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Throat Wound

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I have a difficult time believing that the entire Parkland ER staff was in on the conspiracy

I hope so. That would be more ludicrous than the idea he could have been shot in the indicated location without the projectile going through the shirt, tie, or both.

What I've posited as a possibility could have been accomplished by one or two people.

but two things have always puzzled me greatly: If there was an entry wound to the throat where is the corresponding exit wound?
There isn't one. The available evidence always has leaned overwhelmingly against there being a bullet wound in the throat—going in any direction. That's why there have been such asinine theories as the Single Bullet Theory, and others that you've seen being arrogantly preached right here in this thread. All there really have been are "official" assertions that there was a bullet wound in the throat (sermons delivered here daily), based on the cursory (and brief) observations by several attending doctors that there was a puncture wound in the throat more or less consistent with a small projectile wound. The natural assumption by all disinterested observers was that it was a bullet wound. None has ever stated conclusively and dispositively that it was either an entrance or exit wound. The question has been in eternal suspension because all evidence of it was destroyed forever in the first few minutes.

But there is no entrance wound for which it could be an exit wound, and there is no exit wound that could account for it being an entrance wound, and the area where it is claimed to have been was covered by clothing that shows no bullet hole.

It was not a bullet wound. And 43+ years of wishing and hoping and theorizing still haven't made it a bullet wound, nor will another 43+ years of such agonizing and hand-wringing.

And with the president's head blown apart, he was clearly DOA, so why on earth was ANY surgery performed on the throat?

Emergency room doctors and personnel have reported that there were some vital signs, even though one or more of the doctors said his erratic breathing was that of someone who was terminal. Still, he was not pronounced DOA and efforts were made to save him without anyone investigating closely the extent of his head damage.

If—and of course this is the central question—the assassination was in fact the product of conspiracy, and if the conspirators were determined that JFK was not going to leave Dallas alive, the obvious and most likely place to insinuate a "final solution" backup to any possibility of failure would be the hospital where he would be taken if wounded.

That, of course, would require knowing in advance where he would be taken, and knowing ER procedures there.

In my reading on this, it has captured my attention that John Connally was removed from the limo first, and that Dr. Carrico initially was with Connally. "Within two minutes" of the arrival of Kennedy, nurse Henchliffe left to go get blood so was away.


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I remember reading recently that one of the autopsy technicians (John Stringer?) told the ARRB that a missing X-ray showed a trail of metallic fragments in the throat/neck.


Key evidence in the case, I'm 95% certain.

The metallic fragments were most dense at the point of deepest penetration,

enough to cause a tiny fracture of the right tip of the T1 transverse process.

What kind of ordance leaves a metallic trail but no bullet?


(foreword by Richard Helms, 1965), pg 22:


The dart gun is a single-shot pistol firing a .03-caliber, mass stabilized

projectile...made of iron particles and the tranquilizer M-99

formed together with a blood/water soluble bonding agent... If left in the

body, the dart dissolves and becomes unidentifiable on X-ray.

An adjustable shoulder stock is available as an accessory (must be

obtained seperately) for operations requiring ranges up to 100 feet.

Because the round that struck JFK in the throat was at least 10 times larger

than the one cited in this reference book, the iron bonding particles showed

up on x-ray.

The larger blood soluble technology was pioneered by Charles Senseney,

who developed a dog-silencer for the us Army and the CIA. Senseny

testified before the Church Committee in the Senate in 1976, as did

William Casey and Richard Helms, verifying the existence of a small

caliber blood soluble round that paralyzed the target within 2 seconds.

Casey testified that this was experimented with upon humans.


I find it a reasonable conclusion (95%) that Mitch WerBell adapted this technology to

a sound suppressed firearm, which was fired from the Black Dog Man position circa


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I have a difficult time believing that the entire Parkland ER staff was in on the conspiracy

I hope so. That would be more ludicrous than the idea he could have been shot in the indicated location without the projectile going through the shirt, tie, or both.

Ashton, your suited cadaver shows JFK's tie knot at the bottom of his adams apple.

This photo from Fort Worth Eleven Twenty Two shows that there was some distance

between the adams apple and the shirt collar, right where the throat wound was observed.


What I've posited as a possibility could have been accomplished by one or two people.

Why did this medical-hit squad nick the right side of JFK's trachea, bruise the tip of his right

lung, and then cause a hairline fracture at the tip of his right T1 transverse process?

They wheeled the guy in with a big part of his head blown off and they "finished him off"

by inflicting utterly non-fatal, perhaps insignificant wounds -- wounds which indicate a

shot from the front and thus conspiracy?


Are you asking us to buy this on faith, dear Ashton?

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I have a difficult time believing that the entire Parkland ER staff was in on the conspiracy

I hope so. That would be more ludicrous than the idea he could have been shot in the indicated location without the projectile going through the shirt, tie, or both.

