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Then-CIA Director Mike Pompeo begged Trump to not release remaining CIA files on JFKA

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5 hours ago, James DiEugenio said:

Its amazing to me how this ends up getting political.

We now have two people on the record about this issue, Napolitano and RFK Jr.

And we now have Trump saying in public in front of thousands of people that he will release the last of the JFK records.

Thereby making it an election issue.

Has Harris said that?  If she has I missed it.

Is this not a great opportunity to pressure her to do so?

Q: Madame VP, Your opponent Donald Trump has made a pledge to declassify the last of the JFK records, a case that is now over 60 years old.  Why can't you make that same pledge?  

A: Well, President Biden put together a transparency plan on this.

Q: With all due respect, what Biden did was in some ways the opposite of what the law stipulated, namely that the archives be emptied by 2017.  And if there were exceptions they had to be specifically named and described.  Some experts say what Biden did was even worse than what Trump did back in 2017.  Isn't enough enough?

A:  Well, this is something I will have to look at and examine.

Q: Ms Harris, this issue is seven years old.  You aren't going to do the same here as you did with the RFK case are you? 

"Its amazing to me how this ends up getting political."---JD

For some people, every conversation comes back to "MAGA". For others, every conversation comes back to "Zionists."

I hope the illegal snuff job on the JFK Records Act becomes a major campaign issue.

I tend to believe both major political parties...when they are describing the other major political party.




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5 hours ago, Denny Zartman said:

His pledge on this means absolutely nothing. He had his chance, and he punted. What makes you think that this time he'll actually follow through on it?

This completely misses the point.

The point is he said it. Its on tape.

So now we have two high profile people right there: Napolitano and RFK Jr.

And how we have a way to get an Op Ed in say the WSJ.

"Trump says he will declassify, what is Harris going to do in response?"

Sometimes I really wonder about this community and its political instincts  and acumen.

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1 hour ago, James DiEugenio said:

This completely misses the point.

The point is he said it. Its on tape.

So now we have two high profile people right there: Napolitano and RFK Jr.

And how we have a way to get an Op Ed in say the WSJ.

"Trump says he will declassify, what is Harris going to do in response?"

Sometimes I really wonder about this community and its political instincts  and acumen.

I'm beginning to wonder about yours, to be honest.

It doesn't matter what Trump said because his word is worthless. An empty promise is worth less than nothing. He had his opportunity. Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me. If Kamala Harris doesn't make a comment on it that's to her credit at least she's not going to be lying, like Trump is.

99.9% of people are not going to base their vote in November on whether or not the next president is going to release JFK files. They simply aren't. If you think this is a pressing issue for anyone except a tiny, tiny sliver of the American population, then I really have to wonder about your own political instincts and acumen.

I'm a Georgia voter. Trump called the GA Secretary of State and tried to get him to conjure up 11,780 votes out of thin air so he could win the state. He tried to take away my vote.

Trump is an actual danger to democracy itself. Do you genuinely not see that, or do you simply put the 0% chance of getting JFK information from a second Trump administration ahead of that? 

Edited by Denny Zartman
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2 hours ago, Denny Zartman said:

I'm beginning to wonder about yours, to be honest.

It doesn't matter what Trump said because his word is worthless. An empty promise is worth less than nothing. He had his opportunity. Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me. If Kamala Harris doesn't make a comment on it that's to her credit at least she's not going to be lying, like Trump is.

99.9% of people are not going to base their vote in November on whether or not the next president is going to release JFK files. They simply aren't. If you think this is a pressing issue for anyone except a tiny, tiny sliver of the American population, then I really have to wonder about your own political instincts and acumen.

I'm a Georgia voter. Trump called the GA Secretary of State and tried to get him to conjure up 11,780 votes out of thin air so he could win the state. He tried to take away my vote.

Trump is an actual danger to democracy itself. Do you genuinely not see that, or do you simply put the 0% chance of getting JFK information from a second Trump administration ahead of that? 

