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David Josephs

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Everything posted by David Josephs

  1. And there will always be 2, 3 or 50 sides to the JFK related "events"... in fact, I bet you can't name 3 things that does NOT have conflicting evidence... So what? That H&L dies within you every day is no real surprise Mark.. you like to place events on their own islands and refuse to consider them in context... please prove me wrong. As to BJHS in the Fall of 1953... I believe I have mentioned that I am not in agreement with the conclusion that those records prove a student was there the entire Fall semester... what I see is the boy starting in January as mentioned yet the Fall semester would not have ended until end of Jan, early Feb giving the student enough time to attend a few classes... with the last line of that NYC transcript at PS44 being one of the only pieces of truth on that document.... LEE's records are complete for the 53-54 school year... Harvey and Marge are on another track entirely... so... can you explain the student records at the bottom of this post or not? Why do we not have a First Name LEE Oswald in Ft Worth all thru grade school? And who is Nancy Lee Oswald? Answer these and we bring context back into the discussion... don't and it's SSDD... PS - here's something for you to ponder... It was claimed that LEE goes to 1st grade fall semester at Benbrook Common school... but that would be Fall 1947, not '45. Furthermore, the supposed evidence for this enrollment (which is only mentioned and not shown) is claimed to have info from years in the future... the 1945 letter is shown below. Given your vast H&L knowledge... please locate the address Marge writes on Grandbury Rd.... H&L is a narrative, not a single document... if you ever get around to accepting that, these discussions may get more productive... 49 - 50 & 50 - 51 are virtually the same this is 51-52....
  2. Appreciated Tony... was just offering some background on 2220 Thomas and how one Oswald family is at one location while the real family is on 8th street... That Marge would go there in 1947 creates some thread and connection to 1954... how did her belongings get there in the first place? When up to March of 1948 when they divorce... she is living at 3300 Willing. In August 1947 John and Robert are home from Chamberlain with PIC working at an Ice Cream parlor at 1905 8th Ave. There are 2 families leading separate lives as early as July 1947.... with 2220 Thomas squarely in the picture... by 1954, September thru early Nov... if the plan was indeed to create a doppelganger to infiltrate USSR to gain much needed intel, there SHOULD be little to no evidence remaining that would put them there beside the faded memories of eye witnesses, and the ongoing strange events tied to that address... DJ edit: but if it's out there seems you'll find it... again.. well done
  3. Joan Mellen, Key West Citizen (2nd September, 2005) (Spartacus) Angelo Murgado and a fellow veteran of the Bay of Pigs, in September, were the men who traveled with Oswald from New Orleans to Dallas where they visited Sylvia Odio. (Mrs. Odio testified that the three traveled together although Angelo says that when he and Leopoldo, who drove from New Orleans together, arrived at Sylvia Odio's, Oswald was already there, sitting in the apartment. That "Leopoldo" and Angelo both knew Oswald, there is no doubt). Their objective, or so Angelo thought, was to search for help in their anti-Castro efforts; they talked to Mrs. Odio about buying arms to overthrow Castro. Angelo believed he could trust his companion, referred to in the Warren Report as "Leopoldo," because not only was he a fellow veteran of the Bay of Pigs, but his brother was running for mayor of Miami. He was respectable. In this image, the man on the right is Ed Collins... the other option for Angelo....
  4. Tony... in 1947 marge’s neighbors at 101 San Saba are Georgia Bell and Lucille Hubbard, if I remember correctly. Bell and Hubbard talk of the time Hubbard drove Marge to 2220 Thomas to pick up some things for the San Saba house. This would be between July 1947 and Dec 1947.... when the newly divorced Marge Ekdahl Oswald was at 1505 8th street. How is that reconciled in your research Tony? Great job btw... thanks for the deeper dive into 2220 Thomas... u are aware that FBI SA Fain lived nearby at 1721 Thomas? Here is the purchase history for 101 San Saba and a photo of Lee and dog when they visited That house in ‘49. The car in this photo is not the same as the one in the Ekdahl marriage photo... Finally to bing it full circle, below we see that Korth (Who is related to 2220 Thomas by 1 degree of separation) and Ekdahl stayed involved with each other buying land in and around Ft. Worth.... Korth represented Ekdahl in the divorce... As well was his Trustee in death... A Mrs. Mary McCarthy Jr. owned Thomas at the time of the assassination, a close Fried of Korth.
