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Then-CIA Director Mike Pompeo begged Trump to not release remaining CIA files on JFKA

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17 hours ago, James DiEugenio said:

Russia Gate was a hoax and the Dems paid for the Steele Dossier which was forensically worthless. And Schiff covered that up also.

And that's a fact.

I got a kick out of Schiff claiming that Trump told Zelenski, "don't call me, I'll call you." I wondered, who talks like that ? Like a mafia kingpin ? So I obtained a copy of the transcript of that call and read it, and Trump said no such thing.

What Trump DID ask Zelensky to do was to investgate why the prosecutor who was investigating Biden's son's company was fired.

Schiff's whole version of the exchange was received by a third party who allegedly was listening in on the call. You wanna talk misinformation.

The whole thing ended up being a lie. Even Zelensky said so at the time. The Democrat House took the allegation as fact and either a.) never corroborated it, or b.) knew it wasn't true and went ahead anyway out of hatred for the guy. Either way, the phone call was the basis for the first impeachment.

My God, even Constitutional expert and famed attorney Alan Dershowitz, a lifelong liberal, came to Trump's defense. What does that tell you ? Do you have to be a "Trump fan" to stick up for what's right ?

Of course not.

Edited by Gil Jesus
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2 hours ago, Gil Jesus said:

And that's a fact.

I got a kick out of Schiff claiming that Trump told Zelenski, "don't call me, I'll call you." I wondered, who talks like that ? Like a mafia kingpin ? So I obtained a copy of the transcript of that call and read it, and Trump said no such thing.

What Trump DID ask Zelensky to do was to investgate why the prosecutor who was investigating Biden's son's company was fired.

Schiff's whole version of the exchange was received by a third party who allegedly was listening in on the call. You wanna talk misinformation.

The whole thing ended up being a lie. Even Zelensky said so at the time. The Democrat House took the allegation as fact and either a.) never corroborated it, or b.) knew it wasn't true and went ahead anyway out of hatred for the guy. Either way, the phone call was the basis for the first impeachment.

My God, even Constitutional expert and famed attorney Alan Dershowitz, a lifelong liberal, came to Trump's defense. What does that tell you ? Do you have to be a "Trump fan" to stick up for what's right ?

Of course not.

Alan Dershowitz is an interesting guy. Now age 86, hat's off to his energy and drive.

Unlike the cowards at the ACLU, Dershowitz never changed. Free speech is a right.  

Dershowitz also believes everyone is entitled to be considered innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. 

Dershowitz is the Last of the Mohicans, a public figure whose principles trump craven party fealties. 


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4 hours ago, Gil Jesus said:

And that's a fact.

I got a kick out of Schiff claiming that Trump told Zelenski, "don't call me, I'll call you." I wondered, who talks like that ? Like a mafia kingpin ? So I obtained a copy of the transcript of that call and read it, and Trump said no such thing.

What Trump DID ask Zelensky to do was to investgate why the prosecutor who was investigating Biden's son's company was fired.

Schiff's whole version of the exchange was received by a third party who allegedly was listening in on the call. You wanna talk misinformation.

The whole thing ended up being a lie. Even Zelensky said so at the time. The Democrat House took the allegation as fact and either a.) never corroborated it, or b.) knew it wasn't true and went ahead anyway out of hatred for the guy. Either way, the phone call was the basis for the first impeachment.

My God, even Constitutional expert and famed attorney Alan Dershowitz, a lifelong liberal, came to Trump's defense. What does that tell you ? Do you have to be a "Trump fan" to stick up for what's right ?

Of course not.

Pick a lane, Gil. 

You switched from our discussion of Trump's very real Russia-gate scandal to posting some cherry-picked MAGA spin about Trump's very real Ukraine-gate extortion scandal.

The truth is that Trump's "Russia-gate Hoax" sales jingle is complete bunk-- as is his "No Collusion" sales jingle.

Trump invented these sales jingles and repeated them endlessly-- in unison with Republicans in Congress and the talking heads at his Fox Ministry of Trumpaganda--until the MAGA cult believed them.

These false jingles have also been promoted by Russian-funded propaganda sources in the media.

We discussed the facts about Russia-gate in exhaustive detail on the 56 Years thread, and I briefly outlined them (above.)

Russia-gate wasn't about the Steele Dossier.

