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David Josephs

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Everything posted by David Josephs

  1. It happened that way Eddy... You've read the story of Ralph Leon Yates? The FBI institutionalized him days after his Jan 1964 polygraph at age 27... He died 12 years later, still institutionalized, at 39. Yates also claimed that the man showed him 1 of the Backyard photos... with Yates recognizing it was the man in the car with him... Yates drops him off at Elm/Houston with his package... so in a real sense "an" Oswald does what you claim... just not the guy Ruby killed.
  2. Maybe this really is Shelley, as I've suspected for some time now.... Makes some sense for him to know Oswald in New Orleans re:FPCC.... or is this just farting in the wind? (and no that's not Cruz's dad) Does seem like all the white shirts are going to him for something....
  3. Means he had a plan..... https://kennedysandking.com/content/oswald-on-november-22-1963 that comes together like clockwork at precisely the correct moments. IF he was going to do this, that would be the last rifle he'd use.... and without a scope for sure.... So much is accepted as real, like a scoped, bolt action rifle is a better weapon for multiple shots on a moving target at reasonably close range (for a scope). ==== Not sure what there is to debate Eddy...
  4. Thanks Gary... Labor of love... (and catches Robert in that juicy lie about 1945/46) Mr. JENNER - Excuse me, was that 101 San Saba?Mr. PIC - No, sir; I don't know nothing about 101 San Saba.
  5. Thanks Andrew... only way I could keep things straight... So why do you suppose the FBI moved San Saba from 1947 to 1948? Divorce is final JUNE 16, 1947... with Marge specifically asking that her name OSWALD be reinstated... yet the first thing she buys as a divorced woman, she doesn't change her name back? While Ekdahl gave her $1500 for the divorce, she had to pay the lawyers $250... yet still has the cash to buy San Saba... also meaning the house was built very quickly.
  6. Not so much Matt.... she was cornered into saying she took 1.... then it became 2... then 3.... Marina admits this was the first time working a camera... and later tells us she held the camera up to her face to take photos... Q. This camera, do you recall whether to take pictures with this camera, you would look down into the viewfinder or whether you would hold the camera up to your eye and look straight ahead?A. I just recall I think it is straight.Q. You would put the camera up by your eye?fA. Yes.Q. Do you remember what color the camera was?A. I think it was black. (oops) The only time she takes a photo and they are PERFECT... Virtually identical despite having moved and given the camera back to Ozzie... her words. The point about how she held the camera is made even more important when you consider HOW this first time photographer would have taken the images How can the woman for get THIS:? The camera is a POS, held at one's chest, viewing an inverted image... and yet 3 for 3 she was perfect? If you are gong to use Marina to defend an argument... I'd suggest being very careful as she is not the most reliable apple in the barrel... (She lied about Mexico city a number of times as well... just sayin) rs. OSWALD. I think that that was towards the end of February, possibly the beginning of March. I can't say exactly. Because I didn't attach any significance to it at the time. That was the only time I took any pictures. I don't know how to take pictures. He gave me a camera and asked me someone should ask me how to photograph, I don't know Mrs. OSWALD. I was hanging up diapers, and he came up to me with the rifle and l was even a little scared, and he gave me the camera and asked me to press a certain button. ... and proceeds to take some of the sharpest photos we've seen... Q: Did you ever see Lee with a pistol?A: I don't remember now, sir.Q: You don't remember seeing him with a pistol?A: No.Q: Is it a fact you took a picture of him with a pistol and a rifle?A: Yes, sir, I recall right now. At the time' that I was questioned, I had even forgotten that I had taken two photographs. I thought there was only one. I thought that there were two identical pictures, but they turned out to be two different poses. Q. Are these the only two pictures you ever took in your life at least up to that time?A. Yes.Q. Have you taken any pictures since then?A. I try at home, to photograph the kids at home with a Poloroid camera. They didn't come out right.Q. When you took the picture did he tell you to hold your hands steady?A. Yes.Q. Did you try to do that?A. Yes.
