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Posted (edited)

In response to all of the heartfelt "Welcomes" to the Forum, I would like to say thanks to all of the long-time members. Last year "A. J." Weberman suggested that since I was soon to "Croak"; then I should "fesh-up" to my participation in numerous "Crimes-of-the-Century" - "get-if-off-of-one's-chest" is the term used here in the Colonies. Anybody who is interested in reading my somewhat caustic response to "AJ's" offer of large sums of money (in return for my "confessions") should indicate same on the Forum, and I will submit it posthaste.

Wim Daankbar forwarded to me the latest Forum comments, but neglected to insert a remark or qualification?

"AJ" believes that my demise is very imminent because he has learned that I suffer from some ailments which are considered "Terminal" -- but then again: Aren't we all "Terminal"?? Currently, and since 1996, I have suffered from Congestive Heart Failure, Chronic Bronchitis, Diabetes (Type-2), Cervical Vert- abrae anomalies (C-4,5,6, Disc Ruptures, and Calcium Spurs) which in turn has caused Carpal Tunnel Syndrome -- and therefore limits the opportunities of using a keyboard. So, most of the time on the PC is consumed with simple "Copy & Paste", which I send out to my associates & family members.

I am wheelchair/housebound, and have only limited opportunities to venture about the Fayetteville, North Carolina scenery. That is: when the City wheelchair van takes me medical appointments at the Veterans Medical Center. Uh-oh, did I hear some giddy rejoicing mixed with deep-felt pity?? "...Serves him right, the bastard!!" I heard that!! And you will find many in agreement, especially from those with whom I have "crossed-swords" over the last 50 odd years.

Why am I here?? What am I doing responding to queries about JFK, RFK, MLK, Jr., et al. - Well, for a dude who intended to be a career operator in Special Forces, it was NOT fate [nor intent] that has delivered me to this situation.

When "Dame" J. Edgar Hoover pointed his finger at the No Name Key Group, it was his prime act of retribution for deeds that we had perpetrated against him two years previous. His "Out", when queried by two members of the Warren Commission as to the identities of the visitors to Sylvia and Annie Odio's during September 1963, was to lie and continue with his cover-up by scapegoating his longtime foes in Florida. He believed that since I and other in the InterPen Group had "unsavory" reputations, it would be an easy scheme to point his finger our way, and continue to befuddle the Commission.

[Hoover attempted to guarantee that InterPen would be considered an "unsavory element" (having criminal) by inserting ex-convict informants/snitches into the Group on a frequent basis; thereby showing the world that we were a "suspect" entity. We routinely "played" the snitches, and fed them disinformation, which usually angered their handlers in the FBI, CIA, US Customs Service, et al. !!]

Thus we gained the fabulous reputation of being liars/bullxxxx artists - as shown in the thousands of their declassified files since 1992. As a example, one of their early snitches was a Latino who claimed to be a Panamanian citizen, and upon request for ID proof, he produced a Panama Passport "issued in Trieste !!" We turned that document over to the O.N.I. case agents. When this "Beaner" clown was caught up in a tree in the Everglades, signaling towards the road with a flashlight, we sent him off on some harsh forced marches - and shortly thereafter, he twisted his ankle and wanted to go home to "Mommy" !!

Hoover's focus on me personally [as being of unsavory character] was due to the following:

In Cuba (1958 thru 1960) I was a member of Fidel's Rebel Army (later transferred to the Rebel Air Force); and under the orders of the late Chief of the "Ejercito Rebelde" (Rebel Army) Cmdte. Camilo Cienfuegos, I lead a team of former Rebels and defected Batista soldiers as a mobile execution squad.

This was ordered by Cmdte. Cienfuegos (Cmdte "Comandante/Major/Commander"). It seems that Raul, "Che", Fidel, et al. felt that Rebel soldiers, by 1959 stationed in barracks ("Quartels") in their home-towns - would escape reprisals/vendettas by relatives of the condemned "War Criminals" if "Gringo-led" Firing-Parties/Squads" did the executions. However, this failed to quash the "drive-by" shootings (stabbings, grenade attacks, etc.) that we were experiencing throughout 1959.

At La Cabana Fortress in Havana (Habana), this task was assigned to one of Cmdte. Ernesto "Che" Guevara Lynch's combat commanders in the Sierra Maestra - Capt. (Capitan) Herman Marks. Herman defected back to the U.S. during 1960.

Jumping ahead to 1962, just before "The Cuban Missile Crisis", Bobby Kennedy had suffered a series of insults and blackmail threats from the perpetual head of the F.B.I. - "Dame" J. Edgar Hoover !! At that time, some of our Cuban associates, veterans of Brigade 2506 (Brigada de Asalto 2506) - having evaded capture at the Bay of Pigs; were oftentimes living at RFK's home ("Hickory Hill") on Chainbridge Road, playing "touch-football" and keeping "Camelot" up-to-date on the Cuban scene.

"Dame" Hoover ordered Bobby to present himself at the Director's office for a "briefing". [said offices of RFK & FBI were then located in the old Dept. of Justice Building] Upon arrival, RFK was immediately threatened with exposure - i.e., that both he and his brother would be disgraced if the FBI released ALL of the 1940s, 1950s, 1960s photographs and files it possessed. Hoover threw a dozen or more files and photos on his desk, and reportedly, Bobby was stunned !!

