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Gerry P. Hemming

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In her book Professor Mellen writes:

Gerry Patrick Hemming concurs: "Helms is [was?] behind the entire operation to kill JFK." (Ch. 10.)

I can find no cite to this statement, and Mr. Hemming vigorously denies making it to Professor Mellen (or anyone else, for that matter).

So my question for Professor Mellen is what is your support for Hemming ever blaming the assassination on Richard Helms?

I have Gerald Patrick Hemming on tape to the tune of boxes and boxes of tapes from our conversations. Yes, he cited Helms as behind the assassination - on tape with me in Fayetteville, North Carolina. He also cited Lawrence Howard as being in Dealey Plaza, and as a crackerjack shooter and sniper, although more recently he has denied that. This is a individual who has contradicted himself, as many authors and historians have noted. Note that I do not call him a witness.

Ms Mellen,

It's an honor to have you here. I asked Gerry about this also and he became quite rattled and even talked of lawsuits. I suspected -(and hoped)- that anything he told you would be on tape.

Some of us wonder why you included anything Hemming told you in AF2J?



Let me see now. I became "rattled" and even talked of "lawsuits" ?! How does one discern one's being "rattled" over the Internet ??!! Apparently, you, like Mellen, have profound difficulties in the interpretation of even short, and to the point, written statements ??!!

I don't have to repeat what I wrote in that post, as some very simple movements of one finger on your "mouse" -- will return you to said posting. Even in paraphrasing, it comes out with the same intent.

["...It will be up to the law firm's decision as to whether anything "untoward" has been written in Mellen's book..."]

As it was explained to me -- by those more practised in the field of lawthan I am: "Malice" is oft construed as "what a reasonable person" might discern as the "real purpose" behind the writing of any single [or composite] quotes being ascribed ?! More importantly; are these quotes purporting to be "direct", or from some other entity's and/or scrivener's material -- whether it had been published or not ??!!

It may well come down to the what indeed these "boxes and boxes" of purported "tapes" actually reveal.

I expect, as usual, and down the road -- it will be a case of ascribing ALL blame to either the editor, and/or publisher of said tome.

I still have great difficulty in grasping the "WHY" of any mention as to ex-DCI Helms; or is he "One-of-the-Usual-Suspects" NOW ??!!

Moreover, what would be ANYBODY'S purpose in making ANY reference to Helms, vis-a-vis "The JFK Murder", even if done in a joking manner. During 1963, Helm's was a 4th floor "flunky" -- with a pretentious title !! Not only did he lack any authority over specific clandestine service operations. He wasn't even in the loop !! [just like the Clinton/Reno "WACO" whackers; getting their "promotions?", which is not an undesirable method for quickly removing a "stooge" from the mainstream !!]

Moreover, when it came time to "revise or reveal", with reference to even the inconsequential episodes/events, Helms blundered quite grotesquely. Why? Because he didn't have the slightest "clue" as to what he was supposed to "conceal" !!

The "BIG" question remains -- how the hell would I know anything at all about Helm's activities during the 1960s, and why would I even care ?? Mellen has an "obsession" -- and it is obviously one that grew out of her "gullible-girly-groupie" experience with "Big Jimbo/Gumbo". NOT that I haven't seen that weird behavior repeated time-and-again, over the last 40+ years.

Lawrence J. Howard is still around and breathing. During Larry's years of work as an undercover agent for the A.T.T.U. [i.R.S.], and later for that outfit, when it was reorganized as B.A.T.F. [directly under Treasury] -- he diligently practiced the most important of job skills: Keep an accurate record of all activities and locales associated within every report. [see: Title 18, section 1001, et seq. -- "The Martha Stewart Charges"]

Whether Mellen ascribes her "scribbling" errors to Weberman, Posner, Russo, Larry Hancock, or even Weisberg -- I know exactly where Larry Howard was on 11/22/1963; and so do the agents who closely monitored [and protected] him during those specific periods in question.

I hired Larry Howard during 1977, to act as a co-investigator [and bodyguard] -- and this was while resolving issues as to "Death Squad/Kidnap" activities in Central America. My brother and Larry returned to Central America for that task, and successfully completed said investigation.

During early 1980, when I was again called upon to conduct similar work in Puerto Rico, I hired Larry as a bodyguard to my wife and family. Never once, during all of those years, did we ever have a serious discussion about the JFK matter.

[The one instance was: When, during 1981, while enroute to the Los Angeles BATF field office -- he turned to me and asked who it was, that I had instructed him to "get rid of" -- while our No Name Key crew was being TV interviewed [December 1962] at the Congress Airport Inn motel ?? I had hesitated, and he quickly stated: "...That guy was Oswald..wasn't it..??"!!]

The Los Angeles BATF field office supervisors advised Larry [during 1967] to voluntarily travel to New Orleans -- and thereafter present himself to Garrison for further inquiries.

The only matters that disturbed him were: Government files, which clearly showed that Garrison was a child molester, and that he had serious mental problems. Moreover, those files showed that Garrison was operating under severe strains, most of which were the result of his unfulfilled obligations to Carlos marcello.

However, the government agents didn't think that Garrison would act in a retaliatory manner against Howard, and this was due to the fact that they had informed the NODA that Howard remained an active SSCI (UC) operative for BATF.

Mellen DOES NOT want to hear any of this, as it doesn't comport with her "fantasy-land" agenda; which centers on idolizing her big "Hero". My former spouse is sitting on the couch, right next to my computer desk at this moment, and she has great difficulty grasping the "WHY" of Mellen's claims ?? Especially those where she suddenly purports having tapings of any interviews here in Fayetteville.

This is somewhat upsetting to her, because a family member has recently disposed of a nasty lawsuit, and has now reluctantly agreed to testify against said adversary. That party had made illegal tape recordings during the course of several encounters. Which will, without a doubt result in prison time !!

Here in North Carolina, as is the case in Florida, and most other states -- ALL tapings must begin with the voice of the machine operator stating that: "..This is (name & title)..and I am here in the presence of (name of subject)..for the following purposes.."!! The place, date and time must be included with the foregoing and preserved on all voice recording "events/episodes"; and including any changes to a fresh tape spool.

[see: State vs. Lynda Tripp, MD -- RE: The Monica Lewinsky tapings.]

[The only exemptions apply to the recordations & transcriptions of matters connected to law enforcement activities. Even then, the law requires that each spool be prefaced with the above mentioned inclusions, but a "case number" must be recorded in all "prefaces" !!

Recording by concealed devices is a 5 year felony for each event/incident, which translates to each spool, or where considerable time had intervened; that multiple counts might be filed per each spool !!]

All matters admitted & adjudged in even a civil matter in Federal District Court [including transcripts & exhibits] are later admissable in any criminal proceedings held in a state trial court.

Weberman's strategy was to "force" a libel suit, in order that he might arm himself with a stack of subpoenas from the clerk of the court !! He schemed to thereafter serve, "in persona" and "duces tecum" subpoenas, directed against a vast number of irrelevant VIPs !!

Unfortunately for a defendant in an A.D. 2005 libel lawsuit, those very same "Nodules" will now serve to operate "against interest"; and especially in the case where Weberman is joined as a 2nd or 3rd "Party". The proper venue is here in Cumberland County, NC. [see: Digests, "Venue in Internet Cases"]

I am now prepared to serve a "Notice of Intent", coupled with several sworn statements [Notarized Affidavits] -- and specifically with reference to ALL matters concerning mine , and others', interactions with Ms. Mellen. I am prepared to "FAX" said documents to any parties of interest, but only if Mellen's counsel advises (in writing, and on law firm stationary) that she will submit similar sworn statements as a matter of course !!

I do believe that the time has arrived, in that several scriveners will be called to account for their reckless allegations against a multitude of personages. More important, is that they will finally be called to task for bald allegations -- against specific governmental entities and/or employees !!

I would remind all parties: It is of great interest to all -- that a close scrutiny of Forum member Mike Kelly's reference to the "Sheehan-Tactic" is in order. That is: Using the Civil R.I.C.O. Statutes as the correct/proper device, especially where the forum (Tribunal) and venue are quite advantageous. [see: Title 18, US Code, section 1961 et seq.]

I await Ms. Mellen's production of any "consensual" recordations, especially those reduced to a transcribed format.

Most interesting is the allegation that: I described Lawrence Howard as a "Crackerjack" -- said term I have NEVER used in entire my life. Over the last 60+ years, I have deliberately eschewed the use of hundreds of "current & cool" metaphors. I have always been satisfied by focusing my verbal/oral expressions identical to that of the military. and especially those select "Nautical" terms, which are oft used by Marines and Sailors -- and frequently profane !!

Lawrence J. Howard never received, training, nor ever qualified as a "Sniper". As for "...Many authors and Historians" stating that I have "..contradicted myself". Please, Ms. Mellen, don't hesitate to cite just ONE "author/historian" who, after "personally" interviewing me; has made such allegations.

That some "scribbler' plagiarizes some other "scribbler', who cited to some tabloid trash article, is all too commonplace. But where Mellen, like all of the other reckless "scribblers" fail -- NO "authoritive cites" to the original document or article. Ms. Mellen has opted to NOT explain any reasons why: That she NEVER attempted to personally clarify any sticky issues, much less make mention of same, at an opportune time, prior to publication ??!!

I confronted Garrison with his scheming on more than just one occasion. He admitted to same, but claimed that he was forced into doing this because of "pressing matters at hand" !! Even an amatuer viewer of the Perry Mason TV series, would gag when reviewing his modus operandi during the Orleans Parish Grand Jury sessions.

[Harry Connick, Sr. privately stated that he wanted to dispose of "all that trash" because it was a severe embarassment to the N.O. District Attorney's office, and the legacy thereof.]

The worst news is yet to come. The very few "knowledgeable folks", who are currently involved in the JFK matter -- are agreement in the singular point. That is: To date, EVERY name foisted upon the public as either a "suspect" [or even a "subject of interest"] is absolutely, and totally WRONG. NOT EVEN CLOSE !!

The one person who had 90% of the real facts assembled in a rational form, died during 1974. His death seemingly opened the door, for the then DCI Bill Colby, to terminate Angleton. However, Colby had made a gross mistake, in thinking that this "Possessor-of-Family-Jewels" was JJA's ONLY "Ace-in-the-Hole" !! Which was the genuine reason that Angleton remained active at his office for the next several months.

This "Person", has only been mentioned by name once, during the last 40+ years !! However, and due to the "infamous character" of the writer, said reference was totally ignored. TOO BAD FOLKS, you've NOT been played ["Like-a-Violin"] by professionals -- you played yourselves, ab initio, into a ridiculous and seemingly endless, quandry.

The best displays may well come, if Mike Kelly, et al. initiate a "forum" under some, as yet unknown, legal theory [or priniciple] !! At that time, his "qualified" legal associates might be encouraged to seek out some sworn statements. Especially those "volunteered" by any member who might be selected as a prospective "witnesse". Which is exactly what the A.R.R.B. failed to do !! This is the reason why, when reading their "wit" transcripts, the educated amongst us are dismayed by the tendency towards comic relief

I am prepared right now, to enlarge upon what was quickly redacted from my H.S.C.A. testimony. An ordeal I submitted to -- despite knowing full well that, those proceedings would result in yet another "cover-up".

I really don't expect that the "Qualified Wits" list will be very long. This is because that: When it comes time to swear under oath, as to "personal knowledge" -- the majority of "Village Idiot" type bookreaders will be summarily excluded. "Book Reading" doesn't count in ANY legal forum. However, depositions under oath [such as from Ms. Mellen, and subsequent to subpoena service] would routinely be admitted by most forums and/or tribunals.

I would expect that those attorneys, who have been retained by authors/historian/scriveners, would caution their clients to make DAMN SURE that they will verify all allegations, and/or supportive commentaries. The only thing akin to "taking the 5th amendment" when called upon to speak the truth, is the lame excuse that: "..My attorney advises me that I shouldn't speak upon these matters..!!"





Mr. Hemming. You are a sick man and should seek professinal help.

You have done more damage to history with your wild unsupported claims than any person on the face of the earth. You quote dead people and incert yourself in their lives and expect us to except your tales and embrace your visions of grander.

If you must sue someone... start with me.

from a previous post on this forum.

GPH was never CIA or MI. He "shadows" information for personal gratification. He sponges up information and speculation and throws it out in disjointed fragments as facts and adds to that over time.

The real CIA file on GPH is they in "no way" wanted anything to do with him or "his boys".., even some of the Cubans who are now dead and gone wanted nothing to do with him, but he now quotes them as buddies in arms.

He has never been a CIA operative or a MI covert operative in spite of what he claims. His stories and disinformation is of his own making. He does not work within the protocol of the jargon of CIA. He thinks he knows how operations come together and who and why they were formed. This is his fantasy.

He drops names in tight circles and picks up jargon then uses it to influence others with his knowledge It works on the ill informed who want to know the workings of the covert world. For some to say he is or was CIA is a dis service to the CIA and our government. People want to believe what they want to believe and

GPH is there to provide the color they so much desire.

A real operative works in the shadows and lives in a world of cut outs and no man lands. Its his job to protect the operation at all cost as it is being played out. Liver Lips like GPH who see others, (who really know what a bag of wind he is) as "Snitches" could never keep the secrets because he wants everyone to see him as a big operative and planner that clears all operations and tells the CIA Director how to play the game.

Covert Ops is a very small world a dangerous world of which the likes of GPH could never have survived. Do what you like with the GPH's material. I have wasted to much time on this whatever person.

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The "BIG" question remains -- how the hell would I know anything at all about Helm's activities during the 1960s, and why would I even care ??

Gee, I dunno Gerry. You seem to know everything about everyone else, why stop with Helms? :)

Edited by Owen Parsons
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The worst news is yet to come. The very few "knowledgeable folks", who are currently involved in the JFK matter -- are agreement in the singular point. That is: To date, EVERY name foisted upon the public as either a "suspect" [or even a "subject of interest"] is absolutely, and totally WRONG. NOT EVEN CLOSE !!