  5. Hi Greg, (Oswald did not get to Houston for a bus to Laredo the night of the 25th as I will show below) The link does say “said the range was opened Oct 26” But that didn’t imply this was the first day opened... Same man telling us about Oswald.... and that the “first time” He saw him was end of Sept.... Mr. LIEBELER. The Commission has information to the effect that sometime during November 1963, you saw a gentleman at the rifle range whom you subsequently came to believe was Lee Harvey Oswald; is that correct? Mr. PRICE. That's right. The first time that I saw this person was in September, the last week--the last Saturday of September, and that was the afternoon that they opened the rifle range. Mr. LIEBELER. On the last Saturday of September? Mr. PRICE. Yes. Mr. LIEBELER. That would be September 28? Mr. PRICE. Yes. Mr. LIEBELER. Did you see this fellow again? Mr. PRICE. On two other occasions--one was 2 weeks later and at turkey shoot. It was Sunday, though, it was on a Sunday. Mr. LIEBELER. It would have been in October sometime, then, is that right? Mr. PRICE. Yes, it would. Mr. LIEBELER. The last Saturday in September, which is the day you indicated was the first time you saw him was the 28th of September? Mr. PRICE. Yes; that was the day they opened. They opened in the afternoon. Mr. LIEBELER. And 2 weeks later would have been the 12th of October, and the Sunday following would be the 13th of October; is that right? Mr. PRICE. Yes, somewhere around there. They had a turkey shoot and I went down to participate in a turkey shoot and he was sitting in Booth 6 or 8 and was firing on a 100-yard line with a heavy bore rifle and I didn't talk to him then, but the third time that I saw him there I did. According to the source you quoted, Price says they open for business Sept 28th... Consider this timeline.... The FBI has no idea where he is on 9/24... and he doesn’t take a bus on the 25th... He leaves with 2 men Going first to Austin, then Dallas. It’s a 10 hr drive to Austin... After driving all night, they arrive in Austin, hit a “safe” house, and Oswald goes to SSS at 1pm The 25th, a Wednesday, they stay in Austin... on the 26th Oswald has his coffee and leaves his impression (L &B Day testified as friends of Stella that they remember him too.. they said he kept looking into the kitchen...) It is possible that only 1 man drove with Oswald and they picked the other man up in Austin... Odio remembers it being Thursday as the call which followed occurred after she got home from work... Austin to Dallas is only 5 hours... more than enough time to do whatever work he was doing and be at her door that evening... Other evidence comes from Father Machann, and the Janet Leigh event on 9/27. It all leads to the Odio visit on the 26th. There were numerous locations in and around Dallas where Oswald could have stayed and worked with his group doing his FBI job... until the following weekend.... when we find the return bus trip even more poorly conceived than the way down... I went back and reread the 8/28 bit... in late August Oswald is with Ferrie and Shaw in Jackson and Clinton.... and then Houston... I don’t see how that has to do with this trip... The bus trip was a concoction to CYA the FBI.... The real deal is that Oswald was an informant for the FBI, or believed he was...and was infiltrating Cuban groups... The CIA simply boxed Hoover into doing its bidding... as was the case in many areas... Dj
  6. I assume you meant Sept 28... a Saturday.... would not be related to an Austin SSS visit... he was in Dallas and offices for business are closed... just like Mexico. Odio sisters prove that Oswald as we knew him was there on Thursday the 27th... There are reports of him in Dallas Sat the 28th at the Sports Drome... Start in New Orleans... we are told that the thrifty Oswald would buy a round trip ticket since it was cheaper than 2, 1 ways... yet as u are reading, Major Green tells us the only 2 buses destined for Mexico would not work on the timeline... so they find a bus to Houston that kinda works... this man literally has to buy a 1 way ticket 4 to 6 times to get there and back to Dallas... At least that’s what the FBI’s evidence shows... after trying and ditching a number of alternatives... because the timing didn’t work.. bottom memo is a great example... that and it’s provable that Oswald was not on any Flecha Rojas bus coming south... as he could never meet the 3:30 bus out of Monterrey leaving at 2pm from Laredo... it’s a 3-4 hr drive.... And since the Aussie girls say they took del Norte bus... they are lying about seeing Bowen and the MacFarlands... Bowen traveled with a Companion? one small tidbit... when Hoover wrote that the CIA double dealt him re Oswald’s trip to Mexico, it was Jan 14th... 1 week later at exec session it is brought up that Oswald was an FBI asset.... the FBI has no choice which is why so much of the documentation is from March-May ‘64. Hope that addresses your concerns... DJ
  7. Comparing the caliber stamp on the sight in WCR to the sight on the rifle Day carries out of the TSBD
  8. Sounds good Peter.... looking forward to it as well... DJ
  9. Sorrels gets 2 copies, 1 is immediately sent to Rowley. Zap should have original and a best copy... Except that’s not what Max writes.... 3rd Print?
