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William Plumlee

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Posts posted by William Plumlee

  1. On a trip to NARA last year, I noticed that 5 documents in the HSCA Immunized Testimony boxes remained withheld in full. Most prominent were Santos Trafficante's immunized testimony of 14 Nov 1977, and a lengthy memo written later in preparation for his public testimony.

    I made inquiries, and all 5 documents are now open in full, and last week I went to College Park and scanned them. See the page below for links to all of them, as well as other HSCA testimony I got while there (Priscilla Johnson McMillan and William Walter).


    Trafficante's testimony contained no bombshells that I could see - he did name Tony Varona as being hired into the anti-Castro plots, which I don't believe came out as such in his public testimony. But mostly Trafficante played dumb, pretending that the only reason he was brought into the plots was as an interpreter. Presumably no one else in Florida could be found who spoke both English and Spanish. Trafficante did himself bring up the British reporter in jail (Hudson, though not by name), but denied that Ruby visited him there.

    I don't know why this and other testimony was withheld in full - I was told they simply "fell through the cracks." Maybe someone else will find a tidbit that I missed.


    Rex. Not sure if this helps, but there are seven pages withheld in an FBI report dated approx August of 1976 (reference (62-2116 for correct dates) found within the PHX-72 OO (Office of Origin) field report) referenced as a FBI 62-2116- (???pgs) file. These pages were sanitized in full in 1993, but made reference to the death of John Roselli and his previous associates. (referenced Phoenix Organized Crime, Sgt Ed Salem and Sgt Harry Hawkins, as well as the Tri-State Drug Task Force, chaired then by Arizona Governor, Bruce Babbit. Also Senator Berry Goldwater's name was also found within these pages, but not sure in what context)

    Also this report was part of information obtained from "Dade County Homicide, Miami Florida" in 1978 (I think). Those none sanitized pages made reference to Trafficante, John Farrentello, John Martino, Tony Varona, John Mc Cord, and Charles Nicolette, ? Mc Willie? I think but not sure. There were also references to the 'Grace Ranch' of Tucson Arizona and the 'Mc Cord Ranch of New Mexico'. The FBI file was sanitized, however the Dade County information was not and that information was not included within the FBI data banks of 1993. This subject came up during the hearings of Senator John Kerry's investigations into Iran/Contra and Narco.., which was Classified Top Secret Committee Sensitive, and remains classified as of this date. This information also "Fell through the cracks" so to speak

    I have just been informed that more classified pages on Roselli are to be released in the nex 30 days ( 30 days from Feb15,2008. I believe that the seven pages arer in thiese releases

  2. I think Charles makes is a very interesting point. We know that much was done to confuse those who would come later. The assassination itself was well thought out down to the last detail, but the confusion and lack of communication Tosh describes reeks of planning. And certainly reflects a kind of war within the CIA itself, akin to the factions Oglesby would later write about. A genuine 'coup. Tosh I sure hope WB comes through for Peter with some of the documents you need. All Jay's work, just rotting away.


    Excellent points, Dawn. Two factions were fighting over the cover-up

    post-assassination -- Bundy/Harriman pressed the lone assassin angle

    while Hoover/CIA MEXI/US-Mexico Amb Mann pressed the Castro-did-it


    For the Yankees the murder of JFK was a contingency that hadn't arrived;

    for the Cowboys it was their last shot at retaking Havana.

    In this scenario Roselli may have acted as a go-between these two factions.

    "Friends of ours want this called off." "Tell them we can't do that."

    I know you've been over this a million times, Tosh, but could you go over

    your impressions of Roselli and where and when he disembarked?

    I'll do my best. Roselli and I were friends and I had flown him to many places. Bimini, the Cayman Islands, Cuba, one time, Las Vegas's Thunderbird Inn, and Santa Barbra CA. and Galveston Texas. Most of what I tell you is at this point from memory and if I fail in some respects its because of memory and memory only. I am nowhere near any of my files and documents so as to give you references. I have always tried to give references or documentation when I have had something to say. ( if there were any references as to documentation. (Most of the Roselli matters were never documented)

    The complete record is posted in various places on the net and in forums. Roselli did not hate Kennedy like some have said. I can not speak for the Mafia, but there were divisions among them, Pro and Con in reference to JFK. Roselli was a go between for the CIA, JM/WAVE and MIAMI STATION. He used the name as Col. Rawlston (my spelling) assigned by the CIA. The name Ralston is found in some documentation and he (Roselli) was a "CIA-Cut Out" and worked with John Martino as well as others. Roselli got off at Garland, not Red Bird as some of long ago tried to get me to say. He did not reboard the aircraft at Red Bird after the assassination. I did not see him after he left Garland. Phillips was one of the INDIRECT contacts with Roselli and any information was passed to Martino or Varona from Phillips first and one time later to Tony Varona and HL Hunt and then to Roselli. (or perhaps the other way around, concerning Hunt... however, I believe Hunt never had direct contact with Roselli... only as a cut-out no direct contact. The same for Phillips) Roselli was the "go between", between the CIA and the Mafia. Mahue was also a contact of Col Ralston and Mahue was a cut out for H Hughes. (memory) There was also others in this mix Mc Mahon and a Mc Cord of Tucsom and the Grace Ranch of Arizona.

    I meet Roselli at Bay Front Park, Miami Florida around 1960 I think (memory) and John Farrentello and another person who slips my mind at present introduced me to Him. Roselli got me into the Fountain Blu shortly after it opened. (again memory as to the year) I hope this gives you some background as to who Roselli really was and who he was working far.

    Thanks! Unlike others I have no reason to dismiss your account. I'm curious

    about Robert Bennett -- was this the same Robert Bennett as the current junior

    Senator from Utah? Could you go over again your interactions with him?

    NO. It was not the same person.

    My case officer, one of many, was Robert"Ben net tee", (phonet spel) as well as "Paul Lee" of the Denver contact Div. And too, this was an Operative name assigned by CIA, an alias if you will, used at JM/WAVE HDQ. My name at the time was William H "Buck Pearson; (not Buck Parsons as some have said I claimed his ID.., note Persons and Pearson spellings.. and too, not Pierson, different people, different names. I knew Buck Persons and flew with him in the early sixties in Central America before the "Bay of Pigs". Some have tried to say I used his name and fame. Not true as FBI FOIA documents state Wm Plumlee alias William Pearson. (Pierson spellings in one FBI report)

  3. Perhaps someday soon this JFK investigation will go where it should have gone long ago, toward LBJ and his gang of assassins.. Texas and its background leading to the assassination is an important chapter in reference to what really happened in Dallas that day...In time I feel it will all fit into place and the real story about the "Texas Connection" to the assassination of President Kennedy will come forth. I hope it happens in my life time.... but its not suppose to. Not until all the players oare dead and gone... there are not to many Texas players left today.

    Tosh, You know something we don't? I've always known that LBJ was 'up to his big ears' in the matter and he did have a gang of assassins...and most of the likely players were either Texas-branded or Texas-landed. For sure took place there and since then we've had all too much of the state's powerful holding forth.

    Wanna drop any more hints or clues you might know about - or is this a hunch or Holmesian 'deduction'?

    YES! I know a hell of a lot about this. I told you some years ago my feelings and thoughts and tried to back it up with preponderance of what evidence I had at the time... but as you know... nobody wanted that story... but all seemed to focus on the Mafia, Cubans, CIA, Russia, and a host of others who it was said, did the job. I was suppose to confirm those miss-placed stories. I never did that. Although at times I too had my doubts as dis information was pumped into the research community as fact. Even I doubted at times what I really believed. As you know I have always said LBJ was behind the assassination, but most researchers have said I am full of it and so did the FBI. That day in 1964 when I was grilled by the FBI at Buna Vista, I made the mistake of telling them what I thought about LBJ... Boy was that a mistake. The wrath of Hoover came down on me like a ton of bricks.

    Remember, I grew up in Dallas and I know a lot about the Dallas PD and its connections to Texas organized crime out of Austin and the southern part of the state of Texas and Military Intell of Dallas..

    I will NOT be dropping hints or clues...I will tell it like I know and believe from my point of view and the history of my involvement and family in Texas affairs as Jay Harrison proved beyond a shadow of doubt before he too, passed away... I have tried to do this before but if you check the record of this forum and other forums I was not allowed to do this. Why do you think I (and You) have had so much trouble in getting into this matter over the years? If there is nothing to what I know then why all the classified documentation that has been dribbled out over forty years. Why all the government lies as to the documentation they had on me. Why the CIA file? On and On.... You know the drill. I told you years ago and Jim Marrs. That you had no idea what you were getting into. You and Jim did not believe me and too did not believe all that I tried to tell you about Texas.... You and Jim were more interested in going after the CIA and the US Government and you side stepped the Texas issue I raised. You and I had falling outs over that, because you wanted the names of the CIA that were responsible for sending me to Dallas and for those responsible for killing Kennedy as you believed at the time, or at lease that is what I thought.... I told you then you and Jim were on the wrong path, but you guys kept grilling me and telling me I was wrong. In those days we were so secretive we could not get anything done. We were worse than Tom Wilson in that respect.. We had words over that also.

    Yes I do know a lot. More than some want me to know. I have always said the reason I am alive is because of information I have stated before the fact and if something did happen to me it would only prove I was right and the Kennedy investigation would go in another direction.. Hence, I have been protected to some degree by the CIA and the Federal Government. But in the old days NOT by J Hoover or his FBI gang of old. I believe they (the FBI) at that time knew more about the early planning of the assassination from Texas and they acted as a "Clean-Up" crew after the assassination. Why were so many documents destroyed pertaining to Roselli and Plumlee. Why were the 302 of the Phoenix FBI destroyed?. Why did it take twenty plus years to get only some of the many files on me released? Why did all my FBI files go to the Director (J. Edgar Hoover) himself? Why was I told the FBI had NO information or documents on me when we filed a FOIA? To date over 450 pages have been found and some have only recently been declassified. And there are more, lots more.

