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The Adventures of Lee Harvey Oswald

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Many won´t agree but I would also have liked a completely revised edition of ´Marina and Lee´, or a book by/with Marina where she would describe her changed ideas and different feelings (about a lot of stuff...).  As far as I know she was not happy with the book (I guess that must have been later on?).

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Oh we definitely address the subject of 'entanglement', in multiple forms, in The Oswald Puzzle....which is the actual working name of the book at present (publishers do sometimes have their own opinions on such things).

Entanglement by agencies, different groups within agencies, different individuals within and outside agencies. Entanglements with implications well outside Oswald's own understanding. As noted above, he was bright and idealistic (if not 'deep'), and fearless. All qualities perfectly suited to getting a person in trouble even in routine, daily life. 

Oswald's personal agendas and headstrong actions brought him to the attention of those involved with both sanctioned and unsanctioned interests - and it could hardly have been otherwise for anyone overtly expressing an interest (and acting on it) with both the Soviet Union and Cuba in those times. 


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On 8/3/2024 at 9:26 PM, Paul Brancato said:

I’ve often thought that endlessly researching Oswald was somewhat of a distraction, because rightly or wrongly I decided early on that he wasn’t a shooter at Dealey Plaza, and I was much more interested in the shooters than the patsy. But like everyone else I’ve read numerous books exploring in detail what is known about Oswald’s life. After recent conversations with the gifted Robert Montenegro I began to question some basic assumptions I had made about Oswald, such as he was clueless, reckless, not particularly bright, a pawn in someone’s game, a husband and father who could barely keep himself together, a somewhat ordinary guy who got caught up in things beyond his control, a man of uncertain morals working for an array of largely unseen handlers. Kind of a Where’s Waldo surrounded by the footprints of intelligence doing what he was told yet not understanding why. You get the picture. But is that real? 

I think a lot of us have had the same feelings about O. But because there is so much we simply don´t know, he will forever be an enigma I think. A lot of his actions may look unplanned , some even head-over-heels, in first that is, digging a little deeper and we find it was planned already for a long time. Frankly, I don´t know where the answers would have to come from at this point.. , it´s unlikely Intell will announce something big.

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4 hours ago, Jean Ceulemans said:

I think a lot of us have had the same feelings about O. But because there is so much we simply don´t know, he will forever be an enigma I think. A lot of his actions may look unplanned , some even head-over-heels, in first that is, digging a little deeper and we find it was planned already for a long time. Frankly, I don´t know where the answers would have to come from at this point.. , it´s unlikely Intell will announce something big.



But records of what Joannides was doing in New Orleans at the same time as LHO might be informative. 

Additionally, we don't know what we don't know. 

Why did the Biden Administration do a permanent snuff job on the JFK Records Act? 

Why did AG Merrick Garland engage in such vast legal chicanery and subterfuge in creating the Orwellian "Transparency Board"? 

Garland and Biden went a long, long way, expended considerable effort and tax dollars, to stop you and me from seeing the JFK Records Act documents.

And Biden (or his handlers) and Garland are still defending their illegal actions in court, against the Mary Ferrell Foundation. 

Because there are only anodyne and innocuous documents being kept from the public? 

I don't buy it. 


PS I am working on a speculative post.

One reason for the JFK Records Act snuff job was to bury info of conspiracy...as there was another assassination planned. 

Imagine if the JFK Records Act documents revealed Deep State complicity in the JFKA...and then someone took out Trump. 

The public would be much more amenable to CT explanations on Trump, than just LN explanations---if the truth had come out on the JFKA. 

As I said, speculation....



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On 8/4/2024 at 2:46 PM, Denny Zartman said:

It seems to me the fingerprints of intelligence were on Oswald. How can anyone possibly believe that the public record of his life faithfully represents the real man?

That’s the question I keep asking myself. I’ve been rereading parts of Dick Russell’s book The Man Who Knew Too Much, which is mostly about Nagell. The parts on Oswald in Japan are particularly interesting. He was 18, and according to Nagell meeting with Nicolai G Eroshkin, who he says was the subject of a CIA effort to turn him. Was Oswald trying to induce him to do so as part of this recruitment effort? Did Oswald really have a girlfriend who worked at the Queen Bee? I’m hoping Larry can answer that. So his personal beliefs remain a puzzle, and so do his actions which to me seem directed by US Intelligence. I have no doubts his move to the USSR was officially sanctioned, same goes for his actions in New Orleans. So what about as an 18 year old in Atsugi? 

