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Dawn Meredith

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Everything posted by Dawn Meredith

  1. Glad to see this site is still here. I joined in 04 and 10 years is a long time for a forum. Hope it hangs in there longer. Dawn
  2. Pat: New computer with windows 7 set up last night by Erick while I was asleep. Can't reply to any email and no way to import email prior to last night to this computer. I hate Microsoft . let's try this again. dmeredith@Austin.rr.com Dawn
  3. You are correct about Jenkins. Beyond his recollection of Humes saying something about the brain basically falling out in his hands, Jenkins also said that when he infused the brain he noticed that the brain stem had two cuts on it. He wasn't sure of the relevance, but thought this might indicate it had been cut before Humes cut it. I suspect Jenkins' observation was accurate, and that the brain stem was damaged prior to the autopsy... I've read of herniated brain stems, where the impact of a bullet has pushed the brain stem through the foramen magnum and out of the skull. It seems possible, then, that the impact of the bullet on Kennedy's skull pushed the brain downward to such an extent that the brain stem got cut by the foramen magnum... Pat I am "not permitted" to use the PM function here. Please send me a test email at dmeredith@austin.rr.com. I am leaving now for court and will be gone all day. Dawn
  4. I read most of the book years ago. Am re-reading it. I see that your bio tells us zero about you. Why is that not a surprise? Good bye. To quote David Healey "xxxxx on". I will not read any future posts from you. It's abundantly clear why you are here. Dawn.
  5. David: The Tippit murder was the subject of the paper I delivered for John at COPA. It absolutely nails it in my opinion. No other explanation makes sense. As to Bernie...I don't answer to people like you. I have been researching the murder of JFK since day one at age 14. I know how to ignore people who do not appear to be interested in the truth. It's a wast of my time. And any ones. Thanks DJ for all the great work you are doing on H & L. Some people can't see truth when it is presented. One must ask "why"? then move on. I have a time consuming job and learned years ago that arguing with non believers is like dealing with flat earthers. DJ if you have not already posted the stuff above, the details of the multiple PS 44 and Youth House evidence at DPF will you please do so. . Dawn
  6. For David Lifton: Not every book on the assassination has to deal with the medical evidence. This book is the first hand research re Harvey and Lee. THAT is the total subject. Beyond this I am not commenting further here. It has devolved into name calling and I have zero time or tolerance for such. Ron: re your question above : The reason the CIA "imported" Russian speaking kids had to do with a different conspiracy. That of later sending them to Russian as spies. The CIA could not have envisioned JFK at the time, but when JFK was bucking his war mongers the two were utilized quite well. To understand this entire work you simply have to take the time to read it. Yes it is long but it's so fascinating. I am re-reading and taking notes. As it is fact-filled. David Josephs has done a great spread sheet but reading this work is a must. It can be obtained on John's website. I am bad at remembering web site names but I THINK it is harveyandlee.net. After court I will find it and augment this post. Dawn
  7. Paul, Maybe I'm mistaken, but wasn't "Lee" supposed to have been born in Hungary? (Of course back then all Hungarians had to learn Russian, an Indo-European language quite different from their non-Indo-European Hungarian....) --Tommy No Tommy, that was Harvey.
  8. THANK YOU David. This is wonderful. I would love to receive a copy of your work on this book. If I had the time I thought of doing something similar, alas, I barely have enough hours to get all that I do accomplished. Demanding job. And equally demanding avocations. Dawn dmeredith@austin.rr.com
  9. Paul In re-reading this a second time I have found that taking notes has helped me sort it out quite well. Dawn
  10. Yesterday I had a conversation with a local researcher, known to all here as I was told by John Armstrong that he- Robert Morrow- was trashing John's work. GIven that I am the one who got Robert started in this JFK assassination research with his first call to me abut five years ago, I called Robert to see if this was indeed the case. Much to my surprise he informed me that he had read some of the book then threw it out, not believing a word. One of his reason's is that David Lifton and Judy Baker trash H &L. (Can't you think for yourself Robert?) . Then he told me that much of the critical community disagrees with the work of Armstrong. I will not post the names he named as I know this to be false, but I am posing the question here. Is this true??? Thanks in advance. Dawn
  11. Wim left years ago...RCD left when JIm DIEugenio was banned. Gratz left years ago a did Tosh. Dawn
  12. It was also ripped by Dr Gary Aguilar at the COPA conf. Dawn
  13. Total bull crap. Just show up. By the thousands. They cannot arrest all of us. Dawn
  14. Just as important and perhaps more so are the connections between 11/22/63 to today. Beginning with Ford, through Poppy Bush and the total dismantling of the Constitution under W and Obama. Dawn
  15. DPF is back up. Need to change your password. Dawn
  16. Not so. We were hacked 8 days ago. This was a massive attack and it is being worked on but people take weekends off, especially when working for free. Our IT people have been fabulous. This stuff takes time to fix. Dawn
  17. It is being worked on. Just taking some time. Yes it was hacked. I posed about it here a few days ago. Stay tuned. When we are back up and running I will post here as well as on facebook. Dawn
  18. Thanks Anthony. This is a very bad one it appears. Being worked on but no clue when we will be back up. In the meantime don't try to access it. I got many viruses yesterday and had to run programs several times to rid the infected computer. Hard to say if the 50th has anything to do with this. Anyone who visits DPF knows we cover a very wide range of topics. So who did this is anyone's guess. Dawn
  19. For several years Jim DiEugenio posted on these pages. Then his membership was dropped. But what happened to all his posts? They are only visible if someone commented on a post and contained JIm's in the comment. I have asked him if he removed them and he said no. Who did and why? There was a lot of excellent work over many years in these posts. Thanks, Dawn,
  20. Why are all of Jim DiEugenio's posts gone? The only way I can see them is when another poster is responding and included JIm's post in his/hers. JIm did not take them down. Dawn
  21. Jim, Just as an FYI, I have a set of the Boxley files. Boxley gave Mary Ferrell a set and my set is a copy she made for Larry Harris. Have you ever seen the Boxley set? Todd Todd: Very interesting post. I wonder if it was not Ferrell who sent Boxley to be a spy as she did Tom Bethel. Dawn
  22. Why on Earth would any sensible and rational District Attorney (or other court/law official) in Dallas County have any desire--or reason--to reopen the Tippit murder case when such overwhelming evidence exists that Lee Harvey Oswald--and only Oswald--was responsible for the death of Officer J.D. Tippit? A D.A. would have to be totally off his rocker to just totally toss aside all the evidence brought forth by the DPD, the Warren Commission, and the HSCA that indicates beyond all possible doubt that the murder of Tippit was solved by 7:10 PM CST on the very day that murder occurred. Just the suggestion of reopening the Tippit murder case (of all cases) is beyond laughable. It's farcical. JFK-Archives.blogspot.com/J.D. Tippi Yes, all very funny.
  23. That might be worth doing. As you know, Dallas County now has an excellent DA, Craig Watkins, who is rectifying many of Henry Wade's injustices. It would be up to Mr. Watkins whether to reopen the case if he feels there is sufficient reason to do so. A grand jury could be convened. It is hard getting convictions on cold cases going so far back, but perhaps not impossible. I have posted about this a few times. I met the DA at a legal seminar a few years back. When I mentioned the assassination he look like he might faint. We all remember the comments he publicly made when first elected -that he never believed the WC-. I suspect that lead to some ..."talking to" by officials higher than the DA, to back the heck off that notion. Watkins has been dead silent on the subject since. I have written to him three times to no avail. Dawn
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