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Then-CIA Director Mike Pompeo begged Trump to not release remaining CIA files on JFKA

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3 hours ago, Benjamin Cole said:

Jim DiEugenio is probably best described as left wing (I hate these labels, but in general). 

Gil Jesus (who I do not know as much about) might be a right-winger. 

I care not in either case. 

Both are long-time JFKA scholars. 

They both are interested in discussing the JFK Records Act when it is in the news, and both want the records to be released.

What politics? 

There is no politics here, except that interjected by others.

None from Jim or Gil.  

Thank you Ben and you're right. I don't care who releases the files as long as they're released. Carlson makes a good point that in the last 60+ years, these files have been kept secret through Presidents who were both Democrat and Republican. A bi-partisan effort to keep the truth from the American people. If this is truly a government FOR the people, then transparency is a must, at least in this case.

We, the people, demand to know the truth in the assassination of JFK.

And the fact that they're still withholding files after all these years is proof that we weren't told the whole story.

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17 minutes ago, Gil Jesus said:

Thank you Ben and you're right. I don't care who releases the files as long as they're released. Carlson makes a good point that in the last 60+ years, these files have been kept secret through Presidents who were both Democrat and Republican. A bi-partisan effort to keep the truth from the American people. If this is truly a government FOR the people, then transparency is a must, at least in this case.

We, the people, demand to know the truth in the assassination of JFK.

And the fact that they're still withholding files after all these years is proof that we weren't told the whole story.

100% agreed.

I always enjoy your commentary especially when I disagree with you. Then, I might learn something. 

In this case, we agree, but there is always tomorrow. 

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Posted (edited)
7 hours ago, Benjamin Cole said:

"Exactly right, Denny.

This thread was started as a MAGA thread, by a Trump fan."--WN

This is not the sort of comment a moderator should make.

The thread was started by long-time JFKA researcher Gil Jesus.

The embedded video features RFK2 discussing Pompeo, the CIA and the JFKA with Tucker Carlson. 

What is "MAGA" about his? 

People interested in the JFKA and the JFK Records Act come from all political backgrounds.

At the present, the only traction in the media regarding the JFK Records Act is in what might be dubbed "right-wing" news outlets. So that is what gets posted by Gil Jesus today. 

I would be delighted if the recent CNN interview with Harris featured some discussion on the JFKA and JFK Records Act, and I would post that.  That would not make me a "Kamanist" to be derided by a moderator. 

Besides all that, "MAGA" supporters, or Trump supporters, should be as well-received in the EF-JFKA as Harris supporters or "Kamanists."  If you are leftie or rightie, Harris-ite or Trumper, I contend all are welcome here. CT'er and LN'er. Marxists and libertarian.  

If people you regard as "MAGA" or Trumpers are making a lot of contributions to the EF-JFKA...you should be thanking them for their efforts. 

I thank Gil Jesus for his contributions here and this thread. If Jesus votes for Harris or Trump, I don't care. 





Thank you Ben. Nor should anyone else.

I'm such a Trump fan I voted for Dukakis, Clinton twice, Gore, Kerry, Obama twice, and Hillary. In other words, I voted DEMOCRAT in every Presidential election since 1988, a span of 32 years. How's that for a right-winger ?

How's that for a Trump fan ?

No, I call them the way I see them. I vote for the policies. Not the person, not the party, but the policies. Whose policies are the best for the country ? That's how I vote.

I see Trump as an outsider whose not part of the political "swamp". Is he perfect ? Absolutely not. The man says things sometimes that makes me cringe. He calls people names. He's not polished. He strays from the text.

He uses words like pu**y in private, and others like sh*t and bullsh*t at his rallies. In my life, I've heard little kids use words far worse while playing basketball. He's just a regular guy who happens to be a billionaire.

But no American citizen in history has been subjected to the scutiny Donald Trump has undergone. Think about it.

Donald Trump was impeached twice just for the sake of destroying his reputation and place in history. Richard Nixon actually committed a crime and was never impeached. Think about that.

Think about also the fact that Joe Biden left the Taliban 85 billion dollars in US military equipment, which could be interpreted as "aiding and abetting the enemy" a condition for a charge of treason. But Biden was never impeached. Had Trump done that, he certainly would have been impeached.