  7. Marguerite G versus Margaret M.... Not only the middle initial, but the first name... Ms. Keating's name was Margaret... her mom, Cecilia or Cecile... Ms. Claverie's was Marguerite Margaret's mother Cecilia was born 1870, Margaret 1892 so Cecilia is 22 when Marge is born Jan 1 1920 Census info shows her to be 27 years older than her daughter... how much do you think Cecilia looks like our Mystery Marge.. she must be around 80 in that photo. I can feel something here... just not sure what.
  8. http://jfkassassination.net/russ/testimony/mumford.htm Well, we do have Mumford's testimony... Nothing I've seen from Pat Winston (and Greg is also in Australia).... We do have the McFarland affidavit.... but as you said... all FBI while the FBI was covering for the FBI and Oswald being linked. There is a Flecha Rojas bus manifest which leaves Monterrey for Mexico City after arriving from Nuevo Laredo... The Aussie girls had gotten off in Monterrey and it is claimed they took the same bus as Oswald/Bowen/McFarland. The manifest only lists passengers embarking from Monterrey... This is both the handwritten and typed out version of that manifest... Mr. BALL. Now, you got on the bus at Monterrey on the evening of September 26 at 7:30 p.m., you just told me?Miss MUMFORD. Yes.Mr. BALL. And what was the company that operated that bus, do you know?Miss MUMFORD. That was also Transporter del Norte. Which busline again? I am convinced that like BLEDSOE and WHALEY, these people were given what was needed to be said... Except BOWEN/OSBORNE wasn't playing along... did you know that BOWEN does not appear in the text of the WCR... only Osborne, and they proceed to tell us that his denial of sitting next to Oswald "cannot be credited". John McFarland - obituary John McFarland was a surgeon, sailor and bus mate of Lee Harvey Oswald just before JFK’s killing John McFarland 6:35PM GMT 21 Nov 2013 John McFarland , who has died aged 83, was a respected surgeon in Liverpool; outside his professional life he was an adventurous sailor, and he also once travelled across America on a Greyhound bus in the company of President Kennedy’s assassin Lee Harvey Oswald. McFarland was doing research at the University of Mississippi when, in September 1963 (two months before the assassination), he and his young wife, Meryl, boarded a bus at Jackson, Mississippi, bound for Mexico City. As they later testified to the Warren Commission, they first saw Oswald on September 26 when they changed buses at Houston, Texas. Oswald told them that he had come from New Orleans, where he was secretary of the local branch of the Fair Play for Cuba Organisation, and that he was on his way to Cuba in the hope of meeting President Castro — he was going via Mexico City because it was illegal to travel to Cuba from the United States. Oswald, they said, had been wearing “ordinary slacks and, a more definite recollection, a sort of zipper jerkin”. After Kennedy’s death the McFarlands had recognised him as their fellow passenger from his pictures in the newspapers. During McFarland’s later career as a surgeon in Liverpool, he would occasionally be contacted by representatives of the FBI investigating aspects of the assassination. The eldest of three sons of the Professor of Orthopaedics at Liverpool University, John Bryan McFarland was born on September 17 1930, and educated at Trearddur House prep school in Anglesey (where the family had a holiday home) and then Shrewsbury. He read Medicine at Liverpool University, qualifying in 1954. After house jobs in his home city and in Edinburgh, he did National Service (1955-57) with the RAMC, mainly in Kenya at the time of the Mau Mau uprisings. After his spell in America, McFarland returned to Liverpool. He was appointed consultant surgeon, senior lecturer in the Department of Surgery at the University of Liverpool, and to an NHS post at the David Lewis Northern Hospital. He then practised at the Royal Southern Hospital (until it closed in 1978) and the new Royal Liverpool Hospital. As well as developing an interest in gastrointestinal surgery, he became recognised for his gifts as a clinical researcher, and he published regularly throughout his career. When the Royal Liverpool opened in 1978, McFarland helped to recruit artists to create stimulating murals inside the building — and was displeased to learn during his retirement that these had been destroyed as part of the refurbishment to make the hospital “fit for purpose” in the 21st century. Since his father had died in his early sixties, partly through overwork, McFarland resolved to retire while he could still enjoy life. Aged 61 he threw a leaving party at the Royal Liverpool, and the next morning he left Britain, sailing down the Mersey into the Irish Sea in his Vancouver 32 (his passion for sailing had been nurtured during family holidays in Anglesey). For the next four years he sailed the Mediterranean, sometimes in the company of his son, Jonathan, before deciding to settle at Soller in Majorca, where he was based for the rest of his life. For several years he spent winters in India, working as a doctor at a small hospital run by nuns in Cochin in the state of Kerala, where many of the patients were fishermen and their families. John McFarland’s wife Meryl , whom he married in 1962, was the daughter of Andrew Mckie Reid, an eminent Liverpool ophthalmologist. She died in 2000; their son survives him. John McFarland, born September 17 1930, died October 5 2013