Unfortunately, you re-posted Trump's false "Russia-gate Hoax" trope at the top of this page, while ignoring my detailed rebuttal (above.)

Robert Mueller's Report NEVER said that there was "No Collusion" between Trump and Russian military intelligence in 2016.  In fact, there was collusion, involving Trump's Campaign Manager, Paul Manafort, and his long-time Kremlin associate, Russian GRU agent Konstantin Kilimnik.

But, because Manafort stonewalled Mueller's investigation by committing perjury-- knowing that Trump had floated him a pardon-- Mueller was not able to prove that Trump (and Manafort) had, in fact, colluded in the Kremlin's interference in the U.S. election.

The same thing happened in the case of Trump's dirty trickster, Roger Stone.

Manafort and Stone didn't rat Trump out, because they knew Trump had floated them Presidential pardons.

That's witness tampering-- obstruction of justice.



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5 hours ago, Gil Jesus said:

And that's a fact.

I got a kick out of Schiff claiming that Trump told Zelenski, "don't call me, I'll call you." I wondered, who talks like that ? Like a mafia kingpin ? So I obtained a copy of the transcript of that call and read it, and Trump said no such thing.

What Trump DID ask Zelensky to do was to investgate why the prosecutor who was investigating Biden's son's company was fired.

Schiff's whole version of the exchange was received by a third party who allegedly was listening in on the call. You wanna talk misinformation.

The whole thing ended up being a lie. Even Zelensky said so at the time. The Democrat House took the allegation as fact and either a.) never corroborated it, or b.) knew it wasn't true and went ahead anyway out of hatred for the guy. Either way, the phone call was the basis for the first impeachment.

My God, even Constitutional expert and famed attorney Alan Dershowitz, a lifelong liberal, came to Trump's defense. What does that tell you ? Do you have to be a "Trump fan" to stick up for what's right ?

Of course not.

What part of the phone call did Schiff use as a basis for impeachment? Btw I thought it was an offensive conversation, carefully worded by both Trump and Zelensky full of craven butt kissing and subtle messages. Assuming that the notes taken (btw this isn’t a transcript) are accurate Trump did not say ‘don’t call me I’ll call you’ but it seems like a minor point. Do you have more on Schiff’s use of that phrase? Some context would be good. As you say the conversation was about the fired prosecutor, and the implication is that he was fired because he was onto Hunter Biden and the Dems put pressure on him to stop. This occurred during Trump’s reign. How exactly do you imagine that Zelensky fired him due to pressure by Dems to protect Joe or Hunter Biden? Maybe he was just corrupt. Meanwhile, what did the new Zelensky appointment find? 
William - technically it’s true as you point out that Mueller was stonewalled. But even you would have to admit that his presentation was really wimpy, so it’s hard to blame folks when they say he found no wrongdoing. Mueller had a choice how he would speak publicly, and I find the choice he made rather insufferable. 

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Austrian Court Case Reveals More Evidence of Biden, Democrat Corruption in Ukraine

August 31, 2024 By NEWS WIRE


Amid recent legal proceedings in Vienna, the contents of these unique documents testifying to Biden’s involvement in the establishment of external governance over Ukraine became known. Among them are the full texts of the Austrian court decisions and the texts of the testimonies of top Ukrainian officials. The implications of these testimonies are serious.

What prompted the collection of testimonies of leading Ukrainian politicians and officials from various political camps was the trial over the US request for the extradition of Ukrainian businessman Dmytro Firtash from Austria. Firtash had been detained in Vienna on March 12, 2014 – with a record bail of $174 million, where U.S. demanded his extradition, but on April 30, 2015, the Vienna Criminal Land Court ruled that it was inadmissible, acknowledging that in two years the U.S. could not provide any solid evidence of Firtash’s guilt, and the court also acknowledged the blatant political overtones of the case.

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Mr. Rigby,

     Thanks for keeping us up-to-date on this Russian propaganda about Bidenescu.

     I wonder if Education Forum members know anything about your London-based Russian propagandist, Patrick Henningsen and his 21st Century Wire website.

Patrick James Henningsen is the founder of the 21st Century Wire website. He has been featured on PressTV[1] and Russia Today, among others.

In 2014, he was described at The Guardian as "an Associate Editor of alternative news site Infowars.com and regular geopolitical analyst for Russia Today..."


