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18 hours ago, Matt Allison said:

Just admit your biases against "certain people" and move along, ok? No one wants to hear more MAGA lies.



    Any thoughts about these Minneapolis crime stats?

     Also, on a national level, violent crime has declined significantly during Biden's presidency-- the precise opposite of what Trump and his propagandists have been telling people.

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GOP spin and list of sour grape grievances after the debate.
1)Fact checked on social medias claims of immigrants eating U.S. citizen's dogs, My God the moderators were so unfair!  CNN didn't fact check! It was 3 against 1!
Trump was fact checked 2, maybe 3 times and Trump had 5 minutes more air time than Harris!
2)  Trump got diverted by Harris with her cheap tricks!
Yes that's true, she completely lulled him in and when Trump didn't end up bashing himself, Harris bashed him! All the while Harris was chiding  him for being a sucker and easily manipulated by foreign leaders, like Putin and Kim Jong Un. 
And this isn't some sign under pressure of Harris competence? Oh how could that be?
I'll agree that Harris wasn't put as much to task to get her policies out there as Trump. Some  blame Trump for not taking her to task. 
First off  I'm not even sure the debate rules even allowed for that.  But I guess it didn't matter because all rules ended when Trump was given the complete license to have the last word on everything! I thought they were going to be turning off mics here, not turning them back on again! I think he got away with it twice and finally Harris said she also wants to respond in kind. 
It should have been as easy as not turning the mic back on and laying down the law and simply saying "We're running this debate here." Supposedly they have an agenda and time constraints!
Was it really that unfair? He ended speaking over 5 minutes more than Harris. As it turned out, Trump gave himself a chance to challenge Harris, but  with every Trump interjection, it ended up  being just  more rope for Trump to hang himself.
The future: the Republicans seem to think Trump can actually learn and turn around his performance?
What the GOP hopes for their next debate spin, is that they'll be able to say that Trump "calmed down" and "focused on the issues." So he'll just 1) talk about the border and 2)ask "are you better off"*,  and both can be somewhat deflected and Trump will be even more boring than he was in this debate. Is that why people tune in to watch Trump? Because he's boring?
* Never mind in either case does the Vice President direct policy. Harris will counter again that they had a border bill approved by both parties and Trump nixed it and his party followed in lockstep. And 2. Harris will remind him when Trump left office the economy was in shambles from covid ruin.  It's not that fair, but neither is blaming Biden Harris  for inflation that was caused by a surge in  consumer spending chasing after fewer goods, after the covid lock down. But the average voter doesn't know the difference so it's all fair game!


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My god! after the debate I tune into MSNBC and it's 5 women led by Maddow, and one  black man  cheering Yay!

We don't need to go after "law and order" Pam. No matter how much of a red herring that is.

We have plenty of women!

In my day, politics was a great way to meet women.

Now they're even too scared for that!

Now men look like a bunch of guys shooting the sh-t on a street corner in podunk Mexico.

We have to take a crow bar and dislodge them from talking exclusively to one another
and get them involved!


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As for the Trump collapse when Harris took him to task during their debate,
My first thought was,  Gee, that was  easy.
I can't help but think -was it always this easy? 5 years ago we first learned that Trump inherited 410 million and has declared bankruptcy 6 times.
I wondered , how come Biden never brought things like this up? During the 2020 campaign it seemed like, despite being the challenger, Biden played defense and often only hoped to successfully deflect  Trump's charges against Hunter  Biden. Biden would attack Trump but often in non specific terms.
I didn't like it, but in the end I had to admit, he won! So Biden knew something I didn't know.
Now we know Harris won't spare him at all!
We could all probably come up with things we've heard as well as things Trump settled out of court.
- If Harris is going to say that the Trump's deliberately did not rent to blacks, she could also say the Trump family  were known slumlords that often faced injunctions to not  provide adequate facilities to their tenants There are a number of people who have said that, including decades back, Woodie Guthrie.
-Trump in front of his supporters made fun of Paul Pelosi sustaining injuries being smashed over the head with a hammer.
Since the cat is now out of the bag. And we know now Harris is not going to soft pedal it.
Trump benefited from overcharging the government 5 times the going government rate for secret service members staying  at his hotel, charging the $1185 dollars a night  when the going government rate was $242.
Documents obtained by Congress show the Secret Service was charged rates above the government rate at least 40 times from Jan. 20, 2017, to Sept. 15, 2021.
Harris should mention  Trump is currently under investigation that Trump
collected a $10 million cash bribe from Egyptian President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi.s