Ashton, your suited cadaver shows JFK's tie knot at the bottom of his adams apple.

This photo from Fort Worth Eleven Twenty Two shows that there was some distance

between the adams apple and the shirt collar, right where the throat wound was observed.


What I've posited as a possibility could have been accomplished by one or two people.
Why did this medical-hit squad nick the right side of JFK's trachea, bruise the tip of his right

lung, and then cause a hairline fracture at the tip of his right T1 transverse process?

They wheeled the guy in with a big part of his head blown off and they "finished him off"

by inflicting utterly non-fatal, perhaps insignificant wounds -- wounds which indicate a

shot from the front and thus conspiracy?


Are you asking us to buy this on faith, dear Ashton?

The last thing that I would attempt to do, is to even give the appearance of being anywhere near an expert on this issue, at the same time however, many individuals who have followed this aspect of the JFK wounds saga have at least partially succeeded in following the various assertions about the various wounds to JFK's body;

Looking at, the "wound in the back;" irrespective of whether the frontal wound was.... a wound of entry, exit or even a tracheotomy individuals following the whole controversy have been made aware of a certain dynamic of smoke and mirror's the Warren Commission unloaded on the American people. As part of the single bullet theory, [or hoax as many would opine,] an alleged point of entry in the back [which] matched the location of the apparent tracheotomy visible to, or in, the front.

Correct me if I am wrong, but at that point the Warren Commission, while not allowing the actual photos of Kennedy's wounds, to be shown in the Report, as released to the American people in 1964 was also "selective" about what they allowed and didn't allow the artist [who drew the renditions used in the Warren Report, depicting the wounds] to see; thus, enabling a bit of creative obfuscation to perpetuate a falsehood, that, indeed the wound on Kennedy's back, not only didn't match the point of exit, but in reality was quite a bit lower.

Does anyone else feel that is an accurate portrayal of how the Warren Commission supported Sen Arlen Specter's lesson in quantum physics?

Edited by Robert Howard
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I'm going to say this once:

I made a concerted and good-faith effort to find photos that would depict JFK's adam's apple at rest, the way it is in the post-mortem photo—not bobbing in mid-speech—and a good-faith effort to duplicate the way his collar and tie rode in realistic relationship to the length of his neck.

I really could care less about the number of specious and disingenuous snide allegations made against me in attempts to smear and discredit me. I yawn. I've put the visual evidence into the record in the best way available to me, and to the best of my good-faith abilities.

Here is that evidence again, just as presented originally.

Submitted for your consideration, here are two photos of John F. Kennedy at Love Field in Dallas, Texas on the morning of 22 November 1963, the day he was murdered. Note the ride of his shirt collar and tie:


In the animation below, the photo of the tracheotomy (sometimes "tracheostomy") opening—which destroyed all the evidence of a reported throat wound—is overlaid with the same shirt and tie from the black-and-white photo above. The clothing has been adjusted to overlay it on the reclining body in the best approximation of the photos above that could be attained. The suit jacket has been made black only because the play of shadows on the jacket in the above image made the overlay confusing to the eye, and the jacket is largely irrelevant to what is being demonstrated:


I believe any man who has tied and worn a tie, and any woman who ever has helped a man in that part of his wardrobe and accoutrements each is perfectly capable of making his or her own observations and determinations about any possibility of a well-tailored man wearing a tie so low that it could admit a bullet to pass into the location where the tracheotomy opening is without penetrating the tie, or the collar (and shirt below both tie and collar—two layers each), or both.

I have made my own determination.

And that is my last word on it. (For the reading-challenged who pass this way, "it" in the previous sentence is a pronoun reflecting on the subject of this message. If for any reason you cannot determine what the subject of this message is, please do us both the merciful kindness of not reading any of my posts.)

Ashton Gray

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Hello Dawn

You, in an earlier post, mentioned that you were confused (as are most) that how could there be a throat entrance wound and no evidence of the missile being in the body nor a tract and exit of this missile.

A number of years ago I had a somewhat wild theory, tho not as wild as the "Parlkland Assassin Team".

The theory is quite different. However, if considered with an "open" mind, I feel that it has merit and is certainly possible.

I have long felt that at least one shot was fired by a small caliber weapon.... .22 or .25 caliber,

from a small "sound supressed" handgun, concealed

by an Elm Street spectator / shooter. Concealed within a camera, a hat, a purse, magazine or many other possible hiding places. This "silenced" concealed small weapon would have allowed "this shooter", to blend in with the crowd and probably have a very easy and unnoticed escape.

