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John J. McCloy

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Bolden is one of three sources for information about the Raleigh Call. The other two are a bit more interesting in many ways but Bolden's statements give support to the other two.

Dr. Grover B. Proctor, Jr. has compiled the most information about the primary source for the Raleigh Call. That person was of course Mrs. Alveeta Treon who worked as an operator at Dallas City Hall at the time of the assassination. The third source is a little less well known and is only supportive rather than diffinitive. It is a TV news reporters story about a phone call made by Oswald that was not completed. It was broadcast in the moments before Oswald was himself gunned down by Jack Ruby and seems to have been lost in the coverage of that particular event, recieving little or no notice after the death of Oswald. A copy of that tape is stored in the 6th Floor Museum.

My research has led me down several paths and I believe I can now create a plausible explanation for the events surrounding the Raleigh Call. I do not say this frivolously. My hunch has led me to a cache of material that did exist in a place where I thought it would exist based upon my research. There are of course other explanations of why this material would be where it was but the fact remains that I did search for and find it exactly wher I supposed it would be. So much for the mystery.

I first found information about my John Hurt (future NSA employee) while researching the life of Maj. General Edwin Walker. This connection came from an incident that occured in 1934 and suggests that Walker was working in the capacity of an undercover counter intelligence agent (this is the first time that I have disclosed this information..my reasons for suggesting the undercover counter intel are supported by privious events in Walker's career as well as the events surrounding the 1934 incident).

It is my belief that this same John Hurt became associated with future General Maxwell Taylor in 1940. The connection between the two places them in the same place at the same time working on similar projects. It is Hurt's own post war manuscript that suggests that Taylor would have been working with him but unfortunately Hurt makes it clear that he was not good with names and could not remember all the people at the time of his writting (circa 1947). Hurt did make referece to the (I believe it was) two Army officers that were engaged and qualified in Japanese translation at the time (1940/1941) Taylor's biographer and his own son make reference to Taylor's work in this field at this time in his life.

John B. Hurt was an original member of William Friedman's team of cryptographers that broke the Japanese codes during WWII. Known as the magic intercepts, knowledge of this information was known to very few people. According to a Pentagon historian, John J. McCloy was the keeper of the keys to this program and was the man who decided who received the magic information. Although there is a question of if McCloy ever met Hurt on a personal basis but there is no doubt that McCloy received translated intercepts with hand written notes from Hurt which provided context information about the meanings and expressions used to translate the true Japanese intent and emphisis of the messages. In discussion with the President about the droping of the first Atomic Bomb (another project that McCloy was in charge of) McCloy's documented statements mirror information provided by Hurt in his 1947 review of the "Japanese Problem."

All of this information was in my possession prior to the 2004 release of the the results of the NSA investigation done for the CIA/Warren Commission dealing with potential connections of Oswald to the intelligence community. The two men tasked with this research in 1964 were Frank Rowlett (another original member of William Friedman's team of cryptologist) and Meredith Gardner (who together with Rowlett are considered the fathers of the Venona Project, breaking of Soviet Codes). Information from Hurt's 1947 paper suggests that Gardner and Hurt were also closely involved with each other in signals intelligence.

So where does this all lead......

Most historians credit the beginings of the Venona Project, which Rowlett and Gardner worked on for years (and I believe that Hurt did as well. I have some interesting supportive documentation for this position), with an operation called Stella Polaris which occured at the end of WWII. Recent research suggests that while OSS personel were involved in this operation several of those same OSS personel were associated with an organization ran by John "Frenchy" Grombach, a rather shady character that continued his "private" spy network going, in a sometimes official sometimes unofficial capactiy, for years after the war. Grombach was associated with John J. McCloy prior to the war and would have had his organization, "THE POND," fall under the control McCloy during the war. There is some evidence to suggest that McCloy used the services of Grombach into the 1950's.

SIDE BAR: By the way, for James Richards, it seems that Harrod Miller, who is associated with John Hurt may have worked with Grombach just prior to his association with Hurt.

