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Question for Mark Knight

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Hi Mark,

A while ago you mentioned in a post that you had seen a photo of a man identified as the assassin in the Martin Luther King murder in the Kentucky courier journal who bore resemblance to the Mexico city Oswald.

I am in the process of obtaining the photo if it still exists, I just need to narrow the timeframe a bit.

King was assassinated on the 4th of April 68, do you remember how long after the assassination the photo appeared?


John Geraghty

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Hemming, of course, has identified him as Saul Sague.

And Hemming has stated he believes Sague was involved in the King assassination, but not as the shooter. I believe he has identified the shooter as Robert Emmett Johnson.

Look forward to the photos!

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And Tim, the locals call the Derby City "LOO-a-vul."

Steve, of course, is correct about the capital, where the capitol is located.

John, my recollection is a bit fuzzy on just when the photo appeared...I do recall that it was an "AP Wirephoto," and it was on the right-hand side of the front page, above the fold...but the length of time between the MLK shooting and the capture of James Earl Ray at London's Heathrow Airport makes this a detail I just didn't log into the memory banks at the time. Of course, until the capture of Ray--and the realization that he looked nothing like the photo of the alleged assassin that was published previously--it wasn't of primary importance to me.

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Assuming Chris' comments are tongue-in-cheek, I would suggest his reference to "Frankfurters" vs. "Frankforters" is an attempt at "hot-dogging." :D

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