Shortly thereafter, RFK asked his Cuban friends to contact their best operators [Not traceable back to him] who might gather evidence enough to force "Dame" Hoover to "back-off". Guess who got the job "toot-sweet"?? During early 1962 [after my return from California] I was approached by a Brigade 2506 Intelligence Officer. He was then visiting at "Hickory Hill" and dating Pam Turner, "Jackie's" appointments secretary (East-Wing of the White House). He asked if my guys might come up with some proof of Hoover's "Sins-of-Commission-or-Omission".

We dispatched two of our "Outfit" connected [Chicago Mob] guys up to "Chi-Town" -- with a duffle/sea-bag full of Marijuana for bartering purposes. In short order they returned with sample of the evidence needed. What was delivered to RFK, and later thrown on Hoover's desk (this time)??!! High quality photos [which passed all of the forgery/fakery tests]:

(1) Hoover performing oral sex on Adlai Stevenson's boyfriend; (2) Hoover dancing-about in a red dress at a homosexual conclave; (3) Hoover prancing about with nude queers -- dressed in a NAZI SS uniform [complete with ribbons & badges].

Hoover immediately surrendered all of his Kennedy, et al. files to RFK shortly thereafter. [Jack Mohr later claimed he had possession of duplicates taken from Hoover's "disappeared" confidential files]

It took Hoover's "Retainers" about six months to trace this RFK "Coup d'grace/d'main" back to InterPen. He, according to insiders, vowed consummate revenge against us "perps". His principal act of revenge was placing me, and some of my associates, in harm's way. This was accomplished by "setting-us-up" to be involved in the "Security Detail" which welcomed JFK at Miami Int'l Airport on Monday afternoon, November 18th, 1963.

One of the original plans was to assassinate JFK, et al. at MIA, and leave us dead or dying on the tarmac near Air Force One. We foiled this by disobeying instructions - arriving at the airport unarmed. We had discovered that a back-up squad of assassins was ensconced in the bushes on the airport expressway median. And that they were armed with some deadly weapons, including a 57mm Recoilless Rifle. These were the same weapons that I had purchased from Rich Lauchli in Collinsville Illinois some weeks previous - and were supposedly scheduled to be inside Cuba before the end of the Summer of '63. The guy who arranged for the weapons buy was one of the "Hickory Hill" touch-football players.

Because we alerted John McCone [then DCI], JFK was transported to Miami Beach via helicopter rather then by the planned motorcade.

Hoover's next big shot at revenge came during September 1964, upon demand by two members of the Warren Commission that: The Silvia Odio/Oswald visit issue be resolved or they wouldn't "sign-off" !! Hoover's girls surfaced their long faithful and trusted "snitch", Loran Eugene "Skip" Hall [the unearned "war-name" Lorenzo Passillo translates as: Hallway in Spanish is "Passillo", while Lorenzo is the equivalent of Lawrence. was bestowed upon him by active Castro double-agents. These two Castro double-agents were Manolo Aguilar and Enrique Molina Rivera. Molina Rivera later "disappeared?" while flying with Rorke and Sullivan during September '63 -- after picking up Oswald and flying him from New Orleans to Merida, Mexico for further infiltration inside Cuba.

For those who have done their research, there is no necessity in going into the details of what I did in Miami on the day of JFK's assassination. A few days after 11/22/63, a lone FBI Special Agent [previously assigned two years before as case agent] dropped by my apartment [alarming the neighbors by loudly proclaiming his identity upon my asking who was knocking at the door]; and asked some perfunctory questions. He was simply inquiring if I, or any of my team, might have something to say about the murder. I responded in the negative, and he rose to depart. I asked: "...Is that all you want to know?" He responded: "...That is all I was ordered to ask !!"

At that point in time I felt the first inklings that something was amiss, that maybe somebody was cover-ing-up something -- but, then again, I tried to convince myself that it would take a considerable amount of investigating before any real conclusions might be reached.

I continued with the preparations for a run inside Cuba, commanded by Felipe Vidal Santiago, and partially financed by the late lady War Correspondent, Dickey Chapelle [$15,000].

End of Part 1

[NOTE: It is now Monday, February 7th, and I have been working on this missive for about a week. Saturday, I had an telephone interview with Tim Gratz (Key West, Florida); and I presume that he will no doubt cover my identification of the two Cubans who took Oswald to visit with Silvia Odio during September of

Edited by Gerry Hemming
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Thanks, Gerry for telling your story. I've always suspected you had a lot more to tell if you'd only get in the mood. I am especially curious about your relationships with Hall, Sturgis, and Lorenz. Since so much of what they said turned out to be lies, you could do us all a favor if you told us what they DID do. For example, was there really a group known as Operation 40 and were they really supposed to kill off communists and commie sympathizers, including Manola Ray, after the Bay of Pigs? Did Sturgis know Hunt (Eduardo) before Watergate? Who was the man Barker recruited Sturgis to kill on U.S. soil? Did you ever hear of Mario Kohly? It's okay if you don't have the answers. But if you do, please spill the beans.

Your own story is of course equally interesting. I'm curious in particular if the rumors of your being an agent/provacateur on behalf of the Feds in the late 60's have any merit, and, if so, who recruited you and how you were recruited. Thanks.



