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Michael Crane

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Everything posted by Michael Crane

  1. Fireteam/Shooters: Robert Emmett Johnson (security advisor, Servicio de Inteligencia Militar, Dominican Republic/ special agent, International Services of Information Foundation, Inc./ Intercontinental Penetration Force) --- Hollowed-out trunk of station wagon (across the street from the grassy knoll; parked backwards on the left side of road) --- (“Remington XP-100” rifle w/ “.221 Remington Fireball” ammo). COL. Charles “Boots” Askins Jr. [US Military Attaché, Madrid, Spain/ Special Agent, US Border Patrol/ CIA Counter Intelligence Staff, Police Group (CI/PG)—International Cooperation Administration—Office of Public Safety, Saigon] --- Manhole/ Grassy Knoll Shooter --- (modified “ArmaLite AR-10 Project SALVO Special Purpose Individual Weapon” carbine-electromagnetic dart launcher w/ “poison-filled epoxy-tipped ice flechette” ammo). Frank Angelo Fiorini AKA Frank Anthony Sturgis (Operación 40 assassin/ Chicago Junta) --- School Book Depository Shooter --- (modified “Fallschirmjägergewehr 42 Type G” automatic rifle w/ “.22 caliber” sabot ammo). Capt. Jean-René Marie Souètre (Organisation de l'Armée Secrète commander) --- Grassy Knoll Shooter --- (“De Lisle Commando” carbine paratrooper stock w/ subsonic “.45 ACP” ammo). Sandalio Herminio Díaz García (Operación 40 assassin/ bodyguard for Santo Trafficante Jr.) --- School Book Depository Shooter --- (modified “M1” carbine rechambered to “9mm” ammo). COL. Joseph Young "Cactus Jack" Canon (Katō Kikan commander/ Canon Kikan AKA "Z-Unit"/ commander, Field Operations Intelligence/ commander, "Kontrgerilla" Turkish stay-behind units) --- Dal-Tex Shooter --- (“FAL 50.63 PARA 2” battle rifle w/ “.22 caliber” sabot ammo). Loran Eugene Hall Sr. (International Anti-Communist Brigade/ American Committee To Free Cuba/ Minutemen) --- Dal-Tex Shooter --- (“ArmaLite AR-15 Model 01” assault rifle w/ .223 ammo). Nestor Antonio “Tony” Izquierdo (Office of Naval Intelligence asset/ Operation PATTY commando) --- Dal-Tex Shooter --- (“HK G3A3” 1963 bipod version battle rifle w/ “.22 caliber” sabot ammo). Maj. Lauri Allan Törni (US Army, 6th Special Forces Group, CONUS) --- Storm Drain Shooter --- (suppressed, OSS-model “M3 Greaser” submachine gun w/ subsonic “.45 ACP” ammo). Maj. Gen. Mitchell Livingston WerBell III “AMBOAR” (CIA contractor) --- Grassy Knoll Shooter (adjacent & above storm drain) --- (suppressed, first-generation experimental “Military Armament Corporation Model 10” machine pistol w/ subsonic “.45 ACP” ammo).
  2. Security/coordinators for assassination fireteam/shooters: Felipe Vidal Santiago “AMQUIP-1,” Gerald Patrick "Jerry" Hemming Jr. (commander, Intercontinental Penetration Force/ International Anti-Communist Brigade), Bernard Leon “Macho” Barker "AMCLATTER-1" [Chief of Operations, Brigada Asalto 2506/ Operación 40 assassin/ comptroller, J.G.C.E. (Junta de Gobierno de Cuba en el Exilio)], Roy Emory Hargraves (INTERPEN), Loran Eugene Hall Sr. (International Anti-Communist Brigade/ American Committee To Free Cuba/ Minutemen), Eladio Ceferino del Valle Gutierrez “Yito,” Herminio Díaz García (Operación 40 assassin), Nestor “Tony” Izquierdo, Dennis Lynn Harber [INTERPEN/ gunrunner, J.G.C.E. (Junta de Gobierno de Cuba en el Exilio)], Jose Jesus Basulto “El Capitán Araña” Leon "AMHINT-21" (Operación 40 assassin), William Houston Seymour (INTERPEN/ Double-Chek Corporation), Alberto Blanco “El Loco” Romariz “AMLASH-3” (Operación 40 assassin), Justin Joseph "Steve" Wilson [INTERPEN/ gunrunner, J.G.C.E. (Junta de Gobierno de Cuba en el Exilio)], Jorge “El Mago” Robreno Marieges "AMLASH-2" (Operación 40 assassin), Howard Kenneth Davis (INTERPEN), Juan Manuel Salvat “El Gordo” Roque "AMHINT-2" (Operación 40 assassin), Edwin Anderson Collins (INTERPEN/ Ku Klux Klan/ John Birch Society), Anthony “Tony” Sforza “AMRYE-1” (commander, CIA "stay-behind" operations, Cuba), Orlando Bosch “Dr. Death” Ávila "AMDITTO-23" [Operación 40 assassin/ Chicago Junta/ liasion, J.G.C.E. (Junta de Gobierno de Cuba en el Exilio)], Andres Nazario Sargen (Operación 40 assassin/ commander, ALPHA-66), Emilio Americo Rodriguez “AMIRE-1,” Gustavo Villoldo "AMCHALK-1," Michael Vernon Townley (Chicago Junta/ Operación Cóndor/ Colonia Dignidad), Donald Phinney Gregg, SS-Hauptsturmführer Nikolaus "Klaus" Barbie AKA "Adler" (MEREX AG/ Operación Cóndor/ Colonia Dignidad), Jorge Mas Canosa (Operación 40 assassin), José “El Padrino” Miguel Battle Sr. (Operación 40 assassin), Rolando Otero Hernandez (Brigada Asalto 2506/ ALPHA-66), William Robert "Tosh" Plumlee (pilot, Metairie Falcon Cadet Squadron—Internal Mobile Security Unit/ Nags Head School of Illusionary Warfare), Erhard Mossack (Werwolf Org/ Gehlen Org), Robert Leroy (Milice française), Gérard Litt (special agent, Amt Ausland-Abwehr im Oberkommando der Wehrmacht, Paris, France/ officer, Waffen-SS Charlemagne Division/ commander, Comité de Libération de l'Empire), Jean Paul Robert Filiol (Comité secret d'action révolutionnaire), Vitez Lajos Marton (Organisation de l'Armée Secrète), Charles Voyde Harrelson, Serge Bernier AKA Jean Murat (Organisation de l'Armée Secrète), Fred Lee Crisman (Wackenhut Corp.), Sari Gyula (Organisation de l'Armée Secrète), Charles Frederick Rogers, Pedro Luis Diaz Lanz "AMOT-5" (Operación 40 assassin/ Christian Crusade), Manuel Francisco Artime Buesa “AMBIDDY-1” [Operation 40 assassin/ Cuban Revolutionary Council/ AMWORLD asset/ founder, Movimiento de Recuperación Revolucionaria/ comptroller, J.G.C.E. (Junta de Gobierno de Cuba en el Exilio)], Aldo Vera Serafin (Chicago Junta), Gaspar Eugenio Jimenez “Gasparito” Escobedo (Operación 40 assassin), Marcos Jose Diaz Lanz "AMOT-6" (Minutemen), Félix Ismael “El Gato” Rodríguez Mendigutia "AMJOKE-1" (Operación 40 assassin), Jerry Lynn Davis (Secret Army Organization/ COINTELPRO asset), Guillermo Novo “Mr. Bill” Sampol (Operación 40 assassin), Ignacio Novo Sampol (Operación 40 assassin), Virgilio R. “Villo” González (Operación 40 assassin), Jose Dionisio “Bloodbath” Suarez Esquivel (Operación 40 assassin), Luis “El Bambi” Clemente Faustino Posada Carriles "AMCLEVE-15" (Operación 40 assassin/ JM/WAVE “KUROAR” branch instructor), Eugenio Rolando “Musculito” Martínez Careaga "AMSNAP-3" (Operación 40 assassin), Manuel "Manolito" Rodriguez Orcarberro (Operation 40 assassin/ commander, ALPHA-66, Dallas), Pedro Remón Rodríguez (Operación 40 assassin/ OMEGA-7 member), Rafael Aureli "Chi-Chi" Quintero Ibarbia "AMJAVA-4" (Operación 40 assassin), Ricardo Anibal Morales “El Mono” Navarrete "AMDESK-1" (Operación 40 assassin), José Joaquin Sanjenís “Felix” Perdomo "AMOT-2" (Operación 40 paymaster/ assassin), Porter Johnston Goss (Operación 40 assassin), Adler Berriman "Barry" Seal [pilot, Metairie Falcon Cadet Squadron—Internal Mobile Security Unit/ weapons officer, 21th Special Forces Group/ XO, Special Operations Detachment, 20th Special Forces Group/ Ku Klux Klan—COINTELPRO liaison, Region II, 4th US Army Operations Group—US Army Assistant Chief of Staff, Intelligence, Pentagon/ Operation 40 assassin], Antonio “Tony” Cuesta del Valle “AMDENIM-14” (Operation 40 assassin), Eduardo “Omar” Víctor Arocena Pérez (Operación 40 assassin/ OMEGA-7 commander), Rolando Arcadio “El Tigre” Masferrer Rojas "AMBLYGON" (Operación 40 assassin), Antonio Veciana Blanch "AMSHALE-1" [Operation 40 assassin/ commander, SNFE-ALPHA-66/ Chicago Junta/ comptroller, J.G.C.E. (Junta de Gobierno de Cuba en el Exilio)], Alvin Ross Diaz (Operation 40 assassin), and Gordon Michael Dwayne Novel (Double-Chek Corporation).
