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Throat Wound

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What did the Parkland Doctors use to make the tracheometry incision in kennedy's throat " A BROCKEN BOTTLE " ?

Where is the nice neat scaple incision. ?

Is this a wound of "Entrance or Exit" ?

Hi Robin

I remember an ABC documentary a few years ago.

Telejournalist Tom Jarriel interviewed Dr. Charles Crenshaw. Crenshaw

was shown the throat photo, and said it didn't look anything like

that while JFK was at Parkland Hospital. One has to wonder what happened

to JFK during the chronicled time between Parkland and Bethesda.

Bill C

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What did the Parkland Doctors use to make the tracheometry incision in kennedy's throat " A BROCKEN BOTTLE " ?

Where is the nice neat scaple incision. ?

Is this a wound of "Entrance or Exit" ?

Is this a wound of "Entrance or Exit" ?


The extremely small circular/half-moon area which is located along the bottom line of the incision/skin, is the actual fragment exit wound location.


Unfortunately, not unlike many of the autopsy photo's which we are shown, there is no clear, concise, and exact description as to when the particular photo was taken, at what period of time in the autopsy.

Therefore, this photo may in fact have been taken after the autopsy surgeons had already probed around in the neck of JFK and located the tracheal damage.

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What did the Parkland Doctors use to make the tracheometry incision in kennedy's throat " A BROCKEN BOTTLE " ?

Where is the nice neat scaple incision. ?

Is this a wound of "Entrance or Exit" ?

Hi Robin

I remember an ABC documentary a few years ago.

Telejournalist Tom Jarriel interviewed Dr. Charles Crenshaw. Crenshaw

was shown the throat photo, and said it didn't look anything like

that while JFK was at Parkland Hospital. One has to wonder what happened

to JFK during the chronicled time between Parkland and Bethesda.

Bill C

Well, I will offer one scenario which has a possible explanation that is not conspiracy theory, but which is nonetheless speculative, readers may obviously "draw their own conclusions."

Submitted for your approval, the comments recorded of the Dallas Police Dept radio transmission

A 'Selected portion,' is suitable for viewing at:


There are the recorded comments, well known to everyone

"Get a man on top of that triple underpass and see what happened up there."

While the collective "we" in 2006 can't see 'what happened up there' the question should be asked.....

"have we....heard EVERYTHING that happened, [with regards to 'what happened up there' in its ENTIRETY?

There have been assertions to the effect that "certain portions" of the transcripts, are not taken from a 'completed audio rendition' but one which has portions deleted, said portions deleted, containing vital information affecting said official version of events, which, in turn make evidence of smoking gun type postulations, difficult, if not veritably impossible to document.

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What did the Parkland Doctors use to make the tracheometry incision in kennedy's throat " A BROCKEN BOTTLE " ?

Where is the nice neat scaple incision. ?

Is this a wound of "Entrance or Exit" ?

Is this a wound of "Entrance or Exit" ?


The extremely small circular/half-moon area which is located along the bottom line of the incision/skin, is the actual fragment exit wound location.


Unfortunately, not unlike many of the autopsy photo's which we are shown, there is no clear, concise, and exact description as to when the particular photo was taken, at what period of time in the autopsy.

Therefore, this photo may in fact have been taken after the autopsy surgeons had already probed around in the neck of JFK and located the tracheal damage.

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What ever happened, happened. whatever holes were there, then they [powers that be] had to do what they had to do to make them match their scenerio. The first report of it being a "small" entrance hole, at Parkland, can, I beleive, be trusted. After removing the body, they performed the "hatchet job" on the wound to hide any evidence, or even remove the "projectile", and explain a rearward shot. I am no doctor, but I have heard of many stories of people having [trac's] done, and surviving completely, only with a small hole to sew up. Personally, my mother was on a resporator for months with a tube inserted in her neck to breath, and she came back fine. I dont believe many people would have had such massive looking wound for a trac insert. Can you imagine how many theories or explanations they tried to come up with before finally coming up with the "magic" show?? We can only believe that the rear back shot was "moved up" to coinside with the neck wound. We can only believe he was hit from the front, with a small caliber weapon. Any large caliber weapon would have done alot more damage, and Im sure, blown out the back. This is where the "umbrella" explanation came in, to explain the small entrance wound, with no exit hole to speak of, and the recovery of the suposed "projectile". Personally, I dont know were it came from, or what it was, but he was deffinately hit from one of several possible locations. Just my opinion FWIW


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No one has considered the possibility that the small throat wound was administered at Parkland Hospital between the time that Kennedy arrived there and Malcolm Perry destroyed the evidence forever.