Thanks and welcome. "They" say everyone has at least on book in them. By my estimate, I figure you've got at least 10 books! I look forward to more of our hidden history.



Mr. Hemming,

Having read your latest post on Simkin's forum, I didn't appreciate the fact that you were wheel-chair and house bound - very sorry to hear that. I have a great deal of admiration and respect for you, and consider you one of the most interesting and significant figures present in the world today. Your experiences with some of the most climatic and historically explosive events in the history of the past century of the United States are both incredible and fantastic to me.

I look forward with great interest to your story on the forum. I would like to ask you one last question, which is of personal interest to me.

As you know, I have spent quite a bit of time working on the photos and films concerning the events that unfolded in Dealey Plaza on 11/22/63. I have come to the conclusion that the entire event was filmed - not simply the motorcade, but the entire assassination - from cameras located in various locations. Camera 'teams' I should say. One team was located on the stairs at Elm street, at the Knoll, another was behind the retaining wall, another behind the fence -- but the one that interests me most is the one at the North Peristyle position - at the corner of Elm and Houston.

From examination of the Zapruder film, it appears that CD Jackson [or someone given the task of 'altering' the film], took it upon themselves to introduce segments or sequences from some of the other camera's footage, as an underlayer in the 'extant' version of the film. In the upper righthand corner of the film, IMO, is a view of the knoll, taken from the North Peristyle position. This is consistent with other sequences, which I believe were taken from other locations [z196 - z206 for example, I believe is a sequence of a film taken from the retaining wall position].

Anyway - I put this theory out on a forum and was told that perhaps a dog could be seen lifting it's leg in the picture, which would account for why the area appears tinted. In your travels and through any of your connections, has it ever been drawn to your attention that the entire assassination may have been recorded? Any reply would be confidential - I'd simply reference 'an unidentifiable source.'

I'd greatly appreciate any info or support.

Kind regards,

Lee Forman

Posted (edited)
As you know, I have spent quite a bit of time working on the photos and films concerning the events that unfolded in Dealey Plaza on 11/22/63. I have come to the conclusion that the entire event was filmed - not simply the motorcade, but the entire assassination - from cameras located in various locations. Camera 'teams' I should say. One team was located on the stairs at Elm street, at the Knoll, another was behind the retaining wall, another behind the fence -- but the one that interests me most is the one at the North Peristyle position - at the corner of Elm and Houston.

From examination of the Zapruder film, it appears that CD Jackson [or someone given the task of 'altering' the film], took it upon themselves to introduce segments or sequences from some of the other camera's footage, as an underlayer in the 'extant' version of the film. In the upper righthand corner of the film, IMO, is a view of the knoll, taken from the North Peristyle position. This is consistent with other sequences, which I believe were taken from other locations [z196 - z206 for example, I believe is a sequence of a film taken from the retaining wall position].

Anyway - I put this theory out on a forum and was told that perhaps a dog could be seen lifting it's leg in the picture, which would account for why the area appears tinted. In your travels and through any of your connections, has it ever been drawn to your attention that the entire assassination may have been recorded? Any reply would be confidential - I'd simply reference 'an unidentifiable source.'

Since your first E-mail last year, and after forwarding all to experienced researchers, reporters, authors, et al. - the consensus was that you were up to speed on most of the critical background information; so you passed the test. Since then you have been in touch with many of our group. But my problems remain as a constant:

1. I am doing telephonic interviews over the last three months with Pulitzer Prize winning (or nomin-ated for same) reporters from the Toledo Blade, The Washington Post, Boston Globe & WGBH, and recently with Tim Gratz down at the Key West paper. Everybody has deadlines, or are racing ahead in attempting to fill in critcal blanks for their work.

2. Even while I was in the VA hospital, the inquiries kept rolling in. A German Public TV crew couldn't wait for my release (having just finished filming in Cuba); so the VA boss allowed the filming to take place in the luxurious lobby of the hospital -- and which drew a crowd of uniformed military and hospital staff. The Administrator was worried that I was going to "bad-mouth" the VA; but I assured him that this interview was about "Cold-War" issues of long past.

3. In every case, including your own -- there are questions, and more questions. Before answering, I usually do an actual or mental review of whether my answers are amongst declassified documents, or generally or specifically available to the Public. As I told many authors and reporters, I am not deferring to the "Intelligence Identities Act of 1982" -- because I don't give a rat's ass. But then, I think that Bob Novack is going to pay the price under that law for "Outing" covert CIA Officer Valerie Plame, along with Rove and some other worthless miscreants.

4. No, my greatest focus is on the 40 years of misquotes, lies, libel and slander -- aimed specifically at "The No Name Key Bunch"; as the perpetrators or support element in the assassinations of JFK, RFK, and MLK, Jr. (and they might throw in "Cock Robin" and Judge Crater also) -- and the stupid bastards just can't grasp that this was engineered by faggot J. Edgar Hoover in retaliation for getting the goods on his ass and delivering same to RFK. His final queer stroke was to cover his ass on the Sylvia Odio meeting with Oswald in Dallas, Sept. 1963.

