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Matthew Koch

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About Matthew Koch

  • Birthday September 27

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    Santa Poco Mexico
  • Interests
    Researching the JFK Assassination

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  1. That reminds me of the Trader in 'Inside job' that talked about walking outside and seeing the first trade tower on fire and his first thought was about Gold is going up, lol
  2. I think it's inconceivable, it is going to be brought up in the debate, especially seeing how hostile the moderators are towards Trump. BUT.. RFK Jr will be live streaming the debate and maybe he will bring it up? I think @Lori Spencer is doing something with the RFK campaign, maybe she can get him to bring it up🙂
  3. Sorry, but Kwitny is the Source? Anyways, this is very inaccurate account about the Congo and leaves out the Mutiany that happened in the Congolese army that allowed Tshombe to make Katanga Independent. Can someone comment on this link so Jim can see it and watch the documentary that shows what really happened
  4. 1. I don't, and I believe that JFKA and 911 are very big plots that are compartmentalized and mixed together to prevent researchers from figuring out the USA Government did the event. I don't believe in Rogue Conspiracies 2. If you look into the buildings, ever since the bombing in the early 90's tenants moved out and the building did upgrade construction until the collapse. People have said that their companies moved floors because of the "construction". There is also a stange power down event before the attack and Neil Bush ran the company that did security for the building until just before the attacks. Everything is there if you just spend the time to look. There was a group called Gelitin that lived in the building at the time and if you search the B thing you can see the weird self published book they put out. etc, etc.. https://rumble.com/v2e4uqg-the-great-thermate-debate.html https://rumble.com/v2e8fns-911-mysteries-demolitions.html 3. You've said you were a financial reporter. Building 7 held SEC cases and the destruction of the buildings and all the financial stuff, enabled the Federal Reserve to use their emergency powers and basically clear the records of all the debt and records in the buildings and companies. It was a gigantic financial crime (in addition to the Pentagon saying the day before it lost trillions of $'s) PTECH recovered some files and found massive financial transactions going on while the towers were being evacuated. Dylan Ratigan found insider trading which is really interesting if you watch this video about what Intelligence Connected Companies were tenants in the buildings https://rumble.com/v2f4cwm-911-explosive-connections.html You're free to believe what you want.. I'm just going to mention evidence when it's there. I appreciate your ability to have a colloquial tone on issues that you don't agree with.
  5. I'm referring specifically to building 7, it's okay to not fully understand the event.. 911 is alot like the JFKA there are alot of different groups and people involved. Basically, Saudi Intelligence, Pakistani Intelligence, Israel Intelligence are directly involved with the plot on the ground level. The Buildings are full of Intelligence Companies and the people of PNAC that wrote a Clean Break Strategy document that called for a "Pearl Harbor" type event to enable American Military to defend it's foreign investments. (The term American Century comes from Henry Luce of Time/Life) Those people join the government in the Bush2 admin and change things like how hijacked airplanes are responded to and chain of command that enabled the slow response that allowed the planes to hit their targets. Just like how the JFKA connects to Watergate and Iran/Contra alot of those people show up in 911.. Today Julian Assange got a plea deal and I remember before his arrest most people in Conspiracy circles wondered the same suspicions about Assange that is being asked about Tucker. Until the Podesta files, everything that was being released by Wiki leaks was at lowest secret clearance about stuff we already knew about. So people were very skeptical that he wasn't OP (I'm sure Carlson talking UFO's also raises peoples suspicions)
  6. I found the DRE attack on a hotel during it to be one of the most interesting/least talked about aspects of the crisis. I wonder if AI could do a translation of the audio now a days, because I don't trust Philip Zelikow..
  7. Thomas Jefferson thought the same thing! LMAO! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jefferson's_Tree_of_Liberty#:~:text=The title is a reference,folk songs recorded in Cuba.
  8. That's why I try to xxxxx him when he's on, because he says people like us (who are on this forum) are Kooks. I mean Jack Valenti and David Ferrie as gunmen? lols, that's why if you have a sense of humor you can look at the Israel did it guys as an Inside Joke He'll probably see this Hi Corey! It's me, Mateo Cocinero..
  9. It is reallyfunny because the "dictator" let people vote him out of office! Cliff, Stick to what you are good at; T3 polemics
  10. Stay on topic, Please. Buisness insider is the source? As the guy you voted for would say: "COME on Man??? alkjdl;kajdf; a"
  11. RFK has no chance, so I skipped reading that part, lols, Sounds like it's Trump or Bust for the JFK files. Pretty funny that researchers are more worried about our Democracy and made up Operation Mocking Bird Boogie men like Christian Nationalism aka Dark Ultra MAGA Fascism. (Also, pretty funny) (From the Trump part of the article) to get us back on topic: If Trump is elected again, he can explain what he experienced in October 2017. He can explain what he told Judge Andrew Napolitano and why. He can explain why felt that he had no choice under last minute pressure from agencies in October 2017 (and again in 2018), including pressure from the CIA. During this upcoming campaign Trump can explain how he received faulty legal advice from the DOJ’s Office of Legal Counsel at the eleventh hour in making his decisions on the JFK Records, which he did. Trump can obtain an objective and clinical legal analysis demonstrating how the JFK Records Act was intended (by Congress) to operate. Trump can declare with confidence, after receiving competent and objective legal counsel, that the JFK Act was NOT intended for the President--30 years after the passage of the JFK Act--to rewrite the law with a presidential pen. Trump would surely attempt to embarrass Biden regarding his more recent orders, but the issue does not change. Trump can acknowledge and endorse the recent Tucker Carlson reporting. Trump can pledge to rescind and reverse ALL of Biden’s executive orders on this historical issue. Trump can pledge to issue a new executive order requiring all agencies and NARA to immediately comply with provisions of the JFK Records Act that require an unclassified identification of each assassination record still withheld and why each record should still be withheld today under the standards of the JFK Act. Trump can establish a reasonable deadline for agencies and NARA to complete this ministerial work for the remaining Protected Collection. It could be 6 months, it could be 9 months. But no more arbitrary extensions or delays. Trump could then make a final and independent Presidential decision after receiving this required information from the agencies. And that decision must relate to an identifiable harm as currently posed by a specific record(s). What else could Trump do? He could acknowledge Jefferson Morley’s efforts and the serious problem with George Joannides. It is now undisputed that Joannides ran a CIA anti-Castro operation that was connected to Lee Harvey Oswald. It is now clear that Joannides stonewalled the HSCA in a clandestine CIA operation determined to maintain secrecy on the CIA anti-Castro operations, no matter the cost. Trump may not go there, but the history on Joannides is clearly one of the reasons why the CIA is determined to maintain secrecy in the remaining Protected Collection.
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