John F. Kennedy was not going to leave Dallas, Texas alive.

Ashton Gray

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For anyone not to believe what was virtually a unanimously concurring testimony from the Parkland Doctors immediately (immediately being the key word) after the President was pronounced dead, then one would have to believe that all of the Parkland personnel had immediately "somehow" have beeen parties to a conspiracy......which by my thinking is absolutely absurd.

I have long been torn between two explanations for this aberation. 1) David Lifton's theory of body alteration or 2) Very sloppy and unadmitted probing by the Bethesda autopsists.

I feel both alteration theories have credence. I feel assured that the testimony of Parkland Trauma personnel, which was given on the afternoon of 11/22/63, each of which supports the others, is among all of the testimony in this entire case, the most sound.

I cannot documentarily "prove" it, but I feel very strongly that Bethesda knew before the autopsy was over, that this was reortedly an entrance wound that's appearance had been somewhat altered by the

trach. incision. If I am not mistaken, Admiral Burkely was present at both Parkland and Bethesda.

Burkely was an "Admiral" as well as being the President's physician; and an Admiral's voice "would have been heard". To believe that he would not, during the autopsy, have stated what he knew of the throat wound would be to believe that he was a part of the conspiracy. Burkely was not a small frog sitting on a lilly pad. To become an admiral, one must be connected......to be an Admiral "and" the Presidential Physician, one had to have very high connections. I do not understand the relative "obscurity" that Burkely has been given. This obscurity had to result only by his having been "silenced" by a "supreme being"....as I, in no way, place him as a player in the murder !

I feel that Burkely was intentionally silenced and all but concealed ! Has any researcher ever looked very deeply into this.

The ONI had tremendously more influence in the intelligence field than for which they are credited. It is my personal but undocumentable opinion, that the ONI played a much more signicant role in this Coup d' Etat, than some agencies that have born much of the brunt.

If I am not grossly mistaken.....this is the manner in which intelligence is designed to perform. ONI could have been the major intelligence player !

If this is so, it stands to reason that they have been among the least publicized possible factor.

I feel that much research has been very deeply mired in 43 year old thinking !

We perhaps need to jump OUT OF THE BOX !

Charlie Black

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If the small throat wound was not a bullet wound, but a wound administered by person or persons unknown at Parkland Hospital between the time John F. Kennedy was removed from the limo and the time that Malcolm Perry destroyed all evidence forever, then all the endless miles of argument over whether it was an entrance or an exit wound made by a bullet or other projectile fired from a gun are are the circular tracks of a hopelessly infinite discussion that goes perfectly nowhere, ever, but merry-go-rounds endlessly in the same place.

This would derived solely to the benefit of any co-conspirators, and any disinformation agents assigned to keep that exact controversy in suspension and foment infinitely.

Ashton Gray

Edited by Ashton Gray
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If the small throat wound was not a bullet wound, but a wound administered by person or persons unknown at Parkland Hospital between the time John F. Kennedy was removed from the limo and the time that Malcolm Perry destroyed all evidence forever, then all the endless miles of argument over whether it was an entrance or an exit wound made by a bullet or other projectile fired from a gun are are the circular tracks of a hopelessly infinite discussion that goes perfectly nowhere, ever, but merry-go-rounds endlessly in the same place.

This would derived solely to the benefit of any co-conspirators, and any disinformation agents assigned to keep that exact controversy in suspension and foment infinitely.

Ashton Gray

Wow. There are disinformation agents assigned to keep the controversy in suspension.

Nice way to forstall debate, eh, Ashton? A pre-emptive smear?

Are we to take the above upon faith since, according to the Gospel of Ashton Gray,

Diana Bowron, Margret Henchcliffe, and Charles Carrico -- the first people to treat

JFK in the ER -- must have been perps? Otherwise Ashton wouldn't have a pet theory

to pimp?