The only reason that I am mentioning this is that what I propose allows for a "path and disposal" of the throat entering bullet. I suggest that this small caliber weapon was fired from a lower elevation than was the presidents throat. This small bullet entered the throat at an pretty extreme upward angle and lodged in the scalp or head of JFK. The bullet remained in the Presidents head until his head was struck by the one or two headshots which blew said bullet away with portions of brain and scalp.

My method of madness may be carred a step further. It has been a speculation of mine that evidence of this shooter "MAY" have been captured by Zapruder.

My next step, if you care to so follow me, led to the "excision" of several Zapruder frames to remove evidence of that ground level shot.

I will stop here.....but it is "a way" that the evidence of an anterior entering throat shot could have disappeared.

Perhaps I am crazier than I accuse some others of being ! But this answers, for me at least, several very baffling questions.

This shooting by an Elm Street spectator was very


Charlie Black

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I'm going to say this once:

I made a concerted and good-faith effort to find photos that would depict JFK's adam's apple at rest, the way it is in the post-mortem photo—not bobbing in mid-speech—and a good-faith effort to duplicate the way his collar and tie rode in realistic relationship to the length of his neck.

But you've made an unsupported assumption, Ashton, to the effect that JFK's

posture in the autopsy more accurately approximated JFK's posture in the

limo than the Fort Worth photo.

What do the motorcade photos show?

I really could care less about the number of specious and disingenuous snide allegations made against me in attempts to smear and discredit me. I yawn. I've put the visual evidence into the record in the best way available to me, and to the best of my good-faith abilities.
And another photo was put in evidence contrary to your claim.

Do you give a good faith rebuttal? Do you calmly discuss other photos?

Here is that evidence again, just as presented originally.

Submitted for your consideration, here are two photos of John F. Kennedy at Love Field in Dallas, Texas on the morning of 22 November 1963, the day he was murdered. Note the ride of his shirt collar and tie:


Indeed, note in the photo on the left there was a fold of skin between JFK's

adams apple and the tie-knot.

In the Fort Worth photo he held his head up, stretching the neck folds, and the

fold seen at the base of his adams apple is the upper margin of this same fold

of skin, between the adams apple and the tie-knot.


Now, here's a shot of JFK seated in the motorcade. The fold of skin on the left

side of his neck angles down to form the fold of skin below the adams apple but

above the tie-knot.


JFK was shot in that exposed location -- above the tie knot but below the adams

apple -- from the Black Dog Man position at Z197, imo.

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At no time have I said, hinted, or even suggested that if a puncture wound in the throat was created by a person or persons unknown after John F. Kennedy's arrival at Parkland Hospital, then any such puncture wound was "nonlethal." This straw man was introduced into this thread by someone whose tireless energy and industry at attempting to beat this down using any means and to continue to sell the bullet wound to the throat story is marvelous.

I also at no time have said, hinted, or even suggested that a puncture wound alone was the sole purpose of any such puncture wound.

Just for the record.

Ashton Gray

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At no time have I said, hinted, or even suggested that if a puncture wound in the throat was created by a person or persons unknown after John F. Kennedy's arrival at Parkland Hospital, then any such puncture wound was "nonlethal."

Of course you didn't. I did. I cited the extant medical evidence.

Soon, I'll be posting those wound descriptions you have made false claims about.

This straw man was introduced into this thread by someone whose tireless energy and industry at attempting to beat this down using any means and to continue to sell the bullet wound to the throat story is marvelous.
I pointed out the physical damage to JFK according to the extant medical record.

The nature of the throat wound is crucial to understanding the assassination, imo.

If that idea threatens you, get another hobby, perhaps.

Ashton, you apparently have a sense of entitlement about this topic, as if it is

yours to explore without challenge. I regard the throat wound as important, and

your effort to distort the record on the throat wound will get push back from me

every time.

Foretold -- forewarned.

I also at no time have said, hinted, or even suggested that a puncture wound alone was the sole purpose of any such puncture wound.

Just for the record.

Ashton Gray

Since you're making all this up on the fly, I'm sure you'll get around to trying to

fit the extant evidence to your pet theory -- although you promised your last word

on the subject, I'm sure it isn't.

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Warren Commission testimony on size of the throat wound as reported by medical personnel who were present:

  • DR. PERRY: This was situated in the lower anterior one-third of the neck, approximately 5 mm. in diameter. (3H372) ...I determined only the fact that there was a wound there, roughly 5 mm. in size or so. (6H9)
    DR. CARRICO: This was probably a 4-7 mm. wound, almost in the midline, maybe a little to the right of the midline, and below the thyroid cartilage. (6H3) ...There was a small wound, 5- to 8-mm. in size, located in the lower third of the neck, below the thyroid cartilage, the Adams apple. (3H361)
    DR. JONES: The wound in the throat was probably no larger than a quarter of an inch in diameter. ... t was a very small, smooth wound. (6H54)
    NURSE HENCHLIFFE: It was just a little hole in the middle of his neck. ...About as big around as the end of my little finger. (6H141)

A curiosity that some may find of passing interest:


Ashton Gray

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Anyone else here from the "Old School" in which one was expected to gain "First Person" information and knowledge for their research to carry any validity?

