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Dawn Meredith

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Everything posted by Dawn Meredith

  1. Bernice, I was not able to get on the forum all day yesterday. I tried early am before court and got that "this page can't be displayed" thing. Same later when I got in. So could not respond to your question til now. Walt is writing a massive book dealing with the chronology of things related to the JFK assassination. (I believe that is how he has explained it, though he is not going into any detail and it will be only made available to those who get his newsletter, which I do). But none of this involves Jay Harrison's work. It is Jay's research that Walt believes there may be little interest in. Those who knew Jay, or knew of him would totally disagree. He was an amazing deep cover researcher. He won't be found on the net because those who knew him and wished to remain on friendly terms had one rule : Keep his name secret. With very good reason he feared for his life. He also had zero interest in fame. He helped many a researcher. Jay was utterly devoted to justice in the assassination of JFK. Like Tosh Jay was there that day. (He was a cop). He was also mil intel earlier in life. It was there he learned how to do genealogy. So he had the ability- and the fierce determination- to dig deeply into the deep connections and backgrounds of potential players in this case. I appreciate that Walt is very busy...but.... Dawn
  2. Written in October, and coming to a town near you soon. Welcome to the sub-prime World. I read today that even the rich are facing this sub-prime fiasco. Dawn
  3. I found this today while looking for something else. Just another (important to this case) person's experience with Tosh. Dawn View Member Profile Add as Friend Send Message Find Member's Topics Find Member's Posts Dec 2 2004, 11:30 PM Post #1 Member Group: Members Posts: 19 Joined: 25-June 04 Member No.: 889 I have known Tosh Plumlee since before the release of Oliver Stone's film "JFK". He has taken me on a guided tour of Dealey Plaza and South Dallas on more than one occasion. While I cannot vouch for 100 percent of his story as I have been unable to substantiate it all, I can state that it has remained remarkably consistent through the years and, over time, has been more and more supported by documents released from the U.S. Government as well as the trstimony of others. From the beginning, he told me that the only person on his Dallas flight of 11-22-63 that he had known previously was Johnny Roselli and that Roselli got off at the first landing at Garland Airport. Tosh also pointed out to me several CIA-backed Cuban "safehouses" in South Dallas as well as the garage apartment behind Oswald's rooming house. Much of what he told me has been verified by outside sources. He also led me to the Oswald apartment on Elsbeth St. and correctly described the odd configuration of the outside door long before we arrived there, indicating to me his prior knowledge of the place. I have been with Tosh on many occasions, including a lengthy driving trip to Florida and Alpha 66 headquarters, and have never seen him in a drunken state. His memory for people, places and dates continues to amaze me. There are now certain individuals who claim that Tosh is unstable, a drunk, a xxxx or a combination of all three. In my book, this is patently untrue. It should be noted that these same individuals have proven not only inconsistent and abusive in their statements, but have totally reversed declarative statements made only a few years ago. It is easy to call names and make accusations. It is not so easy to erase the memories of those who once listened to such self-appointed authorities. -------------------- Biography: http://www.jimmarrs.com Website: http://www.insidejob-911.com
  4. I WISH this was the case. But this is not happening. Walt Brown is of the opinion that there is a lack of interest. (I asked about Jay's work in an email yesterday). With regret, Dawn
  5. Dawn, not sure who you should shut their mouths, but for the record, I never doubted anything but the legality of a 14 year old being able to enlist. I looked into it, and found it was possible to do at that age into NG and Army Reserves. Still a convcern to me personally... but no longer a legal concern. Maybe the same way this guy probably did? Earned the stripes over a one or two year period? (post from google groups) In the late '40's I was a 16 year old corporal in the Texas National Guard. We got paid either every other month or every quarter, I forget which now. But, to make a point about the economic impact of the guard on the town we were paid once in silver dollars and the battery made all of its local purchases with silver dollars. Our little town had a _lot_ of silver dollars floating around for a while. One of the interesting byproducts of what was essentially a PR gimmick was that it brought us a whole bunch of new enlistments. It appears not to be entirely unheard of... though this guy did it in the NG, Tosh in the Reserves... I also checked out his enlistment authority given on the document as "NGR 25-1". It is some type of National Guard and Army Reserves Reg. Haven't found the wording of it yet... but at a guess, I'd say it was the Reg allowing 14 years to sign up. Greg: No one in particular, it's just that Tosh has had, over the years a lot of people call him a xxxx. I did hear back from Walt yesterday (email) and he has some big binders in storage on Tosh, that were Jay's. He will dig them out. (He's currently working on a massive project that is now over 5,000 pages). Dawn
  6. Kucinich no longer (as if he ever had) has any chance of becoming the Dem nominee, why waste the debate time? Ya, Craig, why even bother to hold an election at all? Dawn
