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Home Town: Dallas, Texas
Currently: Thackerville, Oklahoma

Dallas Cowboys fanatic.

Interests: History, Politics, Current Affairs, JFK assassination, Country Music, Rock n Roll, Smooth Jazz, Movies, Youtube Videos, Sailing, Motorcyles, RVing, Shooting guns.

Primary activities:
Playing poker.
Betting on Horse races.
Writing computer programs.

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Hi there! Thanks for having me. I'm from Denmark and have been interested (on/off) in the JFKA since about the time of the 25th anniversary. In the old days, I collected way over 100 books and subscribed to various newsletters (particularly enjoyed Paul Hoch's) but ultimately ended up in the LN camp. It's unlikely that I'll ever become more than a low-frequency contributor to this forum, but some topics (e.g. related to the photographic evidence) have always been of particular interest to me.

I'm a computer programmer (but not one of the rich ones). I enjoy collecting old American comic books, not least of the horror variety, and to follow chess events online.

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I’m the host of a podcast called Out Of The Blank where I talk about topics ranging all over to anything I can think of. Talking with experts of that subject and learning through conversation and the reason it’s been able to get high profile guests is because it’s not a interview it’s a free flow thought show.


here are some links 





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I was born soon after the JFKA. In the 70s, I would always see TV specials on and around my birthday and that sparked my interest. I have enjoyed reading many of the books penned by authors on this forum. I am honored to be amongst them and read additional insight and information in regards to the JFKA.

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I’m from the UK and was born 10 years after the JFKA. 

My first exposure to the JFKA was when my head teacher raised it in school assembly on the 25th anniversary. He spoke of what could’ve been and what might have flashed through JFK’s mind in the final seconds of his life. That stuck with me.

Fast forward 29 years, when those documents were released in 2017 I started going through them and found myself getting deeper into it and asking myself “why isn’t this more transparent if there’s nothing untoward to it?” 

I’ve spent many hours as a guest on this site, after my soccer team it’s my go to site, and I can’t speak highly enough of research, knowledge and opinions that is shared here. 

Last JFK book I got was Larry Hancock’s Tipping Point, thanks to this site. 

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Hello! My name is Sean Manion, I'm an organizer and activist based in Massachusetts. Since my college days, I've been interested in topics like the Cold War, covert action, and the "dirty tricks" department of the National Security State. I got into the JFK assassination a few years ago, as I began to recognize common features between the covert activity surrounding imperialist coups d'etat of the Post-WW2 era, and those which orbit the Kennedy assassination. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

My name is David Cooper. I have been interested in the assassination of JFK since 11/22/63. My mother was a professor of political science and conversations about current events occupied every dinner conversation. We both watched Jack Ruby shoot Lee Oswald on live television. I remember when she work me up very early one morning in 1968 to tell me RKF was shot in California. My interest in the JFKA was rekindled when I was in college in 1975 and I heard a presentation by Mark Lane. It was the first time I saw the Zapruder film. Since then, like many of you, I have made a point to study details about what actually happened and its growing ramifications on our lives ever since. I am a historian. I have a business restoring pre-WWII and early post-war European cars. My restoration work not only requires me to research the methods, materials, context, milieu and construction of early 20th century technology, but also has led me to unexpected discoveries about the provenance and history of the owners of these special automobiles. For example, a remarkable women owner of one of the cars was deeply involved with British and American intelligence history before, during and after WWII. I find myself drawn to the dusty corners of events, and to dig out connections between say, for example, Operation Paperclip and the JFKA. I have been following various discussions on the Education Forum for a long time and am glad to finally join. 

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UK-based amateur historian with a long standing interest in US politics and pop culture since studying it to degree level many moons ago. Obviously Dallas plays a huge part in how events have unfolded in the following near 60 years. Devote some time to the guitar, too.

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  • 2 weeks later...

My name is Gerry. I’ve been studying the assassination for many years and amassed a large collection of JFK assassination books in that time. Looking forward to interacting with you all over the next while and hopefully being of some help.

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I’ve been interested in the JFK assassination for many years. I’ve read many books and articles on the subject and on related topics, and I’ve been following discussions on these matters in the Education Forum for a long time. I’m interested in geopolitics, history, literature, the arts generally and psychology. Politically I regard myself as anti-authoritarian and pro-democracy rather than left or right.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hi, all! I'm James Wilkinson, and I'm a Seattle-based union organizer by day and screenwriter by night -- the former for over 20 years and the latter for the last 7, with one paid option sale under my belt. Before beginning my career in activism, I majored in journalism at Northwestern in the '90s, having been turned onto investigative reporting after being gobsmacked by the JFK movie's theatrical run as a high school freshman.

