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David Josephs

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Everything posted by David Josephs

  1. Hang on a mo' Jim.... From Garrison... Abundant Life Church is associated with CRISMAN... of Maury Island fame https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maury_Island_incident The Library turned up dry.... but I don't think much was "investigated" at that church....
  2. Hey there Paul... I have this as further support for that early shot... I agree with you that a shot at z157/158 happened and was noticed by Rosemary, Hickey and JFK I believe.. among others I know the image is terrible yet I believe your point is made... JFK drastically whips his head in what was supposed to be just a rip.. in a single frame Below is a little analysis of the "rip" FWIW Also below is Hickey looking at what some say was concrete dust flying up next to the limo as the result of a "ground level sound" as opposed to one originating much higher up... I believe Chris Davidson mathematically illustrates how/why the Towner film was "burnt".... finally, there is an amazingly strange anomaly in that Towner film which I will post about shortly. and by the way: Brennan had to have seen this, no? Mr. TRULY. That is right.And the President's car following close behind came along at an average speed of 10 or 15 miles an hour. It wasn't that much, because they were getting ready to turn. And the driver of the Presidential car swung out too far to the right, and he came almost within an inch of running into this little abutment here, between Elm and the Parkway. And he slowed down perceptibly and pulled back to the left to get over into the middle lane of the parkway. Not being familiar with the street, he came too far out this way when he made his turn.Mr. BELIN. He came too far to the north before he made his curve, and as he curved--as he made his left turn from Houston onto the street leading to the expressway, he almost hit this north curb?Mr. TRULY. That is right. Just before he got to it, he had to almost stop, to pull over to the left.If he had maintained his speed, he would probably have hit this little section here.Mr. BELIN. All right.
  3. My pleasure... and as the story goes When they confronted Postal and asked about this man and whether he paid, she just started crying... every time... Butch Burroughs working with Julia but inside also claimed he served Oswald at the snack stand between 1 and 1:15... And a Jack Davis describes how Oswald moved from seat to seat in the theater.... Thanks to the great work of John Armstrong yet again.... http://harveyandlee.net/November/November_22.htm While I don't agree with 100% offered... this write-up is very detailed and addresses most all the activities including the strange behavior of WESTBROOK, CROY, BREWER and many others... Whether you agree with the H&L premise or not, this article is surely a must read to get a handle of the breadth of activity designed to GET OSWALD that day. Enjoy.... (in fact, Armstrong and Malcolm Blunt would visit the National Archives daily for weeks making copies in the early and mid 90's. Thanks to the great work of Bart Kemp, we are now starting to see the 10,000 or so docs Malcolm copied. DJ
  4. I believe it was Brennan to Insp Sawyer.... as I remember it.... but after reading this thread it was probably the other way around... Sawyer was, IMO, one of the bad cops.... read his testimony as to what he did between 12:30 and 12:35... Amazing As to the 2nd important call... Julia Postal: Mrs. POSTAL. No, sir; I told Johnny this, don't tell him, because he is an excitable person, and just have him, you know, go with you and examine the exits and check real good, so, he came back and said he hadn't seen anything although, he had heard a seat pop up like somebody getting out, but there was nobody around that area, so, I told Johnny about the fact that the President had been assassinated. "I don't know if this is the man they want," I said, "in there, but he is running from them for some reason," and I said "I am going to call the police, and you and Butch go get on each of the exit doors and stay there."So, well, I called the police, and he wanted to know why I thought it was their man, and I said, "Well, I didn't know," and he said, "Well, it fits the description," and I have not---I said I hadn't heard the description. All I know is, "This man is running from them for some reason." And he wanted to know why, and told him because everytime the sirens go by he would duck and he wanted to know----well, if he fits the description is what he says. I said, "Let me tell you what he looks like and you take it from there." And explained that he had on this brown sports shirt and I couldn't tell you what design it was, and medium height, ruddy looking to me, and he said, "Thank you," and I called the operator and asked him to look through the little hole and see if he could see anything and told him I had called the police, and what was happening, and he wanted to know if I wanted him to cut the picture off, and I says, "No, let's wait until they get here." So, seemed like I hung up the intercom phone when here all of a sudden, police cars, policemen, plainclothesmen, I never saw so many people in my life. And they raced in, and the next thing I knew, they were carrying----well, that is when I first heard Officer Tippit had been shot because some officer came in the box office and used the phone, said, "I think we have got our man on both accounts." "What two accounts?" And said, "Well, Officer Tippit's," shocked me, because Officer Tippit used to work part time for us years ago. I didn't know him personally.Mr. BALL. You mean he guarded the theatre?Mrs. POSTAL. On Friday nights and Saturdays, canvass the theatre, you know, and that----then they were bringing Oswald out the door over there and ----
  5. With that description - I have a hard time seeing that Tippit was stopping our Oswald based on that description... If you search there are some great threads about the 5'10" 165, slender... etc... related Robert Webster... the other defector Marina met in Russia Even seems to have that same blank stare as Ozzie
  6. At 12:45 this description was broadcast over both DPD channels.... whether the time is correct is hard to know Attention Elm and Houston is reported to be an unknown white male, all squads. Attention all squads. The suspect in the shooting at approximately thirty, slender build, height five feet ten inches, weight one hundred sixty-five pounds, reported to be armed with what is thought to be a 30 caliber rifle. Attention all squads. The suspect from Elm and Houston is reported to be an unknown white male about thirty, slender build, five feet ten inches tall, one hundred sixty-five pounds, armed with what is thought to be a 30-30 rifle. No further description at this time, or information. 12:45.
