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Robert Howard

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Everything posted by Robert Howard

  1. Sorry about that; here is the actual text Stephen FryVerified account‏@stephenfry 28 Nov 2012 @Dr_Black Just discovered that Denis Oswald who taught me maths at school worked on the Lorenz code at Bletchley. We thought he was dull! https://twitter.com/stephenfry/status/273925072295718913
  2. Since the Education Forum is about to be history, I thought I would post something on this thread, that was at least compelling to me. As time goes by the British have become more of a part of the equation in the overall Kennedy saga, than many other things. Bletchley Park, as everyone knows was to England what Arlington Hill was to America, back in that era 1943 UK/USA BRUSA agreement, etc. I will not recapitulate the factoids of military individuals involved in World War II, who also appear in the JFK Saga, except to say. that when I first started surfing twitter, I ran across Stephen Fry, the noted British actor, whom I really am a fan of, [he is currently in the 24 Series with Keefer Sutherland and portrays the British Prime Minister], anyway a few months ago, I saw a Tweet which stated something to the effect that ......"Oswald worked with us on the Lorenz code, we that he was dull." People make a lot of assumptions about things hitherto not known, it happens all the time. So I am not saying that the person above Denis Oswald [senior codebreaker and linguist at Bletchley Park during World War II], was related to Lee Oswald of New Orleans, Louisiana but I would also not assume, there is nothing to note genealogically either.....
  3. James Richards started this thread, in reference to R. G. Storey, who was a resident of 3525 Turtle Creek.... He also mentioned Jerome Frank...... So I post this as a tribute to his input regarding this area. Dallas Morning News, The (TX) - July 15, 2004 JEROME J. FRANK SR. Built Turtle Creek high-rise Jerome J. Frank Sr. changed the face of Dallas with his vision of skyscraper luxury apartments on Turtle Creek nearly 50 years ago. The project, 3525 Turtle Creek, became the crown jewel of his long, successful business career. Mr. Frank , 95, died Monday of a heart attack at Baylor University Medical Center in Dallas. Services will be at 11 a.m. today at Temple Emanu-El, 8500 Hillcrest Road in Dallas. He will be buried in a private ceremony at Hillcrest Memorial Park. For nearly 60 years, Mr. Frank teamed with business partners on projects in Dallas and across the Southwest, said his son and business partner, Jerome Frank Jr. of Dallas. "You learned from him to be the type of man you would want to be a partner with or go into business with," his son said. "That's what you learned from him." Born in what is now Kiev, Ukraine, Mr. Frank immigrated with his family to Minneapolis in 1912, when he was 3 years old. After graduating from Minneapolis South High School, he worked his way through Weber Law School at St. Mary's University in San Antonio, managing a Paul's Shoes store in the Alamo City. Unable to establish a law practice in Houston during the Depression, he returned to manage three Paul's Shoes stores in Dallas; Memphis, Tenn.; and Kansas City. During World War II, Mr. Frank served as a photo reconnaissance officer for the Army Air Forces in North Africa and Italy. After the war, he built homes with the partnership of Silver, Laughlin and Frank . "He realized he was a builder; he wasn't a corporate executive," his son said. "He liked the energy of building." In the early 1950s, Mr. Frank sold his interest in the homebuilding partnership to help his in-laws manage Binswanger Glass Co. in Memphis. His wife, Emma Sue Binswanger Frank , died in November. Upon his return to Dallas, he established Jerome Frank & Associates, which was active in real estate and construction in the 1950s and 1960s. With various business partners, Mr. Frank built residential housing in Texas, Florida and California, as well as officers quarters for military bases in Texas, Colorado and Louisiana. In July 1955, he and Edward T. Dicker announced plans to build a 22-story luxury apartment building on Turtle Creek Boulevard - a building that would eventually become home to actress Greer Garson after it was completed in 1958. "He saw that whole vision of a row of high-rise luxury apartments just like on Lake Shore Drive in Chicago," his son said. "He worked with Howard R. Meyer, who was the renowned architect of Dallas at the time. They searched the country to get the design." High-rise living on Turtle Creek was a hard sell for a developer seeking project financing in 1955, his son said. "They were very skeptical. He had to find many ways to find the funding for it, because it was such a pioneering effort in Dallas," he said. In addition to his son, Mr. Frank is survived by a brother, William Frank of Dallas, another son, Dr. Michael Frank of Denver, nine grandchildren and two great-grandchildren. Memorials may be made to the Frank and Binswanger Fresh Flower Fund at the Dallas Museum of Art, the Dallas Symphony or the Dallas Public Library. Dallas Morning News, The (TX) Date: July 15, 2004 Author: JOE SIMNACHER Edition: SECOND Page: 5B © Copyright, 2004, The Dallas Morning News When Maj General Edwin Walker testified before the Warren Commission, he gave his address as 4011 Turtle Creek Blvd., I mention that just as a point of reference.
