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David Josephs

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Everything posted by David Josephs

  1. John, the Exh you want is CE875 which photos a vehicle with the rear bumper over these station callouts... but that original doc or even a copy is not in the records but from the personal records of Robert West via Tom Purvis. At least that's how i remember it. I don't think Robert West's plat was entered into evidence during the WC... the 20:1 scale version. What they don't specifically mention is that each "station" is 25 feet from the previous... 0+00, 0+25....4+75, 5+00, etc.... they also do not mention this as being the path of the limo as described to WEST with these stations related to the REAR BUMPER (meaning the front bumper is almost 22 feet forward and JFK about 7 feet forward the rear bumper. The only "Station" with a letter is the approximation as to where the limo turned at "C".... but then they add in measurements to POSITION A which in itself is a contradiction... Why he says "would have turned" when you have a variety of images and photos showing exactly where they turned.... is a bit strange. The station numbers should not be confused with the Elevation markers.... which are shown every 9.15 feet. 2 lines = 18.3 feet = 1 foot vertical from in Elm So 2+75 is in line with Position A.... you can also see the "428" and "429" bracketing 2+75 and is at a point which looks like 428.75' above sea level the math should work like this. 25 feet from 2+75 = 3+00... 25/18.3 = 1.37 vertical feet. 428.75 - 1.37 = 427.38... above the white writing "T-160" and under the black line representing the length of the limo (which is following the RED path high and to the right versus the green path which Shaneyfelt created and immortalized in CE884) is the 3+00. The "+" is supposed to represent the rear bumper yet we can see this to be above the 427.5 line in the street as opposed to 427.38 (below the line) using the calcs. The plats and diagrams the WCR used were crap... CE585 for example. Here are some things Chris helped me understand... the different elevations and locations on the limo for measurements PLUS the calc needed to get to the top of JFK's head.... CE878 and 879 show what was done to the Gauthier FBI model with strings and the shot down by the steps.... SOP FBI. I was able to reduce the WEST plat down to a reasonable size for you to work with.... I'll leave it up here for download until a need more image space.... (bottom image) Hope this helps DJ
  2. I believe you are correct. This is along the lines of the competing newspapers in the photo and how one person would not be reading both of those... What I found interesting and surprising is an HSCA run down of who Leopoldo might have been... by checking everyone they know with a real name LEOPOLDO... knowing it was a war name instead... and then checking on the Leopoldo war name.... here it is... Thanks again for the clarification DJ
  3. Agreed... So, if he wasn't in Mexico or at Odio or in New Orleans... he was driving all around south Texas interviewing at radio stations with Marina a real child and a baby? And since so few people would ever see any of these two together, the look IMO just needed to be close... (Harvey Lee had quite a thing for the rolled up sleeves and is described that way often) To me that Wayne guy and Vaganov are just as easily mistaken for Oswald... Vaganov even moreso... and then the strange details of his Nov 1963. Anyway... Cheers Larry - always good to hear from you. Now imagine Ozzie with 3 days beard growth... and we almost have Seymour. Amazing. DJ Mrs. ODIO. Well, her reaction to it when Oswald came on television, she almost passed out on me, just like I did the day at work when I learned about the assassination of the President. Her reaction was so obvious that it was him, I mean. And my reaction, we remember Oswald the day he came to my house because he had not shaved and he had a kind of a very, I don't know how to express it, but some little hairs like if you haven't shaved, but it is not a thick moustache, but some kind of shadow. That is something I noticed. And he was wearing--the other ones were wearing white dirty shirts, but he was wearing a long sleeved shirt.Mr. LIEBELER. What kind of shirt was it, a white shirt?Mrs. ODIO. No; it was either green or blue, and he had it rolled up to here.Mr. LIEBELER. Almost to his elbows?Mrs. ODIO. No; less than that, just the ends of the sleeves. FWIW, my understanding is that Wilson had something to do with the "alternate" BYP in position 133-C, the GHOST, and the same as Det. Brown on the 29th. (Below) Except when you paste Ozzie back in... it don't work. And this would be using the fence as the stationary anchor