    People want me to fill in all the blanks. I can not do that. I do not know how to fill in all the blanks. I only know what I did and where I was that day and what I was told and told again some years later. I too, have been investigating this matter, because I too, would like to know how it all fits. But from an overall view and as the information slowly comes forward, I feel my thoughts on this subject have been proven. LBJ and the Texas boys known as "The Good Old Boys". Did the deed and to me that is a fact a fact I will try and prove to the day I die.

    Which could be real soon.

    I did not mean that the boogy man was going to get me... more like old age... I wanted to clear that before some would ask if the government was going to do me in. No... old age will get me before they do. ha.

  4. I think Charles makes is a very interesting point. We know that much was done to confuse those who would come later. The assassination itself was well thought out down to the last detail, but the confusion and lack of communication Tosh describes reeks of planning. And certainly reflects a kind of war within the CIA itself, akin to the factions Oglesby would later write about. A genuine 'coup. Tosh I sure hope WB comes through for Peter with some of the documents you need. All Jay's work, just rotting away.


    Excellent points, Dawn. Two factions were fighting over the cover-up

    post-assassination -- Bundy/Harriman pressed the lone assassin angle

    while Hoover/CIA MEXI/US-Mexico Amb Mann pressed the Castro-did-it


    For the Yankees the murder of JFK was a contingency that hadn't arrived;

    for the Cowboys it was their last shot at retaking Havana.

    In this scenario Roselli may have acted as a go-between these two factions.

    "Friends of ours want this called off." "Tell them we can't do that."

    I know you've been over this a million times, Tosh, but could you go over

    your impressions of Roselli and where and when he disembarked?

    I'll do my best. Roselli and I were friends and I had flown him to many places. Bimini, the Cayman Islands, Cuba, one time, Las Vegas's Thunderbird Inn, and Santa Barbra CA. and Galveston Texas. Most of what I tell you is at this point from memory and if I fail in some respects its because of memory and memory only. I am nowhere near any of my files and documents so as to give you references. I have always tried to give references or documentation when I have had something to say. ( if there were any references as to documentation. (Most of the Roselli matters were never documented)

    The complete record is posted in various places on the net and in forums. Roselli did not hate Kennedy like some have said. I can not speak for the Mafia, but there were divisions among them, Pro and Con in reference to JFK. Roselli was a go between for the CIA, JM/WAVE and MIAMI STATION. He used the name as Col. Rawlston (my spelling) assigned by the CIA. The name Ralston is found in some documentation and he (Roselli) was a "CIA-Cut Out" and worked with John Martino as well as others. Roselli got off at Garland, not Red Bird as some of long ago tried to get me to say. He did not reboard the aircraft at Red Bird after the assassination. I did not see him after he left Garland. Phillips was one of the INDIRECT contacts with Roselli and any information was passed to Martino or Varona from Phillips first and one time later to Tony Varona and HL Hunt and then to Roselli. (or perhaps the other way around, concerning Hunt... however, I believe Hunt never had direct contact with Roselli... only as a cut-out no direct contact. The same for Phillips) Roselli was the "go between", between the CIA and the Mafia. Mahue was also a contact of Col Ralston and Mahue was a cut out for H Hughes. (memory) There was also others in this mix Mc Mahon and a Mc Cord of Tucsom and the Grace Ranch of Arizona.

    I meet Roselli at Bay Front Park, Miami Florida around 1960 I think (memory) and John Farrentello and another person who slips my mind at present introduced me to Him. Roselli got me into the Fountain Blu shortly after it opened. (again memory as to the year) I hope this gives you some background as to who Roselli really was and who he was working far.

  5. "I say I saw JFK get assassinated. I saw we were sent in to stop it or as I have said long ago "ABORT IT"" Tosh

    I have heard of a theory that the Assassination was going to be fake or it was going to be real and Oswald was going to help abort the thing. How? By standing at the Coke machine? (I can't help but interject that Nixon was in Dallas that day for Pepsi. Pepsi - Coke - get it?) Then the people who wanted a fake assassination -- the purpose to scare America into invading Cuba, as people would think it was a real attempt -- were infiltrated, unbeknownst to them, by real assassination plotters who succeeded.

    Tosh, if you were there, why? Were you trying to stop the assassination? If so, by what means -- hiding in the shadow of a tree some distance away from the action, so to speak? What were you doing to prevent the assassination? Did you know where the assassins were?

    Please respond as I am very curious about this.

    Kathy Collins


    I too, have heard the theory that you mentioned. However, I do not know about that and can't be of much help in that direction. Your other questions have been addressed in detail in scattered places on this forum and at other places for a number of years now. It was detailed to some degree in a post "Flight to Dallas", I think, and posted some years ago. None the less, I will be as brief as I can in responds to your questions. Perhaps others here can bring some of those post forward and therein some of your questions will be answered in more detail.

    "...Tosh, if you were there, why?...".

    Information had been received from Military INTEL and CIA Miami Station that a hit was going to be made on the President. The information had been obtained from two people who were going to fire a Bazooka on Air Force One, at West Palm Beach Florida, approximately November 17, 1963. From that interrogation (I was told) of these two people came the information and it was passed to JM/WAVE and to our case officers at West Palm Beach. I was one of the pilots that flew the team into Dallas. I was not "mission operational", at that time other than the pilot. The details of how and why that mission came together I would not know. I was not at the clearance level to know. Most of those details would be reveled to me later. (Some of those details came many years later)

    "...Were you trying to stop the assassination?...".

    Yes.. I was asked by Sergio, at Red Bird, if I wanted to go and see the President, Otherwise I would just hang out at Red Bird Airport as I had done on most other transportation type missions. Sergio explained most of the details of what his part was in the overall mission. He was a "Spotter" I did know bits and pieces, but most of the details came from my case officer, Bob Bennett and Sergio. Most of the team did not think much of the mission. They, as well as I, thought it just another wild goose chase and there was nothing to it. There had been many threats and rumors as to the assassination of the Presidents during that time frame. I had worked Dallas with MI on other matters, and was familiar with the area and knew some of the Dallas Cubans as well as knowing of LHO. They, the Dallas Cubans, were NOT involved in any way concerning the assassination. But they were heavily involved in Gun Running to southern Florida and the Cuban exile community)

    "...If so, by what means --What were you doing to prevent the assassination?...".

    Sergio's was one of many "spotters". His job was to secure the south side of the Plaza and the south parking lot. Other spotters were working the north side and that parking lot as well as the rail road tracks and overpass. There was communication between all personal on the mission. Sergio had a communication device and I had a clip board and a pair of binoculars. Our communication was spoty at best. nothing worked right. It has been said that I said "we were there to take them out". I have said that, BUT it has been taken out of context. We were there to get close enough to disrupt their, (the assassins) timing and to quickly remove them from the threat. To "take them out" was not meant to shoot them or have a gun fight, like some have said. If that had happened then there would have been a fire fight in the Plaza that day and many, other than the President, would have been killed. As I have said before..if that had happened.... "It would have been a real blood bath... two factions fighting it out in the Plaza".

    "... hiding in the shadow of a tree some distance away from the action, so to speak?..."

    We were not hiding in the shadows. We were working our (Sergio's) section. We had just completed our walk through the south parking lot where we saw nothing unusual and had walked past the steps by the fork tree and turned to walk back toward the overpass. The shots were fired at about the time we were just west of the steps and in the shadows of the tree. At that point we knew the mission had failed and it was our job to get out of the area. The team was not to be known about for obvious reasons. ( The reaso for confrimation of the South Knoll Photo about two people standing in the shadows of the tree)

    I know this does not address all your questions and it would take pages and pages, perhaps books to answer all of them. However, I too, would like some answers about that day and that is why I joined this forum and have tried to help the research community and in turn get some help from them on my questions... That has not worked..... I think its a lost cause today... This story is to far fetched for anyone to believe today, or yesterday for that matter. The record has been lost and only new releases and other documentation will perhaps someday come to surface, but by then I will be long gone and that is the way it is suppose to be.

    "...;Did you know where the assassins were?...".

    NO. We were checking for triangulation crossfire that would be used as a sniper attack method. Each section had been divided up and parts of the team went into areas where a sniper would or should be located. It was a type of walk through, spotting most likely places and then getting close enough to wreck their timing on hence "take them out". We failed in that. In fact the whole mission was a mess from start to finish. We were late, getting to the Plaza. And the flight into Dallas was a wreck waiting to happen, weather delays and etc.

    A question I have been asked many times... "Could some on your team have been assassins?".

    Yes. Could have been. But that is speculation. But I do not think so. Because of the way some (most) of the teams reaction as to the failure. If it was an attack team then I think they would have been overjoyed that they had carried it off. That was not the case. Nobody on our flight was happy about the chain of events. Nor were any team members taken out that day..


    "Information had been received from Military INTEL and CIA Miami Station that a hit was going to be made on the President. The information had been obtained from two people who were going to fire a Bazooka on Air Force One, at West Palm Beach Florida, approximately November 17, 1963. From that interrogation (I was told) of these two people came the information and it was passed to JM/WAVE and to our case officers at West Palm Beach. I was one of the pilots that flew the team into Dallas. I was not "mission operational," at that time other than the pilot. The details of how and why that mission came together I would not know. I was not at the clearance level to know. Most of those details would be revealed to me later. (Some of those details came many years later)"

    "I was told sometime after the assassination that the Adolphs Hotel was a strong possibility and that was the location first learned about from information received from Miami, but it was changed at the last minute to the Plaza. By who I have no idea... As I have said I was not at the level to know all the planning steps involved. Some of what I knew then and know now and came after the fact and in conversations with those involved in the team..."

    Excellent examples of "compartmentalization," inherent in pretty much any detail or operation meted out by those agencies involved, on a regular basis.

    The nature of the "job" description, or "non-description," if you will. All the better to maintain total control of all the operatives in the field, by the upper echelon producing the show, IMHO.