  3. Covered up assassination plot and controlled mass-media narrative: McGeorge "Mac" Bundy AKA "Odin" [Operation Zapata commander/ Operations Coordinating Board, 5412/2 Committee/ ZRCANDY (Economic Cooperation Administration "counterpart funds") officer/ Russell Trust Association], Gordon Gray (US National Security Advisor/ Psychological Strategy Board/ Operation 40 executive/ Operations Coordinating Board, 5412/2 Committee/ President's Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board), Adolf Augustus Berle Jr. (US Interdepartmental Task Force on Latin American Affairs Chief/ Operation 40 comptroller/ Operations Coordinating Board, 5412/2 Committee/ Human Ecology Fund), John Alexander McCone (Bechtel-McCone Corporation/ Standard Oil Company of California/ ITT Corp./ PERMINDEX), William F. Buckley Jr. (heir apparent, Pantepec Consolidated of Venezuela, Inc.—Pan-Israel Oil Company, Inc.—Santiago Petroleum Corporation—Cuban-Venezuelan Oil Voting Trust Company/ CIA liaison, Organisation de l’Armée Secrète “Charlemagne”/ American Committee for Aid to Katanga Freedom Fighters), Paul J. Paterni, COL. Alexander Meigs Haig Jr. (Operation Mongoose), Maj. Gen. Robert James Smith (commander, United States Army Air Corps, African Division, Air Transport Command/ general traffic manager, American Airways/ executive vice president, Braniff Airways Inc./ president, Pioneer Airlines/ director, Continental Air Lines Inc./ director, First National Bank of Dallas/ director & chairman, Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas/ member, Advisory Committee, Export-Import Bank of Washington/ member of Executive, Finance & Investment Committees, Republic National Life/ Insurance Company/ director, Dallas Chamber of Commerce/ director, Dallas Council On World Affairs), Clarence Douglas Dillon (Secretary of the Treasury/ Operations Coordinating Board, 5412/2 Committee/ Operation 40 comptroller/ German Steel Trust AKA Vereinigte Stahlwerke AG/ Union Banking Corporation), Thomas Sovereign Gates Jr. (Operations Coordinating Board, 5412/2 Committee), COL. Robert G. Storey (Dallas Council On World Affairs/ Republic National Bank), Lt. Col. Raymond George Rocca [CIA Chief of Counterintelligence Research & Analysis (C/CI/RA)], James W. Powell (112th Military Intelligence Group, Special Agent), Frank L. Ellsworth (ATF Agent), Cyrus Roberts Vance Sr. (commander, Operation Mongoose), Desmond FitzGerald, COL. Richard Dale Drain (Chief of Western Hemisphere, Cuban Operations Branch), David Warner Peck (Sullivan & Cromwell/ Mary Carter Paint Co.—Paradise Island Bridge Company—BASF), James Burnham (Office Of Policy Coordination Political & Psychological Warfare Division commander/ CIA liaison, Organisation de l’Armée Secrète “Charlemagne”), John Jay McCloy (chairman, Ford Foundation/ chairman, international affairs branch, Chase Manhattan Bank/ ZRAWARD officer/ ZRCANDY officer/ Ethyl Export Corporation, Standard IG, Monowitz-Buna—IG Auschwitz/ Empire Trust Company), Dorothy Wetzel Day Goutiere Hunt [ZRCANDY (Economic Cooperation Administration "counterpart funds") officer/ special assistant to Argentine Ambassador, Tokyo, Japan/ Communications Consultants International, McCann-Erickson, chief of public relations, US Embassy, Madrid, Spain], Radi Slavoff (Bulgarian National Front/ Republican Heritage Groups Council), Paul Bethel (JMWAVE officer/ Citizens Committee to Free Cuba), COL. Edwin Meese III, Isaac Don Levine (American Committee of the Liberation of the Peoples of Russia), John Mason Lankford Jr. (Director of Security, Convair Division, General Dynamics, Fort Worth, TX), Donald Dean "Don" Bohning "AMCARBON-3," Nikolai Grigorievich Nazarenko (Cossack Reconnaissance Battalion/ Anti-Bolshevik Bloc of Nations/ Cossack American Republican National Federation), Edward O'Connor (Anti-Bolshevik Bloc of Nations), Gen. Charles Douglas Jackson (commander, Psychological Strategy Board-Operations Coordinating Board/ Committee on International Information Activities/ president, National Committee for a Free Europe/ senior executive, Time-Life Inc./ Operation MOCKINGBIRD asset/ Pro Deo/ American Council for the International Promotion of Democracy Under God, Inc./ CIA asset), Hal Hendrix “QDELF” ("Citizens Committee To Free Cuba"/ Operation MOCKINGBIRD asset), Ferdinand Ďurčanský (Gehlen Organization/ Anti-Bolshevik Bloc of Nations), Lt. Gen. Earl Walter Barnes (Operation Zapata commander/ CIA asset), Lt. Gen. Harold Roe "Pink" Bull (Operation Zapata commander/ CIA asset), ADM. Jerauld "El Supremo" Wright [Operation Zapata commander/ Commander-in-Chief of the U.S. Atlantic Fleet (CINCLANTFLT)/ Commander-in-Chief of the U.S. Atlantic Command (CINCLANT)/ Supreme Allied Commander Atlantic (SACLANT) of NATO's Allied Command Atlantic (ACLANT)/ Operation GLADIO naval operations commander], Cord Meyer Jr. (Chief of CIA International Organizations Division/ commander, Operation MOCKINGBIRD/ comptroller, PERMINDEX), Ilya Mamantov (Sun Oil Company), Virginia Prewett (North American Newspaper Alliance/ "Citizens Committee to Free Cuba" / ALPHA-66 financier), Florian M. Galdau (Romanian Iron Guard/ Anti-Bolshevik Bloc of Nations/ Republican Heritage Groups Council/ Tolstoy Foundation), Radasłaŭ Astroŭski (Anti-Bolshevik Bloc of Nations/ Republican Heritage Groups Council), Laszlo Pasztor (Arrow Cross Party/ Republican Heritage Groups Council), Thomas Hercules Karamessines, Ivan Dimitrov Dochev (president, Bulgarian National Front/ Anti-Bolshevik Bloc of Nations), Horia Sima (commander, Garda de Fier/ Anti-Bolshevik Bloc of Nations/ Republican Heritage Groups Council/ World Anti-Communist League/ Operation GLADIO), Gerhard von Mende (Gehlen Organization/ Radio Free Europe, Munich), Joseph Anthony Califano Jr. (Operation Mongoose), William Cornelius Sullivan (commander, COINTELPRO/ liaison, CIA Counterintelligence Branch), Prince Veli Kayyum-Khan (Anti-Bolshevik Bloc of Nations), Revilo Pendleton Oliver (John Birch Society), Erika L.“Heidi” Rikan (CIA protected human trafficker), Erich Kern AKA Erich Knud Kernmayr, COL. Leroy Fletcher Prouty (Chief of Special Operations, Joint Chiefs of Staff), George Lincoln Rockwell (World Union of National Socialists), Charles Louis Thourot Pichel (Shickshinny Knights of St. John of Jerusalem), Nurredin Nakibhodscha Namangani (Gehlen Organization/ Radio Free Europe, Munich), Lt. Gen. William Wilson "Buffalo Bill" Quinn (Defense Intelligence Agency/ CIA Chief of Operations), William Harding Jackson (Operations Coordinating Board/ J. H. Whitney & Company), Gen. Jose Alberto “Chele” Medrano, COL. Benjamin F. von Stahl (Armed Services Committee, Shickshinny Knights), José Ignacio Rasco (Foreign Intelligence Digest), Mohammed El Maadi (La Cagoule for French Algeria), Lt. Gen. Joseph Francis Carroll (Defense Intelligence Agency/ USAF Office of Special Investigations), Emilio Núñez Portuondo (Foreign Intelligence Digest), Ain-Ervin Mere (Anti-Bolshevik Bloc Of Nations), ADM. Sir Barry Edward Domvile (League of Empire Loyalists/ British Union of Fascists/ Shickshinny Knights of St. John of Jerusalem), Dimitri von Mohrenschildt (QKACTIVE/ AMCOMLIB/ Radio Liberty/ Radio Free Europe), Edward Bennett Williams, Francis Alphonse Capell (Foreign Intelligence Digest/ Shickshinny Knights of St. John of Jerusalem), Charles Malcolm Wilson (Pro Deo/ American Council for the International Promotion of Democracy Under God, Inc./ ZRAWARD asset), Austin J. App (Foreign Intelligence Digest/ Anti-Bolshevik Bloc Of Nations), Lloyd Francis MacMahon (general counsel, PERMINDEX), Brig. Gen. Bonner Frank Fellers (Defenders of the American Constitution/ John Birch Society/ Shickshinny Knights of St. John of Jerusalem), Fr. Andrew Félix Morlion (Pro Deo founder/ president, American Council for the International Promotion of Democracy Under God, Inc./ CIA asset), George Russell Wackenhut, Billy James Hargis (John Birch Society/ Foreign Intelligence Digest/ Christian Anti-Communist Crusade/ Anti-Communist Liaison Committee), Kent Harbinson Courtney (American Committee To Free Cuba), Edward John Coyle (Head of Security Section, 112th Military Intelligence Group), David Dean Rusk (Operation 40 executive), Brig. Gen. David Sarnoff (Telegrafica y Telefonica del Plataf/ RCA Corporation/ Radio Free Europe/ Voice of America), COL. Albert Richard Haney (commander, Operation PBSUCCESS/ Joint Advisory Commission Korea), COL. Stanley W. Beerli (CIA Director of Special Activities), COL. Jack L. Hawkins (CIA Chief of Paramilitary Operations, Cuban Branch), James Jesus Angleton (CIA Chief of Counterintelligence/ Chief of Special Investigations Group, Counterintelligence/ Chief of Israeli Desk, CIA Far East Division), Arthur E. Dooley (senior deputy of CIA Counterintelligence Research-Analysis Staff), Samuel Halpern (Chief, Task Force W), Carl E. Trettin (CIA Deputy Chief of the Counterintelligence Branch, Cuban Operations Group), Nestor D. Sanchez (Cuban Operations Group Psychological-Political Action officer/ Joint Advisory Commission Korea), Ray Monahan (commander, Cuban Desk, CIA Western Hemisphere Division), COL. Alfred Goldberg (U.S. Air Force Historical Division senior historian), Bruce L. Solie (Deputy Chief, Security Research Staff, Office of Security), Birch D. O'Neal (CIA Counterintelligence Chief Of Special Investigations), Ann Egerter (CIA Counterintelligence Special Investigations Group officer), Lambert L. Anderson (Chief of Cuban Desk, FBI’s Nationalities Intelligence Division/ FBI agent infiltrator of the Fair Play For Cuba Committee), John S. Tilton (CIA agent infiltrator of the Fair Play For Cuba Committee/ “Phoenix Program” commander), John Wythe Fain (Special Agent, Federal Bureau of Investigation), Robert H. Cunningham (CIA Chief Of Special Security Division), William A. Branigan Jr. (FBI Deputy Counterintelligence Chief/ special agent, COINTELPRO), William Marvin Gheesling (FBI Counterintelligence agent), William C. Bright (CIA Counterintelligence-SR/CI/RED officer), Harold F. Swenson (CIA Cuban Division Counterintelligence Chief/ CIA Chief of Special Affairs Staff, Counterintelligence), Edward F. Wegmann (Wackenhut Corporation), Anita Potocki (CIA Counterintelligence “Staff D” “SAS/CI” officer), Jane Roman (CIA Counterintelligence Liaison Officer to Directorate of Plans, “CI/L/DDP”), William J. Hood (CIA Western Hemisphere Division Chief of Operations), Will Potocki (CIA Counterintelligence Operations Officer), Charlotte Bustos-Videla File (CIA Mexico Desk HQ Chief), Stephan Roll (CIA Soviet Russia Division Counterintelligence Officer), Charles D. Brennan (special agent, COINTELPRO), Gilberto Alvarado (Frente de Liberación Nacional officer/ CIA asset), Capt. Franklin Anthony Wheelock Garcia "ERYTHROID-3" (Nicaraguan Office of National Security Chief of Anti-Communist Section), Antonio Valladares Aycinena [Latin American Anti-Communist Confederation (CAL) Carlos Marcello's lawyer], Anne Lorene Goodpasture (CIA Counterintelligence “Staff D” “SAS/CI” officer/ “LITEMPO” chief/ CIA liaison, Region II, 112th Military Intelligence Group, 4th US Army Operations Group), William F. Dukes (special agent, COINTELPRO), Grant B. Cooper (president, American College of Trial Lawyers), Thomas Wardell Braden (“American Committee on United Europe”/ commander, International Organizations Division/ "Crusade for Freedom" comptroller), Ernest L. Cuneo (North American Newspaper Alliance/ "Citizens Committee For A Free Cuba"/ Operation MOCKINGBIRD asset), Joseph Wright Alsop V (Operation MOCKINGBIRD asset), James Truitt (Time-Life/ vice president, Newsweek/ Operation MOCKINGBIRD asset), Walter Lippmann (Operation MOCKINGBIRD asset), William Samuel Paley (president, Columbia Broadcasting System/ Operation MOCKINGBIRD asset), Agustín Iván Edmundo Edwards Eastman (El Mercurio/ ZRAWARD officer/ Operation MOCKINGBIRD asset), James Barrett Reston (The New York Times/ Operation MOCKINGBIRD asset), Benjamin Crowninshield Bradlee (executive editor, The Washington Post/ Operation MOCKINGBIRD asset), Frank Bray Gibney (Life Magazine/ Operation MOCKINGBIRD asset), Alfred Friendly (The Washington Post/ Operation MOCKINGBIRD asset), Henry Robinson Luce AKA "Baal” (founded Time-Life, Fortune, & Sports Illustrated/ Operation MOCKINGBIRD asset/ Russell Trust Association), Arthur Hays Sulzberger (publisher, The New York Times/ Operation MOCKINGBIRD asset), and Edward Louis Bernays (Operation MOCKINGBIRD asset).
