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Back to square one, I guess. SO, the person [with back towards the camera and which the arrow is pointing towards in the still which Robin posted (courtesy of Lee) from the Nix film] isn't my Houston and Main MAN afterall, but a woman, as shown by Robin's(?) last two photo posts on this thread........ Does anyone on this Forum know where the Houston and Main man (wearing fedora and light-colored rain coat; face obscured by motorcycle policeman's head as JFK's car passes by) went to after the shooting stopped? Or better yet, does anyone here know who this guy is? Just curious. Thanks!!


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Hi Thomas.

The last two photo's were not meant to be related to the Nix Image.

I simply posted that image in response to James Richards Cancellare 5 look a likes.

I beleive that the couple shown i the Cancellare image, are the same couple as in the Zap-frame.

The lady in the black slacks, white socks, tan cardigan, and carying the same style of bag on her right arm

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Thanks for posting the scan from "Cover-Up." Note the guy in the suit crossing Elm on the far right whose head is washed out in the photo. Could be another "lookalike" but I guess we'll never know.


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For the last two days I have been viewing the Robert Hughes film there is some very intruiging material in here; before I go on, I am talking about the COMPLETE film not the segment that is usually shown in films which only shows the motorcade making the turn and proceeding onto Houston from Main St.

The complete length of the film is approximately - one minute and thirty-four seconds. At about 35 seconds into the film it shows two of the three individuals speculated to be Rip Robertson and John Adrian O'Hare. It appears that Hughes is standing about four to five feet behind them to their right, the film shows them walking across Main Street then pans out to show the rest of the crowd, at approximately 1:02 through 1:07 of the film there is an incredible shot showing the parking lot of the TSBD at the far back you can see the railroad cars, then automobiles then the "Robertson and O'Hare" inidividuals they are standing within 5 feet of each other and appear to be simply observing what is going on in the parking lot very nonchalant. In the foreground however, is what is driving me crazy there is a man walking towards the camera actually to the right of the camera, he is walking towards two other individuals; the guy looks like Ted Shackley and it is definitely not Larry Florer, the quality of the video fair, a little fuzzy. The three individuals walk directly in front of Hughes, and the main character is talking to the others. The film then cuts to a shot of the Criminal Courts Bdlg. and the Records Bdlg, pans Dealey Plaza then shows the front of the TSBD, showing the crowd. Then there is one last shot of the parking lot showing the Robertson and O'Hare characters again with a few photographers beside them. The film ends at the front of the TSBD. We have to get this film on the forum. I searched on the web for a copy of the film, there is a 12.5 MB AVI Hughes film at


But when I downloaded it it wouldn't play on my computer. I think it is because it is in Quicktime, which I have problems using on my computer. I don't know if this version is condensed or not. I had made a post earlier in the JFK Online seminars section, because that is where the thread is for "Familiar Faces in Dealey Plaza." Stephen Turner has graciously offered to help me on this. Even if I am wrong on this person being Ted Shackley, which actually very hard for me to believe it is, I think looking at the Hughes film in its entirety is a worthwhile idea.

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Hi Robert.

That version of the hughes film is in (AVI) format not Quicktime. ?

This normally would open up automatically in "Windows Media Player" providing you have ticked AVI under Options.

An alternative:

If you go to the link and right click on your mouse "Save As" then save the file on your computer.

Then by using a small but powerfull program called "IRFANVIEW" which is free to download on the net (750kb.)

You will be able to watch the film, then using the batch function "Irfanview" automatically splits ALL the individual frames from the film and saves them to a folder you specify on your computer.

You can then use (irfanview) to flick "forward " and "backward through the frames one at a time too view each frame individually.

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Hi Robert.

That version of the hughes film is in (AVI) format not Quicktime. ?

This normally would open up automatically in "Windows Media Player" providing you have ticked AVI under Options.

An alternative:

If you go to the link and right click on your mouse "Save As" then save the file on your computer.