The one person who had 90% of the real facts assembled in a rational form, died during 1974. His death seemingly opened the door, for the then DCI Bill Colby, to terminate Angleton. However, Colby had made a gross mistake, in thinking that this "Possessor-of-Family-Jewels" was JJA's ONLY "Ace-in-the-Hole" !! Which was the genuine reason that Angleton remained active at his office for the next several months.

This "Person", has only been mentioned by name once, during the last 40+ years !! However, and due to the "infamous character" of the writer, said reference was totally ignored. TOO BAD FOLKS, you've NOT been played ["Like-a-Violin"] by professionals -- you played yourselves, ab initio, into a ridiculous and seemingly endless, quandry.

The best displays may well come, if Mike Kelly, et al. initiate a "forum" under some, as yet unknown, legal theory [or priniciple] !! At that time, his "qualified" legal associates might be encouraged to seek out some sworn statements. Especially those "volunteered" by any member who might be selected as a prospective "witnesse". Which is exactly what the A.R.R.B. failed to do !! This is the reason why, when reading their "wit" transcripts, the educated amongst us are dismayed by the tendency towards comic relief

I am prepared right now, to enlarge upon what was quickly redacted from my H.S.C.A. testimony. An ordeal I submitted to -- despite knowing full well that, those proceedings would result in yet another "cover-up".y don't expect that the "Qualified Wits" list will be very long. This is because that: When it comes time to swear under oath, as to "personal knowledge" -- the majority of "Village Idiot" type bookreaders will be summarily excluded. "Book Reading" doesn't count in ANY legal forum. However, depositions under oath [such as from Ms. Mell




Gerry, excuse me if I'm reading this wrong, but it seems to me that if you're asserting that someone had 90% of the facts assembled, then you're admitting that you know 100% of the facts. You can't judge a percentage without seeing the whole pie. Are you merely overstating your knowledge of this person's knowledge? Or are you admitting that you know what happened, and that you've just been toying with us all this time? What is going on here?

And if you know of any instances where an author or newsman received jail time for secretly taping a conversation with a source, I'd appreciate hearing about it. I once taped someone while they were trying to involve me in a criminal conspiracy, and a lawyer friend of mine told me to destroy the recording for MY own protection. You've obviously looked into it. How real is that threat?


One member of a knowledgable GROUP, and one who knows a certain percentage of this matter's relevance and realities to the JFK matter, is Oliver Stone !!

Stone has been associated with an individual who worked alongside a subordinate of the person with whom SOME have described as: Having acquired 90% of the "inside track" !! Stone's long-time associate sought out my legal advice on how to have someone, other than he, obtain non-specific FOIA files on his activites, and to do so without linking the requests to him.

I suggested Bud Fensterwald during that period, and months later, I recommended Jim Lesar. It was quite obvious that Stone was aware of this person's anxieties, and since there existed the possibility of revelations as to a capital offense, he was passed on to me. I further advised him that: Should the government discover that Lesar was never in possession of specific files, then he would run the risk of being identified directly as the "original" source of said inquiries !!

Fensterwald himself once reflected on the whereabouts and Bio of a this specific person, and he referred to him as one "holding the 90%". I don't have a clue as to what 90% of anything is, but when respected parties anonymously refer to a "single" party -- as a person who has more than just "connected-the-dots"; I suspected that he would have to be either a principal, or an accessory to the crime(s).

I have no clue as to your reference to "TOYING"!! This forum [and the other groupings of scribblers & scriveners] is not a GRAND JURY. Moreover, if those same dozens of so-called "professionals" failed to even guess at this persons identity; then I must agree with Fensterwald's 1990 statement:

"....Knowing almost everything gets you nowhere.....especially when the only authorities sworn to conduct investigations...and are fully equipped to launch an attempt at prosecution...but refuse to do so...and spend most of their time covering their asses..."!!

I was asked repeatedly, during the course of this year, to delve into specific matters, most of which remain highly classified. This was initiated because certain parties feel that my health situation may leave them "holding-the-bag", and therefor, without even a chance at connecting just those dots which are very personal to them.

These are NOT crusaders, nor are they amongst the "usual suspects". Especially NOT those whose names seem to"crop-up" on a regular basis. They want to know the WHYs and WHEREFOREs of specific realities of today. Did they fail in their duties and/or efforts at defending this country against foreign despots, only to "witness?" it being handed over to domestic traitors ??!!

I spent most of my youth avoiding even limited contact with those, who today, are styled as "inside-the-beltway-VIPs". My greatest dread during the 1960s was: Ending up behind a desk somewhere in the D.C. area, or inside some embassy, flying a desk. I resigned from the Naval Academy during 1958, because it was quite obvious that I would shortly face what I considered to be a "dead-end" career.

During May of 1967, I took the Foreign Service Reserve Officer's oath at the Armed Forces Recruiting Station, Coral Gables, Florida. Dick Billings approached me shortly thereafter, urging me to work for LIFE on the Garrison matter. As I've related a hundred times already, I recommended that he check with Mike Acoca, and hire Bob Brown, as Bob had rejected a USAID Vietnam offer, and was in "Limbo" awaiting a Special Forces slot in the RVN.

Enroute to California, where I planned to leave my wife and two daughters living close to my family, whilst I did my 'nam tour. Enroute, I stopped by Hargrave's residence in Baton Rouge. He filled me in on some of the "insider-Garrison-information" he had acquired from Grady Partin. It was only then, that I realized that Garrison was out to frame a whole bunch of people, ourselves included.

Amidst working on a storm drain construction job held by Hargraves' newly formed company, I opted to shake any surveillance by disappearing off of the job [with Hargraves] and thereupon, quickly drive to new Orleans, so as to confront Garrison.

[FBI snitch Tom Bethel describes how we walked into the NODA office wearing "fatigues" and "jungle boots". He wrote later scribbled same in his "snitch-journal" that we appeared to be showing up to "play war" !!

How could a "Limey Snitch" be expected to grasp that: We weren't about to pay high prices for construction pants and boots, which together with gloves, exceeded $60+ at that time. Anybody with a brain would opt for surplus store items instead, especially when the total cost was a mere $14 !!]

In short order, Garrison's "Game" became quite obvious. Moreover, he actually expected that we would remain on his payroll and "play-along" with his phony schemes. I called certain parties in D.C., asked if there was any need for me to remain in N.O., and the answers were all in the negative. I thereupon called the bossman at USAID, and resigned my FSRO-7 paygrade position. Later that week, and after a few more "intimate' conversations with Garrison, we left for California.

I have spent some months now, trying to trace down the fate of a specific subordinate of what I will style as "The 90% Person". Typically, I had formed a "mental block" on an important name, and I continue reaching out quietly to folks who worked in the same ordinary-life occupation as this individual, and who had infrequent contact with him years ago.

One major stumbling point is that when I made a social call on this man's family, I was told that he had died months before. This shocked me profoundly, as I had been with him just a couple of weeks previous. The family was genuinely aggrieved, almost to the point of depression.

I suspected that he had "ditched" his family, and had taken off for parts unknown. However, a family member indicated that he had once again taken up some risky work, and that there had been an accident -- and his body was never recovered.

At that point in time [some 30+ years ago] I opted to bow-out of any further inquirie, as I didn't know then what I know now. At that time, I just thought of how often we experienced the "Bayo/Rorke/Sullivan, et al." type disappearances, and just filed it into that mental slot, which holds "case-closed" memories !!

As I see it, a whole bunch of dots have been connected, but most of the "information" remains worthless without several briefings of previously compartmented persons, who are now open to specific inquiries.

However, these folks are definitely not interested in seeing any of this material in any book, and they certainly don't want to be publicly connected to anything even vaguely "sensational" !!

This is exactly the kind of "information" which I am inclined to treat with a "jaundiced view". Today, there is NO "Rosetta Stone", and as far as I'm concerned, this remains just another "subject of interest". However, it is the best data that I have seen in 40+ years, and it so extremely logical, that it virtually "glows-in-the-dark" !!

That a few, then highly-placed folks, dug around in this same "greenhouse" -- sparks more than just curiousity !! Those characters are [or were] a 100% smarter than I could ever even hope to be.

We shall see.




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In her book Professor Mellen writes:

Gerry Patrick Hemming concurs: "Helms is [was?] behind the entire operation to kill JFK." (Ch. 10.)

I can find no cite to this statement, and Mr. Hemming vigorously denies making it to Professor Mellen (or anyone else, for that matter).

So my question for Professor Mellen is what is your support for Hemming ever blaming the assassination on Richard Helms?

I have Gerald Patrick Hemming on tape to the tune of boxes and boxes of tapes from our conversations. Yes, he cited Helms as behind the assassination - on tape with me in Fayetteville, North Carolina. He also cited Lawrence Howard as being in Dealey Plaza, and as a crackerjack shooter and sniper, although more recently he has denied that. This is a individual who has contradicted himself, as many authors and historians have noted. Note that I do not call him a witness.

Ms Mellen,

It's an honor to have you here. I asked Gerry about this also and he became quite rattled and even talked of lawsuits. I suspected -(and hoped)- that anything he told you would be on tape.

Some of us wonder why you included anything Hemming told you in AF2J?



Let me see now. I became "rattled" and even talked of "lawsuits" ?! How does one discern one's being "rattled" over the Internet ??!! Apparently, you, like Mellen, have profound difficulties in the interpretation of even short, and to the point, written statements ??!!

I don't have to repeat what I wrote in that post, as some very simple movements of one finger on your "mouse" -- will return you to said posting. Even in paraphrasing, it comes out with the same intent.

["...It will be up to the law firm's decision as to whether anything "untoward" has been written in Mellen's book..."]

As it was explained to me -- by those more practised in the field of lawthan I am: "Malice" is oft construed as "what a reasonable person" might discern as the "real purpose" behind the writing of any single [or composite] quotes being ascribed ?! More importantly; are these quotes purporting to be "direct", or from some other entity's and/or scrivener's material -- whether it had been published or not ??!!

It may well come down to the what indeed these "boxes and boxes" of purported "tapes" actually reveal.

I expect, as usual, and down the road -- it will be a case of ascribing ALL blame to either the editor, and/or publisher of said tome.

I still have great difficulty in grasping the "WHY" of any mention as to ex-DCI Helms; or is he "One-of-the-Usual-Suspects" NOW ??!!

Moreover, what would be ANYBODY'S purpose in making ANY reference to Helms, vis-a-vis "The JFK Murder", even if done in a joking manner. During 1963, Helm's was a 4th floor "flunky" -- with a pretentious title !! Not only did he lack any authority over specific clandestine service operations. He wasn't even in the loop !! [just like the Clinton/Reno "WACO" whackers; getting their "promotions?", which is not an undesirable method for quickly removing a "stooge" from the mainstream !!]

Moreover, when it came time to "revise or reveal", with reference to even the inconsequential episodes/events, Helms blundered quite grotesquely. Why? Because he didn't have the slightest "clue" as to what he was supposed to "conceal" !!

The "BIG" question remains -- how the hell would I know anything at all about Helm's activities during the 1960s, and why would I even care ?? Mellen has an "obsession" -- and it is obviously one that grew out of her "gullible-girly-groupie" experience with "Big Jimbo/Gumbo". NOT that I haven't seen that weird behavior repeated time-and-again, over the last 40+ years.

Lawrence J. Howard is still around and breathing. During Larry's years of work as an undercover agent for the A.T.T.U. [i.R.S.], and later for that outfit, when it was reorganized as B.A.T.F. [directly under Treasury] -- he diligently practiced the most important of job skills: Keep an accurate record of all activities and locales associated within every report. [see: Title 18, section 1001, et seq. -- "The Martha Stewart Charges"]

Whether Mellen ascribes her "scribbling" errors to Weberman, Posner, Russo, Larry Hancock, or even Weisberg -- I know exactly where Larry Howard was on 11/22/1963; and so do the agents who closely monitored [and protected] him during those specific periods in question.

I hired Larry Howard during 1977, to act as a co-investigator [and bodyguard] -- and this was while resolving issues as to "Death Squad/Kidnap" activities in Central America. My brother and Larry returned to Central America for that task, and successfully completed said investigation.

During early 1980, when I was again called upon to conduct similar work in Puerto Rico, I hired Larry as a bodyguard to my wife and family. Never once, during all of those years, did we ever have a serious discussion about the JFK matter.

[The one instance was: When, during 1981, while enroute to the Los Angeles BATF field office -- he turned to me and asked who it was, that I had instructed him to "get rid of" -- while our No Name Key crew was being TV interviewed [December 1962] at the Congress Airport Inn motel ?? I had hesitated, and he quickly stated: "...That guy was Oswald..wasn't it..??"!!]

The Los Angeles BATF field office supervisors advised Larry [during 1967] to voluntarily travel to New Orleans -- and thereafter present himself to Garrison for further inquiries.

The only matters that disturbed him were: Government files, which clearly showed that Garrison was a child molester, and that he had serious mental problems. Moreover, those files showed that Garrison was operating under severe strains, most of which were the result of his unfulfilled obligations to Carlos marcello.

However, the government agents didn't think that Garrison would act in a retaliatory manner against Howard, and this was due to the fact that they had informed the NODA that Howard remained an active SSCI (UC) operative for BATF.

Mellen DOES NOT want to hear any of this, as it doesn't comport with her "fantasy-land" agenda; which centers on idolizing her big "Hero". My former spouse is sitting on the couch, right next to my computer desk at this moment, and she has great difficulty grasping the "WHY" of Mellen's claims ?? Especially those where she suddenly purports having tapings of any interviews here in Fayetteville.

This is somewhat upsetting to her, because a family member has recently disposed of a nasty lawsuit, and has now reluctantly agreed to testify against said adversary. That party had made illegal tape recordings during the course of several encounters. Which will, without a doubt result in prison time !!