  9. That woulda been me... lol I'm going to need to focus on these Claverie/Winfrey/Voitier relationships and do some thinking on it.... I'll get back to y'all on that... n the mean time.... I also have this 1967 letter from a MISS MARGARET M OSWALD... referring to Garrison and is to CDR ERLICHER, her boss. You mention "M" coming from MOORE... and I've only seen her sign with a "C" middle initial. and she usually spells her name MARGUERITE, not Margaret. That's her driver's license signature on top. I'm wondering if Miss M M Oswald is not REAL MARGE...??? "Nancy Moore Winfrey married Edward Louis Sweeney on June 10, 1963. Nannie or Nancy Winfrey is Nancy M. Sweeney. The middle name Moore comes from her father Andrew Jackson Winfrey. Moore was his mother’s name which was Nanny Moore Fawbush" You think this is the same LEON VOITIER? yet it says 1868...
  10. Thanks Pete... i find it so heartwarming when those I’ve not even spoken to, have read my stuff.... and yeah, lots of detail.. thousands of pages of evidence to hide that he wasn’t there, and never went... https://kennedysandking.com/john-f-kennedy-articles/the-evidence-is-the-conspiracy-index they also posted my CAPA presentation on the rifle... https://kennedysandking.com/john-f-kennedy-articles/the-evidence-is-the-conspiracy-the-carbine-on-the-6th-floor As to Prayerman.... As u know I’ve posted a few images suggesting it was Oswald. People see shots from the front and are told, NO. Is it really that much a stretch to deny ANYONE was there, especially since it was Oswald firing from the 6th floor? And when/if confronted, make it impossible like Odio... he was on a bus so it couldn’t be Oswald... Great logic. Read Piper carefully... he lies thru his entire testimony... and was on the first floor... and saw Shelley/Lovelady who also aren’t all that truthful... If that’s not him...it’s a great impression. When again was Shelley out with Oswald “in front”?
  11. Morning Matt... OK, now we need to find that negative in the evidence..... that statement has footnote 551: "Compare CE 2564 (visa app w/photo) with CE155 and 161" 155 & 161 are a white shirt and a sweater vest that may be the ones on the photo... but there is no reference to a source for a negative in his possessions... his property inventory lists all sorts of unspecified negatives.... But... if the negative was found in his possession, DURAN did not send him anywhere for photos... These two images were found among his possessions... (we both know that passport photo shops don't give negatives... just the images) these also do not have the staple marks which Duran says were needed for both copies of the application. Azcue also mentions this man coming in a day or 2 before the application... dated Friday the 27th... He supposedly only arrived in Mexico that morning at 10:30am... The decision was made to NEVER show DURAN the Visa application or related photo... He returned June 1962.... Mexico/Dallas Sept/Oct 1963. The enlargement at the right WITHOUT STAPLES means the negative was used, not a photo of the photo. negar
  12. Think of all the houses she is buying and selling along the way.... yet complaining constantly of no money, no means, no help.... Her lawsuit was against KING CANDY... the woman never had anything to do with clothing stores.... John - there were scores of intelligence agencies within the military spying domestically as well as outside the US... The FBI created the SIS in 1940 to do Western Hemisphere intelligence... The FBI spent more time with Hoover vendetta's than actual investigation of actual crimes... imho
  13. So there are a few docs that claim she was known as a nurse... She must have been UNLICENSED and simply working as a care-giver... The text underneath is from her testimony... As John B says... Lee's mother was not a nurse.. ever. This may have been posted... but 45 year old AMINTHE was a Nurse in 1940... FWIW... Like Harvey, I believe these jobs were provided by those overseeing this "project" DJ
  14. That's Steve Wilson, not Oswald... but that's the point... Thanks for confirming he DOES look alot like Oswald... at least for a photo..