  7. http://jfk.hood.edu/Collection/Weisberg Subject Index Files/T Disk/T Letter/Tartro Edgar F 06B.pdf
  8. For the LNers... "Oswald did it" pack up, go home For the Conspiracy Realists, "you need to read 10 million pages to learn how he didn't do it and was set up" get to work as the evidence is literally strewn all over the Report, Hearings, Exhibits and WC Documents, of which there are over 1500 files with evidence that never saw the light of day (excuse the pun) Tommy, you've nailed it... which is also the reason "why would he do that" questions from LNers are so useless as we are now discussing the merits of an action that never occurred as opposed to the subject at hand...
  9. Did you know it was ODUM who drove him there with the rifle? Mr. McCLOY. There was never any doubt in your mind what the rifle was from the minute you saw it?Mr. DAY. No, sir; It was stamped right on there, 6.5, and when en route to the office with Mr. Odum, the FBI agent who drove me in, he radioed it in, he radioed in what it was to the FBI over the air. The image on the right with 7.35 above it is the one and ONLY photograph of the caliber of some weapon they claimed was C2766 I have to admit in some versions it resembles a 5... yet we are to remember the William Harvey sourced report from Italy about which the CIA kept quiet. I also have a report from PINKSTON from 11/22 stating exactly what Jim said... he had lifted a latent print, location unidentified, and was told to get back to the TSBD (he had to rearrange boxes to take photos and such) leaving the rifle in his office, supposedly in a safe.... Pinkston claims years later (below) it was him who found Crescent and ultimately Kleins.... yet his reports say he spoke with AL YEARGAN of HL GREEN ( not Titche-Goettinger) who said they were the only ones selling Carcanos in Dallas, and they get their stock from Crescent/Adams/Louis Feldsott.... EVERYBODY gets to put their 2 cents in on that rifle... and it had nothing to do with the assassination but to incriminate Oswald... and ultimately make the SS, FBI, and Postal Inspectors look incredibly foolish....
  10. Great stuff Richard... The County Records Building is also in perfect alignment..
  11. I had considered that this was the real reason behind Roger Craig getting the treatment he did.... Nothing else he said would be a problem, at the time, until his getting into a Rambler - co-conspirators - would not be allowed. And for sure, Ruth Paine would not be allowed to suffer as a result of some random blurt out by the accused.... FWIW.... Talk about location no one would be looking toward as the limo drives away on Elm... https://www.google.com/maps/search/court+house+near+Dealey+Plaza,+Dallas,+TX/@32.7797486,-96.8071057,60a,35y,251.39h,69.65t/data=!3m1!1e3?hl=en
  12. Mr. JENNER - There is a young fellow in the foreground-everybody else is facing the other way. He is in a pantomime, or grimace. Do you recognize that as Lee Harvey Oswald? Mr. PIC - No, sir; looking at that picture and I have looked at it several times--that looks more like Robert than it does Lee, to my recollection. Mr. JENNER - All right. On Exhibit No. 286, the lower right-hand corner, there is another picture. Do you recognize that as your brother Lee in that picture? Mr. PIC - Yes, sir; that is about how he looked when I seen him in 1962, his profile. Mr. JENNER - Do you recognize the person, the lady to the right who is pointing her finger at him? Mr. PIC - No, sir; I don't. Mr. JENNER - Exhibit No. 287 is two figures, taking them from top to bottom and in the lower right-hand corner, do you recognize those? Mr. PIC - No, sir; I don't. Mr. JENNER - Neither one of them? Mr. PIC - No, sir. The lower one appears to me to look like Robert rather than Lee. The upper one, unless they tell me that, I would never guess that that would be Lee, sir.