  10. Indeed Greg... I had the pleasure of meeting him in SF when I presented info on Mexico, and the Carcano a few years back... yet I believe he and many of his peers are giving these subjects serious second thoughts... especially in light of C.Davidson's MATH RULES work which shows the math involved in the "syncing" discussed... "At least thirty-eight people were taking pictures that day in Dealey Plaza" -Thompson Now while that may indeed be the fact, these (image at bottom) are the photographers known to us who had images between Zapruder's 133 and 486: Films which needed to sync : Nix, Muchmore*, Bronson... (*Muchmore herself says she didn't get film of the shot at z313) And even in Muchmore we find frames where everything is in focus as she is panning when either foreground or background must be blurry by definition. Nix is something you only need google or search here.... amazing story... and also just a small portion of the z-frames prior to 313... Bronson, I can find only a few frames and it's as he is hit... The one not mentioned was Towner and the infamous turn... I wish I had the words to explain what MATH RULES sets out... but they were indeed synced to each other just as Josh said they'd have to be... the photos and the testimonies do not match... the surveys and the conclusions do not match... and the zfilm simply does not show what the WCR tried to hide in CE884.... I forgot I had reference to what the doctors said that day.... a trans-versing .25" bullet would leave quite a nice little channel thru the body... finding no sign of this would require a frontal shot.... Johnson asked Hoover I believe - "I say, if Connally hadn't been in his way" Hoover: "Oh, yes, yes... the President would no doubt have been hit" Johnson: "He would have been hit three times." finally,
  11. I forgot to get back to this... just a comment about the overall size of the place and the "reach out and touch him" distance it feels from fence to middle of Elm... Of all the shot locations described... the fence line on the North grassy knoll and the last few shots... especially "back and to the left"... seems to me the closest and most hidden of shot locations... as well as the easiest with JFK only getting larger as he comes straight to the shooter... I see sky, not badgeman or hatman in Moorman... what I do see is the top of a hat just over the fence behind the tree... And in the last few frames of Z.... a similar object moving can be seen... (below) Given what we know of JFK's wounds, an entry above the right ear and near the temple.... from the fence.... is most probable... and since the limo gets absurdly close to this shooter... it represents the easiest of the shots as well... As well as a little curious... if you had been there yet.... DJ
  12. First off thanks to those helping out Greg with links etc... I think Greg, that you'd need to do more digging into Bethesda... and look at the ARRB testimonies... Searching the forum is a great place to start... The throat wound was expertly described by ER staff as one of entry... discussing it as an exit would would be contradicting the only truth we had by that afternoon... === As to the zfilm being authentic.... it is currently in 9 pieces at NARA and NEVER had the 0183 stamped on any part of it... In fact, 0184 must have been printed based on the mechanics of the machinery.... Mrs. Z has something interesting to say: There is also the case of the film sent to SS Chief ROWLEY friday overnight... and the films which show up at NPIC Sat night (Dino) and Sunday (Homer). There is little if anything to "authenticate" that film as original. Again... good luck, yet I think there is sufficient info to find on this forum which may have you rethinking some of the conclusions you've come to... Take care DJ
  13. The idea of the image was to show that a south knoll shot is not out of the question... It's really up to each of us to "see" which scenario works... and have at least some compelling evidence with which to back yourself up.... The search function in this forum is very good.... you can find quite a lot of material on most every aspect of the case... That south knoll shot may have cleared the windshield and have been Cliff's shot to the throat with the windshield hole/crack being from another source... IDK Triangle though... East (Dal-Tex/Courthouse/street level), North (knoll) and South (knoll)... The shot from the fence is absurdly close... once you've been there and seen it.... Hope that helps DJ
  14. Yes, this is. Reasonable doubt does not "impeach" anything... Reasonable doubt is the highest standard of proof, requiring that guilt be proven to the satisfaction of a rational person. Clear and convincing evidence is somewhat less rigorous. It requires that a judge or jury be persuaded that the prosecution case is true. "impeach the credibility" ?? Witness impeachment, in the law of evidence of the United States, is the process of calling into question the credibility of an individual testifying in a trial. And here we have the crux of the matter Mark... you're attempt at introducing reasonable doubt has no bearing on the credibility of anything any of the witnesses said because you fail to give the audience - those you are introducing the doubt to - the proper context for what was said. Your incredulity doesn't change the dynamics of the context.... a point you sorely miss, repeatedly. As to your naive and assuming comment, of course we've proven it was not possible for Oswald to have done it... proven it in a number of different ways. ...and we remain here to continue to dig and reveal... What you find doubtful .... is highly subjective.... the neglect of context appears to be your calling card in this discussion... and you still aint gonna learn what you dont wanna know.... Thanks for the discussion...
