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David Josephs

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Posts posted by David Josephs

  1. On ‎2‎/‎21‎/‎2018 at 7:56 AM, Sandy Larsen said:


    I would be most appreciative if somebody body can confirm this, and especially if somebody can provide a reference.



    We need to understand that by claiming Oswald was in a car - by definition he had to be with others... legend says he couldn't drive.

    And it acts as a double edeged sword since is correct, the FBI's thousands of pagers showing he took a bus is ever that much more junk... yet as we both know, the existence of Oswald other than on those calls or at those embassies... cannot be proven.

    By the night of the 23rd, the amount of Disinformation in this little paragraph is amazing.  Amb MANN of STATE was trying so hard to help the CIA...


    This is from 104-10004-10256...    attached.   It keeps Oswald in Mexico until Oct 3rd... 




    Except he was at the TEC on Oct 3rd... 1127 miles away...




    I'd suggest working thru some of the Mexico articles on K&K that I posted....  All the info is in there...

    There were a number of stories related to Oswald in a AUTO-mobile.   One of them has the border inspector claiming he remembered an american in a car with a man and a woman, another with a man a 2 women..  

    Here is a piece of the OCT FM-11 for the 2nd half of Sept...  Shows "AUTO."  for transportation



    On the 23rd of Nov US Consul HARVEY CASH has Tijerina type up cards he's gotten from Immigration at Gobernacion... and then lies about it to William KLINE...  Lester Johnson, PUGH and KLINE are covered in my work...  interesting back-peddling and excuse making going on here...











  2. Jim...  I do believe this tactic is simply to get a rise out of people....  especially you since you're educated and knowledgeable about the subject and tommy :sun it appears, has very little else to do.

    I find it a bit hard to believe this is the result of short term memory loss, a side-effect of a medication,
    abject ignorance, or RCPS - Repeated Clueless Post Syndrome...

    It takes a real effort to ignore everything and parrot the same tired and incorrect information, even when it is your own brain child...

    Why say in 2 words what you can post in 50?
    Why learn ANYTHING when you can post and annoy half dozen people...

    FUN!   :up

  3. 30 minutes ago, Kirk Gallaway said:



    David, I remembered this quote of Hoover ,  to LBJ. and the first sentence is: "  "Ok, but I hope you are not being taken in."

    I'm sorry Kirk... you've confused me...  the text was written on the memo above, not said to LBJ...

    The memo is discussing CIA domestic operations... you think this went from Hoover to LBJ? or are the comments for the TO: and FROM:


  4. On ‎2‎/‎20‎/‎2018 at 12:17 PM, Pamela Brown said:

    Agent Hosty said to me that when he asked LHO about going to MC he became enraged.  That at least tells me there was something of significance going on there.

    Indeed there was Pamela....   And until anyone can refute the ID from both ODIO sisters... our little spy getting caught in the midst of spying would get me pretty hot too...

    All he had to do was buy a 3 or 4 part ticket in New Orleans to and from Mexico City to Dallas...  even if he didn't go, at least there would have been a record...  there is literally no information on Oswald leaving New Orleans - which would dovetail nicely into his being driven off by 2 Cubans.



  5. So Chris... what becomes apparent to me is the arbitrary location for STATION C...

    As Shaneyfelt puts it, "The spot where the limo would have turned off Houston onto Elm"...  does this suggested it didn't?

    I did this to show that STATION C can lead to either path... despite POSTION A not being on the limo's path and NOT the last place where the mark on the back of the stand-in can be seen... POSITION A is included and critical... z161, which was actually z168 in the final numbering of frames becomes THE spot... but only after May '64... before that it was 168

    and the fabrication/alteration of material fact begins....


    Mr. SHANEYFELT. The first position we established that morning was frame 161. 
    Mr. SPECTER. Was there not a position established prior in sequence to frame 161, specifically that designated as position A? 
    Mr. SHANEYFELT. That was actually established later. But the first one to be actually located was 161. And we went back later and positioned point A. 
    Mr. SPECTER. Well, let's start with the position which is the most easterly point on Elm Street, which I believe would be position A, would it not? 
    Mr. SHANEYFELT. Yes. 


  6. When Azcue speaks to Cuba, Castro hears it if important enough..

    If we look at the recent memos a month in either direction of oct 1,  a lot was going on down there.   

