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James Files

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how about cheesehead, would that make the stack higher ?

No I won't call you cheesehead, I love the Dutch and that

was only a joke.

About your smear page on your website, you want to read my rebutal ?

I think you expect me to sit down and write that, so that I am busy

and let you off the hook, forget it, I have that on my computer

ever since you put up that page.

But you won't change a thing Wim, that is only a smokescreen manoevre IMO,

and I am not sure, I want to spoil your party.

If I do send you my rebutal, and you are willing to discuss it, and correct things,

I think your smear page part about me would end up reading like this:

Uwe is basicly a good guy, who means well, doesn't want to harm anyone, but

has a high standart for regarding things as proven.

He is very much interrested in the JFK case, but founds it hard to accept

that many persons believe in unproven claims as if they were a proven fact.

Unluckily, I Wim Dankbaar was and am not able to convince him to believe in

James Files and or Judyth Baker,

so I admit, I tried to smear him on this page, I was so angry after I lost the poll on lancer.

But to be honest to you dear readers, this guy is so nice, I had to put everything

I came up with in the trash bin, after he showed me his rebutal.

I am deeply sorry,

but the truth is more important than revenge.

Wim Dankbaar

the Netherlands

Wouldn't look to good Wim, don't you think.

People could think you are an idiot, although we know you are not,

except when it comes to Files and Baker, oh Jesus, I forgot one name.

Edited by Dave Weaver
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I did NOT say your thinking is clouded by MONEY. I would not ever say that about you. And you know this.

No I did not buy your book or your dvd, but you also know that I saw the FIles video back in 98 or so. I did not buy it then and I still don't. I have not ever let this get in the way of our friendship. I said very complementary things about you on this forum but you just jump at the Files stuff. Like I said your thinking is clouded by the Files matter. It has zero to do with money.

I will check out the person in Houston.

If Vernon is lying now then this is the first I heard of it. (ie saying Files is on the level).

I had one conversation with Bob Vernon two years ago and

the little bit about Files that we talked about was that he is a fraud.

And if he sold you the rights to this story believing it is fraud then

I think he should be prosecuted criminally.


ps Terry was referring to the killers of JFK- that they would

would be forever silent or else dead. FIles was a damn kid; why would they pick a kid to

kill the president?? Absurd.

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I email you the numbers of Zack Shelton and Don Irvin.

About Files being a kid, Oswald wasn't much older and I guess you believe he was CIA.

Files also answers this question himself at 00: 35:55


Keep in mind that Files was a backup and Nicoletti did not expect him to shoot. He was pissed that Files did.


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I email you the numbers of Zack Shelton and Don Irvin.

About Files being a kid, Oswald wasn't much older and I guess you believe he was CIA.

Files also answers this question himself at 00: 35:55


Keep in mind that Files was a backup and Nicoletti did not expect him to shoot. He was pissed that Files did.



here's one thing I've been thinking about for some time:

If Files was just a backup and did not know that he was to be a shooter until they were in Dealey

Plaza on the Day of the assassination, and the XP-100 was Files personal weapon,

did Files ever say, that Nicoletti required mercury filled bullets to be made so that he can shoot them from Files weapon ?

Or did those mercury filled bullets fit the rifle(s) Files was test fireing together with Oswald,

Files never said he test fired the XP-100 in Dallas as far as I remember.

Do such weapons as the XP-100 not require scope alignement ? I know he fired a very

short distance shot, as he claims he fired it from the grassy knoll.

Did Files ever use mercury filled bullets before that day,or after, did Nicoletti, has he ever

talked about mercury filled bullets as part of his or Nicolettis favourite or special ammo

for headshots ?

Is there any case, that you are aware of, in the US, of such a bullet having been used in a crime before that day in Dallas ?

If such a bullet was used on JFK, where is all the mercury Wim, parts of it would have

to be found outside of JFK's head and brain.

There is no report of mercury found in the limo, on he street,sidewalk, on JFK,Jacky,Mr. and Mrs. Conally,

no report of mercury anywhere on the crimescene as far as I know.

So Wim, where has all that mercury gone ?

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Wim Dankbaar Posted Today, 08:58 AM

Anyone seen this? VEERY interesting.


RK: Would you look at this please and then you can show it to the camera if you wish. What is that?