  15. As much consideration as you give that it was Harvey who attended Stripling... I'm sorry you find Kudlaty unbelievable ... John just mentioned that it was Wylie who was principal in 1963 after Lucas' tenure - he was the Principal '53-'56 when Oswald attended - he had moved onto Arlington Heights... He says Wylie on the tape because it was indeed Wylie... yet Lucas had been there for years and Kudlaty and he were close... It not being consistent across all the platforms it's being presented is indeed a simple oversight.... and will be corrected. As to the rest of your OP, you are trying to impeach a direct witness with conjecture.. with your interpretation of how things SHOULD be... You start with Robert... I address Robert by trying to have you understand the relationship between the three "brothers"... by giving you context for this you give me grief... The conflict between the 2 older brothers is central to understanding how it was even possible for Kudlaty to be telling the truth. You then proceed to say, repeatedly, that people don't mean what they are saying... that no one else was ever asked? that's the rebuttal to which you want me to reply? THIS is your point... Further, numerous local personalities and people connected to Oswald have spoken to the Fort Worth Star-Telegram over the years, and as mentioned, newpapers across the country. Many of them have some connection to Oswald or a story to tell, none have Stripling stories. It is clear the Fort Worth Star-Telegram articles which reference Robert Oswald’s statements regarding Oswald as attending Stripling are blown out of proportion to increase their otherwise neglible (sic) importance. At no point over the almost 60 years of coverage does the Star-Telegram update their reporting, and continues to this day to use statements Robert Oswald gave them in 1959. The paper likely was unable to get new statements, and continues to just run with what they have. You seem to be forgetting his testimony in 1964... Says the same thing... has no idea about Beauregard... can you please try and remember it was 1959, not 2019? So people COULD have said something... newspapers COULD have followed up... you truly do not comprehend the reach and power of the FBI in 1963.... the number of informants was staggering... if Hoover's FBI didn't want you looking, you stopped looking... I know you're not that naive.... man, I hope you're not that naive. The rest of the OP is only your questioning the statements of direct witnesses... Summers is clearly confused about what he remembers. He references teaching Robert Oswald, when they weren’t at the school at the same time. a semicolon can be used between two closely related independent clauses. The images below start with the 49-50 school year... followed by 50-51.... Robert is listed along with Harvey... with different parents... Robert testifies to skipping 10th grade, Mr. JENNER. Would that be 1951, the end of your sophomore year?Mr. OSWALD. No, sir; 1950 would be the end of the school year. That summer there I started a job with an A&P Supermarket there in Fort Worth.I might say along this period mother seemed to be having difficulty keeping a job or making enough money and so forth to raise us. I stayed out of school that next year and worked for A&P.Mr. JENNER. Out of school 1950-51? Mr. OSWALD. Yes, sir. Proceeding with you, at the end of the school year '50-'51--I assume you continued working there the summer of '51?Mr. OSWALD. Yes, sir.Mr. JENNER. And did you reenter school that fall?Mr. OSWALD. Yes, sir; I didMr. JENNER. Where?Mr. OSWALD. Arlington Heights High School. Mr. JENNER. You attended Arlington Heights High School for the school year '51-'52?Mr. OSWALD. Yes, sir; that is correct.Mr. JENNER. And what about the year '52-'53?Mr. OSWALD. July 1952 I joined the Marine Corps. Robert is crossed out in the 51-52 records.... despite finishing the entire year.... strange so if Mr. Summer teaches him Jan 50 thru Summer 1951... one way or another... that's about 2 school years in his mind... so what? Harvey Lee Oswald in 7th grade would be 1954.... September. He would be with the woman on the right, while Lee remained with the woman on the left... Context again Mark... and for those who don't know everything about the subject, it helps. Looking again at the OP, you simply try to impeach these witnesses with conjecture and hyperbole.... and you neither spoke with these witnesses or the people who did We have little else to cover here... now we know about Wylie.... and you still think these guys are the same...
