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Bashing Garrison and Joan Mellen's book

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I just want to go on record as stating this is the worst thread I've ever read on this Forum.


I agree. I began this thread to point out that I thought it was a little more than coincidental that all this Garrison bashing coincided with the release of Joan Mellen's wonderful book.

But John has allowed Ms Foster and Gerry Hemming to trun every thread into gibberish and insults.


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Guest Stephen Turner

I just want to go on record as stating this is the worst thread I've ever read on this Forum.


I agree. I began this thread to point out that I thought it was a little more than coincidental that all this Garrison bashing coincided with the release of Joan Mellen's wonderful book.

But John has allowed Ms Foster and Gerry Hemming to trun every thread into gibberish and insults.


Hi Dawn.

Took a couple of days of from posting, I needed a break. I suggest you do what I intend to do in future. Ignore her. She has nothing to add, the fact that she only posts in a couple of threads proves this. I dont mind debating with anybody but these strawman arguements are beneth contempt. Pay them no heed.

regards, Steve.

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Guest Stephen Turner
Sorry, I do not have time to post on EVERY thread.

Yes that fact had not escaped my notice,you have time to post on three threads to be exact. Tell me do you have time to post an avatar with your signature? BTW, this really is my last reply to you. xxxxx ALERT...

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Lynne Foster: One of the rules of the Forum is that members add their photograph as an avatar? It helps to humanize communications.

The photograph should be a maximum of 64 pixels high.

Select “My Controls” (top, right of the screen).

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Go to the bottom of the page where it says ‘Upload a new image from your computer’. Click ‘Browse’.

(A box will appear at the top that will show what is on your computer. You now have to find your photograph (best to leave it on your Desktop – if not, find the folder where you have stored it).

Click the image and then click ‘Open’.

Now click ‘Update Avatar’. You picture should now appear on the screen. It will now appear every time you make a posting.

If you have difficulty in this, please send me your photograph by mail and I will do it for you.


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Sorry, I do not have time to post on EVERY thread.

Yes that fact had not escaped my notice,you have time to post on three threads to be exact. Tell me do you have time to post an avatar with your signature? BTW, this really is my last reply to you. xxxxx ALERT...



Something tells me that Stephen has politely NOT elaborated fully on his doubts as to WHERE exactly you are COMING from ??!!

Because of the "Gordon Winslow Protocols" did establish for that [and other's] "Master Research Directory" [and since strictly adhered to by the S.F.R.G. - which Flammonde now dislikes] membership, some very strict guidelines. Several members of this Forum including myself] have given you a "pass" on most of your postings.

This is not just because some extremely well educated and articulate members are "acting like Gentlemen / Gentleladies" or "being PC" -- they usually try to avoid "coming-down-hard-on-newbies" [in SF it's FNGs];

and this is so as to not discourage young inexperienced students.

Though while young and inexperienced -- there always exists the distinct possibility that: A "Newbie" might find or extrolate upon, some document [or even a paragraph] which suddenly opens up a whole new line of inquiry.

I discussed this very matter with a member via telephone last night. I centered on the LBJ Library tapes wherein he and Hoover are repeatedly saying "THEY" !! "...how many shots did THEY shoot..?", etc., etc. !!

I almost yelled at this member in my query as to: "...Exactly who the hell is/are the goddamn THEY...that these two schemers are referring to...??!!

The current S.F.R.G. "Protocols" continue to reflect the "Rules of Brainstorming"; which first were elaborated upon by the re-invigorator of "Avis Rent-a-Car" and also by Peter. That is: Even when a "brainstorming session is being held in the corporation's executive board room -- if the janitor stumbles in, and inadvertantly hears the moderator's postulation of the "subject matter problem", and this lowly clean-up person speaks up, the rules require apt attention by ALL participants in to whatever comments which might be made by said janitor.

As explained in "Up The Company" and "The Peter Principle"; even the lowly janitor might offer the key to solving a problem; which in turn might save millions of dollars, or even the very corporate structure itself.

However, and this comes from a "wannabe-coughing & hacking-SOF-elderly (abused) egotist-potty mouth":

You are crossing the line terribly so. Your "free-pass" as a "newbie-student??" apparently is being rejected

like a credit card in an ATM machine, or that wrinkled Dollar bill by the Coke machine !!

Bald accusations against Garrison, Nixon, or even Ted Bundy -- made without citations to authorative sources [Cites to authority] arouses the ire of those who have spent a lifetime, and risking "burnout", necessary to the level of competence -- which they display on this Forum on a daily basis.

Your re-gurgations of re-gurgations, etc., etc., of myths dismissed long ago, but incessantly being re-gurgated by dubious websites is extremely troubling.

It was very annoying to me that: instead of posting a URL "homepage" on this "Wilson site"; you instead stated "in cursive": "....check this site for....". [or words to that effect] !! Most researchers like to avoid "honey pot" Worms, trojans, viruses, sphoofers, zombiers, and especially keyloggers -- which might suddenly expse them to the "Blue Screen of Death" !!