DF: It is his internment record at Santa Fe Veteran's Cemetery in Santa Fe, New Mexico.

RK: Does that anywhere have his rank?

DF: Yes it does. It has his rank of Staff Sergeant, which is inaccurate.

RK: Okay. Now would you look at this please and show it to the camera?

DF: Okay.

RK: What is that?

DF: That is my father's headstone, which reads Albert V. Carone, Colonel, U.S. Army.

RK: So we went from Staff Sergeant to Colonel?

DF: Yes.

RK: At his death?

DF: My father was a full bird Colonel at the time of his death.

RK: Okay, in spite of the fact that the internment record stated Staff Sargeant?

DF: Yes.

RK: Can you explain what happened?

DF: When my father died in 1990 and he was buried, it took about a month for the headstone to be placed

and when it was placed it was placed as Staff Sargeant. I went to the cemetery and I told them there was a

mistake. They had turned around and told me I would have to notify the U.S. Army Personnel in St. Louis. I

did that. St. Louis came back and told me there was no record of Albert V. Carone ever being in the military.

They sent me a letter, or Patricia Moore sent me a letter stating there was no record and he never existed. A

disagreement occured that he was buried at Santa Fe National Cemetery and he was in the military. They had

told me that that was not the case. In 1992, I started…well, from 1990, from that point on I started trying to put

together the pieces of my father's military because I was in possession of a great deal of military records from

the army. I wound up going to a retirement luncheon at Kirtland Airforce Base in Albuquerque for retired

intelligence people and I brought a military picture of my father with me. A man that was there by the name of

Robert Maheu stated that he recognized him from Washington and the Pentagon and told me that what I needed

to do if he had been in Intelligence or worked with Central Intelligence Agency, which he did from 1966 on,

that I needed to call Theodore Shackley.

RK: Okay. Had you ever heard that name before?

DF: Yes.

RK: How?

DF: My father.

RK: Okay. So Mr. Maheu said contact Mr. Shackley. Did you?

DF: Yes I did.

RK: And what did Mr. Shackley say?

DF: He originally stated that he would not confirm or deny ever knowing Colonel Carone. He asked me

what I wanted. I told him that I wanted my father's headstone changed since at one time he had worked with my

father with the Golden Triangle in Vietnam. He stated that he did not know what I was talking about and what

did I really want from him? I told him that I wanted my father's headstone changed. I stated that if my father

worked for them all those years and if he was in the military all of those years then he would be buried with his

rank as he was buried with full military honors.

RK: Let me stop you for just a moment here. When you talked with Mr. Shackley did he refer to your

father as Colonel Carone? Not Albert Carone?

DF: Yes he did. Colonel.

RK: Not Mr. Carone?

DF: No.

RK: Specifically stated Colonel?

DF: Colonel.

RK: Okay. Please continue.

DF: We ended the phone conversation and he told me that he would see what he could do but he could not

promise me that he could do anything and he did not feel that he needed to help me in any way. Ten days to the

date of my conversation with Theodore Shackley I received an interoffice memo stating that my father's

headstone would be changed.

RK: Is this what you are referring to as the interoffice memo?

DF: Yes it is a routing and transmittal slip. It is sent to me and it states that "we are returning your father's

military records. Headstone has already been ordered with Colonel on headstone. Thank you, Joseph Levato."

RK: Now at your father's death, he, let me refer to this. He authorized the document?

DF: Yes.

RK: Is that the document?

DF: Yes, it is my Power of Attorney.

RK: Okay. So in effect, you had control of all the property?

DF: Yes I did.

RK: Okay. Have you to this date received all the property?

DF: No.

RK: Now when I say received all the property, did your father indicate what he had?

DF: There were bank accounts. There were insurance policies. At my father's death, there were bank

accounts that I was on with my dad. They disappeared. My father's driver's license,there was no record of.

Social Security stated that there was never a man by the name of Albert Carone that existed. There was no

military records that existed. My father's car he had left to my daughter. When I went to transfer the title into

my daughter's name, which my father bought this car off of the floor brand new, the title was not in my father's

name. It was in my name as the original buyer. Anything that was in my father's possession had disappeared.

RK: Okay. Again, to this date, have you received any property that belonged to your father at his death.