  13. Hadn’t looked a it that way... TSBD is also 7 stories... you think the man he sees is in the Easternmost window on the 6th floor Dal Tex? he is talking about the Dal Tex fire escape but that’s on the West side of DalTex... So ur talking 3rd window over, 6th or 7th floor Dal Tex was his original location for a shooter? Due North from Brennan runs right into west side fire escape Of Dal Tex.... that link I posted... Interesting.... That image reminded me.... Harry Weatherford Was on the Court house roof with a Rifle....
  14. The photo is Lee John.... Robert had nothing to do with the March 59 date...that was Gorsky or did you find something referring to that? Maybe Harvey was there in Feb '58... yet that was the time they lived at the Senator Hotel and he worked for Pfisterers.... Robert's in this up to his eyeballs.... or at least he has some amazing inside knowledge.... well at least Sept is closer than Feb Mr. OSWALD. I would say in between the leave in 1958, and his letter received, postmarked in June 1959, I would not have received over two or three letters.Mr. JENNER. His leave in '58 was when, again, please?Mr. OSWALD. I recall this to be in the early fall of the year-perhaps September.
  15. Richard... a bit confused now. South eastern side of DAL-TEX... ? From what do you reach that conclusion? I think when he says "on the east side of the TBS" he is referencing the side of the TSBD facing the DAL TEX fire escape, not that he can see the east side fire escape on the TSBD.... I include a link to a Google Maps page showing the LOS due north from behind Brennan's location... plus he does say TSBD, but that hardly holds any weight at this point. Thanks.... ttps://www.google.com/maps/place/Dealey+Plaza/@32.7779395,-96.8080973,53a,35y,69.38t/data=!3m1!1e3!4m5!3m4!1s0x864e9915d508f639:0xcfa47bf25b709fe0!8m2!3d32.7788184!4d-96.8082993?hl=en Mr. BRENNAN. Well, I was more or less observing the crowd and the people in different building windows, including the fire escape across from the Texas Book Store on the east side of the Texas Book Store, and also the Texas Book Store Building windows. I observed quite a few people in different windows. In particular, I saw this one man on the sixth floor which left the window to my knowledge a couple of times.Mr. BELIN. Now, you say the window on the sixth floor. What building are you referring to there?Mr. BRENNAN. That is the Texas Book Store. I was facing in a northerly direction looking across the street from where I was sitting. I take this building across the street to be about 7 stories anyway in the east endof [sic] the building and the second row of windows from the top I saw a man in this window. This is positioned with due North straight up...
  16. So when Lee is treated for STD in Atsugi while Harvey is pulling guard duty in the Philippines.... who's "pre-conceived notion" are you referring to? When a 5'4" 115 lb 8th grade boy is described as barely 4'8" and scrawny a year later.... did the streets teach you that puberty makes boys smaller? Mark - your myopic take on the subject... your iceberg view... is tiresome. Declare victory... do a little dance... pretend you don't see.... or just stay blind to anything you can't grasp... If this and the Brennan threads are you at your best.... As to your compliment... that's very gracious of you. I'd prefer we drop this little Tet-a-Tet and move forward on subjects where we have some common ground.... John Butler and Jim will keep sparring with you I think... but i for one am done. Any other topics pique your interest?
  17. Jim's initial post deals with where he SAYS he was and where he really was.... not that he was in different places according to different people here... He moved himself over a few feet... didn't matter anyway, if you looked at that graphic with his testimony, the rifle and his line-up result he might as well been at 10th and Patton at the time... More importantly and the rest of the thread is why did he say what he did and whether it was fed to him like so many other witness statement details. There was NEVER a question as to where he was... you can read Weisberg and still, he's right there. Maybe this is just a matter of you trying to jump in before you've had a chance to recognize the direction of the discussion.... So... why do you think the WC moved him and he allowed to be moved so far from his photographed position?