What is also interesting is this group associated with both Stella Polaris and "THE POND" includes Richard Helms, the man who, more than anyone else, was monitoring the movements of Lee Harvey Oswald prior to the assassiantion of JFK. Six months before the "defection" of Oswald to the Soviet Union via Helsinki, Finland, this group of individuals were brought back together by William Shepardson (another man closely associated with both Grombach and McCloy) who was gathering information about personel used by the OSS (and "POND" officials) in Finland.

Now in the case of Grombach, his background in intelligence began in the late 1930's when he wrote a paper about the use of commercial radio broadcasts to send intelligence information to agents in the field. (This system was used extensively during WWII) On a forum thread it was reported that in a recent article by Pricilla Johnson it was revealed that Oswald had written a letter to Radio Liberty that he could receive broadcasts while in Minsk. In charge of Radio Liberty was William Shepardson, a Grombach and McCloy associate.

This is an interesting area of research that I will continue to follow.

Now the call itself that was made by Oswald that received no answer. At the time, 1963, an operator was needed to place a long distance phone call. It was not unusual for a local operator (Like Mrs. Swinney) to contact a regional operator (someone in Raleigh, NC) to initiate a call. While this was being done the person attempting the call would wait to hear back from the operator. As a child it was not unusual to go to my grandmothers for dinner so that we could make a long distance phone call to my great aunt. At the start of dinner the call sequnce would be started and sometime around the end of the main course we might hear back from the operator that the call had been accepted (Person to Person being the norm, sometimes collect where the receiving party would pay). In the case of Oswald he made several calls in an attempt to contact Mr. Apt, an attorney. When the first call did not go through he had the operator find additional numbers for Abt and attempted additional calls. In the case of the Raleigh Call it seems that if Oswald's original call was not "accepted" it would be logical for the operator to retrieve additonal numbers for "John Hurt" that Oswald might wish to use to contact the person that he intended to contact. But it seems that Oswald was OK with the fact that his call was not accepted and he did not attempt additonal calls to Hurt. This would explain why Mrs. Swinney was willing to toss the two additional numbers which were later retreived by Mrs Treon.

This is also consistant with a call placed to a cut out. This would be a call that was only intedended for the person at the other end to know who the call was from and a name to be passed on to someone higher up the latter. A name like John Hurt (at least NSA employee John Hurt) passed up to higher intelligence sources that came from Lee Harvey Oswald may have been Oswald's death warrent without any conspirators in the assassination having to order Oswald's death themselves! But only a person at the highest levels of intelligence could know that John Hurt's name would generate such an action. That same person would have to control the investigation could place associates of John Hurt in the position to investigate Oswald's intelligence background. The same person would have to be able to keep out of the Warren Report any mention of this so called Raleigh Call.....

Speculation for sure, but where did I find my information? Stored in the archives of a known CIA intelligence agent that lived in Raleigh and was associated with all of the above people. I speculate that it may have been him who Oswald called that night who was the cut out that knew to pass on the name John Hurt to those higher up in intelligece and that it was Lee Harvey Oswald that had called and used that name. It was my thought before I found the information that it was possible and believed that if true there may have been some clues left behind. I was not surprized to find what I found. Does it prove anything.......unfortunatly it is only circumstantial.

Jim Root

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Mention of Venona and its "fathers" Rowlett and Gardner leads to the search for the Soviet mole by Angleton and the Angletonians--which apparently continued til Angleton was retired and would have involved NSA resources? Does it also lead to Oswald as a counter-intelligence dangle to feed information and misinformation into the Soviet system and monitor the ripple effect. "Giving" the Soviets a U-2 would tend to "prove" LHO's bona fides AND sabotage the Summit conference--killing two birds with one stone seems often a feature of CIA bungling shortsightedness.

Jim Root's Walker-LHO hypothesis may fit such a scenario, as might Richard Case Nagell's curious interactions in Mexico City. Jefferson Morley's Winston Scott book is next on my agenda (after Jim Douglass JFK and the Unspeakable). Meanwhile the place of McCloy as a highlevel go-betwen for the Rockefellers and the secret government continues to intrigue me.