  16. Add this to the fact the FBI invented the journey from start to finish and Hoover goes out of his way to cover for the CIA... why? Cause his boy Oswald was doing his FBI gig spying on Cubans... the CIA left him no choice but to put him on buses to and from Mexico... L/9 was was of AZCUE's buddies... none of his reports mention Oswald in Mexico either.... On the 28th he is driven to the Sports Drome in Dallas and is seen there on opening day... Hoover called Mexico classic CIA double-dealing... who the other 2 men were is not nearly as important as accepting that the Odio sisters saw Oswald.... If we could proceed accepting that our Oswald was not in Mexico on those dates, it may help other things come into focus... FWIW DJ
  17. Nobody has thanked you ... and nobody cares for the orders you bark... While you go round and round with Wylie and Lucas and Stripling... waiting and drooling for a post to come your way so thankfully you get to speak your piece.... (originality doesn't seem to be your strong point... Other People's Work... that's where you live... ) Luckily there is an IGNORE function whereby we don't have to listen to you pollute thread after thread... Frank said what sounds like Wylie at the beginning of that video... Lucas took over in 1953. Probably a simple mistake since this was now 10 years later... What's not a mistake is your ineffective attacks on Kudlaty for not having done this that or the other... for doing what he says he did... and you wondering, hypothetically, what else... what else can we use to trip Kudlaty up...???? In the end, you simply can't. Which principal is not nearly as important as FBI agents removing the accused's school records and job records in select areas of the country from 11/23 all thru the following week... while the FBI Lab takes fewer items than it returns to Dallas that following week... Your inability to see more than a single puzzle piece at a time is what defines childish here Robbie... Terribly sorry you can'y figure out how they fit together but if you follow along for a while and stop interrupting, maybe you'd learn to see TWO pieces at the same time... With regards to the emoticons... it's 2020, get over yourself already... 💩
  18. You got it RCD.... Now you can go right back to your tiny little world where nothing relates to anything else... keep discussing the chlorophyll while the rest of us explore the trees and the forest.... what an amazingly myopic view of evidence you have.... Obituary for Kathryn Lucas: A Yucca beauty while in her freshman year, she met and later became engaged to Weldon M. Lucas, a student and athlete at North Texas. They married Dec. 24, 1932, and resided in Fort Worth, where Weldon, known as "Luke," coached in the Fort Worth Independent School District. In the mid-1940s he became a vice principal at McLean Junior High, in the '50s a principal at Stripling High School and in the early '60s a principal at Arlington Heights High School. Can you post HARRY WYLIE's bio and occupation from 1953 to 1957.... y'know to prove he was actually the principal at the time... Lucas started in 1953... maybe Wylie was 51 & 52? Maybe, just maybe Kudlaty misspoke having had Wylie as his principal a few years earlier... You can prove Wylie was the principal, right?
  19. obviously... but it's not mentioned in the post that starts this thread.... Was it just a mistaken name... I've had enough of this bantering anyway... Like trying to teach a rock to swim...
