution in practice, sidelined him due to his attempt at detente.

They then revved up Nitze's Committee on the Present Danger, filled with Neocons, to create the USSR as a military juggernaut that could demolish the USA.  Which was another nutty Neocon theorem that Henry Jackson advocated.

As I will write, this was the precursor to the Jackson Neocons taking over under Reagan.

But the intellectual roots go back further to men like Strauss.


Edited by James DiEugenio
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On 7/11/2024 at 11:34 AM, W. Niederhut said:

     James DiEugenio has published two new essays about JFK's agenda to restore FDR's anti-colonial policies and de-escalate the Cold War.

      I was unaware that Churchill and the British Ambassador to the U.S. were involved in the push to replace Henry Wallace on FDR's 1944 Presidential ticket.

      It looks like these two essays are the first in a history series about the rise of the Neocons.

     Definitely worth reading.

JFK and the Rise of the Neocons, Pt. 1 (substack.com)

JFK and the Neocons Pt. 2 - by James Anthony DiEugenio (substack.com)





It is so much more than just the British involvement in the plot to replace Henry Wallace. The book Secret War Against Jews implies that Henry Wallace himself is responsible for being removed from FDR's 1944 Presidential ticket

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1 minute ago, Calvin Ye said:

It is so much more than just the British involvement in the plot to replace Henry Wallace. The book Secret War Against Jews implies that Henry Wallace himself is responsible for being removed from FDR's 1944 Presidential ticket

FDR had many attributes, but he failed miserably the Jews and other victims of Europe during WWII. 

"Most notoriously, in June 1939, the German ocean liner St. Louis and its 937 passengers, almost all Jewish, were turned away from the port of Miami, forcing the ship to return to Europe; more than a quarter died in the Holocaust."

Egads, but the above is only an anecdote indicative of a general pattern. 

JFK, who actually fought in WWII and knew the horrors of war, later became a powerful advocate for Israel, and a Zionist, as was his brother RFK1. 

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3 hours ago, James DiEugenio said:

In a point I will get to later, Kissinger was too moderate for the Neocons.

Rumsfeld and Cheney, who put the Neocon revolution in practice, sidelined him due to his attempt at detente.

They then revved up Nitze's Committee on the Present Danger, filled with Neocons, to create the USSR as a military juggernaut that could demolish the USA.  Which was another nutty Neocon theorem that Henry Jackson advocated.

As I will write, this was the precursor to the Jackson Neocons taking over under Reagan.

But the intellectual roots go back further to men like Strauss.


There are some indications that Watergate was a de facto putsch by JCS and others to evict Nixon and Kissinger, who were seen as making peace with or too soft on Moscow and Beijing, and not consulting with the established national security state. 

This, added to the fact that Nixon wanted to see the CIA's Bay of Pigs files, meaning the JFKA files. Nixon, despite being the Chief Executive, was never given the files he asked to see. So...the CIA was in fact a rogue agency. 

I suspect it is these BoP/JFKA files that are now deep-sixed by the Biden Administration snuff job on the JFK Records Act. 

What else could cause Biden and Merrick Garland to expend epic efforts, create a whole new entity (Transparency Board) and then spend thousands more of lawyer hours in court defending the atrocity? 

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10 minutes ago, Benjamin Cole said:

FDR had many attributes, but he failed miserably the Jews and other victims of Europe during WWII. 

"Most notoriously, in June 1939, the German ocean liner St. Louis and its 937 passengers, almost all Jewish, were turned away from the port of Miami, forcing the ship to return to Europe; more than a quarter died in the Holocaust."

Egads, but the above is only an anecdote indicative of a general pattern. 

JFK, who actually fought in WWII and knew the horrors of war, later became a powerful advocate for Israel, and a Zionist, as was his brother RFK1. 

The book The Jewish Threat: Anti-semitic Politics Of The U.s. Army explained that both the US army and military intelligence were anti-semitic


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9 minutes ago, Calvin Ye said:

The book The Jewish Threat: Anti-semitic Politics Of The U.s. Army explained that both the US army and military intelligence were anti-semitic



Thanks for your collegial commentary. 

Yes, then and now, anti-Semitic bigotry was and is part of the political scene, internet commentary, and policy-making process. 

I fear anti-Asian and anti-Indian (Bharat) bigotry is on the horizon, perhaps already in the de facto tool-kit of DEI myrmidons. 

Univ. of Maryland slammed for separating Asian students from 'students of color' in graphic

A university graphic meant to share admissions data of underrepresented students has sparked debate after it grouped Asian students with white students.

I have always detested ID politics, from the days of Strom Thurmond to the present.

But it never seems to go away. 

It is well-known that Asian students face much higher hurdles gaining admission to colleges than other students.  



Edited by Benjamin Cole
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On 7/11/2024 at 6:23 PM, W. Niederhut said:


     After the 5-4 Bush v. Gore ruling in December of 2000, Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld started to assemble George W. Bush's Cabinet.

     According to Bob Woodward, (in Plan of Attack) Dubya called up his father, at the time, and asked, "Dad, who are the Neocons?"

     Poppy replied, "In a word, son, 'Israel.'"

     Most of the Bush/Cheney Neocons-- Paul Wolfowitz, Douglas Feith, Richard Perle, Dov Zakheim, Michael Chertoff, Buzz Krongard, et.al.-- were joint Israeli-American citizens.  Many had been involved, with Cheney and Rumsfeld, in William Kristol's 1990s Project for a New American Century.     


Just shaking my head. Pitiful. Sad. But, just what one would expect from a Fletcher Prouty devotee: so now Israel is to blame for/was behind the creation of the neocons. Unreal. 

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On 7/11/2024 at 11:34 AM, W. Niederhut said:

     James DiEugenio has published two new essays about JFK's agenda to restore FDR's anti-colonial policies and de-escalate the Cold War.

      I was unaware that Churchill and the British Ambassador to the U.S. were involved in the push to replace Henry Wallace on FDR's 1944 Presidential ticket.

      It looks like these two essays are the first in a history series about the rise of the Neocons.

     Definitely worth reading.

JFK and the Rise of the Neocons, Pt. 1 (substack.com)

JFK and the Neocons Pt. 2 - by James Anthony DiEugenio (substack.com)





Jim - this is incredible and much needed work. Amazing thing is that no one wants to actually discuss your well articulated and researched points. The second essay really hits home, and I’m really looking forward to the next two installments. 

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2 hours ago, Calvin Ye said:

The book The Jewish Threat: Anti-semitic Politics Of The U.s. Army explained that both the US army and military intelligence were anti-semitic


According to this summary of the book FDR was a bigot too. 
The other book you mention, the Secret War against the Jews, which I am reading now, is very interesting too. 

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20 minutes ago, Paul Brancato said:

According to this summary of the book FDR was a bigot too. 
The other book you mention, the Secret War against the Jews, which I am reading now, is very interesting too. 

The later chapters of the Secret War Against the Jews is too pro-Israel

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