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Dawn Meredith

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Everything posted by Dawn Meredith

  1. Thanks, Dixie. I know David Lifton considers himself "first generation". Robert Groden probably is also. I think Robert Cutler and Dick Sprague also were among the first. Among the earliest I recall were the guys who ran the Assassination Information Bureau who made tours of college campuses. I cannot recall their names. They also had early articles published. As for me, all the people mentioned were my heroes who inspired me to branch out from being an avid studier to an original researcher. There is a big difference between PRIMARY and SECONDARY research. All of the "first genertion" did primary research from the beginning. Some of us started with secondary research before branching out into primary research. My research started on 11-22-63 by collecting all newspapers and magazines (which I am now donating to UTA). I started primary research in about 1965...which probably makes me "second generation." Jack Jack, Marry F is discussed, although John said he did not get to meet with her much and she was not as open as he would have liked so that he felt she did not get the kind of in depth coverage he would have liked to have given her. The Assassination Information Bureau consisted of Bob Katz, Carl Oglesby, Harvey Yazijian, Dave Williman and Jim Kostman. They began their efforts in 1973 and continued up through HSCA. No-one fro the AIB is mentioned in Kelin's book. This book is devoted to those who begin digging, interviewing and writing that first week, with government agents all over them. Ready to destroy lives and careers, to prop up the Warren fiction. Dawn
  2. I am about 200 pages into this book and I can't say enough good things about it! Anothe must read, folks. Dawn
  3. Pat, I disagree. Dallek knows a lot about JFk. "An unfinished Life" is just filled with information, but, on the assassination Dallek is simply intellectually dishonest, IMHO. "Water carrier" is too kind. Dawn
  4. Tim: Would you please get a life. You nit pick here and hold on like a rabid dog. If John's impression of people's actions and intentions is bolstered by reading Porfessor McKnight's work, so be it. Different people view the evidence in different ways. From what has been posted in this thread, and from many other sources, I tend to support John's view and look most forward to reading Breach Of Trust. It is getting very good reviews. Your completely anal approach to this case is so ego- driven and utterly devoid of a true search for justice,imho. This case is NOT about you, TG. Rise above your petty issues, please. Dawn
  5. There is clearly way more to this story. Someone posted with Tosh's information information that he was dead. Then he does not respond to any calls to his personal numbers. The numbers were still on, so it can be assumed that someone was accessing messages. His daughter's response is most telling. I hope the intervew clears up this mystery. I am glad he's still with us. Dawn
  6. Bill, many thanks. And to Gary as well for a great interview on coasttocoast. This broadcast every year is, by far, the most important media offering that exists. Now transcripts can be emailed to the many who choose sleep during these enlightening hours. Dawn
  7. It is really annoying to see every thread devolve into a Tim Gratz madhouse. The threads all lose the original intent of the post and become a vehicle for Tim to simply interrogate members. Gratz I have not asked you any questions nor will I submit to yours. You are hereby on "ignore" status. Dawn Meredith
  8. Mark, Kudos. Will you publish the interview somewhere that we can see it? I am amazed that Veciana is still living. (Given the attempts on his life, he is likely amazed as well). He must be quite elderly by now. Dawn
  9. Great job Bill. The show did get off to an iffy start with the Files stuff, then the LN, who I thought got way too much air time. I'd rather it have just been Cyril, Zigler cutting him off left some important topics hanging. Walt did a a great job I thought. It was especially touching to hear him speak about our mutual good friend Jay Harrison. Walt knows the facts in this case inside out so I thought his presentation was an excellent overview. You of corse rocked! The Congressional Oversight hearings and contact information was very informative and hopefully listeners will follow up on this. I heard a little of Bob Groden but then fell asleep, knowing the last two hours will be re-broadcast tonight. So, except for the beginning, it was an excellent show. Every COPA speaker covered something different and essential. Dawn
  10. Peter Yes there is but it's for some nominal fee. Since it is broadcast here on the local radio station, (KLBJ-yuck!), I listen live and have never plugged in to their "streaming" feed. Of course listening means little sleep, however 11/22 is alwasy an excellent night for coasttocoast, worth some sleep deprivation. Dawn
  11. I am one of those who was not alive during President Kennedy's administration. Please rest assured, however, that the events of that weekend WILL NOT FADE AWAY. Ever. People like me won't let that happen. I may not have the memories of President Kennedy but I do have a sense of justice, of what this country and world lost with his murder. So I will make sure my future students are well aware of the importance of not forgetting, of not letting it fade into the mists of history. It won't happen on my watch. I promise. Courtney, People like you inspire hope in me. Your students will be fortunate. Who knows which of them will go on to become journalists, teachers, historians, passing the torch of truth: "Let the word go forth". Dawn
  12. There used to be a wonderful and hilariously funny TV programme on British TV called NOT THE NINE O'CLOCK NEWS that was current when Reagan was elected president. Immediately after he was elected, they performed a sketch, western style, folksy, guitar-strumming, camp-fire song that had as a recurring theme "I can believe". During the song the performers listed (rhythm-ing, too) what they "believe" -- a long idiotic and naive, innocent list it was too. The song punch-line after all this folksy sugar were the words "But I can't believe Ronald Reagan is President". And that, in a nutshell, summed up the widespread British astonishment that this unpleasant B actor had risen to the highest office in America. And from there it went downhill all the way. One need only mention the buffoonery of RR's VP, James Danforth Quayle, to see the future spread out before the world in all of its pitiful, spiteful and cruel glory. David Actually David, Quayle was Bush the Elder's veep. (And he was "No Jack Kennedy" Dawn