  4. Recruited and trained the hit-team: Robert Aime Maheu (chief of operations, Hughes Tool Company, Nevada/ CIA Office of Security asset/ "QJWIN" spotter/ CIA-Mafia liaison), Roger C. Butts (operations manager, Gibraltar Steamship Company/ CIA officer), Brig. Gen. Paul Francis Gaynor (Chief, Security Research Staff, Office of Security/ commander, Project ARTICHOKE), Jean Népote (INTERPOL Deputy Secretary-General/ "QJWIN" spotter), Lt. Col. Joseph Young Canon, James "Big Jim" O'Connell (CIA Office Of Security/ "QJWIN" spotter), COL. Cecil Himes (Commandant, U.S. Army School of the Americas, Fort Gulick, Panama Canal Zone, United States Army Caribbean/ Operation 40 commander), Charles Siragusa (Federal Bureau Of Narcotics-CIA liaison/ "QJWIN" spotter), Thomas Gregory Clines (Deputy Director of Operations, JMWAVE/ Egyptian-American Transport and Services Corporation), Gerald Patrick "Jerry" Hemming Jr. (commander, Intercontinental Penetration Force/ International Anti-Communist Brigade), Lt. Jack Modesett "PECOS" (Office of Naval Intelligence/ Operation PATTY commander), Julio G. Garcia AMCHEER-1 (Buró para Represión de las Actividades Comunistas/ commander, "Halcones Negros"), SS-Sturmbannführer Alfred Helmut Naujocks, COL. Napoleon Diestro “El Ulupong” Valeriano AKA “Col. Vallejo” (JMTRAX commander), COL. Charles Poletti (CIA-Mafia liaison), Brig. Gen. Edwin Anderson Walker (Joint Advisory Commission Korea), Lt. Col. Manuel "The Mexican" Chavez AKA Russell H. Sambora (CIA focal point officer/ Chief of Security, AMWORLD), Dr. Franz Alfred Six (Gehlen Organization), Gen. Francisco H. “Silito” Tabernilla Palmero (Chief of Staff, Army of Cuba/ Operation 40 comptroller), Edgardo Buttari (Chief of Operations, Brigada Asalto 2506/ Key Biscayne Bank & Trust Company), Maj. Robert Van Horn (US Embassy Assistant Air attaché, Havana), Felton Mark Wyatt (CIA Deputy Chief, Rome, Italy/ Operation GLADIO commander), COL. Garland H. Williams [commander, "Camp X" Special Training School No. 103, OSS/ commander, 525th Military Intelligence Group, Joint Advisory Commission Korea/ CIA Counter Intelligence Staff, Police Group (CI/PG)—International Cooperation Administration—Office of Public Safety/ FBN-CIA liaison/ "QJWIN" spotter], Edward Lawton Smith, Stefano Delle Chiaie (founder, Avanguardia National Socialistonale/ Operation GLADIO asset/ "QJWIN" spotter), SS-Sturmbannführer Wilhelm Höettl (Project "MOUNT VERNON"/ Project "MONTGOMERY"), Warren Ernest Frank AKA Edward D. Knapman "AMPARCH-1" (CIA Chief of Foreign Intelligence/ "stay-behind" commander, JMWAVE), Gen. Arturo Rafael "Navajita" Espaillat Rodríguez (commander, Servicio Central de Inteligencia, Dominican Republic), Lt. Col. Trudencio Ulibarri (commander, Caribbean Admissions Center, Opa-Locka Air Station—Madrid Interrogation Site), Egidio Viggiani, COL. Erickson S. Nichols (US Embassy Air Force attaché, Havana), Warren E. Frank “AMPARCH-1," Lt. Col. Ermal P. Geiss (commander, CIA Office of Security, Special Security Center), COL. Tullius "Tully" Alexander Acampora (CIA Counterintelligence liaison to Arma dei Carabinieri/ Merrill Lynch Brokerage House, Rome, Italy), Giuseppe Umberto "Pino" Rauti (Centro Studi Ordine Nuovo/ Operation GLADIO asset), Charles Lacheroy (commander, Organisation de l'Armée Secrète), Mariano Faget Sr. (Buró para Represión de las Actividades Comunistas), Earl Harter ("Second-Story" chief/ "QJWIN" commander), Sami El Khoury (FBN informant/ ""QJWIN" spotter), Emilio Santana Galino (JMWAVE "stay-behind"/ "ratline" operative), Hanna Yazbeck ("QJWIN" asset), Johnny Abbes García (commander, Servicio de Inteligencia Militar, Dominican Republic/ Operation 40 officer), Nestor D. Sanchez (Cuban Operations Group Psychological-Political Action officer/ Joint Advisory Commission Korea), CDR Harold "Hal" Feeney, Biagio "Max" Corvo, Henry L. "Hank" Manfredi (FBN/CIA liaison-"QJWIN" commander/ Merrill Lynch Brokerage House, Rome, Italy), Justin F. Gleichauf (CIA Chief of Miami Field Office/ Director, Caribbean Admissions Center, Opa-Locka Air Station—Madrid Interrogation Site), Ira “Ike” Feldman (Operation Midnight Climax/ "QJWIN" spotter), Harold “Happy” Meltzer ("QJWIN" asset), William Wayne Dalzell (Radio Cuba Libre/ Pan-American Radio Inc./ Friends of Democratic Cuba), John Thomas "Jack" Cusack (Federal Bureau Of Narcotics-CIA liaison/ "QJWIN" spotter), Capt. Bradley Earl Ayers, John Wilson-Hudson (Friends of Democratic Cuba/ commander, "Amerikadeutscher Bund," South American branch), Steve Czukas, Carl Elmer Jenkins, Lt. Col. Esteban Ventura Novo Rivero AKA "El Asesino De Traje Blanco" (Operation 40 commander), George Hunter White AKA Morgan Hall (Chief of X-2 Counter Espionage Cadre, "Camp X" Special Training School No. 103, OSS/ commander, Operation Midnight Climax/ Federal Bureau Of Narcotics-CIA liaison/ "QJWIN" spotter), COL. Charles A. Waters Jr. (Friends of Democratic Cuba), Hans V. Tofte (CIA Domestic Operations Division/ commander, Joint Advisory Commission Korea), Harry Herbert Bennett, James R. Murphy (commander, X-2 Counter Espionage Branch, Office of Strategic Services/ Chief of the Domestic Contacts Division, CIA), Charles Ted Rutledge Bohannan ("Nenita Unit" death squad), Charles "Chuckie the Typewriter" Nicoletti, Richard Scully Cain AKA Richard Scalzetti (Chicago Police Department/ Staff D asset/ ZRRIFLE asset/ Dirección Federal de Seguridad asset), George "Guv" S. Musulin (Chief of Domestic Contact Service, Operational Support Branch, Counter Intelligence), and Everette “Eduardo” Howard Hunt Jr. [Operación 40 commander/ CIA Domestic Operations Division Chief of Covert Action/ ZRCANDY (Economic Cooperation Administration "counterpart funds") officer/ assistant to Chairman, NATO Intelligence Collection Working Group (USIB)/ CIA psychological warfare officer, Special Activities Division, Political Action Group].
