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Dawn Meredith

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Everything posted by Dawn Meredith

  1. This is the car after we cut it loose from the tree at the storage place. Thats Jay Harrison with his back to the camara. He did not like to have his picture taken. For the record this is the car that Richard Bartholomew wrote about finding at UT. (It's been referenced here on the forum a few times (See "Possible Discovery of an Automobile Used in the JFK Conspiracy", can be found online). Tosh thanks for the pic with Jay in it! No he wasn't much on having his pic taken but I have a bunch of them, different places, times, gatherings... Dawn Hello Dawn, Here is a Pic of the Bartholomew Nash. (Hope it comes out OK...still learning to navigate on this site) Same license plate number, etc. We had it here on the farm for awhile and I think Dad explained the details of why it is no longer here. We still have the hubcaps and the spare tire. Still in search of where it went from here. As far as Jay....he was a very dear friend and incredible researcher. He was the liasion that reunited Dad and I after 27 years. I will be eternally grateful for that, especially after I was told by "Government Entities" that Dad was dead back in 2000. I searched for so many years for him and had no idea what he was involved in. Jay filled me in to a limited extent. Dad did the rest later. Jay and Dad surprised me as well as my son Chad when they came over and hid Dad's truck behind the barn while I was at work. When I returned home from work there was a knock at the door. Jay was smiling and I opened it and Wow, there was my Dad. It was Good Friday of 2002. It was definately an Oprah moment. Jay, Dad, Chad, my husband, and I were all in tears. And the story goes on. Great memories as I think back of Jay days. Sorry I did not get back with you the other day. My hiking and outdoors is a major priority and as you know the weather has been great until yesterday. Anyway, I hope this pic is some help to you and the forum to prove the validity of the Nash Jay had and Bartholomew's article. Take Care, Leslie Hi Leslie, Thanks for posting the great story about Jay and Tosh. I know the story already and have for years but it is a lovely touch to hear it from your perspective. Such a Jay kinda of thing too. He loved to surprise people. Jay was quite a guy and yes an excellent researcher. I sure hope your Dad makes it down to these parts one of tese days. You and I live just about 10 minutes from each other. Hey Tosh Dawn
  2. I received this article from Barr last night , just read the story and emailed my comments to Barr before coming to the forum. This story just gets weirder and weirder. I too see little resemblance, question Worthington's real motives and now possibly his sanity. I found the comment re Caddy "he is not my lawyer" particularily revealing, especially where this too is contradicted by him in the very next article, admitting Caddy's legal role. This reeks of con to me Dawn
  3. According to Vince Bugliosi: Because of the unprecedented importance of the case, and though no official announcement had yet been made, on the evening of the assassination President Johnson asked FBI Director J Edgar Hoover to investigate the president's murder. And as we have seen, at 9:52 EST, the FBI sent a Teletype to its fifty-five field offices saying, "The Bureau is conducting an investigation to determine who is responsible for the assassination." (However. it should be noted that as early as forty-five minutes after Oswald's arrest, two FBI agents were already present during the first interrogation of Oswald.)... ....Later that day (23rd), Director Hoover sent Johnson the results of the bureau's preliminary investigation. The report detailed the evidence known to that point, and it indicated Lee Harvey Oswald's guilt. From Reclaiming History, page 320. I don't know if the above constitutes officially. Thanks Michael and anyone else who has attempted to find an answer. In his testimony, all Hoover said was that he'd been contacted by LBJ within 24 hours and asked to take over. There is some info in Manchester's book which helps. Seems a catch 22 was in play. The FBI could enter the case if there was a conspiracy. Of course, the only way to find a conspiracy (other than a small local one) was if the resources of a federal agency could be thrown into the breech to investigate. However, an early "loophole" seemed to get them in the door until LBJ could give Hoover the official go-ahead. This was because the FBI also had the authority to enter if a federal employee or agent had been hit - a law that Hoover himself had pushed for. And as luck would have it - an early report said a Secret Service agent had been killed. So we have the guy with the means, motive and opportunity calling in the feebies immediately (which we have long known) and the "coincidence" of a false report of a SS agent being hit. LBJ knew he could count J Edgar. (But then the interesting anomaly of the O"Neil and Silbert report. ). Add Dullas and Co. to the mix and the truth never stood a chance. Dawn