Here in North Carolina, as is the case in Florida, and most other states -- ALL tapings must begin with the voice of the machine operator stating that: "..This is (name & title)..and I am here in the presence of (name of subject)..for the following purposes.."!! The place, date and time must be included with the foregoing and preserved on all voice recording "events/episodes"; and including any changes to a fresh tape spool.

[see: State vs. Lynda Tripp, MD -- RE: The Monica Lewinsky tapings.]

[The only exemptions apply to the recordations & transcriptions of matters connected to law enforcement activities. Even then, the law requires that each spool be prefaced with the above mentioned inclusions, but a "case number" must be recorded in all "prefaces" !!

Recording by concealed devices is a 5 year felony for each event/incident, which translates to each spool, or where considerable time had intervened; that multiple counts might be filed per each spool !!]

All matters admitted & adjudged in even a civil matter in Federal District Court [including transcripts & exhibits] are later admissable in any criminal proceedings held in a state trial court.

Weberman's strategy was to "force" a libel suit, in order that he might arm himself with a stack of subpoenas from the clerk of the court !! He schemed to thereafter serve, "in persona" and "duces tecum" subpoenas, directed against a vast number of irrelevant VIPs !!

Unfortunately for a defendant in an A.D. 2005 libel lawsuit, those very same "Nodules" will now serve to operate "against interest"; and especially in the case where Weberman is joined as a 2nd or 3rd "Party". The proper venue is here in Cumberland County, NC. [see: Digests, "Venue in Internet Cases"]

I am now prepared to serve a "Notice of Intent", coupled with several sworn statements [Notarized Affidavits] -- and specifically with reference to ALL matters concerning mine , and others', interactions with Ms. Mellen. I am prepared to "FAX" said documents to any parties of interest, but only if Mellen's counsel advises (in writing, and on law firm stationary) that she will submit similar sworn statements as a matter of course !!

I do believe that the time has arrived, in that several scriveners will be called to account for their reckless allegations against a multitude of personages. More important, is that they will finally be called to task for bald allegations -- against specific governmental entities and/or employees !!

I would remind all parties: It is of great interest to all -- that a close scrutiny of Forum member Mike Kelly's reference to the "Sheehan-Tactic" is in order. That is: Using the Civil R.I.C.O. Statutes as the correct/proper device, especially where the forum (Tribunal) and venue are quite advantageous. [see: Title 18, US Code, section 1961 et seq.]

I await Ms. Mellen's production of any "consensual" recordations, especially those reduced to a transcribed format.

Most interesting is the allegation that: I described Lawrence Howard as a "Crackerjack" -- said term I have NEVER used in entire my life. Over the last 60+ years, I have deliberately eschewed the use of hundreds of "current & cool" metaphors. I have always been satisfied by focusing my verbal/oral expressions identical to that of the military. and especially those select "Nautical" terms, which are oft used by Marines and Sailors -- and frequently profane !!

Lawrence J. Howard never received, training, nor ever qualified as a "Sniper". As for "...Many authors and Historians" stating that I have "..contradicted myself". Please, Ms. Mellen, don't hesitate to cite just ONE "author/historian" who, after "personally" interviewing me; has made such allegations.

That some "scribbler' plagiarizes some other "scribbler', who cited to some tabloid trash article, is all too commonplace. But where Mellen, like all of the other reckless "scribblers" fail -- NO "authoritive cites" to the original document or article. Ms. Mellen has opted to NOT explain any reasons why: That she NEVER attempted to personally clarify any sticky issues, much less make mention of same, at an opportune time, prior to publication ??!!

I confronted Garrison with his scheming on more than just one occasion. He admitted to same, but claimed that he was forced into doing this because of "pressing matters at hand" !! Even an amatuer viewer of the Perry Mason TV series, would gag when reviewing his modus operandi during the Orleans Parish Grand Jury sessions.

[Harry Connick, Sr. privately stated that he wanted to dispose of "all that trash" because it was a severe embarassment to the N.O. District Attorney's office, and the legacy thereof.]

The worst news is yet to come. The very few "knowledgeable folks", who are currently involved in the JFK matter -- are agreement in the singular point. That is: To date, EVERY name foisted upon the public as either a "suspect" [or even a "subject of interest"] is absolutely, and totally WRONG. NOT EVEN CLOSE !!

The one person who had 90% of the real facts assembled in a rational form, died during 1974. His death seemingly opened the door, for the then DCI Bill Colby, to terminate Angleton. However, Colby had made a gross mistake, in thinking that this "Possessor-of-Family-Jewels" was JJA's ONLY "Ace-in-the-Hole" !! Which was the genuine reason that Angleton remained active at his office for the next several months.

This "Person", has only been mentioned by name once, during the last 40+ years !! However, and due to the "infamous character" of the writer, said reference was totally ignored. TOO BAD FOLKS, you've NOT been played ["Like-a-Violin"] by professionals -- you played yourselves, ab initio, into a ridiculous and seemingly endless, quandry.

The best displays may well come, if Mike Kelly, et al. initiate a "forum" under some, as yet unknown, legal theory [or priniciple] !! At that time, his "qualified" legal associates might be encouraged to seek out some sworn statements. Especially those "volunteered" by any member who might be selected as a prospective "witnesse". Which is exactly what the A.R.R.B. failed to do !! This is the reason why, when reading their "wit" transcripts, the educated amongst us are dismayed by the tendency towards comic relief

I am prepared right now, to enlarge upon what was quickly redacted from my H.S.C.A. testimony. An ordeal I submitted to -- despite knowing full well that, those proceedings would result in yet another "cover-up".

I really don't expect that the "Qualified Wits" list will be very long. This is because that: When it comes time to swear under oath, as to "personal knowledge" -- the majority of "Village Idiot" type bookreaders will be summarily excluded. "Book Reading" doesn't count in ANY legal forum. However, depositions under oath [such as from Ms. Mellen, and subsequent to subpoena service] would routinely be admitted by most forums and/or tribunals.

I would expect that those attorneys, who have been retained by authors/historian/scriveners, would caution their clients to make DAMN SURE that they will verify all allegations, and/or supportive commentaries. The only thing akin to "taking the 5th amendment" when called upon to speak the truth, is the lame excuse that: "..My attorney advises me that I shouldn't speak upon these matters..!!"





Mr. Hemming. You are a sick man and should seek professinal help.

You have done more damage to history with your wild unsupported claims than any person on the face of the earth. You quote dead people and incert yourself in their lives and expect us to except your tales and embrace your visions of grander.

If you must sue someone... start with me.

from a previous post on this forum.

GPH was never CIA or MI. He "shadows" information for personal gratification. He sponges up information and speculation and throws it out in disjointed fragments as facts and adds to that over time.

The real CIA file on GPH is they in "no way" wanted anything to do with him or "his boys".., even some of the Cubans who are now dead and gone wanted nothing to do with him, but he now quotes them as buddies in arms.

He has never been a CIA operative or a MI covert operative in spite of what he claims. His stories and disinformation is of his own making. He does not work within the protocol of the jargon of CIA. He thinks he knows how operations come together and who and why they were formed. This is his fantasy.

He drops names in tight circles and picks up jargon then uses it to influence others with his knowledge It works on the ill informed who want to know the workings of the covert world. For some to say he is or was CIA is a dis service to the CIA and our government. People want to believe what they want to believe and

GPH is there to provide the color they so much desire.

A real operative works in the shadows and lives in a world of cut outs and no man lands. Its his job to protect the operation at all cost as it is being played out. Liver Lips like GPH who see others, (who really know what a bag of wind he is) as "Snitches" could never keep the secrets because he wants everyone to see him as a big operative and planner that clears all operations and tells the CIA Director how to play the game.

Covert Ops is a very small world a dangerous world of which the likes of GPH could never have survived. Do what you like with the GPH's material. I have wasted to much time on this whatever person.


And once again, here is "Tooshee" posting an exact description of his "snitch-self" !! This is the clown who heroically tells some San Diego trash-tabloid scribbler about "waving" a white hanky out the window as a signal to the nasty-ass dopers. Then, our hero, SITTING IN THE RIGHT SEAT of a DC-3, starts the left engine first.

Hey dumb-ass !! Ever heard of "Google" ??!! Crank in "DC-3/C-47" and then tell us how you reached across the whole overhead panel to "start an engine". The left-seater starts the engines, "pseudo-zoomie"; and you always start the RIGHT ENGINE first, because that's the one which has both the electric generator and the hydraulic pump !! What a phony !!

And then, amidst .50 calibre "Ma Duece" tracers, the dumb-ass pilot "turns into the wind??" Any comic-book reader knows that you ALWAYS TAXI BACK to the landing end of the strip -- and if the dumb-ass beaners have the Trucks/Toyotas at the wrong end -- tough titty, they follow as you taxi back. And shutting down even one engine, when it's NOT a refueling site ?? "WHAFOO YOU SO DUMB ??"

And that gas station "MAP" -- with a bunch of stupid scribbling on it ??!! WHAT ?? exactly is that supposed to prove. Yeah, about the same as your 2 page PDF "file?". And of course there is everybody on the planet who fails to grasp the insider scoop on Kiki Camera's demise ??!! Give us a break. What is it, you got another gullible fish on the hook again.

Sue a homeless skid-row snitch ?? You gotta be kidding. But, tell you what I will do, I've got 8 lbs. of snitch files on YOU, which somebody forgot to "Klassy-Lie" (LOL) -- and I think it is time for some of the members to do some interesting reading about "Tooshee-san" !!

When "Googling" turns up two pages of worthless crap, I can see why you feing ignorance of that search-engine. Please guys, gals, and gullibles -- find my "map" and my phony "I ran dope for the big Uncle" crap-story -- Huh, pretty please !!

Get a life, and go bug "Wimp-Drank-to-much-Beer".


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The "BIG" question remains -- how the hell would I know anything at all about Helm's activities during the 1960s, and why would I even care ??

Gee, I dunno Gerry. You seem to know everything about everyone else, why stop with Helms? :)


Gee, you "curly-headed" little cutie, just tell me why should I even be stopping by to respond to just another sissy-xxxxx ??!! [roll-your-cutie-pie eyes, you still won't get a date with me]

Just go back to schmoozing more of Mellen's now totally discredited "gullible-groupie-tome"!!

Do you really believe that any of the members are dumb enough NOT to spot a xxxxx who joined-in just to trash one specific target ??!!.

But, don't swish-off to burn you library & hardrives yet, I could be wrong about EVERYTHING. Happier NOW ??


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The one person who had 90% of the real facts assembled in a rational form, died during 1974. His death seemingly opened the door, for the then DCI Bill Colby, to terminate Angleton. However, Colby had made a gross mistake, in thinking that this "Possessor-of-Family-Jewels" was JJA's ONLY "Ace-in-the-Hole" !! Which was the genuine reason that Angleton remained active at his office for the next several months.

This "Person", has only been mentioned by name once, during the last 40+ years !! However, and due to the "infamous character" of the writer, said reference was totally ignored. TOO BAD FOLKS, you've NOT been played ["Like-a-Violin"] by professionals -- you played yourselves, ab initio, into a ridiculous and seemingly endless, quandry.

William Charles Godell.

See refs in first six posts of the following thread:


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I know nothing about Godell, other than what Tim Gratz relayed here from Joe Trento's book which I don't yet have, and the fact that Gerry Hemming named Godell as a suspect in 1996, which I assume is the lone mention of Godell in the last 40-plus years that Gerry has now referred to. But Joe has obviously mentioned Godell too in his book, so the only two people on earth that I'm aware of who have information on this historical mystery man are Gerry and Joe.

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I have no idea if it's the same Godell of Operation Ranch Hand. (That term was a new one on me, though I remember well the controversy about defoliating in Vietnam. I recall Goldwater saying something about turning the whole place into a desert, but of course Barry didn't get the chance.)


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I know nothing about Godell, other than what Tim Gratz relayed here from Joe Trento's book which I don't yet have, and the fact that Gerry Hemming named Godell as a suspect in 1996, which I assume is the lone mention of Godell in the last 40-plus years that Gerry has now referred to. But Joe has obviously mentioned Godell too in his book, so the only two people on earth that I'm aware of who have information on this historical mystery man are Gerry and Joe.


By clicking on the link below, you can read a declassified (1993), generally unfavorable CIA book review of Andrew Tully's 1969 The Super Spies. The reviewer, Sherman Kent, mentions Tully's writing about WILLIAM GODELL's embezzelment problem(s) in the second paragraph of the book review.


FWIW, Thomas


Edited by Thomas Graves
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In her book Professor Mellen writes:

Gerry Patrick Hemming concurs: "Helms is [was?] behind the entire operation to kill JFK." (Ch. 10.)

I can find no cite to this statement, and Mr. Hemming vigorously denies making it to Professor Mellen (or anyone else, for that matter).

So my question for Professor Mellen is what is your support for Hemming ever blaming the assassination on Richard Helms?

I have Gerald Patrick Hemming on tape to the tune of boxes and boxes of tapes from our conversations. Yes, he cited Helms as behind the assassination - on tape with me in Fayetteville, North Carolina. He also cited Lawrence Howard as being in Dealey Plaza, and as a crackerjack shooter and sniper, although more recently he has denied that. This is a individual who has contradicted himself, as many authors and historians have noted. Note that I do not call him a witness.

Ms Mellen,

It's an honor to have you here. I asked Gerry about this also and he became quite rattled and even talked of lawsuits. I suspected -(and hoped)- that anything he told you would be on tape.

Some of us wonder why you included anything Hemming told you in AF2J?



Let me see now. I became "rattled" and even talked of "lawsuits" ?! How does one discern one's being "rattled" over the Internet ??!! Apparently, you, like Mellen, have profound difficulties in the interpretation of even short, and to the point, written statements ??!!

Gerry, your written statements are rarely short, let alone to the point. If you were to edit out all the invective and unbecoming barracks-boy potty mouth, they might be short and to the point.