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James W. Douglass quotes Victor Marchetti on the call to North Carolina:

As to why Oswald's call was made to North Carolina, Marchetti ponted out that the Office of Naval Intelligence had

an operations center in Nags Head, North Carolina, for agents who had been sent as fake expatriates to the

Soviet Union--corresponding to Oswalds' background. (p. 366 JFK and the Unspeakable)

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  • 1 year later...
Guest Tom Scully
I just came across this book The Kennedy Assassination Cover-Up by Donald Gibson, which gives a very detailed analysis of John J. McCloy's role in the Warren Commission, which he calls the McCloy-Dulles Commission.

I was wondering if Jim Root has seen this?




IMO, Gibson's book, beginning on page 93 and extending through page 96, contains the most thorough and informative acciunt of how McCloy blocked Warren Olney as

Chied Counsel, and installed J. Lee Rankin, and the observation of how it will remain a mystery who reccomended Henry Crown's personal attorney, and the attorney for General Dynamic's Material Service Div., Albert E. Jenner Jr. as senior counsel. General Dynamics and Henry Crown personally, stood to lose the most if the $6 billion TFX defense contract was revoked and re-bid, a definite possibility, partly because of the testimony to minority members of the McClellan Committee by Don B. Reynolds on the afternoon of November, 22, 1963.

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I was wondering if Jim Root has seen this?

Hi William and Tom

The minutes of, I believe, the first Warren Commission meeting provide the information that Gibson seems to have used for his book. When you read the transcript it is amazing how McCloy manipulate the commission into first considering someone other than whom Warren suggested then, as time goes on, how he was able to manuver his own selection into place. My reading of those early meeting minutes suggested, to this reasearcher that McCloy had a lot more power than is generally understood by the public.

McCloy first became a potential suspect within my research when I uncovered a letter that he had written to Gen. Walker in June of 1963. I believe that I am the first researcher to have uncovered that particular letter and have now located three different copies stored in three different places....all easily accessible to researchers that would have been looking for it...but none seem to have ever followed my particular avenue or approach to this case.

The minutes mentioned above provided a reason to research the relationship between Warren and McCloy further. I was surprised to find that it was a relationship that went back more than 20 years prior to the assassination of JFK. Warren first became associated with McCloy when he was Attn. Gen. of the State of California at the time the relocation of Japanese American's took place shortly after the bombing of Pearl Harbor. There seems to be a good probability that McCloy used his Wall Street influence to raise money for Warren's successful bid for Governor of California and that the influencial Republican McCloy may have been involved in the selection of Warren as the Vice Presidential nominee (next to Wilkie) in the 1948 Presidential election. It also seems to be apparent that McCloy was inovlved in the negotiations with Eisenhower, prior to the 1952 election, to keep Warren out of the Republican primary by promising him the next open seat on the Supreme Court for his support of Eisenhower....as we all know that next seat was for the position of Chief Justice and McCloy seems to have reminded Eisenhower that it would be very unpresidential for him to no keep his promise to Warren (who had no privious experience as a Judge). We then find that Warren followed a social agenda that was very much in line with McCloys beliefs in where he felt the nation should be moving, especially in the area of Civil Rights.

My research seems to indicate that McCloy had a great deal of influence over Earl Warren! And that there may be good reason for that.....

Jim Root

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I was wondering if Jim Root has seen this?

Hi William and Tom

The minutes of, I believe, the first Warren Commission meeting provide the information that Gibson seems to have used for his book. When you read the transcript it is amazing how McCloy manipulate the commission into first considering someone other than whom Warren suggested then, as time goes on, how he was able to manuver his own selection into place. My reading of those early meeting minutes suggested, to this reasearcher that McCloy had a lot more power than is generally understood by the public.

McCloy first became a potential suspect within my research when I uncovered a letter that he had written to Gen. Walker in June of 1963. I believe that I am the first researcher to have uncovered that particular letter and have now located three different copies stored in three different places....all easily accessible to researchers that would have been looking for it...but none seem to have ever followed my particular avenue or approach to this case.