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Japan is a big questionmark, whatever happened there, we know very little about it. I have one book on that, it didn´t really help..

He was in all sorts of trouble in the Marines. Would that drive him to, letus say, ONI or CIA? I´d rather think the opposite...

Now, if he was meeting people there in the shadows, what about Japanese Intell?? Never heard anything about that. Hey, we did hear from the  KGB... not?

Since his days in Japan, there was only the Japanese girl playing music at one of GdM´s gatherings I think, O. did seem to like her, I did read about her some time ago.  




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A good friend of mine, Jack Swike, was a counter intelligence officer stationed at Atsugi - arrived a  year or so after Oswald left and had the opportunity to interview many of those who served with them independently of the WC as well as to delve into the very large number of WC interviews of Marines that often don't get discussed.

He was personally familiar with what surveillance and CI work was and was not done at the base, matters related to radar operations and related security clearance practices, the the presence of the U-2 there - and interestingly to something not discussed elsewhere - the stationing of a Marine atomic weapons team there, deployed to serve ship based weapons systems including missiles and aircraft. 

Jack was able to interview a number of key people around Oswald at the time he was in Japan, and wrote about it in his own book - we had him speak at Lancer one  year. 

Jack was a no-nonsense Marine, dedicated to digging into the reality of Oswald in Japan and not one to sensationalize it (meaning as a career Marine he had a good feel for barracks gossip and BS). As a Marine CI officer he was also familiar with all the basic practices actually used in Japan and at the base.

You will find him referenced at length in the books discussion of Oswald in Japan...


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6 hours ago, Jean Ceulemans said:

Since his days in Japan, there was only the Japanese girl playing music at one of GdM´s gatherings I think, O. did seem to like her, I did read about her some time ago.  

I remember reading about this Japanese girl incident as well.

Oswald became instantly smitten with her, to the point of spending most of his time talking with her at this gathering. So much so he was ignoring Marina.

Marina became every upset about it and they argued much about it.

And, reportedly Oswald met with this girl later in the next few days!  

From my readings, this is the only time in all of Oswald's bio that he showed amorous feelings toward another woman while married to Marina, unless you believe the Judyth Vary Baker story.

My guess is Oswald tasted the bar girl nightlife outside of his base while stationed at Atsugi. What lonely, hot to trot 18 year old American serviceman wouldn't?

My guess also is that Oswald satisfied his first full intimacy love needs at these clubs. 

Much like so many barely past teen age young Navy men ( hundreds of thousands ) did in the girl bar scene of Subic Bay the Philippines during Viet Nam war times.

This girl must have stirred Oswald's physical and emotional memories of his powerful feelings of first time love back at Atsugi.

This Japanese girl at this Dallas gathering stood out. Very young and "very" pretty. By herself. She apparently returned Oswald's flirtatious interest.

Her presence there was so anomalous it was strange imo.


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I think if Oswald had a Japanese girlfriend he met at the Queen Bee there is a strong likelihood she was Yakuza connected. 

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23 hours ago, Joe Bauer said:

I remember reading about this Japanese girl incident as well.

Oswald became instantly smitten with her, to the point of spending most of his time talking with her at this gathering. So much so he was ignoring Marina.

Marina became every upset about it and they argued much about it.

And, reportedly Oswald met with this girl later in the next few days!  

From my readings, this is the only time in all of Oswald's bio that he showed amorous feelings toward another woman while married to Marina, unless you believe the Judyth Vary Baker story.

My guess is Oswald tasted the bar girl nightlife outside of his base while stationed at Atsugi. What lonely, hot to trot 18 year old American serviceman wouldn't?

My guess also is that Oswald satisfied his first full intimacy love needs at these clubs. 

Much like so many barely past teen age young Navy men ( hundreds of thousands ) did in the girl bar scene of Subic Bay the Philippines during Viet Nam war times.