I don't have to repeat what I wrote in that post, as some very simple movements of one finger on your "mouse" -- will return you to said posting. Even in paraphrasing, it comes out with the same intent.

["...It will be up to the law firm's decision as to whether anything "untoward" has been written in Mellen's book..."]

As it was explained to me -- by those more practised in the field of lawthan I am: "Malice" is oft construed as "what a reasonable person" might discern as the "real purpose" behind the writing of any single [or composite] quotes being ascribed ?! More importantly; are these quotes purporting to be "direct", or from some other entity's and/or scrivener's material -- whether it had been published or not ??!!

The case in point seems to revolve around what was said by you into a microphone, which is about as direct as you can get. If those recorded statements contradict what you've told others, it is fair game of Ms. Mellen to point it out to her readers, just to let them know that your record for consistency and veracity may be open to reasonable question. In the event that Ms. Mellen has quoted your words from other sources, and those sources quoted you incorrectly, then your beef is with those sources, not Ms. Mellen. And, from a strictly legal point of view, if you didn't sue those who misquoted you, then you have no recourse against Ms. Mellen if those alleged "misquotes" appear in her work.

It may well come down to the what indeed these "boxes and boxes" of purported "tapes" actually reveal.

Which is what seems to have you "rattled" to the point of threatening legal action, albeit not on the basis of being misquoted, just allegedly being taped without your knowledge, as per your comments below.

I expect, as usual, and down the road -- it will be a case of ascribing ALL blame to either the editor, and/or publisher of said tome.

This presumes, of course, that there is any "blame" to ascribe, a point that is pure smoke and mirrors until demonstrated. If you have said on tape what Ms. Mellen quotes you as having said, there is no "blame" to ascribe, save perhaps your inability to zip your lips when you ought to have done.

I still have great difficulty in grasping the "WHY" of any mention as to ex-DCI Helms; or is he "One-of-the-Usual-Suspects" NOW ??!!

If Ms. Mellen has you on tape making that allegation, then even asking the above question is disingenuous on your part.

Moreover, what would be ANYBODY'S purpose in making ANY reference to Helms, vis-a-vis "The JFK Murder", even if done in a joking manner. During 1963, Helm's was a 4th floor "flunky" -- with a pretentious title !! Not only did he lack any authority over specific clandestine service operations. He wasn't even in the loop !! [just like the Clinton/Reno "WACO" whackers; getting their "promotions?", which is not an undesirable method for quickly removing a "stooge" from the mainstream !!]

Moreover, when it came time to "revise or reveal", with reference to even the inconsequential episodes/events, Helms blundered quite grotesquely. Why? Because he didn't have the slightest "clue" as to what he was supposed to "conceal" !!

The "BIG" question remains -- how the hell would I know anything at all about Helm's activities during the 1960s, and why would I even care ?? Mellen has an "obsession" -- and it is obviously one that grew out of her "gullible-girly-groupie" experience with "Big Jimbo/Gumbo". NOT that I haven't seen that weird behavior repeated time-and-again, over the last 40+ years.

Actually, Gerry, knowing nothing about a topic has never seemed to stop you from spouting off in the past, so why would your self-aggrandizing behaviour stop with Ms. Mellen? You have in this very thread made statements, as though factual, about a person or persons having developed 90% of the data needed to solve this crime, and when challenged, cited what you'd been told by others. In essence, you backed away from claiming sufficient personal knowledge to render such a judgement, and deferred to those who informed you of this. This is not fact; it is gossip, unless and until demonstrated. You make similar assertions all the time, likely on similarly questionable bases, and when called on them, resort to virtriol and poor manners... this forum is chock full of examples. Perhaps what has you irritated with Ms. Mellen is that her "gullible-girly-groupie obsession" is with Jim Garrison, rather than with you, since you keep insisting that all forum members, irrespective of gender, are simply angling to get a "date" with you.

Lawrence J. Howard is still around and breathing. During Larry's years of work as an undercover agent for the A.T.T.U. [i.R.S.], and later for that outfit, when it was reorganized as B.A.T.F. [directly under Treasury] -- he diligently practiced the most important of job skills: Keep an accurate record of all activities and locales associated within every report. [see: Title 18, section 1001, et seq. -- "The Martha Stewart Charges"]

Whether Mellen ascribes her "scribbling" errors to Weberman, Posner, Russo, Larry Hancock, or even Weisberg -- I know exactly where Larry Howard was on 11/22/1963; and so do the agents who closely monitored [and protected] him during those specific periods in question.

First, there are no "errors" to misattribute until they are demonstrated to be errors, which is where certain tapes will no doubt come in very handy for Ms. Mellen. Second, irrespective of what you know about Larry Howard's whereabouts on that date, what matters is what you told Ms. Mellen; what you claimed to be true, not what you now say you know to be true.

I hired Larry Howard during 1977, to act as a co-investigator [and bodyguard] -- and this was while resolving issues as to "Death Squad/Kidnap" activities in Central America. My brother and Larry returned to Central America for that task, and successfully completed said investigation.

During early 1980, when I was again called upon to conduct similar work in Puerto Rico, I hired Larry as a bodyguard to my wife and family. Never once, during all of those years, did we ever have a serious discussion about the JFK matter.

[The one instance was: When, during 1981, while enroute to the Los Angeles BATF field office -- he turned to me and asked who it was, that I had instructed him to "get rid of" -- while our No Name Key crew was being TV interviewed [December 1962] at the Congress Airport Inn motel ?? I had hesitated, and he quickly stated: "...That guy was Oswald..wasn't it..??"!!]

The Los Angeles BATF field office supervisors advised Larry [during 1967] to voluntarily travel to New Orleans -- and thereafter present himself to Garrison for further inquiries.

The only matters that disturbed him were: Government files, which clearly showed that Garrison was a child molester, and that he had serious mental problems. Moreover, those files showed that Garrison was operating under severe strains, most of which were the result of his unfulfilled obligations to Carlos marcello.

However, the government agents didn't think that Garrison would act in a retaliatory manner against Howard, and this was due to the fact that they had informed the NODA that Howard remained an active SSCI (UC) operative for BATF.

And you have those files? Or have seen those files? Or have taken the word of others - whether Howard or anyone else - that these are legitimate files?

Mellen DOES NOT want to hear any of this, as it doesn't comport with her "fantasy-land" agenda; which centers on idolizing her big "Hero". My former spouse is sitting on the couch, right next to my computer desk at this moment, and she has great difficulty grasping the "WHY" of Mellen's claims ?? Especially those where she suddenly purports having tapings of any interviews here in Fayetteville.

Presumably, Ms. Mellen would have asked to see those files, if you possessed them. If you don't, then you're just peddling more gossip, second or third hand, which is not exactly convincing to anyone, whether or not they suffer from "gullible-girly-groupie" syndrome. Moreover, it is no secret that Garrison has been the subject of a decades-long campaign of slander and character assassination. You're simply one of the several lads who was sent to trip Garrison up, and having screwed the pooch on that score, will not rest until his legacy is dirt. How does it feel, Gerry, knowing that this alleged half-wit child-molesting Mafia-fronting scumbag commands a level of respect today that you never will? Is that what put the burr under your saddle?

This is somewhat upsetting to her, because a family member has recently disposed of a nasty lawsuit, and has now reluctantly agreed to testify against said adversary. That party had made illegal tape recordings during the course of several encounters. Which will, without a doubt result in prison time !!

Here in North Carolina, as is the case in Florida, and most other states -- ALL tapings must begin with the voice of the machine operator stating that: "..This is (name & title)..and I am here in the presence of (name of subject)..for the following purposes.."!! The place, date and time must be included with the foregoing and preserved on all voice recording "events/episodes"; and including any changes to a fresh tape spool.

[see: State vs. Lynda Tripp, MD -- RE: The Monica Lewinsky tapings.]

[The only exemptions apply to the recordations & transcriptions of matters connected to law enforcement activities. Even then, the law requires that each spool be prefaced with the above mentioned inclusions, but a "case number" must be recorded in all "prefaces" !!

Recording by concealed devices is a 5 year felony for each event/incident, which translates to each spool, or where considerable time had intervened; that multiple counts might be filed per each spool !!]

All matters admitted & adjudged in even a civil matter in Federal District Court [including transcripts & exhibits] are later admissable in any criminal proceedings held in a state trial court.

So, rather than repudiate your allegedly misquoted comments to Ms. Mellen, which is how you began, you now wish to sue her for having taped your conversations without your permission, presuming that is what happened [and not simply more of your endless bafflegab.] Interesting. You see, this is not simply a case of a person being caught on tape during an involuntary exchange, or being blind-sided. You have admitted here that such conversations took place of your own volition, even in your own abode, and the statements you made were uttered freely and of your own will. If they are captured on tape, it is a testament to Ms. Mellen's professionalism and her desire to ensure that nobody would be misquoted on so important a topic.

Whereas your present, baseless fall-back position seems to be akin to the man who voluntarily appears on camera for an interview, but then squawks because he didn't sign a "release" for its use. You granted Ms. Mellen interviews. You said things you now regret having uttered, as they don't portray you in a light sufficiently flattering to comport with your self-image. So you've taken a page from Tim Gratz's disused legal playbook and begun barking about legal action against the author you willingly confided to. You know, Gerry, for a putative man's man, you're behaving like a petulant teenaged girl. Do get a grip, dear boy. Your current behaviour is unbecoming any man, let alone a self-proclaimed man's man.

Weberman's strategy was to "force" a libel suit, in order that he might arm himself with a stack of subpoenas from the clerk of the court !! He schemed to thereafter serve, "in persona" and "duces tecum" subpoenas, directed against a vast number of irrelevant VIPs !!

Unfortunately for a defendant in an A.D. 2005 libel lawsuit, those very same "Nodules" will now serve to operate "against interest"; and especially in the case where Weberman is joined as a 2nd or 3rd "Party". The proper venue is here in Cumberland County, NC. [see: Digests, "Venue in Internet Cases"]

I am now prepared to serve a "Notice of Intent", coupled with several sworn statements [Notarized Affidavits] -- and specifically with reference to ALL matters concerning mine , and others', interactions with Ms. Mellen. I am prepared to "FAX" said documents to any parties of interest, but only if Mellen's counsel advises (in writing, and on law firm stationary) that she will submit similar sworn statements as a matter of course !!

I do believe that the time has arrived, in that several scriveners will be called to account for their reckless allegations against a multitude of personages. More important, is that they will finally be called to task for bald allegations -- against specific governmental entities and/or employees !!

I would remind all parties: It is of great interest to all -- that a close scrutiny of Forum member Mike Kelly's reference to the "Sheehan-Tactic" is in order. That is: Using the Civil R.I.C.O. Statutes as the correct/proper device, especially where the forum (Tribunal) and venue are quite advantageous. [see: Title 18, US Code, section 1961 et seq.]

I await Ms. Mellen's production of any "consensual" recordations, especially those reduced to a transcribed format.

Oh, for God's sake, Gerry.... you granted the woman interviews, and said things you now regret. You cannot get far claiming that your comments weren't made "consensually," unless someone has been granted power of attorney over you because you're claiming diminished mental capacity or summut similar. Is that your next grand legal strategy?

Most interesting is the allegation that: I described Lawrence Howard as a "Crackerjack" -- said term I have NEVER used in entire my life. Over the last 60+ years, I have deliberately eschewed the use of hundreds of "current & cool" metaphors. I have always been satisfied by focusing my verbal/oral expressions identical to that of the military. and especially those select "Nautical" terms, which are oft used by Marines and Sailors -- and frequently profane !!

No xxxx.

Lawrence J. Howard never received, training, nor ever qualified as a "Sniper".

That may be a fact, but it is immaterial. What is material is what you told Ms. Mellen, and if it was a lie, then it is you who must account, not she.

As for "...Many authors and Historians" stating that I have "..contradicted myself". Please, Ms. Mellen, don't hesitate to cite just ONE "author/historian" who, after "personally" interviewing me; has made such allegations.

Why did you drop in the qualifier "after personally interviewing me?" That is not included in her statement, nor need it be. Your record for consistency is not good, Gerry, as anyone who's read the Weberman site already knows. Whether you just can't keep your story straight, or you play different roles for different audiences is really secondary to the fact that your story wobbles from point to point without payoff.

You claim that this is the direct result of endless clueless brainless scribblers misquoting you. Makes one wonder why you're always so anxious to make yourself available to them, the very same question you claim your family keeps asking you. Why do you do it, Gerry, in light of your consistent disappointment with the results? On the one hand, you offer little of substance and mutter your chagrin about being misquoted or misinterpreted, but on the other hand, you refuse to just shut your mouth and fade into obscurity. Do you suffer from some kind of compulsion, Gerry, or are you just still "on the job?" [Assuming that you ever were, that is.]

That some "scribbler' plagiarizes some other "scribbler', who cited to some tabloid trash article, is all too commonplace. But where Mellen, like all of the other reckless "scribblers" fail -- NO "authoritive cites" to the original document or article. Ms. Mellen has opted to NOT explain any reasons why: That she NEVER attempted to personally clarify any sticky issues, much less make mention of same, at an opportune time, prior to publication ??!!

And where bigmouths fail is to spout off to all and sundry and then feel bitter disappointment with the result. Just sue her, Gerry, and we'll soon see who is credible and who is the buffoon.

I confronted Garrison with his scheming on more than just one occasion. He admitted to same, but claimed that he was forced into doing this because of "pressing matters at hand" !! Even an amatuer viewer of the Perry Mason TV series, would gag when reviewing his modus operandi during the Orleans Parish Grand Jury sessions.

[Harry Connick, Sr. privately stated that he wanted to dispose of "all that trash" because it was a severe embarassment to the N.O. District Attorney's office, and the legacy thereof.]

The worst news is yet to come. The very few "knowledgeable folks", who are currently involved in the JFK matter -- are agreement in the singular point. That is: To date, EVERY name foisted upon the public as either a "suspect" [or even a "subject of interest"] is absolutely, and totally WRONG. NOT EVEN CLOSE !!