Exactly right, Denny.

This thread was started as a MAGA thread, by a Trump fan.

Of course, it's political!

So are the dozens of other redundant threads on this subject that have been started here during the past year, mainly by one person.

The premise is that we should ignore all of the other critical issues at stake in the 2024 election, in order to re-elect for the corrupt, dishonest J6 Insurrectionist who now says that he might release the JFK records that he refused to release in 2017 and 2018.

Makes perfect sense.


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27 minutes ago, W. Niederhut said:

Exactly right, Denny.

This thread was started as a MAGA thread, by a Trump fan.

Of course, it's political!

So are the dozens of other redundant threads on this subject that have been started here during the past year, mainly by one person.

The premise is that we should ignore all of the other critical issues at stake in the 2024 election, in order to re-elect for the corrupt, dishonest J6 Insurrectionist who now says that he might release the JFK records that he refused to release in 2017 and 2018.

Makes perfect sense.


"Exactly right, Denny.

This thread was started as a MAGA thread, by a Trump fan."--WN

This is not the sort of comment a moderator should make.

The thread was started by long-time JFKA researcher Gil Jesus.

The embedded video features RFK2 discussing Pompeo, the CIA and the JFKA with Tucker Carlson. 

What is "MAGA" about his? 

People interested in the JFKA and the JFK Records Act come from all political backgrounds.

At the present, the only traction in the media regarding the JFK Records Act is in what might be dubbed "right-wing" news outlets. So that is what gets posted by Gil Jesus today. 

I would be delighted if the recent CNN interview with Harris featured some discussion on the JFKA and JFK Records Act, and I would post that.  That would not make me a "Kamanist" to be derided by a moderator. 

Besides all that, "MAGA" supporters, or Trump supporters, should be as well-received in the EF-JFKA as Harris supporters or "Kamanists."  If you are leftie or rightie, Harris-ite or Trumper, I contend all are welcome here. CT'er and LN'er. Marxists and libertarian.  

If people you regard as "MAGA" or Trumpers are making a lot of contributions to the EF-JFKA...you should be thanking them for their efforts. 

I thank Gil Jesus for his contributions here and this thread. If Jesus votes for Harris or Trump, I don't care. 





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Wrong William.

I have been at work on this case for decades.

I am not interested in the politics.

I am interested in the results.

Did you read Andrew Eiler's essay on what Biden did to the JFK Act?

It was devastating. He pretty much reversed what was in the original act.  Andrew concluded by saying, with what Biden did, we might never get the last of the documents out.

Now, do you think Harris is going to reverse that decision?  I sure don't.  Not unless someone puts pressure on her to do so.

Here is a good opportunity to do just that. You have Trump on film saying what he will do, with RFK Jr on the podium, who was the only person to bring it up.

You now ask the opposition, "Ms. Harris, is not 61 years enough time for the American people to find out what is in the last of the secret documents? And why should the CIA have control of that fate?"

I understand that most everyone here despises Trump and RFK Jr.  That is pretty obvious.  

It is also irrelevant to the objective.  Which should be declassification of every last piece of paper. Here is a tactical way to try and do that.  And because of your animus for Trump and RFK Jr, you want to pass it up?

Sorry, I am not on that train..

Edited by James DiEugenio
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5 hours ago, James DiEugenio said:

Sometimes I really wonder about this community and its political instincts  and acumen.

Jim: You don't determine the values in the community here, and don't give us loyalty oaths.

I've  never been particularly impressed with your political knowledge. JMO

And if you don't see a  greater picture beyond your one issue. I don't think anything of your "political instincts and acumen."

5 hours ago, James DiEugenio said:

"Trump says he will declassify, what is Harris going to do in response?"

Jim: "Trump says he will declassify,

As I said in one of the many related threads lately.  "more titanic hopes"

JIm: "what is Harris going to do in response?"