This girl must have stirred Oswald's physical and emotional memories of his powerful feelings of first time love back at Atsugi.

This Japanese girl at this Dallas gathering stood out. Very young and "very" pretty. By herself. She apparently returned Oswald's flirtatious interest.

Her presence there was so anomalous it was strange imo.


I think she was like an au pair girl, or something like that, stayed at one of the guys from the designer clothing/luxury apparel store, the names escaped me... She was tracked in Japan I believe, something to do with Japanese flower decoration. I have her name in my files somewhere, but it wasn´t a very interesting story (within the jfka that is).  Like you say it is interesting in trying to grasp O´s feelings and memories of Japan. 

He did not like - IMO - what the US was doing in Asia, but he seemed to like Japan.

I guess he became a man there, including the girls, the barfights and Derringers...  Hey, sounds a bit like New-Orleans.. 👱‍♀️👩🥃🥃💪👊

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23 minutes ago, Paul Brancato said:

I think if Oswald had a Japanese girlfriend he met at the Queen Bee there is a strong likelihood she was Yakuza connected. 

That´s what I was thinking as well, but so far I found nothing to substantiate that.

Now, I have no ideas how Military Intell like ONI, or the CIA had connections to the Japanese sources? 

O. did get in trouble a few times there, would it have been wise to check the Intell side of things?  Or was it just considered to be like one of the many small incidents happening every week? 

On the other side, he was Russian orientated..., talkes of a Russian speaking person, why not run a name check and get the spies to actually do some work! Follow him around for a couple of weeks, take notes, find the names of the contacts,... A lot of privates had to endure ALOT more...

I was told the Navy-Marines kept a tight ship!  Just not regarding Lee Harvey Oswald...

In a cold war, you really want a private (a confidential one at it)  visiting disputable houses?




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44 minutes ago, Jean Ceulemans said:

That´s what I was thinking as well, but so far I found nothing to substantiate that.

Now, I have no ideas how Military Intell like ONI, or the CIA had connections to the Japanese sources? 

O. did get in trouble a few times there, would it have been wise to check the Intell side of things?  Or was it just considered to be like one of the many small incidents happening every week? 

On the other side, he was Russian orientated..., talkes of a Russian speaking person, why not run a name check and get the spies to actually do some work! Follow him around for a couple of weeks, take notes, find the names of the contacts,... A lot of privates had to endure ALOT more...

I was told the Navy-Marines kept a tight ship!  Just not regarding Lee Harvey Oswald...

In a cold war, you really want a private (a confidential one at it)  visiting disputable houses?




In the Cold War, many, many American soldiers visited whore houses. Just ask any Vietnam War veteran.

I once read that a running policy in the military for treatment of venereal disease was that the soldier was treated for injuries that were classified "in the line of duty" like it was their job to go to a cat house on the weekend. 

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Posted (edited)

It would seem, outwardly, like a teenager having fun. Heck, I can relate. But Nagell speaks of this as a girlfriend. So the question of why she is hanging around this 18 year old marine is important. 
In trying to get inside his head I’m trying to imagine what assignments he may have been on. Perhaps he was being trained in survival, in keeping your cool. I don’t think he was ordinary, so looking at his actions as teenage lust or pranks just feels too shallow. I mean, look what happens when he gets back home. Almost immediately he’s on assignment to Russia. He’s 19? He renounces his citizenship - but oh wait, he doesn’t actually. By this time he’s pretty fluent in Russian. How? By his own initiative? Just wanted to be a great spy, figured this was his meal ticket? It’s all the steps that happen right after he leaves the far East that make me wonder about those early adventures in the spy world of Atsugi. 
If I have some timeline details mixed up please correct me! 

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I can't help wondering WHO got him interested in socialism and communism...

We are supposed to believe it was a "communist" note about the Rosenbergs (convicted 1951 - executed 1953) that got him interested?

Not sure it was that, perhaps that was only a suggestion made by someone?

I'd rather believe that there was a person talking to him about socialism and such.

I just don't see a young kid getting fascinated by just a leaflet?

But who would have been that person (if there was one)?  

Marguerite comes to mind..., but what do we know about her political ideas in that period?

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