  4. pl_006122014_0943_49729_351.pdf3525 Turtle Creek was also the address of Jane Beren CD 106 p. 197 She was interviewed because her telephone number was in Jack Ruby's notebook; she claimed she did not know Jack Ruby, and had no idea how he would have her telephone number. more "H. E. BEREN DIES WHILE IN ISRAEL" Funeral Services for Homer Emanuel Beren, 51, of 3525 Turtle Creek, Vice-President of the Frontier Manufacturing Co., will be held at 2:30 p.m. in Sparkman's Funeral Chapel, 2115 Ross. Burial in Shearith Israel Cemetery. Mr. Beren, a Dallas resident since 1923, died Tuesday in Tel Aviv, Israel. From 1942 to 1945 he instructed Navy personnel at the University of Houston in radar and electrical engineering. He was graduated from Leland Stanford University in California in 1935 with a degree in electrical engineering. He also attended Southern Methodist University. From 1945 to 1946 he was assistant professor of electrical engineering at SMU. He was a member of Congregation Shearith Israel, Colombian Club, Dallas Athletic Club and American Institute of Electrical Engineering. Survivors all of Dallas: Mother, Mrs. Jacob Beren; a sister, Mrs. Jacob Feldman, and two brothers, Irvin B. Beren and David O. Beren. July 9, 1963 - Dallas Morning News Trade with Honolulu Firm 'New Owners Taking Over 3525 Turtle Creek' Ownership of 3525 Turtle Creek, ultra-modern, ultra-publicized, Dallas luxury apartment building will be transferred this month to a Honolulu company that dates back to 1889 when Hawaii was an independent kingdom. The plush 5 year-old, 21-story and penthouse property will be exchanged for an undisclosed piece of property owned by a subsidiary of Dillingham Corp., of Honolulu, principals of the transaction disclosed Monday. Making the announcement were Tishman Realty and Construction Co., of New York which acquired "3525" in 1959 and Hawaiian Land and Development Co., the Dillingham subsidiary. Contracts for the property exchange have already been signed, and the deal is expected to be consummated on July 23, according to L. S. Dilliangham, president of the Honolulu concern and Robert V. Tishman, president of the New York firm. See Robert Tishman obituary http://www.nytimes.com/2010/10/13/business/13tishman.html So the question would be, among others, did Jack Ruby know Homer Beren, and if so what type of relationship did they have. All I can say is that Beren's obit mentions he was a member of the Dallas Athletic Club, and Jack Ruy's hair treatments were at Maclean's which was located in the Dallas Athletic Club building.....so it is possible they knew, or knew of each other. Although Beren resembles LBJ, I can't imagine a scenario where that would factor into the equation, unless he worked as a LBJ double, and there seems to be nothing in the historical record to indicate that......