  5. Planned the assassination: Allen Welsh Dulles [J. Henry Schroder Banking Corporation/ Sullivan & Cromwell/ Health Alteration Committee/ Project Tropical/ “American Committee on United Europe”/ National Committee for a Free Europe/ Mary Carter Paint Co.—Paradise Island Bridge Company—BASF/ Operations Coordinating Board, 5412/2 Committee/ Operation 40 commander/ founder, Operation GLADIO/ commander, Operation MOCKINGBIRD/ commander, Project MKULTRA/ comptroller, J.G.C.E. (Junta de Gobierno de Cuba en el Exilio)/ CIA liaison, South African Institute for Maritime Research], Richard Mervin Bissell Jr. [CIA Chief of Directorate of Plans/ CIA liaison, "Lockheed Advanced Development Projects"/ CIA liaison, USAF Groom Lake Facility, Area 51/ Health Alteration Committee/ Operations Coordinating Board, 5412/2 Committee/ Operation 40 commander/ commander, Operation GLADIO/ ZRCANDY (Economic Cooperation Administration "counterpart funds") officer/ CIA liaison, South African Institute for Maritime Research], Prescott Sheldon Bush (Union Banking Corporation—Bank voor Handel en Scheepvaart/ Brown Brothers Harriman & Co./ Silesian-American Corporation/ Consolidated Silesian Steel Company-Auschwitz/ Hamburg-Amerika Lines/ Holland-American Trading Corporation/ Seamless Steel Equipment Corporation/ Dresser Industries/ Pacific Pump Works/ CIA lobbyist), Gen. George Henry Decker (creator of Special Action Force, Asia - 1st Special Forces Group on Okinawa—Special Action Force, Middle East - 3rd Special Forces Group—Special Action Force, Africa - 6th Special Forces Group in CONUS—Special Action Force, Latin America - 8th Special Forces Group in the Canal Zone), Generale Giovanni Allavena (Capo del SIFAR, Controspionaggio dell'Ufficio "D"), CMD. Robert P. Driscoll (CIA liaison to Arma dei Carabinieri/ Merrill Lynch Brokerage House, Rome, Italy), Maj. Gen. Giuseppe Pièche (Direttore Generale del Servizi Antincendi/ Operation GLADIO Commander/ Centro Mondiale Commerciale), Charles R. Norberg (commander, Interdepartmental Foreign Information Staff, Office of Coordination, Psychological Strategy Board/ liaison, Project BLUEBIRD—Project ARTICHOKE—Project MKULTRA), Lt. Gen. Seizō Arisue ("Marquat-Fund" comptroller/ Katō Kikan commander/ Canon Kikan AKA "Z-Unit"/ Asian People's Anti-Communist League), William Averell Harriman "Thor" [Dresser Industries/ Brown Brothers Harriman & Co./ Harriman International Company/ Union Banking Corporation/ Holland-American Trading Corporation/ Seamless Steel Equipment Corporation/ Silesian-American Corporation/ Anaconda Copper Mining Co.—Union Minière du Haut-Katanga/ ZRCANDY (Economic Cooperation Administration "counterpart funds") officer/ “DEPTEL 243” author], Francis I.G. “Fig” Coleman (Merrill Lynch Brokerage House, Rome, Italy), Gen. Curtis Emerson LeMay (Operation Zapata, Chief of Counterintelligence/ Operation NORTHWOODS), Gen. Charles Pearre Cabell (Health Alteration Committee/ Operations Coordinating Board, 5412/2 Committee/ Operation 40 commander/ Operation GLADIO commander/ CIA liaison, South African Institute for Maritime Research), ADM. Arleigh Albert Burke (Operación 40 Chief of Naval Operations/ Operations Coordinating Board, 5412/2 Committee/ "Citizens Committee To Free Cuba"/ director, Freeport Sulphur Co./ Operation NORTHWOODS), Lloyd W. Blankenbaker (Director of Security, NASA/ liaison, Cuban Revolutionary Council), Gen. Giovanni de Lorenzo (Comandante dei Carabinieri/ commander, Servizio Informazioni Forze Armate/ commander, Operation Demagnetize), Gen. Lyman Louis Lemnitzer (Operation NORTHWOODS/ Operation GLADIO), RADM. Samuel Benjamin Frankel (Deputy Director, Naval Intelligence/ Chief of Staff, Defense Intelligence Agency/ Operation PATTY commander/ Tolstoy Foundation), COL. James Hardesty Critchfield (Gehlen Organisation/ Health Alteration Committee/ CIA liaison, South African Institute for Maritime Research), Lt. Col. Renzo Rocca [Commander SIFAR office-R/ dell'ufficio del SIFAR Ricerche Economiche ed Industriali (REI)], COL. Boris Theodore Pash AKA Boris Fedorovich Pashkovsky [Health Alteration Committee/ Operation Bloodstone/ Office of Policy Coordination, Chief of Program Branch 7 (PB/7)/ commander, Project BLUEBIRD, Joint Advisory Commission Korea/ CIA liaison, South African Institute for Maritime Research], Cornelius Van Schaack Roosevelt III, Gen. Agustín Muñoz Grandes (commander, Operation GLADIO/ comptroller, "Plan Skorzeny"), Gen. Mario Roatta (commander, Operation GLADIO), Generalleutnant Friedrich Albert Foertsch (Deputy Chief of Fundamental Planning Office, Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe, NATO/ commander, Operation GLADIO), Lt. Gen. Alva Revista Fitch (Chief of Staff, US Army Intelligence/ Operation GLADIO), SS-Untersturmführer Odo Willscher (commander, Scharfschützen-Kompanie "Friedenthal," Fallschirmjäger, Brandenburger, SS-Jäger-Bataillon 502, "Schutzkorps-Alpenland," Einsatzgruppe-West/ founder, "Safari-Willscher GmbH, Ubangi-Shari), John S. Earman Jr. (Operation Bloodstone), Hugh H. Fenwick (CIA asset, Rome, Italy), Brig. Gen. Robert Everton Cushman Jr. (Operations Coordinating Board, 5412/2 Committee/ Operation 40 comptroller), Maj. Gen. Henry Cabot Lodge Jr. [United Fruit Company/ comptroller, J.G.C.E. (Junta de Gobierno de Cuba en el Exilio)], Generalleutnant Hans Speidel (commander, Schnez-Truppe/ Supreme Commander, Allied NATO ground forces, Central Europe/ Operation GLADIO/ comptroller, "Plan Skorzeny"), Maj. Gen. Roland Haddaway del Mar (commander, Puerto Rico & Antilles Command/ Director, Inter-American Defense College/ Operation GLADIO), SS-Brigadeführer Dr. Werner "Werewolf" Naumann (Freundeskreis der Wirtschaft/ Reichsminister, Propagandaministerium/ commander "Unternehmen Werwolf"/ commander, "Naumann-Kreis"), Pier Francesco Nistri [l'Associazione National Socialistonale Combattenti Italiani di Spagna (ANCIS)], Jacques Michel-Gabriel Paul Benoist-Méchin, Erich von dem Bach-Zelewski, COL. Manuel Rangel-Escamilla (Dirección Federal de Seguridad), COL. Joseph Caldwell King (Operación 40 commander/ CIA Western Hemisphere Division Chief/ Operations Coordinating Board, 5412/2 Committee), Bartley A. Fugler (Acting Director of Security, NASA/ liaison, Cuban Revolutionary Council) Pedro Urraca Rendueles, Generalleutnant Reinhard Gehlen (Chief of Bundesnachrichtendienst/ Operation GLADIO), François de Grossouvre (Operation GLADIO), Dr. Sidney Gottlieb (Health Alteration Committee/ Project MKULTRA/ CIA liaison, South African Institute for Maritime Research), COL. Sheffield M. Edwards (CIA Director of the Office of Security/ Health Alteration Committee/ CIA liaison, South African Institute for Maritime Research), Melitón Manzanas González, Generalleutnant Albert Schnez (commander, Schnez-Truppe/ Operation GLADIO), Lt. Col. Philip James Corso (commander, “Volunteer Freedom Corps”- Operation GLADIO/ Armed Services Committee, Shickshinny Knights/ deputy, Psychological Strategy Board, Operation PBSUCCESS/ commander, Project BLUEBIRD, Joint Advisory Commission Korea/ Chief of US Army Research & Development, Foreign Technology Desk, Air Technical Intelligence Center, Wright-Patterson AFB), Maj. Gen. Boris Alekseyevich Holmston-Smyslovsky (Operation Bloodstone/ Operation GLADIO), Jacob Donald 'Jake' Esterline (CIA Chief of Western Hemisphere, Cuban Branch), Gen. Adolf Bruno Heinrich Ernst Heusinger (Chairman, NATO Military Committee, Washington, DC/ Operation GLADIO), Hans Josef Maria Globke (Gehlen Organization/ Operation GLADIO/ comptroller, "Dimona" reactor), Jean-Eugène Violet (La Cagoule/ Le Cercle), Maj. Gen. Charles Andrew Willoughby ("Marquat-Fund" comptroller/ Field Operations Intelligence, CIA/ Foreign Intelligence Digest/ International Committee For The Defense Of Christian Culture/ Shickshinny Knights of St. John of Jerusalem/ Joint Advisory Commission Korea), Eberhard Taubert, Federico Umberto D'Amato, John "RED" Stent AKA Peter J. Kymingham (CIA Chief of Station, Paris, France/ Organisation de l'Armée Secrète liaison), Adriano Giulio Cesare Magi-Braschi, Henry D. Hecksher (CIA Chief of Counterintelligence, Berlin Operations Base/ commander, AMWORLD), William Hermann Godel (deputy director, Department of Defense, Advanced Research Projects Agency/ deputy director, Phoenix Program), SS-Sturmbannführer Arthur Ehrhardt (Chief of Counterespionage, Abwehr/ Chief of Guerilla-Warfare, SS-Junkerschulen, SS-Führungshauptamt, Reichsführer-SS/ CIA asset), Livingston Tallmadge Merchant (Under Secretary for Political Affairs/ Operation 40 comptroller/ Operations Coordinating Board, 5412/2 Committee), CMDR. Richard Milhous Nixon (Operation Paperclip—Navy's Office of Research & Inventions, Navy Bureau of Aeronautics, Fleet Air Wing 8, Alameda, CA/ "Marquat-Fund" comptroller/ council, Bewley, Kroop, & Nixon—Western Tube Corporation, Whittier, CA/ Key Biscayne Bank & Trust Company/ Coral Gables Motel/ Operación 40 commander/ Operations Coordinating Board, 5412/2 Committee officer/ American Committee for Aid to Katanga Freedom Fighters), Lt. Col. Albert C. Davies (CIA focal point officer, Western Hemisphere Division, Cuba/ Chief of Intelligence, Task Force W/ executive officer, Intelligence Section, US Army School of the Americas, Fort Gulick, Panama Canal Zone, United States Army Caribbean/ Operation NORTHWOODS officer), COL. Vernon Anthony Walters (Operations Coordinating Board, 5412/2 Committee/ commander, Operation GLADIO/ commander, Piano Solo Coup), Theodor Oberländer (International Committee for the Defence of Christian Culture/ CIA liaison, Anti-Bolshevik Bloc of Nations/ commander, All-German Bloc-League of Expellees & Deprived of Rights), Richard McGarrah Helms (Chief of CIA Directorate of Plans/ commander, Project MKULTRA/ commander, Gehlen Organization/ commander, Operation MHCHAOS), Richard Ober (commander, Gehlen Organization/ commander, Operation MHCHAOS), Raford Watson Herbert (Operación 40 commander/ Deputy Director, CIA Western Hemisphere Division/ president, Swift-Armour Argentina, S.A./ senior partner, King Ranch/ president, Ethiopian Livestock Development Company), Carleton Stevens Coon (commander, Health Alteration Committee/ CIA liaison, South African Institute for Maritime Research), LCDR Alfred Conrad "Al" Ulmer Jr. (CEO, Stavros Niarchos, Ltd./ CEO, Devon Securities, Inc./ CIA Chief of Directorate of Plans, Far East Division), COL. Howard Lay Burris (USAF Air Attaché & CIA Chief of Station, Berne, Switzerland/ commander, "Projekt-26" stay-behind team/ CEO, Jester Corp.), COL. Robert Trumbull “The Crow” Crowley (CIA Deputy Director of Clandestine Operations Division/ Deputy Director for Operations liaison, CIA Counterintelligence Staff/ CIA liaison, PERMINDEX), Heinrich “Harry” August Rositzke (commander, Gehlen Organization/ commander, Operation MHCHAOS), Arnold Melvin Silver (commander, Project "QJWIN"), William Putnam "Bill" Bundy (deputy to Assistant Secretary for International Security Affairs/ chief of staff, CIA Office of National Estimates), William King Harvey (Chief of Electronic Intelligence, Berlin Operations Base/ commander, Staff-D/ commander, ZRRIFLE/ "QJWIN" spotter/ Chief, Task Force W, Operation Mongoose/ commander, Operation GLADIO/ commander, Operation Demagnetize/ CIA Chief of Station, Rome, Italy/ Gehlen Organization/ commander, Caribbean Admissions Center, Opa-Locka Air Station—Madrid Interrogation Site/ Banca Privata Finanziaria—Fasco AG/ Hambros Bank), and Yaroslav Semenovich Stetsko (President, Anti-Bolshevik Bloc of Nations/ President, Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists/ Foreign Intelligence Digest/ World Anti-Communist League).