    If im right, Oswald was on FBI work for Banister thru Houston, Austin, on up to Dallas.... Assume the CIA, Angleton’s group, is aware of this....  FPCC ops is, IMO the red herring..  FPCC in total was the red herring here... They were of no real consequence and 50% FBI informants.   

    Anyway, Oswald to everyone would simply not be with Marina, a mystery.  FBI reports sound clueless... “we believe he went to the Paines” .... I think the Kaack report of Oct 31 is the first to mention his whereabouts. 

    Phillips, Goodpasture, Scott on the CIA side and Mann from State comes along...  the 27th has already been judged not to be Oswald....  the 28th, Saturday, and the BS begins with voices, still no names, but voices with stories. The 28th these lines are closed to the public, personal calls only... the 28th witnesses see Oswald in Dallas at a firing range.... are his 2 comrades setting him up?

    Oct 1... skipping Monday, we get another call, Tarasoff says it’s the same voice... broken Russian.... Spanish....   “My name is LEE OSWALD.  I was there last Sat....”

    Choaden gets a shipment in VA.  After Oct 1.  Phillips promoted to Mexi Station Cuba CI desk... arrives October 7, 8.  Goodpasture memo of the 8th says Oswald... HQ sends back Oct 9, HENRY... Mann is hot for this and sniffs the spy deep snow stuff.... FBI is Clark Anderson down there...  No photos sent in Oct.  This is Mystery Man, yet Clark has the date correct... Compared to what the CIA told them about the 1st....

    The FBI knew and still had to cover for the CIA... those dirty double dealers....



    LITAMIL9 nor the monthly reports mention a Lee Oswald as having been at the embassy.  There was report of one call by an American to the Soviet Embassy.  Our man called the Soviet Military attaché. Out of the blue. Yet this was not mentioned in the report... 

    FBI, ONI, STATE are told.... FBI knows it’s not him immediately.... he’s in Dallas.

    photo and voice not him... SA Peck reports on 20 informants for traces of Oswald... all negative... even his assets at the Gobernacion, negative...  the travel evidence still makes me laugh...

    So, did the catch a mole?   IDK  But I do know that on the 23rd LBJ was asking Hoover on a recorded line about Mexico.  That Castro leads to Krushchev that leads to WW3.  He must have been alone then....   the 26th and Alvarado comes in with a story to tell....  screw you says Phillips, Oswald could still have gotten money from Castro to do it.... but no... HQ overrides the rogue and has him have Alvarado recant.  

    We cant give up sources and means.... Duran’s statement with some other background will keep the source safe.... and allow us never to divulge that he was never there... yet all must proceed as if he were...

    To speculate, finding out that Oswald was FBI-related happened in Dallas with Wade.  If I’m right, he was in Dallas on FBI work that week... Wade was ex FBI?

    He’d be the one to know.... in Dallas.

    I don’t see the Soviets working that way.... to unpredictable. They like to create directed chaos... rot the US from within....   only Americans think such short term and with the Smash it Kill it mentality....

    Age old question remains... is any of this assassination related at the time it occurs and if not, when does it ... 12:30 on the 22nd?


  7. Will it finally relieve me of your endless parroting of the first sentence to an idea to which you can’t seem to find a second sentence?

    What would YOU call pushing an uncorroborated idea ad nauseum when requested repeatedly to expand from 1 idea into a supported theory that ties into other aspects of the case...

    Looks more like e.e. cummings than an attempt at discussion or resolution...

    You remain one of the laziest people here...   “please do my work, you all are the experts... “

    patience gone now.... little respect that was left... gone.

    bye tommy... :sun

  8. 11 hours ago, Thomas Graves said:



    With all due respect (and with apologies to LHO) -- "Your the genius detective, Josephs.  YOU figure it out." 

    And while you're at it, give a plausible explanation for  Duran's and Azcue's collectively describing ...

    --  Tommy  :sun


    Btw, have those probable coincidences and unexplanable anomalies (whatever it is you're referring to here) been proved to have been part-and-parcel of the evil, evil, evil CIA's conspiracy?  You know, "altering the wounds," the fifteen caskets, "the phony x-rays," "the missing x-rays," the really, really, really suspicious radio transmissions --- those sorts of things?

