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David Josephs

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Everything posted by David Josephs

  1. There are those that state Andrews was making it up... the entire story... If he wasn't... there had to be a reason Tippit stopped him... Was it Similiar to the car he was looking for? or to the Person driving the car? Can't imagine it being just random... thanks DJ
  2. Does this provide us the address underneath the sticker? (7 from the bottom - notice to attempt to deliver) And if so does the address mean anything? thanks DJ
  3. I did a search of the forum and did come up with the Andrews/Tippit encounter on a few pages yet was not able to find out WHY Tippit would choose that car to stop... Could there be any connection to this car...? Be interesting to see if Andrews' car could give a cclue as to who/what Tippit was after... 1:24 Dispatcher Somebody pulled in there and bought some gas; driving a white Pontiac '61 or '62 station wagon with the prefix P(ecos) E(llis). He had a rifle laying on the seat. 1:26 87 (Ptm. R.C. Nelson) A white station wagon believed to be P (Paul) E (Ellis) 3435, unknown make or model, late model, occupied by two white males, left this fellow's station going east on Davis and believed they had a shotgun or rifle laying in the back seat. 1:26 Dispatcher Received, 87. 1:26 87 (Ptm. R.C. Nelson) 87 en route down there on Jefferson. 1:26 Dispatcher 87, when you get down there see if you can find that car down there at the scene. 1:26 87 (Ptm. R.C. Nelson) 10-4, Code 2. (Beeps) 1:26 Dispatcher 3 1:26 87 (Ptm. R.C. Nelson) 10-4. 1:34 Dispatcher P (Paul) E (Ellis) 3435, C.E. Storey, 5317 Goodman, 1961 Falcon (four door?). 1:34 87 (Ptm. R.C. Nelson) He wasn't sure of the license number. 1:34 Dispatcher 10-4.
  4. Obviously the medium is drastically different... could an EXPERT tell if these shots were composite CGI or actually filmed at these locations? Would there be something on the film if converted to film... or the digital files that would give away the compositing? IE the Z film, if reproduced and altered, would have to have been done with artificial light instead of the natural light per the film type... we SHOULD be able to tell if we could test it, whether the extant film is indoor or outdoor film... Anything like this now Jack... for if not... doesn't this mean ANYTHING could be faked and there'd be no way to tell... ? DJ
  5. Thank you Michael... these docs are going to take some time getting thru... Pat... funny that you mention the shirt... as I go thru the section Michael linked to I found this... And thank you John thru Jack .... I agree... each individual piece of evidence that cannot be authenticated is useless as evidence against Oswald while becoming another Brick in the Wall against the LNer argument...
  6. btw - Holt tells an amazing story, doesn't he? Fake credentials... weapons in the RR cars... Collins Radio... Kinda hoped he really was the tramp... makes sense... but obviously not definitive... I like the guy in the trenchcoat for Hunt... quite ballsy to just stroll around right there after the fact...
  7. Hi Kathleen... Created this back in July 2007 and thought I had something... I agree, He was not a Tramp... but he was there, large and in charge...
  8. Armstrong says the Paine's and Beckley evidence yet Day's report talks of ALL OTHER CSSS evidence.. wouldn't that include items from the TSBD like the rifle and boxes... as well as the Tippit CSSS evidence? Just curious... will need to find a copy of that book asap...
  9. So much for throwing the man a bone... point taken Jim yet it does seem to me that JC is slightly to the left of JFK as we look from the trunk... so from 6th floor ... yada, yada yada But I must also say Jim... the if DVP is correct and JC is DIRECTLY in front of JFK as DVp states, then a shot traveling right to left from the 6th floor, exiting the throat SHOULD hit JC in the left shoulder... right? he'd have to be about a foot to JFK's left for the SBT shot to work...
  10. Thanks again Pat.... This renders most, if not all evidence useless... completely. Amazing DJ
  11. Just helping you find the train station DVP... when you finally see the RAILS for yourself, reality might make sense to you as well...