  6. Provided the technical logistics for assassination team: Maj. Gen. Mitchell Livingston WerBell III, COL. Walter M. Higgins Jr. (Executive Officer, Office of the Special Assistant for Counterinsurgency & Special Activities, Joint Chiefs of Staff), Manuel F. Goudie AKA Juan A. Paula Baez "AMTIKI-1" (comptroller, JMWAVE), Lt. Col. William B. Rose (US Army Reserve, Assistant Chief of Staff for Intelligence), COL. Demetrius G. Stampados (Chief of Operations & Commandant, Strategic Air Command, Survival, Evasion, & Escape Branch), COL. William Henry Jordan (USMCR/ Special Agent, US Border Patrol), Maj. George Charles Nonte Jr., Werner von Alvensleben (double agent, Iberian section, OSS X-2 Counter Espionage Branch/ owner, Safarilandia AG), Charles Donald Ford AKA Charles "Rocky" Fiscalini (Task Force W), Lt. Gen. Victor Harold ‎"Brute" Krulak (Office Of The Special Assistant For Counterinsurgency And Special Activities Commander), Earle Cabell (Mayor of Dallas, TX/ CIA asset), Paul J. "Red" Dorfman, Franklin A. Lindsay [ZRCANDY (Economic Cooperation Administration "counterpart funds") officer/ Ford Foundation/ McKinsey & Company/ ITEK Corporation], Anatol Kaminsky "AECASSOWARY-29" (CIA DDP officer, "Project AERODYNAMIC"—Chief of Operations, Prolog Research Corporation/ ZRPENNY "ratline" officer/ "Project REDSKIN" liaison, Directorio Revolucionario Estudiantil), James Ludlum (CIA Counterintelligence Staff liaison to FBN), Jean-Pierre Lafitte “QJWIN” (Milice française/ La Cagoule/ Reily Coffee Company), Thomas Schreyer (Acting Chief, International Organizations Division, CIA/ Chief of CIA Domestic Operations Division), Francis A. Raven (Technical Director for Production, Cryptologic Training, National Security Agency/ commander, ZRRIFLE), Dr. Paulino Sierra Martinez [attorney, Union Tank Car Co., Chicago/ assistant to president, F.J. Littell Machine Company/ commander, J.G.C.E. (Junta de Gobierno de Cuba en el Exilio)], Brig. Gen. Tobias Raphael Philbin Jr. (Deputy of Plans & Policy, Psychological Strategy Board/ Assistant Deputy Chief of Staff for Plans & Operations, National Security Agency/ Deputy Director of Research & Development, Army Materiel Command), Generalmajor Dr. Walter Robert Dornberger (commander, Heeresversuchsanstalt Peenemünde/ Vice President, Bell Aircraft Corporation/ Chief of Research & Development, Bell Helicopter), Lt. Col. O'Wighton Delk Simpson (Special Assistant to Commander-in-Chief, Air Material Command/ Chief of Industrial Intelligence, Martin Aerospace/ CEO, Martin Marietta Corp.), Albert John Amori (Chief of Task Force W, Intelligence Operations Support), Orlando Portale (FBN informant/ "QJWIN" spotter), SS-Hauptsturmführer Alois Brunner (Orient Trading Company/ Gehlen Org), Arturo "El Negro" Durazo Moreno (Special Agent, Dirección Federal de Seguridad/ commander, "Brigada Blanca"), Alexander Martin Lippisch (Chief of Research & Development, Aeronautical Division, Collins Radio Company), Lt. Col. James K. Patchell (Operation Mongoose/ Operation NORTHWOODS/ CIA Cuban Operations, Joint Support Group, US Army Element, US Army Assistant Chief of Staff, Intelligence, Pentagon), Jacob Leon "Jack Ruby" Rubenstein (Silver Spur, Dallas, TX/ Singapore Club, Dallas, TX/ The Carousel Club, Dallas, TX/ Federal Bureau of Narcotics informant/ Dirección Federal de Seguridad asset/ CIA protected human trafficker), Dr. Thomas Narut (Project Pelican), Luis Alberu Soeto “LITAMIL-9” (Cuban Cultural Attache, Mexico City/ CIA Chief of Photographic Analysis, Project LIONION), John Thomas Masen, Eloy Gutiérrez Menoyo [Project Tropical/ commander, SNFE-ALPHA-66/ comptroller, J.G.C.E. (Junta de Gobierno de Cuba en el Exilio)], Fiore "Fifi" Buccieri ("QJWIN" asset), Dr. Max Fink (Project ARTICHOKE), SS-Standartenführer Walter Rauff (Bundesnachrichtendienst-CIA liaison/ Operación Cóndor/ Colonia Dignidad/ MEREX AG/ chief CIA advisor, Dirección de Inteligencia Nacional), Harry Hall Jr. AKA Harry Sinclair Jr. AKA Harry Haler AKA Harry Helfgot AKA Al Berman (chief of public relations, International Brotherhood of Teamsters, Los Angeles/ FBI informant/ INS informant/ CIA asset), Insall Bailey "I. B." Hale (Chief of Personnel Security, Convair Division, General Dynamics, Fort Worth, TX/ chairman, American Society for Industrial Security), Niel Ainsley (CIA Chief of Covert Procurement/OL), Lt. Col. David Nelson Rowe (special assistant to director, Branch of Research & Analysis, Office of Strategic Services, Special assistant to U.S. ambassador, Chungking/ commander, 463rd Military Intelligence Detachment, Strategic Intelligence Research & Analysis Unit, Yale University/ CIA liaison, Asian People's Anti-Communist League), Lt. Gen. Robert Allen Breitweiser (Director of Intelligence, Joint Staff, Pentagon/ commander, US Air Force Southern Command, Panama, Canal Zone), Irwin "Steven" Schwartz (ABCO Vending Service/ CIA arms trafficker), Alexander Leonard Guterma AKA Sandy McSande (CIA-Mafia liaison), Frederick Ayer Jr. (chief of FBI Liaison Units, European Theater of Operations, Special Intelligence Service, Federal Bureau of Investigation/ chief of Intelligence & Security Division, Joint U.S. Military Advisory Group, Greece), Mario T. Noto (Associate Commissioner for Operations, Immigration & Naturalization Service/ Chairman, Department of Justice, Top Priority Committee for Prosecutions of Organized Crime & Subversive Individuals/ Special Advisor to Secretary of State for Cultural & Educational Exchanges Between US & Italy/ INS liaison, JMWAVE/ INS liaison, Operation GLADIO), SS-Brigadeführer Franz Josef Huber (Bundesnachrichtendienst-CIA liaison), LTC. Roy H. Pate (commander, Region II, 112th Military Intelligence Group, 4th US Army Operations Group/ commander, "Cuban Volunteer Inductee Training Project," Defense Language Center, Lackland AFB), William Bayard Browder [general counsel, Union Tank Car Co., Chicago, IL/ director, Trans Union Corporation/ comptroller, J.G.C.E. (Junta de Gobierno de Cuba en el Exilio)], Ramón Serrano Suñer (Organisation de l'Armée Secrète, Spain), Dr. Harris Isbell (Project MKULTRA/ Human Ecology Fund), Konrad Simonsen Mackey AKA Conrado de Hamburgo (Vatican Bank liaison, Madrid/ comptroller, "Plan Skorzeny"), Merrit Goble (chief of operations, TexAir, Redbird Field), Manuel Antonio de Varona y Loredo (Movimiento de Recuperación Revolucionaria/ Cuban Revolutionary Council), Karl-Heinz Spӓth (Orient Trading Company/ Gehlen Org), SS-Sturmbannführer Albert Hartl (Chief of Amt IV "Jewish Affairs Staff," Geheime Staatspolizei/ Chief of "Church Information Staff" Sicherheitsdienst/ commander, Einsatzgruppe C/ Pro Deo/ CIA asset), George Stroganoff-Scherbatoff (Office of Naval Intelligence, Psychological Operations Board), Lawrence Reginald Miller, Onofio “Nofio Pecora” Pecoraro Sr. (CIA protected narcotics trafficker), Raimundo Guerrero "LIQUIFIER" ["Los Tecos" president/ FEMACO (Mexican Anti-Communist Federation) president/ commander, "La Mano Blanca" death squad/ LIEVICT commander], Rolland McMaster ("QJWIN" asset), Philip A. Guarino (Propaganda Due), Robert David O'Brien (Dresser Atlas Industries/ Pacific Pump Works), Francesco "Frank Three Fingers" Paolo Coppola (CIA protected narcotics trafficker), Dr. Harold George Wolff (Project QKHILLTOP), Luis Echeverria Alvarez “LITEMPO-8” (founder, "Brigada Blanca") Oskar Stäbel AKA Dr. Hermes (National Commander, Nationalsozialistischer Deutscher Studentenbund (NSDStB)/ Chief of Scientific & Technical Espionage, Gehlen