  20. Mark.... (we sure do like long posts, don't we? First... what qualifies you to determine beyond all other explanations that was what the man was thinking as he was speaking? Then... follow up with a "prove a negative" question. Nobody does that anymore... so last century... Sadly it seems you will not consider my arguments related to Pic and Robert and the huge break in communication between late '52 and '54. Pic knowing his brother was not the boy at the Bronx zoo in Aug 53 Robert contradicting Pic about October 1952... if Robert was there, he knows his brother is not at Stripling since he was in NYC if he was not there in 1952 but 1953... spending time with his brother, taking him around the Bronx... still Stripling? Yet with all this behind him by a number of years, and knowing now what he does, he says that after 6th grade he would attend Stripling.... Yes, Robert says "started attending" Stripling as if he knew first hand Mr. JENNER. Now, the condition that you described as to Lee shifting for himself during the daytime, when your mother was away working and you were away working, and your brother John was in the Coast Guard, continued, I take it, when he began attendance and while he was attending W. C. Stripling Junior High School?Mr. OSWALD. Yes, sir. Yet Jenner knows better than that.... he has Oswald's whole life and not once does it say he went to Stripling.... He knows with the fortitude of RCD... yet does not call Robert on it... it's not important to him... or is it too important? The WC determined that many witness' statements required alteration and revision... they were entitled to make wholesale changes to testimony and have the revised, self written account put in the final record... learning this fact made me shudder... sadly, it's true. In all of the WCR and H&E's there are only 2 reference to Stripling, someone who talks about knowing Robert in 1959 - which has to be 1949 - and how violent a temper he had... WCD887 p25... and Robert's testimony. Like so much testimony... it is simply ignored by the WC.... in 1963 Robert knows his brother was either in NYC or New Orleans, but says Stripling Pic tells us that he too was off in Aug/Sept 1953 and saw his mother but never saw Lee... Marge complains to John about Lee no having anyone to confide in.... this is within a few weeks one way or the other of Robert's 1953 visit.... it seems though that Robert moved his 1952 visit to 1953 for some reason... IDK at this point. We both agree he knows the boy in NYC and again in New Orleans did not attend Stripling.... yet you see Mark, Robert was talking about Harvey Lee Oswald. So his comments and all of Stripling disappears from the record... We are left to John Armstrong, 30 years later finding out yet another example of the FBI of the time acquiring and disappearing evidence contrary to the official company line. (Can you say Minox camera??) I gave your essay starting this thread a fair shake yet the reasoning behind you're not accepting the story revolves quite a bit around your incredulity at the events... not the events themselves... being amazing that something is or isn't in a file is fine... stating conclusively certain items could NOT be in those files is pure guesswork... Guesswork presented as Fact... as Authentic Evidence.... when it's not... it's your POV on the subject and your alternative explanation which may or may not fit all the known facts... Please don't believe you are impeaching the word of the man who has nothing to lie about... and did not get calls from 2 principals (RCD???) but simply tells the story as he remembered. The really interesting part is that there are always 2-4 people who feel it their duty to shoot arrows which fall woefully short each and every time... Dangerous people with a little knowledge... a glimpse at a puzzle piece they don't like and have just enough to be able to try and knock it down.... It's no big deal really... it takes so much time and effort to really want to understand the evidence... even if you read the book... So to one and all..... sorry it requires so much of your time and effort to GET it... and to think... 57 years later and we still don't know how many 'who's pulled the triggers... Keep working at it... the years 1947 to 1975 are filled with some of the most amazing "Conspiracies" related to JFK in one way or another... Discounting the duplicity of H&L as a Cold War tactic already used by others is a bit premature I feel... But that's me... take care DJ
  21. Thanks Steve... great stuff... FWIW Monterrey was where the Aussie girls were supposed to have gotten back on the Flecha Rojas bus to Mexico City The typed and original passenger list for those getting on in Monterrey is posted below.. So, we bought the ticket on the bus at Laredo and that enabled us to stop off in Monterrey. But the ticket was from Laredo to Mexico City.Mr. BALL. And from what company did you buy the ticket?Miss MUMFORD. As far as I can remember, it was a bus company called Transporter del Norte. === Mr. BALL. Well. you were shown pictures of a man later on by the Federal Bureau of Investigation agent, were you not?Miss MUMFORD. Yes.Mr. BALL. And they showed you pictures of Oswald, didn't they; Lee Harvey Oswald?Miss MUMFORD. No.Mr. BALL. You didn't ever see a picture of Oswald?Miss MUMFORD. No.