DF: No.

US tax dollars at work, in the name of "national security".


"US tax dollars at work, in the name of "national security"."

Here's an even more egregious misuse of U.S. tax dollars at work, in the name of "national security," Antti.

What do you think? The t r u t h o u t Town Meeting is in progress. Join the debate!

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Halliburton Fraud Lawsuit Details Super Bowl Party

By T. Christian Miller

The Los Angeles Times

Saturday 09 September 2006

Washington - Halliburton Co. executives ordered a big-screen television and 10 large tubs of tacos, chicken wings and cheese sticks delivered to Iraq for last year's Super Bowl, then billed U.S. taxpayers for their party, according to a lawsuit unsealed Friday.

The Houston-based company also defrauded the government by double and triple-billing for Internet, food and gym services for soldiers, according to the lawsuit by a former employee for KBR, the Halliburton subsidiary that runs dining halls for troops in Iraq.

"The administration is not enforcing the laws against fraud when it comes to contractors in Iraq," said Alan Grayson, the attorney who filed the suit. "When it comes to seeing that the law is executed, the Bush administration is a no-show."

Halliburton denied the allegations, filed under the False Claims Act. Designed to prevent war profiteering, such lawsuits allow citizens to sue on behalf of the government and recover a portion of any damages.

The company did not deny ordering the TV and the food; it set up snack buffets and screenings at military bases throughout Iraq for the 2005 Super Bowl. But KBR noted that its contract allowed the firm to provide recreation and morale-boosting services for its employees and for American soldiers.

"The claims included in this lawsuit clearly demonstrate a complete misinterpretation of facts as well as a lack of understanding of KBR's contractual agreements with its customer, the U.S. Army," Halliburton spokeswoman Melissa Norcross said.

The accusations in the lawsuit are the latest involving Halliburton's controversial multibillion-dollar contract to feed and house American soldiers in Iraq. Democrats have been quick to criticize the company, which was run by Vice President Dick Cheney from 1995 to 2000.

In June, a KBR subcontractor was indicted on kickback charges involving the dining halls, which feed tens of thousands of soldiers a day in camps throughout Iraq and Kuwait. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers has withheld $55.1 million out of a total of $13.7 billion in payments on the contract as a result of disputed costs.

The Department of Justice chose not to join the lawsuit against Halliburton after conducting an investigation. Justice officials declined to elaborate Friday, but in legal circles such a decision is usually considered indication of a weak case.

Grayson accused the department of shirking its duties in the middle of a political season. Several dozen lawsuits alleging fraud in Iraq are believed to have been filed, but they remain under seal until the department completes its investigations.

Grayson is best known for having won another fraud case, which Justice officials also passed up, against a private security company named Custer Battles. That decision was recently overturned by a federal judge and is now on appeal.

Grayson, who recently lost a primary race for a House seat in Florida running as a Democrat, denied any political motivations in pursuing the case against Halliburton, noting that he had filed it before deciding to run for office.

He said that the whistle-blower in the case, Julie McBride, came forward only after KBR officials ignored her complaints. McBride said in the lawsuit that she was placed under armed guard and then fired after she raised questions about Halliburton's billing practices. She could not be reached for comment Friday.

Justice Department officials "are stonewalling and keeping these cases under seal unnecessarily," Grayson said.

Rep. Henry A. Waxman (D-Los Angeles), who has been the leader in Congress in attacking Halliburton, said that the charges were further proof of war profiteering by the oil services giant.

"One former Halliburton employee after another tells the same story of outrageous and intentional overcharging," Waxman said in a statement. "Yet no one in the Bush administration seems to care."

That's because they're too busy laughing the asses off all the way to the bank.


Edited by Terry Mauro
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I email you the numbers of Zack Shelton and Don Irvin.

About Files being a kid, Oswald wasn't much older and I guess you believe he was CIA.

Files also answers this question himself at 00: 35:55


Keep in mind that Files was a backup and Nicoletti did not expect him to shoot. He was pissed that Files did.



I will call them during the work week. But what do I ask? "Is FIles on the level?"

I will...but it will not change my opinion.

However, I do not wish for you to think that I am just closed minded. I am not and you know this.

