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49 minutes ago, Kevin Balch said:

I made no references to Harris’s race. Even the fact-checkers at Snopes, a reliable defender of democrats, admits that Harris had an affair with Willie Brown and that he in turn named her to TWO appointed positions that launched her political career.

Note how Snopes tries to subtly downplay Harris’s conduct by saying Brown was already estranged from his wife for 10 years and that she subsequently distanced herself from him. This is supposed to exonerate her character?

To be sure, Trump has similar moral character issues but his christian wingnut followers are as blind to them as democrats are to Harris’s.

Pot, meet Kettle.

Thanks for getting me suspended for a day. 


I remember the 2003 DA race,  Harris' relationship with Da Mayor wasn't an issue.  People were tired of Terence Hallinan.

I voted for him. 

She ran unopposed four years later.

In my book her relationship with Willie Brown is a mark in her favor.

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43 minutes ago, John Cotter said:

Please remind us which former US President was banned from Facebook and Twitter.

Doesn't matter.  The algorithms are dictated by clicks, and producing outrage is a right wing skill.  Critiques of the Dems are not lacking.

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1 hour ago, Kevin Balch said:

I used the exactly same “obscene” term you did.


I think the issue was that you used an old Anglo-Saxon word that begins with "F."  🤥

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35 minutes ago, W. Niederhut said:

I think the issue was that you used an old Anglo-Saxon word that begins with "F."  🤥

I used the exact same term as Cliff Varnell used when he referred to Harris as a “**’* cop” as an explanation why she performed poorly in the 2020 democratic primary. Yet his use was somehow acceptable.

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17 minutes ago, Kevin Balch said:

I used the exact same term as Cliff Varnell used when he referred to Harris as a “**’* cop” as an explanation why she performed poorly in the 2020 democratic primary. Yet his use was somehow acceptable.

Hardly.  I got the same day off you did.  But mine had a colloquial feel, exactly what I was looking for.

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4 hours ago, W. Niederhut said:

And, incidentally, I was not involved in your suspension, apparently, for obscenity.

Nor was I, or Cliff's.  Though I do agree with the administrator who did so.  We do need to keep that word, even in abbreviated form out of courteous discourse on the forum.  

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11 hours ago, W. Niederhut said:

There is nothing remotely "similar" about Trump's history of serial sexual assaults, frotteurism, and cavorting with a teen sex trafficker, and Vice President Harris dating a charming male colleague (who was estranged from his wife) in her younger years.

Let us now praise Mount Rushmore-bound Bidenescu, moral titan, embodiment of all that Democrats hold dear. Or did, until he was recently deposed in secret by a coup.

And pass the shower cap, won't you?

And as for Hunter, well...

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12 hours ago, Cliff Varnell said:

Doesn't matter.  The algorithms are dictated by clicks, and producing outrage is a right wing skill.  Critiques of the Dems are not lacking.

Not so.

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3 hours ago, John Cotter said:

Not so.

YouTube's algorithm more likely to recommend users right-wing and religious content, research finds


Twitter’s Algorithm Favors Right-Wing Content, Reveals Internal Study


Facebook and Instagram’s algorithmic favoritism towards extremist parties revealed in new study


Edited by Cliff Varnell
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4 hours ago, Paul Rigby said:

Let us now praise Mount Rushmore-bound Bidenescu, moral titan, embodiment of all that Democrats hold dear. Or did, until he was recently deposed in secret by a coup.

And pass the shower cap, won't you?

And as for Hunter, well...


Our British Putin-fluffer, Mr. Rigby, doesn't seem to know much about the long, sordid history of Donald Segretti, Roger Stone, Lee Atwater, Karl Rove, and Republican dirty tricks in modern American electoral history.

Actually, Mr. Rigby knows very little about American history, in general.

Here's the gist of it.

Republicans can't very well get elected on the basis of their central policy agenda since 1980-- i.e., cutting taxes for billionaires and "starving the Beast-ly" middle class.

So, what they have focused on, instead, is fear-mongering about minority groups and immigrants, and endless ad hominem slurs-- Willie Horton, the Whitewater nothing burger, Swiftboat Vets, Birther-ism, Benghazi, the Email-gate nothing burger, Mexican rapists, Biden's age and alleged pedophilia, (that's rich, coming from Jeffrey Epstein's rapist pal, Donald!) Comrade Kamala, etc.

And, this week, Trump has already started using the old racist slur about black people lacking intelligence, referring to Vice President Harris as "low IQ."

Irony is not dead in the Trump GOP...




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2 hours ago, Cliff Varnell said:

YouTube's algorithm more likely to recommend users right-wing and religious content, research finds


Twitter’s Algorithm Favors Right-Wing Content, Reveals Internal Study


Facebook and Instagram’s algorithmic favoritism towards extremist parties revealed in new study


Your argument is circular, since the sources you cite are part of the problem.

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The only "argument" Democrats for the most part use here in response to criticism of that party is ad hominem (claiming that the opponent is stupid or ignorant) combined with whataboutery (claiming that it doesn't matter how bad the Democrats are, since the Republicans or the Russians are worse).

You'd be better off trying to debate with a fence post, since a fence post at least doesn't talk nonsense.


Edited by John Cotter
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32 minutes ago, John Cotter said:

Your argument is circular, since the sources you cite are part of the problem.

Your argument is non-existent, since you fail to address any of the issues raised.

The only credible news sources are those backing a Trump dictatorship?

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47 minutes ago, John Cotter said:

The only "argument" Democrats for the most part use here in response to criticism of that party is ad hominem (claiming that the opponent is stupid or ignorant) combined with whataboutery (claiming that it doesn't matter how bad the Democrats are, since the Republicans or the Russians are worse).

You'd be better off trying to debate with a fence post, since a fence post at least doesn't talk nonsense.

Cotter somehow missed the criticisms of Biden's Gaza policy.


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52 minutes ago, John Cotter said:

The only "argument" Democrats for the most part use here in response to criticism of that party is ad hominem (claiming that the opponent is stupid or ignorant) combined with whataboutery (claiming that it doesn't matter how bad the Democrats are, since the Republicans or the Russians are worse).

You'd be better off trying to debate with a fence post, since a fence post at least doesn't talk nonsense.


Some people, obviously, have reading comprehension problems.

This is a partial explanation for their ignorance of history, including, in this instance, the essential history of GOP politics since 1980-- tax cuts for the rich + racism + xenophobia + smear campaigns.

You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink.

You can lead a man to data, but you can't make him think.

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