  12. Thank you Lee, Pat... greatly appreciated... Pat - why do you think these items were excluded? Doesn't this one action basically make ALL THE EVIDENCE USELESS in a court of law...? Since we don't know what was taken or returned... and if useless in court... it's basically useless.. period. Mr. EISENBERG. Mr. Cadigan, I hand you an object made of paper, Commission Exhibit 142, also known as Commission Exhibit 626, and ask you if you are familiar with this object? Mr. CADIGAN. Yes; I am. Mr. EISENBERG. And did you examine this object, this paper bag, to determine its origin, possible origin? Mr. CADIGAN. Yes. Mr. EISENBERG. Can you tell us how you conducted that examination? Mr. CADIGAN. Yes. I first saw this paper bag on November 23, 1963, in the FBI laboratory, along with the sample of paper and tape from the Texas School Book Depository obtained November 22, 1963, which is FBI Exhibit D-1. Now that I know what to look for... the bag is part of the Nov 26th inventory list given to Drain Mr. DULLES. Obtained by whom, by the FBI? Mr. CADIGAN. This was obtained by the Dallas police. Mr. EISENBERG. And forwarded to you by the Dallas---- Mr. CADIGAN. By the Dallas police through our Dallas office. Mr. DULLES. It was obtained after the assassination on that date? Mr. CADIGAN. Yes, sir; the night of November 22 Mr. EISENBERG. What about the negative itself? Can you state of your own knowledge whether the negative itself is of the original? Mr. CADIGAN. Only, insofar, that I know that on November 23, when the vast bulk of this material came in, that it was photographed. Some of these items I saw before they were photographed, and some afterward. But the exact sequence to select one item out of four or five hundred, I cannot, in all honesty, say I definitely recall seeing this before it was photographed. Mr. EISENBERG. Can you explain what the procedure is when a document came in involving the assassination? Mr. CADIGAN. Initially, the first big batch of evidence was brought into the laboratory on November 23 of 1963 and this consisted of many, many items. Mr. EISENBERG. 1963? Mr. CADIGAN. November 23, 1963. It was a very large quantity of evidence that was brought in. There were several agent examiners available to evaluate this material. There were supervisory officials, there were representatives from our Internal Security Division, all of whom had an interest in this matter, and it was decided they wanted certain items treated for latent fingerprints. The basic rule is always that before an exhibit is treated for latent fingerprints it is photographed, and that is what was done in this case.
  13. Excellent as usual Robin... thanks Is this where the film begins... there is a splice just before this correct? We do not see the 2-4 seconds just before this starts on the 1st part... I think the point Hargis makes about the limo stopping is pretty significant as well as the extreme slowing of the two motorcycles to the RIGHT rear of the limo... by all indication it looks like they are stopping... and immediately looking to their right as well you can also see the agent told not to move off the running board on the right of the SS car... he doesn't begin to move until AFTER the headshot... I will get into analyzing this version a bit... much appreciated Robin... I believe there is quite a lot to learn here Regards DJ edit: is there ANY FILM in which we see Hill jumping off the limo... any photos? I can't seem to remember any - suggests to me the limo stop occurs at that point and somehow the follow-up car is moved much closer to the limo... problem with that is Altgens at z255 shows the ss car right there.. I thought it was said that Hill ran 85 feet in total to get to the limo...
  14. Armstrong covers this in H&L. Jack Thanks Jack... as soon as I have a few hundred lying around I will get myself a copy... until then is it okay to post this and discuss it? Can you paraphrase Armstrong for us? Is this the only mention of the FBI taking ALL OTHER EVIDENCE that night?
