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Michael Crane

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Everything posted by Michael Crane

  1. I think that you can add another helicopter landing at Bethesda that night.And if I'm not mistaken...it came from Paul O'Connor.
  2. Oh man, Now it is oh so crystal clear.The man definately,positively has brown hair & brown eyes.He's stands 6'0 and weighs 170 pounds.
  3. Thanks everyone for helping me come to grips with this scenario. No,the bronze casket was buried in the Atlantic Ocean. . . Hello Denise, James Jenkins has stated that the bronze casket was delivered to the cooler room/anterior room on a cart.Nothing about being delivered near the autopsy room tables. I believe James was the only person to have never left the morgue that night.Not for x-rays & not to get something to eat. Man,it is so hard for me to concieve that the body was reintroduced to the bronze casket & nobody seen it happen. It's no God damn wonder that there was an order of silence given to Naval personnel & others.
  4. You know Ron, It's back to the damn drawing board for me.Yesterday,I read either Sibert's or O'Neil's ARRB until it got to the autopsy part,and I'll be gosh darn if one of them said that they witnessed a coffin opening out of the bronze casket and the body was wrapped in sheets. I really want to believe Sibert & O'Neil and at the same time..I wanna believe James Jenkins. *It seems to me that Sibert & O'Neil were more truthful than others when it comes to the FBI.But they did tell a fib when they said that they were never away from the casket.
  5. Hello Ron, James Jenkins himself has said that there is another morgue at Bethesda.I think,but I'm not positive that it was for animals? Out of all the the logical places to expand wounds...right or wrong,I believe that the other morgue was where it happened. Walter Reed is of course another possibility,but that eats up more time and involves more possible witnesses.
  6. I stepped away for a bit,but I'm back now to see your post Keven. Once again,I always appreciate a members participation & wanted to say thank you. In case you,or anybody else was wondering....James Jenkins says that two entries into the actual morgue/table is ridiculous. I believe that the casket team did not place JFK & the bronze casket in the actual autopsy room itself.That it was placed in the hall or the cooler room & everyone was then asked to leave. Jenkins and others would have seen a re-introduction of the body in a different coffin & SCREAMED bloody murder. I think that others were all let in at 8:00 pm to witness the autopsy and not see the body put on the table earlier at 6:35PM.
  7. Did Sibert & O'Neil say that they witnessed the opening of the coffin and placing it on the table?
  8. Did the casket team bring in JFK in a different casket and lay his body onto the autopsy table at 8:00 PM? I personally don't believe that the body was reintroduced...I believe that it remained on the autopsy table from when O'Connor & company put it there around 6:35PM. Tell me what you think happened or what you know happened. Did the plotters put JFK's body back into the Dallas casket & reintroduce it to a different audience?
  9. Good info Pat. I remember reading Lipsey's testimony and being very perplexed.I didn't dismiss it right away,but was always waiting for someone else to verify. I just vagely watched a 3 hour Youtube video from Chesser on the head wound & x-rays last night before I went to sleep.I did fall asleep before the end. I'll try & muster up that one also.
  10. It might be possible that Richard Lipsey might still be alive. I found him kind of hit & miss in the interview that I saw of him,but like other evidence...sometimes you need more than one persons story. I'll look for his video.
  11. Sounds just the Raiders guy WiFi Willie.
  12. What I am saying is.... Say there were only 56 color photographs of the autopsy period.Nothing else. What the plotters did was take away 28 of them & make 28 black & white photos of the color photos. This way they have their choice of what photos they wanted taken out of the collection and have a total of 56. * Just my opinion of how they could have gotten away with it.
  13. And that's too bad. I firmly believe that the plotters have taken the overall number of prints in the archives and have substituted the black & whites for color photographs or substituted the color photographs for black & white photographs. What this means is the plotters exchanged 1/2 the pictures so they could eliminate the photos with the stainless steel probes and the back of the head photos,along with the bruised lung photo. Sneaky sumbitches those plotters.
  14. Minimum should be arrested for accessory after the fact.
  15. Let me know if you can see this & I'll post more if you would like.
  16. I think we should send this to "America's Most Wanted" John Walsh does a good job over there.
  17. What the hell. I'd like to promote my new book called "Meet Me In San Jose"
  18. I have only been able to view 1 picture on this thread,and I still need a decoder.
  19. That might not be so far fetched.Somewhere,somehow...the Secret Service found a funeral home nearby that owned a black hearse.Wasn't the driver and the passenger wearing a white smock? I'm not saying that I believe it,but I'm not disregarding it either.I can see a hurried mortician still wearing his smock. Damn,this case is a 1500 piece puzzle.
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