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2024 Democratic Presidential Nominee

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A brief look at stuff Donald Trump has said lately

This is by no means exhaustive. It's just a short collection of some of the extremely presidential things Donald Trump has said recently. Needless to say, none of it is even remotely true.

  • "The transgender thing is an incredible thing. Your kid goes to school and comes home a few days later with an operation."
  • "Hard to believe, they have some states passing legislation where you can execute the baby after birth. It’s crazy."
  • "Look at Kamala ... every place she has touched has turned to dooky!"
  • "Over the past 4 years, Kamala and Crooked Joe Biden have presided over an economic reign of terror, committing one economic atrocity after another."
  • "There will be no future under Comrade Kamala Harris, because she will take us into a Nuclear World War III!"
  • "The USA is not ready for a Communist President."
  • "MASSIVE SCANDAL! The Harris-Biden Administration has been caught fraudulently manipulating Job Statistics to hide the true extent of the Economic Ruin they have inflicted upon America."
Edited by W. Niederhut
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“Democracy” in the US, leader of the “Free World”

“Whichever side loses the US election will claim it was "rigged", either by Russia or the Deep State or someone else. Of course it was rigged; the only two viable presidential candidates are both backed by billionaire oligarchs and warmongering swamp monsters. It was rigged right out in the open from the very beginning by the rich and powerful for the benefit of the rich and powerful, both with campaign funding and with the billionaire media who normalize and manufacture consent for the fake two-party scam. But neither side will talk about that very real election rigging.” (Caitlin Johnstone)


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48 minutes ago, John Cotter said:

“Democracy” in the US, leader of the “Free World”

“Whichever side loses the US election will claim it was "rigged", either by Russia or the Deep State or someone else. Of course it was rigged; the only two viable presidential candidates are both backed by billionaire oligarchs and warmongering swamp monsters. It was rigged right out in the open from the very beginning by the rich and powerful for the benefit of the rich and powerful, both with campaign funding and with the billionaire media who normalize and manufacture consent for the fake two-party scam. But neither side will talk about that very real election rigging.” (Caitlin Johnstone)


False equivalence.

Johnstone is correct about the influence of billionaires in U.S. politics-- especially after the 5-4 GOP SCOTUS Citizens United ruling allowing unlimited " dark money" in elections.

But only one U.S. political party has been singularly focused on cutting taxes for billionaires since 1980, and "Starving the Beast-ly" working class, by de-funding health, education, welfare, and Social Security.

Secondly, almost all major Federal legislation promoting the public welfare during the past century has been established by liberal Democrats--FDR, JFK, LBJ, Clinton, Obama, and Biden.

The few exceptions are Eisenhower's public works projects (e.g., Interstate highways) and Nixon's support for the EPA.

Edited by W. Niederhut
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I still can't believe that Green Party voters would be willing to put Trump back in office by voting for Jill Stein.  What are they (and RFK, Jr.) thinking?  🙄

Trump has been a disaster for Environmental Protection and climate change mitigation.

He openly represents Big Oil billionaires.


Democrats Go After ‘Useful Idiot’ Jill Stein

September 3, 2024 at 1:52 pm EDT By Taegan Goddard 

“After ten months of almost completely ignoring Jill Stein’s impossibly long-shot presidential bill, the Democratic party is now actively trying to bury her,” The Bulwark reports.

“On Monday, the DNC labeled the Green party presidential nominee a ‘useful idiot for Russia,’ citing Stein’s upcoming event in Tampa in which she’s expected to lend her support to three members of a black leftist group federally charged for allegedly acting as malign foreign agents of Vladimir Putin’s government.”

“It is the first time that the party has name-checked Stein since she launched her White House bid in November 2023—part of an effort to disqualify her in hopes of limiting the votes third party candidates siphon away from Kamala Harris.”

Edited by W. Niederhut
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    Please stop spamming the forum with your MAGA garbage.

    This is the Education Forum, not Truth Social.

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1 minute ago, Karl Kinaski said:

No, it is CNN ...

Get a clue, Karl.

You are fluffing a con man and convicted felon who told more than 30,000 well-documented lies during his disastrous Presidency.  30,000 public lies in four years!  Do the arithmetic.

There's no moral equivalence between Trump and Harris.  None.

As for the Walz "relatives" in your Fox News spam, Tim Walz and his family don't even know them.

Nor do you know anything about the mass delusions in red U.S. states like Nebraska.

Your MAGA "news" is garbage, and you don't even realize it.

It's called Dunning-Kruger Syndrome.

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28 minutes ago, Matt Allison said:

Nyet, Komrade. Here in America we don't call 3rd cousins. twice removed, "family".


      What Karl Kinaski has unwittingly revealed today is that the corporate moguls at CNN are now openly shilling for Donald Trump.

      It's precisely what happened in the U.S. 2016.

      The corporate moguls want the Trump tax cuts, at the expense of the public, and planetary, welfare.

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