  4. Hi Steve... Is this a question from a conclusion I offered, something you know for a fact, or just a general Q? as to "parting company" I don't get that impression. With the three together at that exact moment, one would think that they'd attend meetings focused on these issues with other Cubans... Harlendale? It would also be in the CIA's interest to have him incommunicado during their Mexico City "double-dealing", only to emerge in Dallas on the 3rd - just in time to stay at the Y near FBI HQ on Ervay. (The look on Hoover's face when he first reads the CIA places Oswald in Mexico at that same time must have been precious) Walthers places these men at Harlandale a few months before the assassination... This and the few locations around Beckley would make sense plus he could not leave record of where he stayed during that week... or if he did it's gone in favor of MC evidence. If the Conspiracy angle worked, the CIA is in position to capitalize whichever way it goes. Re-reading the testimony it sounds to me that the repetition of "the trip" they would be taking was precursor set-up for the CIA's Mexico City charade...(he supposedly shows up the morning of the 27th in Mexico - impossible by car) the CUBANS with whom Oswald was traveling were more likely tied to CIA than FBI - it would be in their collective best interest to set up the patsy and then have them on a MC TRIP that never happens yet is one where the CIA Tap evidence transcript can serve as the totality of the evidence without worry of backtalk. Ozzie was an FBI asset infiltrating different groups as Bannister would have him.... Hoover knew he was trapped. Near the bottom of this post is yet another FBI report denying Oswald in Mexico... again, many left in the record IMHO, as Hoover's way of getting back at the CIA... What suggests to you they went their separate ways? and why? More below... Reading this from Price... as I wrote to Greg... I'm not sure this is our Harvey Lee Oswald doing that shooting... yet Price, Slack and Davis claim the same man returns a number of times.... Mr. LIEBELER. Now, did this man fire the rifle himself?Mr. PRICE. He fired three shots after I had got it set to where I could fire a pattern, with three shots in a bull's eye. I turned it over to him and I said, "Now, I'm satisfied with it, you try it."And, he fired three shots and he scored bull's eye with all three--a very tight pattern and he said, "Well, I am completely satisfied." Mr. LIEBELER. Did you have any other conversation with this fellow at that time? Mr. PRICE. No, that was all. It was rather abrupt. He didn't talk too much, and I was kind of surprised that he didn't fire the rifle more. He just fired the three shots and he said, "Well, that's good enough," and he got up and left. Mr. LIEBELER. Did he leave the shell casings lying there at the range or did he take them with him? Mr. PRICE. No, he took them with him--he picked them all up after the rifle was fired and took the shell casings along with him. hmmmm... you think they were 3 6.5mm shells (might need those later)... or 7.35mm shells... ==== Another recent bit of treasure from Malcolm thru Bart: by the 29th the FBI had already interviewed Marina who told them she had no idea about Oswald going to Mexico... that story changed of course.... but this report confirms the earliest info about what they claimed to not know New Orleans thru Houston up thru Austin to Dallas.... his driving himself to the Sports Drome and leaving that trail of evidence (Oct 4th not Nov) would suggest this Oswald, Harvey Lee - knows what's up and is helping set the stage. Would our Oswald do that thinking he was helping set Cuba up at some point... or someone else... (Lee Harvey is a decent possibility here)... IDK. What is important is that he leaves an impression of the ITALIAN rifle and of a great shot... but then returns when we know Harvey Lee is in Irving with his family... Vaganov? Lee Harvey? Crawford? Wayne? Masen is a decent thought as well... I believe it was Ellsworth who thought Masen was Oswald....
