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Trump Assassination Attempt Discussion

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It’s a pity William Niederhut seems unable to refrain from his usual ad hominem swipes at the beginning of his contributions.

We know all about US mass shootings. We know all about how violently dysfunctional the US is both at home and abroad.

In the case of the Butler shooting on 13th July, William is ignoring the elephant(s) in the room.

Contrary to what he claims, it was not a mass shooting. The intended target was one person, Donald Trump, former president and current presidential candidate. Therefore, it was an attempted political assassination.

Moreover, unlike mass shootings generally, in this instance a security operation was in place purporting to protect the intended target from being shot.

Accordingly, William’s post is in effect an exercise in misdirection.

Edited by John Cotter
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50 minutes ago, John Cotter said:

It’s a pity William Niederhut seems unable to refrain from his usual ad hominem swipes at the beginning of his contributions.

We know all about US mass shootings. We know all about how violently dysfunctional the US is both at home and abroad.

In the case of the Butler shooting on 13th July, William is ignoring the elephant(s) in the room.

Contrary to what he claims, it was not a mass shooting. The intended target was one person, Donald Trump, former president and current presidential candidate. Therefore, it was an attempted political assassination.

Moreover, unlike mass shootings generally, in this instance a security operation was in place purporting to protect the intended target from being shot.

Accordingly, William’s post is in effect an exercise in misdirection.

Another inaccurate, ad hominem attack on a mod, Johnny?  From you?

I'm shocked...  🙄

Your inaccurate posts here are, frankly, an embarrassment to the Education Forum.

As for my commentary (above) about gun violence in the U.S., go back and re-read it ...slowly.

What is it about my phrase, "mass shootings and gun violence" that you don't understand?

I never said that the Butler incident was a "mass shooting."

If a spiteful forum member has to alter what a mod posts in order to engage in repeated ad hominem attacks, something is terribly wrong.

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22 hours ago, Matt Allison said:


Some of the deep thinking US Democrats here seem to believe that if only the Russians could be exterminated the world would be just pumpernickel perfect.

If only life were that simple!

Edited by John Cotter
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21 hours ago, Paul Rigby said:

Conspiracy theories around the shooting of Trump

Paul, so we have Williamson acknowledging that the right has been indulging in wacko conspiracy theories and then remarking that 30% of the Democrats (I don't where he got that figure) now are doing the same thing saying that the assassination attempt was a "Trump staged event."

So that begs the question, what Williamson and Gabbard must think of these knuckleheads believing the opposite, that the incident was a failed "deep state" assassination attempt by Karl's "Secret Team?"  And have spent hours of research only to come up dry?

I'm not sure why you posted this. They scoff in your face.  Neither Williamson or Gabbard fuel the flames of your Trump "deep state" assassination attempt!


Ok so about this buffed Brit in shorts, Williamson. Are you religious Paul? or a seeker?

I notice he's done another podcast with Gabbard entitled "Has the left abandoned God?"

He seems to emphasize fitness. Have you made a resolution to get in shape  after years of cross country smoking?

We'll eventually seduce you one way or the other. If it's not our Politics, it's Hollywood or tobacco!

I notice he recommends listening to Jordan Peterson, he's Canadian. His sort of overly dignified pompous manner has always struck sort of a vestigial root to the British for me. We don't really have anybody like him here.

Please don't take offense, as I don't find you near as dignified.


heh heh


P.S. I don't think Gabbard has any idea who runs the U.S. government. And Gabbard says "Trump is not beholden to these interests?"  Trump's only real act of consequence during his Presidency  was to cut taxes to the corporations and the extremely wealthy.

With your current level of U.S. sophistication, that's all you need to know.






Edited by Kirk Gallaway
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