  15. Not sure if this is what you mean Rob... found the image on the left just rummaging thru the internet... I know a STEVE WILSON who was supposedly with Hemming at Interpen... looked a lot like Ozzie... The only other one I have with his face changed:
  16. Which in turn was run thru ACSI... and the Lt Col's...
  17. In fact... can u give us some comments on this connection doodle I did ... some interesting names and connections here... “ACIS” is obviously a miswrite on my part
  18. As to Hemming... Noel Twyman's Bloody Treason uses a lot of what he says... Just read that Steve Wilson was claimed to be an FBI informant within Interpen... From "appearances" Hemming was told no by the CIA and just put his own group together... or the CIA did and he co-opted it knowing no one would stand up to disagree... Also not sure to which Oswald Hemming is referring anyway... What would authenticating evidence look like RM?
  19. Thanks for the kind words RM, that was my CAPA presentation from Dallas last Nov. ...and it’s funny you bring up Hemming, as I was going to ask you about his Bona Fides. ... he seems to always know 5% of the truth and tells a great story mixing in 95% bs. I mean he claims to have been sent to guard AF1 with his group... makes no sense. Anyway... Lansdale like so many was a high ranking military man who was “on loan” to the CIA.. like Conein... another nugget from the recent release.. the ACSI was eyes deep into this event with Whitmeyer, Gannoway, Lumpkin, Stringfellow, Westbrook, et al... To the topic, it is my understanding that the copy which is sent to DC Friday night by Max Phillips simply vanishes... Rowley gets it at like 2am and the next thing we know a film is being delivered to Dino Sat eve around 10pm... I see that film as already having been to Hawkeyeworks all day Sat... as Dino said, ‘they could do anything with film’. I’ll look thru my files and see what I can find about Hemming... I have some of the nodules from Weberman, and most are available... but authenticating his info can be difficult... I highly suggest you search here for the MATH RULES thread as it goes into detail as to how a new reality was fashioned by the FBI and SS... DJ
  20. Not necessarily the same school... just in the Ft Worth school district. We have no idea who 7 year old NANCY was.... or why her Bday is listed as 10-19-39.... yet living at the same address one would assume they were both at CLAYTON or CLARK... And there is simply no way he enters 1st grade in January 1947... it would be 1945 at Benbrook, but since that was HARVEY... WCR records start with CLAYTON... Question for anyone... down below shows 1873-B/C..etc. these are images of the CUMULATIVE RECORD... how is it possible to have the image of his CUMULATIVE RECORD with only 1st Grade, or only 1st and when by 1963 the only record 2nd Grade.... of that card should be the fully completed one... here: Even 1st grade's "LAWRENCE" goes from SCRIPT on 1873B, below, to block letters here on what should be the same record... Also, the 2nd and 3rd lines only has "3-18-48 destination #18".. whereas 1873-C skips line 1 and has dates and grades on lines 2 and 3... A child should only have 1 Cumulative record for a school district.... and as usual, the FBI provides only copies... that 1873-B is Different from C seems to make it obvious the FBI created these records for they should not exist as they were on March 18, 1948... Those first 2 cards are completely different from each other....
  21. From Bart's link we learn that a number of POI lived on Harlandale.... (Thanks for the link Bart) I am almost sure Bart provided these in an Alpha 66 thread.... and I tried to find Oswald in the room. If not, I apologize to the actual source for forgetting.... and as I look again, that's one large room for one of those little houses on Harlandale.... no walls at all... Looks more like a Rec center than a home... FWIW
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