  5. Indeed Chris, the south knoll has amazing possibilities... I did this (image at the bottom of post) a while back to show how far to his left he was facing at the time... the yellow line. I believe some of my arrows should also be pointing to the left temple... we forget that between 6:30 and 8pm what happened in Dallas becomes what happened in Bethesda... virtually obliterating "original" wounds in place of created ones.... I took Hume's descriptions and put them on an anatomically correct image... either 3-5 bullets hit the man and/or Humes performed a sloppy craniotomy prior to 8pm.. but then I did the same thing for Tippit... look at #4 compared to Tippit.... eerie. I think this is still applicable to this topic... ??? here is Humes' description: "We found that the right cerebral hemisphere was markedly disrupted. There was a longitudinal laceration of the right hemisphere which was parasagittal in position. By the sagittal plane, as you may know, is a plane in the midline which would divide the brain into right and left halves. This laceration was parasagittal. It was situated approximately (1 & 2) 2.5 cm. to the right of the midline, and extended from the tip of occipital lobe, which is the posterior portion of the brain, to the tip of the frontal lobe which is the most anterior portion of the brain, and it extended from the top down to the substance of the brain a distance of approximately 5 or 6 cm. The base of the laceration was situated approximately 4.5 cm. below the vertex in the white matter. By the vertex we mean--the highest point on the skull is referred to as the vertex. The area in which the greatest loss of brain substance was particularly in the parietal lobe, which is the major portion of the right cerebral hemisphere. The margins of this laceration at all points were jagged and irregular, with additional lacerations extending in varying directions and for varying distances from the main laceration. In addition, there was a (3) laceration of the corpus callosum which is a body of fibers which connects the two hemispheres of the brain to each other, which extended from the posterior to the anterior portion of this structure, that is the corpus callosum. Exposed in this laceration were portions of the ventricular system in which the spinal fluid normally is disposed within the brain. When viewed from above the left cerebral hemisphere was intact. There was engorgement of blood vessels in the meninges covering the brain. We note that the gyri and sulci, which are the convolutions of the brain over the left hemisphere were of normal size and distribution. Those on the right were too fragmented and distorted for satisfactory description. (4) When the brain was turned over and viewed from its basular or inferior aspect, there was found a longitudinal laceration of the mid-brain through the floor of the third ventricle, just behind the optic chiasma and the mammillary bodies. This laceration partially communicates with an oblique 1.5 cm. tear through the left cerebral peduncle. This is a portion of the brain which connects the higher centers of the brain with the spinal cord which is more concerned with reflex actions."
  6. Another great find is this CIA memo outlining how phone conversations would be FAKED - specifically a call from Cuban Ambassador ...and this is in January 1962.....
  7. There has been a lot of discussion about the operation of LIENVOY at the time the CIA places Oswald in view of the equipment. From a Kemp scan of Malcolm sourced fitness reports we learn about the man in charge of the LIENVOY equipment... This fits nicely into the theory that contemporaneous reporting related to Mexico City will not mention Oswald for he wasn't there...
  8. Most anything is "possible"... maybe if we ask ourselves - how likely is it that Huber touched anything on the RIGHT side of his head given the injuries on that side? More surprising is the xray's anatomical left compared to the table image of a virtually untouched left side. FWIW here is Huber in what look's like the Parkland ER room... maybe it will help with lining up the photos we have supposedly of JFK in that room... Chris - I for one have a difficult time accepting that an experienced priest mistakenly said LEFT instead of RIGHT and then never corrects it? His statement was a pretty big deal which was why it received so little traction from the FBI et al.... DJ
  9. Yeah, pretty sure Beckley’s been put to bed.... thanks to u and others... Dont know if they checked the shirt before he changed it....
  10. Fritz wrote it ... last line of note And Bookout as well as Kelley mention it it their reports... They are listed as having been found in the bottom drawer as well... and here is CE151.. pants may be ce157...
  11. Tommy... Actually said to be in his newly changed into shirt pocket, and after 3 searches starting with him at the theater and in the car when they found a wallet.... Tommy... this is a new shirt, not the work shirt with button down collar. So in an interrogation room waiting for the 215 lineup I believe... 5 bullets in the Pants pocket, bus transfer in the shirt pocket. The jacket was a prop.... added defense of the escape route.... FWIW The bus transfer is easy enough to find... but has a host of evidentiary problems...
  12. Jon... pick a topic, research it, post your analysis.... or u just a critic of other's work?
  13. I second that... good to hear from you Dawn.... So you're gonna believe your own lyin' eyes over Jon and RCD???? And yeah, all 18 year old's have a head 2x as large as it's supposed to be Jon...