Reports of Alleged Bribe are Consistent with Trump’s Record of Selling Out the White House to Corrupt Foreign Autocrats

Oversight Democrats Launch Investigation into Allegations Trump DOJ Covered Up $10 Million Cash Bribe to Donald Trump from Egyptian President
This was settled out of court involving the Trump crime family. This is about a settlement with Trump and Donald Jr. , Ivanka and  Eric  stealing from a child's charity!
Donald J. Trump was forced to pay more than $2 million in court-ordered damages to eight different charities for illegally misusing charitable funds at the Trump Foundation for political purposes:
What else  could Harris bring up?
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     One thing that I wanted Harris to debunk is Trump's mantra that he, "created the greatest economy in history."

     It's bunk, but Trump has repeated it endlessly, and the public apparently believes the nonsense-- they think Trump was great for the economy.

     The truth is that Trump inherited seven years of sustained U.S. GDP and private sector job growth from Obama, before the economy crashed on Trump's watch.

     If people study quarterly GDP data, they will realize that there was never a "Trump Bump."

     The one thing that Trump increased, as POTUS, was the national debt.

     With his tax cuts for billionaires and corporations, Trump mushroomed the debt by $8 trillion in 4 years, while presiding over the worst jobs record in modern Presidential history.

No 'Trump Bump"


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6 hours ago, W. Niederhut said:

 One thing that I wanted Harris to debunk is Trump's mantra that he, "created the greatest economy in history."

     It's bunk, but Trump has repeated it endlessly, and the public apparently believes the nonsense-- they think Trump was great for the economy.

That's another good point for Harris to make!  Exactly, the Magas using that as their excuse for voting for Trump again, was like in the 60's saying you bought Playboy  and Hustler purely for the articles!

Trump is MAGA porn! You can't tear them away.They'll use any excuse! 

And this "greatest economy in history!"  What BS!

All major U.S. markets have been  going steadily up  since the 2009 bottom under Obama. 

The S&P more than tripled ( 3.4 x) in the 8 years under Obama. or up 170% per term.

Under Trump the S&P went up 60% and under Biden up to now it's over  50%.

But after an unprecedented 15 years of growth that started with Obama, it's bound to be  bit long in the tooth.

UNEMPLOYMENT: the U.S. was at it's lowest unemployment under Biden, slightly better than Trump before the pandemic.

And you're right. Trump skyrocketed the deficit!

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Trump's campaign is about bigotry and racism. That's it. Nothing more.

And they know it. That's why they're leaning into this phony Haitian clownshow. Their gamble is very simple: there are more bigots in America than there are people that will vote for Vice-President Harris.

Let's see how that works out for them, eh?

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My daughter and I went to see the Banksy exhibit here in Denver a few years ago.

But I hadn't seen this March 2024 Bansky original until tonight.

Trump is probably singing, "My Way," here.

Incidentally, I once saw a bizarre video of Putin singing, "Blueberry Hill."


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Imagine being so committed to your bigotry that you put it before the safety and security of your own country. That’s what people are doing when they vote for someone so objectively not fit or well enough to ever be President. Truly unpatriotic.


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In the first few minutes of this video Megyn Kelly explains how biased against Trump the ABC moderators were in the recent Harris v Trump debate.



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37 minutes ago, John Cotter said:

In the first few minutes of this video Megyn Kelly explains how biased against Trump the ABC moderators were in the recent Harris v Trump debate.



Megyn Kelly?

Surely, you jest with these moronic references, John.

Did you even watch the ABC debate?

As usual, Trump told non-stop lies throughout.

The mods timidly fact-checked a few of Trump's most outrageous flamers-- including his claim that Haitian immigrants in Springfield, Ohio were eating pets.

Is that your MAGA concept of moderator "bias?"

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39 minutes ago, W. Niederhut said:

Megyn Kelly?

Surely, you jest with these moronic references, John.

Did you even watch the ABC debate?

As usual, Trump told non-stop lies throughout.

The mods timidly fact-checked a few of Trump's most outrageous flamers-- including his claim that Haitian immigrants in Springfield, Ohio were eating pets.

Is that your MAGA concept of moderator "bias?"

Please desist from your usual name-calling and specify where exactly Megyn Kelly or either of her guests were wrong.

Edited by John Cotter
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