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Virginia Tech Spree Killer

William Kelly

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Today's incident at Virginia Tech in USA, an apparent spree killing of dozens of victims, is being blamed on a lone-nut, responsible for two separate shootings two hour apart.

The worst killing on a college campus since Kent State and Texas Tower killings, already has multible mysteries that should be answered over the next few days.

It will be an interesting case study to see how this unravells.


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It is being reported tonight that the gunman was Asian. Is it possibly a terrorist attack. It was said on the news that it is the 19th mass shooting in 10 years.

Perp: Asian, student age (whatever that means), maroon hat, leather jacket, most likely armed with [2] 9mm automatics 15 round clip- 1 round chamber for a total of 16 rounds per weapon... alleged gunman DEAD at scene

total confirmed dead at Noon PST -- 31 mostly students, some faculty

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It is being reported tonight that the gunman was Asian. Is it possibly a terrorist attack. It was said on the news that it is the 19th mass shooting in 10 years.

Perp: Asian, student age (whatever that means), maroon hat, leather jacket, most likely armed with [2] 9mm automatics 15 round clip- 1 round chamber for a total of 16 rounds per weapon... alleged gunman DEAD at scene

total confirmed dead at Noon PST -- 31 mostly students, some faculty

one thing I learned at Homicide is not to assume or presume anything-the facts will come out

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It is being reported tonight that the gunman was Asian. Is it possibly a terrorist attack. It was said on the news that it is the 19th mass shooting in 10 years.

Perp: Asian, student age (whatever that means), maroon hat, leather jacket, most likely armed with [2] 9mm automatics 15 round clip- 1 round chamber for a total of 16 rounds per weapon... alleged gunman DEAD at scene

total confirmed dead at Noon PST -- 31 mostly students, some faculty

one thing I learned at Homicide is not to assume or presume anything-the facts will come out

The latest news is a spurned lover type thing. girl breaks up with guy, he's goes off the deep end. But as you said ,the facts need to come out.

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[...] It was said on the news that it is the 19th mass shooting in 10 years.


Yes John,

Compared to the "civilized" English, we Americans are, by and large, all-to-often @*#&%@ downright barbaric...


P.S. Pardon my "German" (or is it "French?!" -- "%@," I don't know, but that's OK, I'm just an uncultured *%$#@&%!!! ) lol

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Today's incident at Virginia Tech in USA, an apparent spree killing of dozens of victims, is being blamed on a lone-nut, responsible for two separate shootings two hour apart.

The worst killing on a college campus since Kent State and Texas Tower killings, already has multible mysteries that should be answered over the next few days.

It will be an interesting case study to see how this unravells.


Right BK,

Of course it's Déjà Vu. The official doublespeak was quick to come: "We don't know if the same gunman acted in the 7 AM shooting & in the 9 AM shooting." There has been a swift lock down on information & a swift introduction of red herrings. By isolating the first shooting from the second shooting incident, by separating them, it becomes possible to justify NOT canceling classes after the first incident. It's Dallas & 911 all over again.

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Thomas...don't you know it is against forum rules to say




Hi Jack,

Dang, Froggie, you right. I really should know better'rn. I guess that's what I get from a-readin' way too much of that there drug 'n al-key-haul-addled rascal Hunter S. Thompson and that prevert William F. Burroughs! I knows I reely otter start a-readin' some of them writers like that "Polak" English merchant marine Joseph Conrad an'..., an'..., ...uhh... Shakyspeares and peoples like that so as I can a-come up with a 18-letter epitaph I mean epithet when I really needs two, iffin' you know what I meens...


P.S. "Go Froggies!" (and I don't mean them fancy-smancy Par-reez-zuns...) "Purple Haze, baby!" Thomas Graves-- class of '71 but never done grad-ju-ated...

P.P.S. I'm part "Polak," myself. Great grandfathers's name: Podermanski.


Edited by Thomas Graves
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It is being reported tonight that the gunman was Asian. Is it possibly a terrorist attack. It was said on the news that it is the 19th mass shooting in 10 years.

Perp: Asian, student age (whatever that means), maroon hat, leather jacket, most likely armed with [2] 9mm automatics 15 round clip- 1 round chamber for a total of 16 rounds per weapon... alleged gunman DEAD at scene

total confirmed dead at Noon PST -- 31 mostly students, some faculty

one thing I learned at Homicide is not to assume or presume anything-the facts will come out

The latest news is a spurned lover type thing. girl breaks up with guy, he's goes off the deep end. But as you said ,the facts need to come out.

Yes, you are clearly right. But if it is true, and there are hundreds of Muslim terrorists living in the US, why don't they carry out these kind of attacks? It would definitely create a real sense of terror.

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Hold on, folks, hold on... I got a real strong intuition that Mr. Miles Scull is going to accuse me of "complicity" (in the context of his last post) in the shooting of the people at Virginia Tech, the assassination of JFK, and/or the 9/11 tragedy. Let's see..., "complicity".... Uhh, here it is: "Involvement as an accomplice in a crime or wrongdoing." Hmm......

Are you sure that's the word you're looking for, Mr. Scull?

Actually, you're right about "Dallas", Mr. Scull, in a very general sort of way in that I, yes I!, due to the influence of my JBS-type parents and their friends and the very conservative environment of La Jolla, California, was guilty of conspiring, along with millions of other Americans, of the wrongdoing of loathing JFK and of actually thinking that Goldwater was, yes!, the cat's meow. Shucks, I was even guilty of the crime of having a "Au H20 in '64" bumper sticker on (the inside of) my bedroom door! Yes!, I'm a fugitive from justice, a criminal! on the run! (Never mind the fact that I was only thirteen years at the time and that since then I've "pulled a U-ey" in my political thinking and am now a firm believer that Kennedy was killed by a conspiracy, yes!, a conspiracy of evil @*&%$#&@.)

--Thomas :lol:


Edited by Thomas Graves
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[...] It's Dallas & 911 all over again.


Yeah, definitely a conspiracy. Right.

--Thomas :blink:

"Paranoia strikes deep......."


I dare say, Graves, that your complicity completely flew over your head & that you exist, as we often see, in a state of total self approval. No surprise to anyone, of course, except to you. :lol:

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It's looking like it was a Chinese student who went postal after an argument with his girlfriend.

Please don't be like that loose change mob, who are claiming it was a 'Manchurian Candidate' operation to deflect attention from Iraq.

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It's looking like it was a Chinese student who went postal after an argument with his girlfriend.

Please don't be like that loose change mob, who are claiming it was a 'Manchurian Candidate' operation to deflect attention from Iraq.

I think it is only a matter of time before Muslim terrorists in the US use this tactic. It has already happened in Russia.

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