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Matthew Koch

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About Matthew Koch

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    Santa Poco Mexico
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    Researching the JFK Assassination

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  1. The point made that seems to be too nuanced in this thread, is that JFK was Liberal by a 1960's World. In today's world JFK is not Liberal by today's world's standards which people like Jeffery Sachs who was a Bernie Sanders adviser. Which is why the Overton Window was mentioned because it has shifted left. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Overton_window
  2. I should include this video of Lumumba's tooth being officially returned to the Congo because as the documentary I posted above shows. Belgium troops working for Katanga executed Lumumba on orders of Moise Tshombe. [Emphasis added] Interestingly, James can't understand that LBJ was a Democrat. JFK approved the Bay of Pigs operation and cited "Bloody" Budapest when criticized by the Soviets (which I cited the speech on page 1 or 2) James still can't understand or answer historical facts regarding Soviet Union strategy of Wars of Liberation and that JFK was countering that. The Word "Free" is used by JFK in an American Constitutional sense. [Emphasis added] James uses the Term "Imagine" alot because he has to imagine arguments that no on made like Pat Buchanan? Last I checked the America Isolationism of American First mentioned was Joe Kennedy [Emphasis Added]
  3. Anyone can watch this documentary and see that David Talbot is incorrect about what he says to Chris Hedges about Lumumba. Anyone can see that JFK Revisited didn't include the information that shows that Lumumba got himself killed by his actions. I am not saying that ZR/Rifle wasn't tried but anyone can see from the Dutch documentary above that there is objective facts that show that Dulles didn't kill Lumumba.
  4. Image saying this and not understanding who JFK's father was or what he is Famous for? James who is JFK's Father and what is he famous for being fired for? Ira Stoll book JFK conservative is based on JFK doing these three things: Being Religious (anti abortion), his Tax Cut, and his Nationalism. JFK's policy of keeping American Troops out of conflict qualifies as "America First" James seems to think it's still the 90's where he can act like Donald Trump never came along and did populist things that include Keysian Economics. JFK revisited more like JFK revisioned, James is choosing revisionist history and can't answer my questions or defend the points I have brought up about his JFK is like Jeffery Sachs revision which is further shown to be revision by the fact that Naomi Klien's book "Shock Doctrine" is about Jeffery's Sachs Iraq Shock policies. James DiEugenio is in support of the Bush Policies in Iraq that are based off of Jeffrey Sachs' 'Shock Economics' Whew!
  5. Ben give this a watch when you got nothing to do it's some Kennedy egg heads talking with the fortune 500 how the common man should run his life. That how long the list of source cited material I have cited which you have avoided like a video where JFK says he is America first Monika's book isn't that good (It's a book for beginners) and doesn't say anything of value on the JFK assassination. IRA Stoll thesis, which James is using out of context since I said his 'book was lacking but the Thesis is correct' is JFK is Conservative by today's standard. I am comparing Jeffery Sachs to JFK which is proving Ira's thesis Avoidance and asking people what someone said isn't very adult behavior. IMHO
  6. Sachs' 'Shock Economics' is responsible for the Russian Oligarchs because the country had to sell off it's industries on the cheap. Everything that happened under Yeltsin is what created the space that Putin filled by restoring national pride. So, IMO I think Sachs plays both sides and I don't respect people who do that. Kennedy is America first and Sachs uses JFK's death to further his lame American Empire thesis Not to my knowledge and he had a stroke at the end of his life which prevented him from working with Jeffery Sachs on his book. Sorenson was one of the finalists to run the CIA under Carter.
  7. I do not agree with the premise of the thread and have made the case why I don't (which you ran away from and are now using buzz words out of context of how I used them). Sachs and Kennedy are not the same kind of Liberals. That's the point! If the thread is to just Venerate Jeffery Sachs and his Radical Leftist Politics that don't Align with JFK and his New Frontier which had republicans in it then I guess the Mods should move the thread to political discussions
  8. I have this book, but my copy is packed away and currently is unavailable to me. Can someone please refresh my memory about what the Che Guevara Bobby/JFK part was about and what Talbots sources for that are? Thank you!
  9. Matt, while I was suspended you started here as a member and have a thesis that includes Daniel Moynihan. I wasn't reading the forum doing that time and need some further elaboration to your angle. Can you bring me up to speed and sort give me the cliff notes and a brief Synopsys of what it is and Moynihan's role in American Para Politics and Deep Events? Thanks
  10. Sachs works for the Vatican, Columbia/Harvard Noam Chompsky world government institution circuit and BRICS He is Anti American, what has he scarified?
  11. Please be respectful and stay on topic and as they say on 4/Chan this is a "Schizo" thread and there is no wrong answer. I will act as moderator and highlight comments that do not add or take the thread off topic which is C.O.G. and the Deep State American Shadow Government being the driving force in JFKA and 911 Thank you ☺️!