  13. I saw through the Cold War con long ago, and have watched as this nation has been driven further and further to the very far right. I attribute this in part to the rise of the Moral Majority and its political strength in the 80's, with Reagan as its nominal mouthpiece. Then in the 90's the advent of talk radio and cable tv, where HATE- in the name of Christianity- is the norm. People have just gotten more and more dummed down. It has been absolutely terrifying for me to see this. Of course the right wing media referring to the media as "left " all the time is simply inanne. The word "liberal" has been so slurred. And "conservative" means zilch. Gratz is not a conservative, but a neo conservative. (inho). Just tune into Bill O"Reilly or Rush Limbaugh or Sean Hannity and watch as "American Opinion" is being formed before our eyes. The total dismantling of the US Constitution under fascists Bush and Cheney- (really, all the folks who brought us Project For a New American Century)- has been, next to the Kennedy assassination, the single most chilling event I have ever witnessed. But it's all been leading up to where we are today. It happened in increments. When they can kill a president in broad daylight, then serve up, with the help of the hapless- (controlled)- the media the most idiotic scenerio, whatever pretext of a democracy we thought we had is a bad joke. The economy is beyond a disaster. The s*** will not really hit the fan until this corrupt buch is out of office- if they don't suspend the election. Of course the fix is in. As to the percentage of the population with an awareness of what is really going on, I agree with Charles Drago. Very, very small. People at their core suspect things are bad, but don't want to know. This "illness", ("public denial"), is very well described by Dr. Marty Schotz in "History Will Not Absolve Us:Orwellian control, public denial and the murder of President Kennedy." Dawn
  14. Yes Tm, JFK said those words, but you missed John's point entirely. I guess that is why you are still a right winger. You really believe the US simply runs around exporting "democracy"? (Of course you have no response when it comes to Chile). "Imperialism" is simply a word in a book about another time and place. You really cannot see that the US has become the new Rome? Dawn
  15. [quote name='Douglas Caddy' date='Nov 13 2007, 10:12 PM' post='127317'] . I do not accuse Mr. Gratz of spreading disinformation but maybe confusion. The understatement of the week. Dawn
  16. Boy, this thread has gone just where AG predicted: Gratz highfiving Purv. Dalton Trumbo- (Johnny Got His Gun)- was my favorite patriot. Dawn
  17. Huh? Carl said Mailer wrote Oswald's Tale because he had IRS problems. No "vast conspiracy" was disussed. Just my disgust at Mailer's truncoat actions. And as for what you find hard to believe, frankly my dear Dawn
  18. The only he "uncovered" ws his own stupidity Is this supposed to be a sentence? . A brilliant "commentary" on Charles' "stupidity". Dawn
  19. Kathy...IF there is such a rule, and I DOUBT IT...it amounts to CENSORSHIP of the most blatant kind, and installs persons of dubious qualifications TO DECIDE WHAT IS TRUTH AND WHAT IS A LIE. Lies exist. Liars exist. To give them a free pass to tell lies is to side with the liars. IF there is such a rule, free discussion of an issue becomes necessarily an exposition of ONLY ONE SIDE of the issue, since an appointed arbiter of truth can challenge or restrict discussion of the issue, unfairly protecting the LIARS. I believe that THE WARREN REPORT IS A MONSTROUS LIE, written by LIARS who knew the truth but concealed it. I do not hesitate to call them LIARS. For you to tell me I cannot call them liars is in itself monstrous and mistaken. How can we search for truth if we are not allowed to expose lies and the liars who tell them? Anyone who has studied this case and still chooses to support the official position is often referred to as a "lone-nutter", but I believe in calling them LIARS. Protecting them and affording them respectability in the guise of "fair debate" is unconscionable. I have devoted more than forty years to exposing LIARS and you have the gall to tell me that I cannot continue? Sorry, put me on moderation again, but my quest to to expose LIARS and their LIES will continue, regardless of your ill-conceived and prudish petty declaration. I hereby challenge the rule that the word xxxx is banned by this forum. For TRUTH and JUSTICE, Jack Jack, I join your challenge. The ENTIRE struggle for truth and justice for JFK is necessitated by the existence of lies (as proffered in the Warren Report, Case Closed, Reclaiming History, etc.) and liars (Arlen Specter, Gerald Posner, Vincent Bugliosi, etc.). Anyone who attempts to stifle our efforts to illustrate the lies and identify the liars justifiably may be identified as accessories after the fact. Charles I agree with Jack and Charles. However, it was my understanding that the forum prohibition was specifically against calling other members "liars", not the above- mentioned agents of false information. But Kathy's statement "the word 'xxxx' is banned from use on the forum" does create ambiguity. Please clarify. Dawn
  20. My condolences to you Charles and to the professor's family. Dawn
  21. Yes. Someone reliable told me Mailer's tax problems went away after the publication of Oswald's Tale. Kathy Carl Oglesby told me this as well. Dawn
  22. Courtney, Of course you're correct -- to a point. I would submit that it is not possible for an honorable, informed man or woman who knows that, beyond all doubt, JFK was killed by conspirators to admire/appreciate a person who shares that knowledge yet who wilfully denies it. We are at war with the killers of JFK. Sincerely, Charles Mailer not only knew, beyond all doubt, about the conspiracy, he also once professed to hold different views: When HSCA was running out of money Mailer hosted a huge party and invited at least one hundred or more citizens who were investigating the case. The following day he invited the Assassination Information Bureau and their girlfriends back for an all day lunch to discuss where to go next the keep the investigation alive. To this end Mailer took out a full page ad in the New York Times. Mailer impressed me that weekend as completely dedicated and sincere. As late as 1992 Mailer wrote the preface for Carl Oglesby' s book "The JFK Assassination The Facts and the Theories". So his turn around was shocking. Dawn
  23. It has come to my attention that I have either misunderstood and/or mistated Ashton Gray's position. My apology. Dawn
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