The minutes mentioned above provided a reason to research the relationship between Warren and McCloy further. I was surprised to find that it was a relationship that went back more than 20 years prior to the assassination of JFK. Warren first became associated with McCloy when he was Attn. Gen. of the State of California at the time the relocation of Japanese American's took place shortly after the bombing of Pearl Harbor. There seems to be a good probability that McCloy used his Wall Street influence to raise money for Warren's successful bid for Governor of California and that the influencial Republican McCloy may have been involved in the selection of Warren as the Vice Presidential nominee (next to Wilkie) in the 1948 Presidential election. It also seems to be apparent that McCloy was inovlved in the negotiations with Eisenhower, prior to the 1952 election, to keep Warren out of the Republican primary by promising him the next open seat on the Supreme Court for his support of Eisenhower....as we all know that next seat was for the position of Chief Justice and McCloy seems to have reminded Eisenhower that it would be very unpresidential for him to no keep his promise to Warren (who had no privious experience as a Judge). We then find that Warren followed a social agenda that was very much in line with McCloys beliefs in where he felt the nation should be moving, especially in the area of Civil Rights.

My research seems to indicate that McCloy had a great deal of influence over Earl Warren! And that there may be good reason for that.....

Jim Root

Hi Jim,

Thanks for your quick and thoughtful response.

In reading Gibson, he clearly shows how McCloy vetoed Warren's selection for Chief Counsel and appointed his own man, with the Chief Counsel being the most important decision making person on any commission or committee, with the power to hire staff, determine the direction of the inquiry, who to subpoena and who not to question, etc.

Likewise, it will be interesting to see who is selected to be the Chief Counsel of the new House Intelligence Committee investigation, and whether they will be like Philly prosecutor Richard Sprague, who wanted to run a homicide investigation, or his replacement, G. Robert Blakey, who wanted to write a report.

The very idea that Warren couldn't pick the top lawyer on the Commission is astounding, and then there's the fact that the distinguished attorney who was picked and paid to do what Arlen Specter did, is typical, and shows how those like McCloy and Dulles, with very little determination, could dominate the Commission.

Specter, the junior lawyer on the sub-committee, only did as much as he did because the guy who was suppose to do it didn't do jack, as Arlen himself explains in his autobio.

I'm focusing in on those early days of the Warren Commission, and I can't understand how Max Holland can continue to paint such a rosy picture of these guys - Dulles and McCloy, though I guess they themselves thought they were acting in the best interests of the country.

But Jim, you didn't answer my question. Have you read Gibson and does his confirmation of some of your suspicions support your research and contentions?


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Quote Kai Bird: The Chairman. (s 121 Simon and Schuster)

--McCloy was the consensus builder, the kind of man, who could chair a meeting of people of holding violently opposing views and emerge with a concrete list(...)of "what everyone seems to be saying"... --

no question in my mind who chaired the last WC- meeting:

Quote (from M. Ferrell site)

--18 Sep 1964 - The final Commission meeting was not transcribed, and only these minutes remain. The minutes, taken up with various motions related to the publication and delivery of the Report, fail to note that serious disagreements which erupted at that meeting. Senator Russell led a group of three Commissioners who wanted the Report to include a dissenting view regarding the single bullet theory, which is essential to the lone assassin conclusion. When Russell later learned that the meeting had not been transcribed, despite having an apparent recorder present, he was furious, later breaking off a long friendship with Lyndon Johnson.--

McCloy got a bankers- and a lawyers-soul...for him, I fear, historical events, were just a question of semantics...


Edited by Karl Kinaski
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But Jim, you didn't answer my question. Have you read Gibson and does his confirmation of some of your suspicions support your research and contentions?



No I have not read either the first or the second of Gibson's books on the assassination. They seem very pricey but I will put them on my list.

I did take the time to scan the Table of contents and to begin reviewing the on line version and would have to say from first glance that while Dr. Gibson comes to a similar conclucsion as myself he does so from conjecture that follows a different trail than I have traveled. Gibson seems to understand that there were forces in play, especially that put the motorcade in front of the TSBD building but seems vague on the mechanics. Can you help me out here?