Org, Berlin Operations Base), Joseph Adams Milteer (National States Rights Party/ director, Dixie Klan of Georgia), Joseph Anthony Califano Jr. (Operation Mongoose/ CIA Cuban Operations, Joint Support Group, US Army Element, US Army Assistant Chief of Staff, Intelligence, Pentagon), Dr. William Joseph Bryan Jr. (Project ARTICHOKE/ Project MKULTRA), SS-Obersturmführer Guido Zimmer (Chief of SS Spionageabwehr, Genoa, Italy/ Gelhen Org), Yaroslav Bentsal (President, Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists, Munich), SS-Obersturmbannführer Eugen Dollmann (Gehlen Org), Maj. Alexander M. Haig Jr. (Operation Mongoose/ CIA Cuban Operations, Joint Support Group, US Army Element, US Army Assistant Chief of Staff, Intelligence, Pentagon), Paul Roland Jones (owner, San Jacinto Liquor Store, Dallas, TX/ bagman, "Chicago Syndicate," Reforma Hotel, Mexico City, MX/ manager, Casa Latino Americano Casino, Mexico City, MX/ Silver Spur, Dallas, TX/ Singapore Club, Dallas, TX/ The Carousel Club, Dallas, TX/ public relations officer, Atlas Uranium Mill, Moab, UT/ investor, Texas Adams Oil Company/ FBN informant/ "QJWIN" asset), Mario Garcia Kohly (United Organization For The Liberation Of Cuba), Lt. Col. Robert Barton Bieck (Air Attaché, US Embassy, Madrid, Spain), Harmon Greenwell Williams (vice president, Browning Arms Company/ board member, Northern Division, First Security Bank/ gunrunner, Counter-Insurgency Council), Lt. Col. Lev Eugene Dobriansky (chairman, National Captive Nations Committee/ American Security Council/ commander, 352nd Military Government Civil Affairs), Boris Lvovich Brasol (Aufbau Vereinigung/ Blue Lamoo/ editor at large, "The Ford International Weekly" AKA "The Dearborn Independent"), Fred Sherwood (Air Attaché, US Embassy, Guatemala), Baron Konstantin von Maydell (Special Agent, Ausland-Sicherheitsdienst/ Chief of Operations, Amt Ausland—Abwehr im Oberkommando der Wehrmacht), Dino Vicente Cellini (manager, Riveria Casino, Cuba/ manager, Tropicana Club, Cuba/ Operation Mongoose asset/ "QJWIN" asset), Dave Yaras AKA David "Yiddles" Miller ("QJWIN" asset), COL. William Potter Gale (Minutemen/ California Rangers), COL. Joseph "Saik" Saikewitz (Crescent Firearms Inc./ Adam Consolidated Industries/ asset, Operation GLADIO), Fred Black (Howard Foundry Company/ Serv-U-Corp./ North American Aviation), Jerry Fred DeLarm (United Fruit Company pilot/ CIA asset), Edwin Perkin McGuire (Southern Air Transport), Leonard "Lenny" Patrick ("QJWIN" asset), Elmer Merrifield Keith, Steve Tanner [founder, Gehlen Organization/ CIA Covert Operations liaison, Ukrainian Supreme Liberation Council (UHVR)/ CIA liaison, Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists, Munich], Byron Engle [CIA Counter Intelligence Staff, Police Group (CI/PG)—International Cooperation Administration—Office of Public Safety], James Vincent "Turk" Torello ("QJWIN" asset), Pastor Milciades Coronel, Marcello Giuseppe Caifano AKA Marshall Caifano ("QJWIN" asset), Richard A. Lauchli Jr. (Midwest Coordinator, Minutemen/ commander, Counter-Insurgency Council/ gunrunner, J.G.C.E. (Junta de Gobierno de Cuba en el Exilio)], Ferdinand F. Schoup (Deputy Chief, US Air Force Mission, Guatemala/ pilot, United Fruit Company/ CIA asset), Baron Luigi Parrilli (CIA asset, Italy), Charles Allan "Skeeter" Skelton (Special Agent, US Border Patrol/ Special Investigator, US Customs Service), Brig. Gen. Theodore C. Mataxis (chief of personal staff, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs), Samuel "Mad Sam" DeStefano ("QJWIN" asset), Emil Augsburg (Gehlen Org), Frank Lawrence "Lefty" Rosenthal ("QJWIN" asset), Paul Dickopf "CARAVEL" (West German Kommissar, INTERPOL/ CIA liaison, Bundeskriminalamt/ "QJWIN" spotter), Carmel Offie (commander, Operation BLOODSTONE/ commander, Operation Paperclip), Abraham Feinberg (president, American Bank & Trust—Swiss-Israel Trade Bank/ president, Americans for Haganah Inc./ CIA arms trafficker), Luigi Gedda (CIA asset, Italy), Lt. Col. Robert K. Brown (INTERPEN), John Philip "Jackie the Lackey" Cerone ("QJWIN" asset), John Woolf O'Connor, Morris Arthur Shenker (owner, Dunes Hotel & Casino), Erich Fritz Von Marbod (Phoenix Program liaison, 40 Committee/ comptroller, Defense Security Assistance Agency), Eberhard Taubert (Die Antikomintern/ Naumann-Kreis/ Volksbundes für Frieden und Freiheit/ NATO Psychologischer Verteidigung liaison/ CIA asset), Donald Edward Browder, Paul M. Rothermel Jr. (CIA asset/ Hunt Oil), John Vincent Martino (Operation TILT), Lewis Joseph McWillie (Cal-Neva Lodge/ Riverside Hotel/ Thunderbird Hotel/ Tropicana Club/ "QJWIN" asset), COL. Roger Trinquier (Cité Catholique), Father Georges Grasset (Cité Catholique/ Organisation de l'Armée Secrète), Virgil Henry Wedge (president, Washoe County Bar Association/ chairman, Northern Nevada Federal Judicial Merit Advisory Commission/ director, International Academy of Trial Lawyers/ senior partner, Woodburn, Wedge, Blakey & Jeppson/ mafia bagman), Joseph M. Silverthorne (United Fruit Company pilot/ CIA asset), COL. Jean Gardes (Cité Catholique), Edward Pierpont Morgan (senior partner, Welch & Morgan/ Hughes Tool Company—Desert Inn/ mafia bagman), Samuel George Cummings (INTERARMCO/ MEREX AG), Mykola Lebed "AERODYNAMIC-2" [General Secretary of International Policies, "Ukrains'koyi Holovnoyi Vyzvol'noyi Rady" (UHVR)/ Commander of External Intelligence for the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists-Bandera/ President, Prolog Research Corporation/ ZRPENNY asset], Maj. Richard Vernon Secord (liaison officer, Cuban Operations, AFCON, 1st Air Commando Wing/ Egyptian-American Transport and Services Corporation), Bert "Yank" Levy, Hans-Ulrich Rudel ("Kameradenwerk" founder/ MEREX AG), Donnell Darius Whitter, Guido Giannettini (Appareil Mondial Secret d ’Action Révolutionnaire, Direction Générale de la Conjoncture Atlantique, commander), Jean Parvulesco (Organization de l’Armée Secrète “Charlemagne”), Murray W. "Dusty" Miller, Irwin S. Weiner, Daniel Anthony "Dan" Mitrione [CIA Counter Intelligence Staff, Police Group (CI/PG)—International Cooperation Administration—Office of Public Safety/ Operation Condor), John Franklin Elrod, Miguel Nazar Haro “LITEMPO-12" (Dirección Federal de Seguridad/ CIA-Mafia liaison/ "QJWIN" spotter/ commander, "Brigada Blanca"), SS-Hauptsturmführer Otto Albrecht Alfred von Bolschwing (Bank voor Onroerende Zaken/ Cabot Corporation/ Gehlen Organization/ Operation GLADIO officer/ commander, CIA Domestic Operations Division), Brig. Gen. Harry Clay “Heinie” Aderholt (USAF Special Air Warfare Center, Eglin AFB), Mario Emanuel Brod AKA Michael Broderick (CIA Counterintelligence Staff Agent/ CIA-Mafia liaison/ "QJWIN" spotter), COL. George de Lannurian (SDECE officer), Herbert L. Itkin (CIA-Mafia liaison/ "QJWIN" spotter), Philippe Thyraud de Vosjoli (SDECE defector/ CIA Counterintelligence asset), Robert Bernard "Barney" Baker (Serv-U-Corp.), Thomas Eli Davis III (CIA-Mafia liaison/ "QJWIN" asset), Isadore "Isaac" Irving Davidson [lobbyist, International Brotherhood of Teamsters/ lobbyist, Selvage & Lee (public relations firm)/ lobbyist, Tecon Corporation, Dallas, TX/ lobbyist, Bedek Aviation Company/ lobbyist, Israeli Military Industries/ lobbyist, Polish-American Supply Company (POLASCO)/ CIA-Mafia liaison/ "QJWIN" spotter], and COL. George Arntzen Doole Jr. (Civil Air Transport/ Southern Air Transport/ Evergreen International Aviation/ Airdale Corporation AKA Pacific Corporation).