  5. Homer Emanuel Beren is the person I referenced as a LBJ look-a-like on the thread, Mysterious Deaths Before The Kennedy Assassination. The photo I had posted is no longer there. I will try to upload it today. The Dallas Morning News obituary dated October 31, 1963 was headlined "H. E. Beren Dies While in Israel"
  6. This individual also died before the JFK Assassination; His role was central in the preparations for the Bay of Pigs invasion.... Chicago Tribune (IL) - August 07, 1962 WILLAUER, 55, EX-AMERICAN ENVOY, DIES Deceased Name: Whiting Willauer Nantucket, Mass., Aug. 6 (UPI) -- Whiting Willauer , 55, former American ambassador to Costa Rica and Honduras, died today in his summer home on Nantucket Island. Willauer was ambassador to Honduras from 1954 to 1958, when he became ambassador to Costa Rica. He held the latter post thru the end of the Eisenhower administration. Willauer , a summer resident of Nantucket for the late 15 years, was born in New York City. He was graduated from Princeton university and Harvard university law school. I would, out of curiosity like to know the cause of death.
  7. The following Warren Commission document mentions the insertion of a right chest tube at Parkland. https://www.maryferrell.org/mffweb/archive/viewer/showDoc.do?mode=searchResult&absPageId=336574
  8. Robert: I found this on the internet awhile back..... I guess you could call it Memories from the SS Maturata...... In 1958 I joined the Young Conservatives, a group for the under 30's within the national party. It was more a social organization, although we did work at elections and we had great weekend schools. These consisted of getting away from parental scrutiny and to have a good time in a posh hotel. A Purity Patrol ensured that the correct males were linked up with the appropriate females, in theory anyway. In practice since it was 2 of the same sex to a room so it was virtually impossible to achieve anything other than staying up till dawn and feeling like hell in the morning. During this period I was introduced to some people who changed my outlook about life that existed beyond my limited experience. In 1959 I became VP of the Redcar branch and I had become romantically involved with the secretary of the branch. This relationship progressed over a year and I was really happy and looking forward to it continuing. Then on my 21st birthday we all went out for a party and she gave me a Parker 51 fountain pen with a gold top (which I still have). This was the gift that truly marked my coming of age at the time in 1960. I had managed to buy a car with my increased income and I was sitting pretty, a good job and a great relationship. I had got a Higher National Certificate in Mechanical Engineering so my future was looking good I really didn't want to spend my life as an engineer. After my 21st party I dropped my girlfriend off at her home and that was the last time I saw or spoke to her from that day to this. I was able to find out that she had left the area to start training as a nurse and my efforts to talk to or see her were in vain. This came as a complete surprise to me. I was devastated to put it mildly. My little world had come tumbling down around my ears in less than 24 hours. I was so upset that I had to do something to change my life and take my mind off my broken heart! I was working in a drawing office (or drafting, if you prefer) which employed about 120 people, some of whom had done their National Service in the merchant navy. I had missed having to do my time by three months as the cut off was in September 1960 and my birthday was in December 1960. I had always been intrigued by the thought of going to India as I had a relative who had been in the Army in India and he had told me quite a lot about the country. The jewel in the crown and all that. As luck would have it I talked to a fellow worker in my office who had been in the merchant navy working for a company which traded between India and continental Europe. I was impressed with what he told me about life in the merchant navy. This was just what I needed to get away from home and start a new life. The company was called T&J Brocklebank, part of Cunard Shipping Co. By coincidence a previous girl friend of mine worked in the Middlesbrough office of that company. I gave her a phone call and I asked her what I had to do to obtain a position with them and she arranged for an interview with the local Engineering Superintendent whose office was across the street from mine. I went to the interview and was offered a position of junior engineer with a start date immediately I passed a medical. This was the break I needed to mark a fresh start and so a couple of week's later...... I had no idea what I was getting into when I joined my first ship, the SS Maturata. I was the 5th. Engineer and it was my job to assist the 2nd. Engineer on the 4 to 8 watch,twice a day, am/pm. We left port on a very stormy night in January 1961 on a three day trip to Rotterdam. The heat and smell of the engine room was overpowering and I was seasick for the whole trip. I wanted to die, as anyone who has been seasick knows only too well so ended the first trip...... END Robert: This person, whom I do not know, left England a few years later and, according to his account moved to Canada in 1967......