    Thanks for hanging in here, Bill, for fielding all the inquiries, and answering them to the best of your ability. Especially, considering the conditions you were forced to work under on that particular day. You're a most obliging and engaging person to have put up with all the "bonafide" researchers and authors, the hack-job disinfo's and misinfo's, as well as with the students.

    You're doing a stand-up job, my friend.


    Thanks Terry. That is refreshing. I apreciate your feedback. I will honestly try to do my part and stick to the facts as I know them. I hope I can be of some form of help as to who and why JFK was assassinated.

  6. Perhaps someday soon this JFK investigation will go where it should have gone long ago, toward LBJ and his gang of assassins.. Texas and its background leading to the assassination is an important chapter in reference to what really happened in Dallas that day...In time I feel it will all fit into place and the real story about the "Texas Connection" to the assassination of President Kennedy will come forth. I hope it happens in my life time.... but its not suppose to. Not until all the players oare dead and gone... there are not to many Texas players left today.

    Tosh, You know something we don't? I've always known that LBJ was 'up to his big ears' in the matter and he did have a gang of assassins...and most of the likely players were either Texas-branded or Texas-landed. For sure took place there and since then we've had all too much of the state's powerful holding forth.

    Wanna drop any more hints or clues you might know about - or is this a hunch or Holmesian 'deduction'?

    YES! I know a hell of a lot about this. I told you some years ago my feelings and thoughts and tried to back it up with preponderance of what evidence I had at the time... but as you know... nobody wanted that story... but all seemed to focus on the Mafia, Cubans, CIA, Russia, and a host of others who it was said, did the job. I was suppose to confirm those miss-placed stories. I never did that. Although at times I too had my doubts as dis information was pumped into the research community as fact. Even I doubted at times what I really believed. As you know I have always said LBJ was behind the assassination, but most researchers have said I am full of it and so did the FBI. That day in 1964 when I was grilled by the FBI at Buna Vista, I made the mistake of telling them what I thought about LBJ... Boy was that a mistake. The wrath of Hoover came down on me like a ton of bricks.

    Remember, I grew up in Dallas and I know a lot about the Dallas PD and its connections to Texas organized crime out of Austin and the southern part of the state of Texas and Military Intell of Dallas..

    I will NOT be dropping hints or clues...I will tell it like I know and believe from my point of view and the history of my involvement and family in Texas affairs as Jay Harrison proved beyond a shadow of doubt before he too, passed away... I have tried to do this before but if you check the record of this forum and other forums I was not allowed to do this. Why do you think I (and You) have had so much trouble in getting into this matter over the years? If there is nothing to what I know then why all the classified documentation that has been dribbled out over forty years. Why all the government lies as to the documentation they had on me. Why the CIA file? On and On.... You know the drill. I told you years ago and Jim Marrs. That you had no idea what you were getting into. You and Jim did not believe me and too did not believe all that I tried to tell you about Texas.... You and Jim were more interested in going after the CIA and the US Government and you side stepped the Texas issue I raised. You and I had falling outs over that, because you wanted the names of the CIA that were responsible for sending me to Dallas and for those responsible for killing Kennedy as you believed at the time, or at lease that is what I thought.... I told you then you and Jim were on the wrong path, but you guys kept grilling me and telling me I was wrong. In those days we were so secretive we could not get anything done. We were worse than Tom Wilson in that respect.. We had words over that also.

    Yes I do know a lot. More than some want me to know. I have always said the reason I am alive is because of information I have stated before the fact and if something did happen to me it would only prove I was right and the Kennedy investigation would go in another direction.. Hence, I have been protected to some degree by the CIA and the Federal Government. But in the old days NOT by J Hoover or his FBI gang of old. I believe they (the FBI) at that time knew more about the early planning of the assassination from Texas and they acted as a "Clean-Up" crew after the assassination. Why were so many documents destroyed pertaining to Roselli and Plumlee. Why were the 302 of the Phoenix FBI destroyed?. Why did it take twenty plus years to get only some of the many files on me released? Why did all my FBI files go to the Director (J. Edgar Hoover) himself? Why was I told the FBI had NO information or documents on me when we filed a FOIA? To date over 450 pages have been found and some have only recently been declassified. And there are more, lots more.

    People want me to fill in all the blanks. I can not do that. I do not know how to fill in all the blanks. I only know what I did and where I was that day and what I was told and told again some years later. I too, have been investigating this matter, because I too, would like to know how it all fits. But from an overall view and as the information slowly comes forward, I feel my thoughts on this subject have been proven. LBJ and the Texas boys known as "The Good Old Boys". Did the deed and to me that is a fact a fact I will try and prove to the day I die.

    Which could be real soon.

  7. I think Charles makes is a very interesting point. We know that much was done to confuse those who would come later. The assassination itself was well thought out down to the last detail, but the confusion and lack of communication Tosh describes reeks of planning. And certainly reflects a kind of war within the CIA itself, akin to the factions Oglesby would later write about. A genuine 'coup. Tosh I sure hope WB comes through for Peter with some of the documents you need. All Jay's work, just rotting away.


    Yes Dawn. I too, hope this will come forward. I have blocked out a few days so as to answer questions. It takes a lot of time and typing to do this. But for me this is a last ditch effort to help for whatever its worth. I do hope we can get into a communication mood and not the back-biteing name calling and ect.. I'll do my part the best I can. I feel I owe at least that much to this generation of researchers who are serious in their work.

  8. Tosh,

    You have stated that the overpass railroad tracks in 1963 were on a raised bed (4 to 5 feet high as I recall). But photos from the time do not reflect this. In CE2214 (below), the rails themselves do look higher than I remember normal rails being (though the images are of poor quality). But the rails and crossties are not on a raised bed. Can you comment on this? Thanks,



    Thanks Ron. Yes I have said the RR tracks were raised, as I remember, more than what they are now, approximately four or five feet I stated. The picture you posted is not clear and to some degree looking down on the tracks and cannot be of much help in showing the elevation of the raised RR bed and the cross ties . However, if you look at a picture from a head on view(looking west) toward the overpass) I think you will see this raised RR bed more clearly. When we crossed the tracks the base of the overpass was at a line at about the bottom of the banister railing and the crushed rock, ties, and tracks were much higher.

    Sometime after the metro this elevation was changed. Today the tracks are still raised on the RR bed, but not as high because the metro is not as heavy as regular trains. Also there is or was a permit to that effect with the City of Dallas and MKT started the metro project, when the Metro was planned. Sometime back a picture of this change was shown, taken from the same level as the base of the overpass looking south, and those tracks are about two feet high of so. Perhaps someone can post this picture. I think it was taken by Tim Carrol before he died and posted on this forum. Today you can see the finish grade of the old base of the overpass before the bed of the RR was built or laid. (an overlay of crushed rock was put over the bridge base and thetracks and ties were put on that crushed base of rock for support of the weight of the trains.

    Also there were about two sets of tracks that were graded toward the north (on a down hill toward the north) from the overpass so as to allow freight cars to free roll toward the tower and rail yard. That is called " Free Stacking". It was used a lot to get freight cars into position without the locomotive having to pull or push them into position. That was the reason or one of the reasons for the rail bed being so high above the overpass base line.

  9. Good Morning, Tosh,

    Am I correct to assume that the threat to which your team was responding was specific to Dealey Plaza, as opposed to any other location in and around Dallas?

    If not, then either there were other abort teams from Love Field to the Trade Mart, or your guys just got lucky -- so to speak.

    Prior to JFK's arrival in the Plaza, did you and/or any other members of the team take note of unnaturally thin security measures there? I speak of the absence of a full security contingent on the ground, open and unguarded windows, violations of Secret Service motorcade protocols related to sharp turns on the route, etc.?

    If such deficiencies had been noted PRIOR to the president's approach to the Plaza, am I correct to assume that you would have realized that this threat was anything but a false alarm and thus acted in a more pro-active or aggressive manner?

    How do you account for the failure of other team members to clear the knoll and/or other possible shooter locations?

    Finally, I strongly suspect that you and your team were sent to Dealey Plaza in order to be scapegoated as false sponsors and/or to muddy the waters for honest investigators. Does this make sense to you?

    Be well,



    "...Am I correct to assume that the threat to which your team was responding was specific to Dealey Plaza, as opposed to any other location in and around Dallas?..".

    I was told sometime after the assassination that the Adolphs Hotel was a strong possibility and that was the location first learned about from information received from Miami, but it was changed at the last minute to the Plaza. By who I have no idea.. As I have said I was not at the level to know all the planning steps involved. Some of what I knew then and know now and came after the fact and in conversations with those involved in the team..

    . "...If not, then either there were other abort teams from Love Field to the Trade Mart, or your guys just got lucky so to speak."..

    Well, I don't know about "Lucky". At the time I did not know about any other abort teams, or assassin teams for that matter.. A few years later from Bernard Finisterwald the Trade Mart teams were mentioned, but I knew nothing about them and he did not say abort or assassin teams.

    "...Prior to JFK's arrival in the Plaza, did you and/or any other members of the team take note of unnaturally thin security measures there? I speak of the absence of a full security contingent on the ground, open and unguarded windows, violations of Secret Service motorcade protocols related to sharp turns on the route, etc.?...".

    Yes. Sergio mentioned this many times. In fact it was mentioned on radio. "Where is everybody?". Communication breakdown was common. People were not where they were suppose to be and the north side was in an "out of control" state of mind. Security for a President was very thin and I thought at the time a set up. It was a very uneasy feeling for both Sergio and I. We did look at the windows and surrounding area and we felt very uneasy about the openness of the Plaza and no protection. I have said this many times to investigators.

    "...If such deficiencies had been noted PRIOR to the president's approach to the Plaza, am I correct to assume that you would have realized that this threat was anything but a false alarm and thus acted in a more pro-active or aggressive manner?

    IF we had all the information and IF we had known more and believe a real threat was emmient, then we would have been more diligent in our work and perhaps things would have worked out different.