5. Most of the InterPen guys aren't even aware (nor interested) in this JFK fantasy crap -- and those who are don't really give a xxxx. However, some have been called out of retirement and are currently serving in Iraq, Afghanistan, Kuwait, etc. -- and others non-military are working (even in their late 60s) for government agencies -- including "Homeland Defense". They sure as hell don't need snitches like Weberman, et al. bandying their names about on the internet at this stage in their careers.

6. I put out what some called a "new name" on the UK Forum last month, and forthwith there was confusion. Well, let me clue you in on the reality; there are over a hundred VERY serious names that absolutely nobody in the game has ever seen nor heard -- and the UK bunch are some extremely sharp people, save for a half dozen self centered egoistic xxxxheads who obviously have too much time on their hands -- "and act like they had sense of their own !!"

7. When I worked for Oliver Stone I insisted to him that we be treated as shooters who had been just hired to assassinate the President -- and that we would try our professional best to go through ALL of the movers that genuine "Operators" must go through !! The biggest problem was Stone's self imposed limitation on scripting only those "facts, data, and evidence??" THEN known by Jim Garrison during his "Tour" [1966 thru 1969].

8. I had a couple of arguments with Oliver over those weeks of 1990-'91; The most salient being:

(i) The shooting teams were autonomous and unknown to one another -- and moreover, there existed the strong possibility of autonomous financial sponsors and "directors";

(ii) The "soldier filmer Arnold?" story is total bovine feces; as is the "black-mutt man", the"umb-rella-man, and most important -- the worthless toy Oswald rifle was NOT purchased from Klein's, and was never lawfully imported into the United States. It was given to him by the same man whose photos appeared in the CIA Mexico, D. F. surveillance shots. His alias at that time was Saul Sage". His real name is Mario Tauler Sague, and he appeared on the list of assassins given to Senator McGovern by Fidel in Havana. He was born before WWII in what later became Sov-controlled East Germany, raised in Leipzig -- worked for the Gehlen organization until hired by Harvey in Berlin. Our "little Joe" Garman always called him "Sal Saggy". [More on "Saul" (MacDonald's) and his role with "Raul" in the MLK, Jr. hit later]

What we have here is "The-Failure-to-not-Hallucinate" !! Citing forged W. Comm'n documents and thousands of other "Legend" and "Black-Tape" files has been the catastrophic failing. As an aside, has anybody ever spoken with other purchasers of the said M. Carcano rifles?? Primarily to ascertain if they were in compliance with the National firearms act, the IRS A.T.T.U. Regs published in the Federal Register, and the rules/regulations of State Department's "Office of Munitions Control" that so frustrated Sam Cummings (InterArmCo), Numrich, et al. -- in that a lawfully imported weapon MUST have a serial number on the frame, not on the barrel of every weapon imported?? [circa 1958].

Edited by Gerry Hemming

Mr. Hemming,

At the 1996 November in Dallas Conference, you named some people whom you said should have been arrested in the immediate aftermath of the assassination. You named yourself, Conein, WerBell, and "Goodell" (phonetic), by which I assume you meant Senator Charles Goodell of New York.

Could you tell us what role Goodell had in the assassination? No motive on his part is readily apparent, and I have never seen his name mentioned elsewhere with regard to the JFK murder. Thanks,

Ron Ecker

  • 6 months later...
Gerry, here's a serious query.  You clearly have led an interesting life.  You clearly are a talented and colorful writer.  Why haven't you written a book?  I wasn't kidding when  I said I'd buy it.  I'm sure many others would as well.

FWIW, my comment about story-telling was not meant to imply you were a xxxx. It was an acknowledgement that many of the events you write about happened 40 years ago.  Human memories blur together.  As a result, people are prone to expand upon true-life stories, and fill-in the blanks where the details have been lost.  This is a fact of life. I make stories out of events that happened yesterday; I can only assume others do the same.  After 40 years, God knows what I'll be saying about this internet exchange.  Maybe by then I'll be telling people you and I had a wrestling match and you beat me with a chair.

No harm intended.  I was trying to defend your position as someone who had insight into the case.  Sorry if you took offense.


Gerry, is it true that Tom Dunkin was also helping Tony Cuesta with his autobiography. They both died in the same year (1994). Do you think there is any connection. Is it possible that some people did not want Cuesta to tell his full story?

As you know, I have spent quite a bit of time working on the photos and films concerning the events that unfolded in Dealey Plaza on 11/22/63. I have come to the conclusion that the entire event was filmed - not simply the motorcade, but the entire assassination - from cameras located in various locations. Camera 'teams' I should say. One team was located on the stairs at Elm street, at the Knoll, another was behind the retaining wall, another behind the fence -- but the one that interests me most is the one at the North Peristyle position - at the corner of Elm and Houston.

From examination of the Zapruder film, it appears that CD Jackson [or someone given the task of 'altering' the film], took it upon themselves to introduce segments or sequences from some of the other camera's footage, as an underlayer in the 'extant' version of the film. In the upper righthand corner of the film, IMO, is a view of the knoll, taken from the North Peristyle position. This is consistent with other sequences, which I believe were taken from other locations [z196 - z206 for example, I believe is a sequence of a film taken from the retaining wall position].

Anyway - I put this theory out on a forum and was told that perhaps a dog could be seen lifting it's leg in the picture, which would account for why the area appears tinted. In your travels and through any of your connections, has it ever been drawn to your attention that the entire assassination may have been recorded? Any reply would be confidential - I'd simply reference 'an unidentifiable source.'