  9. I think someone did, but I am out of the loop on that one.
  10. I, believe it or not, have a great deal of interest in Prayerman, albeit I have only read 47 of the 98 or so pages of this thread. I would like to throw out a thing or two. Trying to get to the bottom of all this is very maddening, in no small part that the "Dallas establishment" used every trick in the book to try to suppress the true facts such as Truly and Baker's version of what happened after they entered the TSBD. On another note, I am not so sure some type of image enhancement couldn't nail this down, ie identity of person in foyer called Prayerman... First of all, there is a somewhat hard to find DVD Robert Groden released entitled JFK Assassination Films: The Case for Conspiracy - 2003 - Delta Entertainment Corporation; The DVD has all the films pertaining to this, I've watched the DVD before, and if armed with a remote control with a zoom feature, sometimes things can be zoomed in to clarify not well defined images.......I certainly am not claiming this will work, but it certainly deserves to be attempted. As far as various posts on this thread, the ones speculating what "his" activities were are the most fascinating, Holding a camera.....eating an apple, a sandwich.....regarding the former.... It is interesting to think that "if" Prayerman is Oswald and he does have a camera on him, the provenance of the Minox camera that vanished, leaving only the light meter..... If you haven't noticed there are a lot of liars in the various witness accounts besides Harry Holmes.....but you already knew that.
  11. His Listing, apparently a will under Arthur Wyndham Allen Cowan, is the fifth from the bottom. http://search.ancestry.co.uk/cgi-bin/sse.dll?gl=36&gsfn=Allan&gsln=Cowen&gss=angs-g&so=2
  12. The URL below is the only Patrick Dean testimony on the web I am aware of. He also testified in Jack Ruby's trial, if I am not mistaken. http://jfkassassination.net/russ/testimony/dean1.htm
  13. Maybe I am not as humble as some others here, I am definitely aware of the "feeling that all of this is falling on deaf ears;" and I agree that for the most part the mystery is over, unfortunately there are numerous unanswered questions, most are unresolved. The newer conspiracies are 9-11, tsunami's-HAARP and aliens/Area 51, the latter not exactly new. I stick around even with the aforementioned knowing there are a lot of people who read this forum who are not members. I have always been one for the details, and in a strange way, I have all the time in the world, irrespective of when the Forum is closed. My biggest regret is that we Forum members had so much internal squabbling, but that is probably more of a reflection on what has been happening in American culture over the last few decades, than just us.
  14. Another factoid about the De Menil family is their relationship with "Count Schlumberger;" In todays world the DeMenil's are philanthrophists as were the [Moe, & Walter] Annenberg's, the latter had donated a painting to Jackie Kennedy and JFK, I think before the assassination. As I write this, I still am every bit as interested in Lincoln Mortimer Bloomfield as I ever was, not to change the story. As far as waiting for 2017, the ostensible release date for those declassified documents, it would be wise not to think that these documents contain the smoking gun or guns, they will be subject to the same type of magic tricks as ever such as "key portions redacted," as well as the old Warren Commission trick of "location not specified," intentional misspelling of names, et cetera. I would not even debate the persons in question were, or are philanthropists, it's just that old adage so applicable for 1963, "the enemy of my enemy is my friend." The ultimate gift for our Veteran's this Memorial Day would be to end corruption in our country, in every city, state at every level civilian, political and military. Without corruption, there would be a more harmonious world, less war and less of a cultural divide, another beginning might be politicians reforming their lives and being examples for the country of "how to be" instead of "how not to be."
