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Paul Brancato

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    Classical musician and author of several sets of trading cards including Iran-Contra Scandal, Bush League, and Coup D'etat JFK assassination.

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  1. Amazing and new news for me. What was HSCA doing letting Army and Navy Brass into that most important HSCA meeting?
  2. Destroying documents - the Military was particularly guilty of this
  3. What is clear is that Tippit could have been at Dealey Plaza for the main event, and at the Gloco station 15 minutes later.
  4. Leslie - who is Bergman? Also I did not know about Argentine shipments to Israel.
  5. Christian - I appreciate what you are trying to reveal. I can’t say I always see what you see, but I don’t dismiss your work based on my own visual acuity. In fact, what you have concluded about shooters dressed as DP, or even DP officers in fact, is really the most logical assumption. It is the perfect cover, and is nothing new. I once posted, after a deep dive into timings and testimony, that officer Tippet could have himself been at the scene. It is not at all contradicted by his movements as we know them. Thanks to Joseph McBride we also know that he was a crack shot. And of course we know he was shortly thereafter killed. I’ve always thought that suspicious in itself, and think it’s highly likely that he was killed because, whether or not he was a shooter, he knew too much.
  6. Felix Rodriguez - what a crock. Castro killed JFK, Fabian Escalante the second shooter, Jimmy Carter ruined the CIA, the Democrats are a bunch of socialists.
  7. This may be because of secrets held by Israel regarding Angleton’s. According to a friend who is working through the latest unredacted files concerning Angleton’s closed door Senate testimony, Angleton was closely tied with Saudi Arabia, and generally with British interests which were largely pro Arab because of Oil. His close connections with Israeli Intelligence seems to be in the service of Anti-Soviet operations, and Nazi functionaries were Angleton’s go to interrogators. If both Mossad and CIA used an agent such as Otto Skorzeny, which appears true, then they had mutual checks on each other, since neither would want that kind of relationship public. In regards to the 1967 war and ensuing takeover of the West Bank and Golan Heights, you never hear Zionist supporters in the US mention this, and if they do of course they frame it as a necessary preemptive attack on Egypt and Syria.
  8. The main takeaway from this is that the source, Pompeo or not, convinced Tucker Carlson that Angleton was the guy. I have no problem with that. It appears that both Trump and Pompeo know this.
  9. Simple question - if Angleton suspected someone of being a Soviet mole, would he necessarily expose him? Wouldn’t it have been more clever of Angleton to leave him in place?
  10. What was the McMahon issue? I’ve tried to contact Newman more than once, unsuccessfully. Turf wars, closed shops. The article you linked by Morley indicates he wasn’t about to climb on the Tennent Bagley train. Newman certainly has, and he clearly sees Golitsyn as the real defector and Nosenko as the fake one. It’s like Angleton’s ghost with Bagley as the medium. It is interesting, as you point out, that Newman went on this tangent, and my inclination is to view him as the pied piper.
  11. I found it, but not access to read it. Would you mind taking some time to explain exactly what you’re thinking? Your last few posts are intriguing but I don’t know some of the references.
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