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Dawn Meredith

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Everything posted by Dawn Meredith

  1. Wow. What a strange question. Stephen: Why is the question strange? Do you support DVP's no- conspiracy view? Dawn
  2. Pointless to argue with someone who goes to this length to attack JA. Just a waste of time. Don, for someone who has not read JA you do an excellent job here. And DJ for sure. I don't visit this forum very often anymore but had to take a look at this thread. More insanity. And a new made up character at the car dealership. Pretty funny actually. Dawn
  3. Since Robert Oswald is no relation to Harvey Oswald, the casket should go to the widow. I am betting Robert will now sell it to the highest bidder. Dawn
  4. I saw this a few weeks ago, friend sent it to me. This background stuff is fantastic, the people who backed Hitler and all. The stuff on the shooters almost ruined it for me, he needed to keep away from total conjecture, but overall a great video for the uninformed.
  5. Jon: Perhaps because he knew too much and had given info- tapes and the like- to others as protection. But I have wondered this myself as he did begin speaking out quite early on to many. He had a conscience, clearly. Dawn
  6. Neither Tom. I think because her story just grows and grows and she keeps inserting herself into every narrative indicates to me that she MAY have some issues. Certainly attention seeking behavior at the least. I don't care who she unfriends or whose work she attacks IF she can defend her position.
  7. John (Armstrong) also told me that when he talked to her about her claim that people mistook her from Marina he asked if she was 8 months pregnant at the time, and her response was to hang up on him. She has gone very far out of her way to try to discredit John and his work. As Pamela noted she makes it all about her. Like Pamela I was also once a supporter, when I learned that Debra Conway had her "proof"- the video of Anna, and would not return it. That aroused my suspicion, as many real witnesses have been suppressed. But I FINALLY got around to watching her TMWKK video that I had had for many years but just had not bothered to watch- the other two hours are far more interesting to me- and hearing her recount how she and Lee just began speaking Russian to each other at the post office struck me as totally false. I mean who the hell begins speaking ANY foreign language to a stranger in line at the PO? So I began looking more closely and the entire thing became false. I did enjoy her book, it was like reading a novel. Here is what I think happened. They worked together. Probably said hello or some such. So when 11/22 came she remembered her work colleague. Then as the yeas passed she began making up events, and it just grew and grew til she had inserted herself into every aspect of the story. Because it really IS "all about" Judy. She tried VERY hard to get me to come to her Dallas conference this past November. A good friend in real life was speaking there- Richard Bartholomew- and she sent me long inboxes on fb advising me that by not coming I was not supporting RB. Finally she unfriended me on fb. I think she has some serious mental health issues. Dawn
  8. She has also refused to take a polygraph paid for by John Armstrong. (He asked me to ask her, so I did privately via fb). Dawn
  9. Great piece. Thanks Steve. You really should come over to DPF where this stuff actually gets DISCUSSED. Dawn
  10. Perhaps DJ became as tired as I over the bs in this thread. Re all the talk about how much they looked alike, I don't think they look alike enough even to be brothers. And the two "mothers" could not look any different if they were from different planets. The name calling and insults on this thread make me sad for the research community. And proud of DPF as we are more discerning on who we allow. Glad to see EF is still here, but....the level of discourse is quite low. I rarely even come here in fact. I have strong opinions about some of the posters here but I try to avoid confrontation. It's a time suck, but that is WHY they do it.
  11. Well my worst fears have been realized. I have written more about this at DPF today. J Harrison and Nathan Darby ....two honest, honorable men, who are now being lied about. Dawn
  12. Wow that is hard to believe. Fifteen years. And no books, that I know of. Just stuff online. Yes Peter, that was the idea get rid of the Kennedys, call it "the Kennedy curse" and give us the Bush Crime family. Dawn
  13. Thanks for posting this important article. I just sent it to my best friend from college. He adored JFK and will not go near anything conspiracy. I have tried to educated him now over 40 years on these matters and his reply is always the same: "that is YOUR view". Of course good liberal that he is he totally trusts mainstream media and the notion that it is CIA- controlled is something he will not even allow me to talk about. (It's like he thinks I just sit around and make all this stuff up). He has never read one book critical of the WC, did not see JFK. So it will be interesting to see if he will read this article. Dawn
  14. Larry what is the matter with Ms. Conway? I have been hearing of health problems for about a year now. I just read that COPA will no longer be holding conferences in Dallas due to the passing of John Judge. Does this mean that Lancer will not hold conferences as well? Or is it just the forum that is closed? Thanks. I am glad the 50th anniversary was such a success for both conferences. Dawn
  15. Interesting post John. In 1979 I saw a wonderful documentary called The Trials of Alger Hiss that convinced me he was framed. I have searched for years to find this film but it has totally disappeared. I would need more proof before I believe "FBI files" . Since when is the FBI trustworthy? Dawn
  16. I have been here since 04. It will be like losing an old friend. I met so many terrific people here. I wish John the best and thank him for all the years her hosted so many of us. Be well John. Dawn
  17. Thanks Duncan. I was about to post and invite people to join us at Deep Politics Forum. Dawn
  18. Unlike the JFK case I have not read books on 9-11 but obtained my information via the internet. I did get one book called "The Most Dangerous Book In the World" because it was recommended by Peter Levenda, but the book did not come close to living up to its premise. I will order this one based on your review. Dawn
  19. Was he finally banned? Or did he just disappear? . Curious. Dawn
  20. Hey Doug, when are you going to write a book on this case??? Dawn
  21. Wow, sad to see so few replies on this topic. Dawn
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