  15. Message to Bill Simpich regarding your earlier question about the document, that is a 1978 HSCA Era document which I had copied from Joe Backes Batch Documents..... I will have to dig for that one, and may take awhile.I didn't want you to think I was ignoring you..... There are a smattering of interesting factoids regarding the persons mentioned in this thread....The document below https://www.maryferrell.org/mffweb/archive/viewer/showDoc.do?docId=65806 circa 1962, has to do with Ernest Ignacio Aragon, the first couple of pages are virtually illegible, but when you get to the viewable portion there is a little message that has him wanting to pass along the word to Dr. Miro Cardona that he [Aragon] wanted to talk to him regarding the "security of the President," hmmm.... The portion of the document that is illegible, IMO is intentionally illegible. FWIW On other matters, I discovered recently that there was a Secret Service agent with the same last name as organized crime figure James Henry Dolan, head of Dallas AGVA called Ruby in period leading up to JFK Assassination see Jerome Dolan is this Jerry Dolan http://collections.mnhs.org/cms/parties.php?&irn=10033111 Below is the Education Forum page on James Henry Dolan; so it seems the last update was when the HSCA investigators spoke with him in an Atlanta prison in 1978. http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/index.php?showtopic=7374 Even if I am wrong, surnames are important, and nothing should be assumed, until shown otherwise..... And the next one, if it had a title might be "And I always thought it was the Lacombe training camp" Home/Archive/Documents/JFK Assassination Documents/JFK Documents - Central Intelligence Agency/HSCA Segregated CIA Collection/HSCA Segregated CIA Collection, Box 37/ NARA Record Number: 104-10104-10083 MEMO RE MOVIE FILM OF DECAROLIS TRAINING CAMP MEMORANDUM From John ......We have also received word that a former brigadier has 2000 feet of movie film taken covering the training conducted at the Decarolis film which he plans to turn over to the New York Times and Life to support the claim CIA was running the camp. I sent a brief memo to the DDP just to alert him to the possibility of another rash of unpleasant publicity. Decades later, unfavorable publicity and CIA are virtually synonymous, I mean from the Fall of the Berlin Wall to the current Soviet Ukraine powerplay they've been out of the loop on major world events with intelligence ramifications, over and over What is it that they do over there?
  16. Rest in Peace Tom, His work and perspective on the Assassination were always thought provoking.
  17. 1968 Dallas Criss-Cross Directory 6001/2 Melba Ruby Monroe WH1-5346 602 Melba H. Jack Price WH2-7389 604 Melba Hilda Roush WH6-4032 605 Melba Jose Huffhines WH3-8309 608 Melba McKay Tidwell WH2-5003 609 Melba Charles Anderson WH3-8512 613 Melba Ray Acker & Mrs. Maud Yates WH8-6279 614 Melba Beatrice Dickinson 942-6366 616 Melba Nettie Smith WH6-3589 617 Melba Nell Fulton WH1-4653 618 Melba Gertrude Moix WH6-3180 620 Melba Donald & Cora Blair WH2-7037 621 Melba G.C. Pollard WH6-5946 622 Melba Brooks Gilliland WH2-8149 624 Melba L. B. Tennison WH6-4252 625 Melba Mrs. Ollie Archer WH3-9504 627 Melba Alice Lee WH2-8007 628 Melba J. Earl White WH6-2854 629 Melba Luther E Hair WH6-1420 632 Melba Thelma Dickerson WH1-4609 635 Melba Dorma Richardson WH6-7879 636 Melba G. L. Wallace WH2-4124 300 N. Van Buren Ints. I copied this off the Dallas 1968 Criss Cross Directory A lot has taken place since I started this thread, and I will be very upfront about the fact that Jimmy George Robinson is not on this list, but as it turns out, I am far from discouraged about that. Mainly because of what Harold Weisberg wrote about Robinson... See below Never Again: The Government Conspiracy in the JFK Assassination Only moments after the 12:30 pm shooting of the President and the Governor from the internal evidence after the President's death was announced and before Oswald was accused, identified and charged, Sergeant H.C. Sherrill, of the nearby Richardson, Texas, Police Department, phoned the Dallas FBI office with a tip. In the words of "lead" investigative clerk Robert G. Renfro prepared for Shanklin, the Richardson police believed that "Jimmy George Robinson and members of the National States Rights Party [NSRP] should be considered possible suspects" because of their demonstrated strong feelings against" JFK. The NSRP was a miniscule ultraright