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J. Walton Moore (CIA agent in Dallas)

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What do people think of this CIA memo? Quite interesting reading I think concerning Mexico City.

I've never heard of Mr Montrell H. Mills.



That is interesting.

The mention of J. Walton Moore in paragraph 3 is also curious as if my memory serves me correctly, he was a candidate for the mysterious Maurice Bishop.



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Guest Mark Valenti
What do people think of this CIA memo? Quite interesting reading I think concerning Mexico City.

I've never heard of Mr Montrell H. Mills.


It says he was in charge of performing background checks -- this is the same job held by James Powell, the intelligence op from the 112th caught in the TSBD after the shooting.

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But it looks like the case was closed: "Based on the limited information supplied in referenced memorandum, additional research into this matter through Office of Security records is not possible." So I guess that's where they left it....


Hiya, Dan. Yeah, I guess that's where they left it. Guess that's where we all oughta' leave it, too, huh? "Case closed."


But, you know me: I just never can seem to leave well enough alone. I need to chew things over a bit and cogitate on them, get all the juice out of 'em. So, if you would be so kind, indulge me while I do a little "CIA Issuance Parsing 101." Follow along in your hymnal for a moment, and let's you and me review exactly was said in the document at issue—with just a smidge of Ashton-induced emphasis added—and let's formulate a little "CIA Ooze Comprehension Quiz":


"A review of
Mr. Moore's Office of Security file
confirmed his assignment to Dallas but
did not disclose any evidence of his having traveled to Mexico
for any purpose
during his assignment in Texas

Hmmm. Now, let me pull me grey beard here and ponder what was said. If anything. Here's your quiz on PART ONE:

1. Was Mr. Moore's "Office of Security" file complete at the time of review by the author of the document? (Please answer yes or no.)

2. Is there any reason to expect that Mr. Moore's "Office of Security" file would contain "any evidence" of a CIA black operation into Mexico? (Please answer yes or no.)

3. Is "Mr. Moore's Office of Security file" the only place in the entirety of CIA where any record might be of felonious money laundering or international crimes that may, or may not, have been engaged in by Mr. Moore on behalf of the CIA, whether in Mexico or elsewhere? (Please answer yes or no. Or, you may reach down and slap the lower right hand drawer of your desk in pantomime, a la Magruder with Liddy, if you feel so compelled.)

4. Might Mr. Moore have "acted as a courier to bring money or checks into Mexico" at some time other than "during his asssignment in Texas"—say, perhaps, arguendo, "during his assignment to bring money or checks into Mexico"? (Please answer yes or no—or just shrug.)

Moving along...


Based on the limited information supplied in referenced memorandum,
additional research into this matter
through Office of Security records
is not possible."

Ahhhh, yes. Yes. There you have it. With a ring of great authority. So there's just one question to the quiz on PART TWO for you, Dan:

1. So, is the "case closed," Danny, me boy? (Please answer yes or no.)

Good to see you, Dan.


Edited by Ashton Gray
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This document is kind of curious.


James, I believe this document is a reference to Edward J. Epstein and Reader's Digest, who were investigating DeMohrenschildt's ties to Moore when DeMohrenschildt killed himself in late March 77.

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I just thought of something else. The memo mentions that Mr Montrell Mills was assigned to the LA field office of the Office of Security in 1963. Didn't Richard Nagell work in LA at some point before the assassination? I can't remember what exactly he did there or when it was as I don't have the book to hand but it's just something that occurred to me as an interesting point.

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Good to see you, Dan.

"Ash" or Keller or whoever,

Are you baiting me, mein Herr? If you weren't such a God-awful goober ate up with yourself and your own "truths," you'd be able to recognize that my comments were not intended to mean "case closed"; they were an ironic comment on the typical procedure that was followed in this instance as in so many others. Among the few things I've found of interest in this section of the forum lately are the investigations into Oswald's possible "sighting" in Montreal and Francesca's post here. Any LA-Dallas connections strike me as potentially under-investigated, not least because of the later peripatetic style of James Earl Ray (Montreal, Mexico, LA, Memphis, etc, etc). So, sorry, I'm not obligated to take your bait or your quiz --- as if you're the great holder of the truth, He who dictates what all the lesser people should think or know. It's never good to see you. But please write me a PM rather than respond here and derail this thread.

The controversy over J Walton Moore and the tie-in to George DeMohrenschildt was a very big news item in Dallas, Texas when the story "broke" in the local media. One of the 'investigative journalist's' covering the story was none other than Bill O'Reilly [my how the political weather can change] it was a very unfortunate event as far as the CIA was concerned, but the storm was weathered so to speak.

One item that bears mentioning is the use of pseudonym's, is it possible that the name Montrell Mills was a pseudonym ala John Scelso, I doubt it personally, but the name does not pop-up on the radar screen, which indicates to me that it is an avenue that should be looked at all the more closely

NOTE: There is also another document that pulls up on NARA re Montrell Mills, see below


RECORD NUMBER : 104-10248-10060





TO : [No To]


DATE : 09/06/1960







DATE OF LAST REVIEW : 03/14/1998

COMMENTS : JFK40 : F28 : 1998.03.14.11:44:08:936109 :



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Good to see you, Dan.