    "...How do you account for the failure of other team members to clear the knoll and/or other possible shooter locations?

    Anything on that would be speculation on my part. I feel they did not think there was a real threat. I think they felt that the Presidents security had the area under control before we got there.. It was not our responsibility to clear the area after we got there. That was suppose to have already been done.

    "... Finally, I strongly suspect that you and your team were sent to Dealey Plaza in order to be scapegoated as false sponsors and/or to muddy the waters for honest investigators. Does this make sense to you?...".

    To some degree, yes. However, as I have said I was not at the level to know the whys and so fourths or the inside planning of the mission. However, the fact that the information came from the Pentagon and MI and relayed via CIA makes me think it was a real abort team. If this is a fact as to what you say. Then I would have to think that higher ups from within the WH got the information at the same time we got it and they tampered with the planning and sent in false personal to confuse the issue and open the door for the attack by others. I would have to look at SS security that had direct contact with personal in the WH.

    "...Be well, Charles .....".

    You take care.... Tosh

  10. Article in Earth Times:


    Barr McClellan, author of a #1 best-selling book on the JFK assassination, has become a key information source in the new revelation of the possible existence of a secret love-child of former President John F. Kennedy. Recent reports that Jack Worthington, a 47-year old resident of Vancouver, British Columbia, may be the illegitimate son of JFK fit perfectly into the evidence and scenario presented in McClellan's 2003 book, "Blood, Money and Power: How LBJ Killed JFK" (Hannover House). Major media outlets have approached McClellan for additional information and background, including the Associated Press, CBS News and a featured segment airing nationally on "Inside Edition."

    "It's a tremendous development in the JFK saga," said McClellan. "The background and circumstances of Worthington's life are consistent with the evidence presented in my book and will serve to enlighten and clarify this otherwise mysterious chapter in America's history."

    "Blood, Money and Power: How LBJ Killed JFK" was released in 2003 by Hannover House, and became an immediate bestseller, hitting the New York Times list as well as achieving #1 status for Amazon.com, non-fiction. The book describes "insider's information" and documentary evidence on the JFK assassination, based on McClellan's knowledge as a former partner in the Clark Law firm, and former attorney for Lyndon Baines Johnson.

    "We are excited that the news of JFK's son is coming to light," said Eric Parkinson, CEO of Hannover House. "Some were resistant to accept the evidence in Barr's book, but with each new development, his conclusions are proving to be 100% correct."

    Perhaps someday soon this JFK investigation will go where it should have gone long ago, toward LBJ and his gang of assassins.. Texas and its background leading to the assassination is an important chapter in reference to what really happened in Dallas that day...In time I feel it will all fit into place and the real story about the "Texas Connection" to the assassination of President Kennedy will come forth. I hope it happens in my life time.... but its not suppose to. Not until all the players oare dead and gone... there are not to many Texas players left today.

  11. "I say I saw JFK get assassinated. I saw we were sent in to stop it or as I have said long ago "ABORT IT"" Tosh

    I have heard of a theory that the Assassination was going to be fake or it was going to be real and Oswald was going to help abort the thing. How? By standing at the Coke machine? (I can't help but interject that Nixon was in Dallas that day for Pepsi. Pepsi - Coke - get it?) Then the people who wanted a fake assassination -- the purpose to scare America into invading Cuba, as people would think it was a real attempt -- were infiltrated, unbeknownst to them, by real assassination plotters who succeeded.

    Tosh, if you were there, why? Were you trying to stop the assassination? If so, by what means -- hiding in the shadow of a tree some distance away from the action, so to speak? What were you doing to prevent the assassination? Did you know where the assassins were?

    Please respond as I am very curious about this.

    Kathy Collins


    I too, have heard the theory that you mentioned. However, I do not know about that and can't be of much help in that direction. Your other questions have been addressed in detail in scattered places on this forum and at other places for a number of years now. It was detailed to some degree in a post "Flight to Dallas", I think, and posted some years ago. None the less, I will be as brief as I can in responds to your questions. Perhaps others here can bring some of those post forward and therein some of your questions will be answered in more detail.

    "...Tosh, if you were there, why?...".

    Information had been received from Military INTEL and CIA Miami Station that a hit was going to be made on the President. The information had been obtained from two people who were going to fire a Bazooka on Air Force One, at West Palm Beach Florida, approximately November 17, 1963. From that interrogation (I was told) of these two people came the information and it was passed to JM/WAVE and to our case officers at West Palm Beach. I was one of the pilots that flew the team into Dallas. I was not "mission operational", at that time other than the pilot. The details of how and why that mission came together I would not know. I was not at the clearance level to know. Most of those details would be reveled to me later. (Some of those details came many years later)

    "...Were you trying to stop the assassination?...".

    Yes.. I was asked by Sergio, at Red Bird, if I wanted to go and see the President, Otherwise I would just hang out at Red Bird Airport as I had done on most other transportation type missions. Sergio explained most of the details of what his part was in the overall mission. He was a "Spotter" I did know bits and pieces, but most of the details came from my case officer, Bob Bennett and Sergio. Most of the team did not think much of the mission. They, as well as I, thought it just another wild goose chase and there was nothing to it. There had been many threats and rumors as to the assassination of the Presidents during that time frame. I had worked Dallas with MI on other matters, and was familiar with the area and knew some of the Dallas Cubans as well as knowing of LHO. They, the Dallas Cubans, were NOT involved in any way concerning the assassination. But they were heavily involved in Gun Running to southern Florida and the Cuban exile community)

    "...If so, by what means --What were you doing to prevent the assassination?...".

    Sergio's was one of many "spotters". His job was to secure the south side of the Plaza and the south parking lot. Other spotters were working the north side and that parking lot as well as the rail road tracks and overpass. There was communication between all personal on the mission. Sergio had a communication device and I had a clip board and a pair of binoculars. Our communication was spoty at best. nothing worked right. It has been said that I said "we were there to take them out". I have said that, BUT it has been taken out of context. We were there to get close enough to disrupt their, (the assassins) timing and to quickly remove them from the threat. To "take them out" was not meant to shoot them or have a gun fight, like some have said. If that had happened then there would have been a fire fight in the Plaza that day and many, other than the President, would have been killed. As I have said before..if that had happened.... "It would have been a real blood bath... two factions fighting it out in the Plaza".

    "... hiding in the shadow of a tree some distance away from the action, so to speak?..."

    We were not hiding in the shadows. We were working our (Sergio's) section. We had just completed our walk through the south parking lot where we saw nothing unusual and had walked past the steps by the fork tree and turned to walk back toward the overpass. The shots were fired at about the time we were just west of the steps and in the shadows of the tree. At that point we knew the mission had failed and it was our job to get out of the area. The team was not to be known about for obvious reasons. ( The reaso for confrimation of the South Knoll Photo about two people standing in the shadows of the tree)

    I know this does not address all your questions and it would take pages and pages, perhaps books to answer all of them. However, I too, would like some answers about that day and that is why I joined this forum and have tried to help the research community and in turn get some help from them on my questions... That has not worked..... I think its a lost cause today... This story is to far fetched for anyone to believe today, or yesterday for that matter. The record has been lost and only new releases and other documentation will perhaps someday come to surface, but by then I will be long gone and that is the way it is suppose to be.

    "...;Did you know where the assassins were?...".

    NO. We were checking for triangulation crossfire that would be used as a sniper attack method. Each section had been divided up and parts of the team went into areas where a sniper would or should be located. It was a type of walk through, spotting most likely places and then getting close enough to wreck their timing on hence "take them out". We failed in that. In fact the whole mission was a mess from start to finish. We were late, getting to the Plaza. And the flight into Dallas was a wreck waiting to happen, weather delays and etc.

    A question I have been asked many times... "Could some on your team have been assassins?".

    Yes. Could have been. But that is speculation. But I do not think so. Because of the way some (most) of the teams reaction as to the failure. If it was an attack team then I think they would have been overjoyed that they had carried it off. That was not the case. Nobody on our flight was happy about the chain of events. Nor were any team members taken out that day..

  12. I wanted to revisit this topic, if only to move it to the top of the list with the hope of stimulating additional postings.


    Charles. Its been almost a year of this thread and as yet nothing has been done in reference to any of the photos of the south knoll and others. The only thing which has been accomplished is the threads go nowhere and the subject matter goes into the black hole.

    What is most important? How the work was done or what the work of Wilson's pointed out. As to the south knoll photo and if shown that two people were there in the shadow of the forked tree, then what does that mean? What questions will this raise if it is prove that there were two persons at that location? We will never get to that point. Its been over a year of back and forth as to the photo work and how it was or was not done. Seems we miss the real point of why these two people, if real, were there on the south knoll. Why were they there and too, why were they not interviewed. The story behind the photo is a interesting story when you mention that the FBI knew about these two people many years ago. Why were they not questioned even after one of these persons stated they were there?

    I too, brought this thread forward, but it too will die on the vine and the subject matter will not be addressed. What would these two people in the photo, if real, have to say on the subject of what they saw and why they were there? To me that is the real issues. I understand the work has to be validated. However, we speculate on everything else that comes down the pike in reference to the assassination of JFK.... but this matter seems to be "Taboo" for whatever reasons.

    For the benefit of doubt lets say there were two people there... what would that really mean? Would what these two persons have to say really mean anything? Did they hear any shots? From where? How many? What were they going to do? Were they there to kill the President? OR were they there for other reasons? We drift off into speculations on many matters as to JFK. But as to the two people on the south knoll we stay away from that subject and if we push we are attacked and called liars. But the FBI does come to one of them asking many questions about the south knoll and they take things out of your burned house. Why?