racist gang begun by Jesse B. Stoner, who had found the Ku Klux Klan to be too liberal for him. Robinson also had a record of racist violence. On the clerical end, this lead was followed promptly. A search of the FBI's Dallas indices led to the posting of not fewer than five citations to different Dallas office files. One was to a civil rights file; One was to a "100"-classification file, designated to "Subversive Matter" [iNDIVIDUAL], Internal Security [ORGANIZATIONS], "Domestic Security Investigations"; One was a "105"- file classification like the "100's", a security related classification for "Foreign Counterintelligence" that included "individuals" and "organizations" with a "Nationalistic Tendency" and some "Internal Security" records; one was of a "157" classification, also "security-related" for "Extremist Matters"and "Civil Unrest"; and one that is unclear seems to be for violations of the Voorhis Act. In addition there is a reference to a three-by-five card index, and an illegible entry. Although there exists these records pertinent to Robinson and the NSRP, reflecting the FBI's knowledge of records that could qualify them as suspects in the assassination there is no indications that the citations posted were checked. No notations indicate this, and there are no other notations on any attachment. Instead, there is written below the last of these citations, "No neccessary to cover as true subject located." The initials of the FBI agent who so summarily dismissed the lead from the nearby police department are only partly legible. The first is clearly a "J" and the last is as clearly an "H," but the middle initial can only be guessed at. It does not appear to be the middle initial of any of the six Dallas agents and of the one supervisor whose name began with "H," listed as the staff on the day of the assassination. In accord with standard practice, this lead has a rubber stamp with boxes for noting whether the record was searched, indexed, serialized and/or filed. Above the stamp the file identification and the serial number of the record within that file are posted, in this instance 89-43-84. This conspiracy "lead" memo was completely processed and filed on the date stamped on the center of the form, November 22, 1963, or the day of the assassination. This means that whether or not the agent, or supervisor who "memory-holed" this lead knew Oswald's name, which he did not include in his notation, Robinson's record was processed completely and filed- before Oswald was charged with killing the President! Oswald was not charged until after midnight. Not until November 23. But before any real investigation was made, or even possible, or before any real case against Oswald could have been built, the FBI was eliminating consideration of the possibility that there had been a conspiracy. At the very least the FBI should have tried to determine whether Oswald had any connection to the NSRP and/or Robinson or any other conspirators. Selma Figure Known Here 1-28-1965 page 20 Jimmy George Robinson, 27, who was sentenced to 60 days in jail last week for slugging Martin Luther King, was once charged in Dallas county with burning a fiery cross at Richardson. Robinson was a Garland resident for some time and police records show him active in racist affairs here. Garland Police arrested Robinson on Jan. 25, 1963 on a warrant from Justice of the Peace Theron Ward. The charge of willful burning without a permit was later dismissed for lack of evidence. On June 26, 1963 Garland police again arrested Robinson for simple assault and he was fined $25 and costs. Garland police said that Robinson operated a small service station during the time he lived there. END There are some names on that index, that startled me. I am curious as to who else felt the same way.
  18. http://murderpedia.org/male.H/h/hauptmann-bruno-trial-1.htm The link above is where I found the photo of Albert D. Osborn.... His obituary is below. Chicago Tribune (IL) - December 16, 1946 A.S. OSBORN DIES; LINDBERGH CASE WRITING EXPERT Deceased Name: Albert S. Osborn --Montclair, N.J., Dec. 15 (AP)-- Albert S. Osborn , 88, internationally known handwriting expert who testified in the Lindbergh kidnapmurder case in 1935, died yesterday at his home. He was a native of Sharon, Mich. Osborn testified that Bruno Hauptmann, later convicted and executed for the murder of Charles A. Lindbergh Jr., wrote 15 ransom notes sent to the baby's father, Col. Charles A. Lindbergh, and his emissaries.
