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James DiEugenio

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    Los Angeles, CA
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    Retired teacher, MA in American History, editor and publisher at Kennedys and King.com, author and/or co-editor of Destiny Betrayed, The Assassinations anthology, The JFK Assassination: The Evidence Today, and JFK Revisited: Through The Looking Glass. Wrote screenplays for Oliver Stone's JFK Revisited and JFK: Destiny Betrayed.

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  1. If so, they are missing a very key paradigm in the case.
  2. Micah: JFK Revisited, if you saw it, was about the disclosures of the ARRB. That is the reason we made the film since we knew that the vast majority of people would not even know what the ARRB was, let alone what they did and what was in the declassified files. The Gunn/Horne inquiry was a very important milestone, building upon the ARRB disclsures of the HSCA investigation which remained hidden and closed for 15 years. The material Horne and Cheeser talked about concerning JFK's brain was a landmark. It had never been done on broadcast TV before. And neither had the Aguilar/Mantik/Cheeser discussion of a front shot. So now, go ahead and do your Ruby confession, Oswald defection film. Let me know so I can review it. But pelase preface it by saying Ruby was under the control of Jolly West. And then explain who he was.
  3. Oh please Micah. He told me and Oliver during the interview that he was telling us stuff that he had not said before. And you could tell he was getting emotional. You weren't there.
  4. The MSM completely ignored Jim's death. I thought this was really outrageous even for them. He was such an important witness, key to the Secret Service cover up. So I decided to pen this remembrance of him. RIP, my friend. You never got the recognition you deserved. https://jamesanthonydieugenio.substack.com/p/the-passing-of-church-committee-witness
  5. Sandy: I must say that John Newman also agrees with Scott on his Phase One and Phase two model. I don't care to call it a theory, since I agree with you, that it is pretty close to what happened. So I don't think it can be called something theoretical. I think the ground level perps wanted an attack on Cuba, I mean look at the DRE for one. But a friend of mine brought this up to me: Jim was there really a tandem plan or was it planned all along to revert to Phase two? I have to say that is pretty insightful.
  6. That is hysterical. Fred Otash, the guy who wanted to hire a high priced call girl to nab JFK and she would not do it. LOL 😃
  7. Thanks to you both. Russia is about 150 million people. So this should be good, I hope they send me a copy when done.
  8. After almost two years in DVD and streaming release, JFK Revisited is still number 12 in sales for Amazon documentaries. Which is something if you know anything about the film business and release patterns. But beyond that, to show what a world wide reach it has had, a very big broadcast network in Russia is making a documentary on the JFK case. They were clearly inspired by Oliver's film since they got in contact with me. And they specifically asked for contact with the following: Aguilar, Mantik, Wecht, and Lisa Pease. High cotton I think.
  9. I don't think it was Rybka. I think it was Lawton. And BTW, you know the way Roger said that there was evidence in Valenti's book, A Very Human President, that somehow Johnson ordered Kennedy's body to be taken out of Parkland? And Hornberger repeated that here? I drove 25 miles round trip to the LA Central Library to find that book. It says no such thing. Here are the relevant parts. Valenti had to be cleared to get on AF One, that is how worried Youngblood was about a continuing plot. (p. 46) Johnson said they would wait for Jackie and the casket before they took off. (ibid) Valenti confirmed the oath of office with Katzenbach, word by word, as Fehmer, wrote it down. (p. 47) I could have predicted this outcome because Manchester interviewed Valenti twice. And Jim Bishop talks about him in 13 sections of his long book, so he had to have done a very long interview with the man. Therefore, what I wrote from Manchester and Bishop stands. The decision to leave Parkland and roll over Rose was made by O'Donnell and Kellerman, since Jackie said she was not going back without the casket.
  10. Roger, I am very clear about where the idea of a blue ribbon commission started. And so is Gibson. The first guy to bring it up was Rostow. And its right in Gibson's article. (See The Assassinations, p. 7.) So can we stop that one. And I cannot believe you are now saying that somehow I do not know that the WC was a joke? I have written, contributed to or edited, five books on this subject Destiny Betrayed, The JFK Assassination: The Evidence Today, JFK Revisited, The Assassinations, and The JFK Assassination Chokeholds. So I think I know something about the WC. But that is not the point. Which you keep on avoiding. Namely that whatever would have occurred, with Hoover as the investigator the verdict would have been the same.
  11. RI: Alsop himself when the told Johnsons he was *not* suggesting a new investigative body. This is just silly. And it can only stand if you do not read the dialogue. Alsop knew what he wanted from LBJ from the start. He said what Roger hangs onto like a life raft only to detract from that agenda, to make it seem he was not manipulating him. Anyone can figure that out by just reading the whole thing. In other words, Alsop was giving LBJ the Johnson treatment. And it worked. Just read the thing. At the beginning LBJ insists on a Texas Board of Inquiry. At the end he is going to call Acheson who is clearly part of this loose confederation that is trying to get the inquiry out of Texas. I cannot believe what else you are trying to convey here. But I think you imply that somehow Johnson let himself be rolled because the WC is what he wanted all along? Is that what you are trying to say? I mean that is really wild. So the Rostow and Alsop calls, the Washington Post threat was all smoke and mirrors in order to disguise what he really wanted? And he only put up a fight with Alsop because he wanted that to exist in the record? I mean that is really bizarre. I really don't know what to make of that one. Finally, Dulles lobbied to be on the Commission. The only one who did so. Johnson picked a Commission because that is what they were suggesting to him to do. Rostow wanted 7-9, Alsop wanted three. But my point is that whether it was a presidential commission or a Texas Board of Inquiry, either one was going to be supplied by Hoover. So ultimately it would have made little or no difference. Unless there was some guy down in Texas who wanted to play hero and get himself killed.
  12. Let us go to number two. As demonstrated above the idea of a wider ranging plot was the Secret Service's idea specifically Youngblood, Roberts and also Kivett. This is why they sent agents to guard his kids. Kivett actually thought they were going to shoot Johnson in the hospital. Which is one reason they wanted him out of there. The reason for the delay at the airfield was that no one knew if LBJ was the president yet. If he was not, then how could he order a counterattack if the Pentagon called him? In fact, McNamara actually thought he was running that aspect. Sarah Hughes was not in when they called her. They had to locate her. Hornberger's third one, well Gibson dealt with that at length. The Commission was not Johnson's idea, plain and simple. He resisted it. As per Allen Dulles, he lobbied to get on the Commission, as proven by David Talbot. The only guy to do that.
  13. Can you show me that Roger? Who received it? Because in neither book, and both were written at the time period, is that acknowledged. As per Rose, in neither rendition is Johnson's name invoked. And Manchester spends several pages on this.
  14. Thanks Ron. Also thanks for not quoting Ruby under the control of Jolly West. Roger, I never said that the results would have been different if LBJ had not given in. Because he still wanted the Texas Court of Inquiry to be supplied by Hoover. But what I am saying is that he and the White House were worked on over this issue. So for Fetter to call it the Johnson Commission is misguided. It was not his idea and once it was up and running, we know who controlled it.
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