For the back story on Firtash's involvement with Rudy Giuliani and Trump's Ukraine-gate scandal, see...

Ukrainian Oligarch Dmitry Firtash Linked to Trump's Circle | TIME

Edited by W. Niederhut
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7 hours ago, Denny Zartman said:

If it wasn't for President Donald Trump's JFK records snuff job, this thread wouldn't exist.

That is true as far as it goes.

But it does not go far enough Denny.

Biden has the opportunity to correct it.  He did not. In fact Andrew Iler thinks what Biden did was worse.

Just ask yourself, what kind of a guy with RFK's bust in his oval office and his portrait in his study--which Trump did not--more or less reverses the intent of the JFK Records Collection Act.

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3 hours ago, James DiEugenio said:

That is true as far as it goes.

But it does not go far enough Denny.

Biden has the opportunity to correct it.  He did not. In fact Andrew Iler thinks what Biden did was worse.

Just ask yourself, what kind of a guy with RFK's bust in his oval office and his portrait in his study--which Trump did not--more or less reverses the intent of the JFK Records Collection Act.

Perhaps the kind of guy who has his hands tied, who is not a free agent because of the skeletons in his closet. As for trump, I’ve been wondering if Roger stone ever commented on his ‘if you saw what I saw’ decision. 

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1 hour ago, Paul Brancato said:

Perhaps the kind of guy who has his hands tied, who is not a free agent because of the skeletons in his closet. As for trump, I’ve been wondering if Roger stone ever commented on his ‘if you saw what I saw’ decision. 


We haven't seen a deep thread on this topic--not the what of the illegal Biden snuff job on the JFK Records Act...but the why.

A simple answer from the alt-left would be that Biden has long been a deep state apparatchik, going back to his days as chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. Maybe. Biden was always known as a banking-industry stooge (Delaware, after all).

Or was Biden compromised by the usual failings, such as extra-marital affairs or bribes? 

And why did AG Merrick Garland agree to this cynical bit of legal chicanery and  dishonesty, the Orwellian Transparency Board?

In today's world, no one has any privacy. If Garland had an affair, or accepted a bribe in the last twenty years, it would be known to the security state.

But...we also live in a time of craven, dogmatic and rabid party fealties. 

Perhaps some in the Biden Administration, and Biden and Garland, reasoned that caving into the security state was justified, as it would maintain the Democratic Party in power. Otherwise , the deep state would arrange for a change in administrations.

And staying in power is indisputably the primary goal of both parties.




Edited by Benjamin Cole
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12 hours ago, W. Niederhut said:

Mr. Rigby,

     Thanks for keeping us up-to-date on this Russian propaganda about Bidenescu.

     I wonder if Education Forum members know anything about your London-based Russian propagandist, Patrick Henningsen and his 21st Century Wire website.

Patrick James Henningsen is the founder of the 21st Century Wire website. He has been featured on PressTV[1] and Russia Today, among others.

In 2014, he was described at The Guardian as "an Associate Editor of alternative news site Infowars.com and regular geopolitical analyst for Russia Today..."


For the back story on Firtash's involvement with Rudy Giuliani and Trump's Ukraine-gate scandal, see...

Ukrainian Oligarch Dmitry Firtash Linked to Trump's Circle | TIME

Thanks for confirming that in 2014, when the pursuit of Firtash began, he had nothing whatever to do with Trump. Firtash was targetted as the CIA sought to clear the field of Ukie oligarchs adjudged insufficiently loyal to Langley's project, in favour of its own far-right squillionaires.

As for Time magazine as a source, my goodness, can we say CIA? I think we can. And also a puppet of its leading advertisers, among whom we find the processed food industry:

Why One Dietitian is Speaking Up for “Ultra-Processed” Foods


Fortunately, there is, at long last, some serious opposition to the industry. To the surprise of no one, it isn't coming from the Deep State Dems:





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Yes, this concern for health comes from Rigby who enjoys "cross country smoking."

I think RK and Marianne Williamson, but particularly RK is right about processed foods. We in the U.S. have addicted a big swath of the middle class of the world on these foods.

But you have to ask  what he could reasonably expect to do, and how? It's got to start somewhere and be made an issue. But it's not easy, There's also a lot of longtime consumer/addicts that simply won't put up with your taking away their  corn chips or twinkies or any one of a million things.