But Wim why did FIles lie to Joe West about where he (files) was standing. And let West go to his grave with this lie? That sounds like a damn con to me. Honest people have one thing in common: They tell the truth. Especially to the person who believes in them and is helping.

And he just did NOT impress me on the video. NO confession has. Especially some Mafia turd. Wim you know better.

And yes I know LHO was CIA, FBI, ONI, Customs and God only knows what else. Just did not shoot anyone.

He and FIles have that in common. (imho)

But I will call and hear what Shelton and Irvin have to say.



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is it Don Irvin or Don Ervin, I am a little confused, I am talking about

the lawyer who is mentioned here:


and here:


(disclaimer: I am in not in any way shape or form claiming that the above provided links present true and factual information. It is for research purpose only that I provide these links. The reader has to draw his own conclusions. And I am not trying to influence anyone to think anything he doesn't want to think)


Dawn, is that the same person you are asked to contact ?

I wish you luck, if it helps solving the JFK case, I am 100% behind it.

We are all entitled to our own dreams.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Wim wrote:

"Dawn, a fortwith opinion. What do you know to judge that my thinking is clouded and influenced by money? Have you still not learned how much I despise that line? My true friends never use it. They know better. "

From a source I do not consider very reliable, I was told that Wim is indeed WEALTHY,

and lives in a nation where pornography is legal. Wim can guess who told me this.


Mr. White, are you insane???

You are crossing a line here!

Wim is a personal friend of me and indeed is wealthy, he made a now famous computer-brand big and famous...

Pornography legal overhere? Do you know the US has THE BIGGEST PORN-INDUSTRY in the world???

Do you also know there is this hacker who every day signs in as a new member and posts all porn-links? And he does that 10-20 times? I bet you know more about that? Or other Files dis-believers?

Common' : stop this childish mud-throwing and go debate with Wim, I bet you loose! Not because Wim is such a good debater (which he is!) but because Wim has the truth at his side....

And you obviously don't!

Just keep on posting your photo-alternation crazyness...

Gr. Paul.

Paul Choor and Mark Johansen challenged me regarding what I had heard

about Wim's interest in pornography. Perhaps this needs explaining then:


I am not opposed to all pornography; some is acceptable as "art" and

some is beneficial. I do not like "ugly" hard core porn. Pedophilia is

entirely unacceptable.

Good examples of acceptable porn are men's magazines like Playboy,

etc. Some consider Michaelangelo's DAVID pornographic, and some

reproductions substitute a fig leaf. I think it is great art. Nudity per se

is not pornographic. Filth and pedophilia cannot be excused.

Perhaps Wim or friends would like to comment on the charges on the

attached website.


Edited by Jack White
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Wim wrote:

"Dawn, a fortwith opinion. What do you know to judge that my thinking is clouded and influenced by money? Have you still not learned how much I despise that line? My true friends never use it. They know better. "

From a source I do not consider very reliable, I was told that Wim is indeed WEALTHY,

and lives in a nation where pornography is legal. Wim can guess who told me this.


Mr. White, are you insane???

You are crossing a line here!

Wim is a personal friend of me and indeed is wealthy, he made a now famous computer-brand big and famous...

Pornography legal overhere? Do you know the US has THE BIGGEST PORN-INDUSTRY in the world???

Do you also know there is this hacker who every day signs in as a new member and posts all porn-links? And he does that 10-20 times? I bet you know more about that? Or other Files dis-believers?

Common' : stop this childish mud-throwing and go debate with Wim, I bet you loose! Not because Wim is such a good debater (which he is!) but because Wim has the truth at his side....

And you obviously don't!

Just keep on posting your photo-alternation crazyness...

Gr. Paul.

Paul Choor and Mark Johansen challenged me regarding what I had heard

about Wim's interest in pornography. Perhaps this needs explaining then:


I am not opposed to all pornography; some is acceptable as "art" and

some is beneficial. I do not like "ugly" hard core porn. Pedophilia is

entirely unacceptable.

Good examples of acceptable porn are men's magazines like Playboy,

etc. Some consider Michaelangelo's DAVID pornographic, and some

reproductions substitute a fig leaf. I think it is great art. Nudity per se

is not pornographic. Filth and pedophilia cannot be excused.