Twice I hit your words [not a URL], and twice my Netscape-8 browser was shut down. Now, this Netscape-8 is considered THE BEST, even better than Mozilla -- so what's up Doc ??!! I had to spend 2 or more hours using conventional and special software scanning my PC so as to render it safe once again.

Maybe you've pissed off somebody who pals around with kiddy-hackers, and who has now "Zombied" your PC to the point that your "non-URLs" are being "Stegano'd" with specificity. John and Andy are in an almost lititagory mode over a school which allegedly "permitted" some "kiddy-hacking" against this Forum.

I would remind Messrs. Simkin and Walker of what my brother and several other computer engineer "Geeks" immediately made reference to -- upon my lamentations against website DOS style attacks.

All of the aforementioned warned that: Computers at said school most likely had been "Zombied", and thereafter used to hide traces back to the hackers while they "Spoofed". While it is the responsibility of schools and other entities [Within the U.S. and in accordance with new federal statutes] to demand of their "providers" specific "firewall, etc." safeguards. Whilst the schools, et al., have similar responsibilities; that is: The acquisition or otherwise purchasing of similar hardware and software. I haven't had the time to scan the latest UK laws on this matter, but I do believe that any Solicitor worth his fee; would cause the Bench to find in favor of John and Andy, and for this Forum as a distinct entity !!

Lynne: "WHAT'S UP DOC ??"

Damn Chairs again,



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[quote name='Lynne Foster' date='Nov 13 2005, 01:19 AM' post='45010']

Like you, Garrison trashed himself.


You're truly one sicko wacco. I am the one here who really tries to get along with everyone but

know what: let me get booted I don't care. Take a flying frikken leap into the nowherere you dropped into here from. Go back to the freaks in TO (I am former Canadian,and have relatives in TO, so I know of which I speak).

YOu have ZERO to add to this case. You're probably some fruitcake desperately in need of serious meds.

Like someone- (Steve?) -said "if you don't get help at Charter, get help somewhere....."

Do you actually have a THOUGHT in your head????

I seriously doubt it.

YOu, gerrry and purvert all crawled out from under the same friggen rock. Must be a full moon or something.

Close, but no "Cigar".

It was: "Captain Pervert", and in that regard, one must "earn" his nickname in SF, to be evenly closely respected by his Team Members.


P.S. My "ex"-wife never could get used to or accept being referred to as "Mrs. Captain Pervert" by "Pappy"; "Smitty"; "Roland/aka "The Animal"; "Indian Joe"; etc; etc; etc.

This did get somewhat out of hand when Rolands boys, one day in school in Key West, yelled out for all to hear: "Hi Mrs. Captain Pervert" to my wife who was a teacher at the Dependent School out on Trumbo Point Annex.

hi everyone I have a silly question. Which at this point do you think is the more accurate description,

a) the CIA killed Kennedy

B) the CIA and Mafia killed kenedy

Especially after reading Mellens new book (actually am on p.341) i am starting to favor choice a. The mafia may have had some role but this may have simply been a decoy to throw off scent should witnesses by forced to put hand on smudged bibles. Similar to the strategy of using homosexuals and ex-nazi financiers as agents so the agency 'has something against them' and can easily destroy their credibility in court



My compliments!

One never knows when someone on this forum will display a wisdom which by far exceeds his age and experience.

A prime example of excellent application of "common sense" is always good in getting closer to the facts of various "why's".

It is therefore hoped that the couple of postings of the "how" the finger pointing progressed from the "FRIENDS OF DEMOCRATIC CUBA, INC." to Carlos Marcello & Company was of some benefit.

Further, the same progression from the "PHELPS/DUNBAR/MARKS/CLAVERIE/SIMS to the G. Ray Gill/Ferrie finger pointing episode.

Lastly, YES!, there are multiple other of these examples which include our "Garrison Hero" J. S. Martin; David Ferrie; etc; etc; etc.

All hidden behind the "veil" of mostly legal "front" corporate entities in order that tracing back to the originator is, for most who do not understand the usage of such entities, difficult at best.

In that regards, one should read up on what the CIA has to say about those "Deleware Corporations" which it often hides behind.

No doubt, the CIA probably learned this from the New Orleans lawyers, as the New Orleans group began to effectively utilize this system shortly after occupation by Federal Forces during the Civil War.


P.S. Would have certainly thought that someone who was a "lawyer" would have recognized and revealed this long ago.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Criticism of "A Farewell to Justice" is far more serious than picking nits.

See my posts # 86 and # 87 in the book section re some very serious errors in the book.

Also see the recent posts in the book section by Tim Carroll re some statements in the book that must be considered questionable at best (including a claim that LHO attended the trial of Francis Gary Powers).