  13. It is late here and I'm tired....and will try to put down a few thoughts

    briefly and come back to put down more in a day or so. I'm probably one of the or the only researcher here to have had some of my work and photos 'enhanced' by Tom Wilson. I'm looking at them here on my desk. I've never put them on the internet...and likely not about to. I know some about Tom's computer program and there is much I don't. He was too secretive. There are those who could help, but I can't [yet] pry information out of them. I'll not mention who they are here and now. He was approved by the courts as an expert witness in forensics, using his techniques on forensic materials. Cyril is too busy with his own problems to help much on that now. What to say...I had him use his program on the ultra-high-quality Cancellare photo I got via the back door. He never explained totally how his system worked and thus what one gets [or sees] is, yes, hard to verify. Basicly, he had his system look for spectral patterns characterisic of specific materials: glass, metal, wood, cloth, etc. He claimed he could even 'see'/distinguish variants of these. OK, I can 'see' these in his enhancements...but without the independant test on a non-controversial item who is to say if the new image is an artifact or a real 'enhancement' of what was there. My problem and I'm trying to 'lean' on those who could answer....thus far with no success. My gut feeling is his technique worked, but not to the level he claimed in all cases. I have some very interesing 'images' here I can overlay on the original Cancellare and thus orient what is where...but ....too tired to go into it all now...tomorrow....more.... Peter

    I am familiar with Tom's work for Peter, because it was I who persuaded Tom to take a look. However, he was very secretive

    with both Peter and me about what he found. He would only tell me that he found TWO MEN in the tree shadows. I never saw

    his work on this, and frankly was doubtful, since darkroom enhancement of the area showed nothing. He would not show Peter

    what he found either, and soon his relations with Peter soured, because I feel he thought Peter was being too "pushy" and impatient

    for progress...plus he was busy building his lawsuit against the govt.


    What does the south knoll photo really mean? Two people in the shadows of a tree? It means nothing unless you take into account the story behind the photo and how it came into being and the background of the people in question..

    (1) the location of these two people were first told to the FBI in Buna Vista Colorado in April and May of 1964. The FBI was not at all interested in the story and said there was nobody there because they had pictures of the aera and it did not show anyone at that location.

    They also said their investigation proved I was at another location in Florida at the time of the assassination. I was not. ( THE Cancellara Photo had not surfaced at this early date, 1964) It was also stated by the FBI that if I (Plumlee) did not quit talking about Dallas and my wild stories concerning the assassination I would never get out of jail ( I was in lock up from about two weeks after the JFK until sometime shortly after the WC completed its findings. I was never interviewed by the WC)

    Some years later (1980) Barnard Finsterwald Jr and Gary Shaw had a copy of the Cancellara photo which appeared in Gary Shaws early or first book (can't recall name about 1976 ??) I was shown that picture for the first time and I pointed out to them where Sergio and I were standing at the time of the shots. (near and within the shadows of the fork tree. I drew them a map of our route out of Delay Plaza. Shortly after that my house in Grant Colorado was burned down and I was beat up at a Evergreen Colorado Bar and had ten stitches in right forehead and eye. A few months later, I was shot at in my truck and ran off the road. There were passengers in the truck at the time who have given statements to law enforcement)

    Some years later (1990 ??) Jim Maras and Peter Lambkin and I started research on this subject and others concerning JFK and OPS. It that point all hell broke loose and the FBI hounded me for years and IRS took all my holdings and bank accounts for back taxes) We, the three of us continued to work on trying to prove I and Sergio were there that day and at that location on the south knoll when the shots were fired Around that time Jim Maras introduced me to Jack White and the photo came up and I was under the impression that Jack White was going to look into the picture. I was told he had done that and he failed to see anything there. Soon thereafter Peter Lambkin retained Tom Wilson to take a look at the picture. Carl Which also looked at Tom's work, I was told. I was also told he (Wilson) had found two people near or at the forked tree, but he was working on it . Shortly after that and just before he died The FBI contacted me in Denver Colorado asking about the picture and they showed me a copy and wanted me to mark the location where we were standing. I refused. They also showed me an affidavit which my brother had signed that stated I was in Dallas early AM visiting my step-mother his mother. I refused to help them in any way because I was pissed at them because of the IRS matter. I told them to shove it and to talk to the CIA if they wanted to know anything about what I did and had done, including Iran-Contra operations. I felt I was being set up.

    Now that is a very rough background as to the events which leads to this south knoll investigation and the photo.. (For the sake of time, I have been about as short as I Can make this)

    The reason this is important to the investigation, is because it proves two people were there and when you take into account the background of these two people then it should be looked into. I have always felt that photo is an important link and should be looked into, perhaps more so than the north knoll..

    How and why the software works and who did what back when is really not the issue.

    Again. What does it prove if two people are proved to be at that location at the time of the shots?.

    Add that to the "Tall Tales" of the Plumlee story and what have you? Include the new release documents and all the new evidence and take a hard look at what Plumlee has said before the new releases were released.. If two people are prove to be there, then why were they there? To kill the President? Well could they have been at that location for other reasons? I have been called "one of the assassins". Why? Could my story be true if it is proved I was at that location... Why one of the assassins? Why not one who tried to stop it?

    Preponderance of the evidence over the years and the new declassified documents, I feel should be looked into in order to get the trail to point to the real assassination. That is the issue I feel.

    Seems each time we start to go into a matter we get drawn away from the subject and our egos get in the way.

    I say I saw JFK get assassinated. I saw we were sent in to stop it or as I have said long ago "ABORT IT"

    I do not expect anyone to even read this long post about an old mans forty year plus story.. The JFK matter has been shut down and contaminated by dis information. This story also will die on the vine because this story goes beyond reason and it also conflicts with others theories and their life work has been dedicated to their theories and there is not room for a true tall tale... it goes against the norm and all the experts. If the real story did get out or released then all that has been written would have to be sent to the deep six... and the experts would not be of much help in any new investigations... we would have to breed another group of new experts and investigators, because all the old experts would have discredited themselves by their own works.

  14. Tosh,

    Yep, you're right. Connected to Seiwell.

    Cook was indeed associated with Roscoe White although I don't know how influential he was getting him a job with the DPD.

    When you first mentioned Cook, I went a bit bug eyed as I had never heard him mentioned before by anyone and thought I was the only one on his tail. There are also some interesting associations between Cook and some others firmly entrenched with what happened in Dallas.

    This is him below.



    He was my CO at Texas National Guard, Dallas Love Field and got me into Army Intel. You amaze me on where you get your pictures... I do respect your sources. ( Capt.John K. Gilbert Cook ) Also do you have anything on Lt. Charles (?) Brannon


    Are you sure the actual name is Charles Brannon?


    I think it was Charles not sure if he was called Charles or Robert, but his last name was spelled Brannon he was a 2Lt. Arty spotter and with the Fourth Army I think... he was with a lot of different outfits, but stationed at Ft Bliss arround 1954.

    He knew and worked later with some of the Dallas Cubans (if I can use that term) around Zangs Blvd in Oak Cliff. ??? I think he signed one of my DD-214 at Bliss and cut orders for me to go the Hensley Field Grand Prairie, Texas "Mountain Lakes", trainning fac. from Ft Bliss or Dallas Love Field.

    Also Did Captain Gilbert B Cook have a brother named John K Gilbert? Or used the cut out name "Johnney H...", I'm a little fuzzy on how all this came together. Anyway I think John K Gilbert went with the DPD but again this is from memory and I could be off on this point.

  15. There are many interesting parts to this testimony. Two that struck me like a slap in the face were:

    1 - ST answered that Roselli was CIA and had contacted him in that capacity.

    2 - ST said he had no 'business relationship' with various Mafia figures he knew.

    Peter, my recollection from reading it two days ago is that he was not surprised Rosselli would come to him representing the CIA, not that he thought Rosselli, whom he had admittedly known for 20 years, worked for the CIA. The more telling point, IMO, is that Maheu, who had supposedly been contracted by the CIA as a cut-out, and whose cover story was that he was working for a businessman (whom everyone would assume to be Howard Hughes) introduced himself as working for the CIA, deliberately BLOWING his cover and giving all those involved get-out-of-jail-free cards. I believe Maheu testified that Rosselli had told him he knew he was working for the CIA, and that Maheu did not deny it, because he didn't want to lose Johnny's trust. I believe he also testified that he never outed himself. Here, Santos says he did. I suspect Santos is telling the truth. I have found a number of other points where Maheu obviously perjured himself. His story about why he wiretapped Dan Rowan has changed numerous times.

    I wonder if Maheu's kids will have any deathbed confession tapes to sell when he goes.

    Later on, Maheu and [by extention and independant information] Howard Hughes were both CIA 'assets' - one could wonder when Maheu 'was signed-up' but I'd put my money on by the time of Dallas, for sure.....I've heard that Maheu may have put some money up for 'things Dallas'....and that the money path crossed with those Roselli was making at the time. I'll bet they each knew the other was in the 'fold'.

    What this shows [once again] is that all the investigations [sic] were sham and they DID get some important leads or potentially important leads and followed them NO WHERE - ON PURPOSE!.....


    A Plumlee reply to a question asked a few years ago.

    Posted a few yearsb ago:

    ".... T. Larry Hancock proved fairly convincingly that the FBI was tracking and wiretapping Roselli just before the assassination, but that Roselli gave them the slip and had a decoy they were tracking in LV when he was in FL and then TX. What do you make of C. Holt at this point...as he says he drove Roselli....yet most believe C. Holt lied about that, but DID make the fake ID and was NOT a tramp....Hunt may have been.

    At 13:50 2/2/2008, you wrote:

    And Too... Don't forget this post in reference to Roselli being Rawlston

    QUOTE(William Kelly @ Sep 30 2006, 08:20 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

    QUOTE(Wim Dankbaar @ Sep 30 2006, 10:36 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

    I hope this does not distratct from my main question to Bill, which was:

    While some of Holt's info checks out, others don't, and disinfo is planted among the truth.

    Which particular info did not check out in your experience?


    Well, he mentioned that he saw about a dozen guys he worked with on previous operaitons at Dealey Plaza, when some of them have been acounted for elsewhere.

    In addition, he said he drove John Rosselli to Dallas in the Olds station wagon from Grace Ranch.