  18. Lee Oswald visited his brother Robert in November 1958 after returning from Japan but before going to California. Just above the 1Jul58 accrued Correction... 19Nov58 - 18Dec58 Hunting during Thanksgiving... possibly wearing the medium sized whitish-grey jacket left to incriminate Harvey
  19. Mark, what does that actually mean? He was right there... he's right there in Dorman (colorized), in Bell, in Zapruder... the different angles and focal lengths and lens sizes will distort depth of field every time... the link is to a large version of the Bell frame you posted (or you could have just read an earlier post on this page) and corroborates the Dorman frame. you write as if he could have been somewhere else... you also wrote: I've spent some considerable time trying to determine where Brennan was and what his line of sight was. I forget if you mentioned whether you've sat in that spot... I have. Sadly the Eastern fire escape is gone... your collage... 3rd row image on the right seems to be fairly close to that spot.... Is there something you are adding to the equation that suggests where he is in this frame was not where he was?
  20. Hey there Tommy... I think you have to give Day a break.... the FBI, Fritz and Decker thru Fritz applied a lot of pressure to make sure things went a certain way. It was the FBI who FUBAR'd the evidence while the Secret Service had their had in a few items themselves.... All this happening while DAY is trying to do his job... Also remember that Studebaker was on the job 2 months with no experience at all (testimony bottom of post), and Roscoe White was transferred to DPD in mid October, just after Oswald starts work. Roscoe was supposedly very competent around photographic equipment, developing and photographic manipulation. I feel that DAY was the Victim of Circumstance... and just did his best. He knew the FBI took all the evidence Friday night and made note of it - I just don't have it handy.... Interference from White, Westbrook, Croy, Hill (also recently transferred to Westbrook's personnel group) Boone, Mooney and on and on... The biggest event in Dallas history and this is who they send to take photos.... Mr. STUDEBAKER. I believe we got the call about 1:05 - we was down there about 1:15Mr. BALL. And whom did you go with?Mr. STUDEBAKER. Lieutenant Day and I answered the call. Mr. BALL. Then, were you directed to some place on the sixth floor, as soon as you arrived there?Mr. STUDEBAKER. No; they hadn't found anything when we got there. Mr. BELIN. Is there any particular building at that particular location?Mr. DAY. The Texas School Book Depository, I believe is the correct name on it.Mr. BELIN. Did you go there?Mr. DAY. Yes, sir; I went out of my office almost straight up 1 o'clock. I arrived at the location on Elm about 1:12. Mr. DAY. I had to go up the stairs. The elevator--we couldn't figure out how to run it. When I got to the head of the stairs, I believe it was the patrolman standing there, I am not sure, stated they had found some hulls over in the northeast corner of the building, and I proceeded to that area excuse me, southeast corner of the building. (DJ: they're there less than 5 minutes and already there are contradictions... how could they tell them were to go if they had not found anything yet? ) Mr. BALL. Each one of you had a camera, did you?Mr. STUDEBAKER. No, sir; we just had one camera.Mr. BALL. What kind of camera was it?Mr. STUDEBAKER. It's a Graflex, a 4 by 5 Speed Graflex.Mr. BALL. Have you had some experience in operating a camera?Mr. STUDEBAKER. Yes.Mr. BALL. How much?Mr. STUDEBAKER. Well, on this certain camera?Mr. BALL. Yes.Mr. STUDEBAKER. About 2 months.Mr. BALL. But you have had photography in your crime lab work?Mr. STUDEBAKER. Yes.Mr. BALL. For how long?Mr. STUDEBAKER. Was about 2 months.Mr. BALL. How long have you done photography altogether?Mr. STUDEBAKER. In my lifetime?Mr. BALL. No, as one of the assistants in the crime lab, what period of years?Mr. STUDEBAKER. 2 months. I went to the crime lab in October, the 1st of October.Mr. BALL. You did - had you done any photography before that?Mr. STUDEBAKER. Just home photography.