Then, presumably, all of your previous preamble for the past nigh-on 40 years hasn't been of much use to us, has it, Gerry? Could you get any closer to admitting that you've got nothing substantive to offer, without actually coming out and saying it?

The one person who had 90% of the real facts assembled in a rational form, died during 1974. His death seemingly opened the door, for the then DCI Bill Colby, to terminate Angleton. However, Colby had made a gross mistake, in thinking that this "Possessor-of-Family-Jewels" was JJA's ONLY "Ace-in-the-Hole" !! Which was the genuine reason that Angleton remained active at his office for the next several months.

This "Person", has only been mentioned by name once, during the last 40+ years !! However, and due to the "infamous character" of the writer, said reference was totally ignored. TOO BAD FOLKS, you've NOT been played ["Like-a-Violin"] by professionals -- you played yourselves, ab initio, into a ridiculous and seemingly endless, quandry.

Not without some help from the professionally slippery, and the mentally questionable.

The best displays may well come, if Mike Kelly, et al. initiate a "forum" under some, as yet unknown, legal theory [or priniciple] !! At that time, his "qualified" legal associates might be encouraged to seek out some sworn statements. Especially those "volunteered" by any member who might be selected as a prospective "witnesse". Which is exactly what the A.R.R.B. failed to do !! This is the reason why, when reading their "wit" transcripts, the educated amongst us are dismayed by the tendency towards comic relief

I am prepared right now, to enlarge upon what was quickly redacted from my H.S.C.A. testimony. An ordeal I submitted to -- despite knowing full well that, those proceedings would result in yet another "cover-up".

I really don't expect that the "Qualified Wits" list will be very long. This is because that: When it comes time to swear under oath, as to "personal knowledge" -- the majority of "Village Idiot" type bookreaders will be summarily excluded. "Book Reading" doesn't count in ANY legal forum. However, depositions under oath [such as from Ms. Mellen, and subsequent to subpoena service] would routinely be admitted by most forums and/or tribunals.

I would expect that those attorneys, who have been retained by authors/historian/scriveners, would caution their clients to make DAMN SURE that they will verify all allegations, and/or supportive commentaries. The only thing akin to "taking the 5th amendment" when called upon to speak the truth, is the lame excuse that: "..My attorney advises me that I shouldn't speak upon these matters..!!"






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In her book Professor Mellen writes:

Gerry Patrick Hemming concurs: "Helms is [was?] behind the entire operation to kill JFK." (Ch. 10.)

I can find no cite to this statement, and Mr. Hemming vigorously denies making it to Professor Mellen (or anyone else, for that matter).

So my question for Professor Mellen is what is your support for Hemming ever blaming the assassination on Richard Helms?

I have Gerald Patrick Hemming on tape to the tune of boxes and boxes of tapes from our conversations. Yes, he cited Helms as behind the assassination - on tape with me in Fayetteville, North Carolina. He also cited Lawrence Howard as being in Dealey Plaza, and as a crackerjack shooter and sniper, although more recently he has denied that. This is a individual who has contradicted himself, as many authors and historians have noted. Note that I do not call him a witness.

Ms Mellen,

It's an honor to have you here. I asked Gerry about this also and he became quite rattled and even talked of lawsuits. I suspected -(and hoped)- that anything he told you would be on tape.

Some of us wonder why you included anything Hemming told you in AF2J?



Let me see now. I became "rattled" and even talked of "lawsuits" ?! How does one discern one's being "rattled" over the Internet ??!! Apparently, you, like Mellen, have profound difficulties in the interpretation of even short, and to the point, written statements ??!!

Gerry, your written statements are rarely short, let alone to the point. If you were to edit out all the invective and unbecoming barracks-boy potty mouth, they might be short and to the point.

I don't have to repeat what I wrote in that post, as some very simple movements of one finger on your "mouse" -- will return you to said posting. Even in paraphrasing, it comes out with the same intent.

["...It will be up to the law firm's decision as to whether anything "untoward" has been written in Mellen's book..."]

As it was explained to me -- by those more practised in the field of lawthan I am: "Malice" is oft construed as "what a reasonable person" might discern as the "real purpose" behind the writing of any single [or composite] quotes being ascribed ?! More importantly; are these quotes purporting to be "direct", or from some other entity's and/or scrivener's material -- whether it had been published or not ??!!

The case in point seems to revolve around what was said by you into a microphone, which is about as direct as you can get. If those recorded statements contradict what you've told others, it is fair game of Ms. Mellen to point it out to her readers, just to let them know that your record for consistency and veracity may be open to reasonable question. In the event that Ms. Mellen has quoted your words from other sources, and those sources quoted you incorrectly, then your beef is with those sources, not Ms. Mellen. And, from a strictly legal point of view, if you didn't sue those who misquoted you, then you have no recourse against Ms. Mellen if those alleged "misquotes" appear in her work.

It may well come down to the what indeed these "boxes and boxes" of purported "tapes" actually reveal.

Which is what seems to have you "rattled" to the point of threatening legal action, albeit not on the basis of being misquoted, just allegedly being taped without your knowledge, as per your comments below.

I expect, as usual, and down the road -- it will be a case of ascribing ALL blame to either the editor, and/or publisher of said tome.

This presumes, of course, that there is any "blame" to ascribe, a point that is pure smoke and mirrors until demonstrated. If you have said on tape what Ms. Mellen quotes you as having said, there is no "blame" to ascribe, save perhaps your inability to zip your lips when you ought to have done.

I still have great difficulty in grasping the "WHY" of any mention as to ex-DCI Helms; or is he "One-of-the-Usual-Suspects" NOW ??!!

If Ms. Mellen has you on tape making that allegation, then even asking the above question is disingenuous on your part.

Moreover, what would be ANYBODY'S purpose in making ANY reference to Helms, vis-a-vis "The JFK Murder", even if done in a joking manner. During 1963, Helm's was a 4th floor "flunky" -- with a pretentious title !! Not only did he lack any authority over specific clandestine service operations. He wasn't even in the loop !! [just like the Clinton/Reno "WACO" whackers; getting their "promotions?", which is not an undesirable method for quickly removing a "stooge" from the mainstream !!]

Moreover, when it came time to "revise or reveal", with reference to even the inconsequential episodes/events, Helms blundered quite grotesquely. Why? Because he didn't have the slightest "clue" as to what he was supposed to "conceal" !!

The "BIG" question remains -- how the hell would I know anything at all about Helm's activities during the 1960s, and why would I even care ?? Mellen has an "obsession" -- and it is obviously one that grew out of her "gullible-girly-groupie" experience with "Big Jimbo/Gumbo". NOT that I haven't seen that weird behavior repeated time-and-again, over the last 40+ years.

Actually, Gerry, knowing nothing about a topic has never seemed to stop you from spouting off in the past, so why would your self-aggrandizing behaviour stop with Ms. Mellen? You have in this very thread made statements, as though factual, about a person or persons having developed 90% of the data needed to solve this crime, and when challenged, cited what you'd been told by others. In essence, you backed away from claiming sufficient personal knowledge to render such a judgement, and deferred to those who informed you of this. This is not fact; it is gossip, unless and until demonstrated. You make similar assertions all the time, likely on similarly questionable bases, and when called on them, resort to virtriol and poor manners... this forum is chock full of examples. Perhaps what has you irritated with Ms. Mellen is that her "gullible-girly-groupie obsession" is with Jim Garrison, rather than with you, since you keep insisting that all forum members, irrespective of gender, are simply angling to get a "date" with you.

Lawrence J. Howard is still around and breathing. During Larry's years of work as an undercover agent for the A.T.T.U. [i.R.S.], and later for that outfit, when it was reorganized as B.A.T.F. [directly under Treasury] -- he diligently practiced the most important of job skills: Keep an accurate record of all activities and locales associated within every report. [see: Title 18, section 1001, et seq. -- "The Martha Stewart Charges"]

Whether Mellen ascribes her "scribbling" errors to Weberman, Posner, Russo, Larry Hancock, or even Weisberg -- I know exactly where Larry Howard was on 11/22/1963; and so do the agents who closely monitored [and protected] him during those specific periods in question.

First, there are no "errors" to misattribute until they are demonstrated to be errors, which is where certain tapes will no doubt come in very handy for Ms. Mellen. Second, irrespective of what you know about Larry Howard's whereabouts on that date, what matters is what you told Ms. Mellen; what you claimed to be true, not what you now say you know to be true.

I hired Larry Howard during 1977, to act as a co-investigator [and bodyguard] -- and this was while resolving issues as to "Death Squad/Kidnap" activities in Central America. My brother and Larry returned to Central America for that task, and successfully completed said investigation.

During early 1980, when I was again called upon to conduct similar work in Puerto Rico, I hired Larry as a bodyguard to my wife and family. Never once, during all of those years, did we ever have a serious discussion about the JFK matter.

[The one instance was: When, during 1981, while enroute to the Los Angeles BATF field office -- he turned to me and asked who it was, that I had instructed him to "get rid of" -- while our No Name Key crew was being TV interviewed [December 1962] at the Congress Airport Inn motel ?? I had hesitated, and he quickly stated: "...That guy was Oswald..wasn't it..??"!!]

The Los Angeles BATF field office supervisors advised Larry [during 1967] to voluntarily travel to New Orleans -- and thereafter present himself to Garrison for further inquiries.

The only matters that disturbed him were: Government files, which clearly showed that Garrison was a child molester, and that he had serious mental problems. Moreover, those files showed that Garrison was operating under severe strains, most of which were the result of his unfulfilled obligations to Carlos marcello.

However, the government agents didn't think that Garrison would act in a retaliatory manner against Howard, and this was due to the fact that they had informed the NODA that Howard remained an active SSCI (UC) operative for BATF.

And you have those files? Or have seen those files? Or have taken the word of others - whether Howard or anyone else - that these are legitimate files?

Mellen DOES NOT want to hear any of this, as it doesn't comport with her "fantasy-land" agenda; which centers on idolizing her big "Hero". My former spouse is sitting on the couch, right next to my computer desk at this moment, and she has great difficulty grasping the "WHY" of Mellen's claims ?? Especially those where she suddenly purports having tapings of any interviews here in Fayetteville.

Presumably, Ms. Mellen would have asked to see those files, if you possessed them. If you don't, then you're just peddling more gossip, second or third hand, which is not exactly convincing to anyone, whether or not they suffer from "gullible-girly-groupie" syndrome. Moreover, it is no secret that Garrison has been the subject of a decades-long campaign of slander and character assassination. You're simply one of the several lads who was sent to trip Garrison up, and having screwed the pooch on that score, will not rest until his legacy is dirt. How does it feel, Gerry, knowing that this alleged half-wit child-molesting Mafia-fronting scumbag commands a level of respect today that you never will? Is that what put the burr under your saddle?

This is somewhat upsetting to her, because a family member has recently disposed of a nasty lawsuit, and has now reluctantly agreed to testify against said adversary. That party had made illegal tape recordings during the course of several encounters. Which will, without a doubt result in prison time !!

Here in North Carolina, as is the case in Florida, and most other states -- ALL tapings must begin with the voice of the machine operator stating that: "..This is (name & title)..and I am here in the presence of (name of subject)..for the following purposes.."!! The place, date and time must be included with the foregoing and preserved on all voice recording "events/episodes"; and including any changes to a fresh tape spool.

[see: State vs. Lynda Tripp, MD -- RE: The Monica Lewinsky tapings.]

[The only exemptions apply to the recordations & transcriptions of matters connected to law enforcement activities. Even then, the law requires that each spool be prefaced with the above mentioned inclusions, but a "case number" must be recorded in all "prefaces" !!

Recording by concealed devices is a 5 year felony for each event/incident, which translates to each spool, or where considerable time had intervened; that multiple counts might be filed per each spool !!]

All matters admitted & adjudged in even a civil matter in Federal District Court [including transcripts & exhibits] are later admissable in any criminal proceedings held in a state trial court.

So, rather than repudiate your allegedly misquoted comments to Ms. Mellen, which is how you began, you now wish to sue her for having taped your conversations without your permission, presuming that is what happened [and not simply more of your endless bafflegab.] Interesting. You see, this is not simply a case of a person being caught on tape during an involuntary exchange, or being blind-sided. You have admitted here that such conversations took place of your own volition, even in your own abode, and the statements you made were uttered freely and of your own will. If they are captured on tape, it is a testament to Ms. Mellen's professionalism and her desire to ensure that nobody would be misquoted on so important a topic.

Whereas your present, baseless fall-back position seems to be akin to the man who voluntarily appears on camera for an interview, but then squawks because he didn't sign a "release" for its use. You granted Ms. Mellen interviews. You said things you now regret having uttered, as they don't portray you in a light sufficiently flattering to comport with your self-image. So you've taken a page from Tim Gratz's disused legal playbook and begun barking about legal action against the author you willingly confided to. You know, Gerry, for a putative man's man, you're behaving like a petulant teenaged girl. Do get a grip, dear boy. Your current behaviour is unbecoming any man, let alone a self-proclaimed man's man.

Weberman's strategy was to "force" a libel suit, in order that he might arm himself with a stack of subpoenas from the clerk of the court !! He schemed to thereafter serve, "in persona" and "duces tecum" subpoenas, directed against a vast number of irrelevant VIPs !!

Unfortunately for a defendant in an A.D. 2005 libel lawsuit, those very same "Nodules" will now serve to operate "against interest"; and especially in the case where Weberman is joined as a 2nd or 3rd "Party". The proper venue is here in Cumberland County, NC. [see: Digests, "Venue in Internet Cases"]

I am now prepared to serve a "Notice of Intent", coupled with several sworn statements [Notarized Affidavits] -- and specifically with reference to ALL matters concerning mine , and others', interactions with Ms. Mellen. I am prepared to "FAX" said documents to any parties of interest, but only if Mellen's counsel advises (in writing, and on law firm stationary) that she will submit similar sworn statements as a matter of course !!