  15. I did a quick search but did not find what I wanted... I remember reading that the FBI took all the evidence Friday night - secretly - and then returned it in time to be cataloged as evidence as being turned back over to Drain and the FBI on 11-26. At the end of his report to Lumpkin Day admits giving all this evidence to Drain... yet I could not find an 11/22 document listing this evidence as given to Drain or any evidence of what was returned.... Is this the smoking gun that shows the FBI had "All Other Evidence", CSSS evidence, at least most of that weekend?? Thanks DJ
  16. I assume you are referring to the assassin... and not the Camera... the camera starts over Zap's shoulder and moves horizontal as it pans slightly to the right with the limo... if the camera was from Arnold's POV I'd think the angles be completely different right from the beginning. DJ
  17. This is the end of the article... http://digitalcontentproducer.com/dcc/revfeat/step_watchmen_0403/index1.html The physical impact of the shooting itself was done digitally, using a track of the head of the actor playing Kennedy. “Whatever Zack Snyder could see in the Zapruder film was what he wanted,” Hirota says. “Based on that film, we set up a little dynamic simulation of the destruction using Maya dynamics. We used some rigid body dynamics for the bigger fragments and a simpler particle simulation for the blood.” All of the digital elements were rendered in RenderMan as separate passes, which enabled Hirota to be flexible during compositing, which was done in Apple Shake. (CIS Hollywood acquired the source code from Apple in order to continue using the software.) “We generally try to render in passes if possible just because somebody always want to tweak something or another, and it’s almost always better if you can do that in the comp when you’re near the end,” Hirota says. “It saves everyone’s sanity. “The key challenge with this shot is that it’s an iconic moment in history. You have a certain amount of leeway with a fantasy environment that obviously doesn’t exist. But because everyone is familiar with this image, we had to approach it with a different sensibility. We had to make sure that everything fit together in a way that your eye can’t detect.” -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Credit Roll: Director: Zack Snyder Visual Effects Supervisor: John “D.J.” Des Jardin For CIS Hollywood: Visual Effects Supervisor: Bryan Hirota Visual Effects Producer: David Van Dyke 2D Supervisor: Patrick Kavanaugh CG Supervisor: Diana Miao Lead Compositor: Randy Brown Matchmoving: Yannix Technologies
  18. “Because the Zapruder film of Kennedy’s assassination is such iconic material and so recognizable, our goal was to make sure we mapped out this entire sequence as closely to the original footage as possible,” added Weldon. “There’s a ton of documentation about this footage online and countless conspiracy theories, with everyone breaking it down and analyzing it frame-by-frame, so we couldn’t get away with anything less than perfect. Additionally, the production considered four different set locations before they finally settled on a parking lot on which a partial practical set – a small hill and fence built up on stilts – was constructed to mimic the Dealey Plaza environment (the rest was added digitally in post). For each of the possible set locations, our artists had to recalculate the scene to ensure that the exact speed, grade and proper distance was represented in these less-than-ideal shooting locations.” http://www.primefocusworld.com/work/portfolio/watchmen-warner-bros-pictures Phantasmagorical effects abound in Warner Bros.’ Watchmen, which isn’t surprising given its origin as a graphic novel about superheroes. But alongside the film’s otherworldly visual effects, Director Zack Snyder employed effects to recreate—with notable twists—famed events in history. Among the milestones depicted in Watchmen is the 1963 shooting of President John F. Kennedy in Dallas. For this, the film’s Visual Effects Supervisor John “D.J.” Des Jardin called upon CIS Hollywood. http://digitalcontentproducer.com/dcc/revfeat/step_watchmen_0403/ Mystery solved... Greg et al... guess we found the people to do the recreation of the OTHER film...
  19. Here is another version of the same thing except this time we have opening credits and ending credits while the gunman smokes a cigar... Casting by Kristy Carlson, CSA Visual Effects Supervisor John "DJ" DesJardin (only coincidence that I sign DJ, I assure you) DJ
  20. You may have something there.. JFK Reloaded was the game... yet the few youtube vids of it dont' seem to be as real looking as the first one I posted, definitely more "animated"... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_ZIAYssqjhU&feature=related This "game" is a sick joke...