In violation of the law, Joe Biden brought home sensitive documents while he was Vice President. He was never charged. But Trump was charged for the same "crime" and it took the Supreme Court to rule that he broke no law.

This targeting of Trump has gone on ever since his inauguration. If people can't see the similarities between the hatred for Trump and the hatred for Kennedy in 1963, then I guess you'll never know what happened in Dallas.

Like a woman with a checked past, you can love America for what she's become, or you can hate her for what she used to be. The choice is yours.

If your hatred for one man is more than your love for your country, then you're part of the problem.

Edited by Gil Jesus
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7 hours ago, James DiEugenio said:

Wrong William.

I have been at work on this case for decades.

I am not interested in the politics.

I am interested in the results.



     I would not classify your scholarly posts about the JFK Records -- and those of Larry Schnapf and Bill Simpich--with the numerous, redundant, politicized posts of Ben Cole on the subject during the past year.

     And now we have Trumpster, Gil Jesus, doing the same thing that Ben Cole has done, repeatedly.

     Forum administrator Mark Knight recently consolidated all of the politicized threads about the JFK Records on a separated Education Forum board, but some members here keep starting duplicate threads.

     Just my two cents.

P.S.  When Trump said recently that he wanted Jesus to count the votes in California, was he referring to Gil Jesus?

Edited by W. Niederhut
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Posted (edited)
17 hours ago, Benjamin Cole said:

"Its amazing to me how this ends up getting political."---JD

For some people, every conversation comes back to "MAGA". For others, every conversation comes back to "Zionists."

I hope the illegal snuff job on the JFK Records Act becomes a major campaign issue.

I tend to believe both major political parties...when they are describing the other major political party.




For all of the heat he took during the Clay Shaw trial, Jim Garrison had it right. The CIA and its allies killed JFK. Now, whether Clay Shaw was part of the framing of Oswald in New Orleans in the summer of '63, I don't know. But Garrison was looking in the right direction when he set his sights on the CIA.

Public disclosure that Garrison was talking to David Ferrie cost Ferrie his life. Garrison was too close. They bugged his office, they discussed how to help the Shaw defense, and they planted spies in Garrsion's office to steal his files.

Oliver Stone's "JFK" may have been dramatic in some parts and made some mistakes, but its basic premise was correct. The CIA killed John Kennedy.

After it succeeded in replacing Kennedy with Johnson, its Vietnam war (" hey, hey, LBJ, how many kids did you kill today ? " ) ended up ousting Johnson ( the CIA giveth and the CIA taketh away ) and its break-in at the Watergate Hotel ended up with Richard Nixon resigning.

Forget Iran, Guatemala, the Congo or the Dominican. Things were going good for the CIA in America. It got Gerald Ford in the White House without a single vote. That's right, the same Gerald Ford who sat on the Commission that absolved the CIA of any participation on the assassination. Nice reward.

It got rid of Jimmy Carter via the Iran Hostage event ( 1979 -- Carter resisted going to war ) and got its former agency head chosen as Reagan's VP. Then, with George H.W. in the on-deck-circle, Reagan is shot, almost killed, but ole Georgie wins the Presidency on his own in '88.

With the fall of the Soviet Union in 1991, the "Deep state" began a turn to the left. America has lost a powerful adversary in the USSR and the CIA looks for the next "Boogeyman". It takes 10 years for that next adversary to arise via the 9/11 attacks, but when it does, it begins a 20-year odyssey of war in the middle east and Afghanistan. In 2008, with the election of Barack Obama, the US took a sharp turn further to the left.

The CIA, the Military-Industrial complex and the National Security state have all had a field day since the assassination of JFK. The American war machine has netted billions of dollars for its defense contractors. New weapons systems can now be battlefield tested. 

Today at home, the US Dept. of Justice ( including the FBI ) is a weaponized arm of the Democrat Party. The Party's propaganda mouthpiece is the Mainstream Media. They'll tell you who to like and who to hate. The Secret Service is only able of providing adequate protection to those members of the Party. Not Trump, not RFK Jr..

Thank God Biden and Harris are safe. <sarcasm>

I'm sounding like I'm talking about the old Soviet Union or maybe reading from Orwell's 1984. But it's true.

Everything I've said can be verified.

Today, the country is as divided as it was in 1960. My hope is that someone will come forward and bring us together.


