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Michael Crane

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Everything posted by Michael Crane

  1. I'm at the point where I would like to see genuine evidence against Oswald & genuine medical evidence.
  2. The "flurry" was a result of silenced gunfire in addition to the non-silenced gunfire. 4 shots Kennedy 2 or 3 shots Conally 4 or 5 missed shots Possible 11 +shots.
  3. Well it's new.I mean it's new to me & that is why I'm so thankful.
  4. Archie called Michael Meathead because he thought that he was dead from the neck up.
  5. Specter's magic act doesn't jive.First off the angle isn't right from the 6th floor of the TSBD. Then we look at other facts like THE BACK WOUND DID NOT TRANSIT THE BODY. I have never mentioned this to you David,but there are some reasons that I believe that you are still here. You have seen so much more other evidence,that you know in your heart that there was a conspiracy and a cover-up. You are,and this is just my opinion,you are playing the role of a defense attorney.Your sole reason for being here is to try and create doubt. You know that your client (White House) is guilty,you are just hoping to sway that one juror for a not guilty verdict. The finest attorneys known to man,have said to you David...if you would like to be on our team....then go out there & win the battle and create doubt like a great defense attorney does and you can join our highly respected and illustrious team. Is this reality?no,it's far from it,but that is how I look at you.
  6. Keven, David Von Pein could watch ex president Ford say that he moved the back wound up & still disagree with that fact. There was no cover up in any capacity. DVP
  7. Man,there are 30 guests browsing over there but the last post was 5 days ago. Not good 😞
  8. IIRC) Custer also said that the head wound was so large,that he could put two hands together inside it.
  9. You do see clapping don't you? Clapping is showing a person appreciation & a way of thanking them.
  10. Please help. Is the JFK Deep Politics forum still crackin?
  11. There was two autopsy witnesses that said that this head rest was not on the autopsy tables at Bethesda,but there was a chalk block instead,that hair looks way too long,and why is it so damn dark in this photo? Can anybody guess?
  12. No,but I would have to see each and everyone of them to give an opinion. Some of the pictures in the morgue are quite drastic. I hope that they are not accurate.
  13. Sorry for the delay Pat, Over the years,I have heard people comment and show how this picture has been forged/photoshopped. Knowing what I know after all of these years...this picture don't even come close to passing my eye test.My goodness,I'm honestly surprised that it is in the collection.
  14. The photo is a forgery IMHO.The photographic panel was corrupt or a picture of a manipulated/photoshopped picture was taken.
  15. Well,that damn Kellerman also pulled off some stunts at Parkland & in the autopsy room that I don't agree with. I can't prove that it was Kellerman in both,but I sure am leaning that way.He was probably under orders from above himself...but oh well.
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