  21. No surprise any time context is brought into the equation you start off on some half page rant.... "Common knowledge" among who are you referring, those at El Toro knowing one man, or at Santa Ana knowing the other? Isn't time you learned to cut your food up yourself instead of repeatedly feigning ignorance and asking for smaller and smaller bite sizes? You see Mark, you come at this with so little knowledge of anything outside your little box that your question are juvenile and these attempts at dismissal are only amusing making you look like no matter what is offered... your little knowledge trumps all... (pun intended) Here's a thought... do some research BEFORE you reply. That you need me or Jim to explain who John Ely was in tiny bite sized pieces so YOU get it, and why what I posted by Jenner to Rankin is so important.... Blanks? you need examples... "we can't change the fact that a little bit more of "Harvey & Lee" dies every day. Regardless of anyone's obstination, and refusal to release grasp on the necrotic limbs which are the Stripling and Beauregard tales, evidence continues to come to light which seriously questions and negates the "facts" as presented by Armstrong and team." Boy oh boy you like those big words..... we have a 1000 page book, thousands of images and hundreds of notebooks with documents you never knew existed... you hang your entire argument on 2 tiny limbs which sprang up from much larger, very healthy branches.... No "evidence" is offered other than your interpretations of the repetition of the same story over many years and from multiple sources. In this thread you posted: "Even if I believed "Harvey & Lee" I would dismiss everything related to Stripling because it doesn't add up." To YOU, it doesn't add up. To YOU Kudlaty is somehow not reliable and trustworthy in his commentary, ...to YOU Mark... no one but you reaches these conclusions from the evidence available to us.... or this: It's not within me where it is dying. It is just dying. It died within me the first hour I spent researching the claims. And we're supposed to believe you approach the subject, the context and the detail with any level of open-mindedness as you post over and over and over about something that DIED within you... I've spent 10 years with H&L.... Spent 2 years with Armstrong going thru footnotes and sources... We don't agree on 100% of the details... but there is no arguing with the context or the mountain of evidence supporting the existence of these two men... So no, I'm not going to cut your food into little bite sizes so you can fit them into you brain.... That you can't admit to yourself or to this forum that you simply don't have enough of a handle on the subject matter to arrive at any conclusions... I don't believe the evidence proves that Harvey was at BJHS in the Fall semester of 1953-54 school year.... Harvey and Ma left NYC after the infamous Zoo photo while Lee finished 8th grade. We know Lee went to BJHS starting in mid-January.... we also know that Harvey was attending BJHS based on witness testimony only... not the best evidence by far, but obviously in stark contrast to who Lee was pre-, during and post-..... a much larger, stronger, physical boy versus the much smaller Harvey... I've already posted the info on 120 N Telemachus in New Orleans and the one phone book anomaly during all those years Margaret Keating lived there. In March 1954, a piano (schools had those little uprights if I remember correctly... not some huge piano) fell on him.... Myra took him to a clinic and then home to EXCHANGE ALLEY... John wrote: Myra stopped her car at 126 Exchange and asked Harvey if his mother was home. He replied, "No, she's working at the bar." NOTE: According to employment records, Marguerite Oswald was then working at Burt's Shoe Store. There is no indication in the Warren Volumes, or anywhere else, that she ever worked in a bar. We will soon learn that several people remembered the short, dumpy, heavy-set "Marguerite Oswald" imposter worked at a bar in the French Quarter and lived at 126 Exchange Place, while at the same time the tall, nice-looking Marguerite Oswald worked at Burt's Shoe Store and lived in Myrtle Evans' building on St. Mary’s Street. So you see Mark, in the Spring of 1954 LEE was assigned to homeroom 303 while Harvey was with Myra... Commission Ex 1413 has all these grade cards for 53-54 and 54-55. More from H&L which you didn't read yet provides the context leading into the Fall of 1954.... how you could have found all this in one hour AND come to your conclusions related to Stripling is yet another great mystery of the JFK saga. Room 303 is on the third floor of Beauregard Junior High School, while Myra's homeroom was in the basement cafeteria. It appears that Lee Oswald was assigned homeroom 303, on the 3rd floor, while Harvey was assigned to Myra DaRouse's homeroom in the basement cafeteria. Now I understood why the FBI report of a 2 -hour interview with Myra disappeared, and I also understood why Myra was never asked to testify before the Warren Commission. Myra would have told the Commission that Harvey Oswald was in her homeroom in the basement cafeteria, and not in homeroom "303" as listed on school records published in the Warren Volumes. In addition Myra would have refused