I'd say nothing. You know why? Because probably not one per cent of the population can tell you who Ruth Paine is

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Here is my series on Harris, and you can see what she did on the RFK case at the end of Part one.

Which I got from Lisa Pease. IMO, there is no better authority. 


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Jim DiEugenio is probably best described as left wing (I hate these labels, but in general). 

Gil Jesus (who I do not know as much about) might be a right-winger. 

I care not in either case. 

Both are long-time JFKA scholars. 

They both are interested in discussing the JFK Records Act when it is in the news, and both want the records to be released.

What politics? 

There is no politics here, except that interjected by others.

None from Jim or Gil.  

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5 hours ago, W. Niederhut said:

Exactly right, Denny.

This thread was started as a MAGA thread, by a Trump fan.

Of course, it's political!

So are the dozens of other redundant threads on this subject that have been started here during the past year, mainly by one person.

The premise is that we should ignore all of the other critical issues at stake in the 2024 election, in order to re-elect for the corrupt, dishonest J6 Insurrectionist who now says that he might release the JFK records that he refused to release in 2017 and 2018.

Makes perfect sense.


If @Larry Hancock and @Gene Kelly 's eloquent posts didn't cause @James DiEugenio to pause and think for a moment, I'm pretty sure nothing will.

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Posted (edited)
17 hours ago, James DiEugenio said:

Its amazing to me how this ends up getting political.

We now have two people on the record about this issue, Napolitano and RFK Jr.

And we now have Trump saying in public in front of thousands of people that he will release the last of the JFK records.

Thereby making it an election issue.

Has Harris said that?  If she has I missed it.

Is this not a great opportunity to pressure her to do so?

Q: Madame VP, Your opponent Donald Trump has made a pledge to declassify the last of the JFK records, a case that is now over 60 years old.  Why can't you make that same pledge?  

A: Well, President Biden put together a transparency plan on this.

Q: With all due respect, what Biden did was in some ways the opposite of what the law stipulated, namely that the archives be emptied by 2017.  And if there were exceptions they had to be specifically named and described.  Some experts say what Biden did was even worse than what Trump did back in 2017.  Isn't enough enough?

A:  Well, this is something I will have to look at and examine.

Q: Ms Harris, this issue is seven years old.  You aren't going to do the same here as you did with the RFK case are you? 

Personally Jim, I don't think the CIA will allow those files to be made public. I think Trump's INTENT is to make them public, but I believe those files will never see the light of day. Especially if they contain proof that the CIA was involved in the assassination and ( as I suspect ) has been running this country since 1963.

"it's a whole different country from what we thought it was. It's all fake.".

The CIA is a monster that needs to be broken into a thousand pieces and scattered to the wind ( as JFK said ). As you know, it was never intended ( by Truman ) to be an operational arm of the US Government. Its main purpose was supposed to be as an intelligence gathering agency. Kennedy wanted to make that so. People don't realize that the tentacles of the CIA reaches into every aspect of American life. All one has to do is to read Farewell America by James Hepburn to see the agency's historical influence on the media, the military, education, industry and politics.

It's iinteresting to note that the CIA's MK-ULTRA program is alive and well even today. The agency and its allies in the media who have suppressed criticism of the Warren Report and the HSCA have also been successful in brainwashing at least half the public into hating one man. Funny how he wasn't so widely hated before 2016. In fact, before 2016 he was hardly in the news. Now he's a threat to democracy. ROFLMAO.

"Man on the street" interviews with voters who say they're voting for Kamala reveal that they can't name one accomplishment of hers in the last 4 years or even why they are voting for her.

Yes, MK-ULTRA is alive and well. My kudos to the agency for a job well done.

But I digress.

Trump's latest public vow, IMO, is in poor judgement. If I were going to release the files, even if my motive was to retaliate against the security state that allowed me to almost get killed, I would not make it public. I'd just do it once in office with no warning. By making it public, Trump has made it vitally important for the CIA to stop him from being elected, even if it means killing him.  

