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David Josephs

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Posts posted by David Josephs

  1. 11 minutes ago, Fred Litwin said:

    Ferrie drifted from moments of hopelessness to moments of strength.

    This sounds a lot like bi-polar disorder....

    The depths of those depressions is unfathomable by those who have not been exposed....   

    Nothing you've offered suggests these were not suicide notes... everything you've said can be used for either side of the argument...

    and therein lies the rub...

  2. On 9/15/2018 at 4:53 PM, Michael Clark said:

    Incriminating letter to LHO. I am biased, and this seems absurdly fake. But I wonder if the WC or any investigative agencies gave this any credence.



    I know it's not a popular response....  yet this letter appears to have been sent to LEE... not the man Ruby killed.

    That man was not in Miami...  Lee, on the other hand... was...

    FWIW  -  DJ

  3. 4 hours ago, Fred Litwin said:

    David Ferrie did not commit suicide. He died by natural causes. The notes that were found were NOT suicide notes.

    "To leave this life is, for me, a sweet prospect. I find nothing in it that is desirable, and on the other hand everything that is loathsome"


    Not exactly a "desire to live forever" note.... 

    "Dear Al:

    When you read this I will be quite dead and no answer will be possible....

    .... All I got in return in the end was a kick in the teeth. Thus I die alone and unloved."


    What parts of these notes leads you to believe they are NOT suicide notes... 



    If a person is ill and DOESN'T take their medicine on purpose... and die...  

    Suicide or not?  (and no, an autopsy would not be able to tell)


    I believe the autopsy discussed is FERRIE's....

  4. Sigh...

    It is not the angle of the shadow but the line running thru the shadow then thru the object back to the source of light.... On a flat surface of course.

    Shadows can never converge in the opposite direction of the light source...

    Bottom right of this image... The fence shadows and the boy's shadow converge TOWARDS the sun.

    When learning to Draw... Shadow, light and perspective works... They do not in those BOYs by a magnitude much higher than is possible in the natural, unedited world



  5. 5 hours ago, Steve Thomas said:


    Ah yes, a Libra after my own heart.


    Steve Thomas



    Those with limited mental capacity are not in the habit of doing that sort of thing...  it takes spur-of-the-moment thinking to be able to argue against a position one has taken and supported... especially from someone so young....

    NOT the same guy who punched his sergeant and shot himself with his pistol... 

  6. 25 minutes ago, B. A. Copeland said:

    Wasn't there a report of an explosion or fire at a YMCA on 11/22/1963? The hell was that about (if true)??  I do remember Rob Clark dedicating a podcast to 1026 N Beckley, as he saw no real hard evidence of LHO actually living there or, at the least, the evidence is questionable. 

      (edit - sorry BA... I had never heard the explosion at the YMCA story before... any links?)

    Mrs. JOHNSON. This "O. H. Lee" is in his handwriting and this other is in the housekeeper's handwriting--Mrs. Roberts. 
    Mr. BALL. And these are the rates you gave him? 
    Mrs. JOHNSON. Yes. 

    Mr. BALL. I would like this marked as an exhibit to this deposition, mark this Exhibit A. 



    It sure appears the entire page is written in one hand.... yet who knows...  but there is no reason to think that Oswald wrote "O.H. Lee" on a blank page, or that Roberts wouldn't have written the entire thing...  this doesn't exactly prove HE wrote his name...  sounds like SHE did...

    Mrs. ROBERTS. The day he came in and rented the room--the 14th of October.
    Mr. BALL. Had you ever heard of the man before?
    Mrs. ROBERTS. No, and he didn't register as Oswald---he registered as O. H. Lee.
    Mr. BALL. Did he sign his name?
    Mrs. ROBERTS. O. H. Lee.
    Mr. BALL. Did he sign his own name that way ?
    Mrs. ROBERTS. O. H. Lee---that's what he was registered as.

    849391100_HerbertLEEwasHLEEat1026BeckleyinroomOafterOct15.thumb.jpg.22b295065e6a70d98f2220fcb01e8381.jpg  228822000_HerbertLEONLeeandLeeHOswald.thumb.jpg.376921b98c9ade6453334bc25505ca02.jpg

  7. 1 hour ago, Michael Cross said:

    I guess so Ray.  Nonetheless, for those thinking critically, IMO looking at that photo as comparison, you can see the convergence AND see that something is off in the BYP.


    they converge in the wrong direction Ray...   Shadows converge towards the source of light...  the shadows in the BYP converge in the opposite direction...

    not possible....  like the image on the right...  all the shadows converge towards the light... if the gray arrow was a shadow in this image, it would stick out like a sore thumb...