  14. The driveway between the houses where Tippit was parked ran back to the Alley, no to Jefferson. Going West at the Alley would be the easiest way for a car to get to a real street yet it was not blocked off back there with a wall or fence, just the back end of the businesses which lined Jefferson. What I wrote was there are conflicts to the route as told by some of the witnesses which makes it into the WCR... and by others who had multiple suspects and at least one who sees the man run down the alley before he gets to Jefferson... which would indeed make Calloway's story a bit off... If we add TATUM's account - from his affidavit: Although I did not remember the exact time I remember it was early in the afternoon on Friday, November 22, 1963. I was driving XXXX north on Denver and stopped at 10th St. when I first saw the squad car and men walking on the sidewalk near the squad car. Both the squad car and this young white male were coming in my direction (East on 10th Street). At the time I was just approaching the squad car, I noticed this young white male with both hands in the pockets of his zippered jacket leaning over the passenger side of the squad car. This young white male was looking into the squad car from the passenger side. The next thing I knew I heard something that sounded like gun shots as I approached the intersection. (10th & Patton). I heard three shots in rapid (illegible)I went right through the intersection, stopped my car and turned to look back. I then saw the officer lying on the street and saw this young white man standing near the front of the squad car. Next. this man with a gun in his hand ran toward the back of the squad car, but instead of running away he stepped into the street and shot the police officer who was lying in the street. At that point this young man looked around him and then started to walk away in my direction and as he started to break into a small run in my direction, I sped off in my auto. All I saw him to the intersection and run south on Patton towards Jefferson. "SMITH" (MW corner 9th and Denver) jumped in the car with BURT and also came down 10th (amazingly busy street - no?) claiming they parked on the south side of 10th facing Tippit's car. Burt claimed the person ran to the intersection of 10th and Patton and make a left down Patton crossing over to the West side.... then turning right down the alley.... he also claims that when arriving at the scene as the suspect fled, 2 women approached Tippit, no one else was there. And without a doubt an interesting take on the scene is offered by Jasper Butler ambulance driver claiming they were there in 5 mins from what would be THEIR call about Tippit... (need to ask McBride if there is a timestamp there).... 400 E Jefferson (still Hughes) is 1 block west of Patton and Jefferson... so 5 mins is very acceptable yet... Blue coat? Laying on his front, face by front left tire with body running toward the rear of the car... compare this to Markham... ... and we have to thank McBride again for making sense of this hot mess....
  15. Mr. SPECTER. And what position is station C?Mr. SHANEYFELT. Station C is on a line drawn along the west curb line of Houston Street in a direct line, and station C is at a point along that line that is in line with where the car would have turned coming around that corner. It is on a line which is an extension of the west curb line of Houston Street. And this image of Betzner's with Towner in the foreground isn't where that extension of the west Houston curb is crossed? With them in the street... that limo does seem far from them.... Does this image help at all?
  16. Did something based on what you said..... and the results were very interesting... I superimposed upon 298-312 / 313-327 & 328-343.... and below that I removed the last layer Initially Toni is walking alone in the background but as you showed, adding 313 over 298 and those 2 people are in exactly the same spot Here is the same scene without 313 and after.... are either of these telling you anything to solidify you ongoing work?
  17. z313 - 48 = 265 - 74 = 191 = 170 feet from ??? (Zap or TSBD?) seem slike the "from TSBD measurements" 313 - 191 = 122 frames = 90 feet (260 shot 3 minus 170 shot 2) = .738 feet/frame x 18.3 = 13.5 feet per second = 9.2 mph What is not mentioned are the numerous other locations on which shots possibly occur. You'll see on the bottom page of notes that NPIC was just as confused as to how LIFE determined the starting frames for shots #1, & #2... Offered are 190, 206, 213, 242, & 264... appears Mandel is describing LIFE's conclusions... More importantly NPIC asks:... WHY 18 FPS AND NOT 16 FPS.... the actual speed setting on the camera... which can easily switch to 48fps while filming (see images at bottom of post) The 2nd page of the NPIC notes I added gives you some idea of the "working backward to find a solution that fits" approach to FBI work which in turn directly matches the new PLAT with the Shaneyfelt frame numbers next to dots.... in a standard move... the board starts at frame 188 despite them having made such a big deal of Position A, Z161, 166, 168 & 171...