I am not sure but it seems that he does not name names and seems to skirt the mechanics of how this group of Wall Street Conspirators came together and pulled it off. I believe this is where Gibson and myself may differ the most is in our apporaches that lead to the conclusion that we have, at least in part, in common.

For example Gibson seems to introduce Kennedy's first piece of major legislation as the beginings of the Kennedy attack on Wall Street or the status quo. For myself it is Kennedy's first press conference as President where he anounces the resumption of open air nuclear testing and introduces John J. McCloy as his chief arms negotiator, showing a trump card that I believe ultimately leads to his death in the high stakes game of international politics. McCloy, the Wall Street insider ,would fit well with Gibson's theory and my primary, very small, group of potential conspirators would easily, for the most part, be refered to as Wall Street insiders but within my my scenario there seems to be one other major player at the table, General Maxwell Davenport Taylor, not a Wall Street insider by any means.

While greed is a powerful motivator and could explain Wall Street involvement in the assassination, it is my belief that the greed associated with power may have been an even stronger motivator. Mixed with the belief of a very few "super patriots" that only they understood the dangerous world that we lived in and who were positioned to not just assassinate a President and get away with it, but may have been the group that were positioned to place Kennedy into the position of President in the first place. And I think that Gibson and I might agree that turning against this powerful group may well have led to the dimise of JFK.

Jim Root

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I believe it was McCloy who once made the comment that, When it comes to the Constitution of the United States and the security of the United States the Constitution is just another scrap of paper.

Paraphrased and not in quotations.

Jim Root

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  • 3 months later...

ARRB MD 17 – CBS – Memorandum from Les Midgley to John J. McCloy (1/11/67) pg


Dear Mr. McCloy:

Thanks very much for letting me see this proof. I agree that it is a very well reasoned and excellent summary of the critics and their cases. Maybe Professor Goodhart would be a good man to participate in our project. We will talk to him as well as Lord Devlin.

As we get into the pathology side of the case it seems more important than ever for us to get a statement – if possible – from Humes, Boswell and Finck that examination of the x-rays and color pictures does not change their findings and we certainly would appreciate your assistance in obtaining some. All three have absolutely refused to be interviewed and Dr. Humes would not even see one of our producers in person, preferring to talk on the telephone. (I have been told, by a man who is a personal friend of Dr. Humes, that he says one of the x-rays shows a wire left in the bullet path through the neck. If this is indeed true, publication of same would resolve forever the discussion about back verses neck wound and generally settle the dust about the autopsy.)

Thanks again for your interest,

Leslie Midgley

Executive Producer, Special Reports

Mr. John J. McCloy

Milbank, Tweed, Hedley, & McCloy

One Chase Manhattan Plaza

New York, New York,

January 11, 1967


ARRB MD 32 – Finck Privileged Communication Dated 10 Feb 67



Return (temporary) of Finck, from Vietnam to Washington, DC, to examine at the Archives of the US, photos and x-ray film from the autopsy of President Kennedy

Jan 67


On 17 Jan 67, while on duty in Vietnam as CD, 9th Med Lab, I received a phone call in Saigon from the Pers Off, 44th Med Brig., that I had to spend 7 days in the Office of the Surgeon General (OTSG) in Washington.

On orders issued by HQ, US Army Vietnam, at the request of LTG Heaton, The Surgeon General, I left Saigon in a Boeing 707 on 19 Jan 67 at 1515 hrs and arrived at Travis AFB, CA, on 19 Jan at 1750 hrs after one stop at Yakota AB near Tokyo and one stop at Anchorage, AK. At Travis, an Army car took me to the San Francisco Airport, 70 miles away. I flew non-stop from SF to Dulles in a Douglas DC8, in 4-1/2 hours. I landed at Dulles on 20 Jan at 0540, 27 hours after the departure from Saigon. An Army car took me from Dulles to the Delano Hall BOQ at Walter Reed. I stopped by my house where I found a note from my wife who had returned from Belgium the night before.