Since your first E-mail last year, and after forwarding all to experienced researchers, reporters, authors, et al. - the consensus was that you were up to speed on most of the critical background information; so you passed the test. Since then you have been in touch with many of our group. But my problems remain as a constant:

1. I am doing telephonic interviews over the last three months with Pulitzer Prize winning (or nomin-ated for same) reporters from the Toledo Blade, The Washington Post, Boston Globe & WGBH, and recently with Tim Gratz down at the Key West paper. Everybody has deadlines, or are racing ahead in attempting to fill in critcal blanks for their work.

2. Even while I was in the VA hospital, the inquiries kept rolling in. A German Public TV crew couldn't wait for my release (having just finished filming in Cuba); so the VA boss allowed the filming to take place in the luxurious lobby of the hospital -- and which drew a crowd of uniformed military and hospital staff. The Administrator was worried that I was going to "bad-mouth" the VA; but I assured him that this interview was about "Cold-War" issues of long past.

3. In every case, including your own -- there are questions, and more questions. Before answering, I usually do an actual or mental review of whether my answers are amongst declassified documents, or generally or specifically available to the Public. As I told many authors and reporters, I am not deferring to the "Intelligence Identities Act of 1982" -- because I don't give a rat's ass. But then, I think that Bob Novack is going to pay the price under that law for "Outing" covert CIA Officer Valerie Plame, along with Rove and some other worthless miscreants.

4. No, my greatest focus is on the 40 years of misquotes, lies, libel and slander -- aimed specifically at "The No Name Key Bunch"; as the perpetrators or support element in the assassinations of JFK, RFK, and MLK, Jr. (and they might throw in "Cock Robin" and Judge Crater also) -- and the stupid bastards just can't grasp that this was engineered by faggot J. Edgar Hoover in retaliation for getting the goods on his ass and delivering same to RFK. His final queer stroke was to cover his ass on the Sylvia Odio meeting with Oswald in Dallas, Sept. 1963.

5. Most of the InterPen guys aren't even aware (nor interested) in this JFK fantasy crap -- and those who are don't really give a xxxx. However, some have been called out of retirement and are currently serving in Iraq, Afghanistan, Kuwait, etc. -- and others non-military are working (even in their late 60s) for government agencies -- including "Homeland Defense". They sure as hell don't need snitches like Weberman, et al. bandying their names about on the internet at this stage in their careers.

6. I put out what some called a "new name" on the UK Forum last month, and forthwith there was confusion. Well, let me clue you in on the reality; there are over a hundred VERY serious names that absolutely nobody in the game has ever seen nor heard -- and the UK bunch are some extremely sharp people, save for a half dozen self centered egoistic xxxxheads who obviously have too much time on their hands -- "and act like they had sense of their own !!"

7. When I worked for Oliver Stone I insisted to him that we be treated as shooters who had been just hired to assassinate the President -- and that we would try our professional best to go through ALL of the movers that genuine "Operators" must go through !! The biggest problem was Stone's self imposed limitation on scripting only those "facts, data, and evidence??" THEN known by Jim Garrison during his "Tour" [1966 thru 1969].

8. I had a couple of arguments with Oliver over those weeks of 1990-'91; The most salient being:

(i) The shooting teams were autonomous and unknown to one another -- and moreover, there existed the strong possibility of autonomous financial sponsors and "directors";

(ii) The "soldier filmer Arnold?" story is total bovine feces; as is the "black-mutt man", the"umb-rella-man, and most important -- the worthless toy Oswald rifle was NOT purchased from Klein's, and was never lawfully imported into the United States. It was given to him by the same man whose photos appeared in the CIA Mexico, D. F. surveillance shots. His alias at that time was Saul Sage". His real name is Mario Tauler Sague, and he appeared on the list of assassins given to Senator McGovern by Fidel in Havana. He was born before WWII in what later became Sov-controlled East Germany, raised in Leipzig -- worked for the Gehlen organization until hired by Harvey in Berlin. Our "little Joe" Garman always called him "Sal Saggy". [More on "Saul" (MacDonald's) and his role with "Raul" in the MLK, Jr. hit later]

What we have here is "The-Failure-to-not-Hallucinate" !! Citing forged W. Comm'n documents and thousands of other "Legend" and "Black-Tape" files has been the catastrophic failing. As an aside, has anybody ever spoken with other purchasers of the said M. Carcano rifles?? Primarily to ascertain if they were in compliance with the National firearms act, the IRS A.T.T.U. Regs published in the Federal Register, and the rules/regulations of State Department's "Office of Munitions Control" that so frustrated Sam Cummings (InterArmCo), Numrich, et al. -- in that a lawfully imported weapon MUST have a serial number on the frame, not on the barrel of every weapon imported?? [circa 1958].


The Carcano which LHO reportedly ordered from Kleins, not unlike all of the remainder of that shipment, had a "NEW" control#/serial# engraved on the frame.

Unfortunately, C2766 does not have such a number.

A slight oversight on the part of someone.



The Carcano which LHO reportedly ordered from Kleins, not unlike all of the remainder of that shipment, had a "NEW" control#/serial# engraved on the frame.