  7. Coordinated the hit-team: David “El Indio” Sánchez Morales AKA Stanley R. Zamka (Chief of Foreign Intelligence, CIA Counterintelligence Staff, Western Hemisphere Division, Cuban Operations/ CIA liaison, Caribbean Admissions Center, Opa-Locka Air Station—Madrid Interrogation Site/ JMDUSK commander/ AMOT commander/ Operation 40 commander/ JMWAVE Chief of Covert Action/ JMWAVE Chief of Counterintelligence/ Phoenix Program commander/ Operación Cóndor commander), Maj. Gen. Edward Geary Lansdale ("Marquat-Fund" comptroller/ commander, OPLAN 34-Alpha/ Operation Mongoose commander/ Operation NORTHWOODS commander), LCDR Harold 'Hal' Feeney (Office of Naval Intelligence, Chief of Intelligence, Guantanamo Base/ Operation PATTY commander/ Chief of the Cuba Branch, Defense Intelligence Agency), Capt. Jean-René Souètre, Maj. Lauri Allan Törni, William Alexander "Rip" Robertson Jr. (Operación 40 executive/ ZRJEWEL commander/ Joint Advisory Commission Korea/ American Committee for Aid to Katanga Freedom Fighters/ CIA liaison, South African Institute for Maritime Research/ CIA paramilitary officer, Special Activities Division, Special Operations Group), Frederick "Fred" Lee Crisman AKA John H. Bowen AKA Dr. Jon Gold (Chief of Research & Development, Wackenhut Corp./ Special Agent, "Security Matter X," Federal Bureau of Investigation), Theodore George Shackley Jr. (JMWAVE commander/ AMLEPTON commander/ Phoenix Program commander/ Mount Kenya Safari Club, British East Africa/ Egyptian-American Transport and Services Corporation), Lt. Col. Lucien Emile Conein (ZRJEWEL commander/ CIA liaison, US Army Assistant Chief of Staff, Intelligence, Pentagon), COL. Napoleon Diestro “El Ulupong” Valeriano AKA “COL. Vallejo” (commander, "Nenita Unit" death squad/ JMTRAX commander), Maj. Medardo T. Justiniano (Chief of Special Operations, "Nenita Unit" death squad), Charles Tracy Barnes (Health Alteration Committee/ CIA Special Assistant for Paramilitary & Psychological Operations/ Chief of Domestic Operations Division/ Operación 40 executive/ Operations Coordinating Board, 5412/2 Committee/ CIA liaison, South African Institute for Maritime Research), COL. Clarence Ward Bishop, AKA "William C. Bishop" AKA "John Adrian O'Hare" AKA "Oscar del Valle Garcia" (Operación 40 executive), Filippo Sacco AKA John "Handsome Johnny” Rosselli AKA “COL. John Rawlston” [Operación 40 executive/ industrial security officer, Standard Fruit & Steamship Company/ comptroller, J.G.C.E. (Junta de Gobierno de Cuba en el Exilio)/ "QJWIN" spotter], COL. Orlando Eleno Piedra Negueruela (Anti-Communist League of the Caribbean/ Operation 40 commander/ AMFAST officer), Grayston L. Lynch (Operación 40 executive/ ZRJEWEL commander/ CIA paramilitary officer, Special Activities Division, Special Operations Group), Edwin Paul Wilson AKA Louis N. Karokai (JMWAVE comptroller/ Operación 40 executive/ Egyptian-American Transport and Services Corporation), and SS-Obersturmbannführer Otto Johann Anton Skorzeny AKA Hans-Rudolf Frey AKA Hanna El-Khoury AKA Rolf Steinbauer (Project Tropical/ MEREX AG/ World Union of National Socialists/ "QJWIN" spotter/ American Committee for Aid to Katanga Freedom Fighters/ South African Institute for Maritime Research/ Hamburg-Amerika Lines/ Neunkirchen Eisenwerke AG/ Dresdner Bank AG/ Banco Exterior de España/ Bank Leu AG/ Commerzbank AG/ Banco Alemán Transatlántico/ Klosterfrau GMBH/ Sociedad Financiera Industrial).
  8. Designated patsies for post-assassination "narrative" control: Lee Harvey Oswald AKA Alek James Hidell (pilot, Metairie Falcon Cadet Squadron—Internal Mobile Security Unit/ Reily Coffee Company/ infiltrator, Fair Play for Cuba Committee, New Orleans/ CIA provocateur, Project REDCAP/ CIA stay-behind asset, Project REDSKIN/ officer, LCIMPROVE/ asset, Project AEOCEAN/ COINTELPRO informant/ false defector, "Code-30 Operations," Office of Naval Intelligence), Richard Case Nagell (Field Operations Intelligence, CIA/ Soviet triple agent), Gilberto Policarpo Lopez (Fair Play for Cuba Committee, Miami), Thomas Arthur Vallee (John Birch Society, Chicago), Harry L. Power (Young Communist League), Joseph Rodriguez Molina (American G.I. Forum, Dallas), Santiago Garriga "AMKNOB-1" (Fair Play for Cuba Committee, Miami), and Vaughn "Snipes" Marlowe (Fair Play for Cuba Committee, Los Angeles).
  9. Engineered and manipulated patsies: David Atlee Phillips AKA Michael C. Choaden AKA Maurice Bishop (Operación 40 assassin/ Fair Play For Cuba Committee infiltration commander/ Deputy Chief of Cuban Covert Operations, CIA Mexico City Station/ CIA liaison, Dirección Federal de Seguridad/ CIA liaison, Project LIHUFF), Fernando Gutiérrez Barrios "LITEMPO-4" [Deputy Director, Dirección Federal de Seguridad/ CIA commander, Project LIHUFF/ comptroller LIEVICT/ CIA comptroller, "Movimiento Universitario de Renovadora Orientación" (MURO)/ CIA comptroller, "Los Tecos"], Jacques G. Richardson AKA Thomas B. Casasin (CIA Chief of Station, North Asia Command, Soviet Russia Division), Edward Scannell Butler (executive director, Information Council of the Americas), George Frederick Munro (LITEMPO commander/ JMWAVE liaison/ CIA liaison, Region II, 112th Military Intelligence Group, 4th US Army Operations Group), George E. Aurell (CIA Defector Coordinator, Interagency Defector Committee/ commander, Caribbean Admissions Center, Opa-Locka Air Station—Madrid Interrogation Site/ Joint Advisory Commission Korea), Marguerite D. Stevens (CIA Office of Security, Security Research Staff), Dorothe Kerans Matlack (CIA Interagency Defector Committee/ commander, Caribbean Admissions Center, Opa-Locka Air Station—Madrid Interrogation Site), Anthony F. Czajkowski (CIA Domestic Contacts Division), Lt. Col. James E. Flannery AKA Stewart Pataker (CIA Chief of Covert Action, US Embassy, Mexico City/ CIA liaison, Dirección Federal de Seguridad/ LITEMPO commander), Dr. Louis Jolyon "Jolly" West (Project MKULTRA/ Human Ecology Fund), George de Mohrenschildt (Dallas Council On World Affairs/ petrochemical consultant, International Cooperation Administration/ oil rig operator, Humble Oil & Refining Company—Standard Oil Company of New Jersey/ Fayed-Duvalier Oil Co./ engineering consultant, Cuban-Venezuelan Oil Voting Trust Company/ Project AEVIRGIL asset), Delphine Points Roberts (White Citizens Council/ Louisiana Sovereignty Commission/ National Defense Chairman, Robert Harvey Chapter, National Society, Daughters of the American Revolution/ World Union of National Socialists), Alexander Sokaloff (CIA Chief of Legal Travelers Program, Soviet Russia Division), Luis Alberu Soeto “LITAMIL-9” (LIONION officer), Michael Ralph Paine (deputy director, Research & Development, Bell Helicopter Company, Fort Worth, TX), Winston Mackinley Scott AKA Willard C. Curtis [Chief of Covert Operations, Office of Special Operations, Western Europe/ CIA liaison, Gehlen Organization/ LITEMPO commander/ CIA Mexico City Station Chief/ commander, Project LIEVICT/ CIA comptroller, "Movimiento Universitario de Renovadora Orientación" (MURO)/ CIA comptroller, "Los Tecos"/ CIA liaison, Region II, 112th Military Intelligence Group, 4th US Army Operations Group], Clay LaVerne Shaw (Centro Mondiale Commerciale/ PERMINDEX/ managing director, International Trade Mart/ asset, Project QKENCHANT), Paul M. Raigorodsky (Tolstoy Foundation/ PERMINDEX/ Tryall Club/ Project AEVIRGIL asset), John B. Hurt AKA John David Hurt (cryptolinguist, US Army Signals Intelligence Service, Tokyo, Japan/ chief of linguistic division, National Security Agency/ NSA liaison, Defense Language Center, Nags Head School of Illusionary Warfare), James M. Flint AKA Walter Haltigan (CIA Chief of Soviet Intelligence Section, Paris Station), Dr. Robert V. Lashbrook (Project MKULTRA), Maurice Brooks Gatlin Sr. (New Orleans representative, Anti-Communist Committee of the Americas/ general counsel, Legión Extranjera Anticomunista del Caribe), James Patrick Hosty Jr. (COINTELPRO officer), James Walton Moore (Dallas Council On World Affairs/ CIA Office of Operations, Domestic Contacts Division, Dallas Field Office/ CIA liaison, Region II, 112th Military Intelligence Group, 4th US Army Operations Group), Dr. Charles Savage (Project CHATTER), Igor Vladimir Voshinin (National Alliance of Russian Solidarists/ Project AEVIRGIL asset), Robert Fulton AKA William Costille (CIA officer/ US Vice Consul, Helsinki/ officer, REDCAP-LCIMPROVE), Max Edward Clark (Chief of Industrial Security, Convair Division, General Dynamics, Fort Worth, TX/ CIA asset, “Project ROCK/IDIO/SGAPEX”), David Edmund Murphy (Chief of Berlin Operations Base/ CIA liaison, Berlin Task Force/ CIA Chief of Clandestine Services, Eastern European Division/ CIA Chief of Soviet Russian Division/ commander, LCIMPROVE), Frederick T. Merrill (Director, East‐West Contact Committee, US Department of State/ National Committee for a Free Europe), Gen. Gerhard Wessel (Special Agent, Gehlen Org/ Chief of Counterintelligence, Bundeswehr), COL. Orlando Eleno Piedra Negueruela (FBI informant, NO 1213-S), Ruth Hyde Paine (CIA asset, East‐West Contact Committee, US Department of State), COL. Lawrence Orlov (Project AEVIRGIL commander), William Guy Banister (Louisiana Committee on Un-American Activities/ publisher, Louisiana Intelligence Digest/ Legión Extranjera Anticomunista del Caribe/ World Union of National Socialists/ commander, Frente Revolucionario Democrático/ commander, Cuban Revolutionary Council, New Orleans), COL. Harold Muddy Frindell (commander, Region II, 112th Military Intelligence Group, 4th US Army Operations Group), CMDR David C. Reid (commander, Naval Criminal Investigative Service, 8th Naval District, Office of Naval Intelligence, New Orleans, Louisiana/ liaison, 112th Military Intelligence Group), John J. D'Angelo (Special Agent, US Air Force Office of Special Investigations, 9th District, New Orleans, Louisiana/ liaison, 112th Military Intelligence Group), Harry G. Maynor (FBI, Special Agent In Charge, New Orleans, Louisiana/ liaison, 112th Military Intelligence Group), COL. James Sanford Ketchum (commander, "Medical Research Volunteer Program," Edgewood Arsenal), Princess Gali Scherbatoff Clark (heir apparent, Millwall Iron Works Company—New Russia Company for Coal, Iron, & Rail Production, former Russian Empire), Alberto Cesar Augusto Rodriguez Gallego "LIFEUD-22" (director, Berlitz School of Languages, Madrid/ LIEMPTY officer/ LIONION officer/ LIERODE chief of photographic telemetry, Cuban Embassy, Mexico City), Priscilla Johnson McMillan (North American Newspaper Alliance/ CIA informant, Project REDSKIN/ Operation MOCKINGBIRD asset), Dr. Donald Ewen Cameron (Project