I do believe that the time has arrived, in that several scriveners will be called to account for their reckless allegations against a multitude of personages. More important, is that they will finally be called to task for bald allegations -- against specific governmental entities and/or employees !!

I would remind all parties: It is of great interest to all -- that a close scrutiny of Forum member Mike Kelly's reference to the "Sheehan-Tactic" is in order. That is: Using the Civil R.I.C.O. Statutes as the correct/proper device, especially where the forum (Tribunal) and venue are quite advantageous. [see: Title 18, US Code, section 1961 et seq.]

I await Ms. Mellen's production of any "consensual" recordations, especially those reduced to a transcribed format.

Oh, for God's sake, Gerry.... you granted the woman interviews, and said things you now regret. You cannot get far claiming that your comments weren't made "consensually," unless someone has been granted power of attorney over you because you're claiming diminished mental capacity or summut similar. Is that your next grand legal strategy?

Most interesting is the allegation that: I described Lawrence Howard as a "Crackerjack" -- said term I have NEVER used in entire my life. Over the last 60+ years, I have deliberately eschewed the use of hundreds of "current & cool" metaphors. I have always been satisfied by focusing my verbal/oral expressions identical to that of the military. and especially those select "Nautical" terms, which are oft used by Marines and Sailors -- and frequently profane !!

No xxxx.

Lawrence J. Howard never received, training, nor ever qualified as a "Sniper".

That may be a fact, but it is immaterial. What is material is what you told Ms. Mellen, and if it was a lie, then it is you who must account, not she.

As for "...Many authors and Historians" stating that I have "..contradicted myself". Please, Ms. Mellen, don't hesitate to cite just ONE "author/historian" who, after "personally" interviewing me; has made such allegations.

Why did you drop in the qualifier "after personally interviewing me?" That is not included in her statement, nor need it be. Your record for consistency is not good, Gerry, as anyone who's read the Weberman site already knows. Whether you just can't keep your story straight, or you play different roles for different audiences is really secondary to the fact that your story wobbles from point to point without payoff.

You claim that this is the direct result of endless clueless brainless scribblers misquoting you. Makes one wonder why you're always so anxious to make yourself available to them, the very same question you claim your family keeps asking you. Why do you do it, Gerry, in light of your consistent disappointment with the results? On the one hand, you offer little of substance and mutter your chagrin about being misquoted or misinterpreted, but on the other hand, you refuse to just shut your mouth and fade into obscurity. Do you suffer from some kind of compulsion, Gerry, or are you just still "on the job?" [Assuming that you ever were, that is.]

That some "scribbler' plagiarizes some other "scribbler', who cited to some tabloid trash article, is all too commonplace. But where Mellen, like all of the other reckless "scribblers" fail -- NO "authoritive cites" to the original document or article. Ms. Mellen has opted to NOT explain any reasons why: That she NEVER attempted to personally clarify any sticky issues, much less make mention of same, at an opportune time, prior to publication ??!!

And where bigmouths fail is to spout off to all and sundry and then feel bitter disappointment with the result. Just sue her, Gerry, and we'll soon see who is credible and who is the buffoon.

I confronted Garrison with his scheming on more than just one occasion. He admitted to same, but claimed that he was forced into doing this because of "pressing matters at hand" !! Even an amatuer viewer of the Perry Mason TV series, would gag when reviewing his modus operandi during the Orleans Parish Grand Jury sessions.

[Harry Connick, Sr. privately stated that he wanted to dispose of "all that trash" because it was a severe embarassment to the N.O. District Attorney's office, and the legacy thereof.]

The worst news is yet to come. The very few "knowledgeable folks", who are currently involved in the JFK matter -- are agreement in the singular point. That is: To date, EVERY name foisted upon the public as either a "suspect" [or even a "subject of interest"] is absolutely, and totally WRONG. NOT EVEN CLOSE !!

Then, presumably, all of your previous preamble for the past nigh-on 40 years hasn't been of much use to us, has it, Gerry? Could you get any closer to admitting that you've got nothing substantive to offer, without actually coming out and saying it?

The one person who had 90% of the real facts assembled in a rational form, died during 1974. His death seemingly opened the door, for the then DCI Bill Colby, to terminate Angleton. However, Colby had made a gross mistake, in thinking that this "Possessor-of-Family-Jewels" was JJA's ONLY "Ace-in-the-Hole" !! Which was the genuine reason that Angleton remained active at his office for the next several months.

This "Person", has only been mentioned by name once, during the last 40+ years !! However, and due to the "infamous character" of the writer, said reference was totally ignored. TOO BAD FOLKS, you've NOT been played ["Like-a-Violin"] by professionals -- you played yourselves, ab initio, into a ridiculous and seemingly endless, quandry.

Not without some help from the professionally slippery, and the mentally questionable.

The best displays may well come, if Mike Kelly, et al. initiate a "forum" under some, as yet unknown, legal theory [or priniciple] !! At that time, his "qualified" legal associates might be encouraged to seek out some sworn statements. Especially those "volunteered" by any member who might be selected as a prospective "witnesse". Which is exactly what the A.R.R.B. failed to do !! This is the reason why, when reading their "wit" transcripts, the educated amongst us are dismayed by the tendency towards comic relief

I am prepared right now, to enlarge upon what was quickly redacted from my H.S.C.A. testimony. An ordeal I submitted to -- despite knowing full well that, those proceedings would result in yet another "cover-up".

I really don't expect that the "Qualified Wits" list will be very long. This is because that: When it comes time to swear under oath, as to "personal knowledge" -- the majority of "Village Idiot" type bookreaders will be summarily excluded. "Book Reading" doesn't count in ANY legal forum. However, depositions under oath [such as from Ms. Mellen, and subsequent to subpoena service] would routinely be admitted by most forums and/or tribunals.

I would expect that those attorneys, who have been retained by authors/historian/scriveners, would caution their clients to make DAMN SURE that they will verify all allegations, and/or supportive commentaries. The only thing akin to "taking the 5th amendment" when called upon to speak the truth, is the lame excuse that: "..My attorney advises me that I shouldn't speak upon these matters..!!"







Once again the "Music Biz - Village Idiot" desireth that I cease and desist from commenting upon matters which are apparently disturbing to her, and to whomever she is snitching for ?! Is CSIS' Judd putting pressure on your little pink behind?

As for my having trusted a few authors and investigative reporters ? In the majority of cases, I insisted that they credit the original sources, rather than naming me. It is quite obvious that in your "Weberman agenda" , that you persist in NOT contributing anything of consequence. Nor do you contribute any credible reponses which might assist some of the experts, authors and investigators on this forum.

I get a considerable amount of private e-mails every day. Those correspndents routinely make direct, and to the point inquiries. If I can answer to their interests, I do so. Moreover, most concur with my reasoning which seems to explain your activities: That you, like the others of the "Weberman ilk" have one goal in mind -- to nag and criticize ALL "direct sources".

I was invited to this forum, and I joined with great reluctance. Having "lurked" on dozens of "blogs" and "forums", I found most to be a mockery of true jounalism, investigative reporting, etc. !! It is NOT my fault that you appear absolutely nowhere in anybody's tomes, or even an index, nor with Danny Brandt's "Namebase.org". Your are a "bookreader", and your erroneous opinions are the result of your soaking up "loads" of bullxxxx, which you frequently attempt to purvey onto this forum !!

As for my language, I have found it a total waste of time to treat "mouthy wannabes" with any respect whatsoever. And this is especially so when their first actions are blatantly antagonistic. Moreover, they always insist upon arguing with people, especially those (now few) -- who were amongst the "actors" and "subjects-of-interest".

If this gives you more "hardcopy" with which to exhibit to your boyfriends & "The 3 Stooges", so be it. Just try not to get the pages stuck together.

As for trusting Ms. Mellen, that was a tremendous "Weberman-style" mistake. I had insisted of her, at the outset, that I didn't want to be a "character" in her writings. She agreed to that, and this got the family off of my back during 2001. It did take some time, before I suspected that: She was obsessed with an idolatry of "pervert" Garrison. Yet, I believeed that once she had examined the facts of the matter, then she would write "the real truth" !! The "WHY" of Garrison's moves, especially against some of the most useless "non-entities" I have ever encountered.

That Mellen will be exposed as a charlatan matters not to me, but it will come. Unfortunately, it might cost her more than can be imagined. I have been cursed with total recall since childhood, and that is why I have opted to eschew diaries and/or journals. Any reports which I have been required to make over the years, I did correctly, and always without even rare references to notes !!

During 1966, Garrison was involved in a scheme to protect Carlos Marcello, et al.!! This involved primarily the blackmailers who had set him up as yet another "patsy"!! However, there arose more serious threats, and this resulted in efforts at thwarting Walter Sheridan's in his investigations. Marcello indeed believed, that he was "owed" -- by the Kennedys, and that for having orchestrated the assassination of Trujillo. But, the realization that Ramfis Trujillo was after his ass, caused panic. Norman LeBlanc, and Arturo Espaillat were the first to warn him [during 1966] that: Trujillo's son (a multi-millionaire) was out for revenge.

I don't have to cite to any authorities, as most are available to anyone not too ignorant, lazy, or stupid !! I am not going to do some strange fool's research for them. If responsible folks have a legitimate inquiry, I will attempt to respond. But, I am not going to write anybody's book or pamphlet for them.

You, like Weberman, have long ago been categorized as prevaricators. Neither one of you have ever done anything of consequence during the whole of your miserable lives.

Weberman's goal was to sucker buck$ out of gullible folks, especially those ignorant of the fact that he was just another Bob Dylan stalker. For years he has been doing somebody's disinformation job , and that it duplicates "Dame" Hoover's cronies' efforts, engenders no surprise.

That I ramble ? Nobody has invited you to read any of my postings, and I am sure as hell not going to give-up 'insider" information to any weirdo wannabes, nor disinformation agents.

You lucked out in your sparring with Gratz, and that, because he spent more time on the keyboard, instead of in a local library. I had advised long ago: Take counsel, even from an antagonist, and check out his dictates before hitting the keyboard. His "Christian bible-thumping" and focus upon abortion matters, was probably more irritating to me, than it was to our left-wing ("progressive") clique !! Especially with those who use this forum as a juvenile chat room !!

That you have consistently opted NOT to ask any serious questions -- long ago confirmed that: You are here to xxxxx !! That you might cite Weberman, Mellen, or other propagandists -- reveals your limited abilities at rebuttal.

The majority of qualified authors & writers, having perused thousands of NARA files, some of which refer to me, have little difficulty in forming queries. Frequently, they want to qualify or expand upon specific items of interest. Many are NOT surprised at governmental scribblers' efforts at evasion in all serious inquiry into even that which is a matter of history. But, that is what their political bosses continue to mandate.

What are the parameters mandated by your bosses, and pray tell, who is calling your shots ??




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Stone's long-time associate sought out my legal advice on how to have someone, other than he, obtain non-specific FOIA files on his activites, and to do so without linking the requests to him.

Why on earth would anyone seek out the "legal advice" of a non attorney?

It's also illegal to pass out "legal advice" when one does not hold the requisite JD and

bar memebership.


I guess what you meant to say- if this ever occurred at all- is that

said associate was asking you to recomend an attorney. Also hard to

believe. And what would be the name of alledged Stone associate?

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In her book Professor Mellen writes:

Gerry Patrick Hemming concurs: "Helms is [was?] behind the entire operation to kill JFK." (Ch. 10.)

I can find no cite to this statement, and Mr. Hemming vigorously denies making it to Professor Mellen (or anyone else, for that matter).

So my question for Professor Mellen is what is your support for Hemming ever blaming the assassination on Richard Helms?

I have Gerald Patrick Hemming on tape to the tune of boxes and boxes of tapes from our conversations. Yes, he cited Helms as behind the assassination - on tape with me in Fayetteville, North Carolina. He also cited Lawrence Howard as being in Dealey Plaza, and as a crackerjack shooter and sniper, although more recently he has denied that. This is a individual who has contradicted himself, as many authors and historians have noted. Note that I do not call him a witness.

Ms Mellen,

It's an honor to have you here. I asked Gerry about this also and he became quite rattled and even talked of lawsuits. I suspected -(and hoped)- that anything he told you would be on tape.

Some of us wonder why you included anything Hemming told you in AF2J?



Let me see now. I became "rattled" and even talked of "lawsuits" ?! How does one discern one's being "rattled" over the Internet ??!! Apparently, you, like Mellen, have profound difficulties in the interpretation of even short, and to the point, written statements ??!!

Gerry, your written statements are rarely short, let alone to the point. If you were to edit out all the invective and unbecoming barracks-boy potty mouth, they might be short and to the point.

I don't have to repeat what I wrote in that post, as some very simple movements of one finger on your "mouse" -- will return you to said posting. Even in paraphrasing, it comes out with the same intent.

["...It will be up to the law firm's decision as to whether anything "untoward" has been written in Mellen's book..."]

As it was explained to me -- by those more practised in the field of lawthan I am: "Malice" is oft construed as "what a reasonable person" might discern as the "real purpose" behind the writing of any single [or composite] quotes being ascribed ?! More importantly; are these quotes purporting to be "direct", or from some other entity's and/or scrivener's material -- whether it had been published or not ??!!

The case in point seems to revolve around what was said by you into a microphone, which is about as direct as you can get. If those recorded statements contradict what you've told others, it is fair game of Ms. Mellen to point it out to her readers, just to let them know that your record for consistency and veracity may be open to reasonable question. In the event that Ms. Mellen has quoted your words from other sources, and those sources quoted you incorrectly, then your beef is with those sources, not Ms. Mellen. And, from a strictly legal point of view, if you didn't sue those who misquoted you, then you have no recourse against Ms. Mellen if those alleged "misquotes" appear in her work.