On 20 Jan at 0900, I had an interview with LTG Heaton ion his office, 18th St. & Constitution Ave NW. He told me that I had to go to the Dept of Justice.

I went to Justice, 9th & Pennsylvania Ave NW, where Barefoot Sanders expected me. He was Assistant Attorney General, Civil Division. He told me that I had to examine the photos taken at the autopsy of Kennedy and that I had never seen.

A lawyer, Carl Eardley, with Justice for 35 years was present. At 1700, I ent to Bethesda National Naval Medical Center to meet CPT Humes, Chief of Lab and CDR J.T. Boswell, USN, Ret. Pathologist at Suburban Hosptial, Bethesda. We met in CPT Humes Office and went to diner in Bethesda. At 1900 hours, 20 Jan, we went to the Archives of the US, Earley was waiting for us. We met Dr Bahmer, Archivist of the US. We examined in his office the photos and x-rays of the Kennedy autopsy. I had seen the x-rays, not the photos. These were 8 x 10 color prints and 4 x 5 color positive transparencies, showing:

Entry, back

Entry, back of head (scalp)

Exit, head (scalp)

Exit, head (bone)

I saw no photos of bone of entry; I thought we had photographed the xxxxxx outside and inside of entry wound in skull.

There were 2 4x5 sheets of color film with no image.

We remained in the Archives until midnight, having prepared a statement comparing the illustrations with our autopsy report.

On 26 Jan 67 at 1700, we met at Suburban Hosptial: Humes, Boswell, Earley and myself. I objected to the fact that equivalents of our measurements in mm were given to the 3rd decimal in inches ! The two other prosectors agreed that measurements to 1/100 inch were precise enough and that 1/1000 inch was unnecessary.

The statement had been prepared by Justice Dept. We signed the statement.

My conclusion is that the photos and x-rays of the autopsy of President Kennedy do not modify our conclusions stated in the autopsy report.

Pierre A. Finck

7541 14th St NW

Washington, DC

I am scheduled to return to Vietnam tomorrow to finish my 12-month tour.

These notes are not to be released TYPED IN BRUSSELS on SUNDAY 26 FEB 79.



MCCLOY & CBS Report 1967







June 28, 1967 10:00 PM

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ARRB MD 17 – CBS – Memorandum from Les Midgley to John J. McCloy (1/11/67) pg


Dear Mr. McCloy:

Thanks very much for letting me see this proof. I agree that it is a very well reasoned and excellent summary of the critics and their cases. Maybe Professor Goodhart would be a good man to participate in our project. We will talk to him as well as Lord Devlin.

As we get into the pathology side of the case it seems more important than ever for us to get a statement – if possible – from Humes, Boswell and Finck that examination of the x-rays and color pictures does not change their findings and we certainly would appreciate your assistance in obtaining some. All three have absolutely refused to be interviewed and Dr. Humes would not even see one of our producers in person, preferring to talk on the telephone. (I have been told, by a man who is a personal friend of Dr. Humes, that he says one of the x-rays shows a wire left in the bullet path through the neck. If this is indeed true, publication of same would resolve forever the discussion about back verses neck wound and generally settle the dust about the autopsy.)

Thanks again for your interest,

Leslie Midgley

Executive Producer, Special Reports

Mr. John J. McCloy

Milbank, Tweed, Hedley, & McCloy

One Chase Manhattan Plaza

New York, New York,

January 11, 1967


ARRB MD 32 – Finck Privileged Communication Dated 10 Feb 67



Return (temporary) of Finck, from Vietnam to Washington, DC, to examine at the Archives of the US, photos and x-ray film from the autopsy of President Kennedy

Jan 67


On 17 Jan 67, while on duty in Vietnam as CD, 9th Med Lab, I received a phone call in Saigon from the Pers Off, 44th Med Brig., that I had to spend 7 days in the Office of the Surgeon General (OTSG) in Washington.