Any support for your allegations, Ashton?

Edited by Cliff Varnell
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No one has considered the possibility that the small throat wound was administered at Parkland Hospital between the time that Kennedy arrived there and Malcolm Perry destroyed the evidence forever.

John F. Kennedy was not going to leave Dallas, Texas alive.

Ashton Gray


Have you completely lost it...or have I ?

Who at Parkland would, or "undetectably" could, have administered a throat wound at Parkland that never existed ? Do you believe that it may have been an invisible SS agent or FBI man? Perhaps even Jackie ?

WHY on earth would this new and non fatal wound be "administered" ?

Do you feel that the Zapruder film depiction of Kennedy suffering throat trauma was the result of his swallowing a piece of chewing gum ? Or was that segmemt fabricated to prove that there may also have been a North Knoll shooter ? (in addition to the "lone Oswald gunman" and South Knoll shooter)?

Ashton..I am beginning to seriously worry about you as you are getting not only "curiouser and curiouser".....but maybe "paranoider and paranoider".

Ashton, I will pray for your speedy recovery !

Charlie Black

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It's extremely curious to me that purported proponents of a conspiracy in the murder of John F. Kennedy are yet adament about excluding any and all personnel present at Parkland Hospital, whether employed by the hospital or otherwise, at and around the time that Kennedy was taken there.

It there were, in fact, a conspiracy, and if the planned site for a shooting was Dealey Plaza (with a possible back-up plan at the Trade Mart), then these must have been very confident conspirators indeed if they had no insurance installed at the very hospital where the President would be taken in the event of such a premeditated shooting.

Ashton Gray

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Guest Mark Valenti
It's extremely curious to me that purported proponents of a conspiracy in the murder of John F. Kennedy are yet adament about excluding any and all personnel present at Parkland Hospital, whether employed by the hospital or otherwise, at and around the time that Kennedy was taken there.

It there were, in fact, a conspiracy, and if the planned site for a shooting was Dealey Plaza (with a possible back-up plan at the Trade Mart), then these must have been very confident conspirators indeed if they had no insurance installed at the very hospital where the President would be taken in the event of such a premeditated shooting.

Ashton Gray

Theories cry out for participation from:

Motorcade planners

Naval Intel

Army Intel


Scattered Dealey Plaza shooters/enablers

Secret Service

Rogue CIA

Establishment CIA



New Orleans gays

Bill Greer from the front seat!!





Alpha 66


Air Force One


Florida, Chicago, Las Vegas, etc., etc.

So why the hell not Parkland staff?

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It's extremely curious to me

Really. Personally, I couldn't care less why people arrive at the conclusions they do.

I think this is a venue of fact based argument, so such personal speculation appears


that purported proponents of a conspiracy in the murder of John F. Kennedy are yet adament about excluding any and all personnel present at Parkland Hospital, whether employed by the hospital or otherwise, at and around the time that Kennedy was taken there.
You have a strange manner of introducing these ideas. Always with the sleazy insinuations.
It there were, in fact, a conspiracy, and if the planned site for a shooting was Dealey Plaza (with a possible back-up plan at the Trade Mart), then these must have been very confident conspirators indeed if they had no insurance installed at the very hospital where the President would be taken in the event of such a premeditated shooting.

Ashton Gray

Since you put it that way, we have the basis for a discussion.

JFK came into Parkland with a good part of his brains blown out.

If the staff at Parkland had been prepped to finish the dude off, why

did they nick the right side of the trachea, bruise the tip of the lung,

and produce a tiny fracture of the T1 transverse process?

I mean, the guy is laying there with his brains out and they "finished

him off" with a nick and a bruise and a hairline fracture?

No, the throat wound tells a different story.

Small caliber. Did not exit. Left a field of metallic debris at its

point of deepest penetration.

JFK acted paralyzed in the limo -- simplest explanation -- because he WAS


All consistent with a Mitch WerBell adaptation of Charles Senseney's

blood soluble paralytic technology.



And that is why the plotters felt confident they'd get the job done in Dealey.

Edited by Cliff Varnell
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