  21. JFK - The Zapruder Film - What REALLY Happened..... A poster named Mobilecheese posted this... It's eerie... it's a wider angle as Greg mentions... but it is NOT the film as he described.. it's an over Zapruder's shoulder POV and we see a rifle in someone's hands at the very end of the clip If one goes to the poster's youtube page, Palamara is a "friend" and it says the content is from Ireland.... Would have thought by now that I'd have seen this in all the searches I do... this is the first time for me... Y'all know about this? Apologies if I'm coming late to this party... DJ
  22. David, I cannot see how it's possible to film ANY movie from behind Zapruder and maintain the line of sight of the Zfilm.... not with a single camera at least... Look at this composite.... a camera would have to swing, physically move horizontally many, many feet to maintain the view of the limo... I would think there needed to be at least 3 cameras... left, middle and right to catch all that action and at similair line of sights as Zapruder... guess we have to see if there is evidence of any cameras in/on the pergola behind (and would have to be above) Zapruder... DJ
  23. Excellent point John... I went to DP in 1994 and it literally changed everything... when one sees the "bowl" of a shooting gallery that spot, that street, is... and how unbelieveably small everything is.... the culpability of the Secret Service is hard to ignore... as soon as the limo turned onto Elm it should have continued speeding up and been out of there... Absolutely no reason to slow the limo or to be traveling less than 8 mph down that street... NONE. Especially after we see how easily it was for the limo to accelerate and leave as quickly as it did.... {sigh} Has Greer ever offered anything to explain the severe slowdown? What Greer should have done http://assassinationresearch.com/v4n1/v4n1chapter08.pdf The relevant rule set forth in the Secret Service document outlining principles of Presidential protection states: “The driver of the President’s car should be alert for dangers and be able to take instant action when instructed or otherwise made aware of an emergency [emphasis added].”45 Former Inspector and Assistant Director Thomas Kelley told the HSCA: “… generally the instructions to the drivers of the cars are to be prepared to get the President away from any dan-gerous situation.”46 For his part, Chief Rowley wrote to the Warren Commission: “The Secret Service has consistently followed two general principals in emergen-cies involving the President. All agents are so instructed. The first duty of the agents in the motorcade is to attempt to cover the President as closely as possible and practicable and to shield him by attempting to place themselves between the President and any source of danger. Secondly, agents are instructed to remove the President as quickly as possible from known or impending danger. Agents are instructed that it is not their responsibility to investigate or evaluate a present danger, but to consider any untoward circumstances as serious and to afford the President maximum protection at all times. No responsibility rests upon those agents near the President for the identification or arrest of an assassin or attacker. Their primary responsibility is to stay with and protect the President.”47 [Emphasis added.] In addition, the Secret Service liked to maintain speeds of at least 20–30 miles per hour during motorcades.48 Altgens 6 should have shown 2-3 agents running to the limo, Kellerman climbing over the seat and all the occupants of the limo pushed to the rear as the limo accelerates....
  24. Hey there Greg... You mentioned you couldn't related the circumstances... maybe a couple of questions then? - Was the film a "film", beta, VHS, DVD, ??? - It was definitely the assassination... not a re-enactment, a training exercise, etc... - Trying to understand Altgens 6 then... regardless of the z frame... at no point is the Queen Mary 85 feet or even 25 feet from the limo... Altgens seems to show it about the same distance as the Nix/Muchmore films... - you don't remember any glaring differences in the movements of any one individual? JC's getting hit AFTER the sign or do you get a better view of his being hit... once, twice? - does it end the same way? limo speeding away under the overpass with the GK fence? - did the other vehicles stop when the limo did or just slowly close the gap? Greg, I printed your posted description and now keep it with me... I for one believe you and the others have seen it. Given how much gets on the internet, it does seem strange that this version has not been more widely seen... or talked about. as I mentioned elsewhere, if Zapruder filmed without the telephoto setting, would it make sense that this film would be cropped/edited/painted/etc from this to emulate a telephoto image?... it would be of better quality since it was the true out of camera original... just a thought, I know there are photogrpahic realities to difference lens settings... so not sure if that could even work... Thanks again Greg - the idea that some on this forum have known this for years, obviously, and do not make more of an issue is surprising to me... the film appears real and has been seen... what other possible explanation is there?
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