Then by using a small but powerfull program called "IRFANVIEW" which is free to download on the net (750kb.)

You will be able to watch the film, then using the batch function "Irfanview" automatically splits ALL the individual frames from the film and saves them to a folder you specify on your computer.

You can then use (irfanview) to flick "forward " and "backward through the frames one at a time too view each frame individually.

Thanks for the help. Apparently the problem is that there is a codec missing "cvid" an old one I have downloaded a file that supposedly contains the codec, TWICE. But I am still getting the same stupid message. I am still working on it. I still don't know if this is the complete Hughes Film or the excerpt. If anyone has the complete Hughes Film feel free to post it.

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Hi Robin,

The guy on the left in the comparison below was a marine sharpshooter during the late 1950's. He went to work for Howard Hughes at the behest of Robert Maheu during the early 1960's (the time when the photograph was taken). He then went to Florida where he found himself mixed up with the anti-Castro activities run out of South Florida.

I do not know his name but have been interested in him for some time. He kind of looks like the guy in the photo Lee found. Interesting.



VERY interesting.............


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Some food for thought.


I wonder if Tony Izquierdo could drive a Rambler station wagon...............

FWIW, Thomas

P.S. I'm referring to the excellent photo close-up of Tony Izquierdo, Rip Robertson and John Adrian O'Hare which James posted on page 3 of this thread. I'm thinking that maybe Robertson and O'Hare parted company with Izquierdo in the parking lot behind the grassy knoll/TSBD where "the" (?) 1959 Rambler station wagon was situated and then proceeded to the south east corner of the TSBD where they "coached" Mr. Brennan into implicating LHO as the assassin. (See also the thread "Could it be?" which was recently started by James and which has a very-recently posted photo which definitely shows Mr. Brennan pointing out/looking up at the "sniper's nest" several minutes after the shooting had stopped and which photo might very well also show Robertson and O'Hare in very close proximity to Brennan.) Thanks!

Edited by Thomas Graves
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Some food for thought.


I wonder if Tony Izquierdo could drive a Rambler station wagon...............

FWIW, Thomas


I guess this all comes down to timing. If Izquierdo was positioned in the Dal-Tex building during the shooting, how fast does he make his escape? Does he hook up with Robertson and company back at the corner of Main and Houston, then proceed to just mingle with the crowd hiding in plain sight, or does he make a mad dash out of the Plaza altogether. Given that DCM and TUM were not in a hurry to depart the scene, maybe he too hung around.

His description does loosely fit the driver of the Rambler who picked up Oswald or the Oswald impersonator on Elm. Interesting speculation indeed.


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Some food for thought.


I wonder if Tony Izquierdo could drive a Rambler station wagon...............

FWIW, Thomas


I guess this all comes down to timing. If Izquierdo was positioned in the Dal-Tex building during the shooting, how fast does he make his escape? Does he hook up with Robertson and company back at the corner of Main and Houston, then proceed to just mingle with the crowd hiding in plain sight, or does he make a mad dash out of the Plaza altogether. Given that DCM and TUM were not in a hurry to depart the scene, maybe he too hung around.

His description does loosely fit the driver of the Rambler who picked up Oswald or the Oswald impersonator on Elm. Interesting speculation indeed.


Hi James,

[God, you're fast (and good)!!]

Yes, I think it would have been a better tactic to hang around and mingle with the crowd for a few minutes and hook up with Rip and John at some point than to make a mad dash away from the scene-- wouldn't attract so much attention (if any) that way.

Cheers, Thomas

double post TG

Edited by Thomas Graves
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Hi Robin,

Looks to me as if nobody's being arrested in this picture, actually. I think the man in the suit who's standing in front of the policeman is holding a rifle (or shotgun?) pointed up towards the sky. If so, maybe it's the MC or one of the several other firearms which were reportedly found right after the assassination....

FWIW, Thomas

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