Unfortunately, C2766 does not have such a number.

A slight oversight on the part of someone.



Not to distract too much from Hemming's posts here, but can you please explain what you mean by the above and point out how someone can go about confirming what you say?


Gerry, is it true that Tom Dunkin was also helping Tony Cuesta with his autobiography. They both died in the same year (1994). Do you think there is any connection. Is it possible that some people did not want Cuesta to tell his full story?



At the time that Tony Cuesta was released from prison in Cuba, Tom Dunkin was having severe financial difficulties. He indeed attempted to meet with Tony, but was informed [possibly by Ramon Font, or somebody from the"new" Commandos L] that Tony was not "emotionally ready" to sit down with old comrades and speak of past "glories?". However, that differed substancially from Tony's emmissaries who requested that I get in contact with Tony as soon as possible.

In my case, I was the one not "emotionally ready" to handle numerous sitdowns withTony, Ramon, et al. -- and this later was the case with Eloy G. Menoyo, who called me on the telephone when Iwas living near Fort Lauderdale. Just a telephone chat with Eloy, which grew very emotional, caused me stress enough to go back on my Valium meds. As with Tony, I explained that I wasn't in the greatest of health, and that it would probably be a few weeks before I was ready.

Hargraves visited Dunkin at the SEAL Museum, and during that conversation Dunkin complained that a lady from Orlando, Florida was contracted todo Tony's story. Dunkin told Hargraves that said lady was a Sandra (LNU).

It was later explained to me by Tony's buddies that he admired Dunkin greatly,

and that given that Dunkin was a Marine who had fought in Korea, he was not surprised by Tom's cool demeanor during the "Baku Op".

A short time prior to Tony's final run to Cuba, one of their "Prowler" boats was violently sabotaged at the dock near Key West. I had previously warned Tony against his associating with specific individuals, and after the sabotage he was a little beligerent with me, especially in asking if I had mentioned anything about his plans to "anybody??" I reminded him more than once, that when he had made reference to "operational matters", that I absolutely did not want to hear ANY details whatsoever, nor be associated with same in any fashion -- reminding him of the "need-to-know-rules"; and that especially since his Op might be blown, I didn't want to experience any of the same suspicions that I had encountered with Felipe Vidal after his boat sank in a NE 135 St. canal [Christmas Eve, 1963] after Dickey Chappelle accidently stepped on the bilge-pump exhaust pipe that night.

He queried as to how is it I could be warning him about certain individuals if was was truly keeping my distance from his operation?? I stated that this was exactly the case in point, I was hearing information from people that shouldn't have known one wit of his movements, yet they did -- therefore his "Op/Sec" [Operational Security] was compromised. He didn't take that very well !! This was why I didn't want to be in the "..I told you so !!" position after his years of imprisonment and physical suffering. Moreover, I absolutely didn't want to be queried as to his betrayers, or associates with "loose-lips" -- and even more important, not get into the fact that Trafficante had been one of his prime betrayers, and the one who informed Havana that this operation was an attempt to assassinate Fidel.

Tony was spared execution mostly via the offices of a former attorney for Fidel, who had also acted to save some of Hargrave's people who had been kidnapped off of Elbow Cay [bahamas] during February, 1963 -- by Sov/Spetsnaz and Cuban D.S.E. (LCB) commandos.

You are correct in implying that Tony "knew things" -- "things" that he was unaware of, and were of great importance. I know now that Escalante is still lying through his teeth as to Tony's inculpatory statements, and moreover, at that time I was certain that should he explore specific matters with me and some of my associates, his life would have been in jeopardy !!

Somebody hinted that this "blind man" overheard remarks by folks that belittled him, and this because they firmly believed that he would never be released, and would die [isolated] in his prison cell.

More simply put, there are folks in Havana who maintained an ongoing interest in "things" that Tony might disclose -- and realizing this, Tony aborted any participation in any "memoirs". One of those "monitoring" him belongs to "The Cuban 5" [recently favored by the case reversal in the 11th Circuit in Atlanta.]

More later,




Gerry, is Dennis Lynn Harber still alive? Was there anything suspicious about the deaths of Edwin Anderson Collins (1964), James Arthur Lewis (1970) and Steve Wilson (1984). Is it possible that these four men could have been involved in the assassination of JFK?


Gerry, is Dennis Lynn Harber still alive? Was there anything suspicious about the deaths of Edwin Anderson Collins (1964), James Arthur Lewis (1970) and Steve Wilson (1984). Is it possible that these four men could have been involved in the assassination of JFK?



The only word I've heard on Harber is that he died in Merida, Mexico years ago.

Edwin Anderson Collins was murdered by Castro "fellow-travelers" upon their discovery of his identity, and just a few weeks after he was tasked to penetrate their "protest march" from Canada, down the east coast, and on to Havana, and GITMO. Steve Wilson and I identified his body at the Medical Examiner's morgue, and when I questioned an assistant there as to the severe lacerations, cuts and bruises on Eddy's face and scalp -- he responded that:

"...This was most likely due to crabs and other critters munching on the corpse post-mortem !!"

Upon my questioning exactly how a corpse [in salt water] might continue to bleed, acquire bruises, and suffer contusions and edema after only 8 hours +/-

in Biscayne Bay [400 yards off the docks of Dinner Key & City Hall] -- police detectives Tony Fontana and Bill Cloy charged into the room demanding to know our purposes.