  12. In this thread we take the red pill and go back through the 'looking glass' to 'wonderland'.. to a place where political affiliation has no meaning, the land of security clearances& national security. Where the people who run this 'shadow government' punch their clock. Here is a blue pill if you need one: https://rumble.com/v2fxj7q-when-you-are-so-red-pilled-that-you-need-a-blue-pill-to-go-to-sleep.html In this thread we go down the Rabbit hole to explore Continunity of Government COG as the driving force behind the 11/22/63 and later 9/11/01 And, that people within the government that had this level of security clearance ran the assassination through groups such as: Operation Moongoose (CIA, Anti Castro Cubans, Mafia), Texas oilmen, Nasa, Atomic Energy Commission, Vatican, Knights of Malta other Holy Orders and Operation Gladio. Which come together like a big event (Megatron) to create major Deep State Para Political Event and echos of Dealey Plaza such Watergate, Iran/Contra, OKC bombing, and 911. During the same time that Operation Pluto, and Operation Zapata turned from a plan to infiltrate guerrillas to resist Castro into the Bay of Pigs 'Invasion' Operation Chrome Dome was put in place https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Chrome_Dome In this thread the question is posed: Did the 'Deep State' intend a nuclear holocaust against the Soviet Union that JFK's 'Strategy of Peace' countered My recent scrap with a fellow forum member about Jeffery Sachs caused me to start reading his book. On Pg. 34 Sachs mentions the 'Secret Deal' JFK made through a back door channel outside of ExComm and that Only 9 people knew of this deal one of them being McGeorge Bundy. After the Bay of Pigs debacle Covert Action was handed over to the Joint Chiefs of Staff. Using logic doesn't the plot to kill JFK have to come out of the ExComm 9 who knew of JFK's betrayal and it was his 'Back Channel' nuclear missiles deal, and NSAM Vietnam withdrawal (which was part of a future peace negioation with Khruchev not a cut and run withdrawal) is what did JFK in. (Deep State Betrayal) which by this time JFK/RFK had already made (Anti Castro Cubans, Mafia, ZR/RIfle CIA, Yankee/Cowboy American Oligarchs) enemies of them. Lee Harvey Oswald goes to New Orleans to begin his sheep dipping as the future pro Castro communist assassin the same time JFK starts his NSAM Vietnam withdrawal memos. Was this the final straw that caused the Joint Chiefs to begin a covert domestic Executive Action plot against the Executive. By this time the Missile Gap that had been been exaggerated by JFK had been grown into what Eisenhower warned about by JFK's buildup. Which looks like a Strategy to get Khruschev and his strategy of Wars of Liberation in the 3rd world to heel. Instead what JFK did was give the same Military Industrial Complex that was profiting from conflicts around the world incentive to work to stop his New Frontier. On 11/22/63 LBJ oddly took AF1 back with The Kennedy People when Air Force 2 was available and McGeorge Bundy oddly radioed AF1 that 'the Lone Assassin Was Captured' before that could have been know. Could LBJ have pulled out of a bigger plot when Oswald was arrested instead of killed that was supposed to be like a Franz Fernaad assassination and lead the public to outrage that would cause official already waiting for the go to start a chain of events that would probably include a strike and invasion of Cuba (Oplan/Operation Naval Guerrilla) causing Khruchev to react with Berlin giving NATO and a General Leminitzer of Operation Northwoods the go for a nuclear strike on Russia. Which the Joint Chiefs had advocated for to JFK in a Meeting that he walked out of. Interestingly the first showing for Dr. Strangelove that had a similar plot of a general taking it into his own hands to strike the Soviet Union was first screened on 11/22/63 and contained a line by Slim Pickens which he reads of Major Kongs Survival Kit and ends with: "Shoot, a fella could have a pretty good weekend in Dallas with that stuff..." Which cause the film to be delayed and the city was over dubbed to "Vegas" Effects of the Kennedy assassination on the film[edit] A first test screening of the film was scheduled for November 22, 1963, the day of the assassination of John F. Kennedy. The film was just weeks from its scheduled premiere, but because of the assassination, the release was delayed until late January 1964, as it was felt that the public was in no mood for such a film any sooner.[56] During post-production, one line by Slim Pickens, "a fella could have a pretty good weekend in Dallas with all that stuff", was dubbed to change "Dallas" to "Vegas", since Dallas was where Kennedy was killed.[57] The original reference to Dallas survives in the English audio of the French-subtitled version of the film. The assassination also serves as another possible reason that the pie-fight scene was cut. In the scene, after Muffley takes a pie in the face, General Turgidson exclaims: "Gentlemen! Our gallant young president has been struck down in his prime!" Editor Anthony Harvey stated that the scene "would have stayed, except that Columbia Pictures were horrified, and thought it would offend the president's family."[58] Kubrick and others have said that the scene had already been cut before preview night because it was inconsistent with the rest of the film.[59] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Looking_Glass Operation Looking Glass Boeing EC-135C Looking Glass Looking Glass (or Operation Looking Glass) is the historic code name for an airborne command and control center operated by the United States. In more recent years it has been more officially referred to as the ABNCP(Airborne National Command Post).