    Michael C...  the most telling to me is this...  when we put Oswald back into the Ghost image, (in a pose not seen until 1977 - so how did they know to put Det Brown and the ghost cutout in the one pose no one sees for 14 years?)



  8. Dyslexia is a theory used to counter the Harvey and Lee evidence....

    Dyslexia cannot be the source reason for two marines with the same name being in two places at the same time...
    and the DoD falling over themselves to lie about it...

    It also cannot be the reason behind what John Ely found...  there were/are 2 sets of people involved with Mr. Oswald... one set is with Lee while the other with Harvey...



    Here are 2 exhibits side-by-side which directly contradict each other...  and then the FBI goes and finds the wrong Felde....

    El Toto and Santa Ana are 2 diff facilities...  Dyslexia cannot overcome the evidence...


  9. 5 hours ago, Bob Ness said:

    Who wrote the letter? Seems to me it wasn't LHO...

    What makes you say that Bob?

    I'm not disagreeing at all btw...  The BLOCK letters of his name and address at the bottom was more like the writing of LEE that we knew... 
    The script writing can invariably be credited to the man Ruby killed....


  10. 6 hours ago, Steve Thomas said:

    But, back to the topic... Have you ever looked at LHO's military records to see what social security number is given there? I haven't. I just thought I'd ask.

    Either the FOLSOM or DONABEDIAN exhibits gives you the Marine history...

    Page 1 of FOLSOM has ...3937   Also on his RECORD OF EMERGENCY DATA p12

    Thing to remember about the Marines... LEE's recommended Assignment was "Aircraft Maintenance and Repair" - which is not the same as HARVEY's "Radar" position.



  11. 1 hour ago, Steve Thomas said:

    Where was Oswald on Monday the 14th between 10:00 AM when he left Bledsoe's and 5:00 PM when he arrived at the Johnsons' walking the streets carrying a bag and clothes on a hanger?

    Looks like he left Bledsoe... dealt with going to Beckley (via the YMCA or not) by 1-2pm and then back/forth to get his clothes...  Buses have to add significant time to the timeline...

    621 N Marsalis is now a vacant lot... the address points to a place in back of whatever was there before...


    Mr. BALL. What time of day did he come in there?
    Mrs. ROBERTS. Oh, it was in the early afternoon---I imagine between 1 and 2 o'clock when he came in and looked at the room; and he rented it and paid for it; and then left, and went and got his things and I don't know---it must have been around 5 or 6 o'clock when he come back in.


    And it looks like a walk from one place to the other... 



  12. 9 minutes ago, Steve Thomas said:

    How could he be down there at the same time he is asking Mrs. Johnson for a room on north Beckley?

    He can't cause he wasn't....  When/If the day comes this truth is universally understood, the events following will make much more sense...

    The Johnson story helps to corroborate the REAL story of his travels from New Orleans thru Austin and to Dallas and Odio by Sept 27th...
    Stop in and "reserve" a room where there is a CIA safe house in the back... stay in Dallas all week, do the YMCA thing that final weekend and get to Irving on the 4th.

    Interesting that Johnson initially tells him that there are no rooms - it's hit and miss...  yet there he is again, Monday October 14th - the day BEFORE he goes to the TSBD to fill out an application...

    Why Oak Cliff one wonders....  other than the obvious....



    Would be the perfect place for the FBI to meet up with "assets"...

    Maybe Uncle Malcolm has something to share on that YMCA?

    the HULEN Exhibits show an Oswald at the YMCA in Oct 62... https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=1137#relPageId=214&tab=page

    http://mcadams.posc.mu.edu/russ/testimony/barnhors.htm was the desk clerk claiming to have seen the Oct 1963 records

    Now, they claim he arrived at the YMCA on Monday the 15th, room 415..  "TRANCIENTS IN:"
    Except we also have a Lee Oswald TRANCIENTS OUT: from room 912 which means he MUST have checked in the night before, at the least.


    img_1137_218_300.png img_1137_219_300.png



    1963:  One has to wonder if the YMCA was the base of operations & where he went to retrieve his stuff...  I guess we can assume Wesley took him home on his Bday the 18th... but he only answers generally...

    Mr. BALL - Your memory is that he went,, he rode home with you every Friday and came back the following Monday? 
    Mr. FRAZIER - Yes. 
    Mr. BALL - Except this one weekend? 
    Mr. FRAZIER - Right,


    Mr. BALL. When is the first time you ever saw Lee Oswald?
    Mrs. ROBERTS. The day he came in and rented the room--the 14th of October.