  19. Great find Tommy! I will see if I can follow-up on this. On an unrelated note; I am sure some Forum members are more than slightly familiar with the kidnapping of the Lindbergh baby; ie Bruno Hauptmann. A few weeks ago, I was searching the net and noticed a handwriting expert named Albert Osborn testified at the trial, I may be wrong but when I compared photos of Albert Osborne/John Bowen with the handwriting expert, I thought there was a similarity; I would be curious, to see if anyone else shared my opinion, or if I was mistaken. Again, thanks Tommy. I want to be clear, I am not saying I believe the two individuals are the same, but am suggesting a resemblance, ie the possibility they may be related to each other. The photo of Albert D. Osborn at the Bruno Hauptmann trial was taken, according to the website murderpedia, in January 1935, while the photo of John Bowen/Albert Osborne, was taken in 1950. I will not be offended if anyone states they don't see the resemblance... Just wanted another opinion.......
  20. My experience with some of these "WC interviews" is that there is often a perfidious element, of taking something simple, in this case...when was the last time Rev. Allen had heard from Albert Osborne and making some extemporaneous comment to make the issue even more confusing. Some people might accuse me of being overly suspicious...lol. But, as far as the big picture regarding Albert Osborne/John Bowen....read the following and tell me this isn't a glaring factoid that everyone missed..... 256. Commission Document 251 - FBI O'Flaherty Report of 02 Jan 1964; NEW YORK 12 pages re: Oswald page 1, INS Records on John Howard Bowen, and alleged departure from New York on 11/13/63, Progressive Youth Organizing Committee, American Nazi Party and Socialist Party, Social Democratic Federation all NYC contacted re subject and results set forth. Law Firm, NYC contacted re court appearance 1953 but advised no record re subject or subjects mother. On December 23, 1963, SIDNEY A. DAVIS, Assistant Chief, Records Administration and Information Section, Immigration and Naturalization Service, 23 West Broadway, New York City, advised SA WILLIAM F. MARTIN, that a review of airline and steamship records located at INS failed to disclose any identifiable information regarding JOHN HOWARD BOWEN and his alleged departure from New York on November 13, 1963. DAVIS stated however that INS files did reveal that on November 13, 1963 one GEORGE F. BOWEN Passport Number B584700, 18 Plymouth Road, Westfield, New Jersey, departed New York via Pan-American Airways (PAA) Flight 100 for London. On the same date, the files also disclosed that Charles H. BOWEN Passport # 11248841 58 Oakey Avenue, Lawrenceburg, Indiana, departed New York via PAA Flight 114 for Paris... Robert: I have always been disappointed that no-one ever wrote a book about Albert Osborne. The man was, in my mind even more enigmatic than DeMohrenschildt, because everyone has went over GDM with a fine tooth comb, whereas Albert Osborne remains quite the mystery, the more I go on, the more I will probably alienate myself from other Forum members, because I believe he is an integral part of deciphering the whole right-wing, Nazi type element in the assassination, which I submit has never been completely exhausted as far as research goes. I mean regarding Osborne, there is the "Syrian," whom no-one can research adequately because other than knowing there was a Syrian there isn't much else to go on...The there is the 10-year gap between Osborne's visits to England with the last visit overlapping with JFK's assassination.....I could go on and on..... Remember the right wing publication The Beam, located at Camp Bowie Boulevard? Bowen ostensibly had a son who had died during World War II, I believe I found his obit, but I am not sure. I do believe he really did have a son that died then though...Another angle is the International Bridge incident where the day of the assassination, a Army soldier named Delgado was at the International Bridge between Mexico and the United States while it was closed. According to WC Documents both Oswald and Osborne had passed through this area previously, the latter factoid seems rather like minutae, but again maybe it isn't.....