MKULTRA/ Human Ecology Fund), William B. Reily (owner, Reily Coffee Company/ comptroller, Crusade To Free Cuba Committee), Dr. Luther Wilson Greene (Technical Director, Chemical & Radiological Laboratories, Edgewood Arsenal), COL. Theodore Frelinghyusen Hoffman (commander, CATHINK-CABEZONE, 513th Military Intelligence Group), Charles William Wiley AKA Chester E. Saroyan (contract agent, CIA Security Research Staff/ ZRAWARD officer/ "Saroyan Fund" recipient/ founder, World News Analysis/ CIA liaison, Project LIHUFF), Joseph Alexander Sizoo (deputy commander, COINTELPRO/ liaison, CIA Office of Security/ "Saroyan Fund" recipient), Lee R. Pennington Jr. (Director of the National Americanism Commission of the American Legion/ CIA Office of Security liaison/ "Saroyan Fund" recipient), Lt. Col. James L. Monroe (Chief of Research & Development, Psychological Warfare Division—Biological-Chemical Warfare Plans Division, USAF Special Operations/ director, Human Ecology Fund—Project MKULTRA officer/ senior advisor, Ad Hoc Prisoners Information Support Committee, U.S. Intelligence Advisory Committee, USAF Office of Intelligence), Nelson Henry Brickham Jr. (CIA Directorate of Plans, Soviet Russia Division/ commander, Project REDSKIN/ founder, Phoenix Program), William I. Monaghan (Chief of Industrial Security, Standard Fruit & Steamship Company/ Vice President, Reily Coffee Company), COL. John W. Downie (commander, 902nd Military Intelligence Group/ Director of Counterintelligence, US Army, Assistant Chief of Staff for Intelligence/ LIEMPTY liaison officer/ LIONION officer/ CIA liaison, Region II, 112th Military Intelligence Group, 4th US Army Operations Group), Lt. Col. Julian Martin Niemczyk (USAF Office of Special Investigations, Chief of Counterintelligence/ LIEMPTY liaison officer/ LIONION officer), William K. Lambie Jr. [Administrative & Research Director, American Security Council/ CIA Domestic Contacts Division asset/ / "Saroyan Fund" recipient/ comptroller, J.G.C.E. (Junta de Gobierno de Cuba en el Exilio)], Dr. Alton Ochsner (Information Council of the Americas), Kerry Wendell Thornley (agent provocateur, Newman Building, 544 Camp Street), COL. Samuel Goodhue Kail (commander, Caribbean Admissions Center, Opa-Locka Air Station—Madrid Interrogation Site/ commander, CIA Cuban Operations, Joint Support Group, US Army Element—Region II, 112th Military Intelligence Group, 4th US Army Operations Group—US Army Assistant Chief of Staff, Intelligence, Pentagon), Rubén Zuno Arce "LIENVOY" (Dirección Federal de Seguridad asset/ LITEMPO asset), Percival Flack Brundage (Southern Air Transport/ American Friends Of Albert Schweitzer College), COL. Dr. Jose A. Rivera (NIH Board Of Directors/ Project MKULTRA officer), Richard Edward Snyder (Senior Moscow Consular/ CIA "spotter," Project REDSKIN), Horatio Eustis Reily (CEO Reily Coffee Company/ comptroller, Information Council of the Americas), Larrie Schmidt (Young Americans for Freedom/ Conservatism USA/ John Birch Society, Dallas), Carlos Jose Bringuier (Christian Anti-Communist Crusade/ Directorio Revolucionario Estudiantil/ ZRPENNY asset), David William Ferrie (Aide to National Commander, Civil Air Patrol/ commander, New Orleans Cadet Squadron, Lakefront Airport, Civil Air Patrol/ commander, Metairie Falcon Cadet Squadron—Internal Mobile Security Unit/ commander, International Anti-Communist Brigade/ pilot, United Air Taxi Service/ Cuban Democratic Revolutionary Front, 544 Camp Street/ CIA protected pedophile human trafficker), Sam J. Papich (FBI-CIA liaison), Harold Keith Thompson (Special Agent, Geheimdienst Einheit, Ausland-Sicherheitsdienst/ Sozialistische Reichspartei Deutschlands/ International Association For The Advancement Of Ethnology And Eugenics), Gordon Barton McLendon, George Alexandrovich Bouhe (DeGolyer & MacNaughton/ Project AEVIRGIL asset), C. Frank Stone III (Chief of Operations, European Section, Directorate of Plans/ liaison, Domestic Operations Division/ commander, Project "WUBRINY"), Richard Case Nagell, Spas Todorov Raikin (Secretary General, American Friends of the Anti-Bolshevik Bloc Of Nations/ Bulgarian National Front), Viola June Cobb "LICOOKY-1" (infiltrator, Fair Play For Cuba Committee/ Federal Bureau of Narcotics asset), Sgt. Daniel Groth (Chicago Police Department/ COINTELPRO asset/ CIA infiltrator, Fair Play For Cuba Committee), George Efythron Joannides AKA "Mr. Howard" AKA "Walter Newby" [JM/WAVE Chief of Psychological Warfare/ Directorio Revolucionario Estudiantil (DRE) comptroller], Lt. Col. James Walter McCord Jr. (Fair Play For Cuba Committee infiltration commander/ commander, Special Analysis Division of the Wartime Information Security Program, Office of Emergency Preparedness/ commander, CATHINK-CABEZONE, 513th Military Intelligence Group/ "Saroyan Fund" paymaster/ CIA asset, “Project ROCK/IDIO/SGAPEX”/ ZRAWARD officer/ CIA liaison, Project LIHUFF), and Bernardo de Torres "WILDCAT" (Chief of Intelligence, Brigada Asalto 2506/ Dirección Federal de Seguridad asset/ Federal Bureau
  10. What follows is a list of those individual persons, both directly or indirectly responsible, to the highest order of logical probability, for the murder of President Kennedy... Neutralized legitimate security for Presidential motorcade: Paul J. Paterni (OSS, X-2, Counter Espionage Branch, Italy/ Deputy Chief, US Secret Service), COL. John “Jack” Alston Crichton (Operación 40 comptroller/ 488th Military Intelligence Detachment/ Cuban-Venezuelan Oil Voting Trust Company/ Empire Trust Company/ DeGolyer & MacNaughton/ Dorchester Gas Producing Co./ Dallas Civil Defense-Office Of Emergency Planning commander), Capt. W. Patrick Gannaway (Special Service Bureau, Dallas Police Department), COL. George Laster “Lonnie” Lumpkin (Deputy Chief, Dallas Police Department/ 488th Military Intelligence Detachment), COL. Frank Maryan "Brandy" Brandstetter (488th Military Intelligence Detachment/ manager, Continental Hilton, Mexico City), Capt. George M. Doughty (Chief, Identification Bureau, Dallas Police Department/ liaison, 112th Military Intelligence Group), Lt. Jack Revill (Chief, Criminal Intelligence Section, Dallas Police Department), COL. Robert E. Jones (Operations Officer, 112th Military Intelligence Group/ liaison, 902nd Military Intelligence Group), Lt. Col. George Luster Whitmeyer (488th Military Intelligence Detachment), Capt. William Ralph "Pinky" Westbrook [Personnel Records Division, Dallas Police Department/ CIA Counter Intelligence Staff, Police Group (CI/PG)—International Cooperation Administration—Office of Public Safety Saigon], William S. Biggio (Chief of Communications Intelligence, Special Service Bureau, Criminal Intelligence Section, Dallas Police Department), Det. Leonard Don Stringfellow, Warren C. de Brueys (COINTELPRO officer), and Lt. Col. Buddy Joe Wright (488th Military Intelligence Detachment).
  11. OMG I had to do some searching. It's not the same list & is a mega FRAT. I will not attempt to use paragraphs. On your mark... Get set... Go! The men who murdered President of the United States John Fitzgerald Kennedy (Lieutenant, USN, WWII), were a gunrunning, narcotics trafficking, international, stateless, compartmentalized, "stove-piped," cellularized, "honeycombed" network of eugenics-minded, crypto-fascist, authoritarian revanchists, the bulk of whom were bound by a grey-alliance of "Omertà," "Blutorden," & the "Blue-wall-of-silence"—a grey-alliance that infiltrated, and effectively strong-armed, the mechanisms of the United States' corporate intelligence & military industrial networking structures in the closing hours of World War II, and in truly recherché fashion, weaponized said aforementioned quasi-private "national-security" state, against its own Commander-In-Chief, on the 22nd of November, 1963—an event that violently removed legitimate democracy in the Western Hemisphere, and gradually replaced it, via covert counterinsurgency programs like "Operación Cóndor," "Operation MHCHAOS," "Operation GARDEN PLOT," "Operation Cable Splicer," "COINTELPRO," & "Operation Lantern Spike," with a permanent warfare-state of neo-imperialist "Pentagonism"—an active US-based warfare-state, protected by a multifaceted domestic phalanx of brutal anti-intellectualism, global ignorance, capitalist hubris, political gangsterism, psy-war propaganda, violent suppression of fact, social loafing, self-deception, corporate astroturfing, gangrenous groupthink, destructive doublespeak, culpable indifference, narcissistic nationalism, racist cultural misrepresentation, & pointless pious patriotism.
  12. I think I have seen that list on here before.You just have to search for it. In fact,there is a very small chance that I copy & posted it to another forum that isn't about JFK. I'll have to look & I'm not making no promises.
  13. You're way off base Pat. First of all,I have said on more than one occasion that President Kennedy was shot 4 times. 2 times from the front 2 times from the back Now Governor Conally was probably shot at least two times from the rear,more than likely 3. I'm on record on saying that there was probably 11 shots fired in the assassination,but more than likely only 10.
  14. The deciders wanted everything going towards the front.
  15. Isn't this the cat that said he was going to bail? I wouldn't have mentioned anything,but you didn't take Jonathan Cohen with you.
  16. I'll tell you man,this forum amazes me.
  17. I don't know Pat,but Meatloaf said a Secret Service guy pulled him over/flagged him down and then jumped in the front seat of his car and drove to Parkland Hospital. https://www.facebook.com/HuckabeeOnTBN/videos/meat-loafs-crazy-encounter-after-the-jfk-assassination/712299153082653/
  18. Hey now,the black blob isn't going up that high in the pic above. Pat Speer any comments?
  19. I was able to handle the AR15 after Hickey arrived at Parkland and the barrel was still warm.
  20. Hello Ron, I don't put 100% faith in any x-ray of the head. I'm over here thinking that one x-ray might have been taken when the head was full of Plaster-of-Paris. The medical evidence is all over the place.
  21. Edited for double post. Thought I was editing but must have been quoting.
  22. That would be a big no from me Dog. That's right up there with Greer shooting JFK. Those dogs don't hunt.
  23. I have a great meme that I could post for this thread,but the sissified higher ups would silence me for awhile.
  24. Joe, It is so very hard for me to believe that there was a shot above the right ear. Simply because it was not discovered at Parkland Hospital by anybody.
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