Old School?

I'm all about the Old School.

Sylvia Meagher, ACCESSORIES AFTER THE FACT, pg 150

(quote on)

Is it true that the doctors present during the treatment of the President at

Parkland Hospital did not form an opinion about the nature of this wound?

According to their written reports of the same day, it is not true. Dr.

Charles Carrico described a "small penetrating wound" of anterior neck

in lower third. (CE 392) Dr. Ronald C. Jones referred to "a small hole in

anterior midline of neck thought to be a bullet entrance wound...air was

bubbling through the neck wound" (Jones, Ronald, Exhibit 1)

Dr. Malcolm O. Perry, Dr. Charles Baxter, and Dr. William Kemp Clark did

not suggest in their written reports whether the wound was produced by the

entrance or the exit of a bullet.

(quote off)

In addition to the two contemporaneous written reports, we have the following

witness statements.

Nurse Margaret Henchliffe WC testimony:

(quote on)

[A] little hole in the middle of his neck...About as big as the end of my little

finger...An entrance bullet hole -- it looked to me like...I have never seen an

exit bullet hole -- I don't remember seeing one like that;...it was just a small

wound and wasn't jagged like most of the exit bullet wounds that I have seen.

(quote off)

Nurse Diana Bowron to author Harrison Livingstone, KILLING THE TRUTH, pg 188:

(quote on)

HL: And, so did you see the wound in the throat before? When he was in the car?

DB: Yes.

HL: Okay. And what did that look like?

DB: Well, that looked like an entry wound.

(quote off)

Dr. Charles Crenshaw, CONSPIRACY OF SILENCE, pg 79:

(quote on)

I also identified a small opening about the diameter of a pencil at the

midline of his throat to be an entry bullet hole. There was no doubt in

my mind about that wound.

(quote off)

Dr. Gene Akin's WC testimony:

(quote on)

Mr. SPECTER - What was the dimension of the punctate wound, without regards to

the tracheotomy which was being started?

Dr. AKIN - It looked--it was as you said, it was a puncture wound. It was roughly

circular, about, I would judge, 1.5 cm. in diameter.

(quote off)

Dr. Charles Baxter's WC testimony:

(quote on)

Mr. Specter - Were the characteristics of the wound on the neck sufficient to enable

you to form an opinion with reasonable medical certainty as to what was the cause

of the hole?

Dr. Baxter - Well, the wound was, I think, compatible with a gunshot wound. It did

not appear to be a jagged wound such as one would expect with a very high velocity

rifle bullet. We could not determine, or did not determine at that time whether this

represented an entry or an exit wound. Judging from the caliber of the rifle that we

later found or become acquainted with, this would more resemble a wound of entry.

(quote off)

Dr. Malcolm Perry's 11/22/63 televised press conference:

(quote on)

There was an entrance wound in the neck…It appeared to be coming at him…The

wound appeared to be an entrance wound in the front of the throat; yes, that is


(quote off)

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Nurse Diana Bowron was the person who took a stretcher out to the presidential limosine and, with an orderly named Joe—whose last name she couldn't recall in testimony—brought John F. Kennedy into the emergency room to prepare him for treatment.

Nurse Bowron had come all the way from England in early August 1963, less than four months prior to the assassination, for a fateful one-year stint in the Parkland Hospital emergency room.

Here is how she testified under oath on 24 March 1964:

  • SPECTER: How many holes did you see?
    BOWRON: I just saw one large hole [referring to hole in head].
    SPECTER: ...Did you notice any other wound on the President's body?
    BOWRON: No, sir.
    SPECTER: ...Did you ever see his [John F. Kennedy's] neck prior to the time you removed the trach tube?
    BOWRON: No, sir.

In a 1993 letter, Nurse Bowron changed her story about what she had found when she got to the limosine:

  • BOWRON: "I turned his head and seeing the size of the [head] wound realized that I could not stop the bleeding. I turned his head back and saw an entry wound in the front of the throat... ."

She repeated her new version in her interview with Harrison Livingston:

  • LIVINGSTON: And, so did you see the wound in the throat before? When he was in the car?
    BOWRON: Yes.
    LIVINGSTON: And what did that look like?
    BOWRON: Well, that looked like an entry wound.

Ms. Bowron either lied under oath, or lied in her letter and interview, or she lied at all relevant times.

Why would Ms. Bowron lie about the throat wound at all?

Who is David Parkland Sanders? (Yes, that's right: middle name "Parkland," which is noted here for serious students of CIA psy-ops.)

More anon.

Ashton Gray

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