Eddy Collins was one of our best swimmers, as evidenced when he was blown overboard [sans UDT the same life jacket he is pictured wearing in the No Name Key pix] -- along with Dickey Chappelle, Hargraves, and Felipe Vidal on a Cuba run during early 1964.

Wilson and I tracked down the now hiding boat crew a few days later, and with less than Abu-Ghraib measures, thoroughly "interviewed" them.

Their "official" story to the police was that Eddy was drunk and that he had dived overboard to recover a dinghy which had cast adrift that night. Despite witnesses ashore reporting screams beforehand -- they had insisted that had he uttered one sound they could have turned the boat around, located and recovered him. [they admitted to the police that they had motored to the dock, and "immediately" called the police??] The live-aboard boaters and shrimpers who already knew Eddy over the years, wondered about the great discrepancies in timing, especially the police report [initial call] showing that this was made some 45 minutes after the boaters heard the screams and turned on their searchlights [evidenced in their official log books]. They had asked the "hippies" what was going on only 5 minutes after the screams, and just after the "protestor" boat was being tied to the dock.

Eddy Collins had been recruited by FBI agents [MIA/FO], and John Evans of the "Johns Committee" (Red-Squad) in Tallahassee -- to assist in monitoring the "peace marchers". The "Mounties" [R.C.M.P.] had inserted two assets into the group in Canada, and one of these had operated together with one of our guys, who, the year previous, had worked a joint CSS/RCMP/FBI operation involving Nicaraguans, Cubans, and other foreign nationals embarking on a mission to attend training camps inside Cuba.

This operation was assisted by Col. Arturo Espaillat, Robert Emmett Johnson, and leaders of the right-wing "R'assemblent Nationale" (FRN); who were battling with the Marxist FLQ in Montreal [Front D'Liberation Quebeqous].

However, our guy had suffered blown cover via a Johnson screwup, wasn't interested in the Op, and recommended Eddy in his stead.

Jim Lewis, upon his return from Vietnam during 1970, and while working in Miami with CIA contract agent Tom McCrory (a certified Marine Surveyor), took an interest in yet another treasure trove opportunity -- and it was to be the last of a half dozen well paying previous hunts.

Steve Wilson had been working a couple of months [as an Ironworker] on the Key West desalination plant project, after returning from similar work on the missile silos at Fargo. [because of our security clearances, quite a few of the InterPen "Ironworkers", had first worked on the "Hawk-4B" AAA sites around Miami before "booming out" to Malmstrom, Fargo, etc.]

Wilson found a buddy in a union carpenter by the name of Roger Clark whilst laboring in Key West. He was totally unaware of the fact that Clark had been the erstwhile partner-in-crime with "Murph-the-Surf" [NYC "Star of India" burglary]; and cooperated with Clark in fencing "treasure-trove" gold bars and pancakes which Clark had accidently found near the Florida coast -- "somewhere" in 10 fathoms [2 atmospheres] of gulf waters. The fence was "Kaki" Argomaniz [Honduran Consul General], who was a CIA asset working under Cesar Diosdado, and his boss Wallace D. Shanley -- Miami Customs bossman.

With $40,000 RVN earned money in the bank, Jim Lewis purchased a Beckmann Electro-Lung from California [a rebreather/helium/oxy/nitro SCUBA which required no decompression stops ascending after lengthy dives] -- paid the fee for a company instructor to check him out off Fowery Rocks before the sale could be made -- and behind both mine and Wilson's backs, joined with "Skinny Ralph" Sclafter on a series of dives.

Jim deduced that one of the promising sites might be near Egmont Key, off the entrance to Tampa Bay. His fatal mistake was diving solo [a real "No-No"], leaving "Skinny" in the boat as diver/tender. A SEAL team buddy from 'Nam showed up the day after he went missing [trip paid for by his wealthy Republican mother in California]; and we searched for the body for two days.

Later that week I had a violent disagreement with said SEAL, who suggested that "moi" should have been supervising the scheme more closely -- whereupon "moi" explained that Jim and "Skinny" were "Claim-Jumping" us all.

Weeks later, one of our previous pro bono attorneys [John Bircher]; who had since been appointed U.S. Attorney for the So. Dist. of Florida; was astounded when we confronted him with evidence that he had been in collusion with IRS/CIA/FBI "pogues" in reporting that the treasure trove was actually goods stolen from a private collection, whose owner was extremely reluctant to report same. Clark had supposedly died while driving off of a Key's bridge, [bNR] "Body-Not-Recovered"; however, the IRS was caught jack-hammering the concrete floors of Clark's father's house/Florida Room/Garage without a warrant.

The day of the JFK assassination, Jim Lewis was [as usual] playing Chess at "Little Joe's" apartment by the Miami River -- together with Eddy Collins, "Skinny", Dick Whatley, Bobby Willis, and Bill Dempsey. When Garman started dancing in the street soon after hearing the news from Dallas, Jim chastized him severely [along with Cuban pissed-off neighbors]; He reminded him that just four days before; he had been a member of our security detail for JFK at MIA [Monday, 18th Nov.], and that he had been prepared to "take-a-bullet" for the President !!