    Others claim he was flown in to Dallas in a private plane.

    I believe FBI wiretaps of Rosselli place him in a Vegas hotel at the time.


    Plumlee reply:

    The wire tapes that put Roselli in Las Vegas where from April of 1963 when he was at the "Thunderbird Inn". The FBI knew this at the time (63) when they stated he was not in Dallas and used the old survailence tapes to prove same to committee investigators. After the assassination it was said by the FBI that he was in Las Vegas at the time of the shooting and produced said document and tape to committee. (classified) The same reports and the same SAC also put me in West Palm Beach in county jail, in November of 63 but no records were produced or fingerprint booking card was ever produced (classified). Sometime later the FBI said in an "inter-agency memo", (classified) that I was in a Denver Colorado jail in November (reference FBI SAC Scott Warner 62 file and 301/2 file... the 301/2 was destoryed". classified) Fuel receips from aircraft N-63XX Echo were signed by me at the Thunderbird Inn airport in April of 63 (as per FBI 26 file de-classified) In 1978 a flight plann dated from April of 1963 from N63XX Thompson flight service Utah was found in aircraft that had names written on same by pilot (Plumlee) "Col. Rawlston", and also "call Rosellie". ( release date: FOIA 1981 FBI Lab. declassified)

    Whats the point? Why do some quote the FBI as fact and can do no wrong and then on the other hand say they lie? Can anyone believe anything they had said back then as to the events leading to the assassination? Yet today they say and others that Rosellie was in Las Vegas at the time of the shooting because the FBI said he was there.... and now that becomes a FACT?..... DAH. ...".

    This post has been edited by William Plumlee: Oct 1 2006, 04:52 PM

  16. I will be back in the USA in a day or two and will get more info for you via private email if that is O.K.

    Private correspondence is A-OK.

    Our mutual attorney friend in Texas has my e-mail address, and I'll make sure you get it from that source.

    Thanks... I am in transit... so if there is a delay.. not to worry..... I understand more released documents (declassified "Olive Branch") are to be released next month? Not sure if this is true but the source has been right before. Take care.

  17. There are many interesting parts to this testimony. Two that struck me like a slap in the face were:

    1 - ST answered that Roselli was CIA and had contacted him in that capacity.

    2 - ST said he had no 'business relationship' with various Mafia figures he knew.

    From a post some years ago. Today some of this information has been declassified (reference 1976 classified date)

    "... Hi Christy: Sorry I have taken so long in getting back to you. I have tried to answer the questions as they come, in order... but it does not seem to work that way..,

    I'll try to make this short. In early 1954 Fidel Castro was in the southern mountains of Cuba with a "rag tag' bunch of rebels.. about 60 or 70 I think.. The CIA was active in Guatelmala and some of these operatives were soon working in behalf of Castro. That was the start of the gun running to the Cuban Rebels known as the Jul 26 rebel movement. In the United States arms and amo were taken from National Guard Armorys and transported by air and boat to the Castro rebels. It was a CIA OPS and the FBI had no knowledge of the arrangement. Soon the gun running reach epidemic perpotions in the lower southwest and Florida. The M-26-7 was a group of Students inside Cuba working for a free Democratic Cuba. Joe Westbrook operated as contact for CIA "cut-out" contract personal. I think but not real sure that "Wild Bill" Harvey later set in motion a team of contract CIA operatives to supply and work with the M-26-7 and this group were the go betweens for getting weponds from Florida to Cuba. In the early days Havana and safe houses around Havana were used to stage the weapons and explosive before getting them to Castro's rebels in the mountains. Soon this group was used as the main link for the CIA to get Castro the equipment he needed to defeat Batista. After Jan of 1959, all that changed and so did the CIA and its support for Castro... We became "anti-Castro and the whole arm of the U.S. Government was thron againest him.........

    In the early part of 1963, or perhaps the late part of 62. I flew a lot of operatives and hit men into Cuba. John Rosellie and Jack Ruby went into Cuba many times. Ruby before the fall of Batista and Rosellie also before the Fall of Batista. Rosellie also went in after Castro came into power, twice that I know of.

    I had contact with a Cuban pilot who was connected to our government. He introduced me to another Cuban who had made contact with President Kennedy that Castro would consider talks. This was the beginning of Lisa Howard and my flying her into Cuba three times I think.. the last time around April or June of 63, about the time of the Wm Pawley affair and the dealings concerning Eddie Bayo.. I flew her from NY to Miami on two other occausions and then covertly from Miami to Havana. I did not know Attwood, but he knew of me as the pilot because I had a long history of covert flights into Cuba. I also talked to her many times about Cuba and at one time she ask if I would like to work with the team who were working with her... I already knew who they were and declined. I was to close to secret assassination teams to eliminate Castro and I was associated with John Rosellie (aka Col Rawlston) from JMWAVE and its EX Action ZR/RIFLE programs.. I would have never got into President Kennedy's "Olive Branch" to Castro program. I would only be a liability and would have been in time 'Eliminated". I know this is spoty and short and perhaps raises more questions that it solves... But you know when I first mentioned this to you.. I think it was some years ago when we were talking about Havana and your Father... long befor the Lisa Howard story and documents were de-classified and released. Right? Take care... hope this helps.. ".


    "... Thanks Tim: I'll try to insert in italics and bold where I think clarifications should be made, and why: I'll try to keep it brief.

    The following is my synopsis of Tosh Plumlee's story about his involvement in the assassination in Dallas. If I have missed any particulars, please post them so that we can have a complete, but distilled version of the story.

    Tosh Plumlee was a Military/CIA covert operative pilot who "knew John Roselli rather well." They first met in late 1960 (could have been in 1958) or early 1961 at Biscayne Park, after coming to the park from "a meeting place called Sloppy Joe's." They were introduced by Johnny Farantello. Plumlee later says "Farentino" (as opposed to "Farantello") "was maybe Frank Sturgis or whoever."( I was asked if it could have been Frank Struges.( I replied 'It could have been, (Sturges) but I did not think so') During 1963, Tosh flew Roselli "perhaps more than 6 or 7 different occasions, to such destinations as Marathon Key, Bimini, Havana, New Orleans, Houston, Salt Lake City, Las Vegas and Santa Barbara. ( I flew Rosellie many times before 1963. I am not sure how many or starting when but I thought it was around 1960) I had flown him to the Thunderbird Inn in Las Vegas and to Burbank CA, and Santa Barbra, Ca. around 1963.

    Beginning November 21, 1963 Tosh has asserted that he was a co-pilot on a top secret flight aboard a D-18 twin Beach and a DC-3 supported by the CIA. ( The CIA acted as our support we were Military attached at the time The pilot was Emmanuel Rojas. Mr. Plumlee's flight left Florida on November 21, 1963, traveling from a "place called Lantana" in (outside West Palm Beach about five miles south) West Palm Beach to Tampa, where Roselli ("the Colonel") (Col. Rawlston) was picked up after staying at the Congress Inn. The plane then flew to New Orleans, where two people got off and three got on. After flying to Houston International and spending the night at the Hilton, the plane and its occupants continued on to Garland, (instead of Red Bird Airport in Oak Cliff because of weather) where they had to stop "because of weather."

  18. Beyond the Trafficante statement on Maheu, confirming that Maheu was never a true cut-out, he made a number of other statements which I thought may be of interest. Trafficante is not my area of expertise so some of this may be common knowledge.

    p51 Says one of his fellow prisoners in Cuba was named Civello. Could this be Joe Civello, the Dallas mob boss? If so, is it possible Ruby was there to visit Civello? I don't recall reading that Civello was arrested in Cuba.

    p57 Says he's friends with one Evaristo Garcia Vidal. Later on p87 he admits Vidal was his business partner in Havana. Is this Vidal any relation to Hemming's buddy Felipe Vidal?

    p59. Admits he knew Sturgis/ Fiorini in Cuba. Says they had dinner in late 60's as well. (After RFK hit?--just a thought.)

    p61 Denies knowing Loran Hall

    p62 Admits knowing John Martino from Cuba

    p64 Is shown a series of photos anti-Castro groups. The only face he recognizes is Sturgis/Fiorini.

    p66 Says he never met Joe Shimon

    p68 Admits knowing Aleman. Says he tried to help Aleman get a loan with the Teamsters via his lawyer Frank Ragano. (Ragano would later join Aleman in claiming that Santos talked openly about killing the Kennedys.)

    p70 Says he met Aleman with someone named Coco or Kiki.

    p71 Says Aleman and mobster Angelo Bruno had a milk business in the Dominican Republic.

    p72 Doesn't deny talking to Aleman about RFK but denies making the "Kennedy is going to be hit" statement

    p74 Says he and Bruno shared a "Pest Control" business.

    p76 When asked a series of questions about his attitude towards the Kennedys, and whether he made negative comments about them he repeats "I might have" a number of times. (This makes me suspect the Aleman story was true and that he did indicate there was gonna be a hit.)

    p78 Says Marcello came back from Guatemala via a commercial airplane and denies he used a private plane. His certainty on this point is suspicious.

    p82 Won't state how many casinos he owned in Cuba

    p88 Admits knowing Lewis McWillie

    p89 Admits knowing Norman Rothman

    p57- Evaristos Garcia Sr. was a big time bolita bankers in Cuba. When him and his son Evaristos Jr. came to Miami, they formed the core of Trafficante's Cuban mob. Garcia Sr. Jr. later relocated to COsta Rica.

    p59- Sturgis came to Miami right after Castro took over to ask for help from Dade COunty Criminal Intelligence Bureau. He wanted their file son a suspected hoodlum in Cuba. That man of course was Trafficante.

    p70. Kaki Argomaniz? He was a Cuban mobster with Trafficante. He was also involved with the World FInance Corporation (WFC), a front back in Miami for the CIA and Trafficante-backed drug traffickers.

    p74- Santo and Philly boss Angleo Bruno were involved with the Pan American Pest Control Business as well as possible two more. Ironically Kaki Argomaniz, referenced above, was an officer in the King Spray Pest Company, along with two other Trafficante associates. That company was part of the WFC controversy. Bruno had a winter home in North Bay Village. Angelo's wife, Sue, was a partner an interest in a vending machine company owned by Agostino and VIncent Amato, two Trafficante guys in Miami. Well actually they were made members of the Gambino family who were close Trafficante associates.

    p76- made some afterwards- I talk about some post-assasination incidents in The Silent Don.

    p82- Santo definitely owned the Sans SOuci- purchased from Pittsburgh mafiosi Gabriel and Kelly Mannarino. He was a definite investor in the Hotel Deauville. He likely had an interest in the Capri. There are a few others that he may have had hidden interests in as well.

    p88- McWillie and his bodyguard Russell Matthews worked at the Capri - close to Trafficante. Matthews was an associate of Joe Civello in Dallas. McWillie was a CHicago guy. Both knew Jack Ruby. Both knew Trafficante.

    p89- Trafficante likely knew Rothman through the Mannarinos. Rothman became a trusted associate of Santo's in Miami.