Hence, the latest attempt by Jack Smith to convince a court to re-establish his indictment against Trump.

Trump has also publicly vowed to destroy the deep state. IMO, the first step in doing that would have to include the dismantling of the CIA. To use an analogy we've heard before, "if you cut off the head, the whole body dies." In addition, Trump would be even more dangerous to the CIA in a second term because he's being advised by a Kennedy, a Kennedy who doesn't accept the official versions of his father's and uncle's murders.

What will the October surprise be ?

I predict Trump will be sent to prison before the election. The CIA wins again. The files remain classified. 

Who knows how this is all going to end up, but it's interesting to watch.


Edited by Gil Jesus
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4 hours ago, James DiEugenio said:

Wrong William.

I have been at work on this case for decades.

I am not interested in the politics.

You're certainly not interested in the policies that affect millions of Americans today, that's obvious.

You're focused on one issue to the exclusion of all else. That's your right, but it's disappointing that it seems you can't see a viewpoint other than your own, or think beyond a single issue. Again, that's your right, but in that situation you have no business casting aspersions on anyone else's political acumen.

4 hours ago, James DiEugenio said:

I am interested in the results.

You may say this, but at the same time you hand wave away the four solid years President Donald Trump had to give you the results you want.

You also ignore the half century of adult life RFK Jr. had to start a political career and get you the answers you so desperately desire.

Has anybody ever asked you this Jim: If RFK Jr. himself actually cared about getting answers to his uncle's and father's murder, why is he only now attempting to get in a position to do something about it at age 69?

Trump was the closest thing that we've ever had to a truly independent president. He was not part of the government establishment. He was not beholden to his political party - in fact, his party was completely beholden to him. The documents were scheduled to be released under his watch, and he didn't do anything. You say that you're interested in "results", but somehow this washes straight off your back.

Talk is cheap.

Deeds, not words.

4 hours ago, James DiEugenio said:

who was the only person to bring it up

You bought his lie that he would release the records last time. You bought that lie for four solid years. Why wouldn't he try it again? It certainly appears that you're more than willing to buy in again and that you regard his empty promise as something significant.

Trump will say anything for a vote.


And in case you think he was just kidding:


4 hours ago, James DiEugenio said:

You now ask the opposition, "Ms. Harris, is not 61 years enough time for the American people to find out what is in the last of the secret documents? And why should the CIA have control of that fate?"

Nobody is basing their votes on this except you.

4 hours ago, James DiEugenio said:

I understand that most everyone here despises Trump and RFK Jr.  That is pretty obvious.  

It is also irrelevant to the objective.  Which should be declassification of every last piece of paper. Here is a tactical way to try and do that.  And because of your animus for Trump and RFK Jr, you want to pass it up?

Trump tried to subvert democracy. He tried to interfere with government representatives who were doing their Constitutionally mandated duty. He sent a violent mob to Congress where they wanted to murder the Vice President of the United States. And you act like we simply don't like him personally?

I'll never, ever understand why his actions to subvert the democratic process and remain in office after losing the 2020 election is completely irrelevant to you. It seems you genuinely do not care about it in the least.

I assure you, millions of other Americans do care.

You act like it's relevant that Donald Trump made an empty promise on tape that he would release the remaining JFK records. Well, he's also said - on tape - that he'd be a dictator on day one. But, again, you don't care about that.

Imho, your priorities are way, way out of whack. There are other, bigger, more immediate concerns that are affecting living people right here and now, and our decision in November could affect nothing less than the future of democracy itself in America.

Edited by Denny Zartman
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I don't have any animus for RFK Jr. I just believe, passionately, to the bottom of my soul, that the presidency of the United States should not be an entry level job in politics.

I do have animus for Donald Trump because he tried to take away my vote and replace it with an imaginary vote pulled from thin air.


Has anyone here who is defending Trump, or is claiming to be bipartisan, ever really listened to that phone call? That's the man you'll be voting for in November.

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