  4. This is the car after we cut it loose from the tree at the storage place. Thats Jay Harrison with his back to the camara. He did not like to have his picture taken. For the record this is the car that Richard Bartholomew wrote about finding at UT. (It's been referenced here on the forum a few times (See "Possible Discovery of an Automobile Used in the JFK Conspiracy", can be found online). Tosh thanks for the pic with Jay in it! No he wasn't much on having his pic taken but I have a bunch of them, different places, times, gatherings... Dawn Thought I'd add the manuscript: (I hope the link still works, I am re-posting it from the post made by Duke Lane in 06. Dawn Richard Bartolomew: Rambler Station Wagon Options Track this topic Email this topic Print this topic Download this topic Subscribe to this forum Display Modes Switch to: Outline Standard Switch to: Linear+ Duke Lane View Member Profile Add as Friend Send Message Find Member's Topics Find Member's Posts Feb 28 2006, 07:11 PM Post #16 Advanced Member Group: Members Posts: 594 Joined: 30-October 05 From: USA Member No.: 3713 QUOTE(Robert Howard @ Jan 16 2006, 03:25 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I am posting this article because I believe it ties together the connections of the conspiracy better than any single article written concerning the 'connecting the dots' aspect of JFK's assassination. Possible Discovery of an Automobile Used In the JFK Conspiracy Copyright © 1993 by Richard Bartholomew I found a link to the whole article starting here. -------------------- Duke Lane Once in a while, you can get shown the light In the strangest of places if you look at it right! Bio - http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/index.php?showtopic=5278
  5. This is the car after we cut it loose from the tree at the storage place. Thats Jay Harrison with his back to the camara. He did not like to have his picture taken. For the record this is the car that Richard Bartholomew wrote about finding at UT. (It's been referenced here on the forum a few times (See "Possible Discovery of an Automobile Used in the JFK Conspiracy", can be found online). Tosh thanks for the pic with Jay in it! No he wasn't much on having his pic taken but I have a bunch of them, different places, times, gatherings... Dawn
  6. Is there any chance that Barr would let you proof his manuscript? As I recall, Walt Brown agreed to edit the manuscript of Barr's first book, liked it, and then was appalled when he saw what actually got published (partially fictionalized etc.). Actually he did ask me to give him feedback a few months back, and sent me stuff to read but I was way too busy at the time to proofread anything. What he sent was similar in nature to the sort of thing I did not like in the book. As I recall Walt did put in a lot of time with both Barr and the publisher and was assured that the errors would be fixed but they were not. I never received a good explanation for why not. Dawn
  7. The book is absurd, although entertaining. McClellan states that, as a former attorney in the Houston law firm which represented LBJ, he knows that the JFK assassination was orchestrated by the senior attorney in such firm (Ed Clark) with the assistance of Malcom "Mac "Wallace, who apparently had a role in some other Texas murders involving Bobby Baker. The reason for the assassination was the allegation that JFK was going to try to lower or eliminate the 27.5% oil depletion allowance. As someone who has spent the last 25 years practicing law, I simply do not buy the fact that some evil "senior partner" lawyer pulled off the assassination. While it may be possible that Clark had some peripheral involvement through his associations with the reigning big oil clique in Houston, I don't think that an old curmudgeon lawyer and a third rate thug orchestrated the JFK assassination. Chris: Have you actually read this book? Or anything that deals with LBJ and his (alleged) murderous dealings with peple? If you think the oil depletion allowance was the reason for the hit, it would appear that you are unfamiliar with all the things Bobby Kennedy (etc) was up to just prior to Dallas. In short LBJ was one step from indictment at the same moment he was a heartbeat away. John: Yes Barr is working on a sequel that is near completion. (We had an email exchange yesterday). He has also gotten into the Jack Worthington matter (alleged son of JFK) and plans to challenge Bugliosi, which I think would be a grave mistake on Barr's part as he is just not up on the evidence in this case. The bug needs to be confronted by someone who can rip him a new one on every issue/lie. Dawn
