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David Josephs

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Posts posted by David Josephs

  1. 1 minute ago, Steve Thomas said:

    Where does this come from?

    This is the 1959 Passport application  -  I believe there is a thread where it was determined that this card should not have been given to Oswald at all, and that even so - it would have been issued after Sept 4th considering he does not leave the marines until Sept 11th...



    the photo on the bottom card is from MINSK




    Are all these really the same person?   and the last two images... the big Marine becomes this little man in just 2 years



  2. In one of Armstrong's notebooks is correspondence from a Finnish researcher and Weberman... who suggests that those listed on the train manifest may be worth looking into....


    #7 just above Oswald is what appears to me as the only AMERICAN name other than Oswald...  William Brown TROUSDALE who won Poetry contests, wrote this thesis and book... 

    Publisher University of MICHIGAN, 1967
    Length 814 pages

    Is anyone familiar with this author and book?  His wife was:

    Marion Stelling Trousdale, American English educator, researcher. National Endowment of the Humanities fellow Huntington Library., 1987-1988, O.B. Hardison fellow Folger Shakespeare Library., since 1991. Member Modern Language Association, International Shakespeare Association, Society for Textual Studies, International Association University Professors of English, Marlowe Association American, Shakespeare Association American, Malone Society. 
    Married William Brown Trousdale, July 23, 1953


  3. If both of these stories are AUTHENTIC... H&L is all but proven...

    According to that document Bart posted/linked about Mrs. STEENBARGER and her son sitting with LEE OSWALD as they flew a military plane from New Jersey to Europe in Oct 1959, we have 1st hand evidence of the concurrent existence of Harvey and Lee

     The boat from New Orleans leave Sept 20 and arrives in France Oct 8



    Mrs. STEENBARGER states that Oswald told her that he was being shipped to GERMANY to use his "skills" and they landed either at RHINE/MAINE or FRANKFORT...after also stopping in PRESTWICK SCOTLAND.... this would be MID OCT and could only take a couple days at most... 

    I don't see how this is possible while another Oswald is traveling thru England, Sweden and Finland on the way to USSR....

    Can you?


    October 8, 1959: LHO disembarks at Le Havre. He leaves for England the same day. 

    October 9, 1959: LHO arrives in England and the same day boards a plane to Helsinki,


    October 10, 1959: LHO arrives in Helsinki and registers at the Torni Hotel.

    October 11, 1959: LHO moves to the Klaus Kurki Hotel. 

    October 12, 1959: LHO applies for a visa at the Russian consulate. 

    October 14, 1959: The visa is issued. 

    October 15, 1959: LHO leaves Helsinki by train. 

    October 16, 1959: LHO arrives in Moscow, registers at the Hotel Berlin, and meets his

    Intourist guide Rima Shirokova. 

    October 17, 1959: Rima meets LHO for some sightseeing. 

    October 18, 1959: On LHO's 20th birthday, Rima gives him a copy of Dostoevsky’s The


    October 19, 1959: LHO is interviewed by Lev Setyayev, who was probably acting for the


    October 20, 1959: Rima tells LHO that the Passport and Visa Dept. will see him. 

    October 21, 1959: LHO is notified that his visa is about to expire, and he tries to commit

    suicide in his hotel room. He is rushed to the hospital. 

    October 22, 1959: Rima visits LHO at the hospital, where he has been placed in the

    psychiatric ward. He complains about the food. 

    October 23, 1959: LHO is transferred to a regular area of the hospital. 

    October 24, 1959: Rima visits LHO. 

    October 25, 1959: Rima visits again 

    October 26, 1959: LHO meets an "elderly American", who is "suspicious" of him. 

    October 27, 1959: LHO's stitches are removed from his arm. 

    October 28, 1959: LHO is released from the hospital and changes hotels from the Berlin

    to the Metropole. Later, he is summoned to a meeting at the Passport and Registration

    Office, where he requests Soviet citizenship. He is told to wait while they decide what to

    do with him. 

    October 29-30, 1959: LHO waits at his hotel for word.


  4. 18 hours ago, Michael Clark said:

    Well, when I first started to read about the WYF, I started to try to place LHO there, as opposed to being on the boat to Europe. I though I would be stretching things if I tried to post about such an assignment. I would have had to delve deeply into LHO's timeline, Josephs-style.