  7. Well there it is: "Cpl" at age 18. That should shut some mouths. Dawn Opps, I just looked at this document again and realized that Tosh had "cpl" status in 53, so that makes him 16!! Amazing! Now just how did he accomplish THAT??? Dawn
  8. Well there it is: "Cpl" at age 18. That should shut some mouths. Dawn
  9. I believe in Harvey and Lee, that there were at least 2 men sharing the identity of Lee Harvey Oswald. Could this photo of the man on the right be one of Lee Oswald? I'll state right away that he does not look like Donald O. Norton -- his nose is too slim. OK. Could he be the killer of J.D. Tippit? Witnesses describe LHO as the killer -- and I believe Lee killed Tippit. (Kathleen Collins) Kathy: No credible witness "describe(d) LHO as the killer" of Tippit. Dawn
  10. Michael Welcome to the forum. And don't be so quick to say "never". As you have seen already this case is very addicting. That you have seen "JFK" 10 times says a lot too. Personally I loved the film. I admit that I am a Garrison partisan and I thought Costner did a terrific job. In fact I thought all the actors did. We can never know certain things and one of them is just how many shooters or teams of shooters were in DP. To me it's not relevent. What is relevent is that we were lied to. LHO did not shoot JFK. The magic bullet theory is crap. I don't get into the Z. film alteration argument. I reallly think you must keep it simple. It's fine and commendable to research all the various angles, but I think the community gets bogged down in little details which later leaves members of the community open to criticism. I believe that Stone did something extremely valuable. He took Garrison's book and put it to film. As a result many young people became intersted in this case. Perhaps even more importantly so many files have been released. Best of luck in your studies in graduate school. Dawn
  11. BK: It sounds to me like the same old bs. Did this piece even hint at the nearly air-tight media coverup? If not then the story is not only "not over", it has not even begun. Dawn
  12. It is my understanding that my old friend- and Tosh's very old friend- the now deceased Jay Harrison could substantiate a lot of Tosh's background. Jay's research was left to Walt Brown when Jay passed 5/25/05. Perhaps those of us who know Walt can give him a nudge. (He is currently working on a massive project, but after that is done, perhaps). I plan to call him this weekend and make some inquires. Dawn
  13. I'm just sending a message to some old old friends. No big deal Tosh: Great to see you posting, but a bit cryptic Been working all day, no time to read any of this, just wanted to say I am glad to see you here. Also, am following up on Jay's research best I can. Please stay in touch. Dawn
  14. I have not trusted a word Michael Baden said since his absurd lying testimony before HSCA. So Pat your post did not surprise me in the least. He's a WC whore. Most recently he was an expert for the defense in the Phil Specter murder case, where his wife was one of the lead attorneys. Guess he's never heard of conflict of interest rules. Dawn
  15. John I think it is completely normal to discuss this here. My thoughts and paryers are with you and your family in this most difficult time. Judith appears to have a great will to continue in spite of the odds. A true and valiant fighter. Dawn
  16. Jim Douglas has written beautifully on this case, from a very spiritual (Christian) perspective. ( "The Assassination of Martin Luther King and John F. Kennedy in the Light of the Fourth Gospel- an article he sent to me in the late 90's.) He has also tried to convince Ramsey Clark that there was a conspiracy, to no avail. (He reproduced an article detailing his efforts which can be found online). Charles: I think Obama is already controlled. Dawn
  17. Thanks Mike for the update on this malicious prosecution. (I also receive it from Tree Frog) People, please, there is a thread to discuss T.G. I know he started this here, baiting Peter, but don't feed it. Dawn
  18. I recall that Prouty believed Lansdale was in Dallas 11/22/63. Dawn
  19. Hi Don, Not to answer for John, but I have had multiple (email) discussions with Jim D. on this matter and he simply does not post on forums any more. Nor does Lisa. Dawn
  20. It seems that Lancer it taking a politically correct position on this. I have wrote to them about the position they take without a a response from them. I never go to their site anymore and was quite frankly confused about the great write-up about the founder who never seemed to take a stand on what really happened. All work is for not if you do not come to the conclusion , without reservation , that the SBT never happened. It is a non-starter and as you say " FLAT OUT IMPOSSIBLE" period. The following is a bullet that was never fired from a gun and never hit much less killed anyone: Much food for thought here. Cliff's sentence- reposted above- about Lancer's chacterization of the SBT jumped off the page! I agree with Peter 100%. Any JFK assassination research group/person/site that gives credence to even the slightest possibility of the SBT is questionalbe imho. Dawn
  21. Good god. Now I've heard it all. Thanks Charlie. It's stuff like this that keeps the WC defenders in business. Gives them the opportunity to call critics "wack jobs". Dawn
  22. Hi John and welcome. I finished Praise From A Future Generation and LOVED it. Masterful job of blending these stories with case details and their backstory. These people are my heros and all of America should know their stories. Do you have any personal thoughts as to why Mary Ferrell was so unwilling (?) to be more forthcoming? The book is very moving and is must reading for people interested in this topic. I will look forward to Jim D's review on his blog. Thanks John for this wonderful book. Dawn Happy New Year everyone!
  23. John My thoughts and paryers are with you and your family. Dawn
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