I'm endeavoring to write and develop dramatic projects that aspire to be innovative, fresh approaches to the subject of the JFK assassination -- through a rigorous synthesis of early statements and primary source documents. In the course of this ongoing research, my writing has benefited greatly by exposure to the expertise on this forum, as well as from the private guidance of one particular well-known, seasoned researcher. I think I may have also had the occasion to stumble onto at least one unique, clarifying discovery myself, so far... We'll see!

You could say I've caught the bug, although I'd been intermittently following various developments in the case over the past 30 years and read more books on the topic than I can remember. Much love and appreciation to all of you who are committed to learning as much as we can know -- as well as to admitting when we're uncertain, let alone when a charlatan's convenient claims have been debunked.

Edited by James Wilkinson
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  • 6 months later...

Greetings to all:

I'm a writer who in North Carolina, previously employed in healthcare management (though my degree is in English lit). I'm 50 at the time of this posting, and have had an interest in the Kennedy assassination since I was a child. Of course, back then my interest was of a piece with a fascination in American presidents in general, and in presidents who were assassinated or otherwise died while in office in particular. I never heard much during my turbulent teen years, in the 1980s, about "conspiracy" in the assassination, just enough to make it sound like a lot of crackpots talking to one other. I was excited in 1991 to hear that there was a movie coming out, from Oliver Stone no less, though I was really just expecting a good yarn of a story. What I saw was much more than that.

I've become painfully aware over the decades of the power of media to manipulate the public—sometimes by design and sometimes not—and Stone's JFK, in the final analysis, is really just more media. But that movie, even unto the present day, makes all the right people mad.

As I'm sure is the case with many of you here, I became obsessed. It began with the two books, by Marrs and Garrison, upon which Stone based his film. It grew from there. I've read dozens over the years. As the internet sprouted in the mid 1990s, I gobbled up all the information I could find. I've also read my share of "LN" books, including Posner and Bugliosi (yes, I read the whole thing).

My interest in the subject waxes and wanes every few years, and just recently (2023) hit me again. I find myself re-reading old books, buying Kindle versions of books I already own or used to own and can no longer find, searching YouTube for obscure videos. It was coming across Prayer Man that led me to this forum and the ROKC forum.

This fascination of mine is hard to explain. But like the movie tagline says, it's a "story that won't go away." We all know there is something very wrong in our country today. Many of us sense it has been wrong for a long time. I'm not sure where things are headed, but I do have an instinctual feeling that it began—or at least reared its head and allowed itself to be seen by the public—on 11/22/63. 

I'm also happily married and the father of 3.

Glad to be here. 


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  • 1 month later...

My name is Michael Briggs. I'm retired from a nearly 40-year career in academic book publishing, first at the University of Illinois Press and then at the University Press of Kansas, where I served as editor-in-chief during the final two decades of my career. I've been studying the Kennedy assassination since 1976 when I came across Carl Oglesby's The Yankee and Cowboy War: Conspiracies from Dallas to Watergate (published less than an hour away from where I now live), followed by reading the 1980 edition of Anthony Summers' Conspiracy. 

During my tenure at Kansas, I took the plunge that most academic editors and publishers had flinched from and signed up a number of titles dealing with matters pertaining to JFK's assassination including The JFK Assassination Debates by Michael Kurtz, The Zapruder Film by David Wrone, Breach of Trust by Gerald McKnight, Our Man in Mexico by Jefferson Morley, Oliver Stone's USA edited by Robert Toplin, Lee Harvey Oswald as I Knew Him by George de Mohrenschildt (edited by Michael Rinella), and Reporting the Kennedy Assassination by Willem Oltmans (translated by David Stephenson). During that time I engaged directly with several members of the ARRB, including Jon Tunheim, Anna Nelson, and Kermit Hall (whose book on NYTimes v. Sullivan was published with Kansas). Beyond that narrow focus, I also shepherded a number of books into publication that dealt with the CIA and FBI.

After I retired, I provided editorial advice and support for author Josiah "Tink" Thompson, which led to the publication of his Last Second in Dallas by the University Press of Kansas and also served as an editorial advisor for Coup in Dallas by the late Hank Albarelli and Leslie Sharp, although that book had already been signed by Skyhorse. My assistance on the latter publication occurred late in the pre-publication phase and emerged from my efforts to determine the status of another work by Albarelli after he passed away--a book that would have focused entirely on Oswald in Mexico and which I had signed up for Kansas several years before I retired.

I try to maintain an open and critical mind in this highly fraught and at times toxic field of inquiry. Beyond that, I am a strong advocate for declassification and the transparency (and trust) that can come from such action. 



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It is a pleasure to be part of the forum.

Keen interest in the JFKA since my teens but for the past two years since my return from Europe (UK now) had more time to consume reading material & the pages here & elsewhere.

Looking to Research a particular part of the case, but still looking for my muse within it.

Although a novice compared to many, I hope occasionally I will have sharpened my knowledge sufficiently to occasionally "chip in".

Keep safe.





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