It may well come down to the what indeed these "boxes and boxes" of purported "tapes" actually reveal.

Which is what seems to have you "rattled" to the point of threatening legal action, albeit not on the basis of being misquoted, just allegedly being taped without your knowledge, as per your comments below.

I expect, as usual, and down the road -- it will be a case of ascribing ALL blame to either the editor, and/or publisher of said tome.

This presumes, of course, that there is any "blame" to ascribe, a point that is pure smoke and mirrors until demonstrated. If you have said on tape what Ms. Mellen quotes you as having said, there is no "blame" to ascribe, save perhaps your inability to zip your lips when you ought to have done.

I still have great difficulty in grasping the "WHY" of any mention as to ex-DCI Helms; or is he "One-of-the-Usual-Suspects" NOW ??!!

If Ms. Mellen has you on tape making that allegation, then even asking the above question is disingenuous on your part.

Moreover, what would be ANYBODY'S purpose in making ANY reference to Helms, vis-a-vis "The JFK Murder", even if done in a joking manner. During 1963, Helm's was a 4th floor "flunky" -- with a pretentious title !! Not only did he lack any authority over specific clandestine service operations. He wasn't even in the loop !! [just like the Clinton/Reno "WACO" whackers; getting their "promotions?", which is not an undesirable method for quickly removing a "stooge" from the mainstream !!]

Moreover, when it came time to "revise or reveal", with reference to even the inconsequential episodes/events, Helms blundered quite grotesquely. Why? Because he didn't have the slightest "clue" as to what he was supposed to "conceal" !!

The "BIG" question remains -- how the hell would I know anything at all about Helm's activities during the 1960s, and why would I even care ?? Mellen has an "obsession" -- and it is obviously one that grew out of her "gullible-girly-groupie" experience with "Big Jimbo/Gumbo". NOT that I haven't seen that weird behavior repeated time-and-again, over the last 40+ years.

Actually, Gerry, knowing nothing about a topic has never seemed to stop you from spouting off in the past, so why would your self-aggrandizing behaviour stop with Ms. Mellen? You have in this very thread made statements, as though factual, about a person or persons having developed 90% of the data needed to solve this crime, and when challenged, cited what you'd been told by others. In essence, you backed away from claiming sufficient personal knowledge to render such a judgement, and deferred to those who informed you of this. This is not fact; it is gossip, unless and until demonstrated. You make similar assertions all the time, likely on similarly questionable bases, and when called on them, resort to virtriol and poor manners... this forum is chock full of examples. Perhaps what has you irritated with Ms. Mellen is that her "gullible-girly-groupie obsession" is with Jim Garrison, rather than with you, since you keep insisting that all forum members, irrespective of gender, are simply angling to get a "date" with you.

Lawrence J. Howard is still around and breathing. During Larry's years of work as an undercover agent for the A.T.T.U. [i.R.S.], and later for that outfit, when it was reorganized as B.A.T.F. [directly under Treasury] -- he diligently practiced the most important of job skills: Keep an accurate record of all activities and locales associated within every report. [see: Title 18, section 1001, et seq. -- "The Martha Stewart Charges"]

Whether Mellen ascribes her "scribbling" errors to Weberman, Posner, Russo, Larry Hancock, or even Weisberg -- I know exactly where Larry Howard was on 11/22/1963; and so do the agents who closely monitored [and protected] him during those specific periods in question.

First, there are no "errors" to misattribute until they are demonstrated to be errors, which is where certain tapes will no doubt come in very handy for Ms. Mellen. Second, irrespective of what you know about Larry Howard's whereabouts on that date, what matters is what you told Ms. Mellen; what you claimed to be true, not what you now say you know to be true.

I hired Larry Howard during 1977, to act as a co-investigator [and bodyguard] -- and this was while resolving issues as to "Death Squad/Kidnap" activities in Central America. My brother and Larry returned to Central America for that task, and successfully completed said investigation.

During early 1980, when I was again called upon to conduct similar work in Puerto Rico, I hired Larry as a bodyguard to my wife and family. Never once, during all of those years, did we ever have a serious discussion about the JFK matter.

[The one instance was: When, during 1981, while enroute to the Los Angeles BATF field office -- he turned to me and asked who it was, that I had instructed him to "get rid of" -- while our No Name Key crew was being TV interviewed [December 1962] at the Congress Airport Inn motel ?? I had hesitated, and he quickly stated: "...That guy was Oswald..wasn't it..??"!!]

The Los Angeles BATF field office supervisors advised Larry [during 1967] to voluntarily travel to New Orleans -- and thereafter present himself to Garrison for further inquiries.

The only matters that disturbed him were: Government files, which clearly showed that Garrison was a child molester, and that he had serious mental problems. Moreover, those files showed that Garrison was operating under severe strains, most of which were the result of his unfulfilled obligations to Carlos marcello.

However, the government agents didn't think that Garrison would act in a retaliatory manner against Howard, and this was due to the fact that they had informed the NODA that Howard remained an active SSCI (UC) operative for BATF.

And you have those files? Or have seen those files? Or have taken the word of others - whether Howard or anyone else - that these are legitimate files?

Mellen DOES NOT want to hear any of this, as it doesn't comport with her "fantasy-land" agenda; which centers on idolizing her big "Hero". My former spouse is sitting on the couch, right next to my computer desk at this moment, and she has great difficulty grasping the "WHY" of Mellen's claims ?? Especially those where she suddenly purports having tapings of any interviews here in Fayetteville.

Presumably, Ms. Mellen would have asked to see those files, if you possessed them. If you don't, then you're just peddling more gossip, second or third hand, which is not exactly convincing to anyone, whether or not they suffer from "gullible-girly-groupie" syndrome. Moreover, it is no secret that Garrison has been the subject of a decades-long campaign of slander and character assassination. You're simply one of the several lads who was sent to trip Garrison up, and having screwed the pooch on that score, will not rest until his legacy is dirt. How does it feel, Gerry, knowing that this alleged half-wit child-molesting Mafia-fronting scumbag commands a level of respect today that you never will? Is that what put the burr under your saddle?

This is somewhat upsetting to her, because a family member has recently disposed of a nasty lawsuit, and has now reluctantly agreed to testify against said adversary. That party had made illegal tape recordings during the course of several encounters. Which will, without a doubt result in prison time !!

Here in North Carolina, as is the case in Florida, and most other states -- ALL tapings must begin with the voice of the machine operator stating that: "..This is (name & title)..and I am here in the presence of (name of subject)..for the following purposes.."!! The place, date and time must be included with the foregoing and preserved on all voice recording "events/episodes"; and including any changes to a fresh tape spool.

[see: State vs. Lynda Tripp, MD -- RE: The Monica Lewinsky tapings.]

[The only exemptions apply to the recordations & transcriptions of matters connected to law enforcement activities. Even then, the law requires that each spool be prefaced with the above mentioned inclusions, but a "case number" must be recorded in all "prefaces" !!

Recording by concealed devices is a 5 year felony for each event/incident, which translates to each spool, or where considerable time had intervened; that multiple counts might be filed per each spool !!]

All matters admitted & adjudged in even a civil matter in Federal District Court [including transcripts & exhibits] are later admissable in any criminal proceedings held in a state trial court.

So, rather than repudiate your allegedly misquoted comments to Ms. Mellen, which is how you began, you now wish to sue her for having taped your conversations without your permission, presuming that is what happened [and not simply more of your endless bafflegab.] Interesting. You see, this is not simply a case of a person being caught on tape during an involuntary exchange, or being blind-sided. You have admitted here that such conversations took place of your own volition, even in your own abode, and the statements you made were uttered freely and of your own will. If they are captured on tape, it is a testament to Ms. Mellen's professionalism and her desire to ensure that nobody would be misquoted on so important a topic.

Whereas your present, baseless fall-back position seems to be akin to the man who voluntarily appears on camera for an interview, but then squawks because he didn't sign a "release" for its use. You granted Ms. Mellen interviews. You said things you now regret having uttered, as they don't portray you in a light sufficiently flattering to comport with your self-image. So you've taken a page from Tim Gratz's disused legal playbook and begun barking about legal action against the author you willingly confided to. You know, Gerry, for a putative man's man, you're behaving like a petulant teenaged girl. Do get a grip, dear boy. Your current behaviour is unbecoming any man, let alone a self-proclaimed man's man.

Weberman's strategy was to "force" a libel suit, in order that he might arm himself with a stack of subpoenas from the clerk of the court !! He schemed to thereafter serve, "in persona" and "duces tecum" subpoenas, directed against a vast number of irrelevant VIPs !!

Unfortunately for a defendant in an A.D. 2005 libel lawsuit, those very same "Nodules" will now serve to operate "against interest"; and especially in the case where Weberman is joined as a 2nd or 3rd "Party". The proper venue is here in Cumberland County, NC. [see: Digests, "Venue in Internet Cases"]

I am now prepared to serve a "Notice of Intent", coupled with several sworn statements [Notarized Affidavits] -- and specifically with reference to ALL matters concerning mine , and others', interactions with Ms. Mellen. I am prepared to "FAX" said documents to any parties of interest, but only if Mellen's counsel advises (in writing, and on law firm stationary) that she will submit similar sworn statements as a matter of course !!

I do believe that the time has arrived, in that several scriveners will be called to account for their reckless allegations against a multitude of personages. More important, is that they will finally be called to task for bald allegations -- against specific governmental entities and/or employees !!

I would remind all parties: It is of great interest to all -- that a close scrutiny of Forum member Mike Kelly's reference to the "Sheehan-Tactic" is in order. That is: Using the Civil R.I.C.O. Statutes as the correct/proper device, especially where the forum (Tribunal) and venue are quite advantageous. [see: Title 18, US Code, section 1961 et seq.]

I await Ms. Mellen's production of any "consensual" recordations, especially those reduced to a transcribed format.

Oh, for God's sake, Gerry.... you granted the woman interviews, and said things you now regret. You cannot get far claiming that your comments weren't made "consensually," unless someone has been granted power of attorney over you because you're claiming diminished mental capacity or summut similar. Is that your next grand legal strategy?

Most interesting is the allegation that: I described Lawrence Howard as a "Crackerjack" -- said term I have NEVER used in entire my life. Over the last 60+ years, I have deliberately eschewed the use of hundreds of "current & cool" metaphors. I have always been satisfied by focusing my verbal/oral expressions identical to that of the military. and especially those select "Nautical" terms, which are oft used by Marines and Sailors -- and frequently profane !!

No xxxx.

Lawrence J. Howard never received, training, nor ever qualified as a "Sniper".

That may be a fact, but it is immaterial. What is material is what you told Ms. Mellen, and if it was a lie, then it is you who must account, not she.

As for "...Many authors and Historians" stating that I have "..contradicted myself". Please, Ms. Mellen, don't hesitate to cite just ONE "author/historian" who, after "personally" interviewing me; has made such allegations.

Why did you drop in the qualifier "after personally interviewing me?" That is not included in her statement, nor need it be. Your record for consistency is not good, Gerry, as anyone who's read the Weberman site already knows. Whether you just can't keep your story straight, or you play different roles for different audiences is really secondary to the fact that your story wobbles from point to point without payoff.

You claim that this is the direct result of endless clueless brainless scribblers misquoting you. Makes one wonder why you're always so anxious to make yourself available to them, the very same question you claim your family keeps asking you. Why do you do it, Gerry, in light of your consistent disappointment with the results? On the one hand, you offer little of substance and mutter your chagrin about being misquoted or misinterpreted, but on the other hand, you refuse to just shut your mouth and fade into obscurity. Do you suffer from some kind of compulsion, Gerry, or are you just still "on the job?" [Assuming that you ever were, that is.]

That some "scribbler' plagiarizes some other "scribbler', who cited to some tabloid trash article, is all too commonplace. But where Mellen, like all of the other reckless "scribblers" fail -- NO "authoritive cites" to the original document or article. Ms. Mellen has opted to NOT explain any reasons why: That she NEVER attempted to personally clarify any sticky issues, much less make mention of same, at an opportune time, prior to publication ??!!

And where bigmouths fail is to spout off to all and sundry and then feel bitter disappointment with the result. Just sue her, Gerry, and we'll soon see who is credible and who is the buffoon.

I confronted Garrison with his scheming on more than just one occasion. He admitted to same, but claimed that he was forced into doing this because of "pressing matters at hand" !! Even an amatuer viewer of the Perry Mason TV series, would gag when reviewing his modus operandi during the Orleans Parish Grand Jury sessions.

[Harry Connick, Sr. privately stated that he wanted to dispose of "all that trash" because it was a severe embarassment to the N.O. District Attorney's office, and the legacy thereof.]

The worst news is yet to come. The very few "knowledgeable folks", who are currently involved in the JFK matter -- are agreement in the singular point. That is: To date, EVERY name foisted upon the public as either a "suspect" [or even a "subject of interest"] is absolutely, and totally WRONG. NOT EVEN CLOSE !!

Then, presumably, all of your previous preamble for the past nigh-on 40 years hasn't been of much use to us, has it, Gerry? Could you get any closer to admitting that you've got nothing substantive to offer, without actually coming out and saying it?

The one person who had 90% of the real facts assembled in a rational form, died during 1974. His death seemingly opened the door, for the then DCI Bill Colby, to terminate Angleton. However, Colby had made a gross mistake, in thinking that this "Possessor-of-Family-Jewels" was JJA's ONLY "Ace-in-the-Hole" !! Which was the genuine reason that Angleton remained active at his office for the next several months.

This "Person", has only been mentioned by name once, during the last 40+ years !! However, and due to the "infamous character" of the writer, said reference was totally ignored. TOO BAD FOLKS, you've NOT been played ["Like-a-Violin"] by professionals -- you played yourselves, ab initio, into a ridiculous and seemingly endless, quandry.

Not without some help from the professionally slippery, and the mentally questionable.