"Ash" or Keller or whoever,

Are you baiting me, mein Herr? If you weren't such a God-awful goober ate up with yourself and your own "truths," you'd be able to recognize that my comments were not intended to mean "case closed"; they were an ironic comment on the typical procedure that was followed in this instance as in so many others. Among the few things I've found of interest in this section of the forum lately are the investigations into Oswald's possible "sighting" in Montreal and Francesca's post here. Any LA-Dallas connections strike me as potentially under-investigated, not least because of the later peripatetic style of James Earl Ray (Montreal, Mexico, LA, Memphis, etc, etc). So, sorry, I'm not obligated to take your bait or your quiz --- as if you're the great holder of the truth, He who dictates what all the lesser people should think or know. It's never good to see you. But please write me a PM rather than respond here and derail this thread.

The controversy over J Walton Moore and the tie-in to George DeMohrenschildt was a very big news item in Dallas, Texas when the story "broke" in the local media. One of the 'investigative journalist's' covering the story was none other than Bill O'Reilly [my how the political weather can change] it was a very unfortunate event as far as the CIA was concerned, but the storm was weathered so to speak.

One item that bears mentioning is the use of pseudonym's, is it possible that the name Montrell Mills was a pseudonym ala John Scelso, I doubt it personally, but the name does not pop-up on the radar screen, which indicates to me that it is an avenue that should be looked at all the more closely

NOTE: There is also another document that pulls up on NARA re Montrell Mills, see below


RECORD NUMBER : 104-10248-10060





TO : [No To]


DATE : 09/06/1960







DATE OF LAST REVIEW : 03/14/1998

COMMENTS : JFK40 : F28 : 1998.03.14.11:44:08:936109 :



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The HSCA had this to say about De Mohrenschildt and Moore


In Harvey & Lee, John Armstrong wrote:

Moore was a former FBI agent and college roomate of FBI agent Wallace Heitman. According to Moore's CIA personnel file he was assigned to the CIA's Domestic Contacts Division in 1948 and was in Dallas in 1963 at the same position. Moore's boss at CIA headquarters was Tracy Barnes of the Domestic Operations Division. One of his duties in the Dallas office was to contact individuals who had information of foreign topics of interest. In a memorandum dated May 1, 1964 Moore stated that he had known George De Mohrenschildt and his wife since 1957. In an interview with the HSCA on March 14, 1978 Moore said that he had interviewed De Mohrenschildt in 1957 after the Yugoslavia trip. Moore also said he had "periodic" contact with De Mohrenschildt and saw him several times in 1958 and 1959. De Mohrenschildt's CIA file contained several reports submitted by him on topics concerning Yugoslavia.
In short, De Mohrenschildt worked for the CIA and J. Walton Moore was his superior.
(Armstrong's emphasis)


NOTE: On April 13, 1977 Moore wrote a memo (later found in De Mohrenschildt's CIA file), in which he set forth facts to counter a claim that was recently made by WFAA-TV in Dallas. WFAA claimed that Lee Harvey Oswald was employed by the CIA and that Moore knew Oswald....

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Good stuff

Armstrong's book looks pretty strong here.

It is interesting that Tracy Barnes is mentioned as CIA chief of domestic operations.

I have read where E Howard HUNT was chief of domestic CIA operations but kept

his office down in MEXICO CITY which is actually the CIA base which had texas in its orbit

(since the CIA couldn't legally operate domestically)

Anyway the letter about the photograph of the Dallas CIA checker who knew DEMORENSCHILDT

is creepy, and J. Walton Moore probably knew a great deal about the operational and cover up

aspects of the Dallas November action on the president.......

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Good stuff

Armstrong's book looks pretty strong here.

It is interesting that Tracy Barnes is mentioned as CIA chief of domestic operations.

I have read where E Howard HUNT was chief of domestic CIA operations but kept

his office down in MEXICO CITY which is actually the CIA base which had texas in its orbit

(since the CIA couldn't legally operate domestically)

Anyway the letter about the photograph of the Dallas CIA checker who knew DEMORENSCHILDT

is creepy, and J. Walton Moore probably knew a great deal about the operational and cover up

aspects of the Dallas November action on the president.......

Shanet, Barnes was Hunt's boss at the DOD, the Domestic Operations Division. Hunt was reportedly the Chief of covert operations of the DOD, not the DOD itself. There will be a lot on Barnes and Hunt in Larry Hancock's book.

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Thanks for the info everyone. I found this memo which prints the transcript of the tv news programme where it was said Moore knew Oswald:


What caught my attention was the last paragraph of the memo on page 5:

"On the 12th April 1977, our adminstrative assistant Mrs Barham received a phone call from an individual asking to speak with Morris Bishop. She advised that there was no one by that name working in the office."

Edited by Francesca Akhtar
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