  18. An impostor was removed and whisked away.... out of the back alley of the theater... (running pickup truck??) https://www.google.com/maps/place/S+Patton+Ave+%26+E+10th+St,+Dallas,+TX+75203/@32.748509,-96.8190032,72a,35y,150.56h,61.78t/data=!3m1!1e3!4m5!3m4!1s0x864e999755f98d4f:0x61d2a8e7bc767dd!8m2!3d32.7471779!4d-96.8187386?hl=en Above is a link to the modern day blocked off alley Commission exhibit 538 has all those numbered Tippit area photos... #30 is looking NW and would be the front of where the driveway ended at that alley... This is from John A. at harveyandlee.net I've cropped and darkened it a little... Interesting that the back of the Davis' house is a car lot... where a grey/white jacket could have been dropped off... instead, one block over and behind the Abundant Life Church is yet another car lot on Jefferson... although they watched this person walking down Jefferson instead of just taking the hidden alley... he supposedly walks back up, into the next car lit and drops his jacket.... and disappears - right next to the Church.... hmmmmm.... JIMMY EARL BURT, General Delivery stated that on November 22, 1963 he was living at 505 E. 10th Street, At the intersection of 10th and Patton Streets the man ran south on Patton Street. BURT said he ran to the intersection of 10th and Patton and when he was close enough to Patton Street to see to the south he saw the man running into an alley located between 10th and Jefferson Avenue on Patton Street. The man ran in the alley to the right and would be running west at this point. Others will tell the story with our man Ozzie walking down Jefferson.... the GREEG dotted line is the path of the 2nd police car into the alley from Patton and down the driveway. Mr. DULLES. May I ask what course he was taking when you last saw him?Mr. CALLAWAY. He was going west on Jefferson Street.Mr. DULLES. West on Jefferson Street?Mr. CALLAWAY. Yes, sir. DJ
  19. That building next to Scoggin’s name is the gentlemen’s club where he went for lunch.... here is the overview with more detail below... Mrs. Holm see this other police car.... Very good article.... http://harveyandlee.net/Tippit/Tippit.html
  20. Jim, in my pistol paper I have photos of the Poe marked shell casings... but it looks more like a B Page 42.. ce2011 p8 has Poe saying he put JMP
  21. I here ya Chris... yet I was curious on your thoughts specifically. The 2nd shot they admit to, in the vicinity of Z313, is the same shot we see in this gif closer to Moorman than Altgens According to the plat the yellow curbs are 40-45 feet apart... Altgens testimony impeaches the shot at z313 as being much too far away from him and that it did not occur that way... The overlay still does not move the actual head shot we see any further down Elm... your gif frame #13... The right frame is z313 as we see it today... but the left frame is from further down the street, right?... suggesting the head shot was before they reached Moorman. So yeah, I'm a little confused Now, in the three frames above.... the sun visor over Kellerman's head in 291 is touching the left side of Moorman... 292 it's dead center on her and 293 it's at her right side.. Isn't there a problem with angles, focal lengths, distance and how the camera is moved? Side to side, up and down all while panning (rotating around an axis) will produce some strange results, no? Isn't the fact the visor moves a uniform distance in each frame counter-intuitive to the angle differences?
  22. Or they signed it at the time and then was changed afterward.... doubt there'd be too many buying the 26 volumes to check it word for word.... I actually think more just said no, they didn't need to sign it, "I trust you guys... heck, you're the government"
  23. John... I don't think you realize how loud it was.... DP is like a bowl with the buildings at the east end + the one bldg on Elm, acting as echo makers. The DPD Harley's were very loud and just behind the limo.... these machines are spitting and popping, backfiring and revving... that first shot circa Shaneyfelt 157 along with the other shooters - only some of which with silencers - would allow 3 shots to sound like 1 with minimal overlap... The point though was to incriminate Oswald in a Castro conspiracy to kill JFK... shots on top of each other as Kellerman's "flurry" suggests were to be expected, until a Conspiracy was not what they wanted... The recanting and treatment of Alvarado in Mexico gives us some idea of how badly they needed off his story of the $6500 and red-headed negro. Regarding the reflection, The TSBD is right there buddy.... the orange on the truck has the tree trunk in front of it and in front of that are the very short squat reflections of the people.... The angle is very low but enough the catch the bottom 2 floors of the TSBD... Remembering that the CIA had this set up as a Cuban conspiracy, multiple shooters and shots too close together would be the point of creating a conspiracy... Oswald and others shooting JFK... but that ended quickly - no better an example is Alvarado in Mexico and what when on until he recanted his story. My thought now is that with 3 or even 4 shooters - why would they use silencers if the idea was to implicate a Cuban conspiracy? unless that was just talk to keep the hounds at bay... then I could imagine 1 shooter without and all the others with a silenced weapon ---like the De Lisle Carbine Found this weapon from WWII...
  24. He wasn't asked if he wanted to sign it... he signed his affidavit about the closing mechanism on the 2nd floor lunchroom. How would we know if he did or not without a copy of his signed deposition... and I haven't been able to find anything yet to suggest he did sign it.... we usually get that Signed by: /ROY TRULY/
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