Perhaps Wim or friends would like to comment on the charges on the

attached website.


Mr. White,

Do you care to tell us who made you aware of that link?


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Asking for explanation about this smear, tells something about your integrity.

On the other hand, by asking you appear to be unsure of the veracity of the allegations.

So it could also be your IQ. Intelligence or integrity, one of the two.

You just gave my credibility a boost. I must be doing something right.



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Asking for explanation about this smear, tells something about your integrity.

On the other hand, by asking you appear to be unsure of the veracity of the allegations.

So it could also be your IQ. Intelligence or integrity, one of the two.

You just gave my credibility a boost. I must be doing something right.




although I would not agree for the moment, that this hilarious ,unproven and I want to add

very mean allegation against you, has to do anything with his work in the JFK research

field (once I see proof I agree to that connection), I hope you're going to sue the bastard(s) who brought this "case" to the public, for everyone to see, including your two children.

This is too much IMO, way too much.

What is next one might ask, capital punishment declared on a website claiming to be

pro justice,decided about by a jury of "just people" and executed by hitsquads of self appointed henchmen who at night beat their woman, raping their own children while at day giving the "good bible reading citizen" .

I rub Wims nose on certain aspects of his James Files fiasco and also about the Baker hoax (my opinion to which I am entitled to), but,and I know not many get this,I try to do it with humour, I try never to forget the line were it gets too much and personal, I may step over it once in a while, but I correct my posts when I see a need to, and even think I have appologized to Wim in the past for one or another thing I wrote.

To you Wim, I say this, I will not stop rubbing your nose, and you have shown me a side of yours, more than once, that I find unacceptable to be a fan of, but I never denied that you have a good side also,

and I am not believing for one second, that this link posted by Mr. White (thank you for finaly clearing

that up) has more behind its allegations than hot air, and in this case, stinky hot air, very very stinky.

But Wim, you have some skeletons in the closet also,in regard of stateing things as if they were a fact when in reality they are unproven, and you do like smearing people yourself, think about that and act accordingly in the future, then maybe more will take you serious and we all can be a united bunch of happy fellows searching for the (maybe) unfindable again.


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could it be that most, if not all statements about Wim come from the same person, I

have usualy a good longtime memory, and some of them I recall of having read in the



Statement 1:


“You're a criminal Dankbaar and a low life one at that.”

End of Quote

Can be found here, posted by Dr. Truth (wonder who that is)


Statement 2


"Wim is a blunderbuss. He is well-meaning but turns people off with his ego and poor judgment."

end of quote

Can be found here, also posted by Dr. Truth (still wonder who that is)


Statement 3


People ask me "how did you ever get mixed up with a piece of xxxx xxxx like


End of quote

Can be found on the same page as the above 2 statements, poster is again the mysterious Dr. Truth.

Statement 4 is again from the same mysterious Dr. Truth, remember that well, no need to look it up.

Satement 5 is from a different poster, in reply to Dr. Truth

Statement 6 also from Dr. Truth

To sum it up, 5 out of 6 statements about Wim,are from the same person, Dr. Truth, one is from a poster

in reply to Dr. Truth.

All come from the same Usenet thread:


That should tell you about how "investigation" is done by the person who brought forward the case,I think

it's best to move along people, nothing to be seen, the case against Wim is none, the originator or better the person behind the person who brought forward the case can be speculated about, but I won't do it, for me

it is crystal clear.

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The person behind this transparent slander is not Bob Vernon.

His identity is known to me, because I am prosecuting him for unrelated matters. The man has clearly lost all rationality and doesn't grasp he's adding more damage to himself.

Enough said.

I just saw your question:

There is no report of mercury found in the limo, on he street, sidewalk, on JFK,Jacky,Mr. and Mrs. Conally,

no report of mercury anywhere on the crimescene as far as I know.

So Wim, where has all that mercury gone ?

You need to understand that it was only one little drop of mercury in the bullet. Most of that stayed inside the head.

Billy Harper, who found the Harper bone fragment , now missing, said there were tiny shiny metal particles on the edge of the skullpiece. He thought it was lead. However, lead turns gray from oxidation with air quite rapidly.