    Here is a bit about AZCUE(?) speaking at the 1978 WYF in Helsinki... denying it was Oswald - as he had all along... and also stating that this man MAY HAVE arrived 1-2 days before the date on his Cuban visa application - which was 9/27/63...

    Mr. CORNWELL. Senor Azcue, in a previous interview with the staff you stated that the very first occasion to your memory on which you saw this individual was 1 to 2 days before the date on this application. Is that still accurate to the best of your memory? 
    Senor AZCUE. It is something that I cannot state categorically. I cannot state whether it was on the very same day, a day before, or several days before, and I am in a position to explain why.  http://mcadams.posc.mu.edu/russ/jfkinfo/hscaascu.htm

    Could also be Mirabel Diaz....



    According to that document Bart posted/linked about the woman and her son sitting with LEE OSWALD as they flew a military plane from New Jersey to Europe, we have 1st hand evidence of the concurrent existence of Harvey and Lee

    He can't be both on a plane from NJ AND a boat from New Orleans...


  5. 1 hour ago, Paz Marverde said:

    Could you please explain me a little further? Thanks in advance

    Many in Dealey Plaza were not who they represented themselves to be and had identification and other affiliations which added to their bona fides when investigated...

    The point being - if the CIA/DoD wants to create a person and their history... this is the documentation which shows how it was done...

    "Transmittal of US Alias Documentation"  in June 1963  so I wonder about the Oswald Mexico documentation... since he did not travel as offered in order to leave a trail to the Cuban/Soviet embassies...  the documents which attempt to prove he traveled MUST have been created for a specific purpose...  to initiate the breadcrumb trail of one LHO to Mexico City...

    There are 2 copies of the same application in the WCR... one doesn't show the signature, one doesn't show the "No." or "Serie:" numbers and both are for a 180-day stay in Mexico, not 15 days... (the 15 days, like "3 shells" was all the FBI could work with, so they did...  that's also why the RUTH TYPED LETTER of Nov 2 is so interesting as it reiterates the bogus 15-day limit...

    The Evidence IS the Conspiracy... as planned.


  6. My pleasure Mike...  Amazing too how many of the newly released docs deal with the FBI's Mafia surveillance and subjects nowhere near related to JFK...

    McCord Jr holds some of the keys for sure...

    The WYF you talk about.. Helsinki had a few... A chance for the commies to recruit the youth, no?

    Interested to read what ur search turns up...

  7. I literally have looked at thousands of images of Oswald (as many of us have) and to me, the man standing as he is that I've highlighted "looks" to stand and present himself as Oswald did...

    Seems he usually had his arms bent, many times hands in pockets, head tilted to the left somewhat.

    The large image is from the top one (middle top of image at about 11:00))... inset at the right is from the bottom... with a couple of Oz to compare...


  8. On ‎11‎/‎18‎/‎2017 at 2:19 PM, David Butler said:

    1960 doc relating to enquiries about the Albert Schweitzer College in Switzerland


    The same as 32176984...   https://www.archives.gov/files/research/jfk/releases/docid-32176984.pdf

    "No official record"  -  the quiet little school in the mountains    :huh:

    Same ID # but has 5 pages not 1



  9. On ‎6‎/‎16‎/‎2018 at 1:25 AM, Bart Kamp said:

    I would like to see a photo of the grip but on the inside and see the so called initials.

    As far as I can find, there are no images of the actual initials themselves...  just that this pistol would have been covered in them...


  10. 39 minutes ago, Bart Kamp said:

    Thanks to Malcolm Blunt for the document.

    Louise Steenbarge's HSCA Interview.

    About Oswald's flight to Helsinki fromLondon.

    If I didn’t know better... which I do... B)

    that was Lee... the larger man of the two if you lean that way... 

    This Oswald leaves New Jersey in mid October on a plane?.. while another Oswald is on another journey entirely....  reminds me of Mexico


    .... according to the evidence offered at least

    ... or am I jumping to a conclusion ?




  11. The other salient point I believe is that once again the item ordered

    a ".38 St. W. 2" Bbl    29.95"   is not the same as the item shipped

    a "S & W .38 Special 2" Commando     39.95"  is listed 4 lines up on the Seaport coupon and is what's printed on the Seaport Traders receipt (Michaelis 2)

    page 5 of my essay

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