  21. Here is a little something to store away..... Orlando Sentinel, The (FL) - May 25, 1985 Deceased Name: Paolo Rossi Paolo Rossi , president of the Constitutional Court, Italy's highest tribunal, from 1975 to 1978, died Friday at his home in Lucca, a court spokesman said. He was 85. After World War II, Rossi was a member of a special committee which drew up the new republic's constitution. Robert: He was also a party to the intrigues involving Carlos Marcello, David Ferrie, Jack Wasserman and Carl Noll regarding Marcello's deportation to Guatemala see Mafia Kingfish page 191 ....And so on Monday, November 18, the last week of the Marcello trial began. Throughout the week crucial testimony was heard from three witnesses for the defense. Dr. Paolo Alberto Rossi, an attorney from Rome with thirty years experience in the Italian diplomatic source, who had been Italian consul in New Orleans from 1927 to 1931 testified that if the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs had given its consent to Marcello's deportation eleventh-hour evidence in the form of a Guatemalan birth certificate would have had little effect on the deportation proceedings..... Success always seems to follow
  22. The following document references "Midwest depot," in the context of a storage facility for a considerable amount of explosives, ie [C-4]. What makes it even more interesting is that it is dated nine days before November 22, 1963..... Which reminds me of one of those "extraordinary claims" of Gerry Patrick Hemming RIP. He once said something to the effect that if the shooters had bungled the JFK assassination, there was a contingency plan which called for explosives that would go off as the motorcade traveled out of Dealey Plaza..... Although any spook giving the lowdown on what was behind the assassination I take with a serious grain of salt, it is an interesting option to consider. https://www.maryferrell.org/mffweb/archive/viewer/showDoc.do?docId=66883
  23. Wow, David can you point me to a document, or source, re Hosty/J.G. Robinson, that's news to me and I might be able to track this angle a little more.
  24. Although the definitive answer to who this person was may not ever be available. I did discover someone who seems to fit the bill, in several respects. If I were to be forced to name the person based on the information I viewed over a considerable amount of time, it would be Jimmy George Robinson. He was the same man who slugged Martin Luther King, Jr., after JFK was assassinated; This took place in Selma, Alabama in January, 1964. He was a Dallasite, who ran for political office. And is also mentioned in the biography of George Lincoln Rockwell by William H. Schmaltz p.234-236 He slugged Martin Luther King, Jr., and in Schmaltz's book is referenced as James Robinson, "Rockwell's heckler." It would, if I am correct behoove the reader, to remember that Lee Harvey Oswald had Rockwell in his notebook and Rockwell is mentioned in some Warren Commission documents. Another document, or maybe a book which escapes me is an account of an Exalted Cyclops of the KKK, who attested he spoke in person with Lee Oswald before the assassination of JFK, an allegation I tend too be very, very skeptical of. However, I would not discount the possibility, that "someone" impersonated Oswald in this regards.
  25. I never have understood the whole Oswald did it "movement". In a country where the most common comparison of America idealistically, anyway, is usually the "city shining on a hill," the passage of 50 years has proven, at least in the real world that Oswald was a dupe, other than Jack Ruby being put in a vise to shoot Oswald, there are an enormous amount of details still being sifted through. The reason I allude to a movement in regards to Oswald as the killer, is that some people view his guilt, more out of a inability to see things as they are, than solid facts, the "movement" I consider to include Bugliosi, Posner, Schiller, Fuhrman, O'Reilly et cetera. I recognize some people really do think that Oswald did it, but they also usually never studied the documents and the documents say a lot, sometimes by what they don't say, or questions that aren't asked. Ask Richard Belzer,* for one. To be blunt, the latter are nothing more than hacks who make money out of presenting a sanitized version of America, where everyone either wears a white or black hat. Not to digress re DVP, but knowing that I wouldn't pay money to see Parkland [ie Tom Hanks] I watched it a couple of days ago. What a contrivance... It sickens me to think some people will watch that movie thinking it has some degree of truth in it, the conversation between Lee and Robert Oswald was practically pure fiction. The most memorable quote in the real conversation between Lee and Robert, in my estimation, was when Robert stared into Oswald's eyes, ostensibly trying to get a gauge regarding his brother's innocence or guilt, and Lee said "Brother, you aren't going to find anything there." Or that Robert had serious qualms about the indomitable Ruth and Michael Paine. But, as it has been said, "why let the truth get in the way of a good story." * for more on Belzer see http://books.google.com/books?id=yDrJa9-7irUC&printsec=frontcover&dq=inauthor:%22Richard+Belzer%22&hl=en&sa=X&ei=fetXU4r5OKXF2wX8x4CwCA&ved=0CEAQ6AEwAw#v=onepage&q&f=false
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