  8. Most interesting. Thanks William. Who's forum is this do you know? I miss Tim Carroll. He would have been most interested in all the new Tosh postings. Dawn
  9. I am too close to this subject to have an objective opinion. Friends with Barr, friends with the man who got him the print expert, the now deceased Jay Harrison, friends with the expert, the late great Nathan Darby, friends with Richard Bartholomew, who also worked on this book.... That said, I believe Barr should have stuck with what he knew. And it was not "who killed JFK", in the sense that the critics know this case. Barr knew about LBJ, Ed Clark, Mac Wallace, all those parts of the book are awesome. BUT Mac Wallace was never target practicing with LHO, and other errors too numerous to mention. The "faction" part of the book needed a lot of editing. Barr has been working to get the psychiatric records for a long time (good luck there!) and I believe this would substantiate a lot. Last time we spoke Barr was wroking on either an update, or sequel, not sure which, but he's not about to drop this matter. It cost him his law practice and he is deeply committed to his belief that LBJ had JFK killed. Nathan Darby was not the only expert who made the print match. And there is more to come on this matter as well. Dawn
  10. Thats true Ron. However, there was more to it than just Texas and your right. And I did not mean to make light of it and cut others involvement out of the loop so to speak. JM/WAVE did have advance knowledge of the pending hit. As to their planning it 100% I say noway. I have always said... "information was received by MI, pentagon and past to others (JM/WAVE) and in turn a team was sent in to 'Abort". CIA acted as our logistical support only. If it was an inside WH job and planned from there with cut-outs in place and the Pentagon MI found out about it, that it was an inside job and they moved to stop it; I have to ask would that not come under the heading of ABORT? A project which was in the planning stages to kill a President with government personal loyal to LBJ from the military as well as JM/WAVE's CIA, ect.. Would be perfect cover. Throw a few Dallas Cubans in the pot, and ??? In short, I believe LBJ was stabbing JFK in the back, because he knew he was about to go to jail for a real long long time. LBJ's sins were about to catch up with him..., and he used various elements which were loyal to his cause within the military and the mafia to cover his deeds of old. They were the contacts who set the Texas Boys in motion. It did not take a hell of a lot to get those boys moving. LBJ snapped his fingers from the WH and those Boys jumped..., as they had before. Some of the 'Texas Good Ol'e Boys were also scattered through out government and the military including the WH if I am correct. I say it was planned out of the WH using Texas boys and blaming it on the Cubans and the Mafia. The Mafia had more to loose if it was blamed on them. In fact it was in their best interest to stop it, because an investigation would lead into the Castro assassination plots and the Liza Howard matter which they were acting as "Go Betweens". I think history, to some degree has proven that. LBJ had interst in N.O. as well as other places which could not surface because he would be impeached and go to jail, if they were found out. I think Bobby Kennedy was hot on thet trail of LBJ and his secret dealings..., and I think Billy Sol Estes knew of those inter dealings which help LBJ into the Senate of Texas, as well as into the WH. (I speculate... its as good as anything else I have read as to speculation on this forum) As Billy Sol Estes says " ...it is so simple".... perhaps this is his Ace in the Hole which has protected him all these years. He does know where all the bodies are buried as well as why they are there. IMO I agree almost totally with Tosh. But there was a little more to it than that. Jack Me too. But like our pal Jay Harrison used to say "LBJ killed JFK but he was not at the top of that pyramid" Dawn
  11. I echo the other posters, but I also understand. The posts coming to the defense of the one RESEARCHER who has been invited on television to state the party lie has been indeed disheartening. This forum seems to be taken over by the defenders of the WC, not those who KNOW it was a conspiracy. Gary Mack may very well be the nicest person on earth but he had a tv camera on him last Monday and an opportunity. What he did instead was disgraceful. Dawn
  12. Dankbaar denies that there were TWO MARGUERITES when the photo evidence shows otherwise. Jack They certainly do not look at all like the same woman. I am more and more impressed by the work Armstrong has done. I really need to get this book. Jack, re Tosh and his writing, I would suggest that he is simply being more careful in his posts. It's easy to type fast and make typos, I do it all the darn time, but I know Tosh is putting a LOT of time into these posts, so there are fewer typos. As for a change in writing style, I don't see any. Dawn