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1 hour ago, Kirk Gallaway said:

Yes, this concern for health comes from Rigby who enjoys "cross country smoking."

And satire. Don't forget the satire!

The broader movement which offers the best chance to free the suppressed JFK files, as galvanised by JFK Jr.s decision to lend qualified support to Trump:


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8 hours ago, Benjamin Cole said:


We haven't seen a deep thread on this topic--not the what of the illegal Biden snuff job on the JFK Records Act...but the why.

A simple answer from the alt-left would be that Biden has long been a deep state apparatchik, going back to his days as chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. Maybe. Biden was always known as a banking-industry stooge (Delaware, after all).

Or was Biden compromised by the usual failings, such as extra-marital affairs or bribes? 

And why did AG Merrick Garland agree to this cynical bit of legal chicanery and  dishonesty, the Orwellian Transparency Board?

In today's world, no one has any privacy. If Garland had an affair, or accepted a bribe in the last twenty years, it would be known to the security state.

But...we also live in a time of craven, dogmatic and rabid party fealties. 

Perhaps some in the Biden Administration, and Biden and Garland, reasoned that caving into the security state was justified, as it would maintain the Democratic Party in power. Otherwise , the deep state would arrange for a change in administrations.

And staying in power is indisputably the primary goal of both parties.




There's another reason why the CIA would want the records to remain classified: survival. The motive ( I believe )  behind the assassination. If the Agency's involvement is finally revealed, it would result in a public outcry to have it disbanded. People lose their jobs. The Agency loses its ability to influence who rules foreign countries and here at home. American corporations abroad are at the mercy of the host state.

Whether we realize it or not, the CIA is the most powerful US government agency because its influence reaches far beyond our borders. It's true that in a dangerous world the US needs an intelligence agency with the means to provide information that will assist the President with important decisions. But what it doesn't need is an agency that chooses who that President is. It doesn't need an agency whose tactics include assassination of its duly elected leaders. And it doesn't need an agency actively engaged in brainwashing the public.

And yes, the public is brainwashed.

They're brainwashed into believing that a biological male who says he is a female, is the same as a female and thus can compete in women's sports. As a result, women are getting destroyed by "trans women" in their own sports. Why not give the trans their own sports ? Why not give the trans their own restrooms ?

Doesn't that make more sense than allowing biological men into ladies rooms used by 8 year old girls ?

People are brainwashed into believing that a male can get pregnant, but fail to show us an example. Show us someone born of a male.

They're brainwashed into believing that a 3 or 4 year old is mature enough to understand the consequences and risks of sex change and is capable of choosing his or her sex, when in fact a kid can't even make the right choice between Oreo cookies and $10,000.

But they can make a choice so life changing as sex change ? People are ready to lop off a kid's penis just because he likes the color pink or he plays with dolls.

It's ridiculous.

The problem isn't with the kids, it's with the adults.

People were brainwashed into believing the COVID-19 "vaccine" prevented them from catching the virus. 


That was a lie. The "vaccine" never prevented infection or transmission. It only lessened the severity of the infection.

Fear of death caused people to accept having this "vaccine" injected into their bodies without knowing what the side effects were or how it would affect them in the long term.

It's as chilling as the scene from "The Manchurian Candidate" when Raymond Shaw kills Bobby Lembeck without any thought, just because he was told to.

How many Raymond Shaws ended up Bobby Lembecks ? I know a guy who got the vaccine and was dead three weeks later from COVID. And now young people ( especially athletes ) are suddenly dropping dead at a rate never seen before.

The fact that the drug companies were absolved of total liability for the development of these vaccines by Trump is one of the mistakes I believe he made during his administration. It never should have been rushed into production.

I'm not against vaccines. I get my flu shot every year. But it'll be a cold day in hell when I put something in my body that isn't approved by the FDA or that I haven't been warned what the side effects are. Especially for a virus with a 99.97 % chance of survival.

And the "my body, my choice" crowd seemed to abandon that philospohy when it came to taking the COVID vaccine. All of a sudden, those who chose not to get the vaccine were demonized as selfish and blamed for the spread of the virus, ( "A pandemic of the unvaccinated" -- Joe Biden ) even though they knew the vaccine didn't stop transmission.

Will common sense ever make a comeback ? Who knows ? Maybe sometime, in the future, some little innocent kid will challenge us to think for ourselves by yelling out that the Emperor has no clothes.