Edited by Gil Jesus
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Do you really think that I like Trump, or that I am going to vote for him, or will vote for him?  Or have voted for him?  Or would ever think of voting for this guy?

That is just so off the wall it renders me speechless.

Trump lost the last time out.  And he is likely going to lose this time out.  And both are fine with me.

But I will be glad to use him as he loses.

And I am really surprised that people do not see that advantage.

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6 hours ago, Gil Jesus said:

For all of the heat he took during the Clay Shaw trial, Jim Garrison had it right. The CIA and its allies killed JFK. Now, whether Clay Shaw was part of the framing of Oswald in New Orleans in the summer of '63, I don't know. But Garrison was looking in the right direction when he set his sights on the CIA.

Public disclosure that Garrison was talking to David Ferrie cost Ferrie his life. Garrison was too close. They bugged his office, they discussed how to help the Shaw defense, and they planted spies in Garrsion's office to steal his files.

Oliver Stone's "JFK" may have been dramatic in some parts and made some mistakes, but its basic premise was correct. The CIA killed John Kennedy.

After it succeeded in replacing Kennedy with Johnson, its Vietnam war (" hey, hey, LBJ, how many kids did you kill today ? " ) ended up ousting Johnson ( the CIA giveth and the CIA taketh away ) and its break-in at the Watergate Hotel ended up with Richard Nixon resigning.

Forget Iran, Guatemala, the Congo or the Dominican. Things were going good for the CIA in America. It got Gerald Ford in the White House without a single vote. That's right, the same Gerald Ford who sat on the Commission that absolved the CIA of any participation on the assassination. Nice reward.

It got rid of Jimmy Carter via the Iran Hostage event ( 1979 -- Carter resisted going to war ) and got its former agency head chosen as Reagan's VP. Then, with George H.W. in the on-deck-circle, Reagan is shot, almost killed, but ole Georgie wins the Presidency on his own in '88.

With the fall of the Soviet Union in 1991, the "Deep state" began a turn to the left. America has lost a powerful adversary in the USSR and the CIA looks for the next "Boogeyman". It takes 10 years for that next adversary to arise via the 9/11 attacks, but when it does, it begins a 20-year odyssey of war in the middle east and Afghanistan. In 2008, with the election of Barack Obama, the US took a sharp turn further to the left.

The CIA, the Military-Industrial complex and the National Security state have all had a field day since the assassination of JFK. The American war machine has netted billions of dollars for its defense contractors. New weapons systems can now be battlefield tested. 

Today at home, the US Dept. of Justice ( including the FBI ) is a weaponized arm of the Democrat Party. The Party's propaganda mouthpiece is the Mainstream Media. They'll tell you who to like and who to hate. The Secret Service is only able of providing adequate protection to those members of the Party. Not Trump, not RFK Jr..

Thank God Biden and Harris are safe. <sarcasm>

I'm sounding like I'm talking about the old Soviet Union or maybe reading from Orwell's 1984. But it's true.

Everything I've said can be verified.

Today, the country is as divided as it was in 1960. My hope is that someone will come forward and bring us together.


There are valid reasons to suspect the intel-state deposed JFK, Nixon, Carter and Trump.


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1 hour ago, Benjamin Cole said:

There are valid reasons to suspect the intel-state deposed ... Trump.



What was the popular vote count in the 2020 U.S. Presidential election, Ben?

Are you aware that many voters in Southern states had to stand in line for hours to vote Trump out of office?

Next question.  Did you also miss Steve Bannon's confession about Trump planning, before November of 2020, to claim that the 2020 election was "stolen?"

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28 minutes ago, W. Niederhut said:


What was the popular vote count in the 2020 U.S. Presidential election, Ben?

Are you aware that many voters in Southern states had to stand in line for hours to vote Trump out of office?

Next question.  Did you also miss Steve Bannon's confession about Trump planning, before November of 2020, to claim that the 2020 election was "stolen?"

Jimmy Carter also lost an election.

But Iran-Gate and Reaganauts, and intel state were active in Carter's loss.

As was the WaPo...I lived in DC at the time. Carter was portrayed as a weakling, next to the strong Reagan. 

In my view, Carter was deposed. 

History does not necessarily repeat, but it does rhyme. 


Edited by Benjamin Cole
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14 minutes ago, Benjamin Cole said:

Jimmy Carter also lost an election.