  13. Excellent post Peter. Reminds me of that John Lennon song "How do you sleep at night?" Dawn
  14. Tosh has called me a pile of s---, so I will post anything I please to counter his misinformation. Why do you censure me instead of him? I thought name-calling was prohibited. Jack Jack: Please accept my Apologies for calling YOU a POS. You have not yet got that far in your research, but in my opinion your getting there fast. Perhaps I should have said..., "Your research in this reference is a POS". However, I have lost a lot of respect for you, because of your position on this matter and others. How can you say I did not see what I said I saw? What does that say about what you seem to be calling me? AND too, what has my wife to do with any of this because she works at the Penntagon. Do you see something sinister in that? Are you trying to say something else? Anyway its not important to me what you think about me or my wife. I will.., to the best of my ability.., try and stay focused on the FACTS and not speculate on anyones theories. Again I apoligise for turning it personal. I just feel your off your Meds. Hang in there old man you've done good work in the past... lets, together, do some real factual work in the future. The writing style the Tosh here now and the Tosh who was recently reported killed in a plane crash differ significantly. I am not the only one who has noted this. Jack Good God in heaven. I spoke many times with Tosh before his absence and we have spoken pretty much daily of late and I can attest that it is the same person. We have discussed posts, responses to, backbiting on the forum, trying to accomplish something of validity. Especially with the advent of a DA who appears open to listening to our side. Why can't we just leave 9-11 out of this? This is a forum for the assassination of JFK. There is a whole section devoted to political conspiracies. Tosh apologised Jack, let's move on. Let's get the focus back on Dallas, there is much work to be done. As Bill Kelly has pointed out there needs to be a citizens pannel to guide this DA. He's already on record in not accepting the official version. This is BIG people. Can't we put our petty differences aside? Dawn
  15. This is an important question. The main problem is psychological. In most situations, if we make a mistake and this is pointed out, we are willing to be corrected. However, JFK researchers, when publishing their information on the case, they are immediately faced with hostile critics. When mistakes are pointed out, instead of questioning their research, they immediately question the good faith of the critic. The issue then becomes one about the character, history, etc. of the researcher and critic than the original statement. The situation becomes worse because each figure in the debate usually has loyal followers. These people also become involved in what by this time has become a hostile debate. By this stage, it has become psychologically impossible to retract what has already been said. It is not true that all researchers fall into this category. Larry Hancock, for example, has spent many hours on this forum defending the material published in his book. As far as I can remember, he has never attracted very much criticism (one member did claim he was a CIA disinformation agent but no one took him seriously). However, Larry relies on documented information. Much of the hostile debate focuses on film and photographic evidence. This material is open to a variety of different interpretations. Personally, I rarely read the threads on this issue. It has no interest to me at all. I am already convinced that there was more than one gunman. It is far more important to find out who was behind the conspiracy than where individual gunman were standing. The other source of conflict concerns confessions and denials from people who may or may not be connected to the assassination. Some researchers believe characters such as Gerry Hemming, Tosh Plumlee, James Files, Judyth Vary Baker, etc. whereas others seriously doubt their testimony. These people are often the source of hostile debate. A third factor concerns the identity of the individual/group behind the conspiracy to kill JFK. This is usually tied up closely to the political views of the researcher. Therefore, someone who believes the CIA was involved in the conspiracy, are likely to be very hostile to any researcher who claims to provide evidence that Castro organized the killing of JFK. "...Some researchers believe characters such as Gerry Hemming, Tosh Plumlee, James Files, Judyth Vary Baker, etc. whereas others seriously doubt their testimony. Thank you John