    Mrs. ROBERTS. He rented the room and paid me $8 for it and he said, "I'll go get my things and I will be back."
    Mr. BALL. Did he say where he was going to get them?
    Mrs. ROBERTS. No, he didn't.
    Mr. BALL., Did he leave?
    Mrs. ROBERTS. Yes; he left.
    Mr. BALL. Did he have a car he was riding in ?
    Mrs. ROBERTS. I don't know---I didn't see it.
    Mr. BALL. Did he take a bus?
    Mrs. ROBERTS. I don't know.
    Mr. BALL. You don't know?
    Mrs. ROBERTS. No, I don't. I don't remember---you know in a place like that---when you rent a room---I didn't pay no attention.
    Mr. BALL. And he came back about what time?
    Mrs. ROBERTS. Oh, I imagine around 5 o'clock, maybe.
    Mr. BALL. What did he have with him at that time?
    Mrs. ROBERTS. That little zipper satchel bag and some clothes on a hanger.
    Mr. BALL. The first time he came to see you he had a zipper satchel bag?
    Mrs. ROBERTS. No; he didn't have nothing when he first come in and rented the room.
    Mr. BALL. He didn't have anything?
    Mrs. ROBERTS. No---he just came in.
    Mr. BALL. Oh, when he came back he had the zipper satchel and the clothes on the hanger, is that right?
    Mrs. ROBERTS. No---he rented the room and paid for it and said, "I'll go get my things." That's when he went and come back with his little satchel bag and some clothes on a hanger, which was a very few.

  13. 3 minutes ago, Steve Thomas said:

    Was there something significant in the northern section of Beckley St. that would cause Oswald to go from the YMCA in downtown Dallas to that section of Oak Cliff twice?

    the CIA safe house in the back maybe?   :huh:


    It is my feeling he was at the YMCA after he got to Dallas at the end of Sept 1963...  after stopping in Austin...


  14. Are we finding it somewhat coincidental that in both early Oct 1962 & 1963, Oswald is not exactly where THEY say he was...

    In 1962 & 1963 the YMCA appears to be the location of choice.  If I remember correctly, the Y was not too far from the ERVAY FBI...

    Think there is something special about Oswald and the month of October??

  15. 5 hours ago, Steve Thomas said:

    Then to learn that he was working there under a different social security number...

    And supposedly at his own hand...

    It is only on the JCS employment questoinaire

    5 hours ago, Steve Thomas said:

    You've got the whole missing two weeks of October 19-November 3rd where nobody knew where he was living - not his family, his wife, his friends, his co-workers, his bosses...

    Rented a U-Haul?  without a driver's license?  (edit: it seems it was a trailer to hitch to someone's vehicle - but that's not what happened... one of the guests, Mrs. Hall, takes care of it...)

    the address Oswald uses - with the incorrect SS# - is the apartment of George DeM's wife's daughter Alexadra and her husband Gary.  Here is how the FBI/CIA gets the DeM family to corroborate the "wife beating" that is supposedly going on... 

    H&L p. 412

    "George DeMohrenschildt's daughter, Alexandra Taylor, received a call from her father who asked if she and her husband, Gary Taylor, would like to meet a nice young couple. George told his daughter that Oswald had lived in the Soviet Union, married a Russian woman, and brought her back to the US with him. T he Taylors drove from Dallas to Fort Worth and met Lee Harvey Oswald, Marina, George DeMohrenschildt, George Bouhe, "Marguerite Oswald," and Elena Hall at the apartment on Mercedes.

    Shortly after they arrived Marina began to complain to George and her guests that Oswald was beating her. DeMohrenschildt felt sorry for Marina and asked Gary and Alexandra if she could stay with them at their apartment. They agreed and Marina spent the next four days at 3519 Fairmont (apt, #12) in Dallas. Alexandra quickly realized that Marina was "slovenly and didn't know anything about baby care," which seemed unusual for a woman who had allegedly obtained a degree as a "pharmacist" in Russia."

    H&L p.413

    Following the removal of four rotten teeth Marina moved in with Mrs. John R. (Elena) Hall, who borrowed a pickup truck and helped her move into her house in Fort Worth. Mrs. Hall was a Russian emigre who was separated from her American husband and working for the Texas Employment Commission in their Fort Worth office.

    One has to wonder then why Oswald uses the FAIRMONT address which it appears that only Marina lived there while Oswald was in mystery land...



  16. SS SA GERRETS submits a report related to SA Rice looking for John Martin  http://jfk.hood.edu/Collection/Weisberg Subject Index Files/M Disk/Martin Jack/Item 06.pdf 



    Here is the JCS form with "3739"

    So he supposedly fills in this form which creates a SS (and other wage holding accounts) for SS# 433-54-3739, instead of 3937...

    The forms above mentioning the problem is supposedly an interstate form to correct the problem...

    MFF write: http://jfk.hood.edu/Collection/Weisberg Subject Index Files/O Disk/Oswald Lee Harvey/Income/Item 02.pdf



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