    Or will I have to read "Harvey and Lee and the Two Marguerites" to understand it all?


    Without a hint of respect....

    your flippin theory... follow up and substantiate...  or can’t you be bothered by little things like facts in support of this idea you have?

    I get it, if nothing else for your KGB idea jumps out of the research and into your lap, you repeat the one thing you do have ad nauseam and pray one of us comes to your aid....

    Until you forward the idea, all you have is a self made mountian from a mole hill. And it’s not that good an idea in the first place... but how would you know that, right?

    This thread was dedicated to proof of your idea... let’s concede you’re premise.

    have you added anything to point 1... they described Leonov?  Or is that the lynchpin to your entire presentation of support, as well as the only item in the list?

  9. 1 hour ago, Thomas Graves said:

    "The fly in the ointment" is ... Lee Harvey Oswald and Nikolai Leonov did not "look similar" at all, other than the fact that they were both male and they were both white. 

    Tommy...   (flag) penalty.... 5 yards for excessive assumption.

    If you were to read that description under either man's photo... "Not similar" is not what I see.  Works pretty well for either in 1963 when you've not seen images of both for 20 years.

    But if you want to play.. "Maybe"...  I can read King's 11/22/63... The case is hard enough with what we know... Let us know what you turn up....


  10. Steve... 

    Dated Oct 16 is the letter from Win Scott... Hosty has a source at IN&S, Woosley who tells him the info in that memo as he was cc'd.   

    "Henry" goes out to a long list... Why is the mole hunt not within that list of agencies?   If Henry was the marked card.... Quite a few saw it yet only the FBI memos know its not their Oswald from the word go... Imo...

     Oct 1 is Tues. 28th is Saturday, 30 days hath Sept.    Nothing on Monday... Nothing.

    They reply with Henry supplied/created ultimately by Angleton to see where Henry is repeated outside where expected... Czech, Yugoslav, allies, enemies.... Etc...   And within the Cuban Embassy for reasons I feel are obvious...?  (ok... Cuban Desk Mexi city)

    Counter Intel... It kinda screams at you after a while... And yet, after it all, Castro and Cuba fade away within 2 months... At least for the CIA and SE Asia folk....



  11. 2 hours ago, Thomas Graves said:




    With all due respect, perhaps you should read my applicable posts again.  If you do, you'll realize that, unlike Paul Trejo, I don't have all the answers regarding the assassination, or even "Mexico City."

    Regardless, why should I assume that Duran and Azcue ran anything?

    What do you mean, "The purpose of Mexico" ?

    Are you referring to everything all of the so-called "JFK Assassination Experts" have pointed out and/or postulated about "went down" down there (or didn't) between Thursday, September 2nd and Wednesday, October 3rd, 1963, vis-a-vis Oswald, "Oswald", or some invisible "Oswald," and all of the other usual suspects?

    The whole enchilada, so to speak?

    Etc, etc.

    Are you trying to "lead" me by your somewhat arcane, rhetorical questions to see things "In Mexico" the way you see them, you sneaky little devil, you?  I.e.,"the evil, evil, evil CIA dood da deed"?



    --  Tommy  :sun

    PS   Why do YOU think Duran and Azcue described certain physical aspects of Oswald, "Oswald," or an invisible "Oswald" in such a way as to so closely resemble the distinctive physical characteristics of KGB "diplomat" Nikolai Leonov?

    Just between you and I, what I'm starting to realize is really interesting is the fact that Duran and Azcue disagreed on some things, and it's interesting to speculate about those deviations.  For example, Sylvia Duran told the HSCA that the Oswald, "Oswald," or invisible "Oswald" she'd dealt with weighed about the same as 199-pound Eddie Lopez (did he really weigh that much in 1978, or was that a "typo" in the transcript? -- LOL), that he was rather poorly dressed, that he was the same person as in the visa photos stapled to the applications, and that he was the same man that Jack Ruby killed on 11/24/63.

    WHEREAS ... Eusebio Azcue said the dude was thin (as in skinny), that he was wearing a "Prince of Wales" suit, and that he was NOT the same guy that Ruby killed on 11/24/63.