    Thanks, Scott. You are the authority. As far as Civello/Cellini, it seems likely that Trafficante had a brain hiccup and forgot which one of his cronies was involved. Still, does anyone where Civello was during this period?

    You might like to do a search on this forum for "Rawlston" and take a look at some of the old post of years ago:


    Reference to previous post: Documentation and background.

    http://toshplumlee.info/toshgallerySAFE.htm #7

    (release date, 1963 flight plan; Cessna N 63XX Echo: also Plumlee/Rosellie FOIA 1981 FBI Lab. declassified) FBI file locator number for Flight Plan #24-8157 32 Q6 DQ referenced within FBI #26 file/Plumlee; also found at "toshplumlee.info" picture #7; also reference within the Roselli/Plumlee #62-2116 file and the Phoenix FBI #PHX-72, 73 file of 1978, declassified-- as well as the FBI-SS 302 Phoenix file that was destroyed in 1963)

    " The Flight Plan states: two on board: destination Sky Harbor Phoenix; Alt Airport: Las Vegas; Home base of aircraft; Thompson Flight Service, Salt Lake City; Home address of pilot 'Apple Blosom Lane, Denver Colorado. Contact place while in Phoenix; CARAVAN INN. FBI 26 Files dated April 1963. Phoenix 302 files dated 1963, gun running to Florida. hand writen notes at bottom of flight plan: "J Ralston.... call J Rosellie Miami JMWAVE Col. Rawlston". On file at FBI office since April of 1963 as per FBI 26 file reference "Abd Aircraft, Mc Cord Ranch NM" James Mc Cord interview by FBI.

  19. There's some good info in this article. To me the only questionable thing about it is the author's notion or hope that the U.S. military might not go along with martial law in the U.S. I think the military was certainly prepared to stage an open coup in November 1963 (if the government's cover got blown in Dallas). Would it be no less prepared to discard the Constitution now or tomorrow?

    I know of nothing that any U.S. military leaders have said during the years of the current regime in criticism of the regime's campaign against the Constitution. But of course they would think twice about criticizing their commander in chief. What I do vividly remember is General Tommy Franks saying, after he led the invasion of Afghanistan and announced his retirement, that another terrorist attack in America will bring martial law. Not may or might, but will.

    Martial Law Threat is Real: Good Thing the Military is Breaking Down

    Fri Jul 27, 2007 at 08:24:56 AM PST

    With Congress complicit or supine, the best hope for preventing martial law may be a fear in the White House that the troops might not follow orders.

    By Dave Lindorff

    The looming collapse of the US military in Iraq, of which a number of generals and former generals, including former Chief of Staff Colin Powell, have warned, is happening none too soon, as it may be the best hope for preventing military rule here at home.

    From the looks of things, the Bush/Cheney regime has been working assiduously to pave the way for a declaration of military rule, such that at this point it really lacks only the pretext to trigger a suspension of Constitutional government. They have done this with the active support of Democrats in Congress, though most of the heavy lifting was done by the last, Republican-led Congress.

    The first step, or course, was the first Authorization for Use of Military Force, passed in September 2001, which the president has subsequently used to claim—improperly, but so what? —that the whole world, including the US, is a battlefield in a so-called "War" on Terror, and that he has extra-Constitutional unitary executive powers to ignore laws passed by Congress. As constitutional scholar and former Reagan-era associate deputy attorney general Bruce Fein observes, that one claim, that the US is itself a battlefield, is enough to allow this or some future president to declare martial law, "since you can always declare martial law on a battlefield. All he’d need would be a pretext, like another terrorist attack inside the U.S."

    The 2001 AUMF was followed by the PATRIOT Act, passed in October 2001, which undermined much of the Bill of Rights. Around the same time, the president began a campaign of massive spying on Americans by the National Security Agency, conducted without any warrants or other judicial review. It was and remains a program that is clearly aimed at American dissidents and at the administration’s political opponents, since the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court would never have raised no objections to spying on potential terrorists. (And it, and other government spying programs, have resulted in the government’s having a list now of some 325,000 "suspected terrorists"!)

    The other thing we saw early on was the establishment of an underground government-within-a-government, though the activation, following 9-11, of the so-called "Continuity of Government" protocol, which saw heads of federal agencies moved secretly to an underground bunker where, working under the direction of Vice President Dick Cheney, the "government" functioned out of sight of Congress and the public for critical months.

    It was also during the first year following 9-11 that the Bush/Cheney regime began its programs of arrest and detention without charge—mostly of resident aliens, but also of American citizens—and of kidnapping and torture in a chain of gulag prisons overseas and at the Navy base at Guantanamo Bay.

    The following year, Attorney General John Ashcroft began his program to develop a mass network of tens of millions of citizen spies—Operation TIPS. That program, which had considerable support from key Democrats (notably Sen. Joe Lieberman), was curtailed by Congress when key conservatives got wind of the scale of the thing, but the concept survives without a name, and is reportedly being expanded today.

    Meanwhile, last October Bush and Cheney, with the help of a compliant Congress, put in place some key elements needed for a military putsch. There was the overturning of the venerable Posse Comitatus Act of 1878, which barred the use of active duty military inside the United States for police-type functions, and the revision of the Insurrection Act, so as to empower the president to take control of National Guard units in the 50 states even over the objections of the governors of those states.

    Put this together with the wholly secret construction now under way--courtesy of a $385-million grant by the US Army Corps of Engineers to Halliburton subsidiary KBR Inc--of detention camps reportedly capable of confining as many as 400,000 people, and a recent report that the Pentagon has a document, dated June 1, 2007, classified Top Secret, which declares there to be a developing "insurgency" within the U.S, and which lays out a whole martial law counterinsurgency campaign against legal dissent, and you have all the ingredients for a military takeover of the United States.

    As we go about our daily lives--our shopping, our escapist movie watching, and even our protesting and political organizing—we need to be aware that there is a real risk that it could all blow up, and that we could find ourselves facing armed, uniformed troops at our doors.

    Bruce Fein isn’t an alarmist. He says he doesn’t see martial law coming tomorrow. But he is also realistic. He says, "This is all sitting around like a loaded gun waiting to go off. I think the risk of martial law is trivial right now, but the minute there is a terrorist attack, then it is real. And it stays with us after Bush and Cheney are gone, because terrorism stays with us forever." (It may be significant that Hillary Clinton, the leading Democratic candidate for president, has called for the revocation of the 2002 Authorization for Use of Military Force against Iraq, but not of the earlier 2001 AUMF which Bush claims makes him commander in chief of a borderless, endless war on terror.)

    Indeed, the revised Insurrection Act (10. USC 331-335) approved by Congress and signed into law by Bush last October, specifically says that the president can federalize the National Guard to "suppress public disorder" in the event of "national disorder, epidemic, other serious public health emergency, terrorist attack or incident." That determination, the act states, is solely the president’s to make. Congress is not involved.

    Sen. Patrick Leahy (D-VT), chair of the Senate Judiciary Committee, has added an amendment to the upcoming Defense bill, restoring the Insurrection Act to its former version—a move that has the endorsement of all 50 governors--but Fein argues that would not solve the problem, since Bush still claims that the U.S. is a battlefield. Besides, a Leahy aide concedes that Bush could sign the next Defense Appropriations bill and then use a signing statement to invalidate the Insurrection Act rider.

    Fein argues that the only real defense against the looming disaster of a martial law declaration would be for Congress to vote for a resolution determining that there is no "War" on terror. "But they are such cowards they will never do that," he says.

    That leaves us with the military.

    If ordered to turn their guns and bayonets on their fellow Americans, would our "heroes" in uniform follow their consciences, and their oaths to "uphold and defend" the Constitution of the United States? Or would they follow the orders of their Commander in Chief?

    It has to be a plus that National Guard and Reserve units are on their third and sometimes fourth deployments to Iraq, and are fuming at the abuse. It has to be a plus that active duty troops are refusing to re-enlist in droves—especially mid-level officers.

    If we are headed for martial law, better that it be with a broken military. Maybe if it’s broken badly enough, the administration will be afraid to test the idea.


    You said "...(if the government's cover got blown in Dallas).....". Two teams fighting it out? If so, there would have been a "Blood Bath" and many people would have died on the streets with JFK. When failure was evident they had to drift into the shadows from where they had came. "a failed mission". Army Intel new about the Texas Connection. Military was not going to make a hit on JFK, nor were the Cubans, nor the Miami/ NO Mafia... US military? They were there to stop it. The Texas boys were there, well planed and thought out... ways, means, and opertunity. LHO was set up... Fat Dumb and not to happy.

    Ruby? well he had a debt to pay... or else....

  20. Tosh,

    Yep, you're right. Connected to Seiwell.

    Cook was indeed associated with Roscoe White although I don't know how influential he was getting him a job with the DPD.