Edited by Tim Gratz
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It wass very annoying to me that: instead of posting a URL "homepage" on this "Wilson site"; you instead stated "in cursive": "....check this site for....". [or words to that effect] !! Most researchers like to avoid "honey pot" Worms, trojans, viruses, sphoofers, zombiers, and especially keyloggers -- which might suddenly expse them to the "Blue Screen of Death" !!

Twice I hit your words [not a URL], and twice my Netscape-8 browser was shut down. Now, this Netscape-8 is considered THE BEST, even better than Mozilla -- so what's up Doc ??!! I had to spend 2 or more hours using conventional and special software scanning my PC so as to render it safe once again.

Maybe you've pissed off somebody who pals around with kiddy-hackers, and who has now "Zombied" your PC to the point that your "non-URLs" are being "Stegano'd" with specificity. John and Andy are in an almost lititagory mode over a school which allegedly "permitted" some "kiddy-hacking" against this Forum.


Are you taking NOTE of the number of posts you have received to this effect? That this poster "Lynne/Mat" is posting things that are harmful to our computers. In fact I have decided this IS her mission here.

All in the name of "free speech"???


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Just finished listening to today's (12/13/05) edition of the radio program Taking Aim with

Max Schoenman and Mia Schone (SP?) It will be of intense interest for all those interested in

media aspects of the CIA. It also rebuttes a lot of the criticism of Mellon's book by pointing out

that these criticisms follow a patern outlined in a CIA document written for media assets on how to

discredit authors in book reviews.

You can listen to the show by googling Taking Aim. The shows are very easy to download even for

a non-technical citizen like me. If its not up yet it will be soon.

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Just finished listening to today's (12/13/05) edition of the radio program Taking Aim with Max Schoenman and Mia Schone (SP?) It will be of intense interest for all those interested in media aspects of the CIA. It also rebuttes a lot of the criticism of Mellon's book by pointing out that these criticisms follow a patern outlined in a CIA document written for media assets on how to discredit authors in book reviews.

I can't imagine how anything on the show could rebut my extensive public criticisms of Professor Mellen's book. I have not been schooled in the CIA's methods for discrediting authors. I hate to think that money spent on that book diminishes the sales of more scholarly and legitimate works, most particularly right now, Ultimate Sacrifice.

I had already moved off this topic, but I will provide a generic example of the book's standard of literary quality. Describing Angelo Murgado, there is this sentence: "Material possessions hold no appeal, and service, neither to the CIA nor to Robert F. Kennedy, brought him no riches." Ouch! This from a professor who teaches creative writing? You don't have to be a CIA agent to recognize a double negative. The book appears not to have even been proofread.


Edited by Tim Carroll
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Tim is right on. One newspaper review by an investigative journalist also commented on the grammatical errors in the book and said the book was a "mess". I can point out several sentences that also make little sense.

As Tim has pointed out, one of the unsupported allegations in the book is that LHO attended the trial of Francis Gary Powers in Moscow. How did the CIA manipulate to get that sentence in the book? The book is discredited by numerous such errors.

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Just finished listening to today's (12/13/05) edition of the radio program Taking Aim with Max Schoenman and Mia Schone (SP?) It will be of intense interest for all those interested in media aspects of the CIA. It also rebuttes a lot of the criticism of Mellon's book by pointing out that these criticisms follow a patern outlined in a CIA document written for media assets on how to discredit authors in book reviews.

I can't imagine how anything on the show could rebut my extensive public criticisms of Professor Mellen's book. I have not been schooled in the CIA's methods for discrediting authors. I hate to think that money spent on that book diminishes the sales of more scholarly and legitimate works, most particularly right now, Ultimate Sacrifice.

I had already moved off this topic, but I will provide a generic example of the book's standard of literary quality. Describing Angelo Murgado, there is this sentence: "Material possessions hold no appeal, and service, neither to the CIA nor to Robert F. Kennedy, brought him no riches." Ouch! This from a professor who teaches creative writing? You don't have to be a CIA agent to recognize a double negative. The book appears not to have even been proofread.



I have not been schooled in the CIA's methods for discrediting authors.


And any such methods, not unlike other forms of discreditation, are as diverse as is the human mind.

Therefore, one could "selectively" point to any correlation of some of these means and methods, and thereafter make a case that it is obviously a "CIA Effort".

Within the JFK assassination research group, continues to exist those who follow and believe the "Body Kidnapping" scenario of David Lifton.

Thereby, fully demonstrating the lack of difficulty in getting many of the human species to believe most anything.

This one is so asinine, that it must be a "CIA JOKE"! which has been presented merely to demonstrate the gullibility of the human brain. (Plus give someone a good laugh!)

And lastly, there are of course others who continue to "rant & rave" on various aspects of the assassination which have for all purposes been shown to be completely false and misrepresented. Yet, these "Prophets" too have developed their loyal following.

About the only item of which there appears to be the "hand" of government involved, would be the efforts of "CASE CLOSED" and it's attempt to cover for the errors of the WC.

And even in that regard, there is more fact here than in most of the other "Conspiracy" oriented readings.

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