Until that day comes, half the country will continue to believe what they're told.

Just like the Warren Commission supporters.

I'll leave you with this final thought:

If we live in a country where we can no longer decide what we will put into our bodies, choose for whom we will vote, question authority or express our opinions without being demonized, then freedom is an illusion that our grandchildren and great grandchildren will never know and this country is no longer the land of the free.

And that America died on November 22, 1963.

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7 minutes ago, Gil Jesus said:

There's another reason why the CIA would want the records to remain classified: survival. The motive ( I believe )  behind the assassination. If the Agency's involvement is finally revealed, it would result in a public outcry to have it disbanded. People lose their jobs. The Agency loses its ability to influence who rules foreign countries and here at home. American corporations abroad are at the mercy of the host state.

Whether we realize it or not, the CIA is the most powerful US government agency because its influence reaches far beyond our borders. It's true that in a dangerous world the US needs an intelligence agency with the means to provide information that will assist the President with important decisions. But what it doesn't need is an agency that chooses who that President is. It doesn't need an agency whose tactics include assassination of its duly elected leaders. And it doesn't need an agency actively engaged in brainwashing the public.

And yes, the public is brainwashed.

They're brainwashed into believing that a biological male who says he is a female, is the same as a female and thus can compete in women's sports. As a result, women are getting destroyed by "trans women" in their own sports. Why not give the trans their own sports ? Why not give the trans their own restrooms ?

Doesn't that make more sense than allowing biological men into ladies rooms used by 8 year old girls ?

People are brainwashed into believing that a male can get pregnant, but fail to show us an example. Show us someone born of a male.

They're brainwashed into believing that a 3 or 4 year old is mature enough to understand the consequences and risks of sex change and is capable of choosing his or her sex, when in fact a kid can't even make the right choice between Oreo cookies and $10,000.

But they can make a choice so life changing as sex change ? People are ready to lop off a kid's penis just because he likes the color pink or he plays with dolls.

It's ridiculous.

The problem isn't with the kids, it's with the adults.

People were brainwashed into believing the COVID-19 "vaccine" prevented them from catching the virus. 


That was a lie. The "vaccine" never prevented infection or transmission. It only lessened the severity of the infection.

Fear of death caused people to accept having this "vaccine" injected into their bodies without knowing what the side effects were or how it would affect them in the long term.

It's as chilling as the scene from "The Manchurian Candidate" when Raymond Shaw kills Bobby Lembeck without any thought, just because he was told to.

How many Raymond Shaws ended up Bobby Lembecks ? I know a guy who got the vaccine and was dead three weeks later from COVID. And now young people ( especially athletes ) are suddenly dropping dead at a rate never seen before.

The fact that the drug companies were absolved of total liability for the development of these vaccines by Trump is one of the mistakes I believe he made during his administration. It never should have been rushed into production.

I'm not against vaccines. I get my flu shot every year. But it'll be a cold day in hell when I put something in my body that isn't approved by the FDA or that I haven't been warned what the side effects are. Especially for a virus with a 99.97 % chance of survival.

And the "my body, my choice" crowd seemed to abandon that philospohy when it came to taking the COVID vaccine. All of a sudden, those who chose not to get the vaccine were demonized as selfish and blamed for the spread of the virus, ( "A pandemic of the unvaccinated" -- Joe Biden ) even though they knew the vaccine didn't stop transmission.

Will common sense ever make a comeback ? Who knows ? Maybe sometime, in the future, some little innocent kid will challenge us to think for ourselves by yelling out that the Emperor has no clothes.

Until that day comes, half the country will continue to believe what they're told.

Just like the Warren Commission supporters.

I'll leave you with this final thought:

If we live in a country where we can no longer decide what we will put into our bodies, choose for whom we will vote, question authority or express our opinions without being demonized, then freedom is an illusion that our grandchildren and great grandchildren will never know and this country is no longer the land of the free.

And that America died on November 22, 1963.


Thanks for adding your views to this thread. 

Let's hope something happens to bring a better future to the US. 

As you say, the CIA wants to survive, indeed thrive and prosper.

The two major parties are in business to promote their own survival, power and prosperity.

And where there are intersections.... 

Then it becomes wise to suffocate the JFK Records, from one administration to the next....


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