Bill Dempsey wasn't on that detail because he was once again in-country illegally; however Whatley had been at MIA with us also.

[Whatley and Lewis didn't accompany us on the Rorke/Sullivan search because they had just returned from British Honduras [belize], and were persona-non-grata there. We had just returned from Guatemala the first week of November 1963]

Dennis Harber came into contact with us because he was a cut-out for ex-Colombia dictator Rojas Pinilla, who, despite our refusing cash donations, insisted on providing emergency housing and credit at grocery stores for the Sturgis "Op-40" group which I inherited post BOP. Ex-Venezuela dictator Perez Jimenez [Marita Lorenz's sugar-daddy] agreed to the same conditions through 1963. Harber was a drunk and homo, thereby precluding even playing a patsy role in any serious scheme, and was excluded from Collins' "peacenik" Op, despite having worked on the "Pirate Radio" Op just weeks before his death.

Steve Wilson died of a cerebral aneurism, as an Ironworker, high above the Miami skyline -- "connecting" up on the "red-iron".

Once again, the innuendo of the InterPen guys being involved somehow in Dealey Plaza. "Dame" Hoover must be grinning right now, despite the severe heat !!

You alleged that I will "...no doubt take (secrets??) to the grave !! And that "...out of loyalty" will protect comrades who have vital information.

Kindly cite any evidence that I have "secrets" that ALL [or specific] private citizens have a right to !!

And per chance you might mention the names of "comrades" who I might be "protecting".

Bernie de Torres' name came from me, and the first time was not with Garrison during 1967, but in a Sunday briefing I gave at Koger Center DEA HQ to Gene Propper, Larry Barcella, Carter Kornick, et al. -- and that was with reference to the perpetrators of the Letelier assassination on "Embassy Row" two months previous. John Cummings [then of NewsDay, NYC] was there on "deep background" at my insistence, and to date has never uttered a word about it.

Cummings was later amused that I had brought Bernie as far as the ATF parking lot across the street, when he bailed-out and ran for a public phone, and called Janet Reno at home to report "some difficulties" !! One of the folks at that briefing later married into my wife's family, something he is still unaware of today. In Gene's book "Labrynth", he styles Bernie as "TB", Fonzi calls him "Carlos".

"Faces-in-Dealey Plaza"; "along-the-parade-route"; "doggie without an umbrella man"; Jesus H. Christ, gimme-a-break and get a life. Massive "Kazakh" conspiracies by the "se-cretin' team" [mucho secretions !!]!!

I can still hear in my head the German speaking voice on the tape at MI/HQ in Central America -- the beaner Colonel asking the interpreter what the dude was laughing about ?? And the words in Spanish "...este asesino dice que nunca fue un nido de franco tirador en el rinconcito...pero esta fue el lugar donde los prietos (negros) se escondio' para ver las fotografias de mujeres desnudas mientras que jugaban la paja" !!

[Translated: This assassin says that there was never a snipers nest in the corner, but that it was a hideout for the "Schwarzes"; where they jerked off while looking at "dirty pictures" (paraphrasing).] This is the guy with the suppressed broom-handle mauser [with wooden shoulder-stock/holster and artillery barrel] whose role I played for Oliver Stone in the movie.

A quikie for the Lieutenant. Yes we screwed up regularly, we used Ron Lippert (Jones), the same way we used Everett Jackson during 1967. We inserted radiological badge film strips in their gear, and this was recovered by assets working out of the Uruguay embassy in Havana. And because of moles that Angleton missed, DGI later mocked them all [including Frank Emmick, et al.] while they did their 10 and 12 years in Fidel's Gulags.

I already had been bitched at by J. A. for some of this, but countered with the SCOTUS rulings on the "law-of-entrapment" -- if one is PREDISPOSED to act in accordance with a scheme beforehand, then there is no entrapment !! Ron was determined to be predisposed by RCMP, Johnson, Espaillat, et al. !! I feel for his daughter's health maladies, and maybe he is right. But it was one of his "Canuck" buddies who smuggled the "Newcastle" vectors into Cuba, forcing Fidel to slaughter all poultry. I raised hell about the African Swine Fever Operation, and gave Cummings the inside track on that.

Just 6 years ago, I raised hell with a buddy in Miami about the crop-duster ferry pilot who was spotted "dusting" a Cuban experimental farm with nasty ass beetkles -- while enroute to Aruba via Jamaica. My Miami guy's sister was Madeline Albright's right-hand person. How the hell could "Clintonites" give a State Dept. contract to a cohort of Mas Canosa ??

Fidel's got 5000+ doctors and nurses in Venezuela. And what have we got, other than money grubbin clowns who can't even pull off a "banana-coup" !!

I am awaiting Arlen Specter [gettin' closer to eternity he is] to switch from denouncing a great paratroopin' Hugo Chavez, and denounce the embargo against Cuba as a "War Crime". [A theoretically/lawful state of belligerency has existed with the U.S. since BOP !!]

Howz dat grabya,




Thank you for this very informative post. One of the most important ever made on this Forum.

Any chance of you providing an outline of what you think happened regarding the assassination of JFK?

Do you think John Martino and Tony Ceusta told the truth with their “confessions”?

Have you considered writing your memoirs? It would make a great read.

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