for your vote of confidence. I have never supported those stories. I have always tried to reference everthing I have had to say on this subject to the best of my ability. However, I was called a xxxx and foul things were said about me on your forum and I was cursed out on this forum... go back and take a look at some of the curse words used on me.., and it was said that there were no documents as Plumlee referenced. Sometime later, even years later, those references of mine, as to documents, were declassified and released. They, or some, and there are more to come, have now surfaced and proves what I said years ago... recent example the Mc Allister Hotel in Miami, Beckley St. Apartment house, MF's web site ,ect. as to past references. I tried to get to you and others.(just one of many) However I will just continue to be one of your "Characters", and let my story and basckground be interwoven with the likes of GPH and the lot. Again thanks for the information. I now know where I stand in your thoughts. Been there before. If you want me off this forum... just say so..... But do not lump me in with those stories.. I am the first to admit that years ago I got sucked into a big mess of special interest people who only wanted to use my background to fit their theories... and a flood of secret emails were sent over the years to defuse me and discredit what I have had to say because it not not fit into their projects or stroked their egos in the right manner. Some of these issues have never been address in my behalf nor corrected when proven I was right ... there were documents which supported my position as I said then, released now. Its no use... You can't overturn a negative or prove one. As I said IF you want me off you forum just say so. And I'm gone. I will no longer whip a dead hourse. John: I am disappointed that you lump Tosh in with "characters". He has provided much documentation, other documentation that he needs is held by Walt Brown, who has been too busy to dig through the files that were held by Jay Harrison (a friend of Tosh's since the 50's and a friend of mine from 1997 until his death in May 2005). Recent threads were adding to his bona fides. Dawn
  16. I missed this yesterday. Did anything come of this? CBS has been the WORST on this case. Did Couric cover this??? Dawn
  17. Well good, then we are in agreement that the SBT is a "fine piece of fiction". End of story? Dawn
  18. They are cognitively impaired by the overwhelming force of their own intellectual dishonesty. Cliff: Ignore them and they will go away. Engage them and they will wear you down. They have all the time in the world. Dawn
  19. name='William Plumlee' date='Feb 22 2008, 04:19 AM' post='138209'] Perhaps history repeating itself. Could this be a type of "security probe" before a main event located somewhere else? I worry about the man as he gathers momentum. I worder if he or his advisors knew about this at the time. I do not think they would have O.K'ed that. If they did then he had better get new advisors. I was told by a DP who was on detail that the feds should not have been in charge.. "..they took charge..". Sounds familiar to me. __________________________________ Tosh: excellent points. This story must be spread far and wide. Lots of people have been worried about Obama. Of course it could happen again. And of course Dallas would be perfect. Who'd stop it? Who'd tell the truth? Our press? History has already repeated too many times in our damn lifetimes. A good friend of mine compared Obama to "JFK MLK and Bobby" a few days ago. Perhaps the powers that be are making the same comparisons. No Myra you're not overreacting. "Lone nuts" are everywhere. I think this is also a warning to someone else . Dawn
  20. Thanks, Don, for understanding my point and expressing it simply and clearly. Charles Thanks from me as well. This is , alas, my life story as well. The fence sitters...(fill in the blank yourselves) I agree with Charles' take. Dawn
  21. Thanks BK for that transcript. There are several things in this press conference that give me hope. Call it a hunch, an excess of idealism, or like Obama is saying "the time has come for change". Withouth the turth of the Kennedy assassination made public there can be NO meaningful change. This DA says he is interested in the truth. Let's see if he means that. Dawn
  22. I think the only interesting part of this story IS the DA. He not only appears- to me- to be interesting, but also interestED. Perhaps....could he be a Garrison in the making? (Or am I reading in way too much from that little clip?). Dawn
  23. No can do. Speaking of which how on earth would I go about finding a pic that Tim Carroll posted of the Plaza, showing the fence, probably after his trip to Dallas in 04. The search engines ...ah...well you know. thanks Dawn
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