But Iran-Gate and Reaganauts, and intel state were active in Carter's loss.

As was the WaPo...I lived in DC at the time. Carter was portrayed as a weakling, next to the strong Reagan. 

In my view, Carter was deposed. 

History does not necessarily repeat, but it does rhyme. 


That's a non sequitur, Ben.

My question was about your claim that Trump was deposed by the "intel-state."



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54 minutes ago, W. Niederhut said:

That's a non sequitur, Ben.

My question was about your claim that Trump was deposed by the "intel-state."



I don't want yet another re-hash of the Russiagate follies.

For me, the Carter episode is informative, as is Watergate. 

I have my views on what happened to Trump, and you have yours. 


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23 hours ago, Benjamin Cole said:

his is not the sort of comment a moderator should make.

Why not?  Are moderators exempted from responding to the ongoing political diatribe in the thread?  Or should we just move the thread to political discussions like so many others you have started or disrupted?  Or suspend you again for ongoing criticism of the moderators?  

What the heck are Reganauts?  RFK1A, 2A?  Snuff jobs.  J6, just a scrum.  Is this your full-time job?

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1 hour ago, Benjamin Cole said:

I don't want yet another re-hash of the Russiagate follies.

For me, the Carter episode is informative, as is Watergate. 

I have my views on what happened to Trump, and you have yours. 


Well, do let us know how the "intel-state" deposed Trump, Ben, if you are ever in the mood to defend your (above) assertion.

I was under the impression that he was voted out of office by the American people.

Trump's multi-decade business funding by Russian oligarchs, and his bizarre, obsequious relationship with Putin is a separate issue.

Incidentally, it looks like the felonious former Kremlin agent, Paul Manafort, is consulting for the Trump campaign again this year, after Trump pardoned Manafort and sprung him from life in prison.

One thing I'll say for Manafort-- he never ratted Trump out.

As he told Rick Gates, privately, during the Mueller investigation, "We'll be taken care of."

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3 hours ago, Ron Bulman said:

Why not?  Are moderators exempted from responding to the ongoing political diatribe in the thread?  Or should we just move the thread to political discussions like so many others you have started or disrupted?  Or suspend you again for ongoing criticism of the moderators?  

What the heck are Reganauts?  RFK1A, 2A?  Snuff jobs.  J6, just a scrum.  Is this your full-time job?

The "Reaganauts" was a popular term for the Reagan team, I guess the phrase has fallen out of use. They were aligned with the neo-cons of the era, the intel-state and elements  establishment media. IMHO, they manufactured the Iran-Contra episode (and related hostage release deal) and successfully drove Carter from office.  

RFK1A is my acronym for the RFK assassination. 

I stand by my sentiments there has been a string of snuff jobs on the information regarding the JFKA, from the WC, to the RFK1A, the snuff job on Garrison, possibly parts of the Watergate episode, the HSCA (switching out Sprague for Blakey), to the Biden Administration's Transparency Board. A couple more are in there that I cannot recall right now. Maybe what happened to Trump/Pompeo too. Others may disagree with me.

That's fine, this is a forum. 

Is my view on "snuff jobs" one you disagree with? 

I have my views on J6, that I have not mentioned in months and months, as J6 is not particularly germane to the EF-JFKA. I am skeptical of official or Congressional versions of that day's events. 

Is it wrong for me to be skeptical about the official versions of J6, and an affront to anyone? 

Are any of my views an affront to anyone? Do I insult anyone? 

Am I going to be suspended for having unpopular views? 

I disagree I have disrupted any threads. 




Edited by Benjamin Cole
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1 hour ago, W. Niederhut said:

Well, do let us know how the "intel-state" deposed Trump, Ben, if you are ever in the mood to defend your (above) assertion.

I was under the impression that he was voted out of office by the American people.

Trump's multi-decade business funding by Russian oligarchs, and his bizarre, obsequious relationship with Putin is a separate issue.

Incidentally, it looks like the felonious former Kremlin agent, Paul Manafort, is consulting for the Trump campaign again this year, after Trump pardoned Manafort and sprung him from life in prison.

One thing I'll say for Manafort-- he never ratted Trump out.

As he told Rick Gates, privately, during the Mueller investigation, "We'll be taken care of."


I have been threatened with suspension. Wishing to avoid antipathies, I will refrain from responding to your comments going forward. 

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