  22. Did you even bother reading Mark's post that starts the thread before posting? Obviously not Not once on that page does anyone state that he received calls from 2 different principals... are you so desperate to appear as if you actually know something about H&L that you'll make things up just to try and prove a point? Sad really that you can't follow 3 different people on one single page of a thread not to mention the hundreds of other details with which you can't be bothered.... You must be an expert at those large piece puzzles where you only need 3 pieces to complete... any more than that and the puzzle is simply unsolvable for you... If you don't understand the entire puzzle from one piece, why bother.... what a farce. FWIW... see if you can keep this all straight #3 in particular as you can't be bothered to read for comprehension... geez! Keep posting buddy... you'll talk yourself out of your own position soon enough... There were 3 Principals: 1 - Lucas for Stripling 1963, 2 - Bostick for Monnig 1963, 3 - Ricardo Galindo for Stripling 1990's 1. He explained, "Early on the morning following the assassination, Saturday morning, I was telephoned by my boss, Mr. (Weldon) Lucas (Principal of Stripling), and told to go to school and meet two FBI agents. I lived close to the school at that time and arrived at the school before they (FBI Agents) got there. 2. Frank Kudlaty knew the principal of Monnig Junior High, Mr. Ree Bostick, for many years and talked with him after the assassination. Mr. Bostick told Frank that FBI agents also visited his school and asked for Lee Harvey Oswald's school records. Mr. Bostick did know which records, if any, were given to the agents 3. Galindo was the Principal at Stripling Junior High School when Armstrong was researching “Harvey & Lee” Way back on December 27, 1993, John Armstrong wrote to Ricardo Galindo, the then current principal of Stripling School, asking if there were any records for Lee Harvey Oswald's attendance the school. Mr. Galindo telephoned John back and said that, although there were no records, it was “common knowledge” that LHO had attended the school. [Harvey and Lee, p. 97]
  23. In Robert's testimony, there is nothing said about BEAUREGARD JHS. Yet he says he was there literally within a month of his finishing BJHS... in fact, the 1955 telephone directory has "Margt Oswald" listed at 120 N Telemachus despite them living on Exchange Place since summer of 1954. Mr. JENNER. Did you visit your mother and your brother in New Orleans when you returned from the service in July of 1955?Mr. OSWALD. Yes, sir; I did. I did not--yes, sir, it was in July 1955 when I made my first trip from Fort Worth, Tex., to New Orleans, La He says he visits mom and brother in July 1955.... with nothing said about 1954... in fact his testimony is specifically steered away from 1954.... t's as if the boy Robert is talking about never attended Beauregard JHS... and of course, that's the case... the boy Robert says went to Stripling was not his brother... and he and Pic knew... Pic gets especially elusive as we get to 1954. We have no letters FROM Pic to his mother, his REAL mother for that would not work... her address would be different than the return address on all the letters from Marge... We have one dated July 1952 talking of coming to NYC... the next letter is May 1954... with Marge just now telling PIC they've moved back from NY... (5 months ago supposedly.. and this from a woman who appears to have written scores of letters to PIC virtually every single month up to 1952, then again after May 1954.... This exchange should give you some idea how PIC felt about his brother Lee Harvey: we've all seen the 1962 Thanksgiving photo... We KNOW an Oswald and Marina and Marge were there... just not Pic's brother. Mr. JENNER - Did you see your brother at any time thereafter? (August 1953)Mr. PIC - No, sir; I did not.Mr. JENNER - Was there an occasion in Thanksgiving 1962 when you saw him?Mr. PIC - Yes, sir; I can get to that. There are things happened prior to that.Mr. JENNER - You did see him--Mr. PIC - No, sir; I did not see him. I seen my mother. Mr. JENNER - I see. All right; go ahead. Sandy, Robert is lying and PIC knows it... PIC also seems to know something is off with his other "brother".... But of course these puzzle pieces have nothing to do with the Stripling piece of the puzzle, right? Lee Oswald never went to BENBROOK Elementary in 1945 as claimed... there is a single FBI report which claims: Address on enrollment card is "Worth Hotel" AND 7408 Ewing which is not bought until 1948. MO lists LEE's Bday as July 9, 1939 to get into school* *This info is from an FBI report as footnote to p674 of the WCR. CE1874 mentions O.H. STOWE superintendent TARRANT county schools claiming they had an enrollment card for October 31, 1945 with July 9 1939 as Lee's Bday. The address was listed as ROUTE 5 BOX 567 (but of course that card is not in evidence) yet the WCR has him entering 1st grade in January 1947... over 2 years later.... 7408 Ewing was not built until 1948 notice the DOB for HARVEY... now if he's 8 with the 7/9/39 Bday the record has to be between Sept '47 and Oct 19, 1947... otherwise NANCY LEE would also be 8 years old. Finally, Marge divorces in June 1948 and specifically asks for her name back... yet HARVEY's mom is known as EKDAHL for a number of years in these records... Bottom line Sandy.... the existence of HARVEY LEE has been as carefully hidden as the frontal head shot.... we all know it's real, proving it given what the FBI did to the evidence is another story entirely... Take care
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