    When you first mentioned Cook, I went a bit bug eyed as I had never heard him mentioned before by anyone and thought I was the only one on his tail. There are also some interesting associations between Cook and some others firmly entrenched with what happened in Dallas.

    This is him below.



    He was my CO at Texas National Guard, Dallas Love Field and got me into Army Intel. You amaze me on where you get your pictures... I do respect your sources. ( Capt.John K. Gilbert Cook ) Also do you have anything on Lt. Charles (?) Brannon

  21. Thanks, Tosh. That is most interesting.

    When I originally started the thread I was hoping someone had something more on him. I also had heard the Dallas rumors.

    Regarding the Capt. Gilbert Cook you mentioned in an earlier post, was this C-Company's Captain Gilbert Cook? He was with construction and I think he was a bricklayer by trade.


    Same guy... I think not sure about his civ trade.... he was an associate of Ed Seiwell... and was atattched from 4th Army to or worked with ONI at Hensley Field Naval Air Station. (INTEL) He also had many friends at Dallas PD and I was told some years ago that he got Rosco White his job at DPD. (second hand verbal) AND too, that he and Ed Walker used to drink at the 'Rainbow Gardens' and the 'Starlite Club' in Dallas and met with some motorcycle cops at Austins Bar BQ in Oak Cliff. (Tommy Pugh and others) He was a close friend of "Candy Barr", or knew her..., again hear say. (But from players in the Dallas scean) Not sure if Ruby fits in hear... that could be a leap.... I would like to know if he (Cook) is still alive.

  22. Charles. Do you have or know anything about these persons or useing these names or known as " J. Haynes" "Juan Carbello", "Bill Pearson" "Joe Westbrook" "Peppe Roman", "Capt. Gilbert Cook"... "Billy Joe Keesy" "Charles Nolette" "Gary Dean Bearing", "Chubby Winer", Blank Pouto (the Snake)", "Justo Carrellio". "Juan (Cecil) Farnandez", and, blank Andras? ? Chrispin. (personal confidentual Research )

    Any information on any of these names or background you might know of would be appreciated. Thanks.

    Hey Tosh,

    I'm swinging and missing here, sorry to say.

    I can pull out Pepe San Roman from your list, but whatever I bring to the table on that name is hardly earth-shattering.

    But I think I take your larger point. And I'll run this rogue's gallery of names through a private archive to which I have access.

    Wish I could be more helpful. In the meantime, what have you got on Roland "Bud" Culligan, "Planner" Kelly, and "Pro" Lerner, if anything?

    Where do we come up with these guys?

    Thanks Charles. I might not have spelled Justo Carrillo (friend of Miro Koley again spelling from memory forgive) right (Car reel i o) I will be back in the USA in a day or two and will get more info for you via private email if that is O.K. Joe Westbrook also was known as Rosales on his mother's side. Also he associated with Chromon (sp) (1957 era) can't remember first name off hand. There were two others "Marquesto" and "Carlos" Carlos later went with Omega-7 and was associated with Bosch. 'Marquesto was thrown out of an aircraft over the Florida Strights, by Carlos. They were known by the Dallas Cubans and the gun running affair out of Dallas... nothing to do with Dallas and JFK. That sort of got pinned on that group by sloppy research and dis information experts. (not from me as some might like to chim in, I'm sure) Again Thanks

    P.S. I have heard two of your names in various investigations in Miami Dade County, but I too draw a blank... If I said what I think and was wrong then I would be fed to the wolves... if you get my drift. Bud Culligan (Callahand perhaps)

    Planner-pro-- "Little Boy" ??? mean anything?

    I think those names might be 'Cut Outs' or not related directly to OPS. could be wrong ..., just a fuz memory at this point....

  23. Tosh,

    There was a Bobby Joe Keesee. Same guy you're thinking of?

    There is a thread regarding him here.



    Thanks James. Billy Joe or Bobby was also connected with a James Solura (sp) and John Martino, and Mitch Warbell, as well as Bo Gritz (sp) of Laos fame. He did a contract for the mob in Mexico, but can remember the details.... He was also an associate of Wm Pawley and the guy who got blown up on the Chesspeak Bay boat explosion (can't recall his name just now.., Paisely??) He, Billy Joe, once lived in El Paso, Texas and was stationed at Ft Bliss Texas. If this is the same person he stold a few parachutes from the army. Billy was also attatched at JM/WAVE's..., Miami Station in the sixties....

    I was told by a source at the Pentagon that Billy Joe was in Dallas on that day, but unable to confirm this. He was also connected with Military INTELL at Dallas Love Field for a brief time... again unable to confirm this at CIA, or Fourth Army (now 5th Army). Billy Joe was 16 when he entered the Army.

  24. I pray I am wrong I have seen this developement once before. I post this for no other reason than to establish what I think is about to happen once again.

    I feel the wheels are again slipping into gear and moving. I fear for Obama. I pray that he gets solid security protection and fast. You can not win in this country unless you are part of the machine, (by partisan.) If it looks like you might go againest the powers that be..., then those powers that be..., will take you out and cover their tracks and pin it on some poor unsuspecting soul and then he too, will be eliminated. History will repeate itself... This is what I feel.

    I believe we Americans are fast approaching that point of no return with these pending elections. It has already been decided who will win this upcoming election in Nov. And I believe a "LONE NUT" or a bunch of "Lone Nuts" are being Groomed as I type this.

    America has too many sins and cannot afford to have them revealed to the world.., and they or those powers will shut Obama or anyone else who changes or attempts to change the direction of this election. Perhaps, in my own way this post might help to stop or change that direction. History, I feel is about to repeat itself once again. I believe and feel strongly that there is a movement to assassinated him. I believe someone are lurking out there to protect the status quo; and all the power of the good people of this nation and those which are in government must protect this man anyway we or they can... That is why I write this... I feel I am doing my part to stop this before it escalates and goes beyond the secret planning stages. I know, I too, am playing with the powers that be at this moment.... BUT, if it happens it is before the fact... This is what I see, and what I believe, and what I am compelled to write. I pray I am wrong.

    Tosh, I'm a Brit, and not as aware as you of the merits, or otherwise of the respective candidates. Do you believe that Obama is that much of a threat to the power elite? From what I've seen he looks every inch the typical smooth operating politico.

    Yes, I do. I feel history is about to repeat. Its like storm clouds and the blowing winds of a change in the weather. If your old enough, one can feel it in their bones. You can go to the Mountain Top, and you can feel it in the icy winds and you can smell it and you can look out across the land and you can see dark clouds churning and thunder booming. The powers that be will not allow positive change for the American people. I believe if he, Obama, continues on the tract he has established and believes in and gains momentum.., he will be taken down... first to the winds of discredit and slander. If that does not work, an accident which will derail his forward movement...it will not be a raciest thing or gender matter it will be a threat to the status quo and the special interest and their lobbyist and Corp sponsors.

    There is a power elite established out there and as long as you stay in your Ball Park, so to speak, you'll do fine... BUT if you cross the line.... then you will bring their wrath to bear and they will take you out.... It has taken decades for this power structure to get themselves establish. Regan, Bush, Clinton, Bush. Ask Jimmy Carter, he knows how that game is played, So did JFK. Do you think they will just give it up because of changes the American people want, or because some new kid on the block, a new guy on the scene, with new ideas and a dream for America's middle class and America as a whole? I think not.

    Obama makes heart felt promises and presents New Dreams for America?.... We Americans have been there before and we have heard it all from both sides. JFK gave us a dream. MLK gave us a dream. But we Americans never seem to learn. We are more interested in what one does with his "Pee-Pee, than what one does with his brain or his beliefs or his dedication to a cause, or his vote. We Americans deserve the government we get, because we set the bar so low. Most of us cast our vote for 'apathy', "the TV", and the couch.

    We have gone head long into electronic voting machines, the last was voting was "hanging Chads". You watch 'Touch screens' will not work and this election will be stolen if this man Obama gets that far in his Party... Sure a double ticket..... and then watch out.... Vince Foster, JFK, MLK, and Bobby and a few others might like to say a few things along these lines... But....?

    In answer to your question. Yes I do. America is not the America of fifty or sixty years ago. America as a democracy lost that election for freedom long long ago.

    Again I pray I am wrong... But Obama had better tighten up his security to watch his asigned security and those who suddenly want to protect him. He is being watched and monitored. And when the Powers that be move... They Move Fast.

  25. James,

    The best I can do:

    1. I've not seen an iteration of "Hemming Does Dallas" in which the photo you reproduce is used. Not that it matters, because I'm afraid I can't shed any light on the origins of the ID. Sorry.

    2. WWM and DCM are in fact one-and-the-same. All I can offer is what Hemming told me: This character was known among denizens of the Miami exile community as "the professor" insofar as he taught languages in Cuba during the Batista years and later often was utilized as a tutor for the wealthier exiles' kids.

    While I don't buy Vidal Santiago as WWM/DCM (FVS bears a striking resemblance to Tom Wilson's rendering of Badgeman -- to my eyes, anyway), I wouldn't put any act of disinformation beyond Hemming.

    Prior to your initial post on this thread I wasn't aware of Dennis Harber. What does grab my interest is the fact that Hemming has used the term "the professor" to refer to at least two different individuals.

    This sort of thing fits with my sense of Hemming as THE master disinformationalist who goes to his wellspring of dramatis personae whenever the mood (assignment?) calls for it.

    By any chance was Harber a veteran of U.S. military service and a divorced father?

    Most interesting.


    Charles. Do you have or know anything about these persons or useing these names or known as " J. Haynes" "Juan Carbello", "Bill Pearson" "Joe Westbrook" "Peppe Roman", "Capt. Gilbert Cook"... "Billy Joe Keesy" "Charles Nolette" "Gary Dean Bearing", "Chubby Winer", Blank Pouto (the Snake)", "Justo Carrellio". "Juan (Cecil) Farnandez", and, blank Andras? ? Chrispin. (personal confidentual Research )

    Any information on any of these names or background you might know of would be appreciated. Thanks.

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