On orders issued by HQ, US Army Vietnam, at the request of LTG Heaton, The Surgeon General, I left Saigon in a Boeing 707 on 19 Jan 67 at 1515 hrs and arrived at Travis AFB, CA, on 19 Jan at 1750 hrs after one stop at Yakota AB near Tokyo and one stop at Anchorage, AK. At Travis, an Army car took me to the San Francisco Airport, 70 miles away. I flew non-stop from SF to Dulles in a Douglas DC8, in 4-1/2 hours. I landed at Dulles on 20 Jan at 0540, 27 hours after the departure from Saigon. An Army car took me from Dulles to the Delano Hall BOQ at Walter Reed. I stopped by my house where I found a note from my wife who had returned from Belgium the night before.

On 20 Jan at 0900, I had an interview with LTG Heaton ion his office, 18th St. & Constitution Ave NW. He told me that I had to go to the Dept of Justice.

I went to Justice, 9th & Pennsylvania Ave NW, where Barefoot Sanders expected me. He was Assistant Attorney General, Civil Division. He told me that I had to examine the photos taken at the autopsy of Kennedy and that I had never seen.

A lawyer, Carl Eardley, with Justice for 35 years was present. At 1700, I ent to Bethesda National Naval Medical Center to meet CPT Humes, Chief of Lab and CDR J.T. Boswell, USN, Ret. Pathologist at Suburban Hosptial, Bethesda. We met in CPT Humes Office and went to diner in Bethesda. At 1900 hours, 20 Jan, we went to the Archives of the US, Earley was waiting for us. We met Dr Bahmer, Archivist of the US. We examined in his office the photos and x-rays of the Kennedy autopsy. I had seen the x-rays, not the photos. These were 8 x 10 color prints and 4 x 5 color positive transparencies, showing:

Entry, back

Entry, back of head (scalp)

Exit, head (scalp)

Exit, head (bone)

I saw no photos of bone of entry; I thought we had photographed the xxxxxx outside and inside of entry wound in skull.

There were 2 4x5 sheets of color film with no image.

We remained in the Archives until midnight, having prepared a statement comparing the illustrations with our autopsy report.

On 26 Jan 67 at 1700, we met at Suburban Hosptial: Humes, Boswell, Earley and myself. I objected to the fact that equivalents of our measurements in mm were given to the 3rd decimal in inches ! The two other prosectors agreed that measurements to 1/100 inch were precise enough and that 1/1000 inch was unnecessary.

The statement had been prepared by Justice Dept. We signed the statement.

My conclusion is that the photos and x-rays of the autopsy of President Kennedy do not modify our conclusions stated in the autopsy report.

Pierre A. Finck

7541 14th St NW

Washington, DC

I am scheduled to return to Vietnam tomorrow to finish my 12-month tour.

These notes are not to be released TYPED IN BRUSSELS on SUNDAY 26 FEB 79.



MCCLOY & CBS Report 1967







June 28, 1967 10:00 PM

For those who want to follow this line of inquiry a step further, the "Professor Goodhart" mentioned in the letter is refering to Arthur L. Goodhart, American at Oxford, who wrote "The Warren Commission from the Procedural Standpoint" (NYU Law Journal, Vol. 40:404, May 65) and


While Lord Devlin mentioned is the author of a masterful defense of the Warren Report in The Sunday Times of London, Jan. 3, 1965.


(Thanks Ken, you sound a little like Lord Devlin)

Edited by William Kelly
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  • 3 months later...

McCloy was also in communication with the Time-Life executive, C. D. Jackson, about the Zapruder film. Jackson sent McCloy blown-up transparencies of the film that revealed that John F. Kennedy and Connally had been hit by different bullets. McCloy also questioned Connally’s doctor at the hospital, who was also of the opinion that he had been hit by a separate bullet from Kennedy.


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I think that basically proves that the Zfilm is genuine but the reconstructed version does not show all that the genuine one does. And thats all there is to the alteration, which is not a large scale thing at all, personally I think a careful study of Muchmore will prove exactly that. This particular room of smoke and mirrors has grown huge and wasted an enormous amount of time

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