Following fragment is from a 2003 article from Dr. David Mantik who studied the medical evidence for 10 years: http://assassinationresearch.com/v2n2/pittsburgh.pdf

Mr. Mantik recently told me he didn't know the confession of James Files, let alone that Files claims to have shot a mercury round.

A Mercury Bullet? All three skull X-rays show a spatially consistent, fuzzy, gray cloud (about 4 x 1 cm) near the center of the fragment trail that extends across the top of the skull (Figure 16).

Figure 16. CLOSE-UP OF LATERAL X-RAY This fuzzy gray cloud can best be seen on the X-rays at NARA. It does not look like metallic lead (or copper) debris, but might have been caused by a mercury bullet. This fuzzy cloud might be more consistent with mercury (extruded from a bullet) rather than lead. An attempt to kill DeGaulle with a mercury bullet occurs in The Day of the Jackal by Frederick Forsyth. Amazingly enough, this plot occurs in the summer of 1963

Forsyth’s descriptions of the effect of mercury bullets seem to fit the JFK skull wounds remarkably well.

A fuzzy white cloud in the metal fragment trail might be mercury.

14. There are remarkably many, tiny metal fragments widely scattered on the skull X-rays--even on the left side and on the inferior skull, including at least four near the chin on the frontal X-ray. This remarkable, and heretofore ignored, observation is hardly compatible with the passage of a single, full metal-jacketed, Mannlicher-Carcano bullet near the top of the skull, but might more easily have resulted from a hollow point or mercury bullet—or perhaps even from shrapnel from a bullet that was not counted by the Warren Commission.




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The person behind this transparent slander is not Bob Vernon.

His identity is known to me, because I am prosecuting him for unrelated matters. The man has clearly lost all rationality and doesn't grasp he's adding more damage to himself.

Enough said.

I just saw your question:

There is no report of mercury found in the limo, on he street, sidewalk, on JFK,Jacky,Mr. and Mrs. Conally,

no report of mercury anywhere on the crimescene as far as I know.

So Wim, where has all that mercury gone ?

You need to understand that it was only one little drop of mercury in the bullet. Most of that stayed inside the head.

Billy Harper, who found the Harper bone fragment , now missing, said there were tiny shiny metal particles on the edge of the skullpiece. He thought it was lead. However, lead turns gray from oxidation with air quite rapidly.

Following fragment is from a 2003 article from Dr. David Mantik who studied the medical evidence for 10 years: http://assassinationresearch.com/v2n2/pittsburgh.pdf

Mr. Mantik recently told me he didn't know the confession of James Files, let alone that Files claims to have shot a mercury round.

A Mercury Bullet? All three skull X-rays show a spatially consistent, fuzzy, gray cloud (about 4 x 1 cm) near the center of the fragment trail that extends across the top of the skull (Figure 16).

Figure 16. CLOSE-UP OF LATERAL X-RAY This fuzzy gray cloud can best be seen on the X-rays at NARA. It does not look like metallic lead (or copper) debris, but might have been caused by a mercury bullet. This fuzzy cloud might be more consistent with mercury (extruded from a bullet) rather than lead. An attempt to kill DeGaulle with a mercury bullet occurs in The Day of the Jackal by Frederick Forsyth. Amazingly enough, this plot occurs in the summer of 1963

Forsyth’s descriptions of the effect of mercury bullets seem to fit the JFK skull wounds remarkably well.

A fuzzy white cloud in the metal fragment trail might be mercury.

14. There are remarkably many, tiny metal fragments widely scattered on the skull X-rays--even on the left side and on the inferior skull, including at least four near the chin on the frontal X-ray. This remarkable, and heretofore ignored, observation is hardly compatible with the passage of a single, full metal-jacketed, Mannlicher-Carcano bullet near the top of the skull, but might more easily have resulted from a hollow point or mercury bullet—or perhaps even from shrapnel from a bullet that was not counted by the Warren Commission.




Wim, i wasn't thinking of Bob but anyway, good you show the person behind it how to play hardball.

As to the mercury, I am not good in chemistry, but is mercury fulminate solid or liquid (you mentioned a drop of mercury) ?

The mercury used in the bullets prepared by Wolfman was not standart liquid mercury as far as I know (source Bob Vernon Usenet post as far as I remember),

therefore I am wondering about the drop.

Did look it up, go to post 27 here:



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