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     Thanks for updating us on the latest MAGA nonsense and moronic falsehoods from the lunatic, RFK, Jr.  It looks like you're still clueless about Trump's history of sabotaging the bipartisan Senate border security bill.

      We can lead a man to data, but we can't make him think.

     JFK and RFK would roll over in their graves to hear the racist crap coming out of RFK, Jr.'s mouth.


Edited by W. Niederhut
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Fran Leibowitz? Karl, So you even know who she is? She's a writer, not a politician.And she says they "shouldn't have the right to call themselves the Supreme Court." Wow! So that sounds like she's crying for a revolution to you Karl? I'd say you're too impressionable and spend too much spare time on twitter. Here, she has  the right of free speech. Nobody takes it so seriously. But if we had the President and both houses, I'd either pack it or impose term limits. It's absurd! 

Congrats Karl! Karl's ebullient because his anti immigration "freedom party" won the election in Austria. Now they have to form a coalition.

Jerkoff Duke on twitter: This is what our President posts just 2 hours ago. Nothing about the suffering and needs of the people of Florida, North Carolina, Tennessee, etc from Hurricane Helene. Billions to Ukraine while the citizens of Maui still wait for help and now add this. NO to 4 more years of this!

Believe me Karl, they will all get more aid than Austria's budget, probably for the rest of this decade!  And I regret to inform Duke on twitter who wrote this,  they would get considerably less under Trump. And unfortunately the climate problems are going to increase and any hope of curtailing that would vanish under Trump, as he doesn't see it as a problem.

Stephen Miller MD. PHd - Kamala's Harris border policy -Cost: 182 Billion!,

Based on what? It sounds like Chris Martenson all over again. Did you end up  buying  into his gold/crypto scheme Karl?

-That's funny! It looks like Kamala's groovin' to the border being crashed by a bunch of lilly white Austrian men! Their faces even glow in the dark! I'm completely opposed!I

But I'll make an exception for you Karl, because you're a very cool conspiracy person. I know your country's problems with Asians and Muslims have probably gone to the breaking point, if you say so!  So if you want to take your try at sneaking over our Southern border, be my guest, but be sure to bring plenty of sun screen!

heh heh

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Karl is, certainly, keeping us up-to-date on Trump's MAGA disinformation.

What Karl doesn't know is that Trump's fear-mongering stats about "Kamala's" immigrant homicides actually refer to the past 40 years of American history-- including homicides committed during Trump's disastrous Presidency.*

I'm nominating Karl for a prestigious Education Forum Golden Toilet Award-- in honor of his diligent service in promoting Donald Trump's lies on this forum.

If I can get a second, Karl could join the rare company of such EF MAGA Golden Toilet Award luminaries as Robert Wheeler and Mathew Koch!

14,000 noncitizen murderers roaming free? Um, no. – Kevin Drum (jabberwocking.com)


The Golden Toilet Award-- for propagators of MAGA disinformation



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3 hours ago, W. Niederhut said:

If I can get a second, Karl could join the rare company of such EF MAGA Golden Toilet Award luminaries as Robert Wheeler and Mathew Koch!

What W.?!!  I'd be careful of who you might be stepping on toes here about Wheeler! Thank God, we're off the grid here in "Political discussions!"

Jim Di:  Sydney  Powell is a good lawyer! The fact that no one knows who she is, tells you how bad the MSM is! And Mr. Wheeler should post the pdf of her latest filing!


Oh yes! MSM bad, says Jim! It sure took them a long time to recognize the greatness of Sydney Powell! Or did it?!! heh!

Mr. Wheeler?*  I've never seen Di Eugenio call anyone here Mr.! Probably also a good idea to lay off Jim Di fave,  Sydney Powell who plead guilty and culpabie in the theft and dissemination of voting-machine software and election data ,in the case over efforts to overturn Donald Trump’s 2020 loss in Georgia! And I'd be careful about saying anything bad about Jonathan Turley as well!

heh heh


8 hours ago, Karl Kinaski said:

Meanwhile, Kamala Harris, the border czar, is ambitious to become the hurricane czar too, applying her philosophy to do... nothing." 

Karl demanding immediate U.S. Government action!

Are you out of your mind? To clue ya. The Democrats are always the party of giving aid in natural disasters,  but the Republican Governors and Congressman refuse it unless it's to their home state, Karl! No one could have done worse than W. in Hurricane Katrina! Look up,  "You're doing a heckuva job,  Brownie."


But seriously It's terrible what's happened to Asheville. It's one of my favorite towns in the region. Being the only city over 2000 in elevation east of the Rockies. I thought it might be the best climate to escape the humidity of those Eastern summers!

But we know in a few years we're probably going to average multiple hurricanes of this magnitude every season. Why wouldn't we?


* Just to remind and clarify. 4 years ago, during the 2020 election. Wheeler was given a deadline by James Gordon to retract a post saying that Joe Biden and his family were pedophiles. At the deadline Wheeler hunkered down on his allegation and has never been back since, though judging by the level of his other sources,  I bet he still monitors this forum everyday.





Edited by Kirk Gallaway
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     We shouldn't be too surprised to see clueless Karl Kinaski embracing and promoting the latest Trump/MAGA disinformation about Hurricane Helene.  KInaski actually promoted Putin's silly lie about supporting Kamala!

     My hunch is that Kinaski knows nothing about the history of FEMA in relation to GOP "misanthropic libertarian" politics in modern American history.

     Trump and his MAGA cult generally despise socialist gubment in 'Murica-- but they, certainly, need it right now in Florida, Georgia, and North Carolina.  And Biden & Harris will do a good job, as always, like decent Democrats.

     Here's some remedial reading for Kinaski, our latest EF Golden Toilet Award nominee.

President Biden: "(Trump's) lying and the governor told him he was lying."

Acyn @Acyn
Reporter: Trump has accused you of ignoring—

Biden: He's lying and the governor told him he was lying. I've spoken to the governor.. I don't know why he does this and the reason I get so angry about it, I don't care about what he says about me, but I care what he communicates to the people that are in need. He implies that we're not doing everything possible. We are. I assume you heard the Republican Governor of Georgia talk about that. He was on the phone with me more than once. So that's simply not true.

And it's irresponsible.



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2 hours ago, Karl Kinaski said:

Biden should name Kamala "Hurrican czar".  Little problem here: Elon isn't her friend. 

Elon is on the other side. Some say: The right side of history.


Geez, Karl.   Please stop posting this X-Twitter MAGA spam on the Education Forum.

The fact that Elon Musk and his right-wing X-Twitter goons aren't "friends" of Kamala Harris isn't a "problem."

It's a badge of honor.

See if you can figure that one out.

And Trump is lying-- as usual-- about the Biden administration's typically diligent response to Hurricane Helene.

In contrast to Biden and Harris, Trump deliberately withheld aid to disaster victims during his disastrous Presidency.

Most Trump accusations, as in this case, are confessions.



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4 hours ago, W. Niederhut said:

And Trump is lying-- as usual-- about the Biden administration's typically diligent response to Hurricane Helene.

In contrast to Biden and Harris, Trump deliberately withheld aid to disaster victims during his disastrous Presidency.

Most Trump accusations, as in this case, are confessions.


Indeed, and it appears Trump's whopper was too egregious even for the usually soft MSM; they're calling him out for his outright fabrication.

He's a very sick man.

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