to identify the student in the "classroom photo" as Oswald, if she were shown the photo. And imagine if Myra told the Commission that she drove Harvey Oswald to his apartment at 126 Exchange Place in early 1954, when the Commission knew from Mrytle and Julian Evans that Marguerite and Lee were living at 1454 St. Marys Street. I'm terribly sorry you chose not to follow along as the context for what occurs in Sept 1954 requires more than your simplistic view of the Stripling evidence. The book establishes this context step by step... but then you wouldn't know that, would you... another brick in the wall for ya Mark.... if indeed you're taking any of this seriously as it appears each time you reply, you don't. After explaining some of this to you for the umpteenth time this is your reply: And we're suppose to take you seriously? Cool story bro. None of that though has any relation, any bearing, or any impact on Stripling and whether Oswald attending Stripling. Another Beauregard classmate who knew Harvey Oswald was Ed Collier who recalled, "We called him Yank because he had a Yankee accent."9 !t is now easy to see that Ed Collier knew Harvey Oswald, from New York, in the 8th grade at Beauregard in the spring of 1954. Lee Oswald, who was born in New Orleans and raised in Fort Worth, had a southern accent. Oswald's cousin, Marilyn Murret, also talked about Harvey's northern accent. She told the Warren Commission, "It seems that he was from the North, and so they ridiculed him in school.. After June 10, 1954 Myra no longer see her little friend Harvey. Lee attends BJHS for the 54-55 school year and the rest of the evidence we've been over so many times along with your sarcastic and flippant attitude toward anything you deem not important or necessary to form your conclusions... We've dealt with these kinds of endless "I'm not going to listen to anything that doesn't directly relate to the words in my question" attitude from the "iceberg pack" for more years than I care to remember. (all your knowledge of the subject is above the waterline combined with that "no, no, no I'm not going to look beneath the water... I've seen enough" POV of yours.... Just read that one line of yours just above in blue.... trying to convince us you're actually interested and/or serious falls flat every time you post... From 1947 thru 1959 and then thru 1963 we have hundreds of examples of evidence which made John Ely's work so hard and from which prompted Jenner's memo to Rankin. When the day comes you decide to remove the blinders and step back from this leaf to see the forest, maybe you will actually be open to a real discussion.... As long as the evidence and context are just a "cool story, bro" to you... we have nothing more to discuss.... (and I'm not you're bro... or is that yet another weak attempt at South Park humor?) And I did go over to the Brennen thread... and did see that once again your impression of things is different from everyone else, you're not quoted once in terms of adding anything to the collective knowledge presented,.. and your collage as to where Brennen was .. you even included this Bell frame: albeit a tiny version, when a full size version leaves one with no doubts or needs for personal conclusions... https://drive.google.com/file/d/1wkx7S63i_NyfAFDi9WZo8yyyZat_Zdhz/view?usp=sharing (highlight, right click, click Go To: "link") Anyone with eyes can see where he is.... and the Towner film gives a decent view of what he actually saw at the time... but that's another topic for another time... I've come to the personal conclusion that Brennan was not directly facing the TSBD but was instead directly facing the Dal-Tex Pithy Mark.... http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/topic/26636-did-even-the-warren-commission-believe-howard-brennan/?do=findComment&comment=426336
  22. Maybe he meant the Dorman film? Rosemary Willis running past him at this moment... The other is the BELL image... https://drive.google.com/file/d/1wkx7S63i_NyfAFDi9WZo8yyyZat_Zdhz/view?usp=sharing
  23. You'd think so, right? Would you say he saw anything significant based on this other than a description of Robert Webster? The man they catch was 5'9" 135lbs.... Did this a number of years ago.... pretty sure a moment in time is NOT indicative of line of sight throughout... but I did find it interesting where everyone was facing and concentrating on... especially hard hat man by the lamp post who never seems to turn to his right to follow the motorcade... he only looks up Elm... to name one. Below, where he was sitting seems to force him to look at the Dal-Tex and down what he could see of Houston as it goes N past the TSBD... we don't see him turn his body - only his head... I have all the frames he's in in a z140-z203 gif but having a difficult time with attachments right now.... You can still see here that he was far enough around the Elm side of the corner to see the motorcade without turning his body... maybe I see a sight shoulder turn? Amazing stuff about him and the SS agent... Take care Richard... DJ
  24. Keep firing blanks buddy... "ain't never gonna learn what you don't wanna know"..... You know John Ely's role, right? And the difference between El Toro and Santa Ana in 1959....
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