The best displays may well come, if Mike Kelly, et al. initiate a "forum" under some, as yet unknown, legal theory [or priniciple] !! At that time, his "qualified" legal associates might be encouraged to seek out some sworn statements. Especially those "volunteered" by any member who might be selected as a prospective "witnesse". Which is exactly what the A.R.R.B. failed to do !! This is the reason why, when reading their "wit" transcripts, the educated amongst us are dismayed by the tendency towards comic relief

I am prepared right now, to enlarge upon what was quickly redacted from my H.S.C.A. testimony. An ordeal I submitted to -- despite knowing full well that, those proceedings would result in yet another "cover-up".

I really don't expect that the "Qualified Wits" list will be very long. This is because that: When it comes time to swear under oath, as to "personal knowledge" -- the majority of "Village Idiot" type bookreaders will be summarily excluded. "Book Reading" doesn't count in ANY legal forum. However, depositions under oath [such as from Ms. Mellen, and subsequent to subpoena service] would routinely be admitted by most forums and/or tribunals.

I would expect that those attorneys, who have been retained by authors/historian/scriveners, would caution their clients to make DAMN SURE that they will verify all allegations, and/or supportive commentaries. The only thing akin to "taking the 5th amendment" when called upon to speak the truth, is the lame excuse that: "..My attorney advises me that I shouldn't speak upon these matters..!!"







Once again the "Music Biz - Village Idiot" desireth that I cease and desist from commenting upon matters which are apparently disturbing to her, and to whomever she is snitching for ?! Is CSIS' Judd putting pressure on your little pink behind?

As for my having trusted a few authors and investigative reporters ? In the majority of cases, I insisted that they credit the original sources, rather than naming me. It is quite obvious that in your "Weberman agenda" , that you persist in NOT contributing anything of consequence. Nor do you contribute any credible reponses which might assist some of the experts, authors and investigators on this forum.

I get a considerable amount of private e-mails every day. Those correspndents routinely make direct, and to the point inquiries. If I can answer to their interests, I do so. Moreover, most concur with my reasoning which seems to explain your activities: That you, like the others of the "Weberman ilk" have one goal in mind -- to nag and criticize ALL "direct sources".

I was invited to this forum, and I joined with great reluctance. Having "lurked" on dozens of "blogs" and "forums", I found most to be a mockery of true jounalism, investigative reporting, etc. !! It is NOT my fault that you appear absolutely nowhere in anybody's tomes, or even an index, nor with Danny Brandt's "Namebase.org". Your are a "bookreader", and your erroneous opinions are the result of your soaking up "loads" of bullxxxx, which you frequently attempt to purvey onto this forum !!

As for my language, I have found it a total waste of time to treat "mouthy wannabes" with any respect whatsoever. And this is especially so when their first actions are blatantly antagonistic. Moreover, they always insist upon arguing with people, especially those (now few) -- who were amongst the "actors" and "subjects-of-interest".

If this gives you more "hardcopy" with which to exhibit to your boyfriends & "The 3 Stooges", so be it. Just try not to get the pages stuck together.

As for trusting Ms. Mellen, that was a tremendous "Weberman-style" mistake. I had insisted of her, at the outset, that I didn't want to be a "character" in her writings. She agreed to that, and this got the family off of my back during 2001. It did take some time, before I suspected that: She was obsessed with an idolatry of "pervert" Garrison. Yet, I believeed that once she had examined the facts of the matter, then she would write "the real truth" !! The "WHY" of Garrison's moves, especially against some of the most useless "non-entities" I have ever encountered.

That Mellen will be exposed as a charlatan matters not to me, but it will come. Unfortunately, it might cost her more than can be imagined. I have been cursed with total recall since childhood, and that is why I have opted to eschew diaries and/or journals. Any reports which I have been required to make over the years, I did correctly, and always without even rare references to notes !!

During 1966, Garrison was involved in a scheme to protect Carlos Marcello, et al.!! This involved primarily the blackmailers who had set him up as yet another "patsy"!! However, there arose more serious threats, and this resulted in efforts at thwarting Walter Sheridan's in his investigations. Marcello indeed believed, that he was "owed" -- by the Kennedys, and that for having orchestrated the assassination of Trujillo. But, the realization that Ramfis Trujillo was after his ass, caused panic. Norman LeBlanc, and Arturo Espaillat were the first to warn him [during 1966] that: Trujillo's son (a multi-millionaire) was out for revenge.

I don't have to cite to any authorities, as most are available to anyone not too ignorant, lazy, or stupid !! I am not going to do some strange fool's research for them. If responsible folks have a legitimate inquiry, I will attempt to respond. But, I am not going to write anybody's book or pamphlet for them.

You, like Weberman, have long ago been categorized as prevaricators. Neither one of you have ever done anything of consequence during the whole of your miserable lives.

Weberman's goal was to sucker buck$ out of gullible folks, especially those ignorant of the fact that he was just another Bob Dylan stalker. For years he has been doing somebody's disinformation job , and that it duplicates "Dame" Hoover's cronies' efforts, engenders no surprise.

That I ramble ? Nobody has invited you to read any of my postings, and I am sure as hell not going to give-up 'insider" information to any weirdo wannabes, nor disinformation agents.

You lucked out in your sparring with Gratz, and that, because he spent more time on the keyboard, instead of in a local library. I had advised long ago: Take counsel, even from an antagonist, and check out his dictates before hitting the keyboard. His "Christian bible-thumping" and focus upon abortion matters, was probably more irritating to me, than it was to our left-wing ("progressive") clique !! Especially with those who use this forum as a juvenile chat room !!

That you have consistently opted NOT to ask any serious questions -- long ago confirmed that: You are here to xxxxx !! That you might cite Weberman, Mellen, or other propagandists -- reveals your limited abilities at rebuttal.

The majority of qualified authors & writers, having perused thousands of NARA files, some of which refer to me, have little difficulty in forming queries. Frequently, they want to qualify or expand upon specific items of interest. Many are NOT surprised at governmental scribblers' efforts at evasion in all serious inquiry into even that which is a matter of history. But, that is what their political bosses continue to mandate.

What are the parameters mandated by your bosses, and pray tell, who is calling your shots ??





Oliver Stone had paid Bud Fensterwald's corporate entity [not sure whether it was then a 501(3)©] about $87,000, and part of the package included loads of declassified files. After the big group dinner at the Italian restaurant [December 1990] , which was located just down from "The West End Market Place", Stone asked that I bring a few boxes of my personal FOIA/PA files, so that Rusconi, et al. might sort out that which Bud didn't have in his collection.

Ronald Von Klaussen, who still lives one floor below the Condo where Stone's mother lived [NYC], saw the boxes of documents, and expressed surprise. He had never heard of Title 5 US Code, sections 552, et seq.

[FOIA/PA] and loudly warned us about "possession of classified material"!! However, he quickly grasped the realities of the matter, and thereafter spent hours studying loads of files, especially the CIA stuff.

Ron had been a "CIA Assassin" for years, and in Guatemala was known as "El Tigre". He already had appeared in some of Stone's work, such as playing the mechanic {"Wall Street"] who tips Charlie Sheen as to the destination of the aircraft carrying Mike Douglas' character. At that time he had held an "S.A.G. Card" for over 25 years, and had worked on TV series such as "Flipper", "Everglades", etc. !!

During February 1991, Von Klaussen approached me, and asked about the correct procedures for getting his own CIA, FBI, etc. files released. I gave him my latest copy of the approved "FOIA/PA Manual" and invited his questions as to exactly how I had gone about said activities, and moreover, recommended that he consult both Bud and Jim Lesar for any future "advice". [exercising a bit of caution, as I was on parole at that time].

Once again: while were in the process [in Miami] of signing the contracts with "Camelot Productions", Von Klaussen had called Davy "out-of-the-blue" [the two hadn't spoken in over 30+ years], and wherein Ron stated that he had it on good information that we were being hired by Stone to do a "JFK Assassination Movie".

In an ominous voice, he advised Davis that a whole lot of "Company Folks" were still outraged at the "Platoon" flick, the "Born on the 4th" business, etc., and etc.!! -- and that our participation in "anything" with Stone might cause severe repercussions in the future. Davy, Hargraves, and I then spent about 12 seconds "worrying about it", and agreed upon a future response to Ron, should he call back: "... SO, what else is new ??!!"

After Bob Groden's "Heroic Briefing" at Stone's Stoneleigh Hotel headquarters [production crew], we retired to the small auditorium at Larry Howard's "JFK Museum". Stone wanted US to give a "Real Briefing" on ALL aspects of the Cuban business. Towards the end, and after a long recitation/questioning as to names of specific CIA, FBI, Customs, BA2506, JM/WAVE, et al. personalities, he asked: "... What was the true name of the CIA assassin who was known as "El Tigre" in Guatemala, Miami, and elsewhere..."?!

We hesitated for a moment, and then explained to him that: Tthere might be some problems with the "1982 Intelligence identities Act", specifically should this person remain categorized as a "covert operative" within the Agency.

Stone then said: "... Well then...just give us his initials...if you can do that...!" I responded: "..R.V.K...".

A few hours later Stone, Von Klaussen, Rick, Kitman Ho, et al. had a big laugh at our expense as Oliver introduced "his CIA assassin" -- as the guy who had practically raised him from childhood !! Yuck, Yuck, and we slithered away in total disgrace.

As for "lawyering" and "J.D.s", even under current Florida statutes [and Bar Canons] a person is permitted to "Intern" with a law firm for three years, and upon that law firm's certification, take the "State Bar Exam".

Moreover, said "intern" is given the same privileges [after the 2nd year] as a law student, in that he may represent clients in a courtroom, give legal advice, etc., but under the "ongoing supervision" of one of that law firm's lawyers.

The courts have held that this DOES NOT required that said lawyer be present at all times during said intern's practise, but be informed regularly as to same.



Who Says Lawyers Need to go to Law School ?

In Some States, Apprentice "Law Readers" can become Lawyers if they pass Bar Exams.

By Associated Press

Published September 22, 2005

WASHINGTON - Rebecca Valois is working to become a lawyer - without setting foot in a law school.

She's studied for three years at the private Virginia practice of her mother-in-law, Judith Valois, who was admitted to the state bar in 1986 after getting her legal education from her husband.

They are "law readers" - people who study law in offices or judges' chambers rather than classrooms.

California, Vermont, Virginia and Washington allow law readers to take bar exams after three or four years in apprenticeships registered with the state. Three other states - New York, Maine and Wyoming - let people who

didn't graduate from law school take bar exams if they have a combination of office study and law school exper-ience.

Fewer than 150 aspiring lawyers are getting their legal educations in programs that require no law school what-soever, according to the bars of the states that allow the practice. By comparison, more than 140,000 students

attend law schools approved by the American Bar Association, and thousands more attend schools not approved by the ABA.

Despite some challenges, law readers can achieve big things. Marilyn Skoglund, for instance, sits on the Verm-ont Supreme Court, and Gary Blasi is a professor at the University of California at Los Angeles.

"I'm really sort of a bizarre case," Blasi said. "The first time I was ever in a law classroom I was teaching law."

As the only law reader he knows who ended up a professor, Blasi doesn't recommend his route for others inter-ested in teaching law in a university. However, he said there are benefits.

"If I were redesigning the entire legal education system, it would definitely provide more of a real-world, mentored experience," Blasi said.

The next hurdle for Rebecca Valois (pronounced val-WAH), a 30-year-old mother of two in Centreville, Va., will come in February, when she gives the bar a try.

It won't be easy.

Only one law reader passed the Virginia bar last year out of nine attempts. In July 2003, seven law readers took the bar, but the only one to pass was Margaret Valois - Rebecca's sister-in-law.

Judith Valois, who supervised the studies of both her daughters-in-law, said friends tease her about being the "Valois School of Law."

She said a big benefit to law reading is that students get one-on-one instruction from someone who cares about them. Indeed, the supervising lawyers cannot take money for the significant time they put into training their app-rentices.

Barbara Macri-Ortiz in Oxnard, Calif., supervises the education of apprentice Jessica Arciniega because she wants to give something back. "I didn't have to pay for law school - I should be able to help somebody else

do the same thing," she said.

Macri-Ortiz - who has some college but no bachelor's degree, which isn't a requirement for California's bar - got her legal education through an apprenticeship at the United Farm Workers of America, where she worked for

the union's founder, Cesar Chavez. Now she mostly represents the poor, and about a third of her work is pro bono.

A downside to skipping law school is that a degree can be a job requirement.

The elder Valois began working for the Veterans Affairs Department as a staff attorney in 1991. She worked her way through the ranks and in 1998 was set to become a senior Equal Employment Opportunity Commission attorney when she learned that the job required a law degree. The VA ended up giving her a waiver and she got the job - two years later.

Although the ABA maintains rigorous standards for approved law schools, it doesn't advise against law reading. Related groups see it as a state's right to allow an alternative to law school.

"The highest court of each state owns the decision about how to meet the need for consumer protection," said Erica Moeser, president of the National Conference of Bar Examiners in Madison, Wis. "For some people, it's probably the only way that they can combine working and studying."

Even law-reading advocates caution that there is more to learn these days and it can be tough for a supervising lawyer to provide guidance in legal areas outside his or her specialty.

"For most people - the great majority of people - it's not the best way to try to get a legal education," said Scott Street, secretary treasurer of the Virginia Board of Bar Examiners.

"Just putting in the time doesn't come anywhere close to assuring that you've got an education."

Washington is the only state where law readers pass the bar at a higher rate than traditional students.

Sheryl Phillabaum, chair of Washington's Law Clerk Committee, can't explain the success. "But anyone who has devoted so much time to getting through the program is mightily motivated," she said in e-mail.

Law readers don't qualify for federal student loans, and in Virginia - unlike other states - they can't get paid by the law firm training them.

"When you don't have loans, and you can't get paid for what you're doing, you are sacrificing a lot," Rebecca Valois said. "But you're getting a lot in return."

[Last modified September 22, 2005, 01:04:14]


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