[1] It provides command and control of U.S. nuclear forces in the event that ground-based command centers have been destroyed or otherwise rendered inoperable. In such an event, the general officer aboard the Looking Glass serves as the Airborne Emergency Action Officer (AEAO)[2] and by law assumes the authority of the National Command Authority and could command execution of nuclear attacks. The AEAO is supported by a battle staff of approximately 20 people, with another dozen responsible for the operation of the aircraft systems. The name Looking Glass, which is another name for a mirror, was chosen for the Airborne Command Post because the mission operates in parallel with the underground command post at Offutt Air Force Base.[3] History[edit] The code name "Looking Glass" came from the aircraft's ability to "mirror" the command and control functions of the underground command post at the U.S. Air Force's Strategic Air Command (SAC) headquarters at Offutt AFB, Nebraska. Early Looking Glass battle staff Gen. Richard Ellis, CINCSAC, in battle staff compartment, 1979 Looking Glass battle staff The SAC Airborne Command Post or "Looking Glass" was initiated in 1960, with the conversion of 5 KC-135A tankers in to Airborne Command Posts. On July 1, 1960 operational testing began under the code name Looking Glass,[4][5] and operated by the 34th Air Refueling Squadron at Offutt AFB. The mission transferred to the 38th Strategic Reconnaissance Squadron in August 1966, to the 2nd Airborne Command and Control Squadron in April 1970, to the 7th Airborne Command and Control Squadron in July 1994, and to the USSTRATCOM's Strategic Communications Wing One in October 1998.[6][7] The Strategic Air Command put Looking Glass mission on continuous airborne alert starting February 3, 1961,[8] aircraft from the 34th Air Refueling Squadron based at its headquarters at Offutt AFB, backed up by aircraft flying with the Second Air Force / 913th Air Refueling Squadron at Barksdale AFB, Louisiana, Eighth Air Force / 99th Air Refueling Squadronat Westover AFB, Massachusetts, and Fifteenth Air Force / 22d Air Refueling Squadron, March AFB, California.[7] EC-135 Looking Glass aircraft were airborne 24 hours a day for over 29 years,[9] until July 24, 1990,[10] when "The Glass" ceased continuous airborne alert, but remained on ground or airborne alert 24 hours a day.[11] Looking Glass mirrors ground-based command, control, and communications (C3 or C³) located at the USSTRATCOM Global Operations Center (GOC) at Offutt AFB.[6] The EC-135 Looking Glass aircraft were equipped with the Airborne Launch Control System, capable of transmitting launch commands to U.S. ground-based intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs) in the event that the ground launch control centers were rendered inoperable.[6][12][13] The Looking Glass was also designed to help ensure continuity and reconstitution of the US government in the event of a nuclear attack on North America. Although the two types of aircraft are distinct, the Doomsday Planenickname is also frequently associated with the Boeing E-4 "Nightwatch" Advanced Airborne Command Post mission and aircraft. The Looking Glass was the anchor in what was known as the World Wide Airborne Command Post (WWABNCP) network. This network of specially equipped EC-135 aircraft would launch from ground alert status and establish air-to-air wireless network connections in the event of a U.S. national emergency. Members of the WWABNCP network included: Operation Silk Purse for the Commander in Chief, U.S. European Command (USCINCEUR), based at RAF Mildenhall in the United Kingdom (callsign Seabell); Operation "Scope Light" for the Commander in Chief, U.S. Atlantic Command (CINCLANT), based at Langley AFB, VA; Operation "Blue Eagle" for the Commander in Chief, U.S. Pacific Command (USCINCPAC), based at Hickam AFB, HI; and Operation "Nightwatch" which supported the President of the United States and were based at Andrews AFB, Maryland. In the early 1970s the E-4A aircraft replaced the EC-135Js on this mission.[7] The Eastern Auxiliary (EAST Aux) and Western Auxiliary (West Aux) Command Posts were also part of the WWABNCP ("wah-bin-cop") network and were capable of assuming responsibility for Looking Glass as the anchor. The West Aux 906th Air Refueling Squadron was based at Minot AFB, North Dakota, and moved to the 4th Airborne Command and Control Squadron at Ellsworth AFB, South Dakota, in April 1970 and the East Aux mission 301st Air Refueling Squadron was based at Lockbourne AFB, Ohio, and moved to the 3rd Airborne Command & Control Squadron at Grissom AFB, Indiana, in April 1970. After 1975, East Aux was assumed from the Looking Glass backup ground alert aircraft launched from Offutt AFB. In June 1992, United States Strategic Command took over the Looking Glass mission from the Strategic Air Command, as SAC was disbanded and Strategic Command assumed the nuclear deterrence mission.[7] These same Doomsday Planes are filmed flying over Washington on 9/11/2001 Was JFK's meddling with the United States and Nato's Atomic Weapons what caused people in the upper Escalon of governments and world finance to deem John F. Kennedy and his peace plan a threat to western national security and implemented 'Executive Action' against the POTUS?
  13. I agree with your analysis It is clearly Witt there are alot of other pictures that show it's him (Check altgens collection I think he took some) Imo, it would be better time spent on the Umbrella man to see if Witt connects to Lemay or someone else who was in ExComm that was there for the Neville Chamberlin Comment, The LBJ campaign made the comment also during the DNC challenge.
  14. Sorry, to hear this about Mr. Talbot. Noam Chompsky just had something similar happen and is hospitalized currently in Brazil.
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