    The fact that Duran only "halfheartedly" described the guy in a Nikolai Leonov-like way ("He was a little taller than my 5' 3.5" and he had blond hair"), but Eusebio Azcue went "whole hog" ("He was about 30, he had blond or dark-blond hair, he was thin (skinny), he had a very thin face, and he was wearing a (diplomat-like) Prince of Wales suit") intuitively leads me to believe that Duran was obfuscating a bit (perhaps to save her own skin), and that Azcue was either telling the truth, OR was more accurately describing the "Invisible "Oswald" in such a way as to, for whatever reason, implicate Leonov for impersonating, or "virtually impersonating?" Lee Harvey Oswald on Friday, September 27, 1963.

    Maybe it boils down to the fact that Duran was a Mexican citizen, living in Mexico, whereas Azcue was a Cuban citizen, and just might have been more amenable to Fidel Castro's instructions?

    "Hey, Azcue! This is an order.  Describe that Invisible Oswald in such a way that closely resembles that S.O.B. Nikolai Leonov. You know, so we can implicate or have leverage over him and his S.O.B. KGB buddies."


    Just sayin' ...


    Respect noted...

    Between you and me don't you think your posts suggest something... Dare I say, specific?  A Castro led, G-2 op with Azcue playing a key role.

    Duran was arrested by DFS.... Phillips and Scott oversaw the interrogation.  Azcue got nothing of that....  

    A close friend and confidant and double agent was LITAMIL-9.... Who never once reveals his exposure to any sort of plan like that....  Depending on how you interpret his reports I guess.

    Things that should have been reported in March (rifle), Oct And Nov which were claimed to now exit after 11/22, were not.  

    So I humbly ask if you have anything beyond the similar description to tie Azcue to a Cuban Op to mess with the Soviet KGB... Do tell...  If not, then how about toning the presentation of the theory at every opportunity down a smidge?  The real likelihood without any other evidence is that they just look similar....  Why can't Duran remember where she sent the man for photos? She only named 2.... :huh:


    Tommy, do you see a FBI asset in this equation? 

    Anyone believing that anything said by anyone Soviet in this equation is imo taken in.... As is anyone believing a mafia figure....  These 2 entities were at constant war with the US bosses... In whatever field....  And lied at every chance to spread disinformation....  Watch the news as they are finally getting it... Disinformation is the KGB stock and trade as Golitsyn told Angleton....   Not stealing info, planting dis-info.

    If anything, G-2 spies within the DFS or manning the LI project ...

    Who, what did Cuban intelligence feel were top priorities at their spybase embassy in Mexico?

  12. On 2/17/2018 at 3:28 AM, Thomas Graves said:

    David Josephs, who has extensively researched the "Mexico City" issue, has recently (somewhat grudgingly) admitted  that the descriptions Duran and Azcue gave of "Oswald" matched the unique description of KGB "diplomat" Nikolai Leonov.


    Please add to the story...   Assume that Azcue and Duran are running a CI op against the big dogs.... 

    Is that it?  Do you have anything else to support using Leonov, a KGB agent close to both Castro, their boss and Russia, his boss.

    The purpose of Mexico was to turn spies and gather Intel.... What does Castro and G-2 gain?

    Bottom line Tommy, a similar description is a start... What else suggests a Cuba plot via Azcue?

  13. On 2/2/2018 at 3:30 PM, James DiEugenio said:

    When he returns to Dallas from Mexico, is anyone going to argue that the Paines or Wesley Frazier were Russian agents?

    You mention a new paradigm.  "When he returns" is that paradigm....

    Despite evidence he was not there, other than via CIA, Hoover claims mystery man is a second man down there using Oswald's name..

    When we rightfully put him in Dallas via Austin from the 26th to the 3rd... 

    Why does it make so much sense, and supports the LITAMIL-9 reports.... And the Phillips timing...

    If we keep him in Mexico..... Odio needs a better explanation than the WCR offering

  14. As I read on, his acceptance that Oswald was there bothers me.... (the duh is silent)

    Choaden is Phillips.  He gets a bulk materials in a pouch Oct 1... He arrives as antiCastro ops Mexico - Cuban Desk on Oct 7 or 8.

    The Goodpasture LADILLINGER memo goes out the 8th about OSWALD.    Goodpasture works for Phillips and Win Scott.

    He is a CI specialist.  

    Connect some dots